To the Dearest Intruder (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You belong to Chia-an.

That's why I can't fall for you.

But I like you.

Do you think I would end up
like my mom someday?

I mean eventually becoming a mistress.

Shao-ching withdrew from the school.

She took her things with her.

She's not coming back. What do we do?

Yen Hao!

Sung Chia-an!

I want you to marry me.



-Look over here.
-Right here.

Look over here, Director Yen.

One with a smile, Director Yen.

-Right over here, please.
-Right here.

-Over here, Director Yen.
-Please smile for another photo.

Director Yen, what are your thoughts about
Li household's refusal to relocate?

Sorry, but Director Yen isn't accepting
any interviews. Please make way.

How will you integrate the land
if the Li household continue to protest?

Don't you understand Mandarin?

I said, Director Yen
isn't accepting any interviews.

If you have any questions, ask me.

I am the Vice Director
of Jing-Du Construction. I am...

I would like to answer your question.

Once again,
I'd like to emphasize that all terms

must come to a consensus
before it is agreed upon.

I won't tolerate any threats.

If the opposition insists on haggling,

Jing-Du construction
will not back down so easily either.

Please step aside now.

-Director, is there anything else?
-Director Yen, is that all?

Do you have anything else to say?

-Director, what would you say to them?
-Director Yen.

-Director Yen.
-Any comments, Vice Director?

-Return our homeland!

-Get lost, corporate bastards!
-Get lost, corporate bastards. He's there!

-You're not leaving!

Get out of the car!
You're not going anywhere!

-Get out!
-Come out and settle things.

Don't leave!

Come out!

-Return my homeland! Come out!
-Come out!

-Return my homeland! Show your face!
-Just drive.

Get out here and settle things!

Get out of there!

Step out! Stop running away!

Get down from the car and settle things.

Will you concede to them?


We will never concede to them! Asshole!

I don't want it!

Stop running around and eat your food,


Stop running!

I've got you!

Come on. Just take a little bite.

I don't want it. Mom's curry rice sucks.

Be a good girl and finish your food.
I'll buy you pudding if you do that.

Aunty Chia-an, I want to eat
your home cooked spaghetti.

I don't want to eat the food
that Mom cooked.

Is your mom's cooking that bad?

-Fine, I'll make you spaghetti.
-You are not allowed to do that!

No outside food.

Until you finish your food,

you're not allowed to eat anything else.

How could you let Ying-chun carry
so many things?

Let me do it. It's okay.


Can you arrange everything
and then feed Chuan-chuan her meals?

Can you do that?

Honey, could you adjust my glasses for me?


Thank you.

You can give that to me.

Follow me, Chuan-chuan.

Come with daddy.

See? Caring for a child is exhausting.

I think he's probably more tired than you.

You make Ying-chun do everything.

No, it's okay. No problem.

I'm trying to train him.

When will I ever get to make use
of my husband if I don't do it now?

By the way, how is the shop doing?

Look at the time now. I thought
you just went out to get aprons.

You took such a long time.

There were huge discounts everywhere.

It would be a waste not to shop.

-Oh right, I have something for you.
-I don't want.


What is it?

What is this? Why did you buy that?

This is a leopard print lingerie I ordered
from the Sweet Devil series.

But after it was delivered over to me,
I realized the measurements don't fit me.

I'm too lazy to return it.
So, you can have it.

Why did you buy something this small?

How do I wear this?

Of course, you need to use your hands!

Haven't you always wanted
a child with Yen Hao?

Here's what you need to do.

When go you back home,

go and throw away
all of your granny lingerie and panties.

I bet in two days' time,
you guys will be making babies.


And here's another one!

Premium grade volcanic ash.

It's super effective, but costly.

But I never had the chance to use it.

It's going to expire by next week.

If you don't want it,
I'll just throw it away.

Don't do that.

How could you just throw some so good
and expensive away?

I'll take it.

Use it while you still can.

The class reunion is happening
the day after tomorrow.

It's our first reunion,
ten years after graduating.

Now that everyone knows

you're the wife of Jing-Du Construction's
company director,

you must keep yourself in good shape.

Don't let those snobbish bitches
from our class look down on us.

I hear you.

For sure,

Yen Hao is coming with you, right?

He's not even from our major.
Why does he have to come along?

Stop it.

You're just afraid of bothering him.

Let me tell you. If you keep doing this,
you're going to spoil him rotten.

What's wrong with spoiling him rotten?

I like spoiling my husband.

You spoil him to the point of giving him
too much freedom.

Once a man experiences the temptations,
he might not come home to you anymore.

He doesn't do that.
He's just busy with work.

He doesn't have the time to go home
and get some sleep.

If I were you, I'd have gotten divorced.

If Ying-chun isn't back home
by seven o'clock,

he's dead meat.

Unlike you.

Yen Hao didn't come home
for an entire week

and you haven't said anything at all.

Are you even his wife?

Let me tell you.

You must get Yen Hao to attend
the class reunion with you.

If he doesn't do that,

then it shows that he doesn't
really care for you at all.

I got it.


In the afternoon, the Mediation Committee

has concluded their
final negotiations with the Li family.

They've decided to stick with
their price of two hundred million.

Two hundred million.

The price exceeds our reserved price
by threefold.

You've been negotiating for so long.

Yet, in the end,
you're still back to square one.

Tell me. How do you plan to resolve this?

I've tried my best to convince them.

But, they wouldn't budge
no matter how hard I tried.

They offered a ridiculously high price.

It's obvious that they are
not willing to sell it.

What can I do?

Facing negotiations like this

means that it would be impossible
to achieve even if a miracle happens.

You've been working with me
for so many years.

Don't you know I detest
hearing the word "impossible"?

Whatever it is,
the construction can't stop.

If they are not willing to sell it,

then we'll just proceed
with our original plan.

But, that will result in sealing
the main gate of Li family's house.

Between sealing their main gates,

and experiencing a loss from a stalled
construction, which is worse?

At most, we'll just pave a meter wide
passage for them to enter and exit.

I'll show them what it's like
to go against me.

Nothing good comes out of greed.

Yes, Mr. Yen.

It's been ten years.

From the very day
Shao-ching vanished up till now,

Yen Hao has never said
a word about her to me.

It's like Shao-ching
never existed in our lives.

I miss Shao-ching.

But, I also miss the Yen Hao
from ten years ago even more.


Why is Mei-mei's lingerie so revealing?

Will Yen Hao would find me overly
disgusting and odd wearing this?

Forget it. I've put it on anyway.


-Honey, you're back.

Are you trying to scare me to death?

Why didn't you keep the lights on?

You're not home anyway. It's a waste
of electrical bills to keep the lights on.

What's with your face?

Volcanic ash. Mei-mei gave it to me.

She told me to keep up the look
since the class reunion is two days away.

What's the matter? Don't you like it?


Why are you back so early today?

Are you tired?

Have you taken your dinner?
Are you hungry?

I'll cook some noodles for you.

It's all right. I'm not hungry.

That won't do.

You've been eating out daily.
How would you have enough nutrition?

I boiled a pot of chicken soup tonight.

I'll heat it up
and cook some noodles for you.

Really, it's fine.

Just wait for me, all right?

Wait for me in the hall.
It will be ready soon.

Honey, the noodles are ready.
Come and eat.


Thank you for coming with me.

I'm really happy about it.

I'm glad you're happy.

Let's go.

-Who told you to play pranks on professor?

You knew the reason too.

That's why whenever I sell
my books to him,

he wouldn't buy anything from me.
That's right.

He sure is stubborn.

That's how he is.

-Yes, old people are like that.
-That's right.

That's fine. These days students
tend to buy just one book.

This is delicious.

My dear princess,

why aren't you eating anything?

Come here. I'll feed you.

I don't want.
I don't want to be fat like you.

What did you say?

Come on, eat!

Good girl.

Honey, could you take some more for me?

I want each of every flavor.

Stop playing. Eat!

-Chia-an! Over here!
-You're here!

-Long time no see!
-Long time no see!

Chia-an, you look really beautiful today.

That's right. I've never seen you
dressed like that in university.

I guess once you've become a boss' wife,

your entire outlook changes too.

If my husband was a boss,

I'd dress more extravagantly.

Please stop talking about
Chia-an's social status.

She's just being modest.

