Undercover (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Trojan horse power - full transcript

The police seek Nathalie's help. Her nervous attitude alerts Jean-Pierre. Laurent invites Nathalie to a horse auction where they again cross paths with Bob.

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So you're a cop too.


We know you phoned Lisa yesterday,
and that you don't feel safe.

That deep down you know
the Bergers are criminals.

That's not true. I know nothing.

That's why I phoned her. I want answers.

But you know JP was arrested once.

Yes, but that was a long time ago,
and I don't know the details.

JP was arrested for bribing Saudis
who wanted to buy weapons from him.

He was in jail for a few years,
and then started his own business.

Look, I have nothing to do with that.

But the father of your child does.

Here's JP with a Somali rebel leader.

And here's Laurent and JP
at the Ukrainian embassy in Brussels.

Ukraine is where they get their weapons.

You probably know these two.

Dr.  Gassama and Daniel Akwane.

Gassama is a rebel leader in South Sudan.

The Bergers sell weapons to anyone
who cannot obtain them legally.

Criminals, dictators,

armies that kill women
and children with them.

They're responsible for genocides
and terrorist attacks all over the world.

It makes them filthy rich.

That's impossible.

It's not possible.

Did you hear about the activist
who was shot in Brussels?

No idea, no.

Kim De Rooij.

Kim found out what the Bergers were up to.


They murdered her.


That's impossible.

Not Laurent.

It's not possible.

I know he's not easy,
but he's not a bad person.

He truly cares about me and Jackson.
He loves us.

-Gerrit De Vreese speaking.
-Mr. De Vreese, this is Laurent Berger.

You sent me an email asking
for a reference for an employee of mine.

-Nathalie Geudens.
-Yes, I did.

Well, Nathalie has some problems.
She's a former drug addict.

Four years ago she hit a person
while driving drunk and now she's in debt.

So she's always asking me for more money.

Gosh. That's not the impression
she gave me at all.

I was planning on giving her the job.

I'm dizzy. I need air.

Open the door!

-Nathalie, take it easy.
-Leave me alone.

It'll be okay.
I know this is a lot to take in.

-What do you want from me?
-We're trying to stop the Bergers.

We need your help.

-I work in a bar, Steve, I'm not a cop.
-Calm down.

I need to find a way back into the ranch
and build a rapport with Laurent.

You're the only one
who can help us with that.

We know you want to leave.
And that you can't because of your debt.

We also know Laurent helps you with that.

We can help you, too.

What about my son?

For him it's even more important
that the Bergers are out of his life.

We can give you a new life.

We'll give you a new identity.

So you can start over. All right?

I need some time to think about this.



Mommy, answer me.

-What is it, honey?
-Why is my hat so dirty?

It's your fault. Why did you do that?




Shut the hell up!

Sorry, Jackson.
I shouldn't have done that.

Mommy shouldn't do things like that.
I just feel a bit...


-Hi, Laurent.
-Why aren't you picking up your phone?

I've phoned you several times.
Where are you?

I went to pick up Jackson from school.

Hi, Uncle Laurent.

Give him a big kiss from me.

Listen, Nathalie.

I've been invited to a horse auction
on Wednesday, and I can bring a guest.

It's a really fancy event.
Everything's included, beautiful horses...

So I thought, I'll ask Nathalie.

Yes, that sounds nice. But...

That's my day off,
and I've already made plans.

You have? Can't you reschedule those?

I can try.

I need to know by tomorrow at the latest.
I don't want to go alone.

No, no, I'll try. I have to go now,
I'm parked on the side of the road.

Bye, Laurent.

Come, sweetheart.



-Everything okay?
-Yes, everything's fine.


Honey, don't get started on your homework,
we're going somewhere. I'll be right back.

Come on.

Guilty conscience?

What are you doing here?

Am I not welcome?

Of course you are,
but you normally don't come up here.

I was thirsty.

I'm allowed to have a drink
at the saloon, right?

-Of course.
-Jackson said you were feeling unwell.

Yes, my stomach is playing up.
I vomited earlier.

But it's okay.

Shall I get you a glass?

Come, I'll give you one.

Where are you going?


Just to the supermarket
and to the pharmacy, for my stomach.

You seem tense.

I have a lot on my mind right now.

That's life as a single mom.

I'd like to go now, if you don't mind.

We haven't talked
about the whole Sharon situation.

Yes, that shocked all of us.

You remember our agreement, don't you?

-Don't you forget it.
-I won't.

We can't keep secrets from each other.


Is there anything I should know?

-Steve speaking.
-Hello, this is Jean-Pierre Berger.

I've heard there's been some problems
between you and my brother.

I'd like to meet with you to discuss them.


Just to clear some things up.
Meet me at our company at 10 p.m. tonight.

-Sure, no problem. See you then.
-Thank you.

-Nick, JP Berger just phoned me.

He wants to see me tonight.

-Have you heard from Nathalie?
-No, why?

You think she's ratted us out?

I don't know.

Thanks for coming.

I don't intend to stay long,
so keep it short.

I heard you and my brother
had some problems.

But there's one thing I don't understand.

First you beat him up,

and then you phone to warn him
the cops are watching him.


I'd want others to do the same for me.

You'd want us to do the same for you?
Is that what you're saying?

Where were you arrested?

One block from here.

Two cops in plain clothes.

They'd seen everything,
so they must have been there a while.

They questioned you on the spot?


They took me to the police station.
I spent the night in a cell.

Charged with illegal possession of a gun.

Who questioned you?

Patrick Diericks.

I looked him up.
He works on arms trafficking cases.

What did he ask you?

What our fight was about.

Whether I do business with you,
where I got the weapon.

What did you say?

-That you harassed my girl.
-Watch it, buddy.

-He needs to back off.

Why are you guys so tense?

Are you in trouble?


The gun, why do you have it?


I transport things from A to B
without asking too many questions.


-What kind of things?
-Use your own imagination.

My boss is a Dutchman.

And you guys?

What's the story here?

Why do you want to know?
Why are you so interested?

Whatever, man.

Thanks for the information.
We appreciate it.

You're welcome.

Patrick Diericks.

Was that necessary?

They know I know about their arms trade.
Now we can discuss it openly.

They weren't very talkative.
And your week is almost over.

If there's no breakthrough soon,
I'm pulling the plug.

-Have you heard from Nathalie?

Can I get a kiss? Bye, honey.

You have lipstick on your cheek.
See you later.

Ms. Geudens?

Can I speak with you for a moment?

I just wanted to remind you that the money
for the school trip was due two weeks ago.

We got the note saying
Jackson can come along,

but I wanted to check if maybe
something went wrong with the payment.

No. Money was a bit tight last month,
but I'll sort it out as soon as possible.

I'm just waiting for another payment
to arrive.

If you can just give me a few more days...

We're aware of your situation,
but there are ways to make it easier.

There's a fund
for families struggling financially.

That's not necessary.
Really, I'll be fine.

Like I said, I'll have it in a few days.

That's good to hear.

-Bye, Ms. Geudens.

Are you going to be here every day?

If you don't answer your phone, then yes.

JP questioned me.
Don't worry, I didn't tell him anything.

But it's like he can sense
something's wrong.

You guys don't know him. He's dangerous.
He really is.

I can't do this.
You'll have to ask someone else.

JP doesn't know anything.

He just pretends he does. It's a trick.

You're the one who has all the info.

I'm not comfortable with this.

So if I help you,

you'll give me a new identity.


What about my debt and my criminal record?
Will they be erased?

If you help us catch them,
your criminal record will be erased.

But not what you did, obviously.

Not a day goes by
when I don't think about that.

What, you think I don't care
that I killed a man?

I didn't say that.

I know I deserve to be punished.
I'll deal with it.

But Jackson doesn't.

My sweet boy.

Look, we've all done things we regret.

-Yeah, sure.

-What's that?
-I was clean for almost ten years.

I relapsed, but I've been clean again
for a year now.

Consider this a chance
to leave the past behind.

There's already one thing
you can do for us.

What's that?

We overheard Laurent inviting you
to a horse auction.

You heard that?

I want you to accompany him there.

What on earth are you guys planning?

The plan is to bring Laurent
back into contact with Steve.

The stuff that came out of his sinuses...

The doctor even took a photo of it.
And it smelled horrible.

It did explain a lot.

We'll never let it come to this again,
will we, baby?

Honey, next time I'll make sure
to raise the alarm on time.

-Let's head out, shall we?
-I still have a drink.

Just put it on our tab.
We'll pay for it on Friday.

-Ciao, bella.
-See you later.

-Bye, Laurent.
-See you tomorrow.

-See you.

A coffee for you.

Thank you.

I'd like to come to the auction.

It's too late for that now.


I thought you weren't interested.
I wasn't going to beg you.

Come on, Laurent.
I didn't mean it that way.

Nathalie, don't worry about it.
It's not that important.

Hey, Nathalie, can I get another Coke?

-There you go.

Sorry. I don't mean to complain, but...

all I ever do is work.

I'm really tired.
I never have time to do anything fun.

I would have enjoyed going there with you.

Are you sure it's too late?

Give me a kiss,
and I'll see what I can do.

Pretty lady.

Just wanted to let you know
that we got that horse up for auction.

The guy wasn't happy about it,
but we're in the line-up.


Our Dutch friends are coming by tonight.
Around 8 p.m. All right?

Perfect. I'll be there.

How can you fail a book review?

Just pick a book that's been made
into a movie and twaddle about that.

There weren't any books like that
on the list.

And I turned it in too late.
Vermassen always subtracts 20% for that.

So what? If your book review had been good
you still wouldn't have failed, Einstein.

Why are you being so hard on me?
I'm not the one who was caught smoking.

-And I certainly didn't skip class.
-David, shut up.

-Polly, what's this about skipping class?
-She got written up, as well.

-David, don't touch that.
-"Dear parent..."

-Don't touch that.
-"Polly was absent without permission--"

Guys, please. Stop that.

Don't touch that!

-You, go to your room.

-What's this about skipping class?
-Leave me alone.

Mom, Uncle Laurent is here.

-Kaylee, I'm off.

I expect to be back around eight.
We won't be home late.

You know where everything is.
Bread in the cupboard,

toppings in the fridge...

He can have chocolate spread
on his bread tonight. But you be good.

-Okay, have fun.
-You too.

Sweetheart. Give me a nice big hug.

-You know Mommy loves you, right?

Nathalie, you look gorgeous.

-Just gorgeous.
-So do you.

-But something's missing, don't you think?

Something like this.

Laurent, that belongs to your mother.

She never wears it,
and I knew you'd like it.

On the rare occasion that you go out,
you should look extra beautiful.

-Stop it, you're making me blush.
-This is your big day.


-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

-There you go.
-Thank you.

To life and to love.

You have to look me in the eyes.

Or it's seven years of bad sex.
You don't want that, do you?

Ten minutes until it starts.

But that's okay, because there's something
I want to discuss with you.



Why do you keep things from me?

What do you mean?

Something about you has changed.

I don't know.

Since you applied for that job.

Hey, I understand.
You want to move on with your life.

So do I. Everyone does.

But at what cost?

How many times have you started over?

How many times have you and Jackson moved?
Six times? Seven times?

That's not what that boy needs.
The boy needs a real home.

The ranch can be his home.

His family's there,
he has access to the outdoors...

-I know that, but...
-Listen to me.

That debt you're paying off...

I can tell that weighs heavily on you.

-Yes, it does.

We'll pay it off in one go.

-I have the money.

-Really, Laurent, you shouldn't.
-Listen to me.

I want my son to be happy.
For that, his mom needs to be happy.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

I want to make you happy.

I would give up everything for you.

I'll close my company.

You and I will run the ranch together.

We'll have plenty of time for Jackson.
And the horses.

And no one will tell us what to do,
because we'll be free.

-You say that now, but will you do it?
-I mean it. I really mean it.

I don't expect an answer from you now.

I just want you to know how I feel
about you and me.

Ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the selection committee,

I would like to welcome you all
to this fourth edition of our Twelve.

-Okay, see you tomorrow.
-See you.

Hi there.

May I ask you something?

Can you give this to your father?

Tell him Ferry sent him that.

Yes, that cost me a lot of money.
I'm not talking about the 400-euro dinner.

-That woman gave me herpes. No joke.

-Try explaining that to your wife.
-Hey, assholes.

-Sit down.
-What's the problem? Plenty of room here.


You're blocking everyone's view.

Hey, asshole.
This is an event for people with class.

Fuck off, fatso.

I see you're trying to control
your impulses.

I know the feeling.

I would love to take out my frustrations
on assholes like you, who ruin my day.

But I won't, because I'm civilized.

To a certain extent, of course.

Watch what happens to your baby face
when my patience runs out.

Sit down.


Well done, sir.

Sorry, guys. I'm a little nervous.

One of my horses
will be auctioned off later. Spider.

That's exciting. Right?

To be honest, I'm not really into horses.

Someone gave him to me.

How does that happen?

He belonged to a client
who couldn't pay his bills.

A buddy of mine has been taking care
of him, and now I want to sell him.

That's a nice way of getting paid.

Let me introduce myself.
Ruud Visser. Nice to meet you.

-Laurent Berger. And this is Nathalie.


That's my horse.

How much do you think you'll get for him?

My buddy thinks 170,000.

Sounds to me like your buddy
knows shit about horses.

With that bloodline? Two hundred thousand.

Two hundred thousand?
You hear that, honey?

Two hundred. That would be nice.

The guy holding your horse...

-Do you know him?
-He's the buddy I told you about.

-He visited my ranch a few times.


Are you the guy Steve got in a fight with?

