Unforgettable (2011–2016): Season 2, Episode 9 - Flesh and Blood - full transcript

Carrie catches a deadly assassin who has eluded her before, but must put her personal vendetta aside when it's revealed that the woman has vital information to prevent a terrorist attack on New York City.

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Previously on Unforgettable...

They're called Alpha Five. A covert
paramilitary unit from the former Soviet Union.

Jacqueline Mikhailova, goes by Jackie M.

Interpol considers her
a person of interest in

eight assassinations in
the last few years alone.

- That's her! That's her! That's her!
- Move! Move!

He was poisoned using tomexide.

You see the injection site?

I'd like to thank you all...

Drop your weapon.

No! She's dead.

We found the ambulance, no trace of Jackie.

Al, we can't just let her go.

- Oh, you're all squared away.
- Good.

I'm exhausted.

Think you'll manage not to kick the
covers off five minutes after I'm gone?

Then I wouldn't get to
listen to you complain.

It'll be somebody else's
problem. I'm off-duty.

Try not to drive the next
nurse crazy, will you?

You know I only like to drive you crazy.

Miss me already?

Find the lady if you can. 1 in
3. 1 in 3. Be all you can be.

Almost my man, almost.

- I'm all tapped out, man.
- Hey.

- I'll take a shot.
- Oh yeah?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Place your bet.
- All right. 20.

20, take that.

Find the lady if you can. 1 in
3. 1 in 3. Be all you can be.

- Want to go again?
- Again?

I don't know. I... I...

- Double it up.
- All right, all right.

You know what? I'm feeling lucky today.

Why don't we triple?

- That's what I'm talking about.
- Second time, you aren't gonna win...

Let's see, let's see.. alright.
Find the lady if you can.

1 in 3. 1 in 3. Be all you can be.

Find the lady, where is she?

- You sure, that one?
- Yeah.


Game's over, lady.

Game's over?

- Game's over.
- Game is over.

How about that?

Have a nice day. Here you go,
boys, don't spend it all at once.

Hey thanks, lady.

- Hey.
- Hey Carrie, I might have something.

It's about her.

Sending it to you now.

Got this footage from a camera outside
Eastside Hospital, 12 minutes ago.

Looks like she was on her way in.

Can you enhance it?

It is enhanced.

How close is this one?

Any facial recognition match over

25% triggers my alert.
This one shows a 42% match.

Highest one yet.

Eastside Hospital? I'll head over.

Are you sure?

No disrespect to your
trolling software, Jay,

but the last, what, 10 times? It's nothing.

9 times. And listen, it's East 63rd
Street, I'm five minutes from there.

All right. I'll cover with Eliot.

Be careful.

Jay, have Jo meet me at the hospital, ok?

Copy that.

Ah, Detective Wells, Bob Conti, I'm Chief
of Staff here at the hospital, and...

- Yeah, this is...
- Joanne Webster, to what do we owe the honor?

- I'm sorry, do I know you?
- I took your class at Fordham.

- Oh, Forensic Pathology.
- No, Knitting to Reduce Stress.

- It was a summer elective.
- I still have those alpaca slippers I made.

- Softest darn things.
- Aren't they soft, it's like, kitties on your feet.

Oh, wow, that's... so, Jo.

Doctor Conti, do you have a
list of people who died here,

- in, say, the past two hours.
- Of course.

What exactly are you looking for?

I'm not sure yet.

Here we go.

Uh, gangbanger, came in with
gunshot wound to the head.

3 hours ago. Died in the ER.

Construction worker fell
from 4 stories up, and...

uh, that's infortunate. 54 year-old
man, liver disease, seizure...

- just 15 minutes ago...
- 15 minutes ago?

That's the one.

Theodore Muscat. We're trying to
locate the family for notification.

Body should be moved momentarily.

He was being treated
for cavernous hemangioma.

Nurse picked up an alarm, he coded
by the time she got in the room.

- Jo, check for an injection site.
- I... don't understand.

I don't think there is one, but Carrie,

this man's trachea has been crushed.

