Two and a Half Men (2003–2015): Season 9, Episode 5 - A Giant Cat Holding a Churro - full transcript

Alan tries to cure Walden's divorce grief with alcohol and cable porn. Thus they discover that Lyndsey has starred in such a revealing production. Alan first mounts his high horse, then overdoes 'letting her off' by admitting his own moral deviations, hence ends up dumped. Walden meanwhile seeks simpler comfort in baking sweet stuff, but Berta spikes a cake. To cheer up Alan, he throws a libertine party, unknowing Lyndsey is coming to give Alan another chance. Walden prevents her finding Alan 'anughty', yet he repeats his excessive honesty.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Ready, sweetheart?
- Almost.

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Dinner is sitting a little heavy.

maybe I can help you work it off.

Yeah, about that. Honey, would you
mind terribly if we just go to sleep?

I'm so full and bloated from that dinner,
it'd be like sticking a pin in a balloon.

Can we not call it a pin?

I just don't think I'd enjoy sex tonight.

Since when is that a requirement?
Ha, ha.

But seriously, it's fine.

- It's no problem.
- Thank you. Ugh.

Well, actually,
it is a little bit of a problem.

What's that?

Oh, uh... Based on past history...

...expensive dinner, drinks,
valet parking...

...I thought we would probably
be fooling around tonight.

And with that in mind...

...about 20 minutes ago,
I popped a little blue pill... ensure that when you were ready,
so was I.

Of course,
now I'm ready and you're not...

...a situation they didn't really cover
in those commercials.

Oh, Alan.

No, that's okay. It's okay.

It's just kind of a shame
to waste them.

I mean, they are kind of pricey.

Even if they're expired ones
from Mexico.

If I give you $20,
will you let me go to sleep?

Oh, don't be silly.

I don't want your money.

But there are other ways
you could reimburse me...

...that wouldn't require a lot of effort
on your part.

Should've taken the 20 bucks.

Oh, hey.

Oh, hey, Alan.

- Want some whiskey?
- Thought you didn't like to drink.

I don't. I'm trying to learn.

I'm getting better.

- Is this about your ex-wife?
- No.

- Walden.
- Maybe.

- Walden.
- Yes.

All right. Listen to me.

Alcohol is just a bandage
for your problems.

And I know this
because I used to live with the mummy.

Come on,
we gotta get your mind off of her.

Let's... Let's watch some TV.

Bridget and I used to watch TV.

That's the spirit.

Okay, let's see what's on. Oh!

Cinnamon's Buns.

"A medieval wench
falls for a bawdy baker.

Adult, 1992." Ooh!

A selection from the classic era
of soft-core cable porn.

Or what I like to call
the winter bush years.

I haven't watched porn since college.

Yeah, me neither.

- I see it now, I feel bad for the girls.
- Yeah, yeah, somebody's daughter, shh!

- Are you ready to learn my craft?
- Of course, master baker.

I am entirely in your hands.

This is not historically accurate.

Medieval bakers did not dress
like Chef Boyardee.

Don't need the DVD commentary here.


Now, Cinnamon...

... take my frosting bag.

It's so big.
I can barely get my hand around it.

Use both hands, milady.

It's well written.

- Like this?
- Now squeeze.

And anoint thy muffins
with my frosting.

Boy, she looks familiar.

Yeah, she does. If I wasn't here,
would you be masturbating?

You kidding?
I'd be done and fixing a sandwich.

Master baker,
whatever are you doing?

I'm going to put my loaf in your oven.

That's clever.

I don't know. She looks like a younger
version of your girlfriend.

Lyndsey? Ha, ha.


Oh, oh, you're so masterful.

Kind of sounds like her too.

Maybe. Although I can't say I've heard
Lyndsey use that particular phrase.

Don't stop. I can't get enough.

Or that one.

Maybe if I heard her say,
"Damn it, get off my hair."

I don't know, Alan.
I think that's your girlfriend.

No, no.

Yes, yes.

No. No.

Yes, yes.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Boy, she's not very convincing.

It is Lyndsey.

I'm gonna go upstairs and masturbate.

Whoa, you're gonna go pleasure yourself
while thinking about my girlfriend?

No, that would be creepy.
I'm gonna pleasure myself...

...while I'm thinking about my wife.
- Wait. Your wife? Seriously?

Yeah. I love Bridget. I think
she's the sexiest woman in the world.

You've never fantasized
about anybody else?

Sometimes I imagine she's twins.


I never even thought of my wife when
I was actually having sex with my wife.

Oh, master baker.

Boy, she never let me do that to her.

Until now.

How's your day looking? Busy?

Yeah. Busy.

- Look, I'm sorry about last night.
- It's okay.

I did offer this morning.

Can't expect me to turn on like a light
switch whenever the whim strikes you.

I'm not just a piece of meat.

You're kidding, right?
In the time I've known you...'ve never once passed up
an opportunity for sex.

So as not to hurt your feelings,
sometimes my mouth says yes...

...when my soul is screaming no.

Oh, please. I can't even bend over
to take off my shoes...

...without you trying to mount me.
- Hey, hey, that was an accident.

I was trying to walk and text.

You were texting,
"Here comes Mr. Pokey."

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Morning.
- We'll talk later.

About Mr. Pokey?

- I was speaking to Lyndsey.
- Sounds like a short conversation.

I should have my own talk show. Ha, ha.

Okay. I've gotta get to work.

- I'll call you later?
- If you want.

Bye, Berta.

You're an attractive woman.
You don't have to settle.

I mean, bye!

So trouble in paradise?

Why do you think
I would share my problems with you?

Oh, come on.
I may tease you now and then...

...but that doesn't mean that I don't care
about you as a human being.

All right.

What do you do
when you're in a relationship...

...and, you know, like all relationships,
it has its ups and downs...

...but generally, things are going
pretty good, until one day... discover that they are not at all
who you thought they were...

...and you don't know
whether to confront them...

...or pretend you don't know because
the idea of being alone is worse...

...than being with someone
who's deceived you?



Turns out I don't care.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Hey, I was thinking
about your girlfriend's porno movie.

- Me too. What about it?
- I wanna learn to bake.

- What?
- I think it would be fun.

You know,
cookies and cupcakes, pie, bread.

That's what you took from watching
two people get it on in a kitchen?

I know how to have sex.
How do you make buttermilk biscuits?

There's a mystery.

- Hey.
- We need to talk.

Is everything okay?

- Not really. Can I come in?
- Sure.

What's going on?

Okay, I don't know how to say this
except just to say it.

God, are you still upset
about not getting laid last night?

I'm still upset about not getting laid
in high school.

But that's not
what I wanna talk about.

Last night, after you went to sleep,
I turned on the TV...

...and stumbled on a little motion picture
you appeared in.

You saw Cinnamon's Buns.

I saw Cinnamon's buns.
I saw Cinnamon's boobs.

I saw the little birthmark
on the inside of Cinnamon's thigh.

- Oh, God.
- One minute I'm dating a soccer mom...

...from Sherman Oaks, and the next
minute, a porn star on Cinemax.

I'm not a porn star.
It was a little nudity.

- And simulated sex.
- Most of it.

- Most of it?
- It was 20 years ago, Alan.

I was young, stupid
and needed the money.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- Yeah, right.

Who wouldn't be looking forward
to this conversation?

- I just feel like an idiot.
- You feel like an idiot?

That casting director
said he could get me on Melrose Place.

I'm sorry. I should have told you.

Any other secrets you'd like to share
with me?

Wait a second, that's a two-way street.
Do you have secrets you wanna tell me?

Me? I'm an open book.

Great. Chapter one.
What have you done...

...that you're ashamed of
and don't want anyone to know about?

All right.


When I was a little boy...

...we had a dog named Rusty, um,
who loved peanut butter...

...and, uh...

My brother convinced me
that the best way to feed him...

...was to smear it on my testicles.


No surprise,
that dog got very, very fat.

So long story short, I kissed the guy.

Because, you know, how else
would I know whether or not I was gay?

What did you decide?

Well, I may love musicals
and have an eye for fashion...

...but that's where it stops.

Okay, let's recap the highlights.

- You embezzled money from your family.
- Mm-hm.

- You cheated on me with an old girlfriend.
- Mm-hm.

You might be the father
of Judith and Herb's baby.

You didn't tell your brother that the
woman he was chasing was married...

...because she gave you $50,000
to keep it a secret.

And to top it all off... gave the family dog
type 2 diabetes.

Oh, wait, one more thing.

Those diamond earrings I got you
for your birthday...

- Let me guess. They're not real.
- Oh, no, they're real. Uh...

It's just I kind of stole them
from my ex-wife.

You know, it really feels good
to get all this off my chest.

Okay, now your turn.

Probably shouldn't have gone first.

I'm so glad I learned to bake.

I'm so glad I'm baked.


- What are you doing?
- Oh, I'm baking brownies...

...and Berta is making my head
into a dreamcatcher.

- I'm guessing it was Berta's recipe.
- It was.

But I did the baking
because I am a master baker now.

That was funny.

You should be a guest
on my talk show.

I'm in.

Well, I have done something
incredibly stupid.

- Whatever you do, don't say what.
- What?

- Lyndsey and I split up.
- Oh, no. What happened?

Well, I made the mistake
of thinking honesty is the best policy.

It is a good policy.

You know another good policy?

Give a hoot, don't pollute.

Zippy, the only time in this world
you wanna be completely honest... when the paramedics ask,
"What did you take?"

Two brownies and a peach Snapple.



Okay. Well, it's been real nice
talking at the two of you.

- Where you going?
- I need a little time to be alone.


Goodbye-bye! Heh.

Man, it is hard when the person
you love doesn't love you back.

You don't have to love me.


You heard me, Mr. Master Baker.

Hi, Lyndsey. It's me again. Um...

You don't have to call me back,
but I just want you to know...

...that the only reason
I was so honest with you... because I care about you
and I trust you.

And a lot of those things
I've never told anybody...

...and I'd appreciate it
if you didn't either.

Especially the peanut butter
and the dog.

I got enough problems
without the ASPCA on my ass.

Anyway, I love you and I miss you...

...and I'm sorry I made such a big deal
about your film career.

And for what it's worth...

...I got a really big kick
out of seeing your original breasts.

Okay. Bye-bye.

she's gonna take that last part wrong.

Hey, Alan, come here quick!


Oh, what fresh hell is this?


- What's? What's going on?
- It's a party to cheer you up.

Hey, Alan, say hello... the Malibu College
beach volleyball team.



Here, Alan, have a brownie.

They're mm-mm good.

Gee, Walden, I really appreciate this...

...but it's a little soon
for me to be partying.

I'm still hurting over Lyndsey.

But what am I gonna do with
all these incredibly hot girls in bikinis...

...that are in the process
of getting stoned out of their minds?

You're right, I'm being thoughtless.

Alan's here!

Do I look delicious?
Because I feel delicious.

Hey, Zip, I'm home.

Where you been?

Not a clue.

I wanna start a fight

I wanna start a fight

Whoa, I just saw a giant cat
holding a churro.

Now, if that's a giant mouse,
he's in big trouble.

And now that we're done

Hey, it's Cinnamon.

Oh, God, you saw it too?

Yeah, just a little.

Then I went upstairs to masturbate.

Terrific. Is Alan here?


I don't think so.

Let me check.

I guess I'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll know how to hit

What if this song's on the radio
Then somebody's gonna die

You said Alan, right?


Hold on.

He's gonna start a fight

All right, all right.
Ladies, have you got your spoons?

Well, get rid of them.
We are eating freestyle.

- All right. Excuse me.
- Wait. Hey.

- Whoa, hey, what are you doing?
- You'll thank me later.

I can fly! Oh!

No, I can't.

So what
I'm still a rock star

You said Alan, right?

- Right.
- He's not here.

Are you having some sort of a party?

Oh, no, it's just a bunch
of stoned girls dancing.


Works better with an oven mitt.


Oh, hey, Alan. You look ucky.

- Was that Lyndsey?
- Yeah. I told her you were not here.

I was not here
because you threw me off the deck.

No, I threw you off the deck
so you would not be here.

Wouldn't it have been easier
to just skip the throwing...

...and tell her I'm not here?

Next time.

Oh, hey. Great news, we got a cat.

So I thought about it and I decided
that I really can't fault you...

...for opening up to me. I mean...

...every good relationship
has got to be based on honesty.

Well, I'm glad you feel that way.

By the way, where were you
when I came over to the house?


Honesty, right?


I'm such a schmuck.