Vampire Knight (2008): Season 1, Episode 6 - Their Choice - full transcript

Zero tried to sink his fangs into Yuki, but he was able to get hold of himself just before he succumbed to his urge. However, there is someone who is trying to kill him: the new teacher Yagari.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
my fault-- your eye.

I'm sorry, Master.

You told me to
run, and I didn't.


[sighs] Keep looking
at me like that,

and I'm going to regret the
fact that I risked my life

to save your neck.

Now, come on, I
didn't save your life

just so you could
look at me like that.

-Master, why do
vampires do that?

Why do they try and hurt people?

-Because they are pitiful beings
who live only by instinct.

Then it is for that simple
reason why we hunt them.

That's why hunters, like the
Kiryu family and I, exist.

Zero, do you understand now?


can only be our enemies.

[theme music]



YAGARI: Even if
it's just a graze,

it probably hurts like hell.

A spell was put on that
bullet to kill vampires.


-Zero, even with your thirst
for blood, do you still

have a reason to brace yourself?



-Mr. Yagari, listen.

It's clear to me
that you and Zero

have a connection
with each other

that I don't know
anything about.

But I will not let you
decide Zero's fate for him.

I will not let you kill him!

-Are you saying he
isn't a Level E yet?

-Yuki, it's OK.


-You pushed things too far!

I thought there might
be a problem, and look!

This is a perfect example
why I hate vampire hunters.

And how much longer
are you going

to keep a girl in cold water?

You must be freezing.

Here, grab my hand.

Or not.

-I want to know now.

Who are you?

-When Zero was training
to be a vampire hunter,

I was his mentor.

Right, Zero?

-It's true.


-You really are the adopted
daughter of that silly twit.

Zero was about to attack
you, yet you consider me

as your enemy.


take over from here.

Yuki, go back to the dorm.

headmaster told me

that I didn't need to worry.

But if Zero's body keeps
rejecting the tablets,

then his thirst for blood
will just continue to grow.

And his mind is
being eaten away.

If things continue
like this, then Zero

will devolve into a Level E.



-Did-- did I wake you up?

I'm sorry.

-You know, Yuki, uh, if you need
me to help you with something,

you just have to ask.

Whatever it is that's
been bothering you lately,

you can tell me.

ZERO (VOICEOVER): Yuki, it's OK.

It's OK.




didn't come to school.

-Come on, now!

Look back, everybody!

Day Class students, the
time has come for all of you

to go back to your dorms!

[girls shrieking]




-What happened to Zero?

Did you do something to him?

-We quarantined him, of course.


-He's at a point where
he can attack somebody

at any given moment now.

This way, I can at
least deal with him

properly without the risk
of there being more victims.

-What's going on?

Is Zero safer now?

Is he all right?

I want to know where he is!

-Let's go of me.

I have more pressing
matters to attend.

Your idiot headmaster keeps
making my life miserable.

He has me teaching Ethics
to the Night Class now.

What a joke!


-Go do your own job.

-You know, Yuki, I haven't
seen Zero at all today.

For his own good, you should
reconsider your request.

His place is in the Night Class.

[door shuts]

there something I can do?

-I'm Toga Yagari.

And I will be your Ethics
teacher starting today.

Before we start--
hello, vampires.

[students gasp]

-Yagari, that's the
name of the best vampire

hunter working right now.

And this guy's our
new Ethics teacher?

-So he's responsible for
last night's gunfire.

-You all relax.

There's no need to worry.

Today, I'm fully
qualified and certified

to be a legitimate
teacher for this class.

-So then, you've come here
to spy on the Night Class,

have you?

Or maybe the real
reason you're here

is so that you can try and
kill one of us, Mr. Yagari?

-Well, now, hello, Kaname Kuran.

Regrettably, my execution list
is completely empty right now.

But if you find my lecture
boring and you fall asleep,

I may very well add
your name to it.

-How dare you say
that to Lord Kaname?

-Ruka, just relax, OK?


-I will try to be
careful, Teacher.



-So are there any questions?

Well, then, that will be all.

Class is dismissed.

Look, a little welcome gift.

You know, I think I'll just keep
this as a memento from the time

that I'll spend
teaching vampires.


-You're still here?

-I'm not moving from this
spot until you tell me

where it is you put Zero.

-Try as you may, there's
nothing a good girl

like you can do for him now.

But if you still insist on
seeing him, go right ahead.

You can find him in the
headmaster's guest room.

[running footsteps]



ZERO: Yuki.

How did you--

-Why are you
staying in this room

just because that
guy told you to?

Zero, there's no
lock on this door,

so why don't you just leave?

-Go home.

-Hold on!

Why are you doing
whatever that guy says?

-My family has been vampire
hunters for many generations.

Even my parents were
vampire hunters.

When I was a kid, there would
be long stretches of time

when my parents would go away.

That man would look
after my brother and me

as both our teacher
and our guardian.

And that was when
it happened, when

I saw what they call a Level
E vampire for the first time.

The head nurse at
our grade school

was a kind and beautiful woman.

But in truth, she was a vampire
that was formerly a human.

One day, she
suddenly transformed

into a ferocious vampire
right in front of us.

-No, don't!

