Tropical Heat (1991–1993): Season 3, Episode 5 - White Hot - full transcript

Nick is hired to find a little girl whose father took the girl from her mother and fled with the child to Israel.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have knocked.

- Do you think these shoes match?

- Nick?

Well, there's a side of
you I've never seen before.

- Is that the sexiest dress you own?

- It's the sleaziest dress I own,

and if you want to borrow
it some day you can.

Get out of there.

- Well, it'll have to do.

Our dates are gonna be
here in five minutes.

- Our dates?

- Mm-hmm, it was bring a partner,

I didn't have time to warn you.

You know, I have a sensible
pair of black shoes

if these don't work.

- No, they're perfect.

And you, Joan Crawford would
kill for those shoulders.

- You don't think it's too trashy?

I mean, do you think I'm the type of girl

that a drug dealer would like to date?

- A presidential candidate
would like to date you.

- Yeah, but these guys
have higher standards.


- You'll knock 'em dead.

- Better them than us.

Lovely girls.

- Stop it.

- Hello, boys.

You girls look hot.

- I said I don't care if
you are in retailing, honey,

keep your hands off the
merchandise, that got 'em.

- So, you said you had some party favors?

- Right over here, baby.

- Oh.

- Didn't I tell you Marcus
and I know how to party right?

- You sure did, Lou.

Hands where I can see 'em.

- Don't even think about it, drop it.

- Geez.

And I thought we were really
beginning to hit it off.

- You're a swell guy, Lou.

You're just in a rotten business.

- Hey, you're a guy!

- Well, nobody's perfect.

- Hi, Dad!

- Hi, honey!

Oh boy, boy, boy have I missed you.

- I want her back at five p.m. on Sunday.

And I mean five p.m.

- I know.

- I'm serious, Michael!

- You're always serious, Claire.

Lighten up.

- Last time when she wasn't on that plane,

do you know what that did to me?

- I explained all that.

The cruise took longer than we thought.

- You knew exactly how
long it was going to take.

Don't use Suzanna to get
at me, I won't have it.

- I only get to see her
one weekend a month.

- Dad.

- Okay.

- Five p.m. on Sunday.

- Mom, please.

Don't worry so much.

- I'll try.

Bye, sweetheart.

- Hey, hey.

Suzie, I've got two surprises for you.

- What are they?

- You brought your cowgirl
outfit like I asked?

- It's in the suitcase.

- Then...


- Oh, Daddy!

They're rad!

- You think so?

Try this one.

- What's the second surprise?

- We are going on a great adventure.

- Is Mom coming?

- She'll come later.

Look, we gotta hurry up, we
don't wanna miss the plane.

- Where are we going?

- We are going to a magic,
magical, magical place, okay?

Now take your bag.

Okay, let's go.

The darkness burns so bright

- I don't want a man to
handle this, I want you.

- Miss Hutchinson, I'm in the midst

of an extremely complicated
embezzlement case.

I'm investigating, not instigating.

- This is my daughter!

- Believe me, I understand this.

It's just that my partner
has more experience at this

than I do.

Look, he's capable, he's honest, he's...


- Okay, ladies, now
there's only one joker,

and if you find him, you win.

- That is your partner?

- Yes.

- Nope, no luck.

Go ahead.

Well, it must be my
lucky day, wrong again.

On the other hand, maybe
it's not my lucky day.


I can't fly to Israel.

- Well, I would much
rather Miss Girard went.

But as she can't, there
simply isn't enough time

to find anyone else.

- Are you sure this isn't
just another mistake

so he can keep Suzanna
for a couple more days?

- It's been almost four days!

The police have already made inquiries,

they say Michael and Suzanna were booked

on a flight to Jerusalem.

Now, by the terms of our settlement,

he's not allowed to take
her out of the country.

- Why Israel?

- My ex-husband is a diamond
importer based in New York.

He makes frequent trips to Israel.

- And?

- And one of the reasons for our divorce,

he was seeing a woman there.

He's stolen my daughter!

Look, I'm tired of answering
all these questions,

as we stand here they could be getting

further and further away.

- All right, just calm down.

Now, you mention that
he came down to the Key

for a vacation.

Any idea why he would choose here?

- What do you mean?

- Well, he's based in
New York, from there,

he can get to almost
anywhere in a single hop.

I mean, if he was
planning to go to Israel,

why would he come here?

- Of course.

Why hasn't anyone asked me that before?

- You see, I told you,
he knows what he's doing.

- There is something.

One of his customers
was in the Florida Keys.

I used to see the invoices all the time.

- The name?

- Well, it was an odd company
to be buying diamonds,

that's why I noticed it.

I asked Michael and he said the owner

was a private investor.

It was something like, uh, Ripe Fruit,

Forever Ripe Fruit?

Look, we've wasted enough time.

I'm booked on a flight in two hours,

will you help me or not?

- We will.

- Um, Sylvie, listen, I know the Keys.

I don't know Israel.

- Look, you could find a
missing person on Mars,

the rules are the same.

- I'm not so sure.

I mean, I don't speak Martian.

- God, this is hopeless.

- Nick, she's distraught.

Who knows what kind of
trouble she can get into?

Or the little girl?

- Oh, you really know how to
push my buttons, don't you?

- I'll check into the
Forever Ripe Fruit Company.

Call me when you get to Jerusalem.

- All right.

Lady, lady.

- No, you don't understand.

If you can't help me, I'll
have to find somebody else.

- Let's start again.

I hope you got
the reservations right.

Yeah, I got the reservations.

You know, I know you're upset,

but you've been doing
nothing but dump on me

for 14 straight hours.

I didn't want
you, I wanted Miss Girard.

All right, fine, fine.

You know, I know your
husband is a real loser,

but does that mean you
have to come down so hard

on all men?



Well, at least we got a good hotel.

You won't be here
long enough to enjoy it.

- Okay, listen, make
sure that they register

and get us a room close by.

All right?
- Okay.

- You don't expect us to
stay in one room, do you?

- For security.

- I'd feel far more
secure in a separate room.

- Not if those two guys that followed us

from the airport decide to visit.

- I beg your pardon?

- They followed us all
the way here to the hotel.

- Maybe they were just
coming to the same hotel.

- Lady, I've been followed
enough to recognize the signs.

Now, if they were just
coming to the hotel,

they wouldn't have cared
how far back they were.

But every time there was a space,

they decided to close the gap.

- But why would anyone want to follow us?

- That's a great question
to ask your husband

when we finally track him down.

- Well, why don't you ask the two guys

who were following us?

- Because, Miss
Hutchinson, they might lie.

Now, those men don't know I made them,

and that could give us an
edge down the road, all right?

- Okay.

Then where do we start?

- Well, how about with the girlfriend?

What's her name?

- Karla.

- A last name, you know
where they met, anything?

- All I know is she
used to work for Stearn,

one of the diamond merchants
Michael did business with here.

- Well, that's a start.

Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch.

- Hey, Sylvie.
- Hey, Spider.

- Where's Nick?
- Israel.

- No, really.
- Really!

- Really?
- Really.

- Really?

- Really, he's in Israel on a case.

- You mean like Israel the country?

- Is there a dog track with the same name?

Spider, what do you know about fruit?

- Well, you can hollow it
out, put it in a Mai Tai.

You can slice it, put it in rum punch.

- Good, I knew I needed an expert.

Come on.

- Where are we going?

- To buy some bananas.

- Bananas?

- Mm-hmm.

- The phone directory had a
listing for Stearns Jewelers

in the old city, it's nice
of them to put it in English.

Hey, would you mind not being so obvious

that you're looking for a tail?

- I thought I might recognize them.

- I don't want to tip 'em off.

Look, we're all alone
here, and I had to leave

my 38-caliber friend back in the Key.

- Oh, they wouldn't try to harm us here,

there are too many people around.

- Until we know their game plan,

let's play it slow and dumb, okay?

- Okay.

- Let's go.

We're losing them, come on!

- Does the Tropical Heat buy
its fruit from Forever Ripe?

- No, I tried about a year ago.

Their prices are rock bottom,
but they won't sell local.

- Hmm, that's what they
told me when I called.

It seems that the Forever
Ripe Fruit Company

sells exclusively to New York.

- So they eat a lot of fruit up there.

- We're gonna take a good look around.

Get back.

If that's a fruit importer,
I'm Carmen Miranda.

- Who is he?

- That's Carlo Plentera,
one of the highest-ranking

mofioso in New York.

- There they are now.

You've got that list?


- Thank you, Horatia, why
don't you go to lunch?

- Yes, Mr. Lutz.

- I'm Nathan Lutz.

I understand you were asking after Karla?

- Yeah, she was recommended as
the one to do business with.

- Karla was a most valued employee.

- Was?

- Unfortunately she is no
longer with the company.

But I am happy to handle in person

on any purchases you might ask to make.

- Do you know how we could
get in touch with her?

- I'm afraid she might be
unreachable for some time.

- You see, the problem is,
we got some messages for her

from some of her contacts
back in the States.

- Um, Mr. Lutz, that's not true.

My name is Claire Hutchinson.
- Wait a second!

- We're actually here
looking for my ex husband,

Michael Lovett.

We believe Karla may be able to help us.

- So.

You came here?

- It was the only lead we had.

- Fools, you've killed us both!

- Who are those guys?

- Murderers, assassins!

- Okay, lower the decibels a notch, pal.

Listen, the lady's
looking for her daughter.

Now, why would murderers
and assassins care?

- Get out of here!

- Not until I get some answers.

- Where is Suzanna?

- You want to let me
handle the damage control?

These your daughters?

- Yes.

- Great, then maybe you can understand.

Lovett took her daughter and disappeared

in a foreign country.

Now the lady is frantic with worry,

can't you help her out a little bit?

- You will leave my shop at once,

you will never come here again!

- I'm a private detective,
maybe I can help you.

- Get out, Mr. Private Detective!

Leave Israel.

- I get the distinct
feeling this gentleman

doesn't want us around.

Come on.

- We can't just leave!

- Lady, you are making every step of this

harder than it has to be.

Now move!

- Karla?

I must see you at once.

Yes, I'll meet you at the
corner of David's Tower.

- Are you gonna let me
handle this thing or what?

- You weren't getting anywhere.

- Oh, where are we now?

- Miss Hutchinson, just a minute, please.

Neil Hammond, U.S. Embassy.

This is my associate, Bill Wagner.

- Oh, Neil and Bill!

Well, those are all
American-sounding names.

- What did you say?

- What did you say?

Hey, you better watch it, Neil,
you're losing your diction.

- Would you mind coming with
us for a minute, please?

- Hey, whoa, where?

- To the embassy, of course.

- But I'm a British subject.

- We understand that, ma'am.

It's just that your daughter
holds a dual passport

and she's the reason you're in Israel.

- Are you trying to say her
daughter's at the embassy?

- We hope that she will be soon.

- Well, I'll tell you what, guys.

Why don't you give us a call when

she decides to wander in, right?

- Listen, tough guy,
you're not helping things.

- And she's not going
anywhere until I see some ID.

- One way or another,
she's coming with us.

- I suppose this is the part
where you open your jackets

and show me your guns, huh?

Surprise, surprise.

You know, fellas, I like a good cliche

as much as the next guy, but this is

the most heavily-armed
country in the world.

You pull those things
out, you'll be shot dead

before you can get to
the next cliche about

taking us for a ride.

- Let's go.

- Come on.

- Come on, let's go after them!

Grab your gun!

Come on!

Where'd they go?

This way.

- Sylvie, can you hear me?

- Aunt Margie, is that you?

- No, it's your Uncle Nicholas.

- Oh, any luck?

- I think it's safe to say that we've been

stirring things up a little.

- Well, I'm glad you're
hurrying things up a little.

Nick, Forever Ripe Fruits is
owned by a holding company

belonging to a man named Carlo Plentera.

- Plentera?

Isn't he under investigation
by a Senate subcommittee?

- He's under investigation by everyone.


- That explains a lot of things.

- Well, explain them to me.

- Now, don't make that face.

Look, two minor officers
from Hoods Incorporated

are after us.

I'm starting to see the light at this end,

but it'd help if you can
connect these guys to Plentera.

- Who are they?

- I'm what?

- What's their names?

- Oh, Neil Hammond and Bill Wagner.

Now, I wouldn't bet on them
being their real names,

but I can fax you a
description from the hotel.

- Okay, I'll see what I can find out.

- Okay, only don't call the
hotel, I'll contact you.

- Right, I'll call the hotel.

See you later, Nick.

- No, Sylvie, Sylvie!

- Nick?

Connection, phew.

- Nick?

We must be going.

- What's it say?

- It says if I want to see Suzanna again,

I'm to be at the observation
point on the Mount of Olives

at noon tomorrow.

- Could be a trap, our two
shadows trying to be subtle.

- It's in my daughter's handwriting.

- Over here.

- What do we do now?

- Well, first we're gonna try to find out

what frightened Lutz so much.

Do you have any idea why a
mob capo named Carlo Plentera

would be after your husband?

- No.

- You sure?

- I truly have no idea.

- Okay, your husband's moving diamonds

across international borders.

Plentera makes a living out
of several illegal businesses.

Anything click yet?

- Mr. Slaughter, I'm very tired.

- Well, you know, money
laundering is my guess.

I think your husband's
mobbed up to his eyeballs.

- I was afraid you'd say that.

I didn't suspect for a long
time, and even when I did,

I wasn't sure.

He was never very
forthcoming about his work.

- Not surprised, taking
Plentera's hot cash,

converting it into diamonds,
and then selling it back again

is not exactly gonna
show up on his resume.


- Now you gotta stop me if I'm wrong,

but I sense something going on here beyond

a simple exchange
- Spider!

Of pleasantries, don't you?

- Hello?

- How do I say this, it's like
a cosmic connection, yeah?

It's as if the whole
universe just suddenly

called out its last time out.

It's as if my senses have
been suddenly heightened.

- Except for the hearing.

- Would you excuse me for a minute?


- Mm-hmm?

- You know what happens
when you're having a dream

and you're suddenly interrupted and

you try to go back to sleep and then

that dream's never the same?

- Hi, I'm fine, how are you?

- Now what did I do?

- Spider, this is really important.

We have to find out why
Plentera's men are after Nick.

- Uh, so dropping off
a simple questionnaire

wouldn't be enough?

- No, we have to break into the office

and find out what's going
down, there's no other way.

- Ha, that's ridiculous.

There's plenty of ways to get information.

There's psychics.

There's astrologers, there's,
well, there's always guessing.

I once guessed my aunt's
weight within six ounces.

Of course I was walking
funny for two or three weeks,

but the accuracy was uncanny.

- Look, just say you'll do it.

Tonight after it gets dark, we'll sneak in

to our favorite fruit vendor's office.

- Oh, sure, like I'm gonna drop everything

and play roadrunner to a bunch of coyotes.

- Oh, I knew I can count on you.

- Okay, okay.

- Then can we go home?

- All I'm promising is that
you will get to see your mom.

And what's the matter with it here?

You don't like it here with Karla?

- It's okay, but I wanna go home.

All my stuff's there.

I've got school.

- Look, we can get new stuff.

Anything you want, I can do that for you.

- Daddy, you go see Mommy.

You tell her to come see me.

- Why did you rent a Jeep?

- Just want a taste of home.

- You might've rented a
little taste of my home.