But, even the brand
of her floor mat is Armani

Some people say

that the wife is in luck
if her husband is well off.

But you can't judge a book by its cover.

Because as they say, behind every
successful man is a great woman.

I guess since your husbands
can't start up their own company,

it shows that you probably
aren't that great either.

Okay, let's not talk about that.
It's a reunion after all.

It's obvious they're jealous of you.

Come. Take a seat.

How nice of you to
accompany Chia-an today.

With you around,
how would I dare not show up?

It' a good thing you know that.

So, today, you should be
a good husband to Chia-an.

Show her some respect. Got it?

That's strange. Ying-chun is gone
for so long. Where is he?

Come on, princess. Quickly eat up.

-I'm going to take a call.

Are you on a hunger strike?
This is expensive!

I don't want it!

Just eat!

What's the matter?

I'll call you back.


-I'm going to catch you.

You're going to catch me?

Even if you caught me,
I could still catch you.

You can start catching once you're caught.

Hold on. Go play with your mom.

Honey, what's the matter?

Is it regarding the company?

It's all right.
You can leave if it's urgent.

I'll head back home myself.

It's nothing, really.

It's all right. Let's leave.

I'll go inform Mei-mei.


It took you a while to get back.

It's been so long.

Hey look, Shao-ching is back.

Long time no see.



Where have you been all this time?

Why haven't you contacted me?

I miss you so much.

I really do.

I miss you so much.

So much!

When did you get back?

A few days ago.

Why didn't you tell us
you were coming back?

Yes, where have you been all this time?

Do you know Chia-an spent a long time
searching for you?

Don't cry.

You're not a child anymore.

I'm just happy.

Congratulations on your marriage.

I knew the both of you
would end up together.

How did you know?

When I was in the States last month,

I met Xiao Li during her honeymoon.

She told me about it.

She also mentioned
about the reunion today.

So, I came back to visit all of you.

Chia-an and I have been married
for three years.

Don't you think your wish
came a little too late?

It's still a wish even if it came late.

Right, when I was abroad,

I saw news reports about you.

Looks like you've been doing well.

Honey, since Shao-ching is back,

why don't we get together later?

I have some company matters to attend to.

I have to go.

That's so sweet.

Smile, won't you?

You must miss Shao-ching a lot,
don't you?

I'll leave the car keys with you.

I'll get Chung-hsien to pick me up.

You guys should go have fun.

I'll pay for all of your expenses.

I apologize, ladies and gentlemen.

I need to attend to an urgent matter.

All of this is on me.

Thank you, Director Yen.

It's really lucky to have
a husband like him.

How fortunate.

Please have fun.

I'll leave my wife in your hands.

I'm leaving now.

Look after Chia-an for me.

One day...

if I take my leave,

remember to look after Chia-an for me.

-Director, Chia-an--
-Be quiet.

Right, what was that again?

Mei-mei and Ying-chun opened a cafe.

They are having a grand opening
in two days.

-Do you want to take a look at it?
-Do come!

-We'll grab a few bottles of red wine.

And then you can come to my shop.

We'll surely get wasted tonight.

-Let's do it!

-Thank you, honey
-Look after yourself, honey.

Get in.

Slowly. Watch your head.

Let's go back to the company.



Drink slowly.

Are you guys really that stressed out?

Why are you acting like this
after drinking wine?

I'm only drinking this much
because I'm happy.

My hubby treats me well.

What's there for me to be stressed about?

Chia-an's probably the stressed out one.

I'm not stressed out.


Yen Hao has only been good
to Chia-an today.

He usually doesn't even care about her.

Drop that topic!

Why can't I talk about that?

I just don't want you to face an empty
house by yourself every day.

You can't even have a child with him.

Why did you even marry him
in the first place?

Has he always been this way
after you guys got married?

No, that's not it.

He's just busy.

He's not neglecting me on purpose.

I just don't want to bother him
with his business that's why.

Enough with that.

Yen Hao clearly isn't in love with you.

If I had known,

I wouldn't have encouraged you
to confess to him.

Why marry a man
who doesn't love you anyway?

You're a fool for doing that.

Chia-an, are you and Yen Hao--

Let's drink.

We're out of alcohol.

How's that possible?

I was just getting excited.

