WPC 56 (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Eye of the Storm - full transcript

Fenton is annoyed when Briggs shows leniency to gay men pulled in following a raid on an underground homosexual bar. However Briggs is himself gay and, whilst he is married, he begins to resume his relationship with former lover Carl. Max links Powell to both Maddock and Rebecca and gives him a warning visit. Later Fenton tells Powell he can no longer cover for him. Rosie, the brothel madam and sometime mistress of Fenton, helps Rebecca escape but Max apprehends her at the train station. That night Fenton goes to visit Rosie and finds her dead. Returning home he discover that a necklace he gave her has been delivered to his house.

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I-I... I can tell you're a man who
appreciates a woman of experience.

It wasn't suicide, it was murder.

Get off me! You stupid mare!

Who is this Lenny Powell?

Someone to steer clear of.

Now, Mike "The Mallet" Maddock!

I managed to get these at the club.
That's Rebecca Jones.

I need you - now.



You'll give it up soon enough.

Promise you'll find the person
who hurt my daddy.

♪ I-I-I'm mad

♪ About the boy

♪ And I know it's stupid

♪ To be mad

♪ About the boy

♪ I'm so ashamed of it

♪ But must admit
the sleepless nights I've had

♪ About the boy... ♪


Pint, ta.

I thought you might be lost.


How do you know I'm not?

Oh... I think you belong here.

What's your name?



How come I haven't seen you here

You can't be too careful.

I steer clear of places like this.

But... not tonight.

No, not tonight.

Crap week.

Do you want to, uh... talk about it?

I've got a wife for that.


I thought it was going to be
a long night.

I prefer to, uh...

cut to the chase.

So do I.


You're under arrest.

Everybody, this is a raid,
don't move anywhere!


It looks like it's going to be
a long night after all, sweetheart.

What do you think of the chicken?


It's curried.

Ah! Very nice.


Walter, I've been thinking
about the money Daddy left me

and... I'd like a new kitchen.

All right.

Whatever you think. Good.

We moved back to Brinford so
you wouldn't have to work so hard,

and I'd like to make a change too.
Of course.

It would be good for us
to spend some more time together.

Yes, it would.

Maybe... we could try again
for a baby.

Charlotte... No, it's all right,
I won't get my hopes up this time.

I'm just...

..not ready to give up.

Not just yet.


..a new kitchen.

Sorry about that, sir.
It won't happen again.

I won't be coming back here again.
Is everything all right?

He didn't fancy paying for a tart

who starts crying
in the middle of it.

Some people are picky like that.

That girl better start
earning her keep,

or there's going to be a problem.

All right, I'll handle it.

And no need to tell Mr Powell.

Watch out, lads,
they might start enjoying it!

What's this?


Poor cow, sitting at home.

If she knew what you'd been up to.

This one's married too, Sarge.

You're a disgrace!

The lot of you!

Why don't you just leave us alone?
Maybe we would.

If you left each other alone.

Come on, get 'em out to the vans!

What, all of them, Sarge?

Yes, all of them!


Don't make me do this any more.
Please, Rosie, I can't bear it.

Just let me go.

I won't tell anyone what I've seen,
not ever.

You know I can't do that.

Why not?
You owe Mr Powell a lot of money.

This is how
he wants you to repay it.

But it's not even my debt.

Daniel bought you nice things,
didn't he?

Where do you think all that
came from? That's not fair.

I didn't do anything wrong,
and you know it.

If you don't let me go,
I'll kill myself, I swear.

No, you won't. I will. Come on.

You used to sweet-talk the men
at the club, didn't you?

Well, this is just like that.
It's all an act.

It wasn't with Daniel.

Now you listen to me -
forget about Daniel.

If you don't get your head straight,
you'll end up just like he did.

Is that what you want?



Take the rest of the night off.

But tomorrow you get back to work,

This is police persecution -
eight men to a cell all night?

I'm sure you boys
made the most of it.


You do realise
you're facing quite a serious charge?

Since when is it a crime
to have a drink?

There's a lot of pubs in Brinford,
Mr Saunders.

You just... happened
to visit one full of homosexuals?

I didn't know
it was that kind of place.

Look, I'm serious.

Lizzy Maddock, 13 years old.

Lives on Ackerman Street?

She was taken into care yesterday
with two of her sisters.



Thank you.

So... you're a school teacher.

That's right.
Not any more, you ain't.

Sergeant Fenton.
A word, please, my office.


