Undercover (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Rat in the kitchen - full transcript

This show gets better every season. As always the tension is great again, very good cast too this season! Love Frank Lammers, Elise Schaap, Tom Waes and Nazmiye Oral! Definetly recommended.

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I'm glad you're back. I'm so relieved.
What's your poison?

- Nothing. Thanks.
- I haven't slept for two days.

I can't complain. You've been
through worse. Have a seat.

Where did you get that?

Not important.

I had to pull some strings,
but hey, you're free.

Come, sit.

What about Leyla?
Did she mention your release?

And about the mole? You were with her
for two days. Hasn't she said anything?

No, nothing.

Okay, good.
You need to keep the conversation going.

Sooner or later you'll get an opening.

- You wanted to say something?
- We passed the test.

- Leyla trusts us.
- Okay, great.

Don't hang up. I need your help.

What do you expect from me?
That I pull you from the shit again?

An illegal operation with Ferry Bouman.

It's about a colleague who got murdered.
Not about me.

If Patrick has something to do with this,
we can't keep silent.

- We?
- You're the only one I can trust.

I don't want to hear that sentimental
crap. That's not going to work on me.

If I help you, it's to fix that leak
and nothing else.

I knew the guy.
I went to his funeral.

I don't understand.

He came to me. He could have
betrayed us if he wanted to.

You don't think he could be corrupt?

He lets an ex cop
and a convicted criminal produce ecstasy

for one of the largest dealers
in the Benelux. That's suspicious as hell.

- Do you want to help me?
- I can't pretend I don't know a thing.

Do you have a plan?

You're an informant runner, aren't you?

The only thing I ask of you
is to send an e-mail to Patrick.

Tomorrow morning, 9 AM. Tell him that an
informant mentioned back-door dealings

in a warehouse at the Kattendijkdok.
It's the warehouse Leyla wants to rent.

If Patrick is the mole,
he'll pass on that information.

I'll give you 12 hours.
But I want you to remember one thing.

If Patrick is the mole,
I'll go after him.

But if I open that can of worms,
I can't guarantee you won't be harmed.

- Thanks.
- Fuck you, Bob.

Have you thought
about the consequences

of Patrick bringing us down with him?
Those Turks are crazy.

- Do you know what they do to their rats?
- We'll see.

We'll see? Is that really your answer?

Here. His wife...

- Can't you sit still for two minutes?
- My leg fell asleep.

Now I know why cops
are such grumpy bastards.

- I'm not a cop anymore.
- Just a grumpy bastard then.

- Timur.
- No deals. We first need to find our mole.

Fucking hell.


- Fuck. Ferry, wait.
- No, I've waited enough.

- I'm going to wreck him.
- Damnit.

Ferry, we need to...

Bouman, what...

- Ferry...
- Damnit, let me go.

- Don't fuck with me, man.
- What?

Leyla told us who's the mole.

Some police big shot who couldn't work
because of a sports injury.

- You don't think...
- Don't lie to me.

Timur said the warehouse is blown. You're
the only one who could have done that.

- What warehouse?
- Goddamnit...

That e-mail Nick sent was a test.
The informant doesn't exist. We sent it.

- What e-mail? I didn't see an e-mail.
- Bullshit.

Honestly. I've got nothing to do with it.
I haven't even read my e-mails today.

No? Show me your phone.

My inbox is on my work phone.
It's in my office.

- Get it.
- Not with that dickhead here.

Fuck you.

That's it. Give it to me now.

- The passcode.
- You guys are crazy.

Don't think I'll clean up after you.
And I'd pack my suitcase if I were you.

Are you threatening us?
Do you think that's smart?

- He hasn't read it.
- See?

What were you thinking accusing me?
I'm the one who got this all on track.

Oh? How does Leyla know? You're
the only one who received that e-mail.

Leyla also knew about that raid. You're
the only one who could have told her.

- Maybe someone hacked my account.
- Fuck off.

What? Just think about it.

She works with you
and she trusts you, right?

Our communication went
via my private phone.

I'm taking your phone and laptop.
Nick is going to screen it.

You keep an eye on him?

- What do you think of this one?
- Very nice.

What if my husband finds out?

Your husband?
What would that cripple do?

Put your arms up. Up, up.

Lean forward.

