Titans (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Titans - full transcript

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Previously on Titans...

- Ellis?
- Hey, you okay?

- We got to go!
- No! We have to help him!

You're to come home at once

and take your royal turn.

Wear the crown.

- Don't...
- Sorry.

More will come for you,
legions of them.

Let them come.

You're going to need
a few days of sleep to recover.

You rest.

Your father killed for a living

using the name Deathstroke.

We want you to join us.

Jason, wait.

Can I tell you something?

I lied.

I lied to you guys

because I was afraid
you'd leave this place.

And me.

And if that happened,
there would be no Titans.

And I lied to you, too.

I told you that Jericho was dead

when I got to the church,

but he wasn't.

He was alive.

He died trying to save me
from his father.

I'm sorry.

You all deserved more.

Lying sack of shit!


How many other fucking
half-truths have you told us?

At least you got a half-truth.

My brother's dead
because of you.

I'm out.

- I'm going with her.
- Jason, you...

Look, you don't decide
what I do anymore.

What anybody does.

I'm out, too.

I'm going with Donna.

Can I go with you?



I can't stay here.

Let's go.

Kind of messed up, Dick.

You're leaving now?

I got a loose end
to take care of. Sorry.

At least it's out now.

The truth.

I'm sure they'll
get over it soon.



Looks like getting out
of my ship was painful.

Getting out was the least of it.

What happened?

Your sister happened.

Blackfire's here?


But she sent her friends
to kill the both of us.

Your extended field trip
has had consequences.

What does that mean?

Blackfire now wears the crown.

Your crown.

That's impossible.

She would have had
to circumvent my entire court.

They're all dead, my queen.

Just like she wanted you and me.

She sent the royal goon squad.

Fucking bitch.

Queen fucking bitch.

She's gonna take it apart,
piece by piece,

everything we built.

It's begun.

Anyone who gets
in her way will die.

The best thing
for you to do is just run,

stay out of reach.

Take me to my ship.

You know those movies
where shit gets all burned up

in a giant cone of fire?

Your ship's gone.

What about yours?

It'll take some work,
but it's not impossible.

So, what, we're just
like his little soldiers

that work on
a need-to-know basis?

I mean, he got a kid killed.
Who the fuck hides that?

You were there, too.


You played your part.

You all played a part,

and you all decided
to kept it a secret.

We thought it was for the best.

Yeah. Yeah, I know you did.

Oh, my God. These tech losers

are making this city
a nightmare.


Hey, go right on Montgomery.


Rachel, what's happening?

Sorry, Donna.

This doesn't make any sense.

Look, I get
why everyone else is leaving.

They're pissed. Okay. Fine.
But they left.

Logically, that means
you don't have to.

I fucked up, Gar.

Yeah, okay, and you admitted it

and apologized for it.

What more can you do?

Nothing here.

Okay, so what am
I supposed to do?

Hold down the fort.

The place pretty much
runs itself.

If you got any questions,

there's a manual
in the tech room.

Yeah, hi. Hey, I got a question.

What about the unconscious,
naked dude down the hall?

He's your number one job.

His vitals are steady.

Just check on him
every few hours,

but nothing to worry about.

He's probably
gonna outlive us all.

When he wakes up, call Bruce.

Bruce Wayne?

No, Bruce Springsteen.


Conner will probably want
to get in touch with Superman.

Bruce can make that happen.

So he and, uh,
Superman are like...

Just call him, okay?

He's your number one job.

Number one job.

- All you got to do.
- It's all I got to do.


I'll be back.

Keep the faith, Gar.

"Keep the faith, Gar."


Good boy, Krypto.

June 21st.

Operation "Save the Titans."
Day Alpha.

There's a whole lot
of work to do

and no one to do it but me.

So let's get started.

"The Period."

"It was the best of times,"

it was the worst of times.

It was the age of wisdom,

it was the age of foolishness.

It was the epoch of belief,

"it was the epoch
of incredulity."

June 22nd.

Day Beta
of Operation "Save the Titans."

Day Alpha went pretty good.

