Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 4, Episode 4 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

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Hey, all you truck jockeys
out yonder, it's 11:15.

It's already hotter than
the devil's handshake.

Time for all you good old boys

to get out and find
you some shade.

Time for you bad old boys

to go looking for
that sexy blond

in that Corvette convertible.

You're listenin' to KRDY,
this is Tumbleweed Tom.

Come on. Get on the phone.

Jimmy Don is sending
along his hellos

to Dolly Mae in Albuquerque.

So honey, you better
get curried and combed

and smelling pretty
'cause he's comin' home

and he's looking for love.

Remember, kids,
heaven is only a sin away.

♪ Rollin' down the highway... ♪

More coffee?

Oh, yeah.

You should get out of
this half-a-bit little town.

I'm headin' for Dallas,
and I got the room.

Well, now how could
any girl in her right mind

turn down an offer like that?

Well, what's stoppin' ya?

My fiancé.

He's the deputy
sheriff in this town.

He gets real mean

when he sees any other
man coming on in here...

As a matter of fact,

he's due in here just
about any time now

for his cup of coffee.


Thank you.

See you tomorrow, Harry.

Still sting like a
hornet, don't ya?

And still as pretty
as a flower in bloom.

Well, now, if it
isn't Billy Kramer.

And I thought you told me

you were never coming
back to this nowhere place.

Came to see you, gorgeous.

I'm engaged, Billy.

To Phil Kiper.

We're gettin' married tomorrow.


Hell, when I was around
you didn't pay him no mind.

You left, Billy.

Phil stayed.

Now he's the deputy
sheriff in this town.

Well, don't that make him the
big man of South Succotash.

Shouldn't have come here, Billy.

What are you doin', Phil?

Your old boyfriend here just
broke prison at Copper Lake.

Get up.


Let's go.

Go about your business.

Phil, we flunked second
grade together, you know.

Get rid of it.


Come on, Phil. In high school,

if I had a biscuit,
you got half of it.


Phil, Phil!

You stay right there. No, Phil!

You're coming with me, darlin'.

What are you doing down there?

I just need to
know if it's too snug.

It's fine.

Cordell, are you sure

I've got to have one
of these damn things?

C.D., you're giving your
niece away. Cheer up.

Well, you're right.
But I didn't know

it was gonna be such an ordeal.

Aren't you awfully overweight
for a Texas Ranger?

Semiretired Ranger!

And I'll bet you don't do

a hell of a lot of P.R.
work for this place, do you.

Kid she's marryin'
wants to be a Ranger.

Yeah, I heard.

Hey, Jimmy.

What do you think?

C.D., I got some bad news.

It's about your niece, Dory.

She's been kidnapped.

That's all we got right now.

What'll we do?

We find her.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspectin' stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's
Where the Ranger's ♪

♪ Gonna be ♪

Sis, I don't want you
to worry now, honey.

We're gonna find Dory, honey,

and we're gonna find
the guy that took her.

We already know who it is.

It's Billy Kramer.

Went to school together.

Dory was younger
back then and, well,

she was kind of
like a kid sister to us.

She had a big crush
on Billy back then

and I had one on her.

Except I kept
mine at a distance.

I remember him, Cordell.

Real troublemaker.

Knocked off a convenience store,

beat the hell out of the
owner, and ended up in jail.

You gotta find her, Walker.

You gotta bring her back.

You just take it easy.

We'll find her, Shirley.

All you Tumbleweed Tom
fans that touch my heart,

this one is for you.

This one's for you.


Where the hell are ya?

Why ain't you put that on yet?

I don't want it, Billy.

You know what I
paid for that dress?

I want you lookin' good, honey.

Real good, especially
if you're runnin' with me.

Now, go put it on.

What has happened to you, Billy?

I grew up.

Got myself the equalizer.

You almost killed Phil.

Yeah, well, nobody
gets in my way.

I did it for you, honey.

Phil would have had
you slingin' chitterlings

for the rest of your life
in that nowhere town.

We gonna be famous.

Now, go on.

You okay?

You know, I was there
when Dory was born.

If I lost her, it'd be just
like losin' a daughter.

Maybe you're too
close to it, C.D.

No, I don't want to
hear that, Cordell, I'm...

You're just stuck
with me, partner.

Come on, get out.

Don't try nothin'
stupid, now, honey.

Billy, I wanna go home.

No way.


Would you look at that.

Now, that is one fancy getup.

