Waco (2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Visions and Omens - full transcript

The ATF receives a tip of suspicious activity involving weapons taking place among a small religious community led by David Koresh at the Mount Carmel Center, located just outside of Waco, TX.

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They're coming for me.

Get all the women and children
upstairs, right now.

Go on.

- I gotta go find Judy.
- Go, Cyrus.

Ready for the go command, sir.

Showtime, showtime, showtime.

Listen up. No one do anything
stupid. I'm gonna go out there,

talk to them, work this out.
All right? Go on.

Go, go, go, go!

All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Calm down! Please, stop!

Get your hands in the air
and get on the ground!

There are women and children in here!

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

Get up.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

Thank you.

Here we go.

I didn't wanna wake your mama.

She was up all night with Bobbie Lane.

- I thought you just forgot.
- Me?

Forget? Never.

- Can we stop?
- Cyrus.

That was terrible.

You gotta pace yourself.

You came out way too hot.

Bossy, bossy.

Yeah, well... when I was your age,

I didn't have a dad around
to be bossing me.

Be grateful. Come on.

Come on. Go a little faster.

All right. Just a little faster.

This morning I woke up
with this funny feeling

right here in my gut.

And it took me some time
to put a name on that sucker.

I thought I ate something bad,
but that wasn't it.

Then I realized what it was.


But how could that be, out here
in the middle of nowhere?

No running water, no stuff.

In this rickety old house...

out here in the middle
of the Texas plains? Joy?

See, I don't know about you,
but I wasn't raised out of joy.

I didn't have much joy growing up.

But now, after all this time...

how is it a man can find joy here?


You got your law degree from Harvard.

Was that enough for you, Wayne?


No. Mike.

You ran your own pool company.
Was that enough?

Sure wasn't.

"Sure wasn't."

Steve. Professor of theology.


You lived with your wife, Judy,
in paradise

on the beach in Hawaii.

- Enough?
- Not even close.

Not even close!
See, that's the big trick.

It's never enough,
no matter what you do.

So how is it a man can find joy here?

I'll tell you.

Joy doesn't come from having something,

or being something.

It comes from becoming.

Becoming more than you are today.

All right. Let's open 'em up.

Every day I wake up, I see
a world that's falling apart.

- Things aren't that bad.
- Maybe not for you...

- but for me, it's over.
- Sir, calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down!

Sorry. I just wanna help you.

Help me? There's no way out of this.

We're running out of time here.
If you don't come out soon,

they're going to go in there...

Thanks, Tim.

- What happened?
- What happened?

Killed himself. And his kids.


Open communication
to deescalate tension.

Stall for time, lower expectations,

lower the pulse.

But the real key is to listen.

You gotta think if someone's
talking to an FBI negotiator,

they're having the worst day
of their lives.

And your voice, it might be the
only thing keeping them alive.

So remember, how you say something
is as important as what you say.

That's all for today.

How's the new batch of trainees?

None of them is as instantly
brilliant as I was.

God help us all.

- Got your go bag with you?
- Always.

- Where you sending me?
- Ruby Ridge. Idaho.

Read up. It's a quagmire.

Mitch Decker and HRT
got out there a few hours ago.

I need you on a plane
as soon as possible.

- Yes, sir.
- Good luck.

A federal agent has been shot
and killed in a confrontation

with fugitive Randy Weaver
in north Idaho.

Weaver is charged by the ATF for selling

illegal sawedoff shotguns
to an undercover agent.

When the ATF sent authorities to
Weaver's house to arrest him,

a federal agent and Weaver's
13yearold son, Sammy,

were killed in a brief shootout.

The FBI has now taken
command from the ATF

and has surrounded the house.

Mitch Decker, FBI Hostage Rescue Team.
What do we have here?

Cabin's 250 yards up the hill.
Highly fortified.

Inside is Randy Weaver, his wife, Vicky,

their three daughters and another
adult male, Kevin Harris.

- What do we know about Weaver?
- Former Green Beret,

turned white separatist
and antigovernment.

Guy's highly trained in explosives.

- Have you made contact?
- Negative.

They don't have a phone.

Why haven't you blocked off these roads?

We have a perimeter. There's no way
the Weavers can make it that far.

I'm less worried about them getting
out than those who want to get in.

We're in the middle of
an Aryan Nation stronghold here.

They band together, decide they
don't want us in their woods,

they got enough firepower to turn
this thing into a modernday Alamo.

