Vikings (2013–…): Season 5, Episode 18 - Vikings - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

And then he took
one of the children,

a little boy,
and then he ate him!


Who are you, stranger?

My name is Hvitserk,

son of Ragnar Lothbrok.

I'’ve come to see King Olaf.
We are meant to be allies.

Friend, I have just ridden

across mountain ranges
and frozen lakes.

I am dying of cold.

Will you not at least

let me warm myself
by your fire?

Is this the hospitality
of a friend and ally?

You arrive here unexpectedly

and the first thing you do
is insult me!


Forgive me.


I will of course take you
to meet King Olaf.

Thank you.

But first you must
take off your clothes.


Take off your clothes.

you cannot see him.

I wanted to congratulate you.

Thank you, King Harald.

I thought you wanted
to be Queen of Norway.


But I never said who
I wanted to be King.

-Happy days.

-Happy days.

You know, it feels as if
I'’m really in a dream.

All my youth I'’ve had
to hide away

and I couldn'’t tell anybody
who I was.

But now at the wedding
of my brother,

Bjorn Ironside!

One of the most famous men
in all the world.

And I have you,

I have you to thank
for that, King Harald.

I mean, you could'’ve
killed me but you didn'’t.

And now we'’re going back
to Kattegat, huh,

my father'’s realm.

I mean, why should I not
be happy, huh?

Be happy!

Drink another horn,
drink several, huh?

Get ready for our journey.

It won'’t be easy.

Some of our ships
will surely flounder.

Hmm. Oh, but not mine.


See, the gods,
they wouldn'’t allow it,

'’cause I'm a son
of Ragnar Lothbrok.


And the gods look after me.

I mean, they always did.
It'’s just...

Just that I didn'’t know.

-Huh, Skol.



I wanted her.

She knew that.
But you prevailed.

It'’s a virtue of being
a son of Ragnar Lothbrok.

I really don'’t know why.

Of course you know why.

You'’re not stupid.

You always wanted
to be Ragnar Lothbrok.

You felt like his equal.
I know that.

-Ah, thank you.

There was nothing
you couldn'’t do.

You didn'’t understand

why people followed Ragnar
and not you.

Isn'’t that true?

But you will never be Ragnar.

And you will never be
King of Norway.

And do you want to know why?

Why don'’t you tell me?

It has nothing to do with

power, or titles, or your army.

It is in the gift of the gods.

I'’m happy for you today, Bjorn.

You married a beautiful woman.

Of course,
some would say that

that will be
the greatest curse of all.

But I don'’t believe that.

I envy you.

Envy I understand.

That doesn'’t stop us
working together.

Or trusting each other.

-Does it?
-Of course not.

There are far greater things
at stake

than just a woman.

Ah, but she is not just
a woman though, is she?

My Lord Olaf. This is...

I know who it is!

Come and sit down, Hvitserk.

Your brother Ivar

told me he would send you

and so,

I have been waiting.

-Give our guest some mead.
-Yes, Lord.



Another son of Ragnar.

That is a sign of...



what do you think
of this place so far?

The truth?

I think all this
is an illusion

and you are what they call

the Buddha.


Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha!


Move out of the way! Move!

Make way.
Move! Move!

Get back! Stay back!

Move! You back!

No, please!

Stay back! Move!

Open the door!

Open the door now!


Please. Sit.

Thora, I am trying
to rule well.

I am trying to rule

for the benefit of our people,

not the strangers,

not the outsiders
who threaten us.

I use my divinity
to protect you,

like a father.

But still you hate me.

You deface my image.
You criticize me.


In Ragnar'’s time,

everyone was free.

That'’s what
my parents told me.

They could say
what they wanted,

they could do
what they wanted.

Ragnar never
forced them to do anything.

And above all,

he never forced them
to worship him.

He knew, he was only human.

Just like the rest of us.

You have spoken well.



I remember your father.

He is a good man.

One of us.


I look forward
to traveling to England

and raiding
with your brother.

I hear many stories
of his prowess

as a warrior.

What kind of a ruler
is your brother?

Is he, uh...

Is he cruel?

Is he a monster?

I need to know.

My brother has
declared himself to be a God.

He'’s no longer
the Ivar I knew.

The brother I knew.

He'’s a tyrant.

You! Over here!

Put them together!


Be quiet!


And yet you want me
to join him in raiding England?