Tu Ying-chun, go get us more alcohol!

It's fine, you're already drunk.

Don't trouble Ying-chun.

I'll go get some more.

You're drunk, the door's right here.

It's here!

-It's here!

I can't take you anymore.

Look at her.

You know what? Let's not drink anymore.

We're not as fit as we were ten years ago.

We can't afford to be a burden.

That's right. Shao-ching.

Let me introduce you to this.

This is the drink that Chia-an invented
ten years ago after seeing

my beautiful back.

I'm positive you guys are drunk.

We're not.

Right, Shao-ching.

Let me ask you a question.

Ten years ago,

when Yen Hao didn't take his exam,

where were you?

Why did you stop contacting us?



Did you leave for the sake of a man?

I've hit the mark, haven't I?

When you suddenly disappeared
ten years ago,

I always knew

that you would go far
and wide for the sake of love.

Now that you're back,

has your relationship blossomed?

Who is it? Tell us.

Shao-ching, you had a boyfriend back then?

Why didn't you say anything?

Aren't you guys just drinking tea?
Why are you still drunk?

Let's drink some tea.




It's me.

Did I wake you up?

No. Where's Chia-an?

She's already resting.

I'm calling you using her phone.

You don't mind, right?

What do you want?


I just wanted to tell you
that Chia-an is drunk.

So I brought her back
to the hotel for a night.

I'll send her back tomorrow morning.

Oh, okay.

Which hotel are you at?

I'll go pick her up.

No need. I'll look after her.

I haven't seen Chia-an for a long time.

Let me have the night with her.

Don't spoil the fun for us.

Well, then. Please look after her.

You already left,
why did you even bother coming back?


You're awake.

Do you want some water?

Here. Be careful.

My head hurts.

Who told you to drink so much?

You can't even drink.

What time is it?

It's twelve o'clock.

Oh, no, I haven't told Yen Hao where I am.

Relax, I already called him.

He told me to look after you.

Thank you.

I'm so happy.

It's been a long time
since we both laid down together.

I'll be here for the next few days.

Come visit me when you're free.


Why did you leave ten years ago?

Have you been well while you were abroad?

Did you really come back for the reunion?

Is there anything that I'm not aware of?

I came back for you and Yen Hao.

Chia-an, are you afraid of having regrets?

What regrets?

My dad has been recuperating in Taiwan
for two years now.

Mom wanted to visit him.

But his wife wouldn't let her.

That got me thinking.

If I were going to the end of my life,

would I have regrets?

Who would I like to see most?

Where would you and Yen Hao be then?

Will the three of us
have the chance to meet up?

You can just contact me
whenever you want to see us.

Why did it took you ten years to come
and look for us?

Let's drop the topic about the past.

I'm just happy to return and see that
both of you are happy together.

How long will you be here?

I'll be here for a week
and then I'll head back.

A week?

It wasn't easy for you to return
and yet you'll be leaving in a week?

I'm working abroad.

I can't stay for too long.

What's the matter?

We haven't seen each other in ten years.

You should be happy.

Rest a little more.

I'll send you home tomorrow morning.

All right.

Honey, why are you here?

What are you doing sneaking around
in the broad daylight?

I thought you're still sleeping.

Why are you up so early?

I have an important meeting
to attend today.

So, I'm heading to the office early.

You're going out?

Let me make you breakfast then.

It's fine. I've just eaten.

I'm sorry.

I drank too much last night.
That's why I slept over at Shao-ching's.

Are you mad?

Why should I be mad?

You haven't seen each other for so long.

It's okay that you guys drank a lot.

Thank you, honey.

All right. I'm off to work.

Oh, Right.


Shao-ching said
she's only staying here for a week.

Do you remember that tomorrow
is Shao-ching and your birthday?

I do.

We haven't celebrated birthdays
together for ten years.

I thought maybe we could invite
Shao-ching along,

and celebrate your birthdays together.

What do you think?

I'll let you plan everything then.


Thank you, honey.

How long has it been
since the groundbreaking ceremony?

You guys haven't even started
your marketing campaign.

Is this how Blue Horizons Sales Agency
runs things around?

You guys clearly aren't prioritizing
Jing-Du Constructions!

The negotiation with the landlord
isn't over yet.

