Tyrant (2014–2016): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript

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Previously on Tyrant...

- Is there news?
- No, but it can't be good.

She pointed her gun at me,

and she shot me,

and then...

I'm sorry.

I don't want your apologies!

I want my daughter back.

His surviving kidney is
functioning at five percent.

Effectively, he's
facing total renal failure.

So he needs a kidney.

- Nusrat...
- She was my wife.

She hated me and wanted to kill me.

Because you violated her.

You put her fingers inside of
her the night of our wedding.

I love you.

Madam. General.

I'm here as foreign secretary.

- For now.
- Right.

We wouldn't want to be inappropriate.

Your wife for your daughter.

I can't do that.

I want the Al Fayeeds

to pay the price for once.





You should try to sleep.

We both should.

She said "Mommy."


I can still hear it.

Her voice.

I can't get it out of my head.

Calling for me, I can't...

They always say "Dada" first.

But Emma, she said "Mama."


Her first word.

Her last.

We need to get her body back.

I need to see it buried.
I need to see her.

Molly, I want her body back, too,

but they're not gonna give it to us.

Remove the cloth.

The American president of
Abuddin will be more angry

over this one's death than his wife's.

We're not going to bury her?

She'll be covered by dirt soon enough.

Till then, let them see.

Her flesh rots the same way ours does.

They request that their privacy

be respected as they cope
with the tragic death

of their beloved daughter, Emma.

How could you be so cold?

She was just a child.

I'm not cold.

I'm sorry she's dead.

I don't want anyone to die.

All I'm saying, and mark my words,

they will start a war over the
death of a single American girl.

- Shakir.
- Sorry.

Mind your manners, boy.

- Where's your prayer?
- If Jamal Al Fayeed gases Ma'an

and a thousand of us perish, nothing.

When our children die, we weep alone.

Yet they expect the whole
world to howl at the death

of one of theirs.

Say that in your announcement today.

Do you know my last name?

The one I was born with?



My name is Leila Haddad.

Not an Al Fayeed.

I... just put on the clothes
and dress like one.

For more than 20 years.

Now I could just...

bury that man's body and
leave this place forever.

But that would mean you'd won.

I gave you everything.

I gave you my life.

And waited for the day my
son and I would be rewarded

for that sacrifice, Jamal.

It was too high a price.

So what am I still
doing, weeping over your body?

I promised myself I wouldn't do that.

We're, um...

we're meeting in the war
room in ten minutes.

I'm sorry.

You too.

We need to...

to, uh...

bury Jamal and Rami.

And Emma.

We need to do a memorial service.

The prayers.

Since we don't have her.


I'll arrange that.

Thank you.

If we kill Rashid and the sheik,

it won't stop the Caliphate.
It won't even slow them down.

It'll weaken their internal structure.

Yes, for a time.

But then others will
rise up to replace them.

I've seen this
countless times, Mr. President.

If you want to
destabilize the Caliphate,

you've got to think bigger.

I get it, General,

and when my army is back
to fighting strength,

that's exactly what we'll do.

But first I want them dead.

How do we do it?

UAVs armed with
air-to-surface missiles.

Once we know where they are, we move.

Then that's the plan.

On this tragic day,

with you and God as my witness,

I announce my candidacy
for president of Abuddin.

It is a dangerous time for our country.

There is a risk we give in to anger,

fall prey

to our old animosities,

resort to violence.

But it's an opportunity.

An opportunity to
reclaim our lost heritage,

to follow the
example, our prophet Muhammad,

salla llahu wa-sallam,

who taught that extremism and
violence has no place in Islam.

My vision is of an authentic Islam,

one that remembers

that tolerance is fundamental
to our faith.


Islam is salaam.


And peace be upon you.

Thank you, Aziz.

Mr. President.


I couldn't bring myself
to come here before.

I tried,


We have no daughters.

My God, Fauzi, I don't know
what to do, I'm so lost.

Of course you are.

I prayed to God to let
me go back in time one year.

Just give me one more chance.

But we can only go forward.

I'm going to run for president.

And try to finish what you started.

If I can.

So our daughters won't
have died for nothing.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Excuse me.

God, what a mess.


You'd think she was raised by wolves.

Like Romulus and Remus, you know, the...

twins who founded Rome.


When you lose 20% of your blood volume,

you go into hypovolemic shock.

I'm sorry we haven't
cleaned in here yet.

We thought that...

But that takes minutes.

Maybe hours.

But if...

if the knife punctured her kidney...

she'd lose
consciousness in under a second.

And then dead in a minute.

Lying down there on the ground.

Dead in a minute.

Dead in a minute.


* Tyrant *
Season 03 Episode 04
"A Prayer for our Daughters"
Precisely Synchronized by srjanapala

Sometimes he has a
beard. Sometimes he shaves.

Which is strange for a jihadi.

He looks nothing like
the university pictures.

And he's lost about 20 pounds.

This guy's gonna be hard to find.

He's a pillbug. He hides under a rock.

What's happening?


What are you doing looking at pictures?

We haven't yet pinpointed

where to bomb.

The man who killed my daughter
is still alive.

I-I can't stand the
thought of him living.

Okay, okay.

- Well, she's...
- Okay.

Well, her body is

in the ground.

And he's sleeping peacefully.

He's breathing and you're
just sitting there!

I want him dead as much as you do.

But, please,

give me a little time.

Okay, okay.

Wait, wait, Molly.


We, um...

we need to talk about the funeral.

We need her body back.

I-I called the State Department.

I tried to talk to
Exley, but she couldn't help me.

Nobody could help me.

Some bullshit about... I don't know.

So you need to do it.

Okay, you need to get it back somehow.

Molly, it will be easier to kill Ihab

than to get her body.

But Jamal needs to be buried very soon.

And we have to say prayers for Emma.


What kind of prayers?

- You mean Muslim prayers?
- Yes.

But Emma isn't Muslim.

We're the first family
of a Muslim country.

The people believe...

I don't care what the people believe.

The man who killed her is a Muslim.

And you want to bury her that way?!


I won't have it.

Emma wouldn't want this!

She would hate this!

I won't let you do it!

You ready?


I feel like I'm jumping off
a cliff with my eyes closed.

It's the very best thing
you could have done for him.

For our whole country.

I hope so.

We'll see.

That your speech?


Take a look.

Not that I can change anything now.

Okay, so I'll introduce you,
and then you come out.

- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.

It's wonderful.

Really? You liked it?


Good afternoon.

Thank you for coming to show

your support for Fauzi Nidal.

On this day of grief,

I announce my candidacy
for presidency of Abuddin.

My hope for this country is

that even in the wake
of terrible loss...

loss that I

and so many of you know too well...

we do not lose heart.

But instead that we gain in wisdom.

That we rededicate ourselves
to the principles

of Bassam Al Fayeed's revolution.

That those of us who are broken

and this country that is broken

heal together.

And that the battle for a tolerant,

modern, Muslim, secular,

just and fair Abuddin,

begun on a battlefield,

ends with a victory at the ballot box.

Aunt Safiya.


Oh, you look good.


I clearly missed you turning into a man.

I tried to wait for you, but...

I'm so sorry about your father.

Thank you.

But if you and my mother
could be friends again now...

Oh, we'll see about that.

This is business.

Election business.

How are my nephews?

And my niece?

Excited their aunt is
running for president.

Is that how their mother feels?

I'm very sorry about Jamal.

Are you? About Jamal?

For your sake, yes.

Even though he's never liked me much.

What I never figured out was
whether it was because of that,

or because you didn't
care for my husband,

or that you simply grew tired of me

that I stopped hearing from you.


Not that it matters much now.

You called me.

Then again, you need something from me.

I do need something.

Jamal's assets are frozen.

I will give you all the
financial support I can.

I've also contacted James Kipfer.

He has advised

Merkel, Cameron, Netanyahu.

He's very good.

You move quickly.

