Trial & Error (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - A Hostile Jury - full transcript

Josh tries to show the hostile jury the real Larry when they visit the crime scene inside the Henderson home before they hear the devastating testimony of Larry's former lover, Alfonzo. Meanwhile, Anne and Dwayne search for Margaret's missing cell phone.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Now that we have a jury,

it is extremely important

that we control my client's image

both inside and outside the courtroom.

I gave Larry two simple rules...

do not talk to any
witnesses, and if you do,

make sure not to throw them
through any windows.

Larry went 0 for 2.

In what is no longer shocking news,

accused murder and known
violent maniac Larry Henderson

has claimed another victim...

this time, his lover
and former trainer,

Alfonzo Prefontaine.

Mr. Prefontaine is expected to recover,

making Mr. Henderson
1 for 2 in attempted murders.

More grim details after these words.

At East Peck Glass,
we're shattering prices!

You're killing me, Larry!

♪ The choice is clear,
it's East Peck Glass ♪

♪ The choice is clear,
it's East Peck Glass ♪

Mention the code
"Fry Larry" for a 15% discount.

Man, that's a good song.

- And a nice discount.
- No, it's not.

Nothing about that ad is nice or good.

In fact, it's terrible for our client.

♪ The choice is clear,
it's East Peck Glass ♪

Everyone stop singing that song.

Well, you have to admit,
it's very catchy.

You know what else is catching?

The perception that you
are a rage-a-holic.

Oh, come on.

You didn't hear what Alfonzo
said about Margaret.

None of that matters.

Carol Anne Keane is going to put

your former lover,
Alfonzo, on the stand,

And he is going to be
a very potent witness.

Then let me unleash my secret weapon.

Shards of glass?

No, words! Let me address the jury.

I feel like if I can
show them the real me,

I've got a shot.

Show them I'm not the caricature

that's being portrayed by the media.

Larry, you're not going
to talk to the jury.

I am your lawyer. Let me do my job.

Now, hopefully, all this bad press

hasn't poisoned them yet.

Good morning, everyone.

Your Honor, we've reached a verdict.

Objection, what?

May I remind the jury

that we have to have the trial first?

But the choice is clear.

Your Honor, all I'm saying is

my client is clearly
facing a hostile jury.

- Objection... whining.
- Sustained.

Counselor, if you're not
satisfied with the jury,

you had your chance
during the selection process.

Not really.

I'd like to dismiss

jurors 1, 2, 3, 4,

and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8.

Mr. Segal, you have
one more peremptory challenge.


I sympathize with you.

Every single time a lawyer

gets his butt handed to
him in my courtroom,

he complains the jury is biased.

Then can we at least sequester them,

so that they're not
constantly being bombarded

with negative images of my client?

Well, maybe if your client

stopped pushing people through windows,

the TV would stop being so mean to him.

I'm not sequestering the jury.

There's barely enough
hotel rooms in this town

as it is.

I've got in-laws coming into town,

and they cannot stay at my place.

Since Mr. Prefontaine's injuries

will be preventing him from testifying

for at least two more days,

I'd like to suggest
that we use that time

to take the jury
to visit the crime scene.

- I'm okay with that.
- You are?

- What is your game?
- You requested it.

What's your game?

You know what my game is.

Maybe I don't have a game.

Here's my game.

When the jury sees
Larry in the courtroom,

they see a murderer.

At his home,
they'll see he is a normal...

to normal-adjacent kind of guy.

If we're going to appeal to this jury,

I need to know everything about them.

So, what have we got?

Well, they're creatures of habit,

and they sit in the same seats.

- They have to.
- What else?

They're all supposed to be anonymous,

so I've taken the liberty
of giving them nicknames.

We've got Shark Eyes,
Tiger, Great White,

Shark Face, Mako, Jaws...

Is it "Shark Week," by any chance?

Very observant, Hammerhead.

How about we use

the less conventional number system.

Remember, all we need
is to win over one juror.

Then at the very least,
we get a hung jury.

Ooh, I know one!

Whale Shark!

I'm sorry. Shark number 9.

Okay, Anne.

What is it about shark...

juror 9 that makes him our guy?

Because I can't see faces,

I'm sensitive to body language.

And every time
Carol Anne attacks Larry,

juror number 9 jiggles his leg.

People do that

when they're not buying
what they're hearing.

Interesting. Interesting!

Plus, he wears Velcro shoes,

which means he doesn't care
what people think.

Interesting, interesting.

Dwayne, find out everything you can

about juror number 9.

Whale Shark.

- What are you doing?
- That's art!

It's a picture of a man

playing the cello with an erection.

No, it's a man with an erection

playing the cello.

Watch your modifiers.

Either way, we're trying to sell you

as a wholesome family man.

Put it in the garage
behind the washing machine.

Getting real crowded back there.

Dwayne, what are you doing?

This is not a sports bar.

We're trying to appeal to juror 9.

So, I did some research.

Turns out juror number 9

is a huge fan of
our local football team,

the Angry Peckers.

Whoo! Go Peckers!

Like many of my family,
he's a Pecker Head.

In fact, why don't you go change.

Think sports... casual, jeans.

Well, I have an old
jersey I could put on,

but I'd rather be electrocuted
than wear dungarees.

Okay, I had all the
pictures of Margaret

I could find framed.

Can't see her face,
autopsy photo, autopsy photo,

not even Margaret!

I'm sorry.

I'm a little tense.

Alfonzo is going to testify
against Larry in two days,

and we don't have a lot of time
to make a good impression here.

Wait, whose phone is Margaret holding?

Hers. She loved that mouse case.

Hold on.

The phone we have in
evidence is a flip-phone.

Well, she upgraded it,
like, a week before she died.

So all this time,
we've been looking at the wrong phone?

- You don't think...
- Nope, I operate purely on instinct.

Dwayne, I need you to find this phone.

It could have pictures, texts,

maybe it was tracking
where she went the day she died.

If we find this phone,
we could find Margaret's killer!

I'll get it.

Please let the jury see

the same loveable Larry we all know.

Ah, back upstairs!

Insane. I don't know
what you want from me!


It's so hard for me to concentrate.

I can't stop thinking about Alfonzo

and how I broke his heart...

and his collarbone.


Okay, that one was me.

Now, I have to have
all these strangers over to my house.

But I'm doing this for Josh.

And, because it's court-mandated.

Okay, and right here
is where Mr. Henderson

- threw his wife through the window.
- Ms. Keane.


And right here is where he allegedly

skated through her brains.

What's my neighbor, Mrs.
Kratt, doing here?

She's an alternate juror.

Oh, thank God she's not
officially on the jury.

She hates me.

She must love this.

Since Margaret died,

she's been constantly snooping around,

looking through my garbage.

I suppose she thinks
I chopped up Margaret

and threw her in the trash.

Hey. How you doing?

Larry, do not talk to the jurors.

This is the worst party ever!

It's not a party.

- Do you know where this phone is?
- No.

It makes me so sad to see this picture.

I insisted she get a two-year plan.

Then two weeks later, she's dead.

That's how they make their money.

We were hoping you could help us find

the last known location
of a lost phone.

Here's the number.

Okie-doke, hold please.

So, what's going on

- with you and what's-her-face?
- Summer?

I don't like to kiss and tell,

but we recently got to second base.

So, I am officially off the market.

She's the real deal.

Okay, so this phone was last used

here in East Peck.

Gail, I didn't walk

all the way across the
street in these heels

to find out something I already know.

- Where in East Peck?
- Oh, okay.

Well, there's only one cell tower

here in East Peck,

so I can't track it

unless the owner leaves town.

I'm pretty sure
she's not going anywhere.

She was brutally murdered.

Is this Margaret Henderson's phone?

- Yep.
- We can't say.

- We can't say.
- Yep.

This is so weird.

The phone is still
charged and activated.

Someone even used a
little data this morning.

Dwayne, do you know what this means?

Margaret Henderson's still alive!

Or maybe the person who murdered her

still has her cellphone.

Gail, just stay in your lane.

May I remind the jurors,

do not touch anything in the house.

I know what you did.

You took down all the pictures

of the penises and whips
and buttocks and whatnot.

