Tyrant (2014–2016): Season 2, Episode 2 - Enter the Fates - full transcript

Barry scours the desert for salvation; Jamal grapples with the loss of his brother.

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Previously on Tyrant...
It's over.
Tomorrow morning they're carrying out your sentence.
AHMED: All we know here
is blood and violence and revenge.
It's what we do.
This life we have,
it didn't cost you anything.
But I paid for it.
My name's Sammy, by the way.
And I thought maybe we could hang out.
I'd be disappointed if we didn't.
Do you parents know?
Know what?
Hey! You!
JAMAL: You are not dead, Bassam.
Arif switched you with another enemy of the state
who had an appointment with the gallows.
This land
you betrayed me for,
your own brother,
I give it to you. All of it.
¶ ¶
(man grunting, woman moaning in pleasure)
LEILA: You all right?
Jamal, stop this.
You had no choice.
I... don't know if you ever liked him,
but I did love him.
Even after he left that first time,
when I should have realized
that what I felt for him, he didn't feel for me.
You're wrong.
I loved him, too.
Because he was your brother.
I'm sorry he let you down.
I'm sorry he let us down.
But I'm glad this is behind us.
(wind whistling)
(lighter clicks)
(water bubbling)
(man coughs)
(lighter clicks)
What are you doing?
That shit stinks.
And it's not good for the baby.
It's just the Minister of Energy Development
fortifying himself for the work week.
(whistle blows)
then at 3:00, there's a presentation
from the Safety Cap Corporation in anticipation of their bid
to provide Blow Out Prevention Equipment
for all the new wells.
I'm sorry.
What is Blow Out Prevention Equipment?
do you know what a blow out is?
I'll e-mail you some literature.
Yes, Chao?
Sorry to bother you, Mr. Al Fayeed,
but I was reviewing your layout
for tomorrow's groundbreaking ceremony
and was wondering if I could
call your attention to a couple of things.
What do you need?
It occurred to us once we arrived
that the event is at 4:00 in the afternoon. Mm.
At 4:00 in the afternoon,
the sun will be there in the sky.
Directly behind the stage.
So I'm worried it will blind the audience.
Make it very difficult for them to see your father
or my boss, the ambassador.
This is the desert.
The sun is always somewhere.
No matter where you move the audience, it will find them.
Yes, but...
Would you rather it blind my father?
Or for that matter, your ambassador?
Trust me.
I know what I am doing.
This is my home.
My sun.
My oil, hmm?
IHAB: He is going to be here tomorrow.
Six miles away.
Him and his new Chinese friends.
This timing is perfect.
The image of his brother's body hanging from the gallows
is still fresh in everybody's minds.
How do we not go after him?
MAN: How do we not?
It's simple. We cannot, Ihab.
We have no men, we have no money
and we have no guns.
IHAB: We don't need
We need a gun.
We need someone to fire it
at Jamal Al Fayeed.
Bullet to the head.
NAMIR: How do we do it,
How do we even get into such an event?
No. We are all wanted men.
We're all on the watch lists,
our pictures are everywhere.
I don't think my picture is on any... watch list.
No. Not as of this morning, Malik.
If you can get a gun in there,
with Allah's help...
I will fire it.
GUARD: Mr. Al Fayeed?
Your father wishes to see you.
JAMAL: Come in, Ahmed.
Close the door.
I need your help with something.
What is it, Father?
Who do you think we should get
to be the new Minister of Energy Development?
What are you talking about?
I'm the Minister of Energy Development.
Are you?
You think it's all right
for the Minister of Energy Development
to show up for work high on drugs?
The son of the president?
The next leader of Abuddin?
You think it's wise,
when a citizen of a foreign government...
a government with whom we are trying to curry favor...
points out that you might have made a mistake,
to lecture him about whose sun it is?
Whose oil it is?
People hate you.
They don't even know you,
and they hate you.
Because you are my son.
Because you've been given everything
they have been denied.
They think you are a fat, lazy slob.
Why would you work so hard
to prove them right?
If you don't want the job,
just tell me.
Either job.
Minister of Energy Development
or my son.
I want both.
'Cause they hate me, too.
we can prove them wrong.
(Barry panting)
(indistinct chatter)
MALIK: If you ask me the greatest moment of my life,
I tell you it is that moment.
When you push the button.
There is all this...
Light and screaming.
And while that is happening, you're thinking...
"I'm still alive.
I'm still alive."
And it's amazing.
And you know you have done something good.
You know you've done something just.
Understand this is...
this is different.
If we...
(whispering): If we go through with this,
this is a gun.
It's not a bomb.
You might... Hey!
You might not get away.
I'm very clever.
Very determined.
And if I don't get away,
but I get my target...
I will still think,
"This is amazing.
"I've done something good.
I've done something just."
And you will see me smile.
What are you doing out here?
We need you inside.
Tell them I'm taking a shit.
I'm telling them you are a shit.
Hey, watch your mouth!
You know who these people are?!
WOMAN: I have no idea.
And I wouldn't be gloating about being with them if I were you.
Three days from now,
she'll be singing a different tune.
(wind whistling)
Ah... camel tracks.
MOLLY: No, no. You're not hearing me.
When we left the country,
Mr. Cooper from the State Department
assured me that your office and his office would do anything
in their power to ensure that my husband's body
was returned to me. He said when I woke up
this morning, there would be something in my e-mail
from the congressman's office. Well, it's afternoon.
There's nothing in my e-mail.
I appreciate that the congressman is doing his best.
Ye... yes.
I realize we have no diplomatic relations
with Abuddin at the moment, but...
Thank you, but please tell the congressman
I don't need his sympathies.
I just need him to bring my husband's body home.
How long have those people been outside the house?
EMMA: They've been out here since I was up.
Aunt Jenna says we should call the police.
Uh, that's more drama than I can handle right now.
I'm sure they'll go away at some point.
Everyone, uh, wants to know when the memorial is.
I don't know.
I promise you, I'll figure it out.
Baby... I think we just need to get out.
Get some American coffee.
Convince myself I'm actually home.
I might, um, stop by my practice,
make sure it's still there.
You want to come with me?
I don't know.
I just...
I-I don't think I can face people today.
You sure?
Love you.
(quietly): I love you, too.
Where are my keys?
I think Sammy took your car.
Without asking?
You could take Dad's car.
(crying softly)
Excuse me, excuse me.
Please, please, get out of my way.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Thank you so much.
Oh, Jesus.
MAHMOUD: Yeah, come in.
(door opens)
MAN: Colonel?
That's it?
According to the Highways Department,
there are seven cameras covering that intersection.
You've seen everything. Right.
Everything but his face.
What's that?
A map.
To help our young friend
to find his way around.
A friend of mine owns the company
that supplies the portable toilets.
I'm going to give this to him.
And he's going to make sure
it's in there for Malik.
Cancel the groundbreaking?!
You asked me what I would do to ensure nothing goes awry.
Given the state of the country,
this is what I would do.
We have... As you insisted...
Used measured and proportionate
retaliation tactics
against Ihab Rashid and his followers.
But as the attack on the Ma'an
checkpoint last week demonstrated, they're still
capable of wreaking havoc.
Were we free to respond in a more muscular way...
I'm trying to convince the Chinese...
I'm trying to convince the world that we are...
that we are a peaceful and friendly nation...
anxious to do business...
eager to welcome visitors.
Canceling public celebration,
dropping bombs,
using gas against our own people
would make that difficult.
Don't you think?
Now, then...
since we are all in agreement
that this ceremony will continue as planned...
review for me the security precautions
you've put in place.
The entire site
will be ringed with armed soldiers.
Credentialed guests will make
their way to appropriate gates...
(whispering): We found another camera.
The cash machine across the way.
I think you should take a look.
TARIQ: Addtionally, save for those
with the highest security clearance...
(wind whistling)
(water running)
KHALED: Looks like it's always been here,
but it will all be gone tomorrow.
That's how the wadi works, Bassam.
After the rain, it's a river.
But by the next sun, it's dry.
MOLLY: Well, just so you guys know, I hated it.
I hated being away from you.
I hated being reminded every day
how powerless I was to help your father.
And it never once seemed at all heroic.
Mostly, it just seemed...
pathetic and scary and tedious.
And incredibly lonely.
Everybody thinks what you did was amazing.
Everybody thinks what Dad did was amazing.
Not everyone. Some actually think it was kind of stupid. (Cell phone rings)
EMMA: Sammy.
(cell phone continues ringing)
I-I-I-I'm sorry, I...
I-I can't hear you.
Wh-Who is this?
ABDUL: It's Abdul.
Wow, uh...
It-it's great to hear your voice, man.
H-How... What's going... what's going on?
I'm so sorry.
About your dad.
About everything.
Yeah, uh...
Thank you.
It's unbelievable, man, what he was trying to do.
He gave up his life to change things.
And I knew him a little bit.
Or at least... I feel like I did.
So, anyway, I'm thinking of heading to Ma'an.
There's all kinds of jobs there now.
New oil fields and everything.
Yeah, that's... that's good.
That's... that's great.
And look... I know
we'll probably never see each other again,
but I-I just wanted to tell you...
I miss you.
Uh... thanks.
Thank you, um...
Me, too, man.
I-I... I miss... I miss... I miss...
(cell phone beeps)
(thunder crashes)
(thunder crashes)
Rain, goddamn it, rain.
(thunder crashes)
IHAB: What is your name? Jaleel Hosam.
What is your name?
Hmm? Hassam!
Jaleel Hassam.
Again, what is your name?
Jaleel Hassam.
Jaleel Hassam.
You have a student credential.
Where do you attend school?
I go to school at the Abuddinian Technical Institute.
I study geology.
I have been there for a... Ah...
I study geology; I have been there for a year.
And I write for the student paper called The Bugle.
Good. Good.
And what if someone asks you why are you approaching the stage?
I'm going to get a better picture for my paper.
Where is the gun?
Furthest men's toilet furthest from the stage.
First men's toilet furthest from the stage.
