Truth Hunter (2017): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Unheard Truth Behind Roswell's UFOs - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hi, I'm Linda Moulton Howe.

Since graduating from
Stanford University, where

I produced documentaries
about medicine and science,

I have investigated the world
with the pressure of fact.

I am a truth hunter on this
planet, this solar system,

and the universe beyond.

I began investigating worldwide
bloodless animal mutilations

in September 1979, and
to my great surprise,

a sheriff and other law
enforcement told me, quote,

"The perpetrators are creatures
from outer space," close quote.

Now in the 21st century, we
have rovers exploring Mars,

and solar-system spacecraft
showing us the first close-up

images of Pluto's icy mountains,
and the bright white magnesium

salt deposits in a crater
on the dwarf planet Ceres.

And news that at the bottom
of the six-mile deep ocean

at the south pole on
Saturn's moon Enceladus,

there is hot water
at nearly 200 degrees

Fahrenheit gushing
from the seafloor

and spouting through the
surface ice, apparently heated

by radioactive
material in the core.

That provokes
scientists to wonder

if there could be swimming
creatures in that surprisingly

warm moon water.

As the future rushes toward
us with a mixture of lies

and truths, I would
like to sharpen focus

on what was actually
happening right

after the end of
World War II, when

the front page of the "Roswell
Daily Record" on July 8, 1947

was headlined, quote, "Roswell
Army Airfield Captures Flying

Saucer On Ranch
in Roswell Region.

No Details of Flying Disk
Are Revealed," close quote.

We now know that during a
thunderstorm late at night

on July 3 to 4, 1947,
three aerial objects

merged on radar before three
crash sites were reported.

The headline about
one of those crashes

came from Colonel William
Blanchard, commanding officer

of the 509th Bomb Wing at
the Roswell Army Airfield.

Colonel Blanchard ordered his
public information officer,

Walter Haut, to issue
a press release that

said one of those flying saucers
that people had been reporting

that summer had crashed
northwest of Roswell

near Corona.

Strange debris had been
found by sheep rancher Mac

Brazel on July 4.

Three days later
on July 7, the head

of the Roswell Army Airfield's
509th Bomber Group Intelligence

unit, Lieutenant Colonel
Jesse Marcel, Sr.

went to the Brazel ranch with
Counterintelligence Corps Agent

Sheridan Cavitt.

They wanted to investigate,
and they gathered up

peculiar silver foil
that folded like cloth

and sprang back to
perfect flatness.

There were also
long, thin I-beams

with purple symbols on them.

The next day on July
8, after the story

broke on the front page of
the "Roswell Daily Record,"

the head of the Eighth Air Force
in Fort Worth, Texas, Brigadier

General Roger Ramey
held a press conference

with his chief of staff,
Colonel Thomas Dubose,

to falsely say there
was no flying saucer.

It was just a
weather balloon that

exploded in a thunderstorm.

To strengthen his phony
story, General Ramey

had pieces of shredded weather
balloon spread on the floor

to be photographed
so newspapers would

run with his concocted
story, specifically

to keep the public and
the media from knowing

about the alien presence.

Even Lieutenant
Colonel Jesse Marcel,

Sr. was asked to fly from
Roswell to Fort Worth

to pose for photographs amid
actual weather balloon debris.

But Colonel Marcel
knew that what

he had gathered the day
before from the Brazel ranch

was not a weather balloon.

Five years later, 1952,
President Truman's Majestic 12

special panel produced their
"First Annual Report" that

described, quote, "unidentified
planform space vehicles,"

close quote.

Planform meant a delta
or crescent shape, not

a round disk.

Here are paragraphs six and
seven from MJ-12's 1952 report.

Quote, "Radar film
and tower logs

do not explain the merging
of three radar targets

prior to collision and
subsequent crashes.

There were five recovered
bodies, two of which

were found in a severely
damaged escape cylinder,

and the remaining three bodies
were found some distance away

from the cylinder.

All five appear to have suffered
from sudden decompression

and heat suffocation,"
close quote.

So there were three radar
targets and three crash sites

that MJ-12 called Landing
Zones One, Two, and Three.

Landing Zone One was near
Corona, New Mexico, about 75

miles northwest of Roswell.

The same month of the
crashes, another US government

agency with the provocative
title "Interplanetary

Phenomenon Unit"
summarized on July 22, 1947

what had been found at
those three crash sites.

Paragraph 12 stated, quote,
"The most disturbing aspect

of this investigation was
there were other bodies found

not far from Landing
Zone One that

looked as if they had been
dissected as you would a frog,"

close quote.

No explanation was given about
whether the dissected bodies

were animal, human, or alien.

And then came this
startling sentence.

Quote, "Animal parts
were reportedly

discovered inside the craft at
Landing Zone Two," close quote.

Landing Zone Two was 20
miles southeast of Socorro,

not far from Oscura Peak,
southeast of the Trinity

site in White Sands
proving ground,

where the United States tested
its first atomic bomb two

years earlier in July, 1945.

Those animal parts
were reportedly

found inside a
well-preserved capsule.

It might have been ejected
from the crashed vehicle

at Landing Zone One near Corona.

Landing Zone Three was 30
miles east of Alamogordo

on the Mescalero Apache
Indian Reservation.

That third UFO hit the ground
hard and was badly damaged.

Remember that the Majestic 12
project's "First Annual Report"

in 1952 used the word
"planform" to describe

crescent-shaped alien
craft, not round disks.

Well, here is a photograph
of one of those planforms

that the photographer
told me reminded him

of a man's shoe heel.

William A. Rhodes had
been a flight instructor

during World War II at Falcon
Field in Phoenix, Arizona.

When he saw this
shoe-heel in the sky,

Bill Rhodes grabbed his box
camera to take this photograph.

The date was July 7, 1947, the
same week of the other three

UFO crashes in New Mexico.

Two days later, on
Wednesday, July 9, 1947,

"The Arizona
Republic" in Phoenix

put the Rhodes photograph of the
crescent-shaped aerial planform

on its front page, but
it got it upside-down.

The same planform shape
has been described

by other retired
military eyewitnesses

of crescent-shaped UFOs.

General Roger Ramey's goal was
to carry out President Harry

Truman's orders for a strict
policy of denial and secrecy

about the alien crashes.

Allegedly, Truman
and FDR had already

dealt with a UFO and three dead
aliens six full years before.

In a 2015 book entitled "MO41"...

standing for Missouri 1941...

"The Bombshell Before Roswell,"
author Paul Blake Smith

writes that on the
night of April 12, 1941,

a crescent-shaped UFO crashed
near Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Cape Girardeau is 115 miles
southeast of St. Louis,

and near there was
the Missouri Institute

of Aeronautics in Sikeston.

Allegedly, military
personnel from MIA

retrieved a crescent-shaped
craft and three

identical small
bodies, described as

"not from this
world," and they were

found on a farm about eight
miles south of Cape Girardeau.

Today we would call those
identical bodies "clones."

One US government document
leaked in the 1990s

to aerospace engineer Dr.
Robert Wood is entitled, quote,

"MJ-12 Project White Hot
Intelligence Estimate,"

a preliminary dated
September 19, 1947.

That's only 2 and 1/2
months after the UFO

crashes around Roswell.

"Classified, Majic Eyes
Only, Part III, Scientific

Probability" states,
quote, "Based

on all available
evidence collected

from recovered exhibits"...
meaning the planform UFOs...

"currently under
study," and then

comes a list of 11 government
and military agencies

and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.

Those craft are deemed
"extraterrestrial in nature.

This conclusion was reached
as a result of comparisons

of artifacts from the
Missouri discovery in 1941,"

meaning Cape Girardeau.

"The technology is outside
the scope of US science.

It is even outside that of
German rocket and aircraft

development," close quote.

"Part II, Technical Evaluation,"
paragraph 18 states,

quote, "The following elements
were analyzed and found

to exist in the small neutronic
power plant that was found

inside ULAT-1," close quote.

Now, "ULAT-1" is another
acronym for UFO planform.

This one stands for unidentified
lenticular-shaped aerodyne.

Continuing from the
September 19, 1947,

white-hot intelligence
briefing, it says, quote,

"Even the recovery
case of 1941"...

Cape Girardeau... "did not create
a unified intelligence effort

to exploit possible
technological gains

with the exception of
the Manhattan Project,"

close quote.

The reference to the
Manhattan Project

means physicist
Robert Oppenheimer

had the Cape Girardeau
neutronic power

plant to study during his
development of the atomic bomb

that we first dropped on
Japan in August, 1945,

ending World War II.

That also implies that
presidents Roosevelt and Truman

already knew about an alien
presence during World War II,

before the July,
1947 Roswell crashes.

And they had made a decision
to keep everything secret...

about UFOs, the alien
bodies they had retrieved,

both dead and alive.

Much of the content
in those early reports

was drawn from what
Lieutenant General Nathan

Twining discovered on his secret
mission for President Truman

soon after the New
Mexico crashes.

That's when General
Twining viewed

the five alien bodies and
craft found at Landing Zone Two

near Oscura Peak and
the Trinity site.

In 1947, General Twining was
commander of the Air Materiel


10 years later,
President Eisenhower

would appoint him chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

By July 16, 1947, only one
week after the "Roswell Daily"

headline, General Twining
sent President Truman

a two-page report about what he
saw for himself at the Landing

Zone Two crash site
near Oscura Peak,

and that was on the White
Sands proving ground.

Quote, "Upon examination of
the interior of the craft,

a compartment exhibiting
a possible atomic engine

was discovered."

In the power room was
"a doughnut-shaped tube

approximately 35
feet in diameter,

made of what appears to be
a plastic material, that

is surrounding a central core.

This tube was translucent,
approximately one inch thick.

The tube appeared to be
filled with a clear substance,

possibly a heavy water.

This activation of
electrical potential

is believed to be the
primary power to the reactor,

though it is only a
theory at present.

Just how a heavy water reactor
functions in this environment

is unknown.

On the deck of the
power room there

are what resembles
typewriter keys, possibly

reactor/power plant controls.

There were no
conventional electronics

nor wiring to be seen
connecting these controls

to the propulsion turret."

I have been told those keys
had strange hieroglyphic type

symbols on them.

The 1952 "MJ-12 First
Annual Report" said, quote,

"The technology may be eons
ahead of us," close quote,

meaning thousands of
years beyond us on Earth.

Another military insider from
World War II and the Eisenhower

and Kennedy presidencies did
a 1997 book entitled, "The Day

After Roswell."

It was about what
he knew firsthand

of UFO extraterrestrial
technologies and ETs

while he was working
in the Pentagon.

Lieutenant Colonel
Philip J. Corso

worked as chief of the
Pentagon's Foreign Technology

desk for General Arthur Trudeau.

He was handpicked by President
Dwight Eisenhower in 1958

to be director of Army
Research and Development

in the Pentagon.

General Trudeau, on the right,
handpicked Colonel Corso

after their trusted days
together in World War II.

Colonel Corso told me he
met with General Trudeau

in his Pentagon office,
where the general handed

over extraterrestrial artifacts
retrieved from crashed

or landed UFOs.

The general asked Colonel Corso
to secretly hand-deliver ET

artifacts to selected contacts
in a few American corporations.

General Trudeau and
President Eisenhower

wanted ET technologies

and patented as a top-secret
national security priority.

No one... not in Congress,
the Supreme Court,

or the taxpaying American
public was to know anything.

General Trudeau
and Colonel Corso

were the beginning of the
United States' serious efforts

to develop a secret
space program that

would use retrieved
extraterrestrial technology

for advancement.

Meanwhile, NASA was
created on July 29, 1958,

allegedly as a public agency.

But insiders have long reported
that NASA has been under CIA

control from the beginning.

NASA would be the public
camouflage for what

was behind the scenes...

a dark and growing underbelly
of American secret authorities

not accountable to either
Congressional oversight

or to the American people.

These above top-secret entities
controlled billions, trillions

of dollars behind an
untouchable intelligence

and counterintelligence
matrix designed

to keep the whole
world from knowing

about the alien
presence on Earth.

In June, 1997, Time
magazine did a cover story

on the 50th anniversary
of the Roswell crashes.

I was there to speak for
that 50th commemoration.

And there I met and talked with
Colonel Corso about his work

for General Trudeau.

When Colonel Corso
was introduced to me,

he extended his hand to shake
mine as he said, how the hell

did you get so much
classified information?

He meant the animal mutilations
that I had investigated

for my TV documentary,
"A Strange Harvest," that

was first broadcast May 28,
1980, on Denver's CBS station


That is where I was director
of special projects.

And that is when sheriffs
and ranchers told

me the perpetrators
of the bloodless,

trackless animal
deaths were, quote,

"creatures from outer
space," close quote.

Ranchers had seen glowing lights
in night skies emit beams down

into their pastures.

A few had even seen a cow
lifted up in a beam of light,

or lowered to pastures,
dead and mutilated.

But none of those
eyewitnesses would

stand in front of my TV
camera, for fear of ridicule.