I need the road
sealed off for one mile out.

Make sure all the barricades
say "ATF" on 'em.

I don't want anyone thinking
we made this mess.

Hey, where y'all going?

You know I have a show tonight, right?

McMahon had an extra spot at the gun show
in Austin tomorrow, so I'll send Paul.

I mean, aren't we waiting
on permits anyways?

Came in a couple of days ago.
We're all set.

Hey... try and sell some of those vests.

- I know they're not moving.
- Have you seen those vests, David?

I have seen the vests, yeah.

Yes, Wayne, I've seen them.

- They're pretty ugly.
- The women are proud of 'em,

so just try and move 'em.

And remind Paul we're not
just in it for the money.

There's a lot of lost souls
at those gun shows.

Mission first.

- All right. See you later.
- Yeah.

We're never gonna move those vests.

Not a chance.

But you heard the man. We gotta try.

Maybe Paul can sell them to some
garbage cans on the way home.

At a discount.

- Steve?
- Yeah.

- Do you got a moment?
- Sure.

What's going on?

I'm pregnant.

You sure?

I have two armed men in view. Over.

Repeat, two armed men. Sir?

- Standing by.
- If you have the shot? Take it.

Copy that.

Get up.

Vicky! Vicky, open the door!

Vicky, open the door!

You all right? You okay?


You okay?

Hey, hey...

Target eluded fire. Over.

Stand down.

Randy Weaver has told friends
all he wants is to be left alone.

Northern Idaho is a
hotbed for antigovernment sentiment.

A vigil of angry supporters watch
the authorities' every move.

What if we brought the APCs
from the north side

to insert the gas into the cabin?

Would that at least push him out?

A little premature
for an assault, isn't it?

He's dug in, Gary. He ain't coming out.

Guys, can you give us a minute? Thanks.

Mitch, I know he's dug in.

But his son's already dead,

and there's three more kids in there.

Now do you really want
to engage in close combat

with more children?

What do you propose we do?

Give me a chance. Let me talk to him.

It's what I'm here for, isn't it?

- You see Castillo yet?
- Nope.

It's kinda hard to play a set when
the drummer doesn't show up, Steve.

I guess you'll have to figure
something out.

Hey, what's his problem?

Judy's pregnant.


Hey, drummer.

You have anywhere
you gotta be right now?

I'm not sure. Do I?

Don't look at me. I'm working.

She's working.

- Guess not.
- Well...

our drummer didn't show up.

Wanna play a set with us?

I don't know. You guys any good?

Well, let's find out, shall we?

All right.


it just occurred to me,
I never got your name.

- Thibodeau.
- Thibodeau?


David Koresh. Pleasure.

You can tell a lot about a man
by the way he plays his music.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

What does my playing say about me?

You play loud and aggressive.

Like you're scared
if you don't make enough noise,

the whole world
might just forget about you.

I see it.

'Cause the whole world
almost forgot about me, too.

- For a little while, at least.
- Yeah? How's that?

When I was a kid, I couldn't
read too hot, and I stuttered.

Then one day, my mama
comes over and she says,

"I'm gonna put you
in a class for special kids."

And I'm like, "Wow! This is great!"

And I go to class, and it is great.

Finally, no kids picking on me anymore.

Recess comes up, I walk outside.

This kid comes over
and he shouts, "Hey, look."

Here come all the retards."

And I turn around to see
who he's pointing at.

There's no one there.

I was that retard.

Then it all just switched.

Instant night.

You know, my mom worked nights, so...

I spent a lot of time by myself.

I remember, one night, I was like, 12.

And I was standing
at the counter, eating,

and I saw our neighbors
through the blinds.

Sitting in their dining room,
just... just eating together.

And I don't know,

it just... it just pissed me off.

So I opened up
all the windows and just...

played my drums as loud as I could.
Just wanted to ruin their night.

I get it.

I'm glad we met.

'Cause I can show you you don't
have to play that loud anymore

if you don't want to.

You know what Scripture is, right?

Like the Bible?

No. It's not just the Bible.

It's everything. All human knowledge.

Everything that can be known
by the human mind.

All wisdom. In one book.

Sorry, man. I'm not really into that.

Believe me, I get it.

But we all have something broken in us.

And whether you believe it
or not, I'm telling you,

Scripture's the only way to fix it.

Anyways, I don't wanna sell you
a bill of goods you don't want.

I best be going. Where you off to?

- Back to L.A.
- At this hour?

Don't drive through the night.
I got a place not far from here

where a bunch of us stay with
an extra room if you want it.

But I'm warning you, it is a hellhole.

Nothing fancy, no running water.

We built it ourselves.

But we play music. And we study.

And we live as a family.

And it's kinda fun.

- What's going on, Steve?
- You know what's going on.

You don't know how hard
this has been for me.

Trying to have a baby for 10 years,

and now you're having David's child.

It's too much.

Maybe I didn't think this through.

Maybe it was a mistake to go along
with David's "New Light Revelation."

Maybe we should have left
like Mark and Elizabeth.

If you didn't like it,
why did you accept it?

I just thought...

well, if your wife has a chance
to marry the "Lamb of God,"

who am I to hold her back? Right?

- Steve...
- No. I don't wanna talk to you.

I need some time to think.

Hey. Hey.

You know, Steve, you men, with all your
talk of suffering and sacrifice.

You go ahead and feel sorry for yourself

for everything you
sacrifice for your faith.

But you know what? I'm that sacrifice.

- You sacrificed me. No!
- No, no, no, no.

I begged you to leave
when David had his revelation.

I didn't want to be one of his wives.

I wanted to be your wife.

But you wouldn't go.

And now, I am his wife...

and I'm having his child.

We wanted a baby. We couldn't have one,

and now, one's on the way.

I know you feel like this baby is a curse.
But I gotta tell ya...

it's a miracle.

Guys, this here is Thibodeau.

- Steve, Judy.
- Nice to meet you.

How are you?

This guy right here,
best friend in the whole world.

My rock. I wouldn't even know
what to do without you.

And you... congratulations, Mama.

I can't even begin to tell you
how happy I am.

- Yeah, me, too.
- Good.

All right, let me give you a tour.

All these people come here to study?

They come from all over the world.
All walks of life...

from scholars to millionaire
businessmen to cops and nurses.

I mean, we live in peace here
as a family. Hey, Sonobe.

You're welcome to stay a
night, a week, as long as you like.

Just no smoking, drinking or drugs.
Anything like that, okay?

All right. Welcome.


This here's Thibodeau.
He's gonna stay with us a night.

Hopefully longer.

Hey, there.

What's your name?

- Serenity.
- That's a cool name.

You seem like the boss around here.

If I have any questions, I'll
make sure to bring 'em to you.

Serenity, what are you doing back up?

- I put you in bed hours ago.
- I was bored sleeping.

Hey, Michelle, will you make up
a bed here for Thibodeau?

Yeah. Of course.

Good night.

Walked out of a
mountaintop cabin late this afternoon...

David? You should see this.

of military hardware like this.

His oneman stand against the law

is suddenly taking on the appearance
of a fullblown war.

Look at this... They've got tanks,
helicopters and troops.

For what? For a family that lives
by themselves in the woods?

They're just normal people.

I mean, so what if they might
believe a little different?

Isn't that what America's for?
Freedom of speech and religion?

Hello, Mr. Weaver.
My name's Gary Noesner.

I'm head of negotiations for the FBI.

Now, I know you've been shot.

And I know your son is dead,

and there is nothing I could
ever say to make that right.

But the question is,
where do we go from here?

I guess if I were you...

I'd be thinking,
"How do I make these people

pay for what they've done?"

If you want to strike back

in the place that'll hurt them the most,

you come out peacefully.

Take your day in court,

you tell the world what really
happened up here at Ruby Ridge.

You see, dead men don't get a trial.

You die, you give everyone a free pass.

And Vicky, I'm sure you're angry
about losing Sammy, too.

But you have a husband
and three daughters

- who still need...
- You killed Vicky!

What'd you say, Randy?

You shot her! You killed my wife!

- Couldn't get him to engage?
- Your guy killed his wife.

- What?
- Your sniper...

he missed Weaver and shot his wife.

Doesn't help our cause much.

Hey... you hear Judy was pregnant?

I had my suspicions.

Well, you didn't say anything.
And I had to hear it from Wayne.

I just didn't want you
to get your hopes up.

My hopes up?

At her age, there's a chance
it doesn't work out.


Don't look at me like that.

You don't have to worry.

Cyrus will always be
my little superstar.

I'm not worried.


So you're David's best friend?

On some days.

So how did you meet him?

That is a long story.

If you don't wanna talk, that's cool.

About seven years ago,

my wife Judy and I were living in Hawaii

and I was working on my PhD in theology.

And this friend of mine,
he gave me an audiotape

of David's interpretation
of the Seven Seals.

- And it struck me.
- The "Seven Seals"?

Yeah. The Seven Seals.

It's in the Book of Revelation.

It's considered to be
the most mysterious

and unknowable passages
in the whole Bible.

You know, I didn't believe him at first.

And I was trying to catch him out.

I even had one of my professors
come down to argue with him.

But David...

I've been around
this stuff my whole life.

I'm raised SeventhDay Adventist.
I'm going to college for it.

His ability to understand Scripture
was like nothing I'd ever seen.

He's memorized the entire Bible.

Who does that?

So, it didn't take me long to realize

something... miraculous,

going on here with this guy.

- Miraculous?
- Okay, let me explain it another way.

Do you believe that things can happen

that are beyond our capacity
to rationalize

because we have this very limited

temporal view of reality?

- I guess, yeah.
- Well, stay here.

Spend some time with David.

And you're gonna see things like that.


We can't afford to drag this out
much longer, Gary.

We're in a compromised position here.

Yeah, I'm aware
of the position we're in, Mitch.

But sometimes
the best strategy is just wait

- regardless of the circumstance.
- That's your plan? Just wait?

Get your hands off me, boy.

- Nope.
- Where the hell's Noesner?

That's my plan.

I really appreciate you coming out, Bo.

Why'd you bring me up here?
I don't even know Randy Weaver.

Well, when I can't get a man
to trust me,

I try to find someone he will trust.

I was thinking that might be you.

You're a fellow Green Beret, similar
opinions about the government...

I mean, you're a hero
to the radical right.

You may not know him,
but he sure as hell knows you.


I ain't helping the goddamn FBI
with none of this nonsense.

Now, you know how you move a man?


Figure out what someone's scared of,

you can get him to do
pretty much anything.

Now these hotheads down here,
you know what they're scared of?

They're scared that Vicky
and Sammy Weaver are dead

and if that ever goes to court,
it's gonna be a problem for 'em.

And poor Randy Weaver's scared
if he comes out of his cabin

someone's gonna shoot him.

Now, I'm scared that if I can't
get you to talk them out,

these boys are gonna go in there
anyway and more people will get hurt.

And I don't know,
but I imagine you're scared

that your friends will see you
help the Feds and turn on you.

But what you should really
be scared of...

is if those kids die,

and you know you could've
done something to stop it.

How's that gonna feel?


It's me, Bo Gritz.

I need you to open that door,
unarmed, and come on out.

I give you my word, we'll hand
these boys their asses

for what they done up here.

Bo, is that really you?

Yeah, it sure is, Randy.

Bo, you wouldn't believe
how pretty my wife was.

This thing's over, Randy.

It's time to start thinking
about your other children.

Come on out, and let's
get you some justice?

It's the only way.

I'm coming out.

Everybody move in.

On your knees!

- Move in! Move! Move! Move!
- Go! Go! Go!

You wanted to see me, sir?

DOJ report came out.

They're pinning Ruby Ridge on us.

- Aw, that's bullshit.
- Politicians are so shortsighted.

Congress are talking
about shutting us down,

and Clinton's saying he'll support it.

FBI shot Vicky Weaver.
How is that our fault?

It was our crappy case to begin with.

March 10th, they're talking
about defunding the ATF.

Come March 11th,
we might all be out of a job.

What can we do to stop it?

- Thanks, Thibs.
- Yeah.

- Steve, you wanna help me?
- Yeah.


I feel like a whale.

- Well, you kinda look like one.
- Well, Steve!

- That's real nice. That's real nice.
- Come on, big girl.

Hey, let me get that.

- Thanks. Thanks, Thibs.
- Yeah.

You're always so nice.

Yeah, well, you're my homie.
That's what homies do.

What's a "homie"?

Sometimes I feel like I traveled
back in time to be here...

like I'm an alien from the future.
Sent back to the 1800s

to teach people the important things...
like the word, "homie."


Well, we loved having you around
here for the last six months.

You think you'll stay?

Yeah. Yeah, for a while.
Hard to say how long, though.

Come in.

You got a minute?


What's on your mind?

The Ruby Ridge report?
I have some concerns.