Don't go anywhere.


Close the door.

Tell me,

what was the purpose of keeping
those men in the cells overnight?

They're queers, sir.

I am aware of that, Sergeant -
who do you think authorised the raid?

But I didn't expect you
to arrest everyone in the place.

Maybe when they have to explain
to their wives

where they've been all night,
they may think twice.

Ah, so this is a moral crusade,
is it?

We can't have them carrying on
under our noses, sir.

And I'm sure they got that message
loud and clear.

Now release them all with a caution
and place your attentions elsewhere.

We've got enough to charge
Tobias Hunt with importuning.

He's a pervert, sir,
he had his hands on me.

All right.

But let the others go, it's like...
Piccadilly Circus out there.

Yes, sir.

Right... ladies!

This is your lucky day.

You are free to go.

Not so fast.

Take this one back to the cells.


Well, how come they all get to leave?

Because they weren't stupid enough
to touch up a copper, were they?

And next time,
you lot won't get off so easy!

You can stay too if you like.

I'm still missing your paperwork
from yesterday.

I'll get on it n-n-n-now, Sarge.
What's all this?

Those are from before.
Some of these are a week old!

Tommy, son,
you're not weaving a tapestry.

Get a wiggle on!

I want these on my desk
by the end of the day, right?

Yes, Sarge, sorry.

B-B-Back to work!

Sergeant Fenton,
can I pick your brains for a sec?

There's a name that keeps popping up
everywhere I look - Lenny Powell.

What about him?

Councillor Pembrook
was in debt to him,

and it turns out he sponsors
boxers too,

including our unfortunate friend,
Mike Maddock.

So I've been doing some digging.

He's got quite a record - trading
on the black market in the war,

armed robbery, assault.
Everyone knows that.

All right. But I'm guessing
you know more than most.

Why would I?
Because you're good at your job.

Nobody's been able to touch him
since the old days.

As far as anyone can see,
he's a respectable businessman.

He makes a big show
out of being reformed,

donates to charity,

cuts ribbons for the mayor.

The best place to hide
is in plain sight.

What do you say
we go pay him a visit?

Nothing like seeing the boys in blue
to rattle a legitimate businessman.

Miss Nightingale,
have you seen... my notes?

So you chased the bag thief
all the way down the high street

through the covered market?

You're so brave.

He was 12.


Still, you caught him.

That takes some doing.

I suppose.

Can I have them back, please?
I have to type it all up. Ah!

Leave it with me, I'll have them
done in half the time.

I don't know...

Sergeant Swift wouldn't like it.

Who's going to tell him?

Ever get the feeling
we're in the wrong job?

I'm going to shoot you,
I'm going to shoot you!

Morning, officers!
Come here, come on.

Hey, listen...
You see these two men?

They're real-life sheriffs, hmm?

So you better behave yourselves.


Fenton. And I don't think
we've had the pleasure.

DI Harper.

This is my wife, Laura.
Hello. Mrs Powell.

Sweetheart, get 'em
a Scotch on ice, would you?

Not for us, thank you.
We're on duty.

Come on, boys,
let's leave Daddy to talk.

You have a beautiful family.
Oh, thank you.

We won't take up much of your time.

We just have a few questions.

Fire away.

We believe you were acquainted
with the boxer Mike Maddock.

It's no secret I sponsored him,
he was a hell of a fighter.

So you've heard
what happened to him.

I read the papers, Detective.
It's a tragedy.

When was the last time you saw him?

Just after the fight.

I invited him out
to celebrate his victory,

but he was anxious
to return to his children.

How are they, by the way?

As you might expect...
under the circumstances.

Well, I hope you find
whoever's responsible.

Oh, don't worry.

We will.

So you're a copper.
You kept that one quiet.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

Oh, you know me, all right.
Rather intimately, if I recall.

Keep your voice down.

The Crown. Take a different route.

It must be unnerving to have

so many of your friends meet
with misfortune.

We understand you also knew
Daniel Pembrook.

The councillor?
Where did you hear that?

Your weekly poker games are an open
secret, Mr Powell.

We play for matchsticks, of course.

Of course.

And I assure you
Councillor Pembrook never attended.

I've never even met the man.


We were under the impression he'd
racked up quite a poker debt to you.

I imagine it makes you angry
when people don't pay what they owe.

I think I can afford to be lenient,
don't you?

I'm sure Mike Maddock would

Are you implying he owed me money?

