Vampire Knight (2008): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Night of the Vampires - full transcript

The prestigious private school, Cross Academy, consists of two sessions, the Day Class and Night Class. Although the Night Class consists of students that are all beautiful, intelligent elites, they are in fact vampires!

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
LITTLE GIRL: It's cold.

White snow.

LITTLE GIRL: What is "white"?

What's "snow"?

something that is not red.

then, what is "red"?

-Are you lost, little girl?


-I want your blood.

Beasts in human form

would drink the blood
of living humans.



-No, don't!

They are--

[little girl shrieks]

-A disgrace to all vampires.


You must never get
close to a vampire.


-Is everything all right?

If you do,

their gaze will enslave you.

[theme music]

This is Cross Academy,

a famous private school
where all the students live

on campus in the dorms.


-Don't push!


-All right, everyone, step back.

It's way past curfew for
all you Day Class students.

So just turn around and
go back to your dorms.

-We can see what you're
trying to do, Yuki.

It's so obvious.

You just want to keep the Night
Class students all to yourself!

-Yeah, you're taking
advantage of the fact

that you're the
headmaster's daughter.


That's not true!

I'm on the
Disciplinary Committee.



[gate closes]


I'm too late again!




Please proceed.

[girls swooning]

-Good morning, girls.

I could hear you loud
and clear from the dorm.

You're all looking
quite cute today.

-Oh, look, it's Idol.

I mean, Aidou.



-Oh, relax.

You're so stiff, Akatsuki.


Over here!


-Hello, Akatsuki!




[girls gasp]

-I want to be shot, too!










-Is everything all right?

memory is of that snowy day.

-[gasps] I'm fine, Kaname.

-Thank you for all your help.

-Yeah, sure.

That's what the
Disciplinary Committee does.

-When you act reserved like
this, I feel a bit lonely.

-Um, I'm sorry.

But I guess it's because
you're the one who

came and saved my
life that day, Kaname.

-Don't worry about that anymore.

That was so long ago.



-Your class has begun, Kaname.

You should go now.

-Uhh, hm.

-You're so scary, Mr.
Disciplinary Committee.



-Um, Kaname?

Would you please accept this?

-Thank you.

-You all need to get back
to your dorms, right now!

[girls shriek]

-Every day, they're out
here screaming and throwing

themselves at--

-Why are you acting
cocky, stupid jerk.

You're late!

It's our job as the Disciplinary
Committee to set an example!

-Oh, yeah?

Well, I could say the
same thing about you!

You're so obvious,
it's pathetic.


-Listen, it's really
none of my business

whether you like
that guy or not.

But you do know, right?

-Oh, shut up!

Of course, I know.

I know that they're--

-Hello there, Seiren.

-I will take that, Lord Kaname.

-Thank you.

--that they are

completely different from us.

I'm well aware of that.

TEACHER: This tablet,
developed by the Night Class,

is very effective and has
been accepted worldwide.

You are all not just the
pride of this school,

but also, the entire
vampire realm.


-It's not that a big of a deal.

-All we did was take
part in some group study.

-I really hate that guy!

Who does Zero Kiryu
think he is anyway?

Grabbing dorm president,
Kuran, like that!

-What's this?

Well, now, this looks to
me like someone in love.

-Ugh, what?

I'd destroy that Disciplinary
Committee in a second

if they just let me!

-Yes, but, they
do have that girl.

And she looks quite yummy.



-Time to feed.

-Lord Kuran, I've noticed that
you seem awfully interested

in that girl.

-Yes, you're right.


That hurts.

That hurts.

That hurts.

That hurts!

Ruka, do you wish to die!


-The clouds will soon
obscure the moon.

SHIKI: Yes, it will be our time.

-The night is made for vampires.

YUKI (VOICEOVER): They are the
beings who hide in the shadows

and are the source of legends.

And the secret we must protect
is their very existence.

-Why are we doing this?

Come on, Headmaster.

Our job is to work security, not
be bodyguards for celebrities!

-I know doing this every
night is hard on you.


-And if you're aware of
that, then why don't you

increase the number of people
in the Disciplinary Committee?

All I got is this girl.

And she's useless!

-Oh, I don't have to
take lip from someone

who's late all the time!

-That won't happen.

It's our job to keep their
identities a complete secret.

I mean, that's why the Academy
is set up the way it is,

so we can keep the Day
Class and the Night Class

separate from each other.

For the two to
coexist, Day Class

mustn't know the truth
about Night Class.

And that's why your work as
Guardians is so critical.

You are the only two I
can trust with this duty.


HEADMASTER: I know you work
all night and people hate you

and that it's a thankless task.