It says that Mitch
"acted appropriately."

Well, in all fairness, he wasn't
trying to kill Vicky Weaver.

No, but he did break the rules
of engagement in the field.

He should be facing an investigation,
not getting a pat on the back.

This mess belongs to the ATF.

Look, the boys upstairs are worried
that if we reprimand Mitch

- then we're admitting fault.
- But we are at fault.

He issued a "kill on sight"
command and a woman was killed.

Look. My dad used to say,
"You don't earn trust

by telling people how good you did. You
earn it by saying the hard stuff."

Now, our greatest asset as an agency
is that people believe in us.

But if we lose that trust,
we might not ever get it back.

Now, look, Gary, it's a little tricky...


thanks for coming in.

Getting those gokarts may be
the worst idea I ever had.

Brad's a beast on that thing.

I was right behind him
the day he flipped it.

You happy here, Thibs?

Yeah. Yeah. It's been real nice.

I'm afraid my mom thinks
I've lost my mind...

moving in with a Bible study group.

Have her come visit, see for herself.

Trust me, you want no piece of my mom.

Yeah. You want no piece of mine, either.

Thing is...

we don't allow tourists to stay here..

- You think I'm a tourist?
- Doesn't matter what I think.

Are you a tourist?

Are you really willing to do this?

I'm for real.


You think you could
remain celibate if you stay?




Well, four years ago,

I had this revelation
that really shook things up.

Lost some dear friends.

I had this vision that we're all
slaves to our own sexual desires...

that our sexuality keeps us bound
to the lower parts of our beings.

And believe me...

it's not easy for anyone.

But without sex, it opens up.
It becomes clear.

And what about the married guys?

They're celibate, too.

I've assumed
the burden of sex for us all.

But not for my own kicks.

Book of Revelation tells of 24
elders that will sit in judgment

over the End Times.

The kids we're generating, right here...

they'll be those elders.

I don't know, man.
I'd have to think about it.

If I could just understand its purpose.

I'd like to learn more.

It's a toughie.

Some people only focus
on what they give up.

But I'm telling you...

those that stay...

they gain so much more.

I need you to look at this.

- What is it?
- A UPS driver found

a box of grenade casings

headed for a religious group
in Waco, Texas.

What do we know about the group?

They're called the Branch Davidians.

Their leader is a guy
named David Koresh.

Born Vernon Howell.
One prior for armed assault.

A former member of their group estimates
they spent close to 200 grand

on guns and parts
in the last couple of years.

Whoa! What are they planning
on doing with all those guns?

I don't know, but get this.
That guy's a polygamist.

He's got a bunch of wives and children

and our informant...

he believes some of those kids
are being abused.

Now Child Services has investigated
twice, but can't make a case.

And we could stop it.

If we come out of that compound

with a bunch of innocent kids
and loaded guns,

it might remind Congress
why they need us.

I'll get a surveillance team
set up top of next week.


Start one tonight.

I just love her so much, Steve.

More than anything I've ever loved.

Look at her. She has your eyes.



Do you wanna hold her?

Go on, you hold her.


Can I hold you?

Let's get a good look at her, shall we?

All right.

Look at her.


She has my eyes.

Her name will be "Mayanah,"

like the myna bird that talks and talks.

She's so beautiful.

You done good. Real good.


We're watching "Lawnmower Man"
downstairs in five minutes

if you wanna join.

All right.



Justice Department just upped
my budget another 10 million bucks.



You coming to bed soon?

In a bit.

What's wrong?


What's going on? Talk to me.

I've wanted to be an FBI agent since
I was 12 years old, you know?

I saw J. Edgar Hoover on The Mickey
Mouse Club and I was hooked.

I couldn't imagine a better thing to be.

But what if, after all these
years, I've been believing

we're better than we actually are?

Where's this coming from? What happened?

They gave 10 million dollars to HRT.

You want them to give more money
to your department?


The balance of power is shifting.

We're militarizing. We're changing...

into something I didn't sign up for.

Well, then, if you're that concerned,

you just need to talk to Hardwick.

- You two are friendly.
- I did. It fell on deaf ears.

Well, then, talk louder.

All right.

Come on.

Can't help yourself, can you?

No. Who's passing who?


Good job.

Looks like we have new neighbors.

Come on, Cyrus. Let's go home.

- I'll race you to the house.
- All right. I'll beat you.

- You will?
- Yeah, I will.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx