Truth Be Told (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Here She Shall See No Enemy - full transcript

Markus tries getting to the bottom of a shocking discovery. Eva makes a startling confession to Poppy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Is that goddamn door open? Huh?

Aames, go with him.


Where'd that goddamn video
of my daughter come from?

I'm not fucking around here!

Was it Trey? Answer
me, goddamn it!

An angry daddy's a hot daddy.

- Was it him?
- Markus. Hey.

Calm down.

What the hell was that?

I found a cache of
porn videos inside.

One of them was Trini
and her boyfriend.

Well, she's lucky
the door was locked.

What can I do?

You can find that fucker Trey.

Because I need to know how the
hell a pimp has a video of Trini.

There's no way she could've
known that was happening.

She would never allow Aubrey
to just record her like that.

Aames and I will
track Trey down.

He has hundreds of files to
answer for. And Drea's murder.

What about Rochelle?

Aames is taking her in.

Right now, all you need to worry
about are Zarina and Trini.

A man's bike is like his wife.

You can look but keep
your hands to yourself.

I meant no disrespect. I swear.

Ever since I heard that V-twin
thump at the Get Out the Vote,

I have been looking
for this gem.

Did you happen to catch Finney's
face when you guys roared in?

Some men just can't
appreciate auditory bliss.

- Lee.
- Hackman.

You and Questeur are coming
here to push us locals out.

Absolutely not. Our intention is to work
with the neighborhood, Mr. Scoville.

Sounds like my Indian's not
the only thing you know about.

You're an Oakland legend.

One I hope will let me visit
this beauty again sometime.

Unless you'd consider selling it.
In which case, name your price.

Well, even if hell freezes
over, a man can't sell his wife.

I feel the same way about my custom
BSA, '47 Indian and the 1919 PowerPlus.

Now, that is a bike
I'd like to see.

You should stop by anytime.

My wife, Sybil, is on me
nonstop about this mayoral race.

It'd be a relief to not
talk politics for a while.


Love you, Mama.

Dearest Elie, Looking down
at you in my arms last night,

I couldn't tell where my
skin ended and yours began.

I felt the same rush at Sweet's
Jazz Club on the night we met.

I knew then, I wanted to be with
you forever. I still want that.

I am counting the seconds until
you are back in my bed with me.

Until I can love you again and
again. All my love, Alexander.

Hey. Come in.

I have been desperate for an
update on Trey. Did you find him?

Aames found his house.

Okay. So, did y'all arrest him?

He wasn't there.

One of his girls was.
OPD has her in custody.

You think she killed Drea?

No, Trey is still our
likeliest suspect.

Okay, well, did you at least find
anything useful in his house?

Not so far.

But Aames is gonna
try and get me in

to see if Trey's girl,
Rochelle, will help us find him.

If only you knew someone who worked
with teenage girls all day long.

I'm overstepping
again, aren't I?

Aames and I are
doing all we can.

Even Boisterous has their entire
research team focused on Trey.

If there's anything you
can do, I'll let you know.

Now, you know your father
and I love you, right?

Your father saw a video last night
of you and Aubrey having sex.

Now, we'll circle
back to the sex part.

But first, baby, did you
know you were being recorded?

Did you know you
were being recorded?


Did Aubrey introduce you to
anyone named Rochelle or Trey?

- Why?
- 'Cause they had the goddamn video.

Who else has seen it?

That's what you're worried about?
That boy recorded you having sex!

No, Aubrey would never
do anything to hurt me.

You two are done.
That's it. It's over.

He loves me.

- Sweetheart.
- What the hell you know about love?

- Markus.
- No!


You're smarter than this, Trini.

And we raised you a hell
of a lot better than that!

I don't even know
who you are anymore!

- Baby! Come on.
- Hey! Come back here!

Hey, hey.

- We need answers.
- And you need to cool down, all right?

Let her get through
the shock of this.

She is heart over head, just like
me. Remember what the therapist says.

Yeah, some gotta feel before they
fix. Right. But that ain't me.

We got about ten, 15 minutes
before someone sounds the alarm

on your presence.

So, how do you want to play
it? Good cop, nosy podcaster?

I think I should
talk to her alone.

Yeah. My hunch is that she hasn't
had the best experience with men,

so I can connect with
her woman-to-woman.

So when she tried to take your
head off, that was connecting?

I have interviewed white
supremacists, cultists,

men who've killed their cats
just because they could.

I will be fine.

All right.

- All right. Let's go.
- Thanks.

This way.

In here.


You must be dying for
a bite of Rochelle.

But, girl, you can't afford me.

And what about Drea Spivey?

How much was Trey
selling her for?


Let's start smaller.

How does Trey know
Trini and Aubrey?

They both appeared in one of
the videos we found at Trey's.

I don't gotta talk to you.

The boys ain't got shit on me. They
just holding me here 'cause they can.

Rochelle. You are
in over your head.

But I can help you.

I can get you into subsidized
housing, a job-training program.

You can leave
prostitution behind.

Be safe from Trey.

Bitch, I'm safe with Trey.

You sure?

'Cause if he did kill Drea,

what's to stop him from
doing the same thing to you?


Trey and I got a good thing.

You don't understand, 'cause
clearly you ain't never had it.

No rock on your finger,
no spark in your eye.

You don't understand love.

You can see all that, but
you can't see through Trey.

Well, I hope his love is enough
to keep you safe from this place.

Or maybe he'll just
leave you in here to rot.

Bye, Mama.

There she is.

Daughter number one.

- Hey, Daddy.
- Hey.

What's going on?

Just sitting here thinking.

Did you and Mama
ever go through a...

I don't know, a rough patch?

Of course, we did.

Every couple does.
We got over it.

What's this about?

You thinking about Ingram?


But tell me about Finney.

Lillian said it didn't
go well with him.

The man's running for office.
Comes with the territory.

Do you think he's a threat?

He knows some people who could
be. You should be careful.

I know.

Right on time.

- Daddy, you remember Principal Pierre?
- Yeah. Hey.

- How are you, sir?
- All right.

I've got some of my guys
watching over your school.

I appreciate that.

Our superintendent thinks that Drea's
murder is nothing to worry about.

And it won't cause more
problems with Finney?

The Capstones ain't
going anywhere.

The sooner he gets that
through his skull, the better.

- I'll talk to you later.
- Thanks.

Thank you, Daddy.

So how'd it go with Rochelle?

She'd rather rot in
jail than hurt Trey.

I know trafficking victims
require a specialized approach,

but I never expected her to actually
think she was in love with her pimp.

I need to regroup. Try
a different approach.

I don't know why I hadn't
thought of this sooner.

I have a close friend
who's a social worker.

I bet she knows somebody who
specializes in the field.

I'll reach out to her.

Thank you.

Brought you some chai.

Thank you.

You really love him, don't you?

And you think that he...

I know.

I know Aubrey loves me.

Now, the decision to have sex…

is yours.

Was yours.

I'm just sorry you didn't feel
like you could come to me.

I just didn't know what to say.

You could've said that.

But, honey, we have to figure out
a way to talk to each other, okay?


You know how much I love you.

I know.

Your dad loves you too.


Will you enlighten us about
how victims view their pimps?

Traffickers. That term
should really replace pimp.

They aim to be their
victim's world.

They'll spend weeks, months,

even years figuring out what
their victims need and want most.

Fancy clothes, drugs, makeup,
acceptance, attention.

And then they give it to them?


Eventually, most victims get so dependent
on their trafficker for those needs,

they believe it's love.

Rochelle definitely believes it.

Could Drea have believed it too?


It happens so often,
we have a term for it.

- Trauma bond.
- How do you break trauma bonds?

I'm sorry. Doing it again.

No. I was wondering
the same thing.

Until that bond is broken,

Rochelle will never
turn on Trey, will she?

Unfortunately, no. And
severing that bond isn't easy.

Many of these victims don't even know
what a healthy relationship looks like.

So I try to model one
from the beginning.

It starts with trust.

I'd imagine building trust
requires a connection.

Say someone felt that
with a trafficked girl.

How would you advise
approaching her?

The first thing to
consider is where they are,

how they are, and
meet them there.

I do all I can to make
victims feel safe.

They're in enough
danger as it is.

I stay warm, open.

I don't insult what they're
doing or their traffickers.

No one wants to feel judged.

- You Drea's friend?
- Yeah.

And I think you are too.

Hopefully one conversation leads
to another, and then another.

You just have to have the
patience to hang in there.

Heard you were in here
with a working girl.

Something about a
small-time pimp?

And a suspected murderer.


Emily Mills comes first.

So you're looking into a business
associate of Peter Reynolds,

Emily's stepdad?

Joana said that Victor
and Peter stopped speaking

after the business went under.

- Sounds kinda thin.
- Well, that's the best lead I got,

and the guy's dodging my calls,

so I'm headed to
his store later.

Have fun chasing your windmill.

Hi, Mom.

If you're looking for a code
name, honey, keep looking.

I love my mom. Everyone does.

Well, son,

neither the Capstones nor Boisterous
have found anything on Trey.

Well, Trey is smarter
than we thought.

All the videos have their
EXIF data stripped out.

It's gonna take
forever to trace 'em.

Well, I may have a lead
on finding Trey here,

but it's based more on
hope than anything else.

- Windmills everywhere.
- What?

Nothing. Good luck.

Damn it.

- Still no word from the Siddons?
- Nothing. I even tried his office.

And that was Poppy who just texted me.
Nothing solid on Trey or that video.

Well, I guess everyone's
doing their best.

And what's that supposed to
mean? I'm not doing enough?

Did you hear me say that?


Here I was hoping you'd finally
be ready to apologize to Trini.

- Excuse me?
- She thinks that you hate her.

- What?
- That. You are so angry.


Rina, you don't know the half.

All I see is fucking red.

How did our little girl get caught up
in a sex tape with some wannabe Ray J?

And on top of that, this murderous
pimp gets to see my baby,

my little girl.

Who knows how many times?
And he's still out there.

And what am I doing? I'm here.

Making calls,
leaving voice mails.

And how's that gonna make up for the
fact that I let that little scumbag

- in our house?
- No, we both did that.

I should've known better.

All right. Let's put that
fire to work. Go see Aubrey.

Make sure he didn't share
that video with anyone else.

You sure?

Take Aames. He'll
keep you straight.

Get Aubrey and his
parents talking.

When you get back…

I'll talk to Trini.

Yeah. All right.

I'm looking into Emily
Mills's disappearance.

Sad about Pete's kid.

So you and Peter were
business partners?

That's a strong word.

Pete came up with the company
name. I did everything else.

Which meant I had to work
through my dad's cancer,

my divorce, my sister's funeral.

Not that Peter ever
noticed or cared.

Do you blame Peter
for the bankruptcy?

Nah. We both knew going
into tech would be a gamble,

unlike this place.

People always have hideous art
they pretend to be proud of.

What were your interactions
like with Emily?

What interactions?

I've learned more about her from
CNN and The Mercury News, man.

And what about Peter and Joana?

- You keep in touch with them?
- No.

But hey, send 'em my way if their
frames ever need an upgrade.

Tell me you fix DIY jobs.

Thanks for your time.

Hey, Markus. How you holding up?

I got your message.

I thought it'd be a
little safer here.

Look, I'm gonna be
honest with you.

I am a family friend of Drea's,

but I'm also a journalist looking
for the person who killed her.

I recognized you at the diner.

And I knew from jump you cared about Drea.
Rochelle taught me how to read people.

You're good at it.

How's her mom?

Drea talked about her nonstop.

The good and the bad.

She's doing the best she can.

Still sober?

That's what's up.

I go by Coco, but my
real name is Devon.

Devon? That's a pretty name.

Trey says it sounds like
a white girl's name.

Trey, my boyfriend.


You been together long?

A minute.

Obviously, he wishes he
could hang out with me more,

but he's with his
main most of the time.

His main?


The main girl. His bottom bitch.

That's why things were so much
better at Shit Camp. No Rochelle.

Shit Camp sounds interesting.

We called it that
'cause of the smell.

Trey and I used to joke about
it. That's where me and him met.

At this farm camp for underprivileged kids
with some dumbass name I don't remember.

My grandma didn't wanna deal with me,
so she shipped me there one summer.

They thought shoveling manure would
make us feel less poor or something.

Like you don't have enough
mess to deal with in the city.


No way! Fusion Grill's here?

You really gonna
treat me, no cap?

If that means "no
lie," then no cap.

Hey, Mr. Killebrew.

What the hell were you thinking,
huh? Recording my daughter?

- What are you talking about?
- Don't fuck with me!

Hey. Easy. Just tell us who
you showed the tapes to.

- Who the hell are you?
- Aubrey, what's going on?

Mr. and Mrs. Siddons,
I'm Detective Aames.

- Is Trini all right, Markus?
- No, she's not all right,

which you both would know if
you'd pick up the goddamn phone.

- We work.
- Yeah? Well, you know what your son did?

He made a sex video of
himself with my daughter.

Son, is there any truth to this?

- Aubrey!
- It was just for me. A stupid guy thing.

- I love Trini.
- Who else did you show this video to?

- Nobody!
- That's bullshit!

- All right, easy. Come on.
- Hold on!

I found it in a pimp's house.

- My son doesn't know any pimps.
- Really?

You don't know a pimp?

- You don't know someone named Trey?
- No.

Dangerous. Rap sheet
longer than my arm.

- I don't know any Treys or criminals.
- Maybe Aubrey's phone was hacked.

- It happens all the time.
- Are you serious right now?

- I think you need to go, Markus.
- Easy. All right. Come on.

Come on. Let's go.

- This ain't over.
- We'll be in touch.

Thank you. Let's go. Come on.

- It's all right.
- Fuck.

Hey, you might consider
going a little easier...

What? With what that
little shit just pulled?

- Hey, I'm not defending the kid. Okay?
- Fuck!


Trust me, I lose
sleep obsessing over

how I can make sure my son
doesn't pull a move like that.

But we still need to find out how
that tape ended up at Trey's, right?

Yeah. Right. All
right, I got you.

This is a fucking nightmare.

All right.

Stay strong. Almost there.

Five, four, three,
two... Come on.

And one.

All right, now. Take a breather.

All right. Slowly up.

One more round to go,
I know you can do it.

Okay, the body achieves
what the mind believes.

Believe in yourself. I do.

Okay. One more deep breath.

I get it. I know you wanna
quit, but you got it.

Come on, now. Let's
take a nice breath.

All right, let's
jump back in now.

You can jump back in for five or
ten if you can for the final stretch

but break it off.

Start pumping those
legs. Come on, now.

Get out of your comfort zone.

- Oh, my God. So sorry.
- No, that was me.

- Wait, aren't you the counselor here?
- Thank you.

I am, but I also help out with
the tennis team. I played at UCLA.

A Renaissance man.

I wouldn't go that far.

- You looking for Eva?
- Yeah. Is she still in the PTA meeting?

That's tomorrow night.

Well, she certainly seems to
burn the candle at both ends.

Your boss is a hard
one to pin down.

Eva and I have been
friends for a long time.

Most people make the mistake
of assuming that they know her.

I do my best to
avoid assumptions.

More of the world should
learn from your example.

I mean, if they did, people might
truly get to know each other.

You think so?

I mean, do we ever really
get to know someone?

Good question.

I'd say only if you're really
open to hearing their truth.

Gotta go.

Where did you find these?

They were tucked behind
a picture of Mama

that I found in one of
the boxes Leona brought.

Who is Alexander?

Alexander Troy was someone your
mother was with before we met.

- What happened?
- She said it didn't work out.

She met a better man.

One of the letters is dated
after you were married.

Four years, three months and two days
after our vows, she went back to him.

You and Desiree stayed with
me. You don't remember.

I figured out how to
comb hair with one hand

and change a diaper
with the other.

- It only lasted a few months and then...
- She left us. She left you.

But she came back.

That's what matters.
She came back.

How could you just
take her back?

How could I not?

You and I both know the danger of
letting one mistake define you.

She asked for my
forgiveness, and I gave it,

because I loved her,
and she loved me.

And we hung onto that.

She wanted to forget
about him and so did I.

We kept looking forward
to get back to us.

We had Cydie, and we
redefined our family,

our life.

Is he my biological father?


Why didn't anyone tell me?

It was Elinor's to tell.

I took her lead.

You gotta understand, sweetheart,
this was a different time.

She had so much shame.

Being pregnant, unwed,
a good church girl.

I didn't care about any of that.

I didn't care about anything but
loving her and then loving you.

That's all I wanted.

It was true then and it's
true now. You are my daughter.

And I love you.

I love you too, Daddy.

Thanks for coming over.

Sorry I'm late.

Had to approve a press release.

All right, look, I have
a confession to make.

Wait, what... This isn't real?

California sparkling wine. What?

I knew who you were
the second that we met.

I recognized you from the Get
Out the Vote at your high school.

I didn't see you.

Well, I was putting out fires somewhere
else, but my office took photos.

They photograph all
of the boss's events.

So you're in politics.

I know that can kind
of be a hot button.

Depends on what side you're on.

Fourth generation Democrat.

I work for Andrew Finney.
He's running for mayor.

Yeah, definitely saw
him at the rally.

There you go.

Seemed a little
out of his depth.

Like he was playing
at being a politician.

Well, he's gonna win.

I wouldn't work for him
if I didn't believe that.

And what exactly do you do?

I'm a deputy campaign manager,

so I do a bit of anything.

I've been working to secure
this big endorsement and...

- The press release.
- Uh-huh.

Today it finally came through.



Lemon or lime for the seltzer?

Give me a shot of Irish.

Coming right up.

I know that look.


That's a man ready to
kill for his family.

You remember when you first
rolled up to my house,

honking your horn thinking Poppy
was supposed to run right out?

Man, I wanted to smack you
into another time zone.

You better thank Lillian
for keeping you alive.

You don't cross
a man's daughter.

I understand that now.

You know, back in the day

when Zarina first told me that
she was pregnant with Trini,

a little girl, shit,
I was scared as hell.

But then, I thought about you…

and how you are with your girls.

You remember when Trini
was, what, five, six?

You would bring her in here
for daddy-daughter dates.

You'd set her in the
booth with that doll…

- Yeah. Addy.
- Addy.

You'd order two Shirley Temples.

- One for her and one for the doll.
- And one for the doll.

Easier times, right?

Fatherhood's a marathon,
not a sprint, son.

We both got daughters better
than any father deserves.

All we can do is try
and be worthy of them.

I appreciate you.


Cops been tailing
Tupelo and Hugs.

That's Fruitvale
and Maxwell Park.

That's Finney flexing,
thinking he already won.

Want me to bring our boys in?

Like hell, we double down.
Put every Capstone on patrol.

Tell Tupelo I'll meet him.

Yes, sir.

Good morning, Oakland.
Our top stories today:

It's been 13 days since Oakland
teen, Emily Mills, went missing,

and investigators still
have very few answers.

A straight-A student a...

What the hell, Eva?

You told them real milk.

I knew this was gonna happen.

All this is getting to you.

That girl out there,
doing the walk of shame.

It's not what you think.

She invited me to
Finney's fundraiser.

I got a plan.

Well, don't I feel better.

What about you showing
up to that no-tell motel?

Cruising the blade. Look, you
can't keep going like this.

I got it under control.

I got it under control.



Then what about me?

Look, I can't be the only
person that you trust.

How many times are you gonna want me
to put you back together all by myself?

You said you wanna
work with Poppy.

Work with her.

Let her in.

Or get the hell out,
before it's too late.


I've been up all night thinking how
Drea's life changed in an instant.

Did one choice lead
her into trafficking?

One person?

How can a single
relationship have that power?

What one person sees as an
act of abuse and betrayal,

- another views as love, friendship.
- Hey, baby. What's up?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Good, how are you doing?

Who's right?

Recently, I spoke with women
who professed their love

for someone I deem
abusive and manipulative.

Another person I know was deeply
wounded by someone they loved,

yet they chose forgiveness,
sacrifice and commitment.

If I'm being honest, I struggle
to understand their choices,

but what gives me
the right to judge?

Poppy, I have
something to tell you.

Secrets are a currency I
am overly familiar with.

Now I think it's doing
me more harm than good.

I haven't thought about
any of this stuff in years.

Not until…


And it's like I'm right
back to being 15 years old.

I'm those girls on the blade.

Ankles aching, trapped in a motel
not knowing who's gonna come in next.

Feeling so dirty and…


So ashamed.

All because of him.

He was a law
student at Stanford.

He said he could help my
mom get her green card.

You know, but there was
always some… hiccup or delay.

Until he scored an in
with a court clerk.

He said if I... You know, I just
spent some time with this guy,

my mom's paperwork would
just move up the chain.

But I didn't want to.

I didn't.

But I had to do
what I had to do.

Well, and then he said that,
that clerk, you know, he…

transferred departments, but
he had a new contact for me.

And one more guy just
turned into one more and…

favors turned to threats.

And what could I do?

I mean, he knew
everything about my mom.

And the whole time...

Whole time, I'm so
sure that he loves me.

How did he do that?

How did he do that?

Part of me is sitting
here right now…

wondering if I still love him.


None of this is your fault.

None of it.

You are doing a lot
of good in this world.

Well, I wanna do more.

I need to do more.


you know anything about summer
camps for disadvantaged kids?

I do.

I do.

Are you here to
sell me that 741?

Not today.

I'm guessing you didn't come all
the way out here to Palo Alto

just to talk torque and cogs.

Your endorsement handed Andrew
Finney an unbeatable lead.

That's a problem for me and you.

I don't follow.

You want to bring Questeur
into my neighborhood.

A place where the Capstones have
been watching over for decades.

Finney wants to stop us cold.

So, if Finney stops you,
you'll stop my Questeur campus?

Capstones can be a potent enemy.

You saw what we did
at Get Out The Vote.

That could be us at
every community hearing,

every planning meeting.

We can also be a powerful friend,
if you tell Finney to back off.

I could tell him at
his next fundraiser.

Why don't you join me?

Yep, I checked every
piece of security footage.

Walked the whole camp.

No one else besides me
has been up here in days.

Now, which camper do
you think came up here?

James Benjamin III.

Goes by Trey.

Oh, Jimmy. He wasn't a student.

He was a counselor.

Had a real gift for
bonding with the kids.

One sec, I think
I have something.

Our pimp was a camp counselor.

A master of deception.

He conned Rochelle, Devon
and Drea. All smart girls.

Man, Jimmy.

Miss that guy.

It's too bad we had to fire him for
knocking out the activities director.

Jimmy's temper always
got the better of him.

There we go.

You know, that
asshole lied to me?

Aubrey looked me dead in my face
and told me that he never met Trey.

Apparently, Aubrey volunteered
as a junior counselor.

- Trey took him under his wing.
- Yeah, I bet he did.

Aubrey is friends with a pimp?

Trini needs to hear this. Her
boyfriend's a shady piece of shit.