These types of seizure can be violent.

Not this violent. The
cartilage is flattened.

You asked to see the security video from the ward,

it's up on the computer in the nurses' station.

- Great.
- Yeah.

Ok, where are you?

Show me your face, come on.

Look up, look up, look up.

I was hoping to never see you again.



She's back.

Why would Jackie risk
coming back into the country

- to kill a high school science teacher.
- I wanted to kill my high school science teacher.

Gave me a D in tenth grade.

I had to go to summer school.

Jay, what do we got on our victim?

Theodore Muscat,

lived in Mamaroneck, been teaching at
Lakeside High for the past three years.

Before that, at a high school in Ohio for twelve years.

Not married, no record, nothing unusual.

There has got to be some connection here.

Did you cross him with what we
know of past Alpha Five operations?

There's nothing.

Now, we know that Alpha Five
was created by KGB officers

to be an elite paramilitary group,

and that they secretly trained in the Caucasus,

so far I see nothing that links Muscat to
any past Alpha Five terrorist activity.

Jackie kills anyone who gets in her way.

Maybe Muscat's death was collateral
damage on her way to something else.

The question is: on her way to what?

Ted was one of our most popular teachers.

With the faculty and with his students.

Any problems outside of
work that you know of?

No. The school was pretty
much everything to him.

He was at all the plays,

dances, graduation.

Didn't talk much about his personal life.

Were you aware of anyone who
might have wanted to hurt him?

N... no, but I... I don't understand.

He was sick, I thought that's
how he died. Did something happen?

We can't say any more than that.

"And they secretly trained in the Caucasus."

Did... did he ever say,

where he grew up, where he was from?

I think the Midwest, he said.

What are these?

Ted really led the way, with the
whole paperless classroom thing,

he had his kids hand in all
their work on those USB sticks.

Back in his hospital room,

Ted Muscat had a USB cap that
was missing it's flashdrive.

In his room, there was a poster
of a valley below Mt. Elbrus.

That is where the Alpha
Five training camp is.

An Alpha Five agent was working
as a public school teacher,

- in Mamaroneck?
- I know, I know it sounds crazy.

But maybe, just maybe,

he's more than a science teacher.

Carrie was right. Ted Muscat,

aka Yevgeni Vayzov.

Alpha Five through and through.

Suspected in at least 7
bombings throughout Europe,

from 1995 to 2009.


the Deutchland bank attack
which killed 170 people.

I'd hate to have detention in his class.

The whole world must
be looking for this guy.

They were. Until he died.

3 years ago.

Vayzov was on a G4 that went down
off the coast of Majorqua in 2010.

No survivors. Turns out,

the three other passengers were all

top Alpha Five operatives.

All of them reported dead.

Petra Kekilli.

Sergei Kirsakov.

And some guy I can only
identify right now as Victor.

I'm looking into all of them.

2010, that corresponds with the start
of Muscat's teaching career in Mamaroneck.

I may have had some luck with
our school teacher's phones.

I traced four calls in two days

from his school office

to the Upper West Side townhouse,

of this guy.

Jimmy Serrano.

Guy's a hedge fund manager
worth a couple hundred million.

Looks like the feds have been
sniffing around him for a decade.

Suspected money laundering
for illegal arms deals.

If Alpha Five is up to something,

they'll need financing. And someone who
knows how to move money around quietly.

You know, the feds might already have an
existing search warrant out on Serrano's place.

I'll see if maybe we can go piggy-back.

How are things going?

Uh, well, I'm just trying
to connect the dots.

Problem is, you have to actually be able
to see the dots before you can connect them.

Well, you think it's your girl?

Well, we have her on the
video outside the hospital.

And the guy she killed was Alpha
Five. Yeah, I'm sure she's our girl.

Any idea why she'd want to
off a member of her team...


You're doing that thing again.

What? The ear twitching thing?

No. The dancing around what you really
wanna say by asking obvious questions thing.

I do. I do wanna say...

Jackie is a deadly international assassin,

and we should probably bring
the feds in on this one.

