Unforgettable (2011–2016): Season 2, Episode 12 - Unforgettable - full transcript

Eliot and the mayor are trapped in an elevator by a cybercriminal who threatens to send them to their death, forcing Carrie to work from within the building to thwart his plans.

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The people who depend on us, are
expecting us to make the tough choices.

Which is why, with all due respect,

I believe in the 21st century

it takes more than a
government. It takes a city.

And in the case of New York,
the greatest city on earth.

Thank you. Thank you for
your continued support.

And a special thank you to Ron
Skinner for hosting this event.

Please, buy one of his apartments.

But if you don't, you can always
donate the 80 million to my campaign.

Darn, I left my checkbook at home.

You know, I took one of these apartments.

Wasn't for me. Not enough windows.

I think you can see around you,

why Skinner Plaza will
soon establish itself

as Manhattan's preeminent
glamour tech address

So please, grab a Blu-ray
prospectus on your way out.

And for God sake's, make me an offer.

Could we have another...
what was I drinking?

Carrie, may I say how lovely you look?

- Oh, well thank you, Eliot.
- And your plus-one.

Why, thank you, Eliot.

I believe that's the closest you've ever
come to delivering a genuine compliment.

Easy Jose, anything but genuine.

Okay, why don't you two
just kiss and make up?

Did you guys hear the Mayor?

Insists we show up and then doesn't
even acknowledge Major Crimes?

Yes, but he did take
credit for all of our work.

I suppose getting a shot at Ron Skinner's
legendary Bordeaux collection is worth it.

Well that and these
fabulous crumbly things.

I think we should be honored
that the Mayor invited us.

Should, being the operative word.

The truth is, you're right.
I wouldn't want to be trapped

in one of the apartments
for more than four minutes.

Excuse me. Hello. Yeah.

How's life at Chez Skinner?

There's still hope for some excitement.

Was Eliot okay with
Webster taking my place?

Yeah, you know how Eliot
and Jo love each other.

You know, if I bail now I
could there in fifteen minutes.

No, you can't. You're the groomsman, Al.

I know you want to rub
elbows with the Mayor,

but your loyalty is with
Peter and Lacey today.

Going solo to this
wedding is a big mistake.

I'd make you dance with
me, if you were here.

Ah, but I don't dance.

Okay, I guess I just have to
dance with Lacey's sister Andrea.

She had a little crush on me
for a while, if you recall.

Remember her?

Of course you remember
her. She's beautiful.

I remember her.


Al is very sad that he's not
here for all the hobnobbing.

And it's killing you that he
didn't invite you to the wedding.

Not true, I don't like weddings

and I do believe that man
and women can be just friends.

Yeah, and with hard bodies and great
hair like you two... Oh no, you cannot.

Oh, here comes Tom and Jerry.

You must be the crime fighting superhero
that Eliot was telling me about.

Oh no, I'm just the Coroner,
but I get that a lot.

Welcome to my building.

Ron Skinner.

Carrie Wells, hello.

- How about the private tour?
- I'd love it.

- With the Mayor here.
- Actually, we're gonna get going soon.

We gotta work and eh,
we'll take a rain check.

Carrie, you really should
take this opportunity

to get to know one of the
city's great benefactors.

I'll take the express tour.


Eli, you're shameless,
forcing that jerk on Carrie.

The Mayor approves our budget, Joanne.

Which means he pays for those electrons
in electron microscope of yours.

And Skinner pays for the
Mayor. It's as simple as that.

That means I'd go save her in
three minutes. That man is a pig.

And this is where the
magic happens, as they say.

Is that what they say? The magic, huh.

What are you gonna do? Pull
a rabbit out or something?

No, you are the real magician here.

Oh well...

Go ahead. Dazzle me with
that memory of yours.

What do you know about me?

- You don't need me...
- Please.

Show me your gift.


Ronald Skinner. Married
Olivia Francis, May 1979.