Eh, I guess you see
what you want to see.

Oh, I'm gonna make sure the jurors see

exactly what I want 'em to see.

And you too, Counselor.

This skirt is tight,
and these steps are steep.

Enjoy yourself.

Now, who wants to see the murder bed?

- Excuse me.
- What? I wasn't...

Does this house have glue traps?

I... I can sense a mouse
having a panic attack.

Oh, hey, you're the person
who can talk to animals.

No, I'm not crazy.

They talk to me.


Juror number 9 is in my man hole.

I think you mean "man cave."

- Do you know anything about football?
- Of course.

I'm a red-blooded American man.

So, Larry, that was, uh,
quite the game last week, huh?

Oh, yeah.

How long you been a Pecker fan?

Junior year in college.

- I was showering with the swim team...
- Okay.

He was talking about football, Larry.

And again, you're not
supposed to talk to the jury.

He spoke to me first!

I'm not rude.

Just go out into the back yard and...

be there.

Do not say a word.

What are you doing?

I'm just stretching, Counselor.

- Don't get any ideas.
- I won't.

But you're lying in my client's bed.

And that makes
your lewd assumptions okay?

No means no.

You didn't say no.


I didn't, did I?

Hey, throw me the ball.

I know you're trying to paint
your client in a different light,

but it's gonna take a lot more than

planting some football
pennants and beer nuts

and mechanic's magazines.

- I actually didn't plant that.
- Doesn't matter.

The jury will see
who your client really is.

That's my goal.


Don't be Larry. Don't be Larry.
Don't be Larry!

- Josh!
- Don't be Larry. Don't be Larry.

Don't be Larry.
Don't be Larry.

He just threw the ball.

I didn't say a word!

Larry Henderson's latest victim...

Phil Breman, AKA juror number 9,

has been taken to
East Peck County Hospital

where he is recovering in the room

just vacated by previous
Henderson victim,

Alfonzo Prefontaine.

This hospital room
is now officially being called

the Larry Henderson Room.

More after this.

♪ The choice is clear,
it's East Peck Glass ♪

- Oh, come on!
- I love that commercial!

I'm not sure everyone is grasping

what a disaster yesterday was.

We don't have Margaret's cellphone.

Larry's former lover

is now ready to testify against him.

And what was the third thing?

Ah, yes!

We have replaced
our sole sympathetic juror

with Mrs. Kratt,
who actively hates you.

She does.

She gives subtle clues
through her body language.

I saw her shake her fist and whisper,

"I hate him!"

She's right.

I saw her upstairs
looking through my closets.

- I better go check my garage.
- What for?

That [Bleep] may have
taken my bowling pins!

No, Larry,

please just calm down
and go get ready for trial.

Carol Anne is putting Alfonzo
on the stand today.

You think she'll bring up
me throwing him out the window?

You know, I think she might.

Oh [Grunts] [Bleep]

Okay, that guy in court
is not going to help us win.

We need hard evidence.

Do we have any leads
on Margaret's phone?

No, but I do have a line
on a guy who can help.

In order to access

the information on Margaret's phone,

I have reached out
to the best hacker in town.

Here we go, pumpkin.

You know, I've asked you a couple times

to stop calling me that.

Our first fight.

Are you Hackille O'Neal?


I need to access the data
on a missing cellphone.

Is that all?

It should be about two minutes.

- Oh, great.
- What's the password?

We don't know it.

Oh. That's, like, gonna be a hard no.

- Seriously?
- Phones are tough.

My expertise lies more
in the areas of social media,

- getting access to people's webcams.
- Hold on.

Can you access anyone's computer?

Pretty much.

I have these friends.

I can't say their names.

let's just call them
jurors 1 through 12.

If I could dig up dirt
on just one of these friends,

I could take him down,

you know, in a friendly way.

Hackille is on it.

The people would like to call

the defendant's lover
and former trainer,

Alfonzo Prefontaine.

Well, my biggest fear
about Alfonzo's testimony

is that it might somewhat
undermine my portrayal of Larry

as a loving husband and family man.

Will you describe, in graphic detail,

what happened on the
weekend of February 11th

when Mr. Henderson's wife

was away on her
Audubon Society getaway?