No progress
on the Conner front though,

but a journey
of a thousand miles

begins with a single step.

A thousand miles...

Let's begin.

"Dreary night of November,"

I beheld the accomplishment
of my toils

with an anxiety
that almost mounted to agony.

I collected the instruments
of life around me,

that I might infuse
a spark of being

"into the lifeless thing
that lay at my feet."

"Hickory, dickory, dock,"

the mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,
and down he run.

"Hickory, dickory, dock."

Fucking screw the works,
God damn it.

Motherfucking piece of shit.

"Ten Benefits of Burning Sage,"

How to Get Started and More.

"Purifying, symptom relief..."

Oh, crap. Oh, God damn it.

Anything in there about fixing
a stripped nut on a P-trap?

"Smudging can also be used
to remove negative energy

from an object or a person."

That's helpful.

Back to Home Depot.

Please, God, no, I can't
go back there again.

Hey, this dump
ain't gonna fix itself.

Or we could, uh,
blow out of here.

Big country. Gas is cheap.

We just need to have some fun.

I'm up to my elbows in rat shit.

Come on. We need a win.

All right.

Google "fun" in Bumfuck, Wyo.

- Okay, I will.
- Okay, do it.

- All right, I'm gonna.
- I can't wait to see.

You know what?
Shower up, cowboy.

I know exactly
where we're going.

- Shower's broken.
- Use the hose.

Gar's log. Stardate...

This sucks.

- Hi.
- Whoa! Hey, uh, okay...

Okay. You're, uh...

You're awake.

So we pretty much have
the entire place to ourselves,


until the others
get back, that is.

Which should be soon.

How did I get here?

you don't remember anything?

Just little bits and pieces.

I remember feeling really sick,

and hearing a lot of voices,

and then it was like
I was on fire,

and then...

- Is Eve here?
- She was.

She, uh...
She helped you get better.

Well, it was her and Kory
and Rachel.

What is this place?

Titans Tower.

Yeah, I guess that might sound
a little weird

with no context.

Um, okay.

The Titans are a group of people

like you, basically. Heroes.

I mean, you're
Superman's son, right?

And Lex Luthor's.

Yeah, well, no one's perfect.

You saved our friend,
Jason Todd.

He was falling from a building,

and you caught him.

And then I got shot.

But then the Titans saved you,

and they brought you back here.

That's what we do.

We all have powers
and special abilities.

We choose to help people.

Eve said it's okay

for me to help people.

I remember that.

Look, the important thing
is you're awake now,

which is good,

because I was on the verge
of losing my mind.

Uh, give me one minute.
There's someone I got to call.


Call initiated.

Call ended.

You want anything?

Ranch Corn Nuts,
and a Yoo-hoo, if they have it.

So gross.

Yeah, well, that's just
like your opinion, ma'am.

You're watching way too much TV.

This is the training room.

We have weights,
weapons, equipment.

Basically, anything
that you need, we have it.

Sometimes it feels like
I never leave this room.

So where is everyone?
I mean, the Titans?


I guess you could say
we're taking a break.

The others all had stuff
they had to do.

Are they coming back?

I think, once they realize
how important it is

to do what we're all doing...

they'll be back.

This is the heavy bag.

Give it a shot.


It's okay.

We'll just tell Dick I did it.

Keep workin' through
that breakup, Dermot.

I'm sure Katy's gettin'
the message loud and clear.

Next up, a couple
of newcomers to our stage.

Let's hear it
for Frank and Shawn!

Frank and Shawn, everybody.
Here we go!

All right.

Let's take this in the truck.

What, like in high school?

It won't be like high school.

Well, aren't you lovebirds cute?

Excuse me?

You don't know who I am.

But I know you.

You think you can
come back here,

throw some funny names around,
and us dumb country folk

are gonna forget
about everything?

I'm Ellis' sister.

That kid you got killed.

No, ma'am...

we're so sorry about Ellis.

You do not deserve
to say my brother's name.

Do you know we're still trying
to scrape up enough money

to pay for a headstone?

And where the hell
have you been?

Singing your titties off?

Back off.

We don't owe you shit.