Divorced April 2000, married
again 2002, divorced again 2005,

married Melody in 2009 and
divorced Melody, in well... 2009.

The Post reported the
reason for your disharmony,

- was infidelity. Yours. Again.
- Hm.

You know, I'm on the
lookout for my next bride.


I miss married life.

See, I think...

- you miss cheating.
- Fiery, I like that.

Oh, careful. Your neighbors will see.

No. No lookie, lookie.

I spent millions in state
of the art security windows.

Meaning what?

Meaning I value my privacy, Carrie.

And I think we should take
advantage of that privacy, while...

we have a chance.

You're lucky, I'm unarmed.

Yeah, I'm gonna show you something.

But you have to promise
to keep it a secret.

80 million dollars for an apartment
and I have yet to find the bathroom.

So, Joanne. Ronald here was...

just finishing up his tour.

In fact, I was finished.

You two can show yourselves out.

Was it something I said?

A great event, Morgan. Things
must come to an end, Ron.

Kelly and I gotta be heading out.

Quite a place you got
here. It's a little cramped.

My team's waiting downstairs.

Hold on, Mr. Mayor. I'll head down.

Thanks. Thank you for coming. And you...

Really nice event, Ron.

You can cut the crap, Mike,

and tell me you'll take care of
my air rights problem in Soho.

You know I can't tell you that.

- Board of estimates is up my butt on that.
- Hello.

Mike, I just raised a
half mil for you in there.

- You need to at least tickle me...
- With all due respect, Mr. Skinner.

The Mayor has fast tracked
every permit you applied for.

That's some serious tickling.

Aren't you the slippery one.

So much for the most
high-tech building in New York.

Ow, great.

He's been studying up.

- Sit down.
- That was a gunshot.

- I know the pianists were bad, but still...
- My phone is completely crashed.

Well, mine too.

We have to go see what's going on.

Let's go.


Well, hello Mr. Policeman.

What's happening?

Five... four...

three... two... one...

Enjoy the ride.

One hundred million dollars in 60 minutes

or I drop them the rest of the way.

- Omega Hour -

Transcription on audio by
Vera Deming - Check: D?sir?e.

Building's locked down, security gates
are lowered, all entrances sealed.

ESU reports no sign of
security guards or doormen.

The bad guys have taken
control of the building.

According to these records

Skinner is the only resident in
the building. Don't open to screen.

Any word from Carrie en Jo?

Most of the guests have left the
party. We don't know who's still in.

Any idea who's doing this?

We're in the dark. No visual on the perps.

Ah, Jay. Who could hack
into both Skinner's building

and the N.Y.P.D. system?

Someone who has skills, sophistication,

and a big set of freakin'
stones to go after the Mayor.

Dangerous trifecta, but it
gives you somewhere to start.

Alright. Eliot is being held up
there, maybe Carrie and Jo too.

We're not losing anyone today.

I'm sure she's alright, Al.

Get down.

You, shut up.

You heard him. Don't move.
I have the safe out the door.

- Get down.
- Bring them in.

Come on. Who said you could
stand. Sit on the floor.

Come on, people.

Come on.

Keep your mouths shut.

Nobody else has to get hurt.

It looks like one of the caterers.


Security guards and doormen
are all locked up downstairs...

Okay, that's an awful lot of blood.

It could be the brachial artery.

By shooting that gun they are
saying "take us seriously".

Andrew's dealing with the package.

Good, sweep upstairs for stragglers.

Let's go.


I suppose getting a shot at Ron Skinner's
legendary Bordeaux collection is worth it.

Please be the same as the wine cellar.

Please be the same. Yes.

Who's after me, Eliot?

Please, I'm the one they're after.

My guys get threats like this every week.

Really? Like this? Every week?

Well, I really appreciate
you asking us over, Ron.

Okay. So, who is it? Terrorists?

No, we will not negotiate with terrorists.

Please, save it for
the press release, Mike.

So I'm just supposed
to pony up $100 million?

Okay, slow down. Both of you.