She's a good person.

She doesn't deserve this!


-At that moment, even
when her neck was smashed,

she continued to bare her fangs
until the moment she died.

And I became afraid of vampires
for the first time ever.

My master risked his life
to teach me that lesson.

And so if he says that he
has to kill me, then I--


The truth is, the only
thing you're doing right now

is choosing to hide in this
room and give up on yourself!

You're the one who made
me take that gun even

though I said I didn't want it.

So don't run away from me!

Let me in.

-Yuki, what are you--

-No one will notice us in here.

Let's continue where
we left off last night.


-Since Yuki has
such a kind heart--

-I realize now that this is the
only thing I can do for you.

-Yuki, what are you saying?

-This is the best way.

Zero, drink my blood.

You'll feel better, even
if only for a little while.

-Please don't.

I can't.

I would never forgive myself.

-Yes, I know.


-I'm sorry, Zero.

We'll do the most
forbidden act of all.


I'm scared.

That vampire is going to eat me.

YUKI (VOICEOVER): I'm afraid.

-Zero, are you all right?

-This being I've
become is despicable.

Even if I loathe vampires, even
if I don't want to hurt anyone,

I can't stop myself
from lusting for blood.

Yuki, just give up on me.

You know it, too.

This is just like
the blood tablets.

This doesn't solve anything.

It's simply a temporary measure.


Before I acquire a
taste for your blood.

-Just give up on you?

How could you ask me to do that?

I made a promise to you.

And I'll keep it,
no matter what.

I promised you that
I would stop you.

And I don't care if you refuse
or even if you hate me, Zero.

I will tame the beast in you
as many times as necessary.

You are not a Level E!

And I'm not going
to let you die!

If you want, you can hate
me along with the vampires!

But the one thing
I won't let you do

is give up on everything!

-How could I ever hate you?


-Are you all right?


-Uh, yeah, I feel fine.

I don't even think I
feel faint this time.

Don't worry about me.

I'm fine, as usual.

And I won't have any problems
going to school tomorrow


Nothing has changed, Zero.

And tomorrow, come
back to class.

Do it for me, please.

Do it for both of us!

YUKI (VOICEOVER): Both of us
understand, but neither of us

will say it.

It's a sin to keep a
vampire alive by offering

my own blood as bait.

We are doing
something forbidden.

No one must find out about this.

-So what have you been
doing this evening, Yuki?

-Uh, why isn't Night Class
in session right now?

-They're finished.

I sent everyone
back to the dorm.

I have business with
the headmaster now.

-Oh, I see.

-The ends of your
hair, they're wet.

What were you washing away?


Of course, he knows.

He realizes what's happened.

Don't look.

Don't look at Zero's
bite marks, please.

-Kaname, what are you--

-When did this happen to us?

Just when did you stop talking
to me about everything, Yuki?


-I hope that what
you're trying to protect

doesn't end up only
causing you more pain.

You should go to bed now, Yuki.


myself I would never

regret what I did for Zero.

But what I don't
understand is why

that makes my
heart hurt so much.

MALE SPEAKER: A vampire that
gently holds a young girl, huh?

I don't really give
a damn why you've

chosen to give that
girl special treatment.

But no matter what your
feelings for her are, of course,

you realize what she's done.

And I bet, inside, you're
burning with rage right now.

Yet somehow, you still behave
like a perfect honor student.

And I don't like it.

Well, what's your motive?

Why won't you tear
Zero to shreds?

-It's so that I
won't lose my girl.


BOY: I guess Ethics is next.

should be in class by now.

Please come.

I want to know that
you're all right, Zero.

-Why are the curtains
still closed?

So how's your right shoulder?

I know it just grazed you.

But a vampire gun can
do a lot of damage.

Although vampires heal quickly,
it will take quite some time.

That is, unless you drink the
blood from a living human.


-Class President,
is this study hall?


No one ever tells me anything!

BOY: Mr. Yagari sure is late.



-I'm so stupid!

I shouldn't have
left Zero alone!




-You decided to stop
waiting for me to kill you.

Tch, don't you even
remember that day?

You swore to me
that you would never

make me regret losing my
eye to save your life.

That was a solemn oath
you made to me that day

and promised you
would always uphold.

Watching you right now made
me want to kill you for real.

I have no intention
of saving a kid who

only wants to take
the easy way out.

Struggle till you
can struggle no more.

It's your life, even if it
will be covered in blood.

Don't run away, Zero.

Now, girl--

-What-- what do
you want from me?

-If he starts going berserk
again, I want you to stop him.

But you'll get hurt if
you treat him gently.

Listen, he won't stop unless
you put a bullet in him.

Otherwise, he's just
going to keep coming.

A bullet is probably
the best thing for him.

What you choose to do
after that is up to you.

-So then you shot Zero
at the pool because you--

-I could have taken him in
one shot, if I wanted it.

I wouldn't miss at that range.

Are you kidding?

Wouldn't happen.

Zero, that woman, seems
she's still alive.


YUKI (VOICEOVER): That woman?



-Zero, I really thought
you were going to die.

-Yuki, hmm.

Stop crying, OK?

I promise, I won't
run away anymore.


not regret my decision.

[music playing]