No, but I'm guessing money had
something to do with it.

I doubt you'd dispose of someone
who was... still of use to you.

You're right, I wouldn't.

And since Maddock won his last
fight, you'll know he was
a valuable asset.

Was? He's not dead yet, Mr Powell.

I guess some people just
refuse to stay down.

You have a good day.

Thanks for stopping by.
Always a pleasure.

Are you going to buy me a drink?

It's a bit of a fleapit.

What do you want, Carl?

You should be a bit nicer to me.

Unless you want to read
about our last encounter

in the morning papers.

I reckon we could even make
the headlines.

I could arrest you right now,
for blackmailing a police officer.

Go ahead.

What would it be like, I wonder?

For a police officer in prison?

I'll ask you again,
what do you want?


I don't have it.

You've got a problem then,
haven't you?

Why are you doing this?

You were released today
without charge.

I stuck my neck out for you.

You didn't do it for me. You were
scared I'd talk, that's all.

That's not true.

I do what I can for... people like us.

Don't you dare sit there and pretend
like we're on the same side.

Your lot make our lives a misery.
Well, you know what?

Now it's your turn.

Have the money by tomorrow.

What? That's absurd -
how am I supposed to get it?

You'll figure something out.

Yeah, Sarge. OK?


WPC Dawson.


How's the undercover work
coming along?

Very well, thank you.

Any closer to finding that girl
you're after?

I hope so.
We have a photograph now, at least.

Yes, I heard about that.
Good work, Dawson.

It's just this sort of thing that
gets you noticed at Divisional.

Was there something else
you wanted, sir?

I came to see Chief Inspector
Briggs, but he's gone out to lunch.

Since I have an hour to kill,

I thought perhaps I could take you
out for a bite?

There's an excellent restaurant
not too far from here.

Thank you, sir,
but I've already eaten.

In fact, I was about to go
out on the beat.

Another time, then.

Where's that new piece of tail
got to? Ned's favourite.

Ruby? She'll be in later.

Good. I'll make sure
she makes it up to you.

It's probably best
she steers clear from now on.

How about you keep your nose out?

Hold on.

Maybe someone wants her for himself?


Well, well. You've got quite a
poker face on you, Fenton.

Remind me never to play you.
Get him a drink. Anything he wants.

Don't bother.

That's the second refusal today.
I'm starting to get a complex.

So you lost money on the fight.

No need to get bent out of shape.

All better?

Give it to Maddock's kids.

Hey, I feel bad about it too.

They would've been well provided for
if their father hadn't been so dumb.

Too many blows to the head,
I reckon.

If they come for you
I ain't protecting you, Lenny.

Not this time.

Who do you think you're talking to?

It's all right, let him
make his little speech.

Go ahead, we're all ears.

No speech,
I'm just letting you know how it is.

You. Since you're still here.

Keep the booze and the girls coming.
That includes Ruby.

Here you go, Sarge.

Are these your incident reports?
Yes, Sarge.

There's a lot of it.

That's not just the backlog, sir.
That's from today's beat.

A pickpocket, couple of vandals,
and a drunk and disorderly.

So when did you have time
to do all this?

I just... skipped lunch, Sarge.

Well, keep up the good work.

But try to keep on top
of it from now on.

Yes, Sarge. Thank you, Sarge.

Sir, may I speak with you
for a moment?

This is not a good time, Dawson.

It can't wait.

What is it?

It's, erm...

It's delicate.


Chief Coulson, sir.

He's been... propositioning me.



I'm sure it's just a harmless

It's more than that.

Then perhaps you need to grow
a thicker skin.

Now, if you don't mind...

Sir, I don't wish to lodge
a complaint.

I should think not, Constable Dawson,
because we wouldn't want

your own conduct to be examined
too closely, now, would we?


Don't think I haven't heard
what went on between you

and Detective Burns.

Perhaps if you don't like
the attentions of the other men,

you should have considered
your reputation. Good night.

I have some news.

I found a place for sale.
On the coast.

I put down a deposit.


To new beginnings.

I thought you'd be upset.

You're best out of all this.

You could always come with me.

What's this?

What do you think it is?
A birthday present.

When have you ever remembered
a birthday?

40. It's a big 'un.

Don't remind me.

It's all downhill from here.

Open it.



Where have you been?

I called the station,
and they said you left hours ago.

I'm sorry,
I didn't mean for you to worry.

You're drunk.