No! I know how she thinks.
I can get inside her head.

And she can get inside yours.

Don't be so sure, it's
like a maze up there.

- Carrie...
- Hmm?

If we stick with this, I need to know
I'm not being dragged into some...

personal grudge match
between the two of you.


Let me guess.

He's worried your personal
stake in catching Jackie,

is gonna compromise your
professional judgement.

Why does everyone keep using
the word "personal" here?

I am a cop, we catch bad guys.

That is what we do. That is what I'm doing.

I beat you at tennis a long time ago,

you still can't let it go.

August 2001. You said that
ball was out when it was in,

and what the hell does that
have to do with anything?

Jackie kills six people,

and then outsmarts you and
disappears right under your nose.

She won, you lost.

- It's personal.
- Listen, I said I was gonna take her Russian ass down.


When she... she got away
from me the last time,

and that is what I intend to do.

You know, she got away from me too.

Which is why we're gonna
take her down. Together.


I like the sound of that.

Ball was out.

It was in.

You guys are really unbelievable.

I mean, this is the fourth
search in three months,

maybe tell me what you're looking for,

and... and I can go get it.

You've been investigated
for money laundering,

- insider trading...
- Investigated and cleared.

- And investigated and cleared again.
- Listen, we're not with the IRS,

we're not with the SEC.

We're with Major Crimes. We're
investigating a homicide, a murder.

- What?
- And we've got several calls to your private office,

- from our victim.
- Oh my God, who was it?

Ted Muscat, science teacher
from Mamaroneck. You know him?

- No, I've never heard of him.
- Neither have I.

What about Yevgeni Visov?

No idea why he'd be calling you?

No, maybe he got the wrong number.

Does anyone else have
access to your office phone?

No, I mean, my wife and I, and Estelle.

- Estelle?
- Our nanny.

Is she here? Can I talk to her?

No she just left. She took
our daughters to the park.

- I don't understand.
- Do you have a picture of her?

Yeah, I think so.

Yeah, sure, here.

This is from when, uh...

we took the kids to Maui.

Petra Kekilli.

Where's the park?

No, I can't go back to
the ice cream truck again.

Your mom will kill me.

It's not the mother I'd
worry about if I were you.

I want you to go play
over by the swing set.

The one with the ladybugs.

Stay there, don't come back, until
I come get you, do you understand?

You look good for a ghost.

You shouldn't have come, Jackie.

I'd rather do this the easy way and let you
join these girls on the ladybug swing.

Where is he, Petra?

You know I can't tell you.

I'm sure you've heard about Yevgeni.

He was sick.

And weak.

I am not so weak.

All right, get back. Step back.

Move back. Move back. Move away.

How much you wanna bet, tomexide poisoning?

It's gotta be Jackie.

Listen to me, you gotta
canvass this park, ok?

Blonde, white female. Get it over the air.

Hold all these witnesses.

She was just here.

- Find her.
- We're on it.

She was their nanny for three years,

she must have been using
Serrano's accounts for Alpha Five.

Three years after she supposedly died
in a plane crash, just like Visov.

We're dealing with a sleeper cell, Al.

There were two more operatives on
that plane, we have to find them.

It's Jay, we gotta get
back to the Serrano house.

I found these behind the
dresser in the nanny's room.

What are we looking at?

After September 11,

we got special training
to spot this kind of thing.

It's a high capacity semiconductor 7DVR.

- Which means?
- It's top of electronic fuse, really sophisticated.

Our high school science
teacher knew what he was doing

A fuse for what?

This goes way above my pay
grade so I can't be sure.

But I recognize some of the components.

The neutron reflectors give it away.

A bomb.

A nuclear bomb.


Special Atomic Demolition Munition.

Developed by US military in the 60s
for battlefield use against the Soviets.

Very similar to the legendary Russian

RA 115.

- Suitcase nuke?
- Little guy packs a big punch.

No one's ever seen one, except on paper.

And it's really tough to build,
even if you find the materials.

This particular Alpha
Five team could pull it off.

Our mystery man, Victor,

turns out to be Victor Victor Siyenko.

The top Alpha Five operative in the world.

How much damage would something like that do?

Well, the explosive yield
would be way less than a kiloton.

But still,

it going off in Manhattan,
radiation and all,

I mean, you're looking at
fatalities in the tens of thousands,

not to mention near
permanent contamination...

All right, I've already looped in
the feds, but we gotta get out there.

All of us, talk to every CI,
anyone you've ever met who might...


In my office. Now.

All right, get on it.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.


Lieutenant Burns,

Agent Storn and Stone from the
International Counterterrorism Agency.

We've already notified
Homeland and the FBI.

And they notified us.

This is gonna be a joint
operation. ICA will take the lead.

All right.

- How much do you know?
- Not a hell of a lot more than you, I imagine.

ICA's been following chatter about a
possible attack in Manhattan for weeks now.

But we had no idea it
involved a nuclear device.

You were right.

Victor and his elite team from Alpha Five didn't die.

- Merely put to bed.
- As sleeper agents in the US,

they could wait for the right assignment.

We think that Jackie is part of the team again.

But she is killing her teammates.

Maybe she's the cleaner.

Taking out her teammates once they've
finished their part of the job.

Wouldn't explain her taking the
USB drive though, would it.

Yeah, that is a good point, Detective.

We hope that together
we can find some answers.

Well, why don't we start by finding the
last member of Victor's sleeper team.

- Fact is, we already got him.
- What?

What? In custody?

Not yet, but we're on him.

We're thinking, we hold
him out as bait for Jackie,

who leads us to Victor...

- who leads us to the bomb.
- Exactly.

Have a look.

Sergei Kirsikov,

real charmer. Changes
identities constantly.

He's the deal maker.

The face of Alpha Five.

His new identity is Gordon Purcell.

The import-export guy.

His new identity includes

a blonde wife, one kid, another on
the way, and a house in Irvington.

He leads a spotless life.

His one weakness...

pretty young women.

Once a month, he takes a suite
at the Rotterdam on Park Avenue.

Today's the day.

He likes to keep a low profile,

so he only takes two bodyguards with him.

That's when Jackie will make her move.

And that's when we take her.

- Here comes Sergei.
- Here we go.

Target now in lobby. Do
you have eyes on him, Stone?

Copy that.

Sergei took a phone call.
Girlfriend's on her way up.

Target now on the move.

Team Three reporting. No movement.

Copy that.

She's not just gonna walk into this, ok?

I'm telling you, she's
way smarter than that.

Our people have been
over every inch of the interior.

She's gotta come in from the outside.


Don't use all the hot water.

We're going to be in there a long time.


Would you like a drink?

Don't think you're going to have
time for that shower, Sergei.

Why should he see you?

I have something he wants.

And he has something you want.

But I don't think he's
going to give it to you.

Tell me where Victor is,
and I'll let you live.

One time offer.

Between friends.

You made the same offer
to our friends Pietra and Yevgeni?

They were stupid enough to fight back.

But, you, you're smarter than that.

You love life.

He only communicates by text.

- This is taking too long.
- Easy does it.

Show me 49th Street. Side entrance.

Can you zoom in on that quadrant?

"Body should be moved momentarily."

"He was being treated
for cavernous hemangioma."

That van was at the hospital.

- I saw it leave just after we got there.
- Are you sure?

Yeah, she's sure.

Target is here. Repeat, target is here.

- She's in the hotel.
- That's impossible.

- Let's go.
- Get up to that room, now.

Team Six, we believe the target is in the hotel.

Converge on the room.


Go ahead, I'll stay here.

To the right, go!


She was here.

Kirsikov's dead.

- Do you need a cab, sir?
- No.


As I said,


You're going away a long time Jackie, there's
nothing anyone can do about that, but you're young,

you've got a lot of years ahead of you,

and right now, we can help you
determine the quality of those years.

I was thinking of a
little condo down in Boca.

Eastern exposure.

Can you make that happen?