Jaguars have excellent air conditioning.

- Yeah, and it would've stuck out a mile.

- Yeah, you're right.

You seem to know what you're doing.

- Thank you.

- It's an observation, not a compliment.

- Lady, I'm a professional.

As soon as you start to trust
me, things'll go a lot easier.

- I trusted my husband.

I trusted my divorce attorney.

I paid him a hundred dollars an hour,

and he spent most of his
extremely expensive time

trying to get me into bed.

- So what about the mailman,
he disappoint you too?

And the guy who picks up your trash?

- Save your sense of humor
for your beach bunnies,

Mr. Slaughter.

I'm sure they appreciate
it far more than I.

- Get down, get down.

Stay here.

Hey, pal, you know that woman over there?

Her name's Karla, the
street vendor knew her.

Now we know why Lutz was so frightened.

- We do?

- Yeah, it's his daughter.


Take, get it away!

- Gee, you know, I hope they have

a nice crate of
strawberries kicking around.

- How can you think about
food at a time like this?

- Whipped cream, should've
brought some whipped cream.

- Spider.

- Oh, good, this is good.

I thought you'd said
you'd done this before.

- Yeah, on the office door, okay?

- Office door.

Come on, come on, what are you doing?

- Stop it, look, this is art,

and art cannot be rushed, okay?

- Okay.

- I did it.

- I'm really surprised
at you, breaking in.

- Spider, shut up, shhh.

Spider, why don't you look for a light?

I can't see a thing.

- Is that bright enough for you?

- You were waiting for us.

- I'm always interested
to see who's breaking into

one of my warehouses.

Took a hell of a long
time slipping that lock.

Oily things, guns.

But useful, useful.

Now where are they, Miss Girard?

- Who?

- Your partner and the Hutchinson woman.

- I don't have any idea.

- We all know they're in Israel.

- Fine, we can go now, right?

- Where in Israel?

- I can't tell you.

- Is this fair, Miss Girard?

You keep secrets when I appear
to have no secrets from you.

- I think he's trying to
tell us we know too much.

- Look, all Claire wants is
to get her daughter back.

- I have lost something
very important to me too.

- Well, it's gotta be money.

- I'm sorry.

But I can't think of
one reason in the world

why I should tell you.

Tie them up.

- Oh, Nick, there must be
something more we can do.

Maybe if we went back to Lutz, and...

- No, Lutz is closed.

Come on, you need some sleep.

- Tomorrow I'm going to
that rendezvous alone.

- No way.

- If they see you, Suzanna
could be gone forever.

- He's not just gonna
hand her over to you.

- I'll find a way.

I mean it, Mr. Slaughter.

I've been a single parent for six years.

There have been no other men in my life,

I can handle my ex-husband.

- He really hurt you, didn't he.

- All he cared about was money, and women.

He seemed to require an
endless supply of both.

No doubt now you're gonna tell
me that you're not like that.

- I am, I'm perfect.

- Where is it written that
marriage can't be a partnership?

Why do men have to see it as
some sort of special kingdom

with their wife as a
sort of royal concubine?

- Michael made you feel
worthless, didn't he.

- Yes.

It took me a long time to
rediscover that I have worth.

- You do.

You're one tough lady.

- I love my daughter.

- I know you do.

I hope I can be as good
a parent as you one day.

- If only I'd kept my mouth
shut in Lutz's office,

we might be a lot closer
to getting her back.

- Maybe not.

There's no way he's gonna turn the love

of his daughter's life over to us.

- I was trying to apologize.

- I accept.

- I'm still going to that meeting alone.

- Karla, baby.

You didn't deliver that
note yourself, did you?

- I paid someone to do it.

Claire didn't see me.

- Good, good.

No sign of Plentera's men?

- My father said he
hasn't seen them again.

- Look, if I don't meet Claire tomorrow,

I mean, I could always make
up some excuse for Suzanna.

- She wouldn't believe you.

- If I just told the truth, you know?

She's starting a new life, you
think she'd ever forgive me?

- She's talked about
nothing but her mother.

- Yeah, but don't you realize that Claire

could lead them right to me?

- Us.

- Okay, to us.

- She seems to be a resourceful woman.

- Claire, resourceful?

She couldn't even brush
her teeth by herself.

- Maybe you never gave her a chance.

- Whose side are you on?

- Yours, Michael, always yours.

But I can understand how Claire feels.

Can't you?

- Daddy?

Is Mom here?

- No, she's not here yet, honey.

- When is she coming?

- Soon, now you just go on
back to sleep, angel, okay?

- Okay.

- Where do you think you're going?

- To a car rental agency.

They may not have a Jaguar,

but at least it'll have air conditioning.

- Look, I can't let you
go through with this.

- You must!

Even if you hide, he'll see you.

- I'll stay out of sight!

Look, you can follow him,
work out some kind of plan

to get her away from him.

- Kidnap?

My god, how did this happen!

Suzanna is so open, so trusting.

I tried not to let my bitterness
touch her, and now this.

What is it doing to her?

- Well, if she's anything like her mother,

she'll come out of this just fine.

- She's just a child!

- Sometimes children get
through things we don't expect

because they have to.

- What do you know about it?

- All right, so I
haven't had any children,

but I had parents, sort of.

- Were they hard on you?

- Well, let's just say
they had other priorities.

- Well, I don't.

Nothing in my life is more
important to me than my daughter.

If we do it your way, do you
promise me I'll get her back?

- I can't promise you, no.

But I think our chances would be better.

- Then let me see him.

I can keep the channels
for communication open.

If he thinks I'm willing
to go along with him,

he might let me see her.

- I'm not gonna be able to
talk you out of this, am I.

- No.

- Damn.

- Promise me you won't follow me?

- Claire.

- Promise me!

- All right, I promise you.

I won't follow you.

- Thank you.

- Claire.

- Michael.

- You never were too good at

thinking for yourself, were you?

- How would you know?

- And this is what happens when you try.

You have brought them to Israel,

you've jeopardized Suzanna's life.

- You did that when you went into business

with a man like Plentera!

- All I did was sell him diamonds.

- You liar.

You laundered money for him!

Tell me how much it cost
to steal my daughter!

- Okay.

Five million dollars.

- I always knew you were a whore.

I just never knew your price.

- With that kind of money, I can make sure

that Suzanna can have a life
you could never give her.

- I want Suzanna back.

- No way.

Look, I am starting a new
life with Suzanna and Karla.

Karla and I love each
other, which is something

you and I never had.

And you know what?

Suzanna is already falling
in love with Karla.

She's gonna make a good mother.

- I won't let you do it!

- Dammit, Claire, I am not trying to

keep her from you completely.

If you cooperate with me, I will make sure

you get to see her.

- No!

- You don't, I will make
sure you never see her again.

- Michael, Michael!



- Get in.

- You said you wouldn't follow me!

- I didn't follow you, I
just got here before you.

- It was still dishonest.

- Well, it just goes to show you,

you can't trust a man, can you?

- Go, go, go!

What did Michael say?

You were right.

He stole five million
dollars from Plentera.

Five million?

That's a lot of cash to bring
through airport security.

- Ow.

- You got one?

- Yeah.

- Wait a minute.

You're not gonna put us in
that refrigerator truck.

- Hey, may be uncomfortable at first,

but after a while I promise
you, you won't feel a thing.

- I thought you wanted
to keep us as hostages.

- Fortunately my men in
Israel found another route

to Michael Lovett.

Mr. Slaughter's cooperation
is no longer necessary.

- There'll be questions
when our bodies turn up.

- In New York harbor without a mark on ya?

- The coroner there will
be very uninterested.

Like two tourists fell off
the Staten Island ferry.

- You're shipping us to New York?

- But don't worry, when you arrive,

you're still gonna be nice and fresh.

Put 'em in.

- Ah, I believe you left it in the desk.

- They're oily things, but useful.

- Geez, Karla, what's the matter?

- My father.

They beat him.

- Is he all right?

- He was still breathing enough
to tell us where you were.

- All right.

We'll do it my way, all right?

You wait here.

- Who are you?

- Us?

We're just errand boys
here to collect a package.

Where is it?

- Look, let me just talk to Plentera, huh?

- No, that'd be a waste of time.

Where's the five million?

- If I tell you that,
you'll kill us, right?

- Maybe not, maybe you could, I dunno,

fool us a little bit, who knows.

- Let my daughter go, please.

- No, I got a better idea.

If Daddy doesn't wanna talk,
what about Daddy's little girl?

- No!

- Daddy!

- Michael!

- Daddy!

- Okay, well, you were on
the airplane with your daddy.

Now where's the money?

- I don't know!

I don't know!

- Yes you do, five million
dollars takes up a lot of space.

Now think, you're gonna tell me.

Where's the money?

- I don't know, I don't know!

I don't know, Daddy!

- She doesn't know where
the money is, okay?

- That's right, but you do.

- Yeah.

So you're gonna tell me.

- I couldn't have gotten five
million dollars past customs.

- Okay, so you had an
assistant at the airport.

- No.

- Okay, buddy, you had your chance.

Let's see what he thinks
of what we do to the girl.

Come on, take her away.

Go get her, will ya?

- Leave me alone!

- Wagner, what are you doing?

Why don't you just come in?

Come on in, stay right where you are.

- More the merrier, huh, Hammond?

Your pal's taking a nap.

It's all over.

- I doubt it.

- Oh, my god.

- I thought I told you
to stay in the Jeep.

- You didn't say how long.

- You just can't trust a woman.

Come on.

- Come sit down here, my sweetheart.

Oh, darling, are you all right?

- You'll live, long enough to stand trial.

- One million dollars, it's
all yours if you want it.

- Now why wouldn't I just run away

with the whole five million?

- Because you don't know where it is.

- It's all over, my darling.

It's all over now.

- That's a nice outfit you have, Suzanna.

Where'd you get the boots?

- My dad gave them to me.

- Really?

That's where I thought they came from.

Do you mind if I take a look?

- Sure.


- Diamonds?

- Yeah, I thought that
was a reasonable guess.

- Slaughter, can I talk to you?


Look, the police will take the diamonds.

Just leave me half.

- No way.

- Then have it all, just
let me have my daughter.

- Second best, is that it?

- I love her.

- You don't know the
meaning of that word, pal.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- You gave me back Suzanna,

and something else I'd lost as well.

- Maybe the next guy you meet,

you'll give him half a chance, huh?

- Perhaps.

It would depend on the man.

- Wherever he is, he'll
be one lucky fella.

- Goodbye, Mr. Slaughter.

- Goodbye, Miss Hutchinson.

- Bye.

- Bye, Suzanna.

- I'll miss you.

- I'll miss you too.


- Michael is awaiting
extradition back in the States,

Plentera's in jail, and
the subcommittee plans on

indicting him for enough
racketeering charges

to put him away in cold
storage for a long time.


- That's great, Sylvie, I'm proud of you.

- You were a million miles away there.

- No, just a thousand.

I was thinking about Claire and Suzanna.

- And?

- And whether I'd make a good father.

- Oh, I think you'd
make a wonderful father.

- It's a big responsibility,

I'd hate to jump into something like that

without knowing I could
make the commitment.

- You mean the time?

- No, the love.

- Nick, big shooter,
glad to have you back.

- Hey, how you doing?

Anything happen while I was away?

- Well, not much, just
practicing my strokes.

- Well, practice makes perfect.

- Yeah, she's got a friend
with a hell of a backhand.

- Ah, maybe later, Spider.

- Later?


- Hm?

- Later?

- Later.

- Later.