Vampire Knight (2008): Season 1, Episode 8 - Gunshot of Grief - full transcript

There is a rare commotion in the Moon Dormitory when the Night Class gets word that Takuma's grandfather will be visiting. Takuma's grandfather, nicknamed Ichio, is an important figure in the vampire world and is feared by many.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[music playing]

[music playing]

KANAME: I know that you
would never betray her,

and that is why I am
allowing you to live, Zero.

ZERO: If you were going to
have someone drink your blood,

your preference probably would
have been Kaname Kuran over me,

wouldn't it?

[theme music]

[birds chirping]

TAKUMA: Kaname?

-Make sure you get some rest.

Sleep well.

-Seems President Kuran has
locked himself in his room.

-All right.

So what have you done
this time, Hanabusa?

-I didn't do it!

Besides, if I did,
like always, he'd

have punished me in
front of everyone.

-That's true.

-I wouldn't worry.

I'm sure he just has a few
things on his mind right now.

Well, that's enough.

Let's all go to bed.

MAID: Master Takuma,
here they are.

All the books you requested.

Would you like me to take
them to your room for you?

-Uh, yes, please.

That would be perfect.

Thank you.

-Where is Lord Kaname?

-Do you need him for something?

MAID: A guest who
will be visiting

the dorm is requesting
permission to enter.


-This can't be!

Why is he?

-You OK, Takuma?

-Is something wrong?

TAKUMA: This says
that my grandfather--

is going to come here tonight!


-Wasn't your grandfather--

HANABUSA: Isn't he the--

TAKUMA: That's him.

In the human world, there's
not a single business venture

with which his company
is not somehow involved.

The Ichijo group
was founded by him.

In the vampire world, he
is the patriarch of one

of the most distinguished
aristocratic families.

Asato Ichijo.

Also known as Ichijo.

And as a member of
the Senate, he's

the vampire with
the most seniority.

-But I still don't get it.

Why is he coming here?

-I don't know.

RUKA: We have nothing to fear.

I understand the
Senate is powerful.

They are the highest
governing body in our society

and demand our respect.

But in the end, they are
not the ones who rule us.

-I know.

That's true.

But still, I just-- I don't
want him to come here and ruin

the relative peace this
dorm has established.

For Kaname's sake, too.

-I heard Ichijo is coming.

-(LAUGHING) Are you that
afraid of that geezer Senator?

-Of course.

He's a monster who's been
alive 12 times longer than us.

And I'm guessing that's
why everyone skipped class

to be here.

-Even he admits he's scared.

-Well, so am I,
Rima, but still-- I

wonder who's scarier-- Dorm
President Kuran or this guy?

-You're kidding.

That's obvious.

[foot steps]

[wind blowing]


Don't worry, you don't need to
be here for this, all right?

I'm sure he's just coming here
to lecture me about something.

-It's all right.

I haven't seen Ichijo
for quite some time.

I'd like to say hello.

May I?

-Of course you may, but--


[wind blowing]

-I appreciate this warm welcome.

But the only reason
I've come tonight

is to pay a visit
to my dear grandson.

No need to stand on formalities.

-Hello, Ichijo.

I'm glad to see you're well.

-We haven't seen each
other since the day

you refused to have me
as your legal guardian.

And that's the last
we spoke, Lord Kaname.

-Yes I just didn't
want to be coddled.

-Kaname, it isn't
the time for this.

-Yes, you're right.

-Purebloods are different
from us aristocrats.

Even if you're covered in
blood, nothing can defile you.

You're a flower that
smells lusciously

sweet for all eternity.


ICHIJO: You possess overwhelming
youth, power, and beauty.

I pray someday I'll
be able to receive

the benefits of your
unrivaled blood.

RUKA: Forgive me, Lord Kaname.

But he--

-You jest too much, sir.

-The daughter of Souen,
and the son of Aido.


-You say that,
knowing that asking

a Pureblood for his blood is the
greatest taboo among vampires.

I am not afraid of you--

-I haven't taught
him enough manners.

-It's because you are
here, Lord Kaname, that I'm

able to put my concerns at
ease and let my grandson attend

this academy.

[clock chiming]

-My Lord.

-If I continue to
ignore you, would you

stand there forever, Ruka?

-Well, it's just that you
haven't scolded me yet.

-You want to slap you.

You're an odd girl.

-Lord Kaname, you're very kind.

The actions that you took
saved Hanabusa from Ichijo,

didn't they?

KANAME: It just happened
to turn out that way.

-It seems you haven't been
your usual self lately.

-Thank you.

-Lord Kaname-- if my blood can
be of some sustenance for you--

even a little bit--

KANAME: That's enough, Ruka.


There's nothing to worry about.

I'm perfectly fine.

-All right.


-What is it?


-What do you mean nothing?

Seem you already know.

I asked, but Lord Kaname
didn't want to drink my blood.

I'd hoped he would.

But it-- but it
didn't come true!

The only time that Lord
Kaname wanted my blood

was when I first
came to this school!

But that-- was the last time!

-Seems that way.

It's what we do.

We try to fulfill our longings
by drinking each other's blood.

I am sorry.

I guess it just means that your
blood is not enough for him

right now.

-But I love him so much.

I've tried, but no
matter what I do,

I still don't
understand Lord Kaname.

I don't know what he wants.

I'm such a fool.

[foot steps]

-Takuma, it seems
Lord Kaname has

a great deal of trust in you.

You keep serving him as
well as you have been,

and keep an eye on him as well.

For those are the
only reasons I'm

allowing you to stay
at this Academy.

Is that clear?

[door creaking]

TAKUMA: Grandfather, I'm
afraid you don't understand.

You see, I will only do
what is best for my friend.

I'm sorry.

-It is you who does
not understand.

Make no mistake.

Friendship based on
a fictitious piece

in the small world
of this Academy--

YUKI: Cross Academy is peaceful!


-Um, so-- the
Headmaster said he would

like to ask you to donate
a lot for the Academy

this time around as well.

Uh, hold on-- you are
actually Takuma's grandfather,

aren't you?

We are here to escort you.

-Follow us.

We'll take you to the
Headmaster's office.

-Very well.

KANAME: Ichijo.

YUKI: Huh?


What are--

-Thanks for coming.

I look forward to seeing
you again in the future.

-The same goes for me as well.

Good night.



-Uh, yes?

-Good work.

-Oh, oh, no.



-Um, I just-- I just wanted to
say thank you for yesterday.


YUKI: Excuse me!


KANAME: And that is why I am
allowing you to live, Zero.

-Kaname Kuran has
nothing to do with it.


-Will you learn to knock?

-Oh, come on!

Like you're one
to say something!

You're the one
that never knocks.

You know the lock is broken,
so hang a towel on the door.

Maybe if you would
have done that, then--

YUKI: What?

ZERO: I wonder what Kaname
Kuran has in mind for you.



Never mind.

Just leave already.

-I just-- you're wrong.

You said that I
would have preferred

to give my blood to Kaname, but
I never wished for that at all.

-Is that right?

-Is that all you have to say?

You're the one who brought
it up in the first place.


My responsibility is to make
sure that I give you blood!

That's what I intend
to do forever!

So with that in
mind, I can't just

go around giving my blood
out to anyone who asks!

Knowing you, you
probably think that me

making sure you get blood
is just annoying and pushy.

Are you listening?

And this time, you had better
not turn me down, all right?


You are prepared for this.

We both decided.

Right now?


[music playing]

-You're an idiot.

You're the one who's not
prepared, that's obvious.

-Just go.

YUKI: I thought you
were serious, stupid!

You try to test me
like that again,

and I'll really let you have it!

[foot steps]

[door opening]

-What's wrong?

Yuki seemed like she was
upset about something.

It's perfect timing,
though, Zero.

I need to have a word
with you, if I could.

KAIEN: This is in order
from the Hunter Association.

It's a request to hunt down
a Level E serial killer.

And it's for you.

It'll be your first
assignment as a hunter.

It's despicable.

This is just their way of
testing you to see if you have

what it takes to carry
on the Kiryu name.

I told them the other day
that you were doing fine.



KAIEN: Unfortunately, Zero, this
is something you can't refuse.

KAIEN: Goodness.

It's either the Hunter
Association or the Senate.

I wish they would leave
my poor students alone.

I only hope that there
aren't any consequences.

YUKI: I know I left Zero in
kind of a weird way yesterday,

but-- that was really
the best answer

I could give him about
Zero, me, and Kaname.


YUKI: Zero?

[talking and laughing]

-Where is he going?

And why is he skipping
class to do it?

[foot steps]

[bell ringing]

-This is it.

-Hey, Senri, you're
gonna get a sunburn

without using an umbrella.

-I want you both to hurry
up and finish your business,

or you're going to be
late for the photo shoot.

And Senri, you get
sunburns easily.

And you didn't
bring an umbrella.

So you get under Rima's, too.


-You need to remember that
you're a professional model.


SENRI: Why do we have to hunt
a former human during the day?

-It's an order from the Senate.

They don't want the Hunter
Association to beat us to it.

It seems the Vice Dorm
President got an earful

from his grandfather.

-So then-- it's a race, is it?

-From what I was
told, our target

only became a Level
E rather recently.

So he may have
some intelligence.

Still, I doubt he'll
be any different.



It's the disciplinary committee.


If you, Senri, and Rima, too.

-Who are you?

-Four teenage girls
have wound up dead.

You wouldn't happen to
know anything about that?

-Come on.

You're supposed to shoot me
with no questions asked, Hunter.

But still, I'm in a good mood,
so I'll answer your question.


I did it!

I couldn't help myself!

It felt so good!

One just wasn't enough!

You have no idea how good it
feels when your fangs piece

the skin of a young
girl's neck-- then,

you bite down hard, losing
yourself in a trance.

And then-- climax!


[gun shot]

-(LAUGHING) I don't understand.

Why are vampires like this?

Each and every one of them.

They don't deserve any sympathy.

I will-- I'll end it all.

SENRI: Was that--

YUKI: A gunshot?


YUKI: A vampire?

-Well now, a friend of
the Hunter, are you?

YUKI: A Level E.

-Tell me, are you going to try
to steal my dessert from me,


-You're in the way.

[crashing sounds]


Did he get away?

You're taking forever.

Hurry up.

-I really do hate playing chase.


Just go get him.

-Zero must be somewhere
in this place.




-My luck keeps getting better.

You're number two today.

-Now, now, don't be scared.

I promise I'll do my
best to be gentle.

[gun shot]

ZERO: Get your filthy
hands off of her now!


-How dare you!

ZERO: This ridiculous
chase ends here.


What are you--

ZERO: I'm carrying out an
order as a vampire hunter.

-Your desire for
blood has turned you

into a serial killer.

I will purge you of your sin.

-So then, it's over, huh?

I guess-- this means I will
finally stop killing people.

[gun shot]

[music playing]


-Hey, disciplinary committee.

We picked up a girl
in another room.

You want her?

She's still alive.

-That's great, Zero.

You hear that?

She's still alive.

You rescued me as well.

So thank you.

KANAME: I know that you
would never betray her.


[music playing]


-I found Zero!

His eyes are so sad.

They're wonderful.

I'm so glad he's becoming
such a handsome boy!

And then there's that yummy
looking girl with him!

I've made up my mind!

I will be going to
Cross Academy, too!

[music playing]