♪ You buy me fancy things ♪

♪ Lace dresses
And diamond rings ♪

♪ Want me to play your... ♪

Billy, where we goin' now?

Got some business to tend to.

Gonna take out a loan.

You need the right kind
of night clothes, honey.

The kind I like. Come on.

How you doin', folks?
This is a stickup. Back up.

Back up. Don't anybody
try anything funny.

I'll shoot this
girl, right here.

Back up!

Get your hands
up! Get over there!

You. I want you to fill
that moneybag there,

with all the money in there.

Don't try a thing.

I'm feeling twitchy!

Get your hands
higher. Higher like this!

Hey, I'm crazy! Get them up!

Pass it down! Pass
it... Fill that moneybag...

Get your... I wanna see
you reach for the sky.

Fill it up! You're
doin' great, baby.

Don't try anything.

Back up. Back up. Back up!

Come on.

♪ You touch my heart ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

Hold up. Come here.

Here. Billy.

Don't get any stupid
ideas. It's not loaded.

We're in this
together. Now, go on.

Get up there.

We gotta find
ourselves a manager.

Stay right there.

Hi. How you doin'? get up.

How you doin', folks?
This here's a holdup.

You're in this too.

Yeah, that's it. That's it.

Come on, don't stop.

Come on!

Come on, now, zip it up.

Get against the wall. Go on.

Turn around, thank you.

Don't make a move, a
muscle, till we're gone.

Let's go, baby.

Get out!

In this car, right here. Drive!

Drive. Hey, buddy,
get out, get out.

Drive! I'm driving!

Now! Go, go!


Hey, he killed a bank
guard in Coolidge.

Billy just killed a guy.

Oh, Lord. He's done it now.

There's more here.

They just got
Kramer's rap sheet.

It's pretty short
but it's scary.

This guy's got snakes
in his head, Walker.

He broke Copper
Lake three days ago.

He's a young, pretty-boy type.

Must have been
rough in there for him.

Coolidge P.D. says
he jacked a red GTO.

What do you think?

He could be heading east on 80.

Alert all units.

All right. Got you.

Good night.

You killed that
man in cold blood.

What's wrong with you?

He was goin' for a gun.

You were robbin' the bank.

Well, you would have
got caught in the crossfire

if I hadn't shot first.

I saved your life.

Look, Billy, please.

Please just let me go.

Look, I promise you

I won't tell anybody anything.

We just begun.

We're hot, honey.

We're on a streak.

We're gonna be celebrities.

People are gonna
know who we are.

I saw 'em just as they came out.

That girl drove the getaway car.

Is this the hostage?

Hostage? She's no hostage.

She had a gun in her hand.

Couldn't have a gun.
She'd have shot him.

If Billy gave her a gun,
C.D., it wasn't loaded.


Yeah, I'm back at my desk.

I know. I know.

Look, if anything
comes in on Billy Kramer,

call me, will you?

Okay, bye.

Dear Governor Bush,

why don't you pay
me by the hour?

Trivette, anything
more on Kramer?

The way I see it, this guy
was headed for trouble

before his first diaper rash.

Wired against authority, man.

I'm talkin' teachers,
cops, parents.

He's got a thing for
guns and fast cars.

Just like Clyde Barrow.

Who was his cellmate?

Uh, a lifer named Clarkson.

I'm gonna go out
and talk to him.

Meet us there.

Well, unless you've
been livin' on the moon,

you gotta be aware of
that notorious young couple

that's robbin' and shootin'
their way across Texas.

Blazin' a trail of infamy.

They've robbed
five banks... Hey!

Three people dead,
two wounded...

Who do they remind
you of? Listen up. Listen.

I'll give you a hint: Warren
Beatty and Faye Dunaway.

Bonnie and Clyde,
Bonnie and Clyde!

These kids are

the Bonnie and
Clyde of the '90s.

You hear that? Tumbleweed
Tom's talkin' about us.

Told you we was gonna be famous.

And where's the law I ask ya.

Where's a policeman
when you need him?

Where's the legendary
Texas Rangers?

Bonnie and Clyde. Ha-ha-ha.

First of them
yokels to catch on.

You've read the
story Of Jesse James,

how he lived and died.

Now here's the story
of Bonnie and Clyde.

You're an idiot, Billy.



Bonnie and Clyde, baby!

Bonnie and Clyde.


There is no escaping.

You're in as deep as I am. You
heard what Tumbleweed said.

It's meant to be!

Like jam and jelly,
ham and eggs,

Bonnie and Clyde.