But by giving this job to my
dear son and loving daughter,

I alleviate any sense of guilt!

-I admit, I do have
certain obligations to you.

But I do not remember
agreeing to become your son.

-You're such a stickler
for details, Zero.

-You are actually
his daughter, Yuki.

Why don't you be the one to try
to talk some sense into him?


Hm, well, it seems to me
the Night Class is actually

doing a pretty good
job of getting along

with the Day Class.

And I really don't mind
having to help out.

-You're such a good girl.

You make me so proud of you!


-Call me "father."

-Um, OK, Father.

-Yuki, you are the only one who
truly understands my pacifist


You see, it has
long been my dream

to finally reach a day when
we can, once and for all,

bring an end to the dark
shared history between vampires

and humans.

With their open minds
and keen intellect,

today's youth can bridge the
gap and bring harmony between us

species for the first
time in centuries.

That's why I do what I do,
why I created the Night Class!

-I'm out of here.



[door closes]

-Well, I understand
what Zero is saying.

There are vampires
that attack humans.

If people knew the
truth about Night Class,

it would cause an uproar.


Well, Kaname is different!

He, too, believes in
pacifism and other vampires

have followed, proving
your ideology can work!


Uh, huh, again?

-It's all going to work.

You just leave it to us,
Guardians, Headmaster.

I'll be on patrol.

-It's father.


I have no memories

of my life prior to age 5.

When Kaname saved me on
that fateful snowy night,

he brought me to the
house of an acquaintance

of his, Headmaster Cross.

And without any questions or
having any idea who I was,

he took me in.

If it weren't for Kaname,
I wouldn't be here today.

That night, 10 years ago,
turned out to be my beginning.

To be honest, it's Kaname
who was truly my beginning.

-Oh, hello.

Thank you for all
your hard work.


-Uh, Yuki is very interesting.

There's not a single
girl in the Night Class

who's anything like her.


And for someone so
used to the dark,

she's a rather blinding sight.

-You know, everyone
likes living here.

But don't forget, because of a
request we received from you,

a Pureblood, we're abiding
the rules of the humans,

but just barely.

-I know that, Ichijo.



He and I, we're so different.

The world that he lives in,
the things he sees-- ungh!

All right!

Much better!


MAN: Yuki!


-Yuki, they're serving
Ginger Pork Stir-Fry today.

-It's time to chow down!



-Another nap?

You know, between you and Zero--



-The Disciplinary Committee
must be quite taxing for you.

-[chuckles] No, it's all right.

I can handle it.

TEACHER: Stay after class!

YUKI: [groans]

[bell rings]

-Aw, again.

-You have it rough, Yuki.

Working all night, only
getting sleep during class.

You're like a vampire.


What are you talking about?

You don't think vampires
really exist, do you?

-No, of course not.

-Yeah, me neither.

-Well, hang in there.


Are you leaving now?

If you have time, can you
stay and study with me?


-Because I hate
studying with Zero.

It's so boring!

-Well, why is that?

-I thought you two were
pretty good friends.


-Oh, by the way,
Zero left already.



What is it Lily?



I found you at last!

Guardians should set an
example and not skip out early!



-Easy there, Lily.

Calm down.

She's a very simple,
uncomplicated girl.

She is by no means a threat to
you, even if she tried to be.

-What did you just say?

ZERO: You came to
bring me back to class?

-No, it's over.

You can't skip out when
we have to stay late.

Now, it's time for us to go
and patrol the switch-over.

-I know that.

are places in Zero's mind

that are totally off-limits
to everyone else.

-Friends, huh.

You know, for whatever reason,
when Zero sleeps next to you,

he sleeps like a baby.


since that snowy night,

there's been one simple wish
that I'd been holding on to.

BOY: How's Kaname Kuran tonight?


-I know he's your hero.

-I wasn't just
looking at Kaname!

Stop acting like
you know everything!

So far, so good.

Seems to me like the Night
Class is behaving just fine

this evening.

And it doesn't look
like anyone from the Day

Class is wandering
around either. [giggles]

All in all, it's
a peaceful night.

Safe and sound at the Academy!

-Come on, you don't
really believe that.


ZERO: You honestly think
things are going well

between the Day Class
and Night Class.

-Of course, I do.

It's my hope that vampires
and humans can all

get along someday.

That's what we're
working towards.

-I know the headmaster thinks
the Night Class is on his side,

that they believe in
his pacifist views,

and they are good vampires.

But I don't believe
it, not for a second.

-Yeah, but-- [sighs]

-I agreed to be a Guardian
for just one reason.

No matter what, someday, I will
find the most effective way

to destroy every one of
those beasts in human form.