Jesus! Where's that damn bomb?!


we know, you took a flashdrive off of
Yevgeni Visov before you killed him.

Did I?

If you say so.

- Tell us where it is, and we can help you.
- I don't need your help.

We know that Victor's
having you clean his team up.

But did you ever think that soon,

you're gonna be the only one
who's left to be cleaned up.

Believe me, I am not afraid of Victor.

They getting anywhere?

- No.
- Well, maybe this will be of interest.

Turns out, Russian Intelligence

briefly worked a mole
into Alpha Five back in '09.

Looks like there was a
lot of internal dissension

over Victor's romantic involvement
with one of his operatives.

One of his most effective operatives.

For whatever reason, this
individual wanted out of Alpha Five,

Victor forced her to stay.

A few months later,

Victor and his team disappeared
in that bogus plane crash.

"Believe me, I am not afraid of Victor."

Thank you, Murray.


- Would you mind...
- Detective,

I believed we agreed, ICA would
take the lead in this case.

Yes, we did. But um...

well, Jackie and I have an understanding.

Ten minutes?


Thank you.

- I wish you luck.
- Oh, well, I appreciate that. Thank you.

Last time I saw you,

you were dead.

- Hmm, briefly yes.
- Yeah.

Not long enough.

Actually, I found oblivion

- rather pleasant.
- Oh, I can make you dead again.

- I should, after what you did.
- It was never personal.

Oh that's not true Jackie.

Sometimes it's very... personal.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I'm not talking about
me, I'm talking about you.

And Victor.

You're not cleaning up for him, are you?

You're trying to hurt him.

I don't know what he did,

to you, but is it worth
killing thousands of people?

Depends what you imagine he did to me.

Where's the bomb, Jackie?

You know,

truth is, you interest me.

- Oh yeah?
- You're a strong woman,

but I worry about you.

You worry

- about me.
- This violent temperament...

If I may be so bold, I
imagine myself a bit of a...

- chemist.
- Yes, I have seen your work.

In order for the mind to work well,

you need the right chemistry in your body.

- Oh?
- You, you need more greens in your life.

Would help you master your emotions,

see more clearly.

A green smoothie.

That's it.

That's where you need to start.

With ginger maybe,

it's good for the nerves.

Full of ***.

And beet juice definitely.

Its health benefits are invaluable.

Know what I mean?

I have no idea.

Are you ok? What the hell
was she going on about?

I don't know, but if I spend one
more minute in there with her,

I can't be responsible
for what I'm gonna do.

We'll take it from here.

Listen to me, I need
to know what these mean.

Yeah, sure. Uh, could you give me a clue?

Jackie gave them to me.

I was watching you guys the whole time,
I didn't see her pass anything to you.

She must have followed me this morning,
and left those numbers in a place I'd see,

knowing I'd remember
them if she needed me to.

Whoa, wait a minute.

She left messages in your memory?

It's a little more
complicated than that, but...

- essentially, yes.
- Oh, man.

Ok, ok.

But why is she telling
you, if this could help her?

Why wouldn't she want the ICA guys to know?

- Jay?
- Yeah.

If I needed two minutes alone with her,

and I mean, alone,

could you get it for me?

No, no cameras, no Tom
and Jerry watching...

That depends, if I needed it,

could you get me immunity
from federal prosecution?


We've got work to do.


these are Jackie's numbers.

Ran cryptanalysis, block cipher,

Shor's quantum factoring,

all I got is a partial match on the
birth dates of the Fearsome Foursome.

L.A. Rams defensive frontback in the 60s?

Rosey Grier, Deacon Jones, Merlin...

- Merlin who?
- Olsen! I know who they are.

But what do they have to do with this?

- That's the problem. Nothing.
- Well, that leaves us nowhere.

Well, I wouldn't say nowhere.

- And I didn't even need an algorithm.
- What do you got?

When I first moved to Manhattan,

I got a post office box at the
James A. Farley Post Office,

the big one, right near Penn Station.

I knew there was something
about those numbers.