You lost weight. I'm going to have
to have your trousers taken in.

Is there something wrong?

Is it alright if we have the cake
brought in on a low table?

- Then you can cut it with Halil.
- Okay.

Look, I chose this one.
Pretty, don't you think?

Mehmet is giving me the number of a
doctor who does circumcisions at home.

Shouldn't we go to a hospital?
Everyone does that these days.

You were circumcised at home.
I want the same for Halil.

He has to know his heritage. And it's more
fun, with a big party and everything.

The proud parents...

Brother, I have a surprise for you.
Want to come outside with me?

- What? Did you wash my car?
- Have a look inside.

- Did you have it modified?
- I arranged it especially for you.

- When did you do that?
- This week.

It was sitting here in the garage.
You didn't even notice it was gone.

- Little brother...
- Dear brother. Look, that's the brakes...

- What is it?
- I had it modified for Serkan.

He can't go to his son's
circumcision party not driving himself.

- What do you think? Take it for a spin?
- Do you think this is a good idea?

I make my own choices.
Or can't I go anywhere?

I'm just worried.


This is great.

Again, again.

I feel dizzy, man.

- I missed this so much.
- Me too.

- I appreciate this.
- Just like old times, right?

Out on the road together, having fun.

Don't get me wrong, things are
running smoothly. Business, profit...

Leyla is doing a great job.

But you and me together, as brothers...
That feeling...

- That's in the past.
- Why?

So what your legs don't work.

You're still the same.

You survived the attack.
No one can break you.

What I wanted to say...
Orlando called.

He wants to know
if you still want to talk.

You know, a road trip would be nice.

I'll tell him we're coming.

Hold your horses, I'm coming.

- Mrs. Bouman?
- Van Marken. I'm divorced.

I'm sorry, Ms. Van Marken.
Tanguy Dupont, Federal Police.

- Could I talk to you inside?
- No, what's it about?

I'd like to ask you some questions,
but we can do that here.

Do you know this man?

Yes, that's one of yours.

- What do you mean?
- A cop, a policeman.

It's Bob Lemmens, isn't it?

- You know him personally?
- Sure, come on.

Because of him, Ferry and I went to jail.
What's this about?

Then what's Lemmens
doing with your ex?


We took this picture
near a precursor depot.

Those are compounds used to make
E, but you probably know that.


Isn't that your van?
Didn't your ex mention it?

No. He said he was moving furniture.

No, I don't know anything about this.

Ask your friend, but don't involve me.
Leave me alone.

And Ferry too. He just got out of jail.
He doesn't want this shit.

And he's got to work.

- Ever played golf?
- Not my kind of thing.

Not my kind of thing?
You should try it.

It's a crazy sport.

There's no other sport
during which you can smoke a blunt.

So, you can deliver the ecstasy?

Bro... Crazy X for your ex, crazy sex...
How much do you need?

Fifty? 500? 5,000?

I'll fix it for you, bro.

- When?
- Tomorrow, the day after.


So tomorrow you can fix five tons?

Bro, come on. I didn't mean it literally.
Shit, man.


How would you be able to get those
precursors without the Festival Shop?

- Roadmen, G.
- We don't want that. It's too risky.

You had a clash with that biker gang
in Rotterdam, right?

No, bro. That's history.

I'm working with another gang, now.
They're stable. They're white boys.

When things get out of hand, they rip off
each other. My hands stay clean.

I play this game smart.

My mom always said: "Orlando,
you're way too black to be stupid."

Get it? Whitey ain't gonna get me.

No worries, abi. Tamam, abi?

- And?
- You were right.

I found spyware on his phone.

How did they put it on there?

We found installation software
in a video someone sent him.

When you open it,
software gets installed on your phone

that copies every message
to an account Leyla has access to,

- without Patrick knowing.
- Who sent it?

Probably some chick he met in a bar.

- Leyla paid her to do so.
- Most likely.

Jesus, Patrick.

This method isn't new, but the CCU
only saw this in state security cases.

This is the first time it's drug related.

So that's why they're always
one step ahead.

An e-mail before every raid,
before every phone tap.

I'm going to leave you and Ferry
out of the report.

But now we found the leak,
I have to make the case official.

So Bob, quit this cowboy shit.

It's an ex cop.
Dishonorable discharge 18 months ago.