I don't want the Caliphate
taking control

of my husband's shipping lanes.

We need each other, then.

So it seems.

You're not a baby, Ibro.

You make your own decisions.

Like fighting for Allah.

Yes, Sheik.


Phone for the young man.

Candy for the others.

Your father was a good man.

You're right.

These boys are ethnic Ma'anians.

I can tell from their accents.

The idle youth.

They should be in one
of my training camps.

Or in school.

I had to shut the schools.

All the teachers left.

Everyone's left.

electricians, trash collectors.

You won't keep the people's loyalty,

if you can't provide basic services.

With the whole world
dropping its bombs on Syria,

it will never get better for us here.

We're going to need a better army

than the one your brother had.

I'm building an army.

You'll see.

What's with the umbrella?

Eyes in the sky.

Like Argus Panoptes,

the hundred-eyed primordial Titan,

we see everything everywhere.

General, I have an umbrella.

Show me. An umbrella?

Well, chatter
indicates that Abdullah carries

a black umbrella with him everywhere.

Let's get details.

That could be Ihab Rashid.

Shadows put him at six feet?

Which is consistent with current intel.

You see how he protects his arm?

That's a prosthetic.

Don't lose him.

Come in.

We have an update, sir.

We have eyes on the target
for the first time.

Both of them?

Where are they?
-The local hospital.

Most likely they'll
be there for the night.

- Why?
- Oh, that's standard

Caliphate operating procedure.

It's the way they protect themselves.

You're sure it's
them... if we hit that hospital,

- we kill them?
- Correct.

Who else is inside? How many patients?

How many doctors and nurses?

- We don't know.
- So it could be empty?

It could be.

He's bought himself
another day on Earth.

Keep tracking him.


Mr. President.

-Wait ... Wait

Listen, you need to...

Don't tell me what I need.


This is James Kipfer.

How do you do?

How do you do?

Please, sit.

I apologize if I get
right to the point, but

I have my niece's memorial and
my husband's funeral in an hour.


tell me how we work together.

Well, first I decide
if we work together.

I don't take on just any campaign.

What would you like to know about me?

You're the wife of a
despised ex-dictator.

What makes you think
anyone would vote for you?

I'm not my husband.

In fact, as you may know,

I helped depose him.

I'm the daughter of domestic servants.

Like every poor and working
class person in this country,

I've spent my life doing
what I had to do to survive.

That's made me tough.

Which is a good thing.

Because we're surrounded by enemies.

I wouldn't turn this country
over to a cleric

who wants to bring us
back to the Middle Ages.

Or a journalist who ran away
just when things got tough.

They have no idea what this job takes.

But I've been there.

I don't imagine you've got

a chance in hell of winning
this election.

But I like you.

And I think you mean what you say.

Let's do this.


By the way,forget the young,
the poor,the working class.

It's not your constituency.

Strength, stability,

security, prosperity.

Scare them.

Then make them feel safe.

That's your platform.

It's the only one you've got.

Did that help?

For a few minutes, yeah.

I have to go.


Come here.

Next time I want to
talk about this stuff.



I'm glad I helped you, but...

I'd like to get to know you.

Not just your body.


Sammy, hey, I've been
trying to reach you.

I'm worried about you.

Call me, okay?

You did this to me.

You did it to yourself.

You turned me in.

So this? This is your work.

You deserved it.


You're more dangerous than I am.

Oh, you think you've won?

That this is over?

It hasn't even begun.

Peace be upon you.
-Upon you be peace.

Peace be upon you.
-Upon you be peace.

Peace be upon you.
-Where's Mom?

She's uh...

She's not coming.

Where were you this morning?
I couldn't find you.

At the university.

By yourself?

Sammy, do you have any idea
how dangerous that is?

What's wrong with you?

I just needed someone to talk to.

We're gathered here

to say prayers for Emma Al Fayeed.

After which, we will
move to the family cemetery,

and send the bodies of Jamal Al Fayeed

and Rami Said back to God.