Now, don't ruin it!

You try it again,
I will kill you.

♪ KRDY ♪

♪ Hot country ♪

Tumbleweed Tom.

Yeah, Lucky Chuck,

put the pedal to the
metal, your woman is waitin'

and she's feelin'
frisky tonight.

Oh, people.

People, what's going on here?

The calls are pourin' in

and you all wanna talk
about Bonnie and Clyde,

Bonnie and Clyde.

You'd think they were
my personal friends.

Hey, Clyde, are you listenin'?

Why don't you give
old Tumbleweed a call?

We'll have a nice talk.

People wanna know why...

Why you're doin'
what you're doin'.

Go on.


Get in, baby!

He just grabbed that poor girl

and she seemed scared to death.

This girl?

Yeah. Yeah, that's her.


Yeah, baby!

We are Bonnie and Clyde now.

Ha-ha-ha! Come on.

C.D., a trooper found this

outside a motel on Route 50.

Is it Dory's?

Yeah, I gave it to her
on her 16th birthday.

Did you find anything else?

Yeah, he said there
were signs of a struggle.

One more.

That's him over
against the fence.

The old timer.

I'll arrange an
interrogation room.

I don't have time. I'm
gonna go talk to him.

Are you crazy?

Half the guys on this
yard, you put 'em in here.

Son of a bitch put me in here.

Never thought I'd get
another shot at him.

Lock it up.

Come on, get up.

Come on, let's go.


Heard a lot about you, Walker.

Anything good?

Depends on what side
of the wall you standin' on.

What you want?

Billy Kramer.

That kid was a freak.

Especially when it
come to his heroes,

Bonnie and Clyde.

Read everything about them.

Even read about old Frank Hamer,

the Texas Ranger
brought them down.

Yeah, I've been hearin'
about old Billy on the radio.

Got a girl with him.

Yeah, against her will.

That's because he needed a...

A Bonnie, a moll.

I told you, the boy
obsessed with Clyde.

Wanna be just like him.

Anything else?

Tell you this, Ranger.

That boy ain't scared of dyin'.

He wanna go out
in a blaze of glory

and a hail of
bullets like his hero.

Thanks, Clarkson.


Got a 12-year-old
down there in juvie.

I can't do nothin'
about him here.

What's his name?


I'll see what I can do.

You know, a lot of folks
are fired up out there.

Bonnie and Clyde are on a tear

and people are thinkin',

"Somethin's gotta
be done about this."

Wait a minute, folks.

I'm just gettin' a
message from the booth.

The management

at KRDY is offering
a reward of $10,000

for the capture of
Bonnie and Clyde.

$10,000 for the capture

of the Bonnie and
Clyde of the '90s.

That's a lot of money.

Cordell, we're gonna have

to head that crazy,
mixed-up kid off

or we're gonna have a damn
turkey shoot on our hands.

Well, last we heard he was
still driving the convertible.

Trivette, raise a chopper.
Check all roads heading east.

Why east?

Well, if Billy wants to
follow in Clyde's footsteps,

he'd head east toward Louisiana.

Yeah, this is Ranger Trivette...

If he means to
go out like Clyde,

he's gonna take Dory with him.

Yeah, get Jimmy out
here with a chopper.

I'm at Copper Lake Prison.

Walker wants us to check
all the roads headin' east.

Now, Long John,
you're not suggesting

every cowpoke go
vigilante, are ya?

You're damn right, I am.

We used to hang
horse thieves, didn't we?

Yeah, wonderful.
Better than the Gulf War.

We got Clyde on line two.

About time you used my name
with some respect, Tumbleweed.

Well, folks,

we got Clyde himself
on the horn here.

Look, if any of your

half-cocked, redneck
listeners out there

get any ideas about coming
after Bonnie and Clyde,

they're gonna get
their heads blown off.

Tell 'em that, Tumbleweed.

Well, it's gonna be hard
to turn 'em back, boy,

because that reward's
going up to $15,000.

Yeah, well, by
this time next week,

it's gonna go up to 50,000.

Damn it, somebody's
gotta put the brakes on.

Dory's liable to get
killed in his crossfire.

Now, listen up all
you cowboys out there.

This Clyde is one
scary desperado.

I don't want all you
wranglers and buckaroos

to get reckless out there.

These two are dangerous.

So if you've got your sights

set on the $15,000 cash bounty,

you better be sure
Bonnie and Clyde

don't have their
sights set on you.