I'm not.

Yes, you are, you're drunk.

I had a couple of drinks - so what?

Well, if you're expecting dinner,
you're too late, it's ruined.

I'm not hungry.

I wish I'd known.
I wouldn't have bothered.

For God's sake, I said I was sorry!

Now get off my back!


♪ Good night, sweetheart

♪ Till we meet tomorrow... ♪

Mr Hutton said you
wanted to see me.

Yeah, we were hoping you'd do us
the honour of joining our table.

As you can see, Ned's
all on his lonesome tonight.

I'm not really a hostess.

It's all right, it's all squared
with the boss. Go on.

That's a pretty name, Ruby.

Thank you.

A pretty name for a pretty girl.

Isn't she?




Ned's not much of a talker,
I'm afraid.

I only talk
when I've got something to say.

Just my type, then.
Like Gary Cooper.

You're going to freeze to death.

I'm OK. It's hot in there.

Won't you be cold?

I don't care.

Are you all right?
You seemed upset before.

You're not the only one who has to
pretend in this place, you know.

Yeah, sometimes you want to tell
them all to go to hell.

Something like that.

You probably shouldn't be here,

Mr Powell wants you to
sit with him.

I got the feeling you
didn't like it.

I don't. Does that bother you?


You'd best get back.

See you later, Mr Hutton.

Call me Chris.

All right, then, I'll give him
your message. Nice talking to you.


Oh, Inspector Briggs,
you just missed your brother.


Your brother, Carl.
That was him on the phone.

He's an absolute tonic!

He was telling me about
the two of you when you were kids.

What did he want?

He said he's in town for the day
and he wants to see you.

He's staying at this address.

Thank you.


Please, Ned! No!

I'm busy.


Mr Powell just called.
He wants to see you.

What? Where is he?

At home. He said right away.

We don't have much time.


There's no time to talk -
just get dressed.

Take the back way out.
Through the kitchen. Here take this.

Get out of town
and don't ever come back.

What'll you tell Ned?

Let me worry about that.

Thank you.


Hey, there he is!
Congratulations, son.

For what, Sarge?

For doing such a thorough job
with these reports.

I must say, in all my years,
I've never read notes

quite as detailed before.

I like to cover all b-b-bases.

Well, that you do.
It's been a real eye-opener.

I had no idea you were
so heroic in the field.

I particularly like your
account of the apprehension

and questioning of the phone box
vandal. Where is it?

Ah, yes. "He was no better than
a two-bit bum, the kind of guy

"who'd sell his own mother for
nothing and still ask for change."

What does that even mean?

And this bit.

"He was pure evil.

"If I hadn't taken him off
the streets, we'd all be a little

"less safe in our beds tonight."

I didn't realise Mr Bailey
posed such a threat.

You see...

No, no, there's more, you see.

This is my favourite, about the
drunk you arrested yesterday...

"He had eyes like a snake,
cold and dead.

"I knew he'd try to strike
the first chance he got,

"and that's why I had to show him
who was boss.

"'Sorry, friend,
but you crossed the line.

"'Time for a date with Lady Law.'"

I didn't write any of that!

Excuse me?

Miss Nightingale was only supposed
to copy my notes.

Miss Nightingale?

Are you saying you didn't type
these notes up yourself?

Sorry, Sarge.

That is a disappointment.
To be lied to like that.

I'm going to have to try and think
of a way

for you to make it up to me.


Hold on a second.
Now, where did I put them?

Mr Snake-Eyes made a right
mess of the cell last night.

Upset stomach, amongst other things.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Ticket to London, please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Going somewhere?

It's good to see you, Mr Powell.

Can I get you a drink?

You can answer me question.

It's just a weekend away.

I didn't think it was worth

So this has got nothing to do
with you sending Ned

on a false errand earlier?

What do you mean?
One of the girls said you'd called.

I just passed on the message.

We go back 20 years, Rosie.
Haven't I treated you right?

Of course you have, Mr Powell.

Then where's the loyalty? Hmm?

Why bite the hand that feeds?

You know what I'm talking about.

What happened to the girl?

Answer me.

It wasn't right keeping her

Who are you to say what's right?

I won't be party to it.

Where is she?

Where is she?!

Somewhere I hope you'll
never find her!



Rebecca Jones?


We'd like to ask you some questions
about Councillor Daniel Pembrook.

Leave me alone,
I don't know anything.

Would you come with us, please?

No. No... no!

