Tulsa King (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

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Dwight Manfredi.

I got a rap sheet
in front of me.

Goes back to before the Beatles.

He bought me a drink.
Nothing happened.

I'm an ATF agent.

Your picture came
through my office.

Where to, boss?

You should
be in college.

Dude a businessman. I
can learn a lot from.

We'll be making money

and the feds won't
be able to touch it.

Need to see some ID.
This expired in 1998.

That's the learners permit.

There's other weed farms.

You got to do better
on the price, Jimmy.

1200 for the first ten
units and 750 after that.

The offer expires when
I swallow this cracker.

You drive a hard bargain.

The thing with them.

You gotta make this right.

A hundred grand would do it.

What does your family
think about you being here?

- Your daughter.
- Tina.

It's him. The psycho.

Here's here to kill me.
I'm looking for a friend.

I believe he's
staying at your hotel.

Oh, Mr. Manse. From
New York, right?

That's him.

have an officer shot.

Condition currently stable.

Ambulance en route
to Tulsa General.

Suspect is barricaded.
Perimeter is secure.

Copy that. 10-4.

Mr. Dumont,

I'm giving you the opportunity
to surrender peacefully.

If you comply, I guarantee
you will not be harmed.

Get off my fucking property!

This is not your
property, Mr. Dumont.

Fuck you.

Cue the cavalry.

Easy, Dumont!


That you?

Can you talk to him?

Sounds to me like his
position is pretty clear.

What the fuck are you doing here

if you're not going to help?

Eh, witness.

Get him the fuck out of here.

They left you no choice Dumont.

I'm letting my dogs out.

Don't hurt them.

They're good boys.

- That's old Pilot.
- Yeah, I've seen him around.

Lives about
a mile from here.

They just let him
walk around like that?

That's all him.

You know, not all horses
are a fan of the pasture.

Tell me about it.

Do you really
like this old stuff?

Love it.

Make that next left over there,

don't forget your
hand signal either.

No one does that anymore...

Not unless they want
to pass the road test.

You want me to drive?

- I got it.
- You sure?

I don't mind driving.

Oh, you shouldn't
mind. I pay you enough.

- About that, uh...
- Hey.

I know you don't have the balls

to be asking me for
a raise this soon.

All right, well,
let me ask you this.

Where you see me in
the next five years?

- Where do I...
- See me?

Yeah. Five years.

You realize I'm a
criminal, right?

I got Google, man. I
know all about you.

Where do you see you

in five years?

Like a position of power or
something, like a... a capo?

- You can't be a capo.
- Oh, 'cause I'm not Italian?

Ye... that and beyond that.

"Beyond that."
What? What? Why?

Listen kid.

You're not a boy scout,

but you're not a bad guy either.

You know what I'm saying?


Come on, you drive.

You're a better driver anyway.

What's this, a
cut-rate Woodstock?

- What's Woodstock?
- "What's Woodstock?" Jesus.

Will you
shut the fuck up?

- Gross.
- No different from baloney.

I wouldn't eat that either.

Billy! They got nitrous, dude!

- Man down.
- Word.

I'mma run over here, get a beer.
I'll be back.

Can I get two? Two beers?

- You made it.
- Yeah, I got you some Barolo.

- Barolo?
- Mm-hmm.

Thanks. You didn't
have to do that.

I can see that now.

- You remember Grace?
- I do. How you doing Grace?

No offense, but I get
triggered pretty easily.

What's "triggered?"


The other day when you hit
Fred with the water bottle.

Sorry, I'll be more careful.

- A little fragile.
- Ha.

Did you see?

The Feds raided that
dispensary at Stillwater?

You're lucky I came around.

- Yeah, my Dwight Knight.
- Yeah? Wise guy.

- What's his story?
- Oh, shit.

Hey, Clint!

Will you take him to Hillcrest?

- What's in that balloon?
- N2O.

- Nitrous oxide.
- $5 a pop for laughing gas?

They sell it for ten
at Ogallala-Land.

Wha... la-what land?

Ogallala-Land. It's
a music festival.

And who are they?

They are, um...


- Mm-hmm.
- The nitrous guys.

They're not really a
part of the community.

- Hey.
- What's going on?


Let me ask you something.

How many balloons

do you think you get
out of one of the tanks?



I like numbers.

What do you know
about nitrous oxide?

Party drug.

I was
talking to this kid.

He says one of those tanks

makes about 350
balloons at $10 a pop.

He also said there's this
concert coming to town,

something with a crazy name.

- Ogallala-Land Festival.
- Right.

Now, let's just say you
got ten tanks there,

three nights, $10 a pop.

- It's a little over 100 grand.
- That's right.

So, how do I figure in all this?

Technically, this is
a restaurant, right?

That's debatable, but
yeah, technically,

So you can buy nitrous in bulk.

Like, if you had a sudden need
for a ton of whipped cream,

Come to think of
it, I just might.

It's a big day today.
How you feeling?

- How you feeling?
- You kidding?

When I get my license,

I'll be able to take
pretty Peggy Sue

to the drive-in.

What's on your mind?

Okay, I know you think
it's some type of joke

or something, but
you seen Good fellas?

Ray Liotta, he was
only half Italian,

but he was still in
the thick of that shit.

So, he was, like, a high
level associate, right?

I can be like that
in five years.

You realize Henry Hill,
Ray Liotta's character,

came that close to
getting whacked?

Him and his family.

Okay, well, I wouldn't
do that dumb shit,

you know, I'd be smart about it.

Wanna be smart? Go to college.

I already tried that
and it's not for me.

Schedules, your curriculum,
grades and all of that.

- That's the whole point.
- What is?

Do you think anyone
really gives a shit

about what your major is?

English literature,
biology, whatever.

The whole point of
a college degree

is to show a potential employer

that you showed up someplace
four years in a row,

completed a series of
tasks reasonably well,

and on time.

So if he hires you,

there's a semi-decent chance

that you'll show
up there every day

and not fuck his business up.

That's what you think
college is about?

That, drinking beer
and getting laid.

These guys never change.

- Morning.
- Good morning.

- I'm Paul Cheevers.
- Mm-hmm.

I'll be administering
your test Mr. Manfredi.

No, call me Dwight.

- Okay, Dwight.
- Okay, Paul.

Well, if you're ready...

let's have you pull
out and make a left.

Fuck. Goddamn it.

Been a while.

So just pull
out and make a left

that's where we are
going to start off,

just make a left, okay.

So, you a new driver?

Nah, you kidding? I've
been driving my whole life,

I just relocated from New York

and they said I had
to take a test again.

I went to New York
once in the '80s.

The heyday.

Parents and I got mugged by
a guy with a samurai sword.

- It's not for everybody.
- Let's have you make a right.

After this light let's have you
pull over and make a K turn.


- So, Paul, how am I doing?
- Excellent.

It's obvious that you're
an experienced driver.

- Some of these kids...
- Get down!

Oh, God! Oh,
God, I'm hit! Oh, God!

Stay down!

What are you
doing? Pull over!

Oh, God! Oh!

What are you
doing? Pull over!

You're going to get us killed!

Oh, God! What are you doing?

I need a hospital!
Get me to a hospital!

- I need a hos...
- Look! Shut the fuck up.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

I think I'm dying.

You're not dying,

if you were dying
you'd already be dead.

- What are you doing?
- I got a partial plate.

- Come here.
- Stop! You're gonna infect it!

9, F.

Listen, you didn't
see anything Paul.

Nothing. Okay?

Everybody okay?

- You okay?
- Afternoon, officer.

So you're at the light

taking your driver's
test, and then...

Someone comes out of nowhere

and starts shooting at
us from another car.

Unprovoked. Just,
boom, boom, boom?

Like I said 26 times before.

And this other car, no
make, model or color?

It happened so fast.
Do you have a Coke?

In a minute.

You know, we ran your
name through the system.

Then you know I'm a Leo.

You've got a lot of
priors, Mr. Manfredi.

Priors is the key
word. I did my time.

You are no lightweight,
that's for sure.

So, I might be charged
with almost getting shot?

'Cause I don't think
that's a crime,

even in Oklahoma.

Once your statement's
complete, we'll release you.


- I'm being held?
- Not necessarily.

We just want to hear
your version of things.

Like, who it is
might want you dead.


I think whoever did this

had it out for the
driving instructor.

I got a feeling he
failed a lot of people.


What are you doing here?

Officer Burke filled
me in. You okay?

I passed my driving
test, there is that.


Seriously, what
are you doing here?

Came over the radio,
there was a shooting,

they mentioned your name.

You know you're
free to go, right?

What the
fuck's going on?

Why is the ATF butting in?

spending time with you.

He's part of a
bigger investigation,

- that's all I can say.
- Can or will?

You know,

you didn't have
to buy me dinner.

Or is this to make up

for the brevity of
our last encounter?

Got a pretty good appetite

for someone who
was just shot at.

If I stopped eating every
time someone tried to hurt me

I'd be a skeleton.

You got any ideas?

Who tried to hurt you?

What are you doing in
Cow Pattie, Oklahoma?

Stopping bad guys from
blowing up our country.

You were involved with
that explosion yesterday,

- the guy with the bombs?
- Mm-hmm.

- Tough day at the office?
- Beats selling insurance.

Seems like both of
us sought out careers

with their share of tough days.

Why do you think that is?

Because we're both
fucking crazy.

Oh, man.

Finally, someone addresses
the elephant in the room.

So you left New
York to come here?

I popped around a
few places before.

I was in customs before
9/11, got recruited.

- Switched to ATF.
- So you transferred to Tulsa?

No, I was asked to leave.

- Asked?
- Ordered.

So I packed up
myself and my plants

and my now ex-husband
Edward and...

I basically lost my shit.

And apparently

Tulsa is one of the ATF's
many versions of Siberia.

Come on now.


It's not like everybody
didn't lose their shit

- a little bit.
- It wasn't 9/11, actually.

It was later.


I was a rockstar.

Police Meritorious
Service Medal.

Police Distinguished
Service Medal.

They loved me.

- And then Sully happened.
- Sully?

The guy who landed the
plane in the Hudson River?

I was doing a 4 to
12. Headed into work.

I was on 12th Ave and
I saw this plane...

it was flying solo
and I thought...

"What else could it
be? Here we go again."

- I freaked out.
- It's understandable.

Not in my line of work.

What happens in your work...

If someone loses their
shit and puts their...


someone who counts
on them at risk?

Probably wouldn't
turn out so well.

Do you remember the last
time we were together?

You said...

you couldn't help me
if I got jammed up.

What can I say? I guess
I'm shitty at my job.

This cannot and will not...

- happen again, okay?
- Okay.

Stop smiling. No.

You need some help
with this shoe?

No, I've got it. Thank you.

I helped you get it off.

Thank you for dinner.


Let me know if you find
out who tried to shoot me.

What do I
owe the pleasure?

I think the
pleasure might be one sided.

What do you mean?

Somebody tried to
kill me yesterday.

Whoa, what?

Get the fuck out.
What happened?

Stopped at a light.

- Guy started shooting.
- Who was it?

I was hoping you could tell me.

How the fuck should I know?

I'm going to ask
you this one time

and you be straight with me.

Is this Vince's hand?

Hey, I mediated a fair
outcome with all parties.

The issue is dead.

So you're telling
me there's no chance

of this punk going rogue

on account of me
breaking his jaw

because of his
big fucking mouth?

What's he fucking saying?

You know, you got
some fucking balls,

- you know that?
- Do I?

Let someone try to take
you out at a stoplight

and we'll hear your
list of suspects.

What are you referring?

That I'm weak?

That I can't control
my own fucking crew?

I told Vince it's over.
It's fucking over.

Fuck your bruised ego, Chickie,

I got shot at by some
ball-less sack of shit

- in a ski mask.
- Okay.

I get it, all right?

And I gave you my answer.

But by the way,

your lifelong friendship
with my father aside

just as a pure fucking
business decision,

I got to be out of my
mind to take you out.

You're a great earner.

Of course. What
was I thinking?

Now let me ask you,

you make any enemies out there

fucking some cowboys
wife or something?

Don't insult me.

Well, you figure it out. Okay?

You let me know. But
you all right, though?

I mean, otherwise.

Yeah, I'm blessed.

You with the nine fucking lives.

I'm glad
somebody is counting.

Give your father a kiss for me.



That's Caolan Waltrip.

He's the head of Black Macadam,

a one percenter motorcycle gang.

He showed up during the
standoff at the house

the other day.

For some reason, he and his crew

are suddenly arming
themselves to the teeth.

Assault with a deadly
weapon, attempted murder,

attempted larceny,
attempted murder.

He did six years in Attica.
Major armed robberies.

Got released and picked
up where he left off.

Ooh, that is Edgar Dumont.
Former cell made of Waltrip's.

He's the lunatic
who blew himself up.

Robbie Trucotte and Carson Pike.

Yeah, nobody gets within
20 feet of Waltrip

without going
through Pike first.

Who's this wacko?

That is Rochelle
"Roxy" Harrington.

She's actually a
munitions expert.

Did three tours in Afghanistan.
She's got Waltrip's ear.

Kinda thin file

for someone moving that
far up the food chain,

She probably hit
the glass ceiling.

With Dumont out of the picture

I think we focus on
these three guys.


How about your roof?

- Your roof?
- Good answer!

- Hello, Paul.
- Mr. Manfredi.

- This is unexpected.
- Hey, it's the least I can do.

Look at all these goodies.

- Okay if I use this?
- I guess.

Thank you.

Not necessary, but
very much appreciated.

Don't mention it.

So, the police, do
they know who did it?

They're coming up short.

They're understaffed.

I was thinking maybe
you could help out.

- Me?
- You, Paul. You.


Got something for
you. Get well card.

Open it.

- What is this?
- Looks like ten grand to me.

- $10,000?
- Shh!

This is the least I can do

to compensate for your
pain and suffering.

I don't know, this seems wrong.

It only seems wrong

because you feel like
you didn't earn it,

so here is what
we're going to do.

It was a blue Chevy Caprice.

These are the first four
numbers on the plate.

I want you to call your
buddies down at the DMV

and see what they come up with.

Shouldn't the police...

I'm proud of you, Paul.

Name something that
you'd save a fortune on

- if you knew how to fix it.
- It's a rerun.

- How about "television?"
- Your television.

Good answer!

- Two answers remain.
- Feel better.

Show me TV!

What's that, chocolate chip?

- What's this?
- Your severance.

You see the bullet
holes in that car?

The missing windows

where your head could have been?

Yeah, I seen it.

I'm not here to get you killed.

It's bad enough that
thing was parked

in front of your
house all night.

God forbid your
mother, your sister,

somebody walks by

- and gets mistaken for me.
- Look, I hear you, okay?

I'm just saying that I'm
willing to pay my dues.

What dues?

Look, I know you think
I'm some punk ass bitch,

but I'm not, I'm willing
to put the work in,

- just give me a chance.
- Listen, kid.

I'm not a kid. I'm 25
years old. I get it.

This is your choice.


Now, what do you need?

First of all, I want a new car.

So go see that guy
at the dealership.


And not a Navigator,
and not black.

- Oh, I get it.
- And I want it for free.

- For free? What you mean?
- That one's a lemon.

It's got bullet
holes all over it.

Mr. Manfredi,
this is Paul Cheevers

from the Tulsa DMV.

The, um,

object you're looking
for was dumped and tagged

by Tulsa Sanitation

at an abandoned lot

near Oak and Orlando.

No need to call back. Ever.

Okay, OG got on them Isotoners.

I see you.

Fire needs oxygen to burn.

This idiot kept
the windows closed.


It's a liniment used
to reduce inflammation

in horses.

It's highly flammable.

What's that? Look
like "FR" to you?

That's FR.

Type in
"FR" and "horses."

Place about five
miles from here.

Fennario Ranch.

So you want to go?

I'm gonna do this alone.

- Your boss around?
- Check the stables out back.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Fennario?

Miss Devereaux.

Fennario is just the
name of the ranch.

See, that's me thinking
you're a paisan.

Well, I like Italian
food. Does that count?

Of course it does.

- How can I help you, Mister...
- Marconi.

I'm a private investigator.

A client's car was
stolen and set on fire,

and I found this
in the back seat.

Ah, these things are
a waste of money.

Get stolen as soon
as I buy them.

- Also found a can of DMSO.
- Okay, so?

Do you think
anybody working here

is capable of doing
something like that?

- Burning a car?
- You know, or shooting somebody.

Like, I don't know who
you are or what you want.

- I'm a private investigator.
- Right. And I'm an astronaut.

I employ 171 people.

I can vouch for the work
ethic while they're here,

but once they're
through those gates...

Well, do you mind
if I ask around?

On my property?

- Yeah, I do mind.
- Fair enough.

- Anything else?
- Yeah.

Do you give riding lessons?

Call the number on the website.

I like this state.

You think
you so badass, huh?

Run up on my boy?

Run up on my boy?

Take potshots?

Sneak up and ambush
some motherfucker?


Oh, that's a bad move,

'Cause you, uh, you
know me and him...

we tight

We tight.

You make a move on him,

you best make a move on me, too.

You make a move on him...

You best make a move on me, too.

in guns blazing.

I will kill you.

How are you doing?

I got a dog.

He's a stray. He's a
little old and beat up.

Well, somebody's got a type.

You around later?

Sorry. Plans.

Oh, that's okay.

What are you naming the dog?

I was thinking about
naming him Chance.

As in second or last?

TBD. I haven't
gotten that far yet.

I gotta go. Keep me posted.

Hey my man! My
little man! How are you?

- How's my best boy?
- Come on, Dad!

- How's my best boy?
- I'm so great!

How was school today?

I went away for a
third of my life

and you try to shoot me?

My wife is going to be
home any minute now.

I'll leave a note.

Go out there and
make some money.

You guys want a balloon?

This is our territory.

This nitro is our existence.

You ever read "The Art of War?"


I got a plan.

You need all the
friends you can get.

Let's go, my children.