- Hank, don't.
- No.

Her junkie boyfriend was the one

that got him hooked
in the first place.

Where were you when Ellis OD'd
and nearly died?

Oh, that's right.

You were in lockup
on a possession beef.

We took care of Ellis.
We got him clean. Not you.

Yeah, you got him killed, too.
Pat yourself on the back.

Nice try.

Crawl back under your log.

No, that's not gonna happen.

'Cause I plan to make
your life a living hell.

Maybe you've got it in you to
kill another of us, but, uh...

Maybe we get to you
before you do.

What was it that you liked
to say to Ellis?

Oh, yeah.

One day at a time.


Don't listen to her.

Look at me. Don't listen to her.


Let's get in the car.

Oh, no. No!

Bro, I'm dead. I'm dead!

We're dead! We are dead, bro!

- Ugh, game over.
- Game's over.

It's not over yet.

No! You win.


That's impossible.

I've never beaten
that boss before.

No one has.

How did you do that?

I don't know.

It's like something
just took over inside me

and I knew how to beat him.

This... this is amazing!


how would you like
to be a Titan?

I don't think I can, Gar.

I mean, you guys,
you're actual heroes.

- I'm not.
- Uh, yeah.

You are.

Look, the guy who made me,
he's not a nice guy.

I have this, uh...

other side.

I hear you.

But, dude...

everybody does.

Let's run it back.

Show me how not to die.


Hi, my name is Dick Grayson.

I was hoping we could talk.


Uh, I don't understand.

Showing up here, now...

I came to say I'm sorry.


We made a terrible mistake.

I did.

A long time ago.

It's something that's
followed me ever since.

I took advantage of Jericho
to get to your husband.

He killed a friend of ours
and I wanted to make him pay.


So you just happened to run into

the son of the man
you were hunting?

Lucky break.

No. I didn't just run into him.

I made him my target.

Used him.

I found him
in a record store and...

Well, I got in the middle
of a family.

My family.

Yes. Your family.

And it killed him.

He loved you.

And your friends.

You all still together?

That's all finished now.

I'm a forgiving person.

I like to think so anyway.

But, um...

I can't forget what you did.

Your sorry is as self-serving
as your seduction of my son.

You came to make yourself
feel better.

Not today, Mr. Grayson.

I've got nothing
but pain for you.


Uh, there is, um...

another option.

If it's forgiveness you want...

you should try in there.

They might feel differently.

Wanted to get her out of here.

Had to.

It's over.

Put on your coat.

I won.

You took my family and cast it
into the sea forever.

So I took away yours.

You came here for forgiveness.

- To confess...
- Not to you.

You killed him.

You're a murderer for hire.

You kill without thinking,
even your own son.

This isn't about me.

You still haven't accepted
your guilt.

And so you must pay.

I sentence you...

to live alone, Dick Grayson.

Forever knowing
that your Titans family

lives and breathes somewhere
out there in the world,

but you can never be with them.

Not until you've paid
for your crime.

You didn't deserve him.

Excuse me?

You didn't deserve a son like him.

Neither did we.

He was better
than the rest of us...

and we all let him down.

I think you should go.

No, no.


He's tired. It's time to go.


You came here to pay your debt,

but there's no forgiveness here.

Our war is over.

But if you ever put
the Titans back together,

even for a weekend...

I will kill
every last one of you.

So think of all of this,

San Francisco, like one big,

totally immersive,

multi-player video game.

- And you're Player One.
- Okay.

And your job is to make sure

that everyone stays safe
and no one gets hurt.

Is that what the Titans do?

Well, we don't,

but the old Titans did.

Dick mostly just kept us
locked up in the Tower.

Jason, Rachel and I talked about

how we wanted
more real-life experience.

And once the team
is back together again,

I think we'll get it.

I know this sounds crazy,

but once the team
knows you're awake

and can see what you can do,

they'll be back in a hurry.

So, Gar... what can you do?

It's no big deal.

Come on. Can you show me?

Now's not the best time.

Well, can you tell me?

Yeah, yeah.

It's kind of weird,

but I can turn into a tiger.