We need to figure out who
we're dealing with first.

Great. No service.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Apologies for the inconvenience but
there's business to take care off.

Mr. Skinner, if you
are indeed interested in

ponying up my tab as you
say, feel free to call.

There's a cellphone at
the callbox that works.

And yes, I can hear
everything you say in there.

Now, Mr. Delson, I
consider myself fortunate

you chose to ride with your two friends.

Gives me a direct line to the NYPD.

And tell me, while
you're otherwise engaged,

with whom would you suggest I communicate?

Lieutenant Al Burns.
He's with Major Crimes.

Thanks. Now, sit back. Relax.
And I'll be with you again soon.

He better be good.

Yeah, he's good.

Al, you got a call coming in on line two.

Al Burns.

Lieutenant Burns. My congratulations.

You've been chosen by the
Mayor to be my liaison.

Must be my lucky day.

Forgive me for rushing through this part.

I can see everything outside the
building, thanks to our own camera's,

and the NYPD's vast surveillance network.

Come within 50 yards of Skinner
Plaza and the elevator drops.

Try to breach the building,
the elevator drops.

If I see a helicopter,
sniper, anything on tour...

- The elevator drops...
- Very good.

Failure to follow my orders
and all the hostages die.

You have 47 minutes to get
me my $100 million, Burns.

Hail Eris.

Any offtake loads.

... we have very little, but it appears
the entire building is being held hostage.

And as yet the whole world's attention.

- Yeah.
- Number 4, what's the status of the elevator?

Yeah, everything is all set here.

Get everything set for the others.
I'll let you know when it's time.

Okay. Coming up.

What the hell you're doing here?

Here, tie him up.

This one works.

- Alright, thanks.
- Okay.

ESU estimates there are
ten people in the penthouse.

I don't get it. He's got the
Mayor of New York in the elevator.

Why does he need all the hostages?

Collateral. In case we upset
them. You find anything?

Talked to the contractor.
He said Skinner's paranoia

led him to build the most secure
residential building in New York.

You can't see inside the windows
from outside. And get this.

They're protected against
thermo body imagery,

which means even snipers can't
see inside the damned thing.

There's rethinking that decision.

And apparently he's such a safety nut,

he's got cameras looking at
every inch outside the building.

It's a virtual fortress, but
there's got to be a way in.

Keep an eye out, Jo.

Come on, pick it up.

It's now who? Yeah.

- Al.
- Carrie.

- Yes.
- Thank God. You all right?

Listen to me. I don't have much time.

There's gunmen. They may
have taken over the building.

I'm on the roof with Jo,
they haven't found us yet.

But they had ten hostages that I've
seen. And they've already shot one.

Eliot, Skinner and the Mayor
are trapped in the elevator.

The man claiming responsibility
says he's gonna drop the elevator

if he isn't paid $100
million within the hour.


Al, who is doing this?

We don't know, but he's seeing
everything going on outside.

Don't, please, don't be a hero.
You're out-manned and out-gunned.

Stay hidden till we find
a way into the building.

No, listen to me, Al.

If you try to breach the building, you
get all of us killed. I guarantee it.

We're running low on time and options.

You have one option.

You have me.

You think you saw the guy in charge?

Maybe. Maybe, I don't know.

Think. Just... just think.

Two of the gunmen. They were at the party.

They were talking to a guy. Caucasian.

Early forties. Maybe six foot, bald.
He was wearing blue tinted glasses.

I'll see if we'll get a
hit of that. You lay low.

Al, I got ten hostages,

four terrorists and three
people trapped in an elevator.

I got to get them out, I can't lay low.

They'll drop the elevator
before you get near them.

Wait, wait, wait.

What happens if we cut the power?

Right. Maybe we activate the
elevators emergency break.

Fine. I'll get on that.

But listen to me. These
guys aren't messing around.

Do what you have to.

But I need you to walk out
of that building. For me.

Wish me luck.


I'm running the description
Carrie passed on.

