This Is Us (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 9 - The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - full transcript

Kevin arrives at the Ville his father served in; Kate pursues a new opportunity; Randall debates Councilman Solomon Brown; Jack struggles to get through to his brother.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on This Is Us...

The IV has worked. I'm pregnant.

You know, Randall is the one

running against me for city council.

So, uh, how many voters you register?

- About 200.
- Ah.

You only need around, uh, 20,000 more.

I mean, pretty soon you're gonna
have your first boyfriend.

Or... girlfriend.

Or girlfriend.

He gave me her necklace, right?
That means something.

I'm gonna go to Vietnam

and I'm gonna figure out my dad's story.

Jack, that really you?

I'm gonna get you out of here.

You got two weeks.

You should have left me to rot.

Everybody in?

Nicky. Come on.

Come on.

Roger that, sir.

I'm-I'm aware you said two weeks.

I was hoping you'd be
a little flexible with...

Oh, no, no. No, it's...

Sir, if I just had
a few extra days, I...



Hey. I've been looking
everywhere for you.

Yeah, I didn't really feel
like being found.

Okay, well, come on.
I want to take you someplace.

No, thanks.

Hey, Nicky, I...

I know it must be a lot
for you right now

without any drugs in your system
to push it all down. I...

That's an astute observation,
Dr. Pearson.

It really is, but unless you got

any military business with me,
I'm gonna be on my way.

Hey, hey, hey.


Stop. Just stop.

That feel good, huh?

I got 48 hours left with you, kid.

That's all.

48 hours, then you are back
on your own base.

And I don't know what after that.

Where did you want to take me, again?

Okay, the rain finally stopped.

This is good. We should be able
to get to the village by tomorrow.

- Maybe.
- Yeah.

Or maybe the roads will still be blocked

and we'll have to go
the next day or the next.

Just try and go with the flow.

Right. Yeah. Just, you know...
go with the flow.

Just... except that's impossible.

This is excruciating, you know.

Like, we're 50 miles away
from where my dad served,

and we're trapped here.

You know, it's like we're stuck
in one of those

Netflix documentaries, like the
pizza bomber one, you know?

Where they just unraveling
all the clues.

And then you have to watch, right?

'Cause you're at the last episode.

The one where you finally find out

who the woman wearing my dad's
necklace in the photo was,

and how he met her and just,

you know, all of it.

The thing about documentaries
is, you can't force them

to end the way you want them to.

I-I know.

Hello, Mr. Pearson.

- Hey.
- I wanted to bring

a complimentary breakfast
to my favorite guest.

- That's very nice. Thank you so much.
- Oh, wow. Thank you.

And-and I don't want you
to think that I forgot

about that shirtless selfie
that you wanted for your sister.

I'm gonna do that for you tomorrow.

I have good news for you.

The roads are finally clear
from the rains.

I can take you on the tour
of Sông Trà tomorrow.

- Great. That'd be wonderful, thank you.
- Great.

Okay. I'll have the car ready

at 8:00 a.m., which means...

Shirtless selfie at 7:45. Yeah. Got it.

No problem. Thank you.

Manny nói gi!

- Ah.
- Manny nói gi!

I'm not gonna do it.

Okay, so your
ultrasound just now looks great.

Second one in a row.

Also, your NIPT results
came back normal.

No chromosomal abnormalities.

The test also reveals
the sex of the baby.

Do you want to know what it is?

Uh... I say let's wait.

- We can be surprised.
- Yeah.

Surprise it is.

Now the less fun news.

This job you mentioned,
the singing telegrams.

I sing Adele as a telegram.

- Right.
- Adele-o-gram.

You mentioned that has you
driving a lot,

sometimes to places a couple hours away.

Yeah. Is that a problem, or...?

I don't love you sitting that much.

Your blood pressure is still
higher than I'd like.

But of course, I can't tell you
to quit your job.




Oh, dang, girl.

You are gonna demolish
this spelling bee. Way to go.

Hey, Randall, can I talk to you
for a minute?


Night, baby.

- Night, Dad.
- I love you.

Love you, too.

You have a debate
with Sol Brown tomorrow

and you haven't gone over any
of your talking points all day.

I'm off the campaign one week
and you're slipping?

You know you didn't have to leave.

Yes, I did.

And it was best for the both of us.

And you apologized profusely
with chocolate.

- Hmm.
- Now you need to practice.

I'll quiz you.

You sure you don't mind helping me?

I'm happy to help... in an unofficial,

like, best-wife-in-the-world capacity.

Oh, I love that capacity.

That's my favorite capacity.

Night, Tess.

- Night.
- Hey, Tess.

Remember, Grandma's picking you
up tomorrow after gymnastics

to take you to meet us at the debate.

- Fine.
- Good night, sweet pea.

That pea has not been as sweet as usual.

Yeah. Something's up with her.

Okay, I got to go.

Yeah, they make us go to bed mad early.

All right, love you, too, Mom.


Deja calls her mom?

I had no idea. That's news to me.

I didn't know they were back in touch.

Ooh, we should talk to her.

I mean, let her know it's okay
if they're communicating,

but we should be kept
in the loop, right?

- Yeah, but... Wait, hold on, hold on.
- What?

We have to think about how to do this.

And you need to focus on this debate.

This family is not gonna be
the thing that keeps you

from succeeding tomorrow.

This family lifts each other up.

You hear me?

Do I hear you?

You're my favorite sound in the world.

- Of course I hear you.
- Don't be soft, man. Come on.

- City taxes and statistics.
- Yes, ma'am.

This is the spot.

Out here war feels far away.

Still there, though.

Yeah, but look,

look how tiny the ville looks from here,

you know, when you get a little
bit of distance from it.

That's what this war's gonna be for you.

For us.

Just a... distant memory.

So we do our tour,

we stay alive,

and then we get the hell outta here.

But we can't do that

if you don't stay focused
on the mission.

Mission is to kill.

No, Nicky.

Mission is to get home.

No vehicles can pass through.

We have to walk the rest of the way.

Wow, it's beautiful here.

Your father's camp's a little
beyond this ridge here.


My Uncle Nick served here as well.

- 46th Infantry.
- Mm-hmm.

- Died over here, actually.
- Oh. I'm so sorry.

Listen, there's, uh, this woman
in all these old photographs.

- Mm-hmm.
- That's my dad here.

You think there's a chance
she might still be there?

There's one man who was there
during the war

when he was a young boy.

He's a local historian of sorts.

He's agreed to speak with you today.

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

Next episode begins
in five, four, three...

- 'Cause it's Netflix.
- Got it.

Maybe you could walk
to your Adele-o-grams,

and only say yes
to the really close gigs.

I can't be that picky, Madison.

I mean, there aren't many people
looking to pay a random woman

to dress up as Adele and sing for them.

And I know that stopping is
the right thing to do.

But my job was the one thing that I had

to relieve stress during the pregnancy.

So let's fix this.

We just have to find you
another job you love

that doesn't have you stuck
in a car for hours.

Oh, my God, I just had one of those
things that happens to drunks.

- What's it called?
- A hangover?

A moment of clarity.

Martin Van Buren.

Listen, these are tumultuous times,

- but I'm not running for president.
- No.

I volunteer at Van Buren High downtown.

They need a chorus teacher, like, ASAP.

Mr. Fitch got hit by a bus.

- Oh, no.
- No, he's fine.

He was in another bus.
Two buses ran into each other.

I'm e-mailing Principal Griffith
right now.

We are super tight,
and they are gonna love you.

Okay, remember, we want to stay focused

on personal stories out there, okay?

Keep the facts and figures
bite-size, Randall.

- Yeah.
- C-O...

- Hey.
- Hmm?

Facts and figures bite-size. Say it.

Hey, what's going on
with you over there?

Your Insta story
blowing up or something?

Hey, Jae-won, would you mind

taking the girls to their seats for me?

Of course. Come on, ladies.

10 minutes, folks.

Annie, can you spell
"career defining moment"?

Close your eyes.

- Beth, I'm trying to...
- Close your eyes.

I want you to see yourself
going out there and killing it.

You are prepared,

you're wearing the hell out of that suit

and you were born to do this.

Whatever they throw at you,
I want you to return it.

Like Serena.

You are fierce, dignified

and in top form.

Can you see it?

I'm mostly just seeing Serena
Williams in that catsuit,

but yes... no, thank you.

I can see it.


I'm very excited

about seeing your dad
on that debate stage.

I'm actually kind of nervous.

Even though I don't have to do anything

but sit there and watch.


How's the school year treating you?

- It's fine.
- Yeah?

Middle school.

I remember middle school.

My God, the time I spent
worried about pimples.

But you're doing okay?

You don't have any issues?

Aunt Kate told you.

Told me what?

She did.

Did she tell my parents?

No, of course she didn't, sweetheart.

No... and I promise
she only told me because

she's across the country
and she just wanted someone

to look out for you that was close by.

That's it.

You know, things today are very
different than they used to be.

I mean, even ten years ago,
my good friends Jim and Paul

- were trying to get...
- Grandma, I don't want to talk about it.

If I wanted to talk about it
with you, I would've told you.


I'm sorry. I understand...

So the first solo,

the entire school is staring at me.

And I think it was "Fly Away
Home" or "I Believe I Can Fly."

I don't remember. Somebody was flying.

Anyhow, so I step forward,

open my mouth and I completely blanked.

- No.
- Yes.

And so, of course, I just
sing the first thing

that comes to mind:
"Wind Beneath My Wings."

- Also flying.
- Also flying. Right.

Look, um, high school
was pretty tough for me.

But chorus was the one thing that I had

to look forward to every day.

So I would just love to be
that person for these kids.

You know, I could give them
a place where they...

Look, Kate, I think you'd be great.

- You do?
- So let's talk about your background.

- Okay.
- Where'd you go to college?

Uh, the School of Hard Knocks,
class of '98?

You don't have a college degree?

No. I mean, I...

I went, but I just never finished.

I'm so sorry.

I just can't bring on anybody
without a college degree.

State regulation...

So even just changing
that number by three percent

gets us to solvent in two years.

So to answer your question, Alicia,

efficiency in how we deal
with revenue is a huge issue.

Our moderator's name is Elisa.

WTUV's illustrious 6:00 anchor.

Uh, excuse me.
I-I knew that. I misspoke.

Uh, maybe you have to live here
to get the pronunciation.

Okay, I-I listen to your show
every night, Elisa.

On his way home to Alpine, New Jersey.

Now, I don't have to tell you,

but Professor Pearson's math lecture

was a long-winded way of saying
he'll raise your taxes.

No, that's not...
that's not what I said.

So no tax hike? You can guarantee that?

I'm saying if we invest

- in our community...
- Thank you.

I'm glad you brought up
investing in our community,

because it's something
that's very important to me.

Oh, how's it going? Yeah.

What are you doing?

Are you high?

Where'd you get it from?

You know, it doesn't matter.

I'm gonna get you cleaned up again.

Get that out of your system.
Come on. Stand up.

Stand up. Come on. Get up.

- No, no.
- Come on.

No. I don't want to get clean, Jack.

I see it all again when I'm clean.

I'm not gonna complete the mission.

Don't follow me.

I was actually really
excited about the idea

of being a chorus teacher.

All because of eight freaking credits.

Maybe you're just not supposed
to be working right now...

he said in the most
supportive way possible,

not meaning it all
and regretting it instantly.

So you're glad that I didn't get it.

No, of course not. I just think

that maybe you should just take
this time to relax.

Toby, I can't relax.

I need to have other things
going on in my life.

I can't just sit around
waiting for this baby to come

because I just I don't believe
it's actually ever coming.

Come on. The ultrasounds have
been good, you're doing great.

Everything is gonna be fine.

So why don't we want to know
the sex of the baby?

Because we like surprises.

Tobe, we hate surprises.

Do you remember Madison's
birthday, when that guy

jumped out of the cake
and you peed a little?

Okay, human beings are not
supposed to be in baked goods.

Admit it. We don't want to know

if it's a boy or girl
because we're terrified.

And we don't want to talk about
it because we're terrified.


You know, let's forget it.

Let's eat.

And then there were
the bus stops that used to run

through our district
that just disappeared.

And Sol Brown did nothing about it.

Once again, Randall Pearson
has his facts about me wrong.

No, all due respect,
I've seen my tenants return home

bone tired after walking
miles from work.

And that's a fact.

They wanted to eliminate
the entire 112 route.

I convinced SEPTA to consolidate
a few stops instead

so the people would have
something instead of nothing.

Did you know that?

No, I did not.

Well, I'm sure it's hard to keep
abreast all the way from Alpine.

It's again with the Alpine, man, you...

Look, you all...
you all have seen my flyer.

You know that I was adopted
by a white family in Pittsburgh.

With all due respect, I'm not
sure what your upbringing

has to do with balancing
city budgets or taxes.

Actually, it has everything
to do with it.

- Actually, it doesn't.
- No, but actually it does.

Now, you got to say your
piece, brother Brown.

Give me a chance to say
mine, if you would.

As I was saying, I was adopted
by a white family in Pittsburgh.

I know what it's like
to have people look at you

like you don't belong,

to overlook you,
to underestimate you. To...

Is this all just to tell us
you're the best candidate

'cause you were overlooked as a kid?

I'm not the best candidate
because I'm overlooked,

Mr. Brown, I'm the best candidate

because the 12th district is.

Now, you've all been overlooked,
taken for granted,

underestimated by this councilman,

who thinks he can ignore you
until it's election time,

and then announce some initiative

from up on this stage, like he's some...

You know what?

I've been reading the minutes
from the last four

city council public meetings, okay?

Last November, Elaine Wallace complained

about the water in her son's school.

- Right? Yes.
- Yes. Yeah.

And Sol said he'd look into it.

That was over a year ago.

James Wallace told him that
his snow wasn't getting plowed.

He couldn't even make it to work.

He came back to complain
three more times.

- Damn right, I said it.
- Thank you, sir.

Helen Farmer couldn't get
a ten-month-old pothole fixed.

Grace Wright couldn't get
an access ramp at her building.

The list is endless.

The "I'll look into its" are endless.

I, uh...

This is a complicated job,

and I will have a lot to learn.

But I can promise you this.

I will never let them take
eight of your bus stops

just because they leave you with three.

I will fight side by side
with you for better schools,

fair housing and for more jobs.

I will fight to make sure
that your snow gets plowed

in the winter, and if it doesn't,

I will do more than just "look into it."

I swear to God that I will show up,

and I will shovel it with you.

Take a chance on me.

Take a chance on the man
with the shovel.

Take a chance! Take a chance!

Take a chance. Take a chance.

Ah. That was wonderful food. Right, Kev?

Ex... Wonderful. Excellent.

Um, I'd really like to show you
something, if that's okay.

- Is that man your father?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's my dad. Um, he spent
some time here in this village

- when he was in Vietnam.
- Hmm.

His father used to sneak
in the fence every week

to visit him and his mother.

Your father was VC?


Our fathers fought each other.

You recognize him?

No. No.

Well, uh, what about her, huh?

My father never spoke of her,

but he's got all these
photographs of her.

Do you recognize her?

He does not know her.
She does not live here.


What's-what's this?

You make American television.

- Make people laugh.
- Mm.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Something like that. I do...

Do-do you... Are you sure?
One more look, you don't...

My father was an actor of sorts.

That is, he was very good at pretend.

When he would sneak back to visit,

he never told us he was a soldier,

off fighting a deadly war.

He would say he was off
exploring distant lands.

Fantasy lands.

Other worlds.

He would describe
magical places he had been.

Places where the sky was
green and animals spoke.

He was a good actor. Maybe like you.

Our fathers were enemies,
but they were not so different.

They both hid their war stories.

They both pretended to be okay
for their children.


And now, here we sit,

happy, healthy, sharing a meal

in a place where
our fathers once fought.

It may not be the answer
you're looking for,

but maybe it's the answer
to something bigger.

Yeah. Maybe.

Thank you.

There you go.
Sorry, this is my last one.

Wow. I can't believe we
handed out all those fliers.




I have this pain in my wrist.

And my neck.

And my back.

Ugh, I've had it since I was in my 20s.

I have this theory

that I used to keep all of my emotions

so bottled up that...
it started to affect my body.

I lost a child.

I buried that real deep.

I never talked about it, ever.

And I kept some secrets
from my husband, too.

And from your father.

But you know that.

I'm not proud of that.

At first, it started out with...

a headache, or an upset stomach.

But eventually, oh, I started to ache

all the way into my bones.

And I don't want that
for you, sweetheart.

I'm not saying that you have to go

and have a conversation
you're not ready to have.

You talk to your parents when
you decide the time is right.

You're my first grandbaby,
and I love you so much.

I just don't want you to become
an old woman, like me,

carrying around ibuprofen
in your purse like candy.

Welcome to Harvard.

Or the Harvard
of the San Fernando Valley,

aka Encino Community College.

What are we doing here?

Well...'ve always said that
you wanted to finish school.

I think the time is now.

Look, I-I know that we're terrified,

but not buying into this pregnancy

isn't gonna make it any less scary,

and it's not gonna make it hurt any less

if something goes wrong.

