Tigtone (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Tigtone and the Cemetery of the Dead - full transcript

A fiendish murder plot lures Tigtone into the netherworld. Meanwhile, Helpy becomes obsessed with attending the big dance.

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Gather 'round so I can tell you
that tonight,

right now,
someone is killing campers,

at this very
Warrior Training... Camp!

[ Both scream ] Oh.

[ Laughing ]

So none of you should be out
here in the dark,

especially at night.

Now leave this campfire
and go back through

the dark woods to your tents.

[ Insects chirping,
animals calling ]

Ah. Aw, come on, Gert.

Well, okay, then I guess, okay?

[ Smooching ]

[ Branch snaps ]What was that?

Oh, it's probably
just a wind elemental.

[ Smooching ]

Aah! Oh, it's you.



- [ Gasps ]
- Tigtone!

I was looking for you all night.

This is the last place
I checked.

I was having the
most wondrous dream...

There's been another murder!

Two this time!

Oh, will this murder case quest
ever end?

Helpy, what do these murders
all have in common?

That's right! Victims!

Of course!
Witnesses to their own death!

We must journey
to the netherworld

to interview these victims!

Too bad you have
to miss tonight's

warrior formal, Tigtone.

You would have been crowned
guest of honor again for sure.

I have too many of those
awful crowns already.

I'll never need to attend
a formal again.

And I won't!

Well, here we are
at the cemetery ferry.

Off to the world with you...
The netherworld, that is.

With Tigtone out of the way,

that guest-of-honor crown
is as good as mine!

Speaking of which,
how's that sign coming, CJ?

Uh, dance to...


[ Laughs ]

You know, I've never been
to this dance.

Or any dance.

Tigtone, what is dance?

We'll go to that dance
over my dead body!

That reminds me,
will you take care

of my dead body after I'm gone?

Of course.

But that's not going to be
for a long, long time...

Wait. W-What...
What was that?!

I took a death potion, Helpy.

Where did you get death potion?!

My inventory. Goodbye, Helpy.

Oh, good...
Temporary death potion.

And I better come back
to find my corpse

the way I left it! Aah!

Ah! Welcome to...

The Graveyard of the Deceased!


I'm on a quest to solve murders

at the Warrior Training Camp
across the lake.

I wish to speak
to dead teenagers!



Me Tigtone."

Ha ha!
That's kind of interesting.

"Me visit ghosts.

Helpy watch my dead body
and not go dance."

Wait! Tigtone,
you said we could go

to dance over your dead body.

Did you really mean it?

"I'm Tigtone.

I mean everything."

Well, then,
we'd better get ready!

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

Ah, yes. We had two
new arrivals yesterday.

Very sad and sexy.

Those are the names
of the bodies I saw!

In you go then, yes!

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughing ] Yes!

[ Evil laughter ]

Come on, Gert.

Well, okay, I guess, okay.

[ Branch snaps ]What was that?

It's probably just
a wind elemental.

Teen warriors!

Oh, it's you.

Aah! It was you!


Tigtone the murderer!

Those teens must be confused
and useless!

Perhaps you would care to speak
to the other victims, yes?

Spirits: Tigtone! Tigtone!

Murderer! Murderer!

Murderer! Murderer!

Murderer! Murderer! No. No!

Yes. Yes!

Aha-ha-ha, yes!

[ Grunts ]


"Dear Journal!
I certainly am Tigtone.

Murder case I am to solve
because me hero.

Time for best friend Helpy
to learn dance!"

Ah, so you changed your mind
about the Warrior Formal.

That's just great.

Where dance is?

Here. Let me draw you a map
on the back

of my unfinished
acceptance speech.

Yes, I know how to read map!

- Murderer! Murderer!
- Oh, no, no!

You're all liars!

Liars and ghosts! - Murderer!

Perhaps you'll believe your eyes

when you see your face through
the eyes of your victims, yes?!

[ Evil laugh ]

[ Gasps ]


[ Gasps ] Aah, no!

[ Gasps ] Aah!


Maps are usually
your job, Tigtone.

But you're dead.

Oh, this must be dance!


What kind of dance
is this place?

Cryptomb the serial killer?

But Tigtone killed him
years ago!

[ Door slams in distance ]

Ahh! I can't be summoned now,
you moron!

Dada, look at me!

I'm Tigtone!

No, you're not.

I'm busy with the real Tigtone!

I could kill Tigtone for Daddy.

Kill Tigtone?
You can barely kill teens!

And I can't kill him
because I am a weak ghost!

[ Tigtone screams ]

That was the whole point
of this plan!

[ Sobs ]

I'mma go kill more
teenagers now.

No! You'll mess everything
up![ Tigtone screaming ]

Tigtone is about to snap, yes!

Leave me alone!

Aah! [ Grunts ]


[ Screams ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Screaming ]

Oh. Is that what I'm like
to be killed by me?

It's horrifying!

Yes, it must be quite a shock!

But I wasn't even
on a killing quest!

Your temporary death potion
is wearing off!

What will you do when you return
to the land of the living?

To complete this
murder case quest,

I must turn myself in.

[ Evil laugh ] Yes!

Now goes Tigtone willingly
to the gallows!

And in death, he will be
remembered as a disgrace.

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ]

Aah! Aah!

[ Gasps ] Oh, no.
I've done it again.

[ Laughs ]

Dada! Aah!

Junior? My son!

What about the plan?

I lost it.

No, Tigtone,
you don't understand.

I understand all too well.

It was me the whole time.
Quest closed!

Stop, Tigtone!

Oh, this will be my last quest.

Stop! The Last Quest of Tigtone,
they'll call it.


Or Tigtone's Last Quest, maybe.

Tigtone and the Last Quest...

[ Sniffles ] Tigtone...

[ Door opens, slams shut ]

You've let those young
warriors down, Tigtone.

Now who will they look up to?

Will they crown me
the guest of honor?

Most likely, but I never
wanted it like this.

[ Door slams shut ]

[ Nose tightens ]

Gaah! Stop!

Another Tigtone?

No! It's me... Helpy!

Tigtone isn't the murderer!

CJ the groundskeeper
committed the murders

while wearing this
Tigtone mask to frame him!

Ha! Of course! But why?

CJ is Cryptomb's son!

C-J... Cryptomb the Second!

Cryptomb was working with CJ

from beyond the grave
you sent him to!

Revenge is a dish best served...



Daddy love little Junior!

No, Daddy does not!

Gaah! No!

Aah! No!

How is this even possible?

Anything is possible
when you believe in yourself!


[ Both straining ]

Dad! Look what I can do!

Dad! Look!

Hanging for all eternity

with my dim torch of a son?!


I'm the best one here!

I'm so close to getting that
guest-of-honor crown,

I can taste it on my head.

Helpy, what's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

Well, then I guess this second
temporary death potion

is going to go to waste.

Do you really mean it?

Over my dead body.

Yes, yes, yes. Tigtone!

[ Chanting "Tigtone!" ]

[ Sighs ]

Dear Journal.

Someone's been writing in you.

What's this nonsense?

"I certainly am Tigtone.

Murder case I am to solve
because me hero!

Time for best friend Helpy
to learn dance!"


[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Panting ]

Daddy, look!

Ahaha! [ Sighs ]

Look, Dad, look! [ Laughs ]

[ Groans ]

Dad! Dad, dad!

Dad! Dad!

Dad! Dad!

Dad! [ Laughs ] Aah! No!