In the name of God, the
beneficent, the merciful,

to Him belongs the dominion
of the heavens and the earth.

He gives life and He takes it away.

He has power over all things.

Mr. President, can I have a moment?

If you're going to draw the
American into a land war,

we need to double... triple
the number of our troops.

We'll be strong enough
when the time comes.

And we have God on our side.

Greetings, children.

Salaam alaikum.

Wa alaikum as-salaam.

Do you see these brave young men?

They're serving God.

Who else would like
to serve God in his army?

It's the highest honor.

Does anyone know any mujahideen?

Ah, yes, Sheik.

My brothers.
I have two, Baka and Taj.

That's wonderful, wonderful.

We lost them temporarily.

They went inside that
building over there.

But they're still inside?

Maybe, but we don't know for certain.

There are tunnels and many exits,

but, yes, they may be inside.

You're certain this is a training camp?

Absolutely certain. Do you see that?

That's a cache of Chinese CQ rifles.

And there... mortar launchers
covered in tarp.

General, you agree?
Yes, sir, it's a terrorist training camp.

Do we have the go-ahead?



You're still here.

We buried him after you left.

He's gone.

He's really gone.

He's not gone.

Not for me.

I'll never be rid of him.

That's not true, Ahmed.

You're free now.

I'm not.

I'm his son.

He's inside of me.

He's not.

You're nothing like him.

You have no idea.

I'm him.

I am.

You don't know what's in my head.

Or my heart.

I'm capable of terrible things.

Ahmed, you are not him.

You inherited nothing from him.

What does that mean?

What does it mean?

You're just trying
to make me feel better.

Go away.

Leave me be.

Can I?

Yeah, of course.

Is he dead?

We don't know yet.

I'm sorry, Sammy.

About what?


Not being there for Emma.

Not being here for you

or your mom.

I am trying, I'm...

I'm trying.

Dad, are you okay?

I mean, Mom, she's... she's a wreck...

But you always seem...
-I'm not okay.

I'm not okay.

I love you.

It's not a good time.

A man returned to Abuddin a few days

before I was to marry Jamal.

He came for the wedding.

I was in love with him
since I was a girl.

He came to see me...

and we were...

We were together.

The man you told me about?

You're that man's son.

He doesn't know.

Jamal never knew it.

I couldn't tell anyone
while he was alive.

But now that he's dead...

That can't be true.

After you were born,

I couldn't get pregnant again.

For two years, Jamal and I tried.

We went to a fertility clinic.

It was him.

His sperm.

Why do you think you never
had any brothers and sisters?

I told him it was me.

But what about Rami?

He wasn't Jamal's son.

You'd have to ask
his mother why she lied.

A measure of revenge, I suppose.

I don't believe this.

Call the doctor, then.

Ask for the results of your kidney test.

Who was it?

This man you were so in love with?


You're Bassam's son.

Does he...

Does he know?


Now is not the time to tell him.

Promise me you won't tell him, Ahmed.


I know you judge me for this.

What would be the point of judging you?

The horrible thing...

The really horrible thing is...

he was the man who raised me,

and now he's dead,

and he's not my real father.

And you know what I feel?

You know what I feel more than anything?




No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no!

- Where is she?
- Ma'am?

The maid, the one who cleans our room...

Emma's room... where is she?

- I don't...
- The maid.

She's-she's tall, skinny.
She wears exactly what you wear.

Sh-She's the goddamn maid.

- Ma'am, please.
- Ma'am?

You. ...
You erased my daughter.

Do you understand?

Get up!

What did I do?

I don't do anything ...
-You threw her away!

- You erased her.
- Stop. ... Stop.

- You erased her.
- You have to stop.

I'm sorry.

This is an American missile.

It's Ihab's voice.

We have forensic confirmation, sir.

The American president of Abuddin has
waged a holy war against Islam.

Now this is a war
against the children of Islam.

These are children.

Can you see them?


These were your children.

You see this? A gun emplacement.

It's been destroyed.

Rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

Here, warheads and associated hardware.

All of them obliterated.