You better not miss... You better kill him.
I had to trade Mr. Hassam my car for this.
MAHMOUD: He's Malik, yes?
Your friend.
Your colleague.
It's hard to be sure.
I've never seen Malik dress like that.
And his face is kind of blurry.
How about this man?
Ever see him around here?
Maybe with Malik?
I can see you're uncomfortable.
And I don't want you to lie.
You know, uh, people who lie, sometimes they disappear.
And are never seen again.
So we don't want that.
So... let's do this.
if the answer is, "Yes, you've seen this man,"
just say yes.
Or better still,
don't say anything.
(whispering): I'll know what you mean.
That way, no one can accuse you of lying.
And no one can accuse you of giving up your friend.
have you ever seen this man around here?
You are a brave young woman.
Your country is very proud of you.
(approaching footsteps)
Your new Minister of Energy Development
and his very pregnant bride are already in the helicopter
and are waiting to go to the groundbreaking.
Well, tell my new Minister of Energy Development
and his very pregnant bride
that I will be right there.
¶ ¶
(wind howls)
(wind howls)
(wind howls)
(wind howls)
(howling ceases)
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
God is great...
God is great.
(wand squeals)
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.
We are about to begin.
Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.
We are about to begin.
(wand squealing)
(crowd applauding)
Thank you.
has always been God's gift
to the people of Abuddin.
But this newest discovery of an oil reserve
here on the outskirts
of Ma'an is a gift
of almost incomprehensible wonder.
Not only will it help fund
schools, hospitals
and roadways for decades,
it will provide over 4,000 jobs.
(speech continues indistinctly)
¶ ¶
Jobs, revenue,
exciting new public works projects...
All that dwarfs the real bounty
that this new find bestows on us.
Excuse me.
Which is our newfound friendship
with our partners from China.
Two countries...
One big and powerful,
the other small but determined...
Locking arms and making their way...
(crowd screaming, clamoring)
(yelling in Chinese)
(panicked shouting)
BOY: Gentle. You don't want
to wake him up. He could be a killer.
I'm not worried.
He doesn't look very scary to me.
I'm more worried he'll be dead before we have a chance
to turn him in and get the reward.
You know what?
I might just shoot him now.
I think the reward for an escaped prisoner
is the same whether he is alive or dead.
Is that true?
Do they pay as much for a dead man
as they do for a living man?
I saw it in a movie on YouTube.
(camel grunts)
You think we're going to be rich?
I think so.
(bell tolling)
(bells continue tolling)
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
And how long has it been since your last confession?
I think it was... 1997?
Okay, would you mind me asking
what's kept you away for this long?
Well, I... met a man,
and he wasn't Catholic.
I married him.
And how would he feel about you being here today?
Actually, I think he's probably fine with it.
He, uh...
passed away a few days ago.
Well, I'm-I'm sorry.
I'm, I-I truly am.
It's okay.
I think I just need
someone to tell me what to do.
How to... grieve.
How to breathe, how to...
be a mother to my children.
I've lived in this town my whole life,
and I-I feel like I've never been here before.
I-I'm just...
completely lost.
(choir singing a hymn)
Take it.
You want to go? Okay.
Uh, that was so nice
what you did in there.
I just wanted to say thank you.
Not at all.
Uh, Jimmy Timmons, James Timmons.
This is my daughter Leslie.
She's home from Stanford for the weekend.
Nice to meet you.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Molly.
I know who you are.
Everybody knows who you are.
JIMMY: I'm so sorry.
We're all so sorry.
Thank you.
I was four or five years ahead of you in school.
Um... you and my sister Connie
played field hockey together.
Uh, yeah, how's she doing?
She's great.
She's at the University of New Mexico.
She teaches computer ethics, whatever that is.
She has two lovely boys.
Uh, Connie's brother.
Um, wait for me by the car, will you?
Oh, look, I know you don't really know me from Adam,
but I'm guessing in the next couple weeks
you're gonna be hit with a hurricane of legal papers
and lawyers and wills and trusts,
and if I can be of help...
a second opinion or even just somebody to talk to.
Um, I make a great cup of coffee and file
a hell of a legal brief.
I'm an attorney, by the way, not a barista.
That's very kind of you.
¶ ¶
How is she?
The bones in her upper arm were fractured by the bullet.
They've performed one operation already.
The finest doctors in China will be arriving in the morning.
They'll be doing another procedure
to prepare her arm for a steel elbow.
There are no words to express how sorry...
how horrible...
Let's not.
The man who did this...
the man at whose behest this was done
is a terrorist.
You must know we are doing everything we can
to apprehend him.
How can I...?
How can my nation
make this enormous commitment
to a country that cannot even
keep my own wife safe?
I don't think there's anything else to discuss.
In the morning, my staff will meet with your staff
and we will begin the work
of unwinding our various
commitments to each other.
Listen to me.
This will be taken care of.
It will be handled swiftly and certainly.
By the time you wake up tomorrow,
we will have this man's head on a stick.
His movement will be dead.
Any threat eradicated.
And we will proceed with our project.
Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH