Twin Peaks (1990–1991): Season 2, Episode 19 - Episode #2.19 - full transcript

Cooper, Truman and the deputies find new markings discovered by Windom Earle in the form of a large map-like petroglyph. Meanwhile, Windom Earle picks up a heavy metal roadie where he confides in his intentions to find the mysterious Black Lodge, and then kills him as another chess pawn. Leo begins to show disillusionment to Earle over his methods, but is held in check. Catherine shows Pete and Truman the mysterious puzzle box left behind by Thomas Eckhardt and upon opening it, reveals another box inside it. As the town prepares for the annual Miss Twin Peaks Beauty Pagent, the conniving Lana Budding Milford enters as a contestant and persuades the elderly and senile Mayor Milford, who's one of the judges, to vote in her favor. Elsewhere, Cooper continues dating Annie, unaware that Windom Earle knows about their newfound romance. Cooper finally learns about the love poem that Shelly, Donna, and Audrey received from Windom Earle, and correctly concludes that Leo is also working for Earle. Gordon Cole goes on a date with Shelly and kisses her goodbye as he leaves Twin Peaks, in which Bobby sees it. Dick Tremayne hosts a wine-tasting fund raiser at the Great Northern for Ben Horne's opposition to Catherine's development plans for Ghostwood. Donna continues to investigate her parents past which may involve Ben Horne. With Audrey out of town, Wheeler confides in Cooper about his feelings for Audrey, and tells Ben that he must leave for Brazil to take over his partner's business.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Nighttime or daytime,

once you get a few feet into this place,
you can't tell the difference.

Probably why
it's all remained so untouched.

One step at a time,
gentlemen. Keep your eyes peeled.

Over this way, to your right, Coop.

Harry, someone's been here already.

Look, they did our work for us.

Oh, my God.

I saw the same tracks
outside the power station.

Weight shift to the left foot.
A break in the heel.

Windom Earle.

What would Earle be doing here?

That's a frightening question
to contemplate.

Andy, I'm gonna need

an accurate large-scale
rendering of this petroglyph.

Harry, let's get Major Briggs
on the horn.

You want him to meet us
at the station?

That's the ticket.

Once upon a time,
there was a place of great goodness

called the White Lodge.

Gentle fawns gamboled there
amidst happy, laughing spirits.

The sounds of innocence and joy
filled the air.

And when it rained, it rained
sweet nectar that infused one's heart

with a desire to live life
in truth and beauty.

Generally speaking, a ghastly place,
reeking of virtue's sour smell.

Engorged with
the whispered prayers

of kneeling mothers,
mewling newborns,

and fools, young and old,
compelled to do good without reason.

But I am happy to point out
that our story does not end

in this wretched place
of saccharine excess.

For there's another place.
Its opposite.

A place of almost
unimaginable power,

chock-full of dark forces
and vicious secrets.

No prayers dare enter
this frightful maw.

Spirits there care not for good deeds
or priestly invocations.

They are as like
to rip the flesh from your bone

as greet you with a happy good day.

And if harnessed,
these spirits in this hidden land

of unmuffled screams
and broken hearts

will offer up a power so vast

that its bearer might reorder
the earth itself to his liking.

Now, this place I speak of
is known as the Black Lodge.

And I intend to find it.

Hey, man,

the story's cool,

but you promised me beer.

You told me
there was gonna be a party.

I mean, White Lodge, Black Lodge?
I mean, what's the big deal?

In time, young man.
Everything in time.

I think that I shall never see
a girl as lovely as Josie.

When she walks into a room,

the flowers all stood up,

to room,


fume, gloom...

I think that I shall never see
a girl as lovely as Josie.

When she walks into a room,
the flowers were all abloom.

- Oh, Josie.
- Oh, stop your incessant moping.

Give me a hand with this damn box.

What exactly
would you like me to do?

Open it. I've been trying for days.

Thomas Eckhardt
left this to me when he died.

And I want it opened,
I want it opened now.

Well, let's have a look-see here.

Do you have a key?

If I had a key, it would be open,
don't you think?

Well, it doesn't even have
a keyhole.

It's a puzzle box.

I saw one of these
at a crafts emporium on Guam.

I was there taking a little R and R
with the Doolittle twins. Heh.

There was a monkey show
you wouldn't believe,

and Dale Doolittle...
Now, he was the larger of the two...

Come to think of it, for twins,
they weren't all that much alike.


Sorry, poodle.

The trick is to fit the pieces together
just so.

And how long will it take?

Well, this could take years.

Shel, I've been doing a lot of thinking
about the future.

And what it takes
to get ahead in the world.

I'm reading up, watching TV,
suddenly it hits me: boom.

The secret to success.

Beautiful people
get everything they want.

- Oh, Bobby.
- Yeah, think about it.

When's the last time you saw
a beautiful blond

go to the electric chair?


You are very beautiful, Shelly.

And I think it's time we took advantage
of this beautiful people's conspiracy.

Know any senators I can marry?

Check it out.

Miss Twin Peaks.

Once we get that crown on your head,
baby, the sky is the limit.

Dream on, Bobby,
I have tables to wait on.

Shelly, listen, don't argue with me.

Bobby's in charge,
you understand?

We have to enlist
by this afternoon.

There's, uh, something
I want you to do for me, darling.

I'll do anything
that body and mind can stand.

Surely the last few days
have been proof of that, eh?

- Oh.
- Heh.

You just name it.


I wanna win
the Miss Twin Peaks contest.

You just name it.

I wanna win
the Miss Twin Peaks contest.

Oh, of course.

Well, I've been known to make
a speech or two in my time. Heh.

I'll coach you day and night.

Oh, now, sweetheart.
Baby, that's not what I'm talking about.

Now, you're one of the judges.

You can guarantee it.

But... But, uh...

It would be wrong.

Well, now, darling...

Darling, it would be love.

That's all.

You know,
I'd do anything for you, Lana.

You know that.

Yes, lover, I do.

- Good morning, Annie.
- Hi. Breakfast?

I've got four hungry lawmen
out in the police cruiser.

We need donuts and coffee. Hot.

Two black, two white,
no sugars, please.

- Coming right up.
- Oh, and Annie?

I'd like to take this opportunity
to ask you

if you'd like to accompany me
on a nature study this afternoon?

Nature study?


How wonderful.


When I talk to you,
I get a tingling sensation

in my toes and in my stomach.

That's interesting.

I don't think
it has anything to do with coffee.

- I'll get those donuts.
- Thanks.


You are beautiful, got it?

Use it to your advantage.

"What is all this sweet work worth,

if thou kiss not me?"

I beg your pardon?

Oh, it was an anonymous poem
someone sent me.

I need to see this poem immediately.


It was in three pieces,
we each got a piece.

- Donna, Audrey and me.
- Thank you.

I need to keep this.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

A dozen donuts, four cups of coffee,
two black, two white, no sugar.

Thank you.

- Agent Cooper?
- Yes.

Uh, this afternoon?

I'll meet you right here.
Four o'clock sharp.

"Mountains kiss.

Waves clasp.


What's this all about?

It's a poem, Harry. Torn into thirds.

Sent to Shelly Johnson, Audrey Horne
and Donna Hayward

from Windom Earle.

You mean Earle's contacted
all three girls?

Are you sure?

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another

No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother

A poem I once sent to Caroline.

I hope it's nothing more
than a taunt, Harry.

Earle takes perverse pride in his ability
to insinuate himself into innocent lives.

Well, let's talk to the girls
as soon as we can.

See what they remember.

Donna Hayward's poem.

Audrey Horne is in Seattle.
She won't be back till tomorrow.

Major Briggs is here
in the conference room.


Would you please bring me
Leo Johnson's arrest report?


What's going on?

Putting the pieces together, Harry.

Deputy Brennan?

As I remember,
the line you are drawing

should proceed downward,
not across.

How did you know that?

Major Briggs?
Thank you, sir, for coming in.

Major, we need your help.

But I am unable to accurately
describe for you how or why.

Go on.

The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department
is currently involved

in several disparate investigations.

The disappearance
of known felon, Leo Johnson.

The appearance
of my former partner

and suspected murderer,
Windom Earle.

And the discovery of petroglyphs
of an unknown origin

in a place called Owl Cave.

Now, it would seem
logic would dictate

that these investigations
be considered separate entities.

However, I believe otherwise.

I believe that these mysteries
are not separate entities,

but are in fact, complementary verses
of the same song.

Now, I cannot hear it yet.

But I can feel it.

And that is enough
for me to proceed.

How exactly may I help you?

I need to know everything
that there is to know

about Windom Earle's work
with Project Blue Book.

My security clearance was revoked
shortly after my disappearance.

And your ability to access
these Blue Book files?

Now, the issue is not one of access.

However, there are certain
moral judgments I must consider.

Yes, sir, I understand.

Will this information help you
to prevent future loss of life?

Most assuredly.

Is this a copy of the petroglyph
you found in Owl Cave?



Are you familiar with this?

Well, I've dreamed it.

Or seen it somewhere, somehow.

I will do what you ask.

- Leo Johnson's arrest report.
- Good work, Hawk.

the damage to Leo Johnson

would alter
certain handwriting characteristics.

However, the basic style
would remain the same.

This poem,

sent by Windom Earle,
was transcribed by Leo Johnson.

Mr. Horne.

Mr. Horne, as you are no doubt aware,
there are but scant hours

until our wine-tasting benefit begins

and I can't find
your daughter anywhere.

Audrey is in Seattle for the day.

However, I'm sure that our concierge
will, uh, be able to assist you.

- The concierge.
- Mm.

Heh, yes, capital.

- Thank you, Mr. Horne.
- Mm-hm.

Oh, uh, Mr., uh...

- Richard Tremayne.
- Tremayne, yes, right.

- Men's fashions.
- Men's fashions, of course.

Tell me, um,

how is your, uh, nose?

Oh, Mr. Horne, think nothing of it.

A nose is a small price to pay
in the service of a greater good.


Well, we will, of course,
pay, uh, any medical expenses.

How kind.

One might also think
workers' compensation

in some variety will be involved.

Easily done.

Capital, Mr. Horne.

I'll alert my attorney.

"I will alert my attorney."

Sometimes the urge to do bad

is nearly overpowering.

Drink up, my friend. We celebrate.

I can barely move my arms. Heh.

You have lived your short life
in odium and obscurity.

But now, at the last,

you will step upon the larger stage.

I must confess, I envy you.

Your journey begins
at a point beyond imagining.

Who knows where it might travel
from there, huh?

I'm pumped.

Hey, is this for, like,
the Lilac Parade or what?

Uh, no, uh, not a parade, my friend,
not exactly.

Well, I'm real cool about helping out
and everything, but, um,

how do I get out of this thing? Heh.

You don't.


Fetch me an arrow.


Whoa, man. Heh.

I do not appreciate practical jokes.

Leo, the arrow?


Jeez, don't zap the geek.

How am I supposed to get
my beer without...? You know.

Dude. That hurts.

Fetch me the arrow.

Thank you, Leo.

What's with the arrow, man?

What are you doing?

- This isn't funny.
- Shh, shh.

- Be still.
- Well, what the hell are you doing?

Think of all the hapless sinners

wondering where
their souls' destination lies.

For what?

To gain the answer
to a simple question.

Where will my spirit awake?

What life am I given after this life?

This grave question has plagued
man's sorry conscience for eons.

And now, you, you lucky boy.

You have the answer.


Miss Twin Peaks Judging and Rules
Committee is now in session.

You know, this year
is going to be very exciting.

- Now we...
- Very exciting.

This year is going to be
very, very exciting.

Thank you, Dwayne.

Now, first order of business.

Mr. Ben Horne has asked
to address the committee

as a friend of the committee.

I don't have any objection to that.

Address away, Ben.

Thank you.

And, Dwayne, uh, let me congratulate
you on your, uh, recent engagement.

Oh. Thank you very much.

She's a lovely woman
and I wish you much happiness.

Well, thank you very much.

Ahem. Gentlemen.

My purpose is simple.

The age of the ogling, swim-suited
jiggle festivals of the past is dead.

Miss Twin Peaks, I believe,
and rightly,

is now a celebration
of the totality of a woman's qualities.

Beauty has taken on
a broader definition

to include mind, spirit, values, ideas.

And for taking this step, gentlemen,

I applaud you.

What's he selling?
What are you selling?

Mr. Mayor, let me get
right to the point.

Miss Twin Peaks is an event
in search of a theme.

Now, what I propose is simple.

The topic of this year's speeches
should be how to save our forests.


It's now, it's relevant,
it's global and it's, um...

Well, to put it plainly,
gentlemen, it's us.

Of course, uh, your opposition
to the Ghostwood development plans

wouldn't have anything
to do with this?

Pete, I resent your implication.

The environmental issues here
dwarf any parochial business concerns

that I, or you, or anyone else

might be pursuing.

We'll, uh, take it under advisement.

We'll take it under advisement.

That's the most
that I could hope for.

Gentlemen, thank you for your time.
Mr. Mayor.

He thinks he can pull a fast one.

The idea has merit.

I'm in favor of it myself.

- Ahem. Bobby.
- Hey, chief.

Don't forget
the dry-cleaning, all right?

Heh. Thanks.

Uh, will the first candidate
please approach the committee?

Lana? Come on up, honey.

Uh, does anybody smell a fix here?

I can't do this, Bobby.

I have never made a speech before
in my life.

I read a book report in the fourth grade
in front of Mrs. Gardner's class

and I passed out
right in front of the whole room.

You'll do great, doll.
I'm gonna be your speech writer.

Oh. Heh.

You're gonna be great.
Don't worry, okay?

- Here you go. Good luck.
- Donna? Are you entering too?

- Uh, yeah, you too?
- Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

- Isn't it exciting?
- Ha, ha. Yes.


Mike, it's a long time no see.

I'd ask where you've been
keeping yourself but I think I know.

- This is very scary, Mike.
- It's not what you think.

It's not what I think?
What do you think I think?

You think I'm going out
with an older woman.

I think I don't know where you got this
sudden interest in the life of fossils.

Yeah, but...

It's not what you think.

Mike, big favor.

Clear this up for me.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

I will strive to be understanding.

Do you have any idea

what a combination
of sexual maturity

and superhuman strength
can result in?


Sorry. Whoa.

Catherine, if there's anything
you can tell me about her, anything...

Anything at all
that might help me understand.

For instance?

What made her do
the things she did?

What was she after?

Hmm. I've been asking myself
a lot of the same things.


I need to understand.

I think that early in her life,
she must have learned the lesson

that she could survive by being
what other people wanted to see,

by showing them that.

And whatever was left
of her private self,

she may never have shown
to anyone.

- So all the stories, the lies were...?
- Well, who knows?

They may not have seemed
untrue to her.

What she needed to believe was
always shifting to suit the moment.

In spite of all the things
she tried to do to me and my family,

I find it curiously hard
to hate her for it.

Well, she was...

She was so very beautiful.


There may be a clue
that could benefit both of us.

What's that?

Thomas Eckhardt left this to me
when he died.

It occurred to me that it might have
something to do with Josie.

What's inside?

I don't know.
I haven't been able to open it.

Let me see.

- Well, there's no lid, there's...
- No.

There's no clasp.

Wowee, Bob.

Have we got some beauties
in the contest this year.

Hello, Harry.

Seems like every gal in town
is lined up to take a shot at the...

Say, have you had any luck
with this thing?

- Oh!
- Butterfingers.

Holy moly.

What is it?

- Give it to me.
- Just a second, poodle.


Now, I held it just so.

I used to swim here every summer.
Two or three times a week.

Then I made a good choice.
It's beautiful.

I always felt closer to nature
than I did to people.

- Why?
- I never had many friends.

Norma was always Miss Popularity.

She was always moving
toward the world.

And I was always
moving away from it.

- Lived in my head, mostly.
- That's not a bad neighborhood.

There's some pretty strange

- Many boyfriends?
- No.


Well, I had one.

High school?

Senior year.

Have anything to do
with why you went into the convent?

I'm sorry, do you mind
if we don't talk about it?

Not at all.
We can talk about whatever you'd like.

I wanna come back to the world.

I was so frightened for so long.

I understand.

Hiding from your fear
doesn't make your fear go away.

Makes it stronger.

So I had to face it.
I had to face myself.

And I had to do it here.
Where everything went so wrong.

Annie, I know how hopeless
things can seem.

I know about the dark tunnel
you can fall into.

It happened before I went away.

It happened because of that boy.

Something similar happened to me.

It made me wanna disappear
from the world.

Because of that,
maybe I can help you.

- I don't know you very well.
- No.

I'm trying to learn
how to trust my instincts.

What are they saying?


Good evening. Evening, all.

And welcome
to our oenophiliac soiree.

Another in a continuing series
of public events,

sponsored by Horne Industries,

to benefit the Stop Ghostwood
Development movement.


- Something to do with wine.
- And now,

to the tasting.

Lana, Lucy,

if you'd like to help me pour, please.

Our first wines this evening
are reds.

There are some schools of thought
who, of course, say,

there are no other wines
but reds. Heh.

Yes, Andy?

There are also white wines
and sparkling wines.

Thank you, Andy.

And now that we're all poured,
let us first examine...

Don't taste it yet, Andy,
for heaven's sake.

Spit it out.


That's all right.

That's what we're here for, to learn.

Now, to the wine.

We must first examine
the nose of the wine

to see what it can tell us
about its bouquet.

And we do that by...

By smelling.

Very good, Lana.


Lift the glass, thusly.

And while rolling the wine
vigorously around in the glass,

we breathe deeply and fully.

Very good.

And now, we take our first taste,
a big, boisterous gulp.

And we roll it around
our entire palate.

And we try to reach

those little taste buds stuck
way far at the back of the tongue,

remembering not to swallow.


And now, we spit.

So he came slowly out of the shadows,
leaving the dead girl behind.

And I said, "You take one more step
and I will ventilate you."

And then what happened?

It was a brief, but touching funeral.

Dale, glad I caught up with you.

Got the rental fired up outside
and about ready to hit the road.

Gordon, super
we caught you before you left.

- You hurry back.
- I will, Coop.

- Remember Annie?
- Of course I do.

This world of Twin Peaks seems
to be filled with beautiful women.

Although only one I can hear.

Join us for pie.

Love to.

- Annie?
- Thanks.

Three each.

- Shelly, do you mind if we share?
- No.

Coop, they say that love
makes the world go around.

Makes people who need people
the luckiest people in the world.

Although they never said a doggoned
thing about a cure for hearing loss.

Shelly, you are a miracle worker.

And a goddess sent from heaven.

I'm a waitress in a diner.

I've never been compared
to a goddess before.

Well, Shelly,
you just don't know your own value.

Coop, she's a rare and precious
individual, don't you think?

I know what you mean, Gordon.

Shelly, turn around and face me
a moment before I lose my nerve.

I'm about ready
to leave Twin Peaks,

and I don't know
when I'm gonna return.

But I want you to know
that meeting you

has been more than a privilege.

It's touched my heart.

And I know
that if I don't kiss you now,

I'm gonna regret it
the rest of my days.


What the hell's going on?

You are a witnessing a front,
three-quarter view

of two adults
sharing a tender moment.

Acts like he's never seen
a kiss before.

Uh, Gordon?

Take another look, sonny,
it's gonna happen again.

All right, class,
what did that sip reveal for us?

What flavors are we enjoying?

Tastes kind of woody.

No, not really.

Anyone else? Lana?


- Banana?
- Yes.

There is a hint of banana.
That's the metachloric acid.

Very good.

- What else?
- Banana.


Correct, Andy.

Why don't we just skip the wine
and have a banana split?

Let's take another sip, shall we?

Swallowing this time,
and see what else we can discern.

What else can we taste?

What other wonder
invites taste buds toward pleasure?

Gosh, Dick.

Well, I just never knew wine
could have so many different qualities.

It's amazing, isn't it?
A really good wine is like a symphony.

And what is your reaction, Lucy?

I'm pregnant.
I'm not supposed to drink.

Love is hell.


Love, it's hell.

The Hindus say
love is a ladder to heaven.

The Hindus have also been known
to take hikes on hot coals

for recreational purposes.


Self-discipline and love?
There's a bad match.

Earthly love.

What other kind is there?

When you're in it,

no other.

It hits you like an 18-wheeler,
doesn't it? And there's no relief.

It makes you feel more alive.

It makes you feel more
of everything.

Pain included.

Especially pain.

I can't stop thinking about her.

Sounds like
you've got a pretty serious case.

Brother, I'm roped,
tied and branded.

She feel the same way?

Here's hoping.

How about you?
You on the critical list too?

Feels like someone's taking
a crowbar to my heart.

Hey, that's not bad.

No, I think it's been locked away
long enough.

That's good.

- Here's hoping.
- Here's to you.

- Mr. Wheeler? Telegram for you, sir.
- Thank you.

Thank you very much.


- Bellman?
- Yes, sir.

Kindly tell the front desk
I'll be checking out.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

See you.

- Good luck.
- Good luck to you.

Would you pass the peas, Donna?


- Mom, could I ask you something?
- Sure.

How do you know Benjamin Horne?

Uh, Eileen, I told, uh, Donna

about the Heal the Planet benefit
you're working on.

Heal the Planet?

I saw him at the house.

You drove to see him yesterday?

Oh. Yes, he's offered to give us
some time.

I know he favors
several local charities.

Well, that must have been it.

One of the local charities
must have sent Mom's roses.

Uh, would you pass the peas,

I think roses are really romantic,
don't you?

Donna, pass your mother the peas.

How's school going?


All the girls are real excited
about Miss Twin Peaks.

Fine tradition.
I worked with the pageant for years.

I entered.


You never seemed
very interested before.

Well, I guess I just figured

I could use the scholarship money
to study overseas.

We thought at first
it might be a bomb.

We don't exactly have a bomb squad,
so Andy brought his metal detector.

If it is a bomb, it's not metallic
and there's no ticking sound.

Harry, there was a time
when I could comprehend,

with a high degree of clarity,
Windom Earle's twisted logic.

But his actions of late
have left me completely bewildered.

He is changing the pattern
of the game board.

Any hope of deducing his next move
has evaporated.

Andy, would you please
direct everyone

well behind the police cruiser?

Harry, please stand back.

There could be plastic explosives
in there...

Agent Cooper wants everyone
back behind the cruiser.


and whatever else
hell could imagine.

My greatest fear?

Windom Earle
merely condescends to logic.

Leaving us the task of unraveling
an insane man's terrifying caprice.