Corruption, drug trafficking,
ethical misconduct.

It's a dangerous one.

Send it to me. I want to take a look
at it. We need to be careful about this.


- Hey, little brother.
- Hey, sis. Got time?

- Sure, what is it?
- I've got bad news.

Is this any good?

Only when you stick it
where the sun don't shine.


I didn't want to mention it,
but you're going too far.

- Calm down. What are you talking about?
- Lars got caught with ecstasy in De Boei.

And now they're throwing him out.
What the fuck are you doing?

- I don't have anything to do with that.
- No, don't do this.

I know you were at the Festival Shop
to get those compounds.

I had a cop at the door. Tanguy Dupont.

He showed me pictures of you
with my van and that fucking Peter.

- What did you tell him?
- You're having him cook again, huh?

What did you tell that cop?
It's important.

The truth, Ferry. That he's that
fucking undercover that screwed us.

It's not what you think. Those pills...

I'm coming over to explain.

You were right. We found spyware
on your phone. They knew everything.

Danielle had a cop at her door.
She told him you're a cop too.

- Shit. That report will be sent to me.
- What's this about?

- If Leyla reads it, we're done.
- If it isn't too late already.

- I'd like to know what this is about.
- Leyla is reading my e-mails.

Fucking hell.

When I left,
there was no word about Danielle.

- Did Danielle say who it was?
- Yes, I know that.

- Dupont.
- Tanguy.

That's good. Send it through, so the team
has it before the meeting tomorrow.

- And send it to Patrick.
- Sure.

- Want some coffee?
- No, thanks.

- He's not picking up.
- Try the reception.


This is Patrick Diericks. I need to talk
to Dupont, but he doesn't answer.

- I'll have him call you back.
- No, now please. Now.

Mr. Dupont...

Patrick Diericks
needs to speak with you urgently.





Hey, Johan. Johan, wait.


- And?
- We're too late.

Bunch of fucking screw-ups.
Jesus Christ.

Can we try something?

All e-mails that come in
are stored to a server.

I have to distract Leyla,
before she checks her account.

You call Nick and you make sure
he's stand-by to delete the e-mail.






- And? How was your drive?
- Serkan got used to it very easily.

He really enjoyed it.

What about our stocks?

It's drying up. Especially the Russians
and Berlin are giving us a hard time.

- How long before it's all gone?
- One week, tops.

Okay, ask the Russians for an extension.
It won't be easy, but you have to.

- Orlando is able to deliver quickly.
- You too?

- Serkan spoke to him just now.
- Why?

I don't want to interfere,
but like you said, it has to be fast.

I already told him Orlando can't be
trusted. What's with him these days?

Serkan knows Ferry,
but he doesn't know Peter.

Maybe that's why he'd rather work
with people he knows.

Look, maybe you should insist
Serkan and Peter meet.

When he sees he's alright and
trustworthy, Serkan will change his mind.

I'll talk to him as well. Okay?

There's someone here to see you.
Peter Bogaert?

Okay, I'll be there.

I can't lose them
before I've got Serkan on my side.

- Peter.
- Leyla.

What are you doing here? Come.

Sila, will you get the orders ready
in the storage room?

I want to thank you
for that tip this morning.

I think they can't trace it to me,
but still.

No problem.
Your interests are mine, aren't they?

I'm glad that's how you see it.

You came all the way here to thank me?

I came to apologize
for what was said last time.

- That's not necessary.
- It is.

I'd like to get the conversation
going again.

- Now?
- Can't we go grab a bite?

I don't normally do that.

Don't Turkish women
have business lunches?

- Only when I planned them myself.
- I don't have your number.

I know.

Leyla, I get
that you want to be in control.

But you need to show some goodwill.

There's happened a lot
and we are prepared to forget that.

The only thing I ask
is for you to grab a bite with me.

That's my way of doing business.

- And where's Ferry?
- I speak on behalf of us both.

Two hours. I'll bring you back.

Two hours.

So you work with the cops?

I had no choice.
They got me by the balls.

That's why we were at the Festival Shop.
Thanks to me it got raided that afternoon.

- Imagine that.
- Then what was that guy doing here?

We're undercover.
Not a lot of people know about that.

Then why would I work with Bob?
With Peter? Come on.

- He drove us apart.
- Go fuck yourself.

And you probably
don't have anything to do with Lars?

They're kicking him out today.
They found pills in his room.

I feel horrible.
Everything was going so well.

- What's that got to do with me?
- Just admit he's your cook.

How can I produce pills
when I work with the cops?

And if I did that, I wouldn't use Lars.
Not after what we've been through.

I know you don't want that.

That boy's been addicted for 15 years.
But that's not my fault.

It wasn't then and it isn't now.

And it's not your fault either.

Fuck, Ferry.

I just don't know
what I should do about him.

He needs to leave De Boei tonight

and I'm fighting with Ingrid all day
because she doesn't want him here.

I can't leave my own brother
on the streets.

What if...

What if we let him stay with me
for a while?

While you settle things with Ingrid.

I'll try and talk some sense into him.

He needs a firm hand.

Would you do that?

I'd do anything for you.

What is it? Can't they go without you
for two minutes?

Don't you worry about my home life.

- The kitchen is closed.
- Max, it's me.

- Oh, Peter. Hello, Madam.
- Are you open for lunch?

My chef cleaned up already,
but I'll ask if there's something...

- Philippe, could you come here?
- Max is an old friend.

Hey, there.

Could you help these two hungry souls?

- Sure. I can make you some vongole.
- That's all I wanted to hear.

Great. Come.
I'll take you to your table.

The best vongole ever.

- Can I take your coat and bag?
- No.

Here you go.

I could bring you something to drink.
The usual?

- And for you?
- Vermentino.

Great choice. I'll bring it to you.

- Okay, let's talk.
- No small talk?

- We're here to do business.
- Okay, let's not beat around the bush.

I think Ferry and I proved to you you can
trust us, so let's make it more concrete.

I agree, but now it's not the time.

In Turkey you wouldn't hesitate this much,
so what's the problem?

- You got me, but I don't work alone.
- Who's hindering us? Timur?


I thought you could
make your own choices.

Sure, but we're a team and we're having
a difference of opinion right now.

My husband wants to do business
with someone else.

- With whom?
- That doesn't matter.

I just need a little more time
to convince him.

Leyla, I can't keep waiting.

I'm not wasting my time
because you need approval of your man.

For us it's important too
that we get this out of the way quickly.

We need the supplies fast. If not from
you, we'll get them somewhere else.

- Here you go. Vermentino.
- Thank you.

And a beer for you.

- Is this the cake?
- Yes.

She's having them put it on a low table,
for me.

- That's thoughtful of her.
- I want to incinerate that table.

I just saw Leyla.


She wasn't happy
about us visiting Orlando.

She keeps on pushing that Ferry
and Peter.

Peter was in the store just now.

What did he want?

She didn't want me staying, so I left.

Here are the clams.

Careful, the plates are hot.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- It looks delicious.
- And it's really good too.

I learnt to make it
in a little hotel in Sicilia.

They let me stay there in exchange
for helping out in the kitchen.

The owner, Pepe, was a tiny old man.
The size of a thumb.

But if you didn't do as he pleased,
he'd come after you with his cane.

If you didn't clean the clams right, or
screwed up the cuisson, he'd beat you.

- Sounds like a great chef.
- A very traditional one.

But because of him
I developed a passion for the trade.

If it's not cooked with love,
it can't be eaten with love.

- That's true.
- Now eat, before it gets cold.

Some guy.

- Max, could you bring me the wine menu?
- Of course.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- I'd like a vermentino. For you?
- No, thanks.

- Okay, one vermentino coming up.
- Enjoy.

- Mom's not in.
- But her car's here.

Sila said she left with Peter Bogaert.

- Really good. You didn't lie.
- I wouldn't dare.

Do you put all your business partners
to the test?

If I have my doubts, yes. It's more
effective than your pulse trick.

- It depends.
- Yeah, right.

When you lie, your heartrate goes up.
Focus a little and you can feel it.

- Come.
- No. You already tried once.

You try.

Two fingers.

- How's it going?
- Almost there.

A little lower.

Feel my pulse?

You have to count.

- Did you enjoy your meal?
- Yes, it was delicious.

- My compliments to the chef.
- I'll let him know.

- Coffee? Tea?
- Yes.

No, we have to go.

- One coffee.
- No, no longer than two hours, so no.

Would you like the bill?

I'll pay.

No. I invited you, I'll pay.

What is it?

- My phone.
- In the car, maybe.

No, I don't think so.

Guys, that phone needs to go back.

What's this?

Don't panic. Come, I'll phone you.
What's your number?

I don't give my number
to business partners.

Come on.

- Everything alright?
- Did you find a phone?


Yes, I'm in.

- I'll pay and then we'll look in the car.
- It's not in the car.

The top one.


Take it.

Going already?

I can do it myself.

- I told you it wasn't here.
- It can't have disappeared.

- Have you looked properly?
- I have.

I'm done with this shit. You want it
or not? I've got other options.


I'll give you my number.

Let me know
when your man changes his mind.

- We're still alive.
- Now we come into action.

I spoke to Tanguy and the team.
We're going to feed Leyla disinformation.

She needs to feel safe until we strike.

One thing's for sure.
As of now it's an official case.

What does that mean for us?

You're a civilian infiltrator
and Ferry's an informant.

- Why am I not an infiltrator?
- An informant is non-active.

That means you can only talk
to the targets and inform us.

What's in it for me?

If you produce one more pill,
you'll go straight to prison. Understood?

As of now,
we only use confiscated stock.

You deliver the pills, we catch them
when they try to sell them.

- That's pure entrapment.
- What? Feel sorry for them?

Leyla was selling them either way,

so that deal already existed,
with or without us.

If we can deliver those pills,
we have more control.

- Done?
- You can go.

Thanks. Gentlemen.

- How's working with him?
- The holiday park was more fun.

- Max hadn't lost his touch.
- You haven't either.

I'd like to have a bistro like that
when I'm retired.

But one with a good chef.

I heard Nathalie is pregnant.

That's one positive thing
about the whole ordeal.

I missed you, Nick.

Time to go. I'll catch you later.

That lab needs to be dismantled.
They can't trace it back to us.

- Missing me already?
- What did you do with the precursors?

- Hold your horses. I just put them away.
- And I'm supposed to believe that?

It's the only way to be sure
you won't link that stuff to me.

You're not screwing me over
a second time. I have to go.


Aren't you eating?

I'm not hungry.

Son, you go get an ice-cream.

Just one, okay?

You've been quiet all night.

What's wrong?

I don't get why you want
to do business with Orlando.

Full of himself, can't be trusted.

We're a team, Serkan.
We're in this together.

Where were you this afternoon?

I came by to surprise you.
You weren't there.

I had to discuss some things with Peter.

The first time in two years
I come and visit you,

you're out with another man.

To have a look at a new warehouse.

The other one was blown.
Ferry was there too.

- Then why didn't you tell me?
- Because you're so toxic lately.

I didn't want you falling out with me.
I'm not the only one here who's unfair.

You don't trust me anymore.

Our trust towards each other,
our love for each other

has always been the foundation of our
success. Have you forgotten that?

Fuck. I love you. I've always
been there for you and I always will be.

Why don't you go and talk with them?
Then you'll see they can be trusted.

Are you crazy?
Why would you bring pills into that home?

- I only had a few.
- That's how it started last time too.

First it's one pill, then one line,
then one shot.

You're extra stupid. You fell
of the wagon and they caught you.

Drugs make your brain fuzzy.
We can't have that now.

We're going to cook again. We need to
be ready to take over from those Turks.

I need you for that.

Don't do anything stupid, because
I don't want trouble with your sister.

Hey, look at me. Focus, and before you
know it, you've got a new set of teeth.

- Okay?
- Okay.

I'm going to bed.

It's going to be a busy week,
with the party.

- I'll be right there.
- Okay.

Did Mehmet say anything
about the circumcision?

Yes, his number's in my bag.
You'll call him tomorrow?

- I will. Good night.
- Don't stay up too late.

- You've reached the voicemail of...
- Peter Bogaert.

Leave a message after the beep
and hang up. Thank you and goodbye.


- Serkan. Long time no see.
- Ferry.

It only took one call
for you to come here.

I'm looking for my sister, Leyla.
She hasn't been home since yesterday.

You were supposed
to keep an eye on him.

If she lied, I don't know what to do.

Serkan doesn't trust you.
He went to talk to another supplier.

Enough, I said.

Subtitle translation by: Jessica Rietveld