Uh, no.


Would you like to explain?

Over here!

Run, run! Run!

I cannot!


No. No.


King Olaf,
I haven'’t come here

to ask you to help Ivar,

recover York
and attack Wessex.

I'’ve come here
to ask you to attack Ivar

and overthrow him as
King of Kattegat.

Mmm. I understand.

But I probably will go
with my original plan.

King Olaf, listen...

King Olaf!

King Olaf!

You didn'’t even dig
your daughter'’s grave.

I thought she became more
your child than mine.

And she was always
too good for you.

You'’re probably right.

Who knows these things?

You screw a woman.
You have a child.

Who in Hel knows
about that child?

Who cares?

You are the same as
the rest of us after all!

You were just pretending!

Do it! Do it!

No, Kjetill, I won'’t.

The man I once was

would have dug this spade just
deep enough into your skull

to make you unconscious.

And when you woke up,

I would let you witness me
burn your wife alive.

And then I would force
your one remaining son

to cut off your balls
and have you eat them.

And as you slowly bled out,

the last thing you would see
would be me raping your son,

not knowing
if I would show him the mercy

of killing him or not.

But you see,

I won'’t do any of that.

For even though you

and Eyvind

and everyone else
in this cursed settlement

have showed me that I can'’t
change other human beings,

I have changed myself.

And I intend to stay this way.

I owe it to the dead.

Do with this place as you like.

I am done with the humans.

Wen, wen,

little wen,

shrink like coal on hearth.

Wizen like filth on wall!

Waste away...

like water in pail!

Become as little

as grain of linseed,

and smaller

than hand-worm'’s hip bone...

until at last you are...

nothing at all.

Oh. You must leave.



She is nothing!
She is nothing!

No concern of yours.

Who is that woman?

Huh. She is nobody.

Please, I have told you.
You must leave!


A crazy woman.
I have been looking after her.



Lagertha, is that you?

Take this.

Bjorn! Bjorn! Bjorn!

Thank you.

Give us this day
our daily bread.

Thy will be done
as it is in Heaven...

And forgive us
our trespasses...

Thy Kingdom come...

Thy will be done.

And deliver us from evil...

From evil.

From evil.

It gladdens me
to know that Odin

prepares for a feast.

Soon I shall be drinking

ale from curved horns!

This hero that comes
into Valhalla

does not lament his death.

I shall not enter
Odin'’s hall with fear.

There I shall wait
for my sons to join me.

And when they do,

I will bask

in their tales of triumph.

The Aesir will welcome me.

My death comes
without apology!

And I welcome

the Valkyries
to summon me home!

Deliver me, O Lord,
from mine enemies!

Over there. Over there.


I always dream of you.

Last night,

I dreamt you were feeding me
blood pudding.

What does that mean?

It means you'’ve
given me your heart.


Where is this?

Where am I?

The royal villa at Wessex.





The three Danish kings

have camped
about five miles upriver.

They are preparing
to attack as soon as possible.

Then obviously
we should attack them at once.

I don'’t think so.

What possible advantage
do we gain by delaying?

They will very soon discover
that we are here.

I'’m sure they already know
we are here.

Then what on earth
do you propose?

I propose we go down there
and we speak to them.

Speak to them?

That is the best way

to avoid a terrible battle
and unnecessary death.

Then how do we know that
you will not just betray us,

and join them?

You don'’t.

But if you want
to overrule your King,

who appointed me
the leader of the army,

go ahead.

King Olaf asks if you have
changed your mind.

Will you join him
and King Ivar

in attacking England,
as you agreed?

I wish I could agree.

This is a ridiculous way
to die.

Too hot in a cold climate.

I'’m sure you appreciate
the irony.

I love irony.

But still...
Death is death.

That'’s true. Not really
a laughing matter.

But I'’m decided
against my brother.

The King must
make up his own mind.

I thought he agreed with me.

You must never try
to anticipate

the desires of Kings.

I thought you, of all people,

might have understood
that by now.

Ubbe, Ubbe, Ubbe!

Ubbe, Ubbe, Ubbe!

You see, you'’re famous.

Ubbe, Ubbe,

Yes. Yes.

Aah... Aah...

The head. One more.

What is it?

You have a son, King Ivar.

I have a son.

I have a son.

Give me my baby.

He will not be able

to take the milk
from your breasts.