As I recall, after our workout,

we had a smoothie.

And then we hit the sauna, and then...

[Bleeeeeeeeep] completion.

I'm sorry. I missed that.

After your smoothie, did you...

[Bleeeeeeeeep] completion?

Or what it Larry that...

[Bleeeeeeeeep] completion?

Oh, it was definitely Larry.

So to be clear, after the smoothie,

it was Larry who...

[Bleeeeeeeeep] completion.


Edna, could you just read back

that last part for us, please?


to completion.

No further questions.

The court's gonna take
10 minutes to just...


He's lying.

It wasn't a smoothie.

It was a pressed juice.

Your witness, Mr. Segal.

Wait. You should say this.

I can't say this stuff to him.

All I can do

is ask him questions
based on his testimony.

You're right. I'll do it.

Sit down. Say nothing!

He gets to talk.

Alfonzo gets to talk.

- Everyone gets to talk but me!
- Shh!

Mr. Prefontaine,
we heard in colorful detail

about your relationship
with Mr. Henderson.

How did that relationship end?

With Larry throwing me
through a plate-glass window.

I warn the court.

I just got that tune out of my head.

You may continue.

And did you have

any emotional feelings
for Mr. Henderson,

maybe feelings that were not requited?


We had a straightforward

client-trainer sexual relationship.

That's not true!

- You said...
- Larry?

So, your testimony today is not

a score-settling,
lover's-revenge type of thing?

All you shared with my client

was sex and a smoothie.

It was a pressed juice!

Control your client, Mr. Segal.

- I'm trying.
- You know, this must be said.

Alfonzo, I know
you had feelings for me,

and I never meant to hurt you.

But you must understand,

my love was spoken for!

If I had two hearts,
I would give one to you.

But I have just one!

And that could go only go to Margaret.

I'm sorry, Larry!

I was just hurt.

You are a beautiful man.


- Humanizes the defendant!
- Overruled.

Your Honor, no further questions.

All right, the court
is gonna take 10 minutes... I can call my husband

and tell him I love him!

I know what you did.

You got your client to say something

he'd never be allowed
to say on the stand.

That would be completely unethical.

That's exactly what I did.

The good thing about having
a client you can't control is

you can't control him.

Hey! We have to
show you something.

- You find something about the phone?
- Total dead end.

But we did find out one of
the jurors is compromised.

Guess which one.

I think you're gonna want
to show that to the judge.

This is fantastic! You guys are great.

Okay, you can let go of my hand now.

- You first.
- I have been trying.

Larry Henderson Murder-abilia?


These are various items

stolen from my client's house,

including a piece of glass
from the murder window

and some men's mechanics magazines

which I would not click on.

Your Honor, please tell the defense

that no one cares about
his creepy online browsing.

No, they don't,

but a little research
reveals that the seller...


is actually Larry Henderson's neighbor,

Melva Kratt, AKA new juror number 9.

All right, juror 9 is out.

And since we're out of alternates,

I'm ordering the jury be sequestered.

I guess my in-laws
will have to stay with me.

- Oh, that is garbage!
- Thank you, Your Honor.

Ms. Keane, if you can't
win this case on the facts,

you shouldn't be here.

Judge Horsedich, Ms. Keane
is more than qualified...

Know when to fold it, Mitchell!

Guys, this was a great day.

I'd say it's the best day ever.

I'm so happy about you and Dwayne.

What about me and Dwayne?

I heard you kissed.



Dwayne, we need to talk.

That's what every guy loves to hear.

I think you're really sweet,

and if the circumstances
were different,

like my dad wasn't on trial

or... we were different people,

then maybe something could happen.

But... as it stands right now,

we're not gonna be a thing.

Do you understand?


She wants to take it slow!

Okay, how are we gonna find this phone?

Well, we could always call it

and see if the murderer picks up.

If you were a murderer,

would you pick up the phone?

Yes, but I would disguise my voice.

You know what?

Why not?

Maybe we'll get lucky.

You are such a good dog.

What a good dog!

Do you wanna go pee on Ms. Kratt's yard?

Of course you do.

We both do.