No way!


What's a tiger?


That's awesome.

Look, there's more to it,
but I'll show you later.


Help! They're hurting me! Help!

Game on. Hero time.

Conner, no!

Get down, now!

This is your last warning.
Stand down.

Down on your knees!

Shut up!

You didn't eat
your corn nuts either.

I lost my appetite.

Do you mind?

Your sister, Blackfire...


I know you're angry,

and I'm angry, too, but...

I know you still love her.

You don't know her like I do.

She's always been a climber.

She's always been kind to me.

She wanted to have you castrated

after we slept together.

Rules are rules.

You haven't always been
so nice either.

That... that toast you gave

at your cousin's wedding?

About her hair?


I have been hard on her.

She was always in my shadow.

Too frail to play
the Glass Games.

To weak to run
the Two Moons race.

I think she ran
the Two Moons once.

We shortened the course for her.

She never knew.

If it wasn't for me,
she wouldn't even have any friends.

What about Lexi?

Lexi was her speech therapist.

The point is,
you helped each other

through rough situations before.

Maybe there's some way
you two can do it again.



Make peace with my sister...

or go back and start
a revolution.

It's a tough call.

Well, I'm a lover,
not a fighter.


Well, I'm a fighter.

Where are we going?


Bad sleep?

No sleep.

Do you want to talk about it?

I didn't want to come back here.

Anywhere but here.

I wanted to pick up
where we left off.

Before Dr. Light and Ellis.

It was working before then,
we were moving forward.

Yeah, until we weren't.

You wanna pick some place else,
get a map and some darts.

I'll go anywhere you want.

It won't matter.

What won't matter?

Trying some place new.

The problem isn't where we go.

It's us.

You've been listening
to Ellis' sister.

She's right.

All we do is bring pain
with us, wherever we go.

For Christ's sake, we met
in grief counseling, Dawn.

We're practically defined
by loss.

I don't believe that.

I don't think you do either.

When we're together...

we beat the shit out of people

and pretend it's for
the greater good of humanity.

When in reality,

all we're really doing

is keeping the cycle
of pain alive.

That's what we are to you?

Some sort of twisted,
fucked-up pain response?

Maybe we should be apart.


See if the world is a little
less fucked up a place

without Hank and Dawn.

If you want to go, go.


It's too bad.

I've seen worse.

That you couldn't find it
in your heart to forgive.

Let's end this game, Blackfire.

When did you know?

Faddei wasn't at the wedding
when I joked about your hair.

Faddei, if you can hear me...

if there's any part of you
that's still alive in there...

I am so sorry.

Please hurry.

Do it.

He was stronger than I expected.

What do you want, Blackfire?

We could rule together.

It's always been
a dream of mine.

Have you asked
Mother and Father?

Of course not.

They were always yours,
weren't they?

There was never a day
that went by

that I didn't think about
how much happier they'd be...

if I was gone.

You killed them.

I have my own family now.

One that loves me.

Just me.

I'm coming for you.





Uh, no, not yet.

Where are we going today?

- Sir?
- I don't know. Um...

Far, far away from people.

You'll have to narrow that down.

The most remote place you go.

Um, Japan, France...

Not a lot
of people in Greenland.

Uh, it'll take a day,
but I can get you there.

Sounds good. I'll go there.

Uh, just you?

Just me. One way.

- Any bags to check?
- No bags.

Passport and credit card.

What can I do you with?

Uh, Diet Coke.


So where's a guy got to go to get
some real shit around these parts?

today of what witnesses say

was a brutal attack carried out
by what appears to be one man,

still unidentified,
whose whereabouts

remain unknown...

This is Dick Grayson.

I can't take
your call right now.

Leave a message.

This is your final boarding call

for Flight 805 to Greenland.

Final boarding call.

Dick, uh...

I'm sorry.

Something really bad happened
and it's my fault.

I need your help, so...

call me back, yeah?

Excuse me, sir.


Officer down. Gate D.

- Get on the ground!
- On the ground, now!

Show me your hands.

Backup requested at Gate D.
I repeat, backup requested at Gate D.