- P.O. box?
- Mm-hmm.

The first number,

I bet you that's the combination.

The second one's the box number.

You come up with anything?

Uh, nothing yet. You?

Agent Stone's contacted some people

about moving Jackie to a location
where she can be interrogated

- vigorously.
- She's Alpha Five, Storn.

She's not gonna talk,
whatever you do to her,

and if she does, it's not gonna be the truth.

I'll take my chances.

Ok, so I have two plainclothes
cops watching the P.O. box,


a warrant, to get inside of it.

- Great work, Murray.
- Yeah.

Hey, Johnny, looks like you've lost weight.

Hey, Carrie,

thanks for the tip on the CAL-TCU game.

Oh, yeah, well, you know...

easy money, right?

Listen, I have a favor,

could you...

give us a couple minutes alone?


- I'm not supposed to...
- Come on! I'll be quick.

Scout's honor.

Thank you.

You know, I've always wondered how it
would feel to break 33 laws at once.

How does it feel?

I'll let you know.

No, I'll let you know.

Good work.

What's on it?

I couldn't break the encryption.
Whatever it is, Victor wants it,

and I want Victor.

Why are you telling me
this? Why not the ICA guys?

They've been compromised.

Storn and Stone?

I'm not sure who exactly, but someone
in the ICA is working with Victor.

They killed Sergei, not me.

There's a codeword, Calamus.

Use it and you'll find out
everything you need to know.

Why are you telling me?

In my business, knowing whom to
trust is a matter of life and death.

I trust you.

Victor buys people with
money, with love, with fear.

But you,

you can't be bought.

- Am I wrong?
- No.

You, however, do have a price, and it
wasn't hard to find out what it is.

David, your son with Victor.

Am I wrong?

What happened to the camera feed?

I don't know, sir. Uh...

system must be overloaded, but don't
worry about it, I'm gonna find a way

- to get us back on.
- Don't bother.


Victor was never a father to David.

But he's a jealous man.

I wanted to leave him.

And leave Alpha Five, so
he took my son from me.

I thought he died with his father
on that plane, but he didn't.

And I want him back.

And you were gonna trade this for your son?

Victor needs it for his plan.

And my son needs to live
a free life, a normal boy.

Not like one of us.

How could your son ever
hope to be normal, knowing

you paid for his freedom with
the lives of innocent people?

Jackie, I have the stick, I
have you. Why should I help you?

Because you don't know Victor.

He'll never give up.

Even if you have that.

He'll find another one. Or make another.

Yes I need your help.

But you still need mine.

All right, listen to me. They're
gonna want to know what happened

- while the cameras were off, ok?
- Of course.


let's find something to talk about.


I'm really sorry.

Damn it, Carrie.

- I know, I know.
- You said...

I'm sorry. I said scout's honor.

The truth is,

I got kicked out of girl's scouts.

- Solid uppercut.
- Thank you.

- So what she say while the cameras were...
- Overloaded?

Yeah. I overheard.

It's the best I could come up
with. That Stone guy scares me.

With good reason. According to Jackie,

Storn and Stone might
be working with Victor.

- What?
- Yeah.

We gotta find out if she's
right, and we gotta find out now.

Hold on, we can't just go poke around
the ICA. These guys are real super spooks.

She gave me a code word,


Find me something, Jay. Anything.

I'm on it.


We got a little problem.

What did you find?

You know that old line

"if I tell you then I have to kill you"?

Well this is sort of like
that, only we all end up dead.

- Jay.
- Ok, so back when we took out bin Laden,

turns out there was a ton of stuff
on hard drives in that compound

that showed evidence of a joint
operation between the US government

and al-Qaeda.

Now that operation was called Calamus.

It was supposedly the brain child of a
rogue group of agents working for the ICA.

Ok, but ICA is a big agency.

Right, so then I checked with
a buddy of mine in Washington

about our pals Storn and Stone.

Turns out, they weren't assigned to come
down here and help us like they said,

- they insisted.
- So Jackie's right.

They're working with Victor and Alpha Five.