We can't launch our plans and
no one wants your houses.

-How should we sell them?
-That's your problem. Figure it out.

Whatever it is, if you don't launch
your marketing plans by next week,

I'm going to sue your company!

Long time no see.



Director Yen, if you guys can't resolve
the problem with the landlords,

or the percentage of the commission,

we have no choice but to terminate
our contracts with the company.

We've worked for so long.

We've never given you a commission
less than what you deserve.

Now you're talking about
terminating contracts.

The one who would be on the losing end
will be your company.

Have you thought that through?

Frankly speaking, Director Yen,

no one in the industry
would take on this case.

If the sales for the case comes to a halt,

the impact would not be good.

Director Yen, I'm sure you know that
better than we do.

I've said what I needed to say.
I'll leave it to you to think about it.

What the hell?

They are just trying to capitalize
on the ensuing chaos.

I would rather they not take up the case.

Don't worry, Director Yen.

I've made the necessary arrangements
with Jia Lai.

Let them take over the marketing plans.

With them in control,
our sales would be fine.

All I need is for you to give the word.

By next week, I'll have
the pre-marketing plan ready to go.

Didn't I tell you

to put our collaboration
with Jia Lai on hold?

You have a point.
We should think this through.

It's just I'm worried if this case

gets dragged on,

it won't be good for the company.

I propose this instead.

Let me come up with a cooperation plan.

Once you've made up your mind
to collaborate with Jia Lai,

we would have taken control
of the industry

and we'll show Blue Horizons
who's the boss.

What do you think?

Instead of going around
looking for a new sales agency,

why don't you just set up
your own sales division?

What do you think?

So, you told Shao-ching
to go to Yen Hao's company,

while you came here alone to my place?

Tomorrow is Shao-ching
and Yen Hao's birthday.

And, Yen Hao hasn't celebrated
his birthday for years.

I thought of personally baking a cake
for them.

But I was afraid Shao-ching
would get bored.

So, I told her to visit Yen Hao's company.

Also, Shao-ching works
as a sales manager abroad.

If Yen Hao needs any help,

he could ask for her assistance.

You have a point.

It smells great. Is it done already?

Just wait a little longer.

I'm hungry just smelling it.

You better save a slice for me.

I got it. Why do you like eating so much?

Aren't you afraid of gaining weight?

Ying-chun likes me
because of my round body shape.

That's the only reason
I agreed to marry him.

If not for that,

he would probably be one
of the weakest candidate

amongst all the suitors that I had.

If it weren't for his unique features,

and that he loves buying food for me,

I would have ignored him.

Tastes good, doesn't it?

I have a question for you.

You've taken ovulation induction treatment
for a long time now,

is there any news yet?

So far, there are no updates
for this month.

Besides, Yen Hao is busy.

We always missed the time.

It's a waste of treatment.

No matter busy he is,

he needs to do his homework.

Or are you implying he's infertile?

No, don't talk nonsense.

Tell me then.

How often do you guys do it in a week?

How long does each session last?

Was it you or him who initiated it?

What's with all the detailed questions?

You're the one saying he's busy all day.

He's really busy.

Can't he even spare 30 minutes to do it?

When Ying-chun and I first got married,

he only slept four hours a day

because he was earning money
to buy a house.

In the end, I still gave birth
to Chuan-chuan.

Sometimes between a married couple,

it isn't just the fault of one person.

If he really was busy,

you could help him unwind a little bit.

How do I do that?

You could massage him with essential oils.


And massage all the way down.

I bet he won't be able to resist that.


if that still fails,

then the only thing I can say

is that Yen Hao has issues.

What issues would he have?
He's just great.

You really have a bad mouth.

My cake!

It's all your fault. It's burned now.

What does it have to do with me?

It's your fault.

That's a beautiful bird.

Don't you think it's a little too cruel
to keep such a beautiful bird in a cage?

If I released it,

it would be difficult to control.

He would soar about,

lose his sense of direction

and eventually lose his way home.

He'd probably die
from flying in the frigid wind,

and die alone.

Isn't that even more brutal?

That's why I decided
to keep it by my side.

To watch over it.

I didn't know you're so sentimental.

You're still keeping the bike
from your university days.