Any luck narrowing down
suspects on your end?

Voice signed off with "Hail Eris".

Customary discordian salute to
Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos.

Used by anarchists and computer hackers.

Anarchists and hackers. Great.

It could be anyone of the online groups.

Or disgruntled military or NSA type.

- And don't forget Hans Gruber.
- I don't know Gruber.

- Really? Hans Gruber.
- What?

- Oh really, you never saw Die Hard?
- What?

What do you got?

We're thinking it's some
kind of super hacker.

We should have an ID for you soon.

If you're looking for a hacker, I
got someone who might be able to help.

Hey, all hands on deck.

In the meantime we're gonna
kill the buildings power.

Yes, he's going in alright.

They're not moving. We're just
trying to improve our hand.

Alright. Kill it.

We're gonna blind this guy.

Oh no, you don't.

Eh, power's still up.

Someone's overriding us. Try it again?

- Al Burns.
- Cutting the power?

Yawn. Is your strategy to bore me to death?

Just wanna see if you're paying attention.

You got my attention
for the next 34 minutes.

Disobey me again... and I kill hostages.

Now, get me my money.

That pastry chef is
going to bleed out soon.

I have got to help him.

No, it's too dangerous.

You'll get yourself
killed. You stay with me...

I can do more good as a hostage,
and you work better alone.


But you do not antagonize
the bad guys, Jo. I'm serious.

Antagonize? Moi?

Oh yes, you.

Look, all I want is for you to
get us out of here, and be safe.

You sparkle by this unsparkable law.

Be careful.

Hi everybody. Did you hear fireworks?

Oh my.

Kind of you to join us.

This is Tanya Sitkowski.

Joined taskforce for cybercrimes.

Spent some time on the dark
side of the hacker world.

The dark side, ehm, I'm not sure I see it.

I dabbled, but it didn't take.

Okay, in your dabbling,

you ever, eh, come across this guy?

Sure, yeah, that's...

That's Alpha Omega.

Positive? Because I got him as Jonathan
Brody. Former financial analyst.

Did nine months on an
embezzlement charge four years ago.

You're not wrong.

- You mind?
- Oh, no.

He was a suit, but only
really on the outside.

Studied robotics and game theory at
MIT before Wall Street snatched him up.

After he got out of jail
he went back to his roots

but with a decidedly anarchic bend.

Fancies himself some sort
of visionary super hacker.

- So what's Omegas vision?
- Alright, here we go.

This guy has declared war

on the hideous Hydra headed dragon of money

that holds the world in its jaws.

Hideous Hydra headed knights.

What's a dorky mission seeming
else as a good alliteration, right?

I agree. It's like General Zod, who

swore to be freed forever...

from the Phantom Zone.

- Wow, eh, you read DC?
- Is there anything else?

Is this gonna to be some
separated at birth thing, or?

Alright. So we know Omega
tried planting a logic bomb

in the World Bank's
collection archives last year.

And their security systems barely held.

What was he trying to accomplish?

Chaos? That's generally his objective.

- Hail Eris.
- Exactly.

Hacking banks is one thing.
But taking hostages and

threatening to kill innocent people
for ransom? It doesn't fit the profile.

He tried to do something like this before?

Not on this scale, but he's
definitely been ramping up to it.

Intelligence suggests he was involved

in the crash of a State Departments C130

taking medical supplies into
Islamabad four months ago.

Yeah, I remember that.

The pilot reported having massive
computer systems failure right before.

Medical supplies? I don't get it.

Alpha Omega sees all foreign aid

as America's attempt to extort
cooperation from other countries.

He's making a point.

Okay, Jo is posing as hostage
to help the wounded guy.

Jay found out who we're dealing with.

Former banker named
Jonathan Brody. He is a nut.

And his stunts have gotten
more and more violent.

If he's threatening hostages,
I'd take him seriously.

Alright. Well, it's time
to get everybody out then.

I was afraid you were gonna
say that. You got a plan?