This was not a mistake.

Was the camp near a school?

Intelligence tells us the
nearest school was a mile away.

These are children in street clothes.

Boys and girls.

That's a backpack... notebooks.

He must have moved the children

to the training camp as a shield.


Mr. President.

We failed, and I apologize.

It's more than a failure, General.

Those are dead children.

I know that.

It's horrifying.

But tragedies happen in war.

Question is ..
What do you want to do next?

Not so fast, little man.

Abdullah, the missile strike...

I'll be more careful.

They're in paradise now...

and on Earth,

things are exactly
where I want them to be.

Upside down, Upside down!

Upside down, upside down.

We could not have planned
it better if we tried.

Upside down.



I looked through the laundry.


Your daughter's towels,

they were already washed.


I can't bring her back to you, but...

my grandmother was a naddabah.

She was Druze, from Lebanon,
a poet singer.

She taught me her funeral songs.

When someone died in her village,

everyone come to sing,

but you... you mourn alone.

I'll sing one for you?

A prayer?

♪ The Bedouin ♪

♪ The Bedouin ♪

♪ One beauty after another ♪

♪ The Bedouin ♪

♪ The Bedouin put you
in the burial ground ♪

♪ I wish ♪

♪ The Bedouin girls put
their own beloved ones ♪

♪ And you were spared ♪

♪ For your mother ♪

♪ Oh, one dearer than ♪

♪ My eyes... ♪

Of course I didn't know.

It was a training camp.
They were schoolchildren.

What were they doing there?

Now I will issue an apology

to the families of the victims,

but that's all I'm gonna do.

These people are monsters.

If I start behaving as if
I'm guilty of their crimes,

then I might as well be guilty...

and they win.

You can condemn me if you want.

I know you need political cover.

That's not the point.

This was supposed to be
an election about the future.

Now we're just gonna start

killing each other all over again.

Stop the war on Islam!

Stop the war on Islam!

Stop the war on Islam!

I wept for this president

when he lost his child...

but now Bassam Al Fayeed
used his American weapons

to wage war, not against his enemies

but against the people.


Ma'anian children, who are our children,

living across a meaningless
border drawn by the West.

So one has the right to ask,

is this really an Abuddinian war...

or is it an American one?

♪ The Bedouin ♪

♪ The Bedouin cast
the evil eye upon you ♪

♪ I wish the Bedouin girls ♪

♪ Cast it upon their
own beloved ones ♪

♪ And you were spared
for your mother ♪

♪ Oh, one dearer than my eyes. ♪

No... no.

What's that?

That's Jack and Megan.

My kids.

My safe kids.

They're beautiful.

You watch them like this often?

Well, I had to

hack into my wife's Wi-Fi nanny cam.

It's the only time I get to see them.

Now, that one...

Megan, she's got to toughen up.

So, my wife is having an affair.

I don't blame her.

I'm never around.

It's amazing how much damage

we can do from a distance.

When was the last time you slept?

You look exhausted.

I know...

it's impossible to bear.

What can I do to help you?

Please... talk to me.

Tell me.

I killed all those children...

but I didn't kill Ihab Rashid.


so angry with me.

I don't think she'll ever forgive me.

Her grief is so huge that ...

there's no room for mine.

I can't grieve.

You-you can with me.

Emma used to have this,
uh... this parakeet...

uh, when she was... I don't
know, six years old...

and she gave it a silly name...

and I'm...

I'm... I'm t-trying to remember.

I-I can't.
I can't remember its name.


I heard Mom crying.

She's in her room and
she won't let me near her.

You should go talk to her.

Sammy, listen...
-It's okay.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.


Did you see this?

I made a hundred mothers just like me.

A thousand mothers... grieving.

This is not your fault.

I thought losing my...

was the worst thing ever...


but all those children...

I killed them.


They made me into a murderer...

and she's still gone.

I'm so tired.

You haven't slept for days.

I want to sleep forever.


No, you don't.

It'll get better.

Precisely Synchronized by srjanapala