Video Girl Ai (1992–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - A Soothing Girl - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm here for you.
Ai Amano.

Thank you!
Thank you for choosing my video.

My name's Ai Amano,
and I'm sixteen.

What's your name?

Why do you look so sad?

I see.
Unrequited love.

Don't let it get you down.

She just doesn't understand.

You've got a lot to offer.

I know I'm not much. but...

I'll do my best
to cheer you up.

I see.
It's that bad.

You really need me,
right from the heart.

That's it! I'll stay with you
for as long as it takes.

W-W-What the hell?

I-It's so warm.

W-What the--?

S-Some girl just came
outta my screen!

T-There she is.

She's real!
She's really here!

T-That's some video!

Modern technologies
really something.

Einstein. you're a genius!

Stephen Hawking, I love you!

God hasn't forsaken me!

He's looking out for
Yota '' Dateless'' Moteuchi!

This must be a love goddess...

that God sent down from heaven.

A face cuter than Riho!

A body Finer than Rie the beauty queen!

A personality nicer than Noriko's!

The face is just my type!
The style is just my type!

And hooters from heaven!

But how did a girl get
out of a VCR and into my room?

My VCR's been a little flaky
since morning, but--

It couldn't be--


What happened?
I think her bust just shrunk.

Stupid jerk! Playing me
on a broken VCR!

I thought I was gonna die!

That didn't sound like me.

Who cares?

N-No way.

Something's wrong.
She's not supposed to be like this!

Glad you like me.

My name is Ai Amano,
video girl at large.

''Video girl''?

'' Motenai'' as in ''dateless''?

That's ''Yota Moteuchi''!

Then, Yota.
What do we do now?

We video girls are just
made for men.

We can do anything you'd like.

Where is it?

Where? Where? Where?

Here it is: ''So You've Got
Her Alone-- What Comes Next?''

Okay. I can do that.

Let's start with foreplay
before going hardcore.

H-H-Hardcore! As in--

'' How To Get Ready
For The First Time''--

Okay. Okay.

Clip nails.

Deodorize. Brush Teeth.

Get in shape!

This really means a lot to me.

Please be gentle.

I was kidding.
Learn the difference.

Now I'll show you
my specialty.

What am I thinking?
Moemi's my one and only.

If I'd been thinking,
Moemi would never have been hurt.

Poor Moemi!

Poor Moemi!

A video store?

H-Hold it!

Okay. What are you?
Tell me the truth.

I told you.
I'm a video girl.

Does she appeal to you?

It's nice to have a customer.
You're our third one.

Only the pure of heart
can see this store.

For example...

a young man who sheds
tears for another person's pain...

when his own heart
is breaking as well.

H-How'd you know?

I came outta the video
to brighten up your broken heart.

Didn't you hear the video?

That's not what I mean!

Give it a break!
Quit sweatin' the details.

It's no wonder
that '' Dateless'' got rejected!

I'm in love with Niimai.

So what if I was rejected?
So what if I'm dateless?

If you're just here
to lecture me. . .

forget it!
Pack up and get out!

What's wrong?

It's all your fault!
You played me on your broken VCR!

I thought I just talked
like a guy!

Now I got a WIENER!
What'cha gonna do about it?

You're kidding!

It's true. Feel.

Nothing's there.

- I lied.
- You really had me going.


Don't ''tee-hee''me.

But she's so cute!

So, who is she?
Who is this girl you like?

O-Okay, if I tell you mine,
will you tell me yours?

No. Mine's hopeless.

The guy I like is too popular.

Just try it!

You'll always want Ai
by your side!

H-H-Home cooking!

I've been motherless for ten years.
Dad's always overseas on trips.

I never get to eat
home cooking!

Digging in!

It's good, huh?

Pigs wouldn't eat this slop!

You're awful!

My profile says that pro chefs
wish they could cook like me.

See? It's pretty good--

That's not possible.
I'll make it again.

Don't bother.

After you went to all the trouble--

Saving grace number one.

He's so popular...

and I can't compete,
so I may as well give up.

It's Takashi!

She's talking about Takashi!

I'll bet he doesn't even know
I'm alive.

You know who I mean, right?

Moteuchi. now it's your turn.

Don't give up!
You don't know how he feels!

W-What am I doing?
What's wrong with me?

''Saving grace number one''?

What's the creepy grin for?

Are you bein' a lecher again?

You pervert!

Quit that!
I am not!

Don't hold back
on my account, Yota!







Quit... messing... with...
my... tape... you... moron!

And now for stop--

Listen. stupid! You hit ''stop''
and I disappear!

y-You do?

W-What're you doing!?
I can't use my VCR now!

- Right.
- Right? But you--

Touch it and you're dead!

I only have one month
of playback! That's it!

Press fast-forward
and you shorten my time!

Don't turn off the power
or I'm gone for good!


So much for movies.

But you've got me instead.

All right. I won't get bored
with her around.

She'll be gone
in a month anyway.

The beauty, Ai, has come to stay
in the Beast's mansion.

And what fate awaits
our little Ai?

Three's a crowd, huh?

Two together and romance in the air.

Here's two lovers sodas.

Thanks, Niimai.

Takashi, don't!
The plan's all screwed up!

I'll bet the girl Yota likes
turns out to be Moemi.

He's just joking.
Don't go playing with Moemi's mind.


This drink isn't
what I expected.

Oh, yeah! just a joke.
Just leading you on.

That's what you always do.

Tell me the truth. Moteuchi!

I told you that I was
in love with Niimai, didn't I?

W-Whaddya mean,
''take a bath''?

So I can wash your back!

But my magazines
never covered this!

What's your problem?
I'm not taking a bath in my clothes.


S-She's really taking 'em off!.
I can't believe it.

Who would call NOW!?

Yeah, what?

Yota? It's me. Yota?


About the thing in the park today--

I'm in the bath, waiting!

Was that a girl's voice
I heard?

Yota, we gotta take
a bath together.

- Cut it out!
- Cut what out?

No, I wasn't talking to you.

Let's go!

Wha-- Wha--
W-Whaddya think you're doing?

But I didn't do anything.

I-I said I don't mean you!

Let's get the bath going,

There IS a girl there!

Yota. are you shacking up?

It's Moemi!
Good for you!

''Shacking up''?
What are you talking about?

I got this video.
The sound's from this video.

A video girl.


That's right.
I'm kinda busy. Bye.

Bath time.

Okay, Fine--

Guess he wasn't ready
for the Full Monty.

I told you that I was in love
with Niimai. didn't I?

M-Moemi said it.

Sorry. You're not my type.

T-Takashi, you didn't--


Too bad. I’ll just have to Find
somebody else.

I'll introduce you
to some of my friends.

Please do.


Can't call that
a rejection, though.

She said she's in love
with Takashi.

She didn't dump you
or say she hates you.

- So you still have a chance.
- Think so?

Okay! Here's the deal!

Our objective: to make Yota
into a hunk that Moemi can't resist.

That gives my life
a purpose, right?

I still don't know.

Leave everything to me!

Geez, you're weird.

That's that.
Now I'm gonna wash your back.

N-No. I--

It's my job as a video girl
to cheer you up.

I'll pass.

Don't be shy!

I said I'm gonna cheer you up!

Any complaints?

I can feel her soft butt!

It's kinda nice.

And kinda pathetic.

You must be so happy!

- Go a little lighter!
- You mean like this?

W-Watch where you're grabbing!

You gotta be clean all over!

Just not there!

I'm beat.
What a roller-coaster.

Gotta say, when she does something.
she goes all out.

Give her credit.

Hey, your bed's in the guest room.


I told you that I was in love
with Niimai. didn't I?

Sorry, you're not my type.

I told you that I was
in love with Niimai, didn't I?

My heart broke today.


It's okay. Yota.

It's okay.

Can't give up.

At that point, my feelings
underwent a change.

I realized that my time
with Ai was limited...

and it made me sad.

My god, everybody!

Yota brought a girl to school!

Why did you come to school!?

I'd promised I'd always
be with you.

And so I thought...

I'd go out
and give it my best try.

I can count on your help, right?

W-We're kissing distance.

Yota, what're you up to?


Maybe I should have fallen
for Moteuchi, instead.

Video girls aren't able
to fall in love.


Hello there, and welcome
to my laboratory!

A new life form was discovered
in the late 20th century.

Jump scientists classified it:
the Beautius Femalus family.


Videodraconius Aizaurus

According to jump scientists.
she was born in nuclear tests.

Beware her fearsome weapons:
the Ai-hands!

Each has the power
of 500 elephants.

Next: the Ai-feet.

Each foot can kick through
a ten-meter slab of concrete.

The Ai-stomach produces an acid
that melts any substance.

The Ai-ear can hear a pin
at a thousand meters.

The Ai-eye can see clear through
a bank vault wall.

What do you think?

Aizaurus must be the most dangerous
monster of the century.

Don't give me that!

The end.