I'm going inside.

always been like this.

-I'd like you to
meet Zero Kiryu.

Starting from today, I'll
be taking care of him.

Be nice to him, Yuki.

His family was killed
by a bad vampire.

could see his hatred.

It's taken four years, and
he's opened up a little bit.

We can joke, and I feel closer.

But still, I get it.

I know not every vampire is
as calm and nice as Kaname.

I mean, even my parents,
who I've no memory of,

could have easily been
attacked by vampire.

But still--

-Uh, oh, jeez, Day Class
students are on the prowl


I want your name and
class, right now!

I think you two know very well
that school rules strictly

forbid you from wandering
around at night.

It's dangerous.

Go back to your dorm!

-We just came out here to take
a picture of the Night Class


-What's the big deal?

It's harmless. [gasps]

-Are you OK?

Can you walk?

-Did you get hurt?

Oh, no, you're bleeding.

Go back to your dorm, now!


-Hurry up!

Who's there?

-So scary.

The headmaster has
trained you well.


Oh my gosh!


It's Akatsuki Kain and Hanabusa
Aidou from the Night Class.

No way!

-No need for all this fuss.

We just came out here
because we smell blood.

You're so mean, Yuki.

You know the real reason
we came out here tonight.

Aah, you smell so nice.

-I don't believe it!

What do we do?

-He likes our smell!

-Listen here, Aidou.

If you so much as lay a
finger on one of these girls,

I will-- uh.

-Did you fall?


-What smells good, Yuki,
is the smell of your blood.


That must have happened when
I dropped from that tree.

-Uh, Aidou!

-Really, it is so tempting.


Are those fangs?

-He's a vampire?


-Aidou, let go!

I said, let go!

-Oh, but I want more.

May I partake from your neck?


You can't have any at all!

Now, let go of me!

-Hanabu-- drinking blood on
school grounds is strictly


Has the smell of blood made
you lose control, vampire?

-Zero, hold on!

-But I already
tasted her. [slurps]



-You can't shoot him, idiot!

KANAME: Ahh, that Bloody Rose.


KANAME: Would you
please put that away?

I'm afraid that weapon you have
is rather threatening to us.

-Kaname, uh, I--

-I'll escort these
fools to the headmaster

myself to receive
their punishment.

-Dorm president, Kuran.

-Zero, is that all right?


-Just get them out
of here, Kaname.

-Akatsuki, because you
did nothing to stop Aidou,

you are guilty, too.


-Now then, for the
two who have fainted,

I'll have their memory
of tonight erased.

And I will take them to
the headmaster's as well.

Is that OK?

-Uh, yes.

Thank you.

-I'm sorry he scared you.

That was wrong of him, Yuki.

-No, it's OK.

It was just a little bite.

More like a nibble, really.

-Let's go.

-Uh, ah, hold on, Zero.

What are you doing?

Zero, you were so
rude to Kaname!

-This place reeks of blood.

And it's making me sick.



-The smell is disgusting,
and they like it.

Further proof they are beasts.

been nursing that blackness

in his heart for four years.

Is it possible for
me to erase that?

Just when it feels like we're
beginning to get closer,

that's when he inevitably
pulls back again.

Isn't there anything
at all that I can do?


You can't just
barge in like that!

-It isn't my fault the bath
in my dorm closes at dusk.

The headmaster's bath
is all I can use.


Don't strip naked
in front of a girl!



-Wait a sec.

You just thought it doesn't
matter because she's not

a real girl, didn't you?

All right, fine, then.

What are you doing?

-The smell of blood is gone.

-[sighs] Just shut up!

My hand did finally
stop bleeding now.

You know, according
to all the legends,

I might just turn
into a vampire myself.

I was attacked by a
vampire 10 years ago, too.

I guess my blood must
be really tasty to them.


-Just means I need to be
a little more careful.

It's my duty as a Guardian
to protect Cross Academy,

day and night!

Those guys can bite
me all they want,

but I'm going to heal up anyway.



(WHISPERS) Don't, Yuki.

Don't come any closer.

AIDOU: Suspended for 10 days.

For a taste of Yuki's blood,
it was totally worth it.

-I would let dorm president,
Kuran, hear you say that.

He'll get angry.

-That's what I want.

I'm sorry, but surviving
on just tablets

alone isn't enough for me.

Her blood was so irresistible.

I just--



-You just?

-I am so sorry.

-Well, that's what
you wanted, wasn't it?

-Shut up!

Shut up!

Shut up!

Shut up!


Beasts in human form who drink
the blood of living humans.

I must never get
close to a vampire.

If I do--


[music playing]