I need to get out of here!

Come on now, miss. You don't
understand! Please, let me go!


How dare you call my secretary?

Oh, I'm sorry, should
I have called your wife instead?

Just keep away from where I work,
is that clear?

All right, cool it,
I'm sure nobody followed you here.

Have you got it?

Is it all there?

Count it if you want.

Where did you get it?
That is none of your damn business.

And if I ever see you again,
I'm arresting you.

I don't care what stories you tell.

Stay for a drink.

There's no reason
we can't be friendly, is there?

This is my life. My life!

I should kill you.

Go ahead! What have I got, eh?

What's wrong?

Are you OK?

I'm sorry.

Here, take it back.

Keep it.

Oh, Inspector Briggs...


What are you doing here?

I've just been to the bank.

I was going to tell you.

Really? When?

While I was writing
a cheque to the builders?

Don't be ridiculous.

You had no right.

It's our money, isn't it?

Daddy left it to me.

Would you rather we'd lost
the house?

We've been... falling behind
with the payments.

I didn't want to worry you with it,
but now you know.

And I'm sorry about the kitchen.

I know how much you wanted it.

But sometimes a man has to

Is that what you are, Walter? A man?

♪ There is nothing I couldn't do

♪ Lord, if I had you

♪ Mm-hmm-mm... ♪

Is that supposed to be your tip?

Last of the big spenders.

You should ask to be a hostess.
Make some real money.

I'm fine doing this.

If you say so.

Get me a Scotch.

Well, hello.

What's a handsome fellow like you
doing in a place like this?


Buy a girl a drink?

Haven't you got work to do?


Are you all right?

Chris? It's Mr Hutton.

Miss Jones, we found the body
of Councillor Pembrook in your flat.

We know you had
a relationship with him.

Why didn't you come forward?

Were you in the flat the night
he was murdered?

You're not in any trouble yet,
Miss Jones.

Just tell us what you know.

Did you see who murdered him?

If you don't start cooperating,
we'll arrest you for obstructing

a police investigation -
is that what you want?

Clearly it is. Perkins.

What do you want to do, sir?

I'm thinking we gag her
and go to work with some pliers.

You in?

It's a joke. Where's Dawson?

She's met her before,

maybe she'll have better luck
getting her to talk.

She's at the Sapphire Club,
sir, won't be back till morning.


Night, Ruby.


I'm sorry about earlier.

You seemed upset.

I just should've made it clear,
it's best the others don't know.

Don't know what?

That I like you.

Did you drink all that by yourself?

I did.

Looks like you're going to have
to save me from myself.

It's late. I should go.

Just one glass.

Please don't let me
sit here all alone.

Knock-knock! Rosie? It's me.
You ready?

Your chariot awaits.


Oh, God!

Oh, baby.



No brothers and sisters,
just my mum and dad.

So pretty ordinary, really.
What about you?

My mother died a few years ago,
so it's just me now.

I'm sorry. What about your father?

He ran out before I was born.

It's his loss.

If only he could see you now.

Sitting here, drinking champagne.

With a girl like you.

You're something else, Ruby,
you know that?

I should go.


I really have to go. OK.


Sidney? Sidney, is that you?

You're in late.

You'd better not stink of beer,
Sidney, or you can sleep

on the settee.

I've got your dinner on the stove -
do you want me to warm it up?

No. Suit yourself.

Er, you'll never guess what

some cheeky so-and-so said
to me at work today.

Honestly, I could've swung for him.

I was at the make-up counter, right,
and this bloke comes up

and he says he wants to buy
something nice for his wife.

So I said, "Certainly, sir,
what sort of thing are you after?"

And he goes,
"Well, I don't really know."

I says, "What sort of colours does
she like to wear?

"You could get her some eye shadow
or lipstick or something

"to complement her wardrobe."

And he goes,
"Well, I don't really know."

I says, "Well, pick something
you like, then.

"What about this cherry lipstick?
It's very popular at the moment.

"In fact, it's what
I'm wearing right now."

And he goes, listen to this,
he goes, "No, thank you,

"I want her to look nice."

Can you believe that?

Sidney? I said, can you believe that?


No, neither could I.

Like I said,
I could've swung for him.


What's this?


This is so romantic!


Oh, this is... lovely.

Sidney, it's gorgeous!

I can't wait to go out now
so I can show it off.

Oh, I just love it, Sidney!

I can't wait to tell
the girls at work.