There are things
that you don't know about me.

But, let's start with the things
that you do know.

Like what?

Like when you told me
to set up my own sales division.

Can you tell me why?

It's such a rare opportunity for us
to have a serious conversation.

With your setup,

as long as you have the means of finding
the right talents and resources,

setting up a division

would only be beneficial to your company.

I'm sure you would understand what I mean.

If you stay here to help me,

I'll have a reason to set up the division.

I'm not staying.

I no longer belong here.

I'm not like your caged bird.

When the time comes,
I'll take flight and leave.

Tell me.

Why did you leave without saying goodbye
ten years ago?

Why should I answer that?

It's an answer you owe me.

I don't owe it to anyone.

The moment you
and Chia-an got married, we were even.

You did this on purpose, didn't you?

You came back

to see if Chia-an is happy.

To see if I had forgotten you.

Didn't you?

Why did you do that?

You're right.

I came back to find out
if you still remember me.

Now's my turn to ask you a question.

Is Chia-an happy?

Let's go.

Chia-an asked us out for lunch.

Let's not keep her waiting.


Dishonest profiteers! Return our homeland!

Dishonest profiteers! Return our homeland!

Take your money away, you robbers!

Return our homes!

No matter what, we would never move!

What's the matter?

Let's go back in.

Don't run away, robber!

You can't run away, robber!

Being rich doesn't make you great.
Return our homes!

Return my homeland, robbers!

Hurry, come up here.

-Be careful!
-Beat them up!

Don't hurt my husband!

Don't run away!


Beat him!

Chia-an, what are you doing here?

Return my homeland!

What are you doing? Chase them away!

Honey, you better get in before
the reporters make a buzz out of it.

Just go in!

Forget about the reporters. Are you hurt?

No, I'm fine.

All right, follow me inside.

-Return my homeland, dishonest profiteers!
-Return my homeland, dishonest profiteers!

-Return my homeland!
-Return my homeland! Don't run away!

Do you know how dangerous that was?

I was afraid you would get hit by an egg.

So, what if it happens?

Don't do this again. Do you hear me?


Chia-an, the clothes are here.

You can put them on later.

Thanks, Shao-ching.

Sorry, you had to see such a scene.

Did it frighten you?

What's the matter with those people?

We have a dispute case
with a newly created land.

The owners who live there won't move.

Honey, why is the Li household
refusing to sell off their homes?

I'll take care of the company's matters.

You don't have to worry about it.


Director, CEO Gan and the rest are here.

All right, tell them to wait for me
in the meeting room.

I'll head over there immediately. Okay.

I'm going to attend to some matters.

But honey, you haven't taken your lunch.

It's fine, you guys go on.

I'll have Maggie arrange something.

Quickly get changed.

Let's go then.

I'll get changed.


What's the matter with you?

I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy.

I'll be fine after taking a rest.

How about I take you to the hospital?

No need. It's fine.

Right, Shao-ching.

Don't tell Yen Hao about this, okay?

I'm afraid he would be worried.

But, you should let him know
that you're unwell.

I'm feeling dizzy...

because I had an
ovulation induction treatment.

You can't tell Yen Hao about that.

Ovulation induction treatment?

Why do you need that?


I want to give birth to Yen Hao's child.

Even though we're a married couple,

I feel like

something is missing between us.

So I thought,

maybe if we have a child,

it would feel more like a family.

Are you really happy doing this?

It's my choice. Of course, I'm happy.

So much has happened
in the past ten years.

Even Yen Hao has changed.

Right, Shao-ching.

You're only here for a week, right?

Why don't you stay with us
instead of staying in the hotel?

Wouldn't it be inconvenient
for the both of you?

Come on.

Have a seat, Shao-ching.

I'll put your luggage inside.

-Thank you.
-Hand me your bag.


You're still keeping this?

That's a photo of the three of us.

Of course, I'm keeping it.

Earlier you said

Yen Hao has changed a lot
in the past ten years.

What happened?

Yen Hao...

Honey, you're back.

Shao-ching's here too?

I invited Shao-ching to stay at our place.

Since you're back,
let's have dinner together.


What do you feel like eating? I'll order.


since you just got back in Taiwan,
is there anything you would like to eat?