Before he died, Colonel
Corso talked to me

in private about the highly
classified documents that he

had read in Washington,
DC, dated as early as 1951,

about animals found
in several parts

of the world with
bloodless excisions

and no tracks around them.

Colonel Corso said
the classified reports

that he read specified that
the perpetrators of animal

mutilations were, quote,
"extraterrestrial biological

entities," close quote.

But why?

This illustration is by a
Missouri horse rancher in 1975

who saw this glowing
being at his gate

during a time when he
found several newborn foals

and young horses bloodlessly
mutilated in his pasture.

Eventually our
government would realize

that many of the UFO pilots
and other non-human entities

were cloned androids or
human ET hybrids produced

from genetic harvests
of Earth life,

including animal mutilations
and extractions of human sperm

and eggs.

Our government, according
to Colonel Corso,

learned that in spite of the
mutilations and abductions,

some ETs are friendly,
and they want humanity

to advance faster, to be more
protected from unfriendly ETs.

So, there was urgency in
General Trudeau's goal

to get alien technologies
back-engineered and patented

as fast as possible, to keep
them from Germany and Russia,

and to support a secret
space program that might have

to do battle in real star wars.

About secret ET
technology transfer

to American corporations for
back-engineering and patents,

Colonel Corso wrote,
quote, "General Trudeau

also had relationships
with the Army contractors

who were developing
new weapons systems

for the military within
one part of the company,

while another highly
secret part of the company

was harvesting some of the
same ET technology for consumer

products development.

And these were companies such as
Bell Labs, IBM, Monsanto, Dow,

RCA that became General
Electric and the aviation

and medical companies of
Howard Hughes," close quote.

At that July, 1997
50th-anniversary conference,

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr. Handed me
this replica of the thin I-beam

that he remembered holding in
the first week of July, 1947.

That's when his father,
Jesse Marcel, Sr.,

the head of intelligence at
the Roswell Army Airfield,

woke up Jesse and
his mother to show

them pieces of this strange
silver foil in I-beams

that Jesse Marcel,
Sr. Had picked up

at one of the three
UFO crash sites

that first week of July, 1947.

And that was the one
between Roswell and Corona.

Jesse Marcel, Sr. said
the metallic foil was

like cloth that could be
folded or crumpled up,

and it would always return to
its original flat unwrinkled


Jesse Jr. told me
his father said

that the debris, quote, "was
not of this Earth," close quote.

Young Jesse Marcel was so
curious about what he described

as metallic pinkish-purple
hieroglyphs or symbols that

ran along the entire length of
a tan-colored I-beam only 3/8

of an inch wide.

The I-beam was so
lightweight that Jesse Jr.

said he could hardly
feel it in his hand.

Plastics did not exist
publicly in 1947,

but eyewitnesses would
later on compare the I-beams

to new lightweight
plastic or balsa wood.

There were rumors
that scientists

had discovered the I-beams
were an exotic hybrid

of metal-like wood.

It could not be cut,
it could not be burned.

Intelligence Officer
Jesse Marcel,

Sr. would himself compare the
strange pink-purple symbols to,

quote, "indecipherable
Chinese writing," close quote.

12 years after the 1947
Roswell UFO cover-up began,

Brigadier General
Stephen Lovekin

said that he was briefed
in the Pentagon in 1959

about the Roswell UFO crashes.

And he was shown thin
I-beams with what he

called purplish "encryptions."

That word means encoding
messages or information

in such a way that only
authorized parties can read it.

Another source, Steve Lytle,
reported that his mathematician

father was asked by government
authorities to, quote,

"decipher the I-beam
symbols," close quote.

But no one was able to.

And those weren't the
only mysterious symbols

to show up on UFOs.

In 1803 on the east coast of
Japan, in the Hitachi Province,

fishermen reported that a pale
red-headed alien-looking woman

suddenly emerged
from under the ocean

waters in a round craft that
had symbols on its surface.

The woman was inside the
craft, clutching a box.

Eyewitnesses called her
Utsuro-Bune, meaning ship hole,

because her sea craft was
shaped like a rice bowl.

People who saw the
craft said the top

was like glass or crystal.

And when the red-haired woman
spoke, it was in a language

that no Japanese person
had ever heard before.

What language was she speaking?

Where did she come from?

What was in the box?

Nobody knows.

Eyewitnesses claim the same
red-haired woman and craft

were reported in
other parts of Japan,

as if she were flying
around in the craft.

She was always reported to
be tightly holding that box.

177 years later, on
December 26, 1980,

after midnight, Staff
Sergeant James Penniston

at RAF Bentwaters,
Woodbridge, in England

would also encounter
a strange craft

with symbols in
Rendlesham Forest.

When Sergeant Penniston dragged
his fingers over the symbols,

his mind was filled with
zeros and ones of binary code,

and telepathic impressions
of a time machine

from a distant future, where
an advanced civilization was

dying out.

Its mission was to harvest
genetic material from Earth

to use as band-aids to extend
the future of civilization's


There was no pilot.

The triangular
craft operated with

alien self-activating software.

Now, here is a comparison of
two Utsuro-Bune symbols, marked

with red circles, that are
variations on the Jim Penniston

triangle and circle
symbols in the lower left.

We're going to see this
triangle-circle symbol again

in a 2015 UFO encounter.

But first, on August
28, 1991, 11 years

after Sergeant Penniston touched
the symbols on the alien craft

in Rendlesham Forest,
Soviet authorities

were tracking a UFO on a zigzag
course of 4,225 miles an hour.

The rapid radar track
vanished over Kyrgyzstan.

A year later, in June,
1992, a search party

found a cylinder-shaped craft
with strange green symbols

on it.

The investigation
reported, quote,

"powerful electromagnetic field
emanating from the wreckage,"

close quote.

All photographs and videotape
recordings were overexposed.

The craft had crashed in
the Shaitan Mazar gorge,

also known as the Devil's
Grave, in the central Tien Shan

mountains of eastern Kyrgyzstan.

Then 14 years after
that, in late June 2015,

an Army sergeant with his
wife, two young children, dog

and a cat began moving
from Hunter Army Airfield

near Richmond Hill, Georgia,
on the Atlantic Ocean,

to Fort Carson in
Colorado Springs,

planning to go through Atlanta.

He set his truck's
GPS for the route

and they planned to
travel at night when

it was cooler with less
traffic, and then they

would stay in motels
during the day.

The husband, Sergeant
CJ, I call him,

and his wife were shocked when
a bright white light in the sky

suddenly came down
toward their truck.

The Army sergeant estimated
that the disk hovering

above their truck
was 820 feet long...

that's nearly three
football fields...

and was 200 feet high
from base to top.

Bright white sparks projected
out beyond the craft,

front and back.

Below the midline
there was a row

of five dark-colored symbols.

He told me, quote, "In the
Army I'm a trained observer.

I've been doing
this for 15 years.

I'm able to identify high
velocity rounds as well

as mortars, rockets,
artillery aircraft...

all types of aircraft.

I'm trained to do that for
whatever comes down in front

of us on military missions.

This huge craft was
way beyond anything

that I have been trained
for," close quote.

Sergeant CJ's wife remembered
the UFO's surface glistened

like an oil slick
of rainbow colors

when it tilted toward them.

And she also thought that
there were round lights

around the perimeter.

The encounter was from
exactly 1:25 to 1:29

AM Eastern on the early
morning of June 29, 2015,

and this is according to
Sergeant CJ's digital watch

that he looked at when the craft
disappeared by blinking out

in front of them.

It blinked out.

It did not move.

The couple felt confused
and disoriented.

Sergeant CJ drove up
the road a few miles,

and he found a Shake Rag
Express on Highway 1 South.

When he tried to get
out of the truck,

he said, his legs
felt like wet noodles,

as if he couldn't stand up, and
he didn't know what was wrong.

But the greater shock was
when he bought some food,

the Shake Rag Express
receipt showed

they were in Wadley,
Georgia, way off their GPS

course to Atlanta.

The couple had no
idea how they were

diverted north without
realizing it from their GPS.

It was programmed.

It was a programmed route that
should have taken 4 and 1/2

hours for the 250-mile drive
from Richmond Hill, Georgia,

via Route 16 to Route
75 into Atlanta.

But what happened next implies
that the diversion on Route 1

North to the countryside
of Wadley, Georgia,

was under the control
of an alien intelligence

in order to transmit binary
information into Sergeant CJ's


Sergeant CJ had the
shock of his life.

And we'll go deeper
into that shock

on the next "Truth Hunter."

This is Linda Moulton Howe.

Please stay tuned to my Gaia
series for more surprises

about our universe,
the solar system,

and the planet we live on.