Get 'em down at 32. Right.

In the hotel room.

Gun them down, baby.

Everybody stop those guns!

Get' em down! Get that gun down.

Come on. Right over there
on the side of that truck.

Move. All of you move.

Don't you grin at me.

What the hell's going on here?

They're inside.

Bonnie and Clyde, I seen 'em!

I'll check it out, Cordell.

There's no point in goin'.

They're probably
deader than canned pork.

If they're dead, can
we still get the reward?

If they're dead, you
guys are going to prison,

all of ya.

I ain't goin' to prison.

Get back up there!

Cordell, it's just two
kids in there sparking.

All right, you boys
are under arrest.

Get in the back of
my pickup. Go on.

Come on.

Let's see your hands.
Let's see your hands!

Hey, Bonnie and Clyde,

that reward's up to 20 grand,

but, Clyde, you give me a call.

I bet we can get that
sucker up to $25,000.

Excuse me, you
can't go in there.

Well, guess what folks.

The Texas Rangers just rode in.

No, Clyde, I don't know
what they're doing here,

'cause if they're standing
around lookin' at me,

they ain't out
there lookin' for you

like they supposed to be.


I wanna talk to Billy Kramer.

Ha-ha. Clyde.

He don't answer
to Kramer no more.

I don't give a damn
what he calls himself.

The kid's a killer and I
wanna talk to him. Turn it on.

Come on, Ranger.

This ain't real, this
is show business.

This is a character I play.

This is all about rating points

and audience participation.

Actually, somethin' like this

will bring people
closer together.

Together in a lynch mob.

You're gonna fool around
and get that little girl killed,

and yourself in a whole
hell of a lot of trouble, mister.

Now, cut the music.

All right, you're hot.

Billy Kramer, this
is Ranger Walker.

Call in.

Billy, call in.

There's people out
there lookin' for you

to collect the reward.

You're not gonna be famous.

You're gonna be dead.

♪ My love ♪

♪ is not for sale ♪

♪ Try the game ♪

♪ And you're gonna fail ♪

Dory, I want you to know
we're gonna get to you, honey.

Just hang in there.

♪ And all you gotta do ♪

♪ Is touch my heart ♪

♪ Come on, touch my heart ♪

Billy, do the right thing.

Call me.

♪ Touch my heart ♪

♪ Oh, yeah... ♪

Okay, Ranger. It's me, Clyde.

You got him.

Yeah, I heard of you, Walker.

There was a lot of
talk about you in prison.

Listen, Billy,

if you wanna get
yourself killed, fine,

but leave Dory out of this.

Well, we're in this
together, Bonnie and me.

No, we're not, he's forcin' me!

Damn you, don't
you hurt that girl!

Some day we'll go down together,

and they'll bury
us side by side.

To few it'll be grief
To the law a relief,

But it's death For
Bonnie and Clyde

And that's the
way it's gonna be.

Did you get it?

Yeah, the call came
from a payphone

just outside of Nacogdoches.

Okay, set up a
roadblock at Tyler junction.

Get a helicopter
and meet me there.

On my way.

Yeah, I bet that Ranger's
got himself an earache.

I hope he does come after us.

You know how they took down
Bonnie and Clyde, don't ya?

Ambushed 'em.

Don't worry, Billy.

When he comes, you'll
be the first to know.

Hey, Walker, we got 'em.

They're on 67, bound
for Tyler junction.

Hang back. We don't
wanna spook him.

All right.

Pull back, we don't
want him to see us.

C.D., contact DPS.

Have 'em set up a
roadblock at Tyler junction.

Cordell, if he
makes a stand for it,

she's gonna be in the crossfire.

We have no choice, C.D.

We got 'em.

Billy, please, just give it up.

You just shut up, all right.

Let's go.

Get out!

Go on, open the door. Get out!

Come on.


Get in.

Let's go boys.

Clear out the area.

At the end of the cul-de-sac,

get that lady
out of that trailer.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Have you seen this guy?

Uh-uh. Get her out of here.

You all right? What happened?

Some guy hit me.

This the guy?

Yeah. Yeah, that's the guy.

Do you know where he is?

He's over there,
in that trailer.

Take care of him.

Hold on, sir. You okay?

Clyde, are you still out there?

Those Rangers
that passed through

informed old Tumbleweed

that the girl with
you is a hostage.

Now, as I recall it,

Bonnie wanted to be with Clyde.

This girl doesn't
want any part of you.