I'm fine with anything.

Well, in that case...

I've got it!

I'll be back soon.

Where are you going?

I'm going to buy something
Have a chat with Shao-ching.

No need to restrain yourself.

Relax. Make yourself at home.

You don't have to pretend
now that Chia-an is gone.

I don't understand what you're trying say.

The guy in this photo

and you are two
entirely different individuals.

Tell me.

What happened to the Yen Hao
from ten years ago?

I have already forgotten.

I don't think you have to remember it too.

Whatever happened ten years ago,

starting from the day you left,

no longer matters to me.

If there's nothing else,
I'm heading upstairs.

Call me if you need anything.

These are some very delicious
old school lunch meals.

I thought for my first meal back home,

you guys were going to take me
to some fancy restaurants to eat.

Who would guess that I'll be eating
a lunch meal instead?

This is the lunch meal
that we used to eat on the rooftop.

I specifically went looking for this.

Have you forgotten about that?

Honey, do you remember it?

So, I guess I'm going to eat roasted meat.

You're really smart.

We always think of the same thing.

-I'm guessing mine would be...

Yours is a drumstick.

Even though you used to eat pork chops,

I know you love to eat drumsticks
the best.

A drumstick for Chia-an.

Mine's pork chop.

And yours, the roasted meat.

I remember how you used to give me
all the good food,

while you always give cheap
roasted meat for Yen Hao.

Why do I get the roasted meat?

I want the drumstick too!

It's fortunate enough
that you have a meal to eat. Dig in.

Actually, he's just like you.

Both of you love eating a drumstick.

You guys would unwillingly
finish your meals.

Then, both of you would go outside
the school to buy some fried chicken.

It was so pitiful then.

The drumstick tastes good.

Shao-ching, have a bite.

The meat is so tender!

You're like a sister to me.

Of course, I would give you the best.

I've heated up a pot of soup.

I'll check if it's ready.

I never knew

you liked having drumstick bento.

Is that so?

You knew about it.

You just pretended that you didn't know.

Are you mad? I'll exchange with you then.

Chia-an treats you well.

She even added on a piece of drumstick
along with the roasted meat.

We've been married for three years.

Chia-an has always been good to me.

Here's the soup.

Shao-ching, you first. Careful, it's hot.

Thank you.

Honey, have some soup.

I'm full.

I'm heading upstairs to do some work.

You two enjoy your meal.

You haven't even tasted the soup.

I'm full already. You can take your time.

Don't mind him, Shao-ching.

Yen Hao has always been that way.

He eats his meals rather quickly.

Don't bother about him. Let's eat.

If he's hungry, I'll cook something
for him again.

Let's eat.

Honey, aren't you going to sleep?

In a while. You can sleep first.

You're not used to sleeping with me,
aren't you?

Why would you think so?

Because you always sleep
in the study room.

I'm afraid you're not used to
sleeping with me.

Or would you like to switch rooms
with Shao-ching?

You think too much.

I sleep there
because I always come home late

and I was afraid I would wake you up.


What's the matter?
Aren't you going to sleep?

It's nothing.

I just thought...

We haven't slept on the same bed
for a long time.

This feels like the time
when we first got married.

That reminds me.

Honey, did you take the vitamins
that I prepared for you on time?

I bought them together with Mei-mei.

Mei-mei said eating those
helps with your liver.

You have such an irregular lifestyle.

You must remember to take them regularly.


Also, I recently went to learn
how to play a ukulele with Chuan-chuan.

She's really great,
and she's now teaching me instead.

The children these days
are pretty talented.

Honey, why don't I play a song for you?

Twinkle, twinkle

little star

That's enough.

It's late. Stop playing that.

All right.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Honey, why are you always so tired
when you talk to me?

It feels like we're having
a corporate business talk.

You always have overtime at work,

and when you're home,
you sleep in the study room.

We've haven't had

a decent conversation in three months.

What do you want to talk about then?

Get straight to the point.

Well, I want to do it.

I want a child.

But, you're always so busy,

and you never have time for me.

How are we going to have a child then?

Honey, are you mad at me?

You said wanted a child, right?


What is it?

They won't move?

If they really won't move,
we'll just trap them in and let them die.