-Did he tell you that?
-Hey, I wasn't there.

I don't know what happened.
I do know Steve has a temper.

But once you get to know him,
he's a great guy.

One hundred thousand.


Are those assholes bidding on my horse?

That's far too little.

They should be paying far more.

Can't you place a bid?

I'm not here to buy anything.

Just to drive up the price.

You yourself said
he was worth more than 170.

Come on, they'll respond by bidding more.

If your bid wins,
I'll buy him back from you.

Come on, keep going.

You should stop, you're already getting
more than you thought.

I'll give you 5,000 euros if you bid now.

You're paying me back. Or I'll find you.


Well done, buddy. Well done.

You were right.
You know more about it than Steve.

What does Steve know?

Nothing. He's an idiot.

He's been working for me for years.

He's a good guy once you get to know him.

You two just got off on the wrong foot.

And that's a real shame. Steve, come here.

You know each other, right?
Laurent just helped me make 210,000 euros.

I would hate for your little argument
to ruin my potential new friendship.

So, shake hands. Apologize.
Let's forget about it.

Can you fetch us some champagne?

-Can we go home?
-It's just getting started.

I don't feel comfortable with Steve here.
I just want to go home.

All right. Anything for you.
Come on, let's go.

-All right, we're off.

I forgot that we have prior commitments.

-See you later. Nice to meet you.

We just started.

What the fuck is this?

No idea.

Here you go. It's that grey one.

-What's happening?
-Go away, he'll see us.

Suddenly you're leaving?
What did you say to him?


-I want out.
-What's wrong?

Laurent is a good man.

It's his brother you want.

He told me he's quitting his business.
The company, his brother, everything.

Nathalie, don't fool yourself.

Guys like him don't quit.


It's best for everyone
if they both go to jail. Forever.

Especially for Jackson.

Do you want him to grow up
around two criminals?

These guys have already shown
they're capable of murder.

What will happen if you ever get
in the way?

Or Jackson?

You've been threatened before.

It's not going to stop there.

-What's going on?
-Nothing. I just got my coat. Come on.

We got that horse up for auction.

The guy wasn't happy about it,

but we're in the line-up.


Our Dutch friends are coming by tonight.
Around 8 p.m. All right?


I'll be there.

That's all we have for now.

-Who's the guy from Antwerp?
-No idea. He didn't say his name.

Let me know what else you find.

I want to know everything about Steve.

Did you mean what you said today?

Of course I meant it.


How about I come upstairs for a bit?
So I can say good night to Jackson.

The babysitter will have
put him to bed already.

Some other time, maybe.

Is something wrong?

I feel like there's something
you're not telling me.

No. Everything's fine. I'm just tired.

Thank you. I had a really lovely day.

Good night.

Hi, sweetheart. Come here. Yes.

Hi, buddy. Yes, come here.

Isn't it nice?

How life can be so beautiful
and so simple.

We can do what we want,
with the people we care about.

Just imagine.

You'll be running the ranch all day.
At night, I'll come home from the office.

And then you and I and Jackson will have
plenty of time to ride together.

You said we would run the ranch together.

That's what I meant.

And you said you would sell the company.

Let's talk about it some other time, okay?

I'm going upstairs.

-What are you doing?
-It's your mom's. I can't accept it. Here.

But this was a gift.


I'm going upstairs, Kaylee is waiting.

-You're hurting me.
-Sorry, sorry.

I shouldn't have done that.

Look, I keep waiting and waiting.

I pay for everything.

That might be convenient for you,
but don't you understand?

I want you to think of me sometimes.


Hey, stop it. Let me go. Stop it!

What are you doing here?

Visser sent me. He's a man of his word.

Here's your 5,000 euros.

He would like to see you,
to discuss some things.

Why can't he ask me that himself?

I gave him your number. He'll phone you.

All right.

Thanks. See you later.


-Don't stay up too late.
-No, I'm almost done.

-Good night.
-Good night.

John? What are you doing here?

Come on, asshole.


I'm fed up with him calling me "uncle."
He has a right to know who his father is.

-We agreed we wouldn't tell him.

He said it's from Ferry.

What do you mean?

Well then, Peter.

If you dare touch my family,
I'll kill you.

Why don't you take me seriously, damn it?
I'm not an idiot.

I do have good ideas sometimes.

-We shouldn't have done this.
-Hey, fuckers. You're not dropping me now.

You don't care that I'll look like an ass.

You brought them here,
now you can deal with them.

I think you're hiding something.

Sit down.

You've introduced Carlos and Mobach,
we don't need you anymore.

Ferry has me exactly where he wants me.

What does he want?