What's the problem, Billy?

You gotta drag a woman along?

Can't you get one on your own?

Clyde did!

What does he mean, hostage?!

You wanna be here, don't you?


Rangers. Ha-ha-ha.

Watch it!

Hold your fire.

Back off!

I'll kill her, I mean it!

Give it up, Billy.

Hold on.

Well, if it ain't a real,
live Texas Ranger.

Come on, Billy, let
her go if you love her.

Come on, son.

We're together for
life. Open the door.

Go on, get in.

It's over, Billy.

Scoot across, nice and slowly.

Come on, come on.

Turn on the engine.

We ain't gonna die, Ranger!

Come on, drive, drive.


Hey, watch it!

Get back!

We got to get to him, Cordell.


Get out.

Sounds like a hoedown.

Sooner or later you're
gonna get us both killed, Billy.

Come on, honey bunny,
that's no way to be.

Let's go inside and have
ourselves a dance, come on.

♪ That honky-tonk sound
On the bayou grounds ♪

♪ Where guitars
are made To slide ♪

♪ With the melody ♪

♪ And three-part harmony ♪

♪ Give me that sweet ♪

♪ Country music ♪

♪ Well, you can sing along ♪

♪ And understand the words ♪

♪ Give me that sweet ♪

♪ Country music ♪




♪ A simple love song When
you know you were wrong ♪

♪ You know it's gonna
lead To romance ♪

♪ Some melodies And
three-part harmony ♪

I like your woman.

I'm takin' her.

Get your own woman.

You can do that, can't ya?


♪ Give me that sweet ♪

There's a red convertible.
Let's check it out.

♪ I can feel the heat ♪

♪ But I couldn't
feel The flame ♪

♪ Where there's smoke ♪


Here's your beer,
and a whiskey back.

♪ I don't feel the flames ♪

♪ Gettin' hotter and higher ♪

You're them.

Bonnie and Clyde.

Looks like a pretty good
place to lay low for a while.

Pigs lookin' for you?

It sure would
mean a lot to me if

they didn't catch up to us.

They won't.


Hey, hey, hey, we
got the Rangers here.


It's true. Let the pigs through.



♪ I can feel the flames ♪

♪ Gettin' hotter and higher ♪

Where do you think
you're goin', Pops?

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, get out...
Get out of my way.

You're goin' the wrong way.

Out of the way.


He got away, Cordell.

Hey, Clyde, where are you, boy?

We haven't heard
from you in a while.

Are you scared?

Are you runnin' scared
like a scalded hound

with your tail twixt your legs?

You're not livin' up
to Clyde's reputation.

The price on your
head's comin' down, boy.

Comin' down.

Well, folks, we got...

We got Clyde on
the line again, only,

fact is, this ain't Clyde.

This is...

This is just little
Billy Kramer.

He's an ex-con.

Oh, yeah? He's a loser.

I am Clyde, damn
it. That's who I am.

No, boy, you're not Clyde.

And that little girl
with you is not Bonnie.


let her go.


Then do the world a favor

and you give yourself up too.

Before somebody else dies.

Nobody's gonna take me down.

You know, I'm sick
of hearin' your voice.

Somebody should come
shut you up for good.

Carlin's the next town.

You think he'll
hit the bank there?

No, I don't think so.

Cordell, what is he gonna do?

Everybody, get out of here!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of here right now!

Go on!

I'm not runnin'
anymore, Tumbleweed!

Anybody wanna come
collect that reward,

they know where to find me!

Folks, somethin's
come up. I'll get...

Get out, go on!

How you doin'? I'm Clyde.

This here's Bonnie.

I don't like what you
been sayin' on the radio.

Someone's gotta take
you off there for good.

Billy, no! Billy.

It's Ranger Walker.

You said you wanna take
a Texas Ranger down?

Well, here I am.

Or were you just talk?


I'm waiting.

No, Billy. Please, no.


Bonnie said herself:

"I will go with
Clyde to the end."

Prove it.

When he dies, I die!

Now, that's the
way it's gonna be.

Is that how you're
gonna take me down?

Hiding behind a girl?

You got a fair chance, Ranger.

All you gotta do is go for it.

Let her go, Billy.


We go down together.
Isn't that right, sweetheart?

Ah, God!

Come here, sugar,
come. It'll be all right.

It's over, Billy.

Let's go.


♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you do ♪

♪ He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in Texas ♪

♪ Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's
Where the Ranger's ♪

♪ Gonna be ♪