All right, don't say anything else!
That's it!

What's the matter?

It's just some work matters.


I have to go to the office early
and resolve the matter.

Good night.

Happy birthday.

The bluebird of happiness.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Did you sleep well last night?

Not too bad. You?

Are you used to sleeping with Chia-an
by your side?

I would like to take some documents.
Is that okay with you?

Sure. It is your study room after all.

Don't touch my stuff!

Let's have breakfast.

Chia-an's waiting for us.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear hubby and Shao-ching

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday!

I've prepared hard-boiled eggs
for your birthday.

Mei-mei said if you eat a hard-boiled egg
on your birthday,

and if you peel the eggs beautifully,

you'll have good luck.

-For you.
-Thank you.

Honey, I'll peel one for you too.

The two of you are celebrating
your birthday today.

How about we...

We take the bike out for a ride?

A ride?

Yes, Mona.

That's Yen Hao's very first bike.

So he keeps it nicely in his office.

Every time I see it,

I remember how the three of us

used to ride the bike together.

I miss those days.

What do you think, honey?

The bike has not been used for too long.
It's not a good idea to ride it.

Since it's so rare
to have Shao-ching with us,

why don't we give it a try, all right?

Let's see how it goes.
I have a lot of work to do.

I'm going to the company today too.

Shao-ching, why are you going
to Yen Hao's company?

Yen Hao was hoping I'd help him set up
a sales division team.

I thought I'd spend my remaining days
in Taiwan

to help him with the planning
and restructuring.

After that, it's all up to him.


That's great news, honey!

With Shao-ching around,
you might get some matters settled.

I'm done with my breakfast.
I'm heading out first.

Let's go together.

Do you mind if I ride with you?

Well, I'm off with Yen Hao to his office.

All right, goodbye.

I'll meet you guys later.

He still refuses to ride his bike.

Mrs. Yen.

What brings you here?


I brought something for Director Yen.

He's not in his office, is he?

The director's currently having a meeting.

Do you want me to inform him?

No need.

Don't bother him.

I'll grab you a cup of tea.

Why don't you wait in the office?

It's fine.

I'll head in myself.

You just get on with your work.

Right, Maggie.

Do you...

possibly happen...

to know...

where are the keys to the bike inside,
would you?

I disagree.
The company's running low on manpower.

If we set up a sales division abruptly,

how would others do their jobs?

Aside from sourcing out those
with sales talents,

we need to prioritize
the recruit of new talents

before we proceed the integration.

Miss Lo.

It won't be as easy as
you think it will be.

Property sales is different
from some regular sales

where you just have
to do some advertising.

If possible,

I hope Miss Lo wouldn't interfere

with our company matters.

Director, please think this through.

Mr. Jia Lai and I have finalized
the discussion.

If we abruptly back out now,

I wouldn't know what to say to him.

Logically speaking,

Vice Director Sun
should be supportive of the plan.

Unless the establishment
of a sales division

is in conflict
with Vice Director Sun's interest.

What are you implying?

It doesn't have anything to do with me!

I give my loyalty
and best effort for Jing-Du.

I'm even willing
to put my life on the line.

Don't go accusing me of being treacherous.


don't try to create conflict
between the director and me.

Do you even know what
kind of relationship we had for years?

That's enough.

I previously already had the thought
of setting up our own sales division.

Now that Shao-ching is here,

you should offer her your assistance,

Prepare the rest
of the pre-integration plans.

I will be the one to help her?

Who the heck is she?
I'm a vice director for god's sake.

-Even if we--

The matter's settled.

Do you know
what's my relationship with him?

What is she trying to do?

Let's grab lunch together.

-Hello, Director Yen.
-Hello, Director Yen.

You go ahead, director.

It's fine. We can take the lift together.

Thank you.



-Excuse me.
-Excuse me.



Yen Hao, this is my junior
from American University.

How do you do?

I was curious

about what kind of person you are
that she would stay behind for you.

You should be alert.

Yen Hao, he...

He might have a mistress.

Honey, Shao-ching.

Has Yen Hao been acting weird
in the office lately?

Ten years ago,

I left to forget someone.

Now that ten years have passed,

I realized I couldn't do it.

Subtitle translation by Jason Emanuel Lee