What are you talking about?

-Give me my baby.


My beautiful little Baldur.

My little God.

Show Ivar his blessed son.


Give me my son.

My divine Baldur.

I'’ve waited for this...

Did I not tell you,

and did you not believe me
when I said that

deformity is a true sign
of the Gods'’ favor?

Ubbe, Ubbe, Ubbe!


Son of Ragnar.


My name is King Hemming.

And here are King Angantyr
and King Frodo.

Of all the enemies
we expected to encounter,

we could hardly have imagined
encountering you.

I am not your enemy.

Let us go and drink.
Let me explain.


Queen of Vikings,

we welcome you
back to Wessex,

to the royal villa
of my grandfather, King Ecbert.

We were so very glad
to find you alive.

Thank you, King Alfred.

Thank all of you.

Ubbe and Torvi have gone
to fight a Danish army

at the borders of our Kingdom.

And I heard my son has gone
to attack Ivar in Kattegat.


Life moves on,

whether or not
we are a part of it.

Everything changes.

As I have changed.

I am no longer Lagertha,

shield maiden,

since my shield is gone.

I have nothing
to protect myself with.

Only yourself...

and your honesty.

Sweet Judith,
do you think that is enough?

I don'’t understand.

You'’re leading a Saxon army

on behalf of
the King of Wessex?


We had made
an alliance with him.

Before you and your people
even got here.

But they are our enemies.

Why did you make
an alliance with our enemies?

Sometimes it'’s sensible
to make deals

when you have
long-term goals to achieve.

Perhaps women understand that
more than men.

Men just go and fight
and kill each other,

and only afterwards realize
they didn'’t need to.

There were better alternatives.

Who is this woman?

A shield maiden.

My wife.

Is there much more
you need to know, King Frodo?

What is the fruit
of your alliance?

King Alfred of Wessex

has granted us a large area
of land in his kingdom.

It was always
my father'’s dream

to establish
a working settlement here.

What does that mean to us?

If your armies are willing
to give up the sword,

then you can move
into the lands

in East Anglia at once.

Instead of dying uselessly
on the battlefield,

your warriors
and your shield maidens

can take up the plow
and the loom

and they can make a life here.

There is nothing to stop you.

And yet you have
everything to gain.

What is the name
of that stone?

Lapis lazuli.

Where does it come from?

Somewhere far away,

along the Silk Roads.


is the most expensive
of all the pigments,

which is why we reserve it
for the Virgin Mary.

It'’s an incredible color!

It shines!

As the moon shines

in the reflected light
from the sun,

so Mary shines
in the reflected light

from her son,

Jesus Christ.

I think you will have a son.

As you, Lagertha, have a son.
And I, two sons...

although I murdered
one of them.

And now I am dying.


I have a lump in my breast.

I know other women
have died from such a thing.

It seems that you no longer
have your shield either.


And no experience learned

can compensate for it.

I can'’t bear it.

You are young.
You can bear anything!

You'’ve been
a warrior like me.

In your own way.

But I don'’t agree with you.

There are still many things
for us to discover

on the other side
of the shield wall.

It seems we might have
to fight our way out of here.

If we have to fight our way
out of here,

then we will do it together.

And if the odds
are against us,

then it will make me happy
to die with you.

I never thought I would hear
a woman say that.


Everyone can be wrong.


Even you.

Two of us want
to avail ourselves

and our warriors
of your offer.

But, uh...

King Frodo
refuses to agree.

He wants to continue
the raid.

Then there is only one thing
left to do.

I take your refusal
as an insult

and I challenge you
to a single combat.


This makes me very happy,

Ubbe Lothbrok.




I have decided

to go with you after all

and attack Ivar'’s kingdom.


Let us talk
a little while together,

you and I, my son.

I waited for you a long time.

I thought you would make

everything perfect.

Because you would be
like a God,

the shining one,

like Baldur.


It was my dream.

But it was only a dream.

You are not divine...

Because you remind me
of myself.

And you would continue
to remind me,

and everyone else,

of what I am.

And you see, I cannot
let that happen.

I cannot allow you to suffer

like I have suffered
throughout my life.

How could I
do that to you, hmm?

What kind of a father
could do that to a son?

To any son?

No. No.


I cannot help you anymore.

You'’ll have to make
your own way in life, Baldur.

My boy.