Oh, you know, my usual. I'll improvise.

I was afraid you were gonna say that too.

Now listen to me. I need you...

I need you to be okay.


Let me call you back.



Bone's been damaged,
but the artery is intact.

Give me your scarf.

This costs is $900.



It's okay. It's all right.

Gonna need a finger here, please.

Can I have a finger, please?

Do something nice for
a human being for once?

I promise you can kill
him later, if you want.

Right there.

Thank you.

It's okay.


Because I'm good for it, that's why.

And you tell him,

that I will come to Brunei personally

and kick his butt if he
doesn't get back to me.

There's some kind of problem, Ronald?

I have a problem...

How can the most technologically
advanced building in the world

still have muzak in its elevators?

My portfolio is complicated. It is
not like you crack open the piggy bank

- and take out a hundred million dollars.
- Really?

I thought it was just like that.

Guys, this really, really doesn't help.

Nine phone calls and he
still doesn't have the money.

You want to write the cheque?

Go ahead. Write the lunatic a cheque.

You get us out of here.

Okay. That's it. Right now.

Mr. Mayor, you get in that corner.

And you think about nice
things to say about my people

when they come save you.

And you. You get in that corner
and you get the damned money...

Shut up.


Sounds like a fire alarm.

Go check it out.

That worked.

I don't want to be a pest, but...

- could we have a bathroom break?
- Shut up.

Do you ever hear those commercials,
about people with a going problem?

That's about me.

Drop it.

Give me your weapon. Stay quiet.

Now give me your weapon.

Everybody stay quiet. Jo take his gun.

Now you're the one with a going problem,
because they're all going out of here.

I want you to get them out of
here, Jo. Now. Quiet. Everybody out.

For your information. I have
never lost control on anything.

- Shoot him if he tries anything.
- How about you? Are you okay?

- I'm fine. I'll cover you. Go, go, go.
- Everybody come on, come on.

Someone's on the deck. Get up there.

So you're the pretty lady
who's caused all these problems?

We're gonna have to breach the building
if Skinner doesn't come up with the money.

With all those cameras Omega will know

- we're coming.
- We'll have to override them.

We tried cutting the power to
the building. Omega was ready.

Okay, but let's say we kill
the downtown power grid?

- Like downtown Manhattan?
- Wouldn't have any power to draw from.

Well, I mean you're gonna
tick off a lot of people.

- But yeah, that would probably work.
- It's probably our only choice.

Ow, hold on, guys. We
turn the power grid off...

that's exactly what Hans
Gruber wanted. We kill the grid,

he unlocks the vaults,
he gets the bearer bonds.

Die Hard's a movie, Jay, and
Hans Gruber died at the end of it.

I doubt he's involved here.

- Yeah.
- You're almost out of time.

- Skinner's close to having your money.
- Good. Then you won't mind me

moving the deadline up. You got 15 minutes.

A little more time and
you'll be paid. Be reasonable.

I've been more than reasonable, so

now I'm going to

send you a little something
to prove my resolve.

Or should I say, someone?

We have no choice. We
have to kill the grid.

I'm heading over there.

I'm on it.



What are you doing?

I noticed you at the party.

So pleased you stuck around.

Yeah, well.

I never actually leave
a party before last call.

Oh. I bet you wish you could
say the same about your hostages.

Party poopers.

Well done.

Ah, but who needs them,

when I've got one of New York's finest?

And from what I gather...
perhaps the finest

of New York's finest, Carrie Wells.

I'm in the presence of greatness.

I wish I could say the same, Omega.

More like an Iota.

You know your Greek.

Then you will also know that
I am the first and the last.

The beginning... and the end.

Well, that's one way of putting it.

Another is, ehm...

a deranged psycho?

These demerits on your file make sense.


Ow, conduct unbecoming.

That's a quality we share.

The established order longs to control us.

But the kind of powers we bow
to have outlived their time.

Rather like the Titans
of Old, they need to die.

So that a new order can be born.

Is he for real?

But only by cutting away
the dead and useless,

can there be new life,

a new beginning for the
system, for all of us.

A new beginning.

What do you want, Omega?

You'll never know.

Sorry, Carrie.

Like a curse...

you sored high and low.

So high,

but you're hubris.

Thinking that you could defeat me,

has led to your fall.

And what a long

glorious fall it will be.

Take her.

Let her test her wings.

Deputy Mayor, Skinner is
not coming up with the money.

We need to shut the grid down now.

You understand you're
talking about weaking half

of the city's services,
transportation, and emergency response?

If this doesn't work, it could
really hurt the Mayor in the poll.

If this doesn't work, he's
gonna be hurt a lot worse.

This has to be the Mayor's call.

You talk to the Mayor, and
Omega knows what we're up to.

Killing the grid gives us our best chance
of saving everyone in that building.

Our only chance.


We could shut it down, but

we've got to rig it back
up as quickly as possible.

Webster and the hostages are all save.

They even got one of the
perps, but he's not talking.

- Carrie?
- Jo says she went after Omega.

Course she did.

We may need to kill the grid
before we hear from Carrie.

We'll hear from her.

Okay. Alright.

Whoa. No.

You're okay?

Yeah. I didn't get Omega.

That's fine. We're gonna shut
down the power grid and move in.

Listen to me. Even if
the emergency break works,

Omega and his men can still
get to Eliot and the Mayor

before ESU can get up here and save them.

We're shutting down the
grid in three minutes.

- I'd better get moving then.
- I should be there with you.

You are.

Okay, here we go, guys. Grid shutting down.

Power grid's going down. Be ready.

Oh, my...

- Hey boss.
- Carrie?

So, listen. They've wired a bomb

to the cable up here. We gotta go.

It's a... it's my building. I go first.

Whatever happened to the developer
goes down with the development?

- Yeah.
- Go, go, go.

Take my hand. Come on. Let's go. Come on.

Let's go. There you go. Very nice work.

Right, Mr. Mayor, it's your turn.

Okay, come on.

Alright. You got it.

I want you to go right up that ladder,

- Okay?
- Yeah.

Alright. You got this. Hurry, Eliot.

Just go. Save them.

As if that's gonna happen.


I've always been lousy with orders.

Believe me, I've never been
more appreciative of that fact.

Come on. I'll wrist you up.

Haul me up.

The explosion is pretty much
limited to the elevator shaft.

- That's all we know.
- Did you see detective Wells?

I said, that's all we know. I
got guys going floor to floor.

Who do you have?

Found him tied up in the
utility closet off the lobby.

Says he's building security.

Nobody gets cleared till
we put this all together.

- Just hold him..
- Sir.

On me. Drop your weapon. Drop it.

We're on the same team here, boss.
My team doesn't wear Wingtips.

Take his helmet of.

I see you met Carrie. Where is Omega?

Omega might try to slip out.

I need you to check
every uni, medic, hostage

anybody coming out of that building.

Hey, Al.


I needed you to walk out of
that building, and you did.

Well, sometimes I obey your orders.

Sometimes, yeah.

Yeah, you should have
taken me to that wedding.

- Yeah, you're telling me.
- We got to get Omega.

I don't know where he is. He
might have been gone already.

Yeah, Jay.

- Found something curious.
- Hey.

I mean, we did. Me and Tanya.

We looked into some of Skinners finances.

So get this. There's a good reason why
Skinner couldn't come up with the money.

He hasn't anything close
to a hundred million,

- not even ten million.
- Skinner Plaza's way over budget,

and Skinner's overleveraged
himself. He's pretty much cash broke.

Dangerous game he was playing. Bluffing?

But if we can get into Skinner's
finances then so can Omega.

Which means he knew Skinner
didn't have any money.

Why hijack a building and try
to extort a fortune from a man

- who doesn't have any?
- Building's power is coming on.

We may get some alarms as
the security system reboots.

But only by cutting away the dead
and useless can there be new life.