Americans planning an attack
on their own people, but why?

There were some references to Iran
on the Calamus reports,

my guess is...

they're trying to make it
look like Iran's behind this.

Which would get us into a war with Iran,

tear apart the Middle
East, who knows what else.

What's on the stick?

Thought you'd never ask.


now these look like

regular seventh grade homework
assignments, most of them frickin' terrible.

But like the commercial
says, "there's more".

Cryptography didn't work with Jackie's clues

but here's why they need the stick.

Enable code for the bomb.

With it, they can arm the bomb, without it

they'll never be able to detonate it.

That's the price for Jackie's son.

A dead city and world war.

Can you reprogram it?

Yeah, to do what?

Kill the bomb, permanently.

Ok. New plan.

What you got in mind?

If we get caught, we all go to
prison for the rest of our lives.



Your move.

We're here to pick up the prisoner.

Good morning to you too, gentlemen.

- We're in a rush.
- Authorize the transfer.

You're not much for small talk, are you?

It's not a problem.

I'll just make the call,
have her transfer...

- Hey boss, I need to talk to you.
- He's busy.

- Boss?
- Not now, Jay.

Yes, this is Eliot.

I'm authorizing a transfer, prisoner's name

is Jacqueline Mikhailova.

I have two federal officers here who...


Uh, all right.

I will let them know.


must have been

some kind of mix-up.

Lieutenant Burns and Detective Wells
have already taken her into custody.

- What are you talking about?
- Easy, it's not a problem.

They're headed to your
field office right now.

By whose authorization exactly?


... assuming yours,

- exactly.
- You are done, Eliot.

When this is over, I'm coming back.

Shutting down this entire unit.

Come on.

You know I'm just gonna say
it, the chemistry's not there.

Wait a minute, how much do you know?

Your asses aren't the
only ones on the line here.

So you're in on it?

I talked to Carrie and
Al, so yeah, I'm in on it.

And, if this goes bad,

I plan to deny that.

Boss, if this thing goes bad,

I'm not sure who you'll be denying it to.

Here are your things.

Thought you might need it.

Victor is very punctual.

If I'm not there at the
time I texted, he'll be gone.

Don't move.

What's your problem, Stone?

You're my problem,
Lieutenant. Get out of the car.

Lower your weapon, Steve.
We're transferring a prisoner.

Why don't you let us handle that? Get out!

Let us by, Agent.


Take me to Victor.


look good, my dear.

Betrayal suits you.

That makes two of us.

He's my son too.

You have something for me?

Where is David?

He's here.

We both know, I could kill
you now and take what is mine.


I'm a man of honor.

And a deal is a deal.



It's ok, David.

Everything's gonna be ok.

It's all right my son, you...

go get your things.



This is the one they wanted me to give you.

This is the one you want.

It's a copy of the one I took
from Yevgevni at the hospital.

I knew I could trust you.


Are you sure about this, Mr. Stone?

I don't like killing innocent Americans.

But what we're doing today
is an act of patriotism.


we're saving lives.

This is our Boston Tea Party.

So be it.

Son of a bitch. She sold us out!

- No one move!
- Police! Drop it!

- Hold it! Don't move!
- Drop your weapons!

Put it down! Call for EMTs.

Cuff him. Let's get some EMTs up here.

Hands up. Check him.

- Nice job, Lieutenant.
- Thanks.

I have to admit,

when Eliot said you were in the clear,

I was a little surprised.

I'm sorry I didn't see it.

You guys really hauled my ass
out of the fire on this one.

I owe you.

You know they'll never
let you see him again.

I'm sorry I couldn't kill you, but
at least I took David away from you.

They won't be able to hold me,

and then I will find him,

and you.

I'll be waiting.

Come on.

Move it.

I didn't mean for this to happen.

Be a good boy, yeah?

Thank you.

You made the right choice.

I know I have no right to
ask anything of you, but...

he shouldn't have to pay.

Well, I'll make sure to find him
a home where he can have a normal life.

And be happy.

Trust me.

I do.

Let's go.