A new beginning for the
system, for all of us.

What is it you want,
Omega? A new beginning?

You'll never know.

Al? We gotta get a look at
Omega's computers. Come on.

Carrie, Al. You only got three
minutes till the grid powers up.

Guys, what could Brody do,

to temporarily shut
down the security systems

en masse and then turn
them on again all at once?

Well, when the system's switched back on,

they'd be vulnerable while the
passwords and protocols reboot.

Yeah, but why do you break
into something he's already in?

If Brody just wanted the power off,

why not let us kill it
when we tried earlier.

Because Skinner Plaza was never his goal.

His aim is to get the city, to shut
off the entire downtown power grid,

I mean, look at us, look. We're surrounded
by the world's biggest banks, right?

I told you. It's 'Die Hard'.

Not quite. He needs the
power to come back on,

so he can put his computer virus into the
system. He's not trying to steal money.

He's trying to reset the
whole financial system

by knocking it out altogether.

Then we have to keep the
power off, till we find him.

No, that's impossible.
It's not like a light bulb.

The grid's got too much power.

You can't stop it from
turning on, once it's started.

Right, what would Brody need to do
to get his virus into the system?

It's just software. All he needs is
a laptop and a cell signal, right?

- He could be anywhere.
- There must be some clue somewhere.

He still gotta be in the building, right?

Please. Show me your gift.

You miss cheating.

Fiery, I like that.

Those candy wrappers are
from Skinner's bedroom.

Now, what was Brody doing
in Skinner's bedroom?

- He was here.
- But doing what?

I'm gonna show you something.

But you have to promise
to keep it a secret.

Al? Skinner was gonna show me something,
before Jo came in and interrupted us.

80 million dollars for an apartment,
and I have yet to find the bathroom.

Skinner is obsessed with personal security.

He kept bragging about how
many millions he'd spent...

- to make this place save.
- And?

And somebody messed with that book.

It was right-side up before.

Take this.

Hands. Show me your hands.

Simple press of the button
and I change the world.

Simple click of the trigger,

and your day gets even worse.

The Ancients believed
that fame is immortality.

And I'm about to become very...

very famous.

You like your Greek myths, don't you?

You know the story?

About the Gordian knot?

Of course.

A knot so intricate no one could untie it.

Until Alexander the Great
came and cut it in half...

with a simple stroke.

Sometimes the simplest
solutions are the best.

- Alright. Right there.
- I got it. Let's go.

Come on. Move it.

Oh my...

So we know what Omega was doing in here.

What exactly were you doing in here?

Skinner was giving me a tour.

Oh, you had to kick off your heels?

Well... it was in the line of duty.

Oh, is that what you call it?

Yeah, I had to save the world.

Have you seen how high these things are?

- Yes, you did.
- I did.

Mr. Mayor, these are the
prize members of my team.

This is Carrie Wells.

I owe you a debt of gratitude, Carrie.

It was an honor, Your Honor,

but the real gratitude,

belongs to this guy right here,

lieutenant Al Burns.

Gutsy move, Lieutenant.

- I mean, killing the power like that?
- Thank you.

But weren't you concerned
about the consequences of

taking out the grid?

Well, your Deputy Mayor explained
her various political concerns...

I'm talking about the bearer bonds.

Like the movie, you know?

Of course I was, but saving
you was worth that risk.

Let's get out of here, Mr. Mayor.

Thank you.


Saving you was worth that risk?

I had to say something.

You really do have a future in politics.

Thanks for looking out for me.

I'll always look out for you.

Now, how 'bout that dance?

I don't dance.

No, I don't dance.


Oh, come on.

Oh, your shoe's untied.

Well, it sure is.

Can't wait to get out of these shoes.


Way to go, Burns.

I'm tying my shoe, Jo.

Well, we still have something to celebrate.

- Open it up.
- I'm way ahead of you.

To a job well done.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Transcript on audio by
Vera Deming - Check: D?sir?e