You're right, it won't.

Kate, we're gonna be parents.

We have six months
to jump a bunch of hurdles

before our life becomes
consumed by poop and naps.

And do not say that my life
is already consumed

by poop and naps, even though it is.

Look, you get this degree,

and I think it closes a loop for you

that's been open for far too long.

Better yet, I think it makes you smile.

And when you smile, the world is
a better place. See?

The world just got a little better.

And that is the smile I want us to have

when we talk about our kid from now on.

That's the smile our kid
is going to inherit from you.

Our kid...

...who is coming,
safely and in good health.


So, what do you say?


Where's the bursar's office?

What's a bursar?

The person that you pay to enroll.

Mm... I don't think that's a word.

Yes, it's a word.

I don't have a college degree,
and I know that.

You Serena'd the crap
out of that debate.


- I kind of did, didn't I?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, you really did.

I'm hearing lots of positive feedback.

- Great.
- Mm-hmm.

All right, so why are you guys
staring at me like my breath stinks?

While you were up there,
I got the results, uh...

from the most recent poll.

Um, I'm sorry, Randall,

unfortunately, Brown is too far ahead.

More than we expected, by a lot.

But you saw the people in here.

And the election's not for weeks.

We don't have the time.

You're not gonna win this one, Randall.

The numbers aren't there.

I'm sorry.


Any time's starting to
**** the flashcards

Just said good night to Tess,

still can't get more than
two words out of her.

- Deja?
- Sulking in her room.

- No. Deja.
- Oh, hey.

I want to go see my mom.

She lives in Delaware and she has a job

and I would like to go visit her.

If that's okay.


We'll figure it out.

We'll look at our calendars

and find a time
when one of us can take you.

Okay. Thanks.

- Good night.
- Night, Dej.

- That is gonna be...
- Complicated.

Mom? Dad?

It's like an adolescent girl
conveyor belt in here.

You okay, honey? What's up, honey?

Nothing. Um...

It's just...

I'm sorry I've been so weird lately.

I just...

I feel uncomfortable around you guys

all of a sudden.

I have a stomachache all the time.

- I don't want to keep secrets.
- Oh, hey.

It's okay. You can tell us.


People, um, at school

have been having crushes and stuff.

And lots of girls

have boyfriends,

but I don't want one.

That's perfectly okay.
You know, in fact,

it's long been a dream of mine
that you never, ever...

It's because I think I might like girls,

not boys.

But I don't know.

Maybe I don't.

It's just... I didn't want
to tell you guys

because I didn't want it
to become a thing.

Hey, Tess. Tess.


We're your parents.
We're here to help you.

- I know...
- In a very cool,

laid-back kind of way,
without it becoming a thing.

We love you

no matter what, okay?

Look at me.

You see me?

Look at your dad.

You see him?

Do you see anything
other than two people

who love you more than any two
people could ever love anyone

in the entire world?




I don't really want
to talk about it anymore.

- Not right now, anyway.
- Okay. Cool.

But if you change your mind, we're here.

Night, Tess.

And I thought I wasn't
gonna have wine tonight.


I don't know if I saw
that one coming. Did you?


You know, I'm sorry
about the campaign, baby.

But maybe this is a blessing, you know,

- that-that it's over.
- Hey.

You know what they say,
it's not over till it's over.

Sorry, babe,
but it-it feels like it's over.

But he didn't say I should drop out.

Not in those words, but...

Tess is going through
some major stuff right now.

And Deja wants
to reconnect with her mom.

I wanted this for you, babe.

You know I did.

I agreed to stretch our finances
to pay for the campaign,

I-I took on more around the house

in the thick of my job search.

But things are getting
really complicated

and I-I can't afford to have you

off chasing some impossible dream.

I made promises to a community, Beth.

You told me that, if at any point

I wasn't on board with
you running, you would stop.

I am no longer on board
with you running.

I understand.

And I love you.

And this family will always
be my priority.

But I need to see this through, Beth.

Damn, Randall.

Maybe you can't win
this campaign, but...

you sure did learn
how to talk like a politician.

Listen, I'm sorry I dragged you
all the way out here

for... well, for nothing.

- For nothing?
- Yeah.

Kevin, w...

we went to the same place
your father fought a war.

We-we walked the same land he walked.

That has to count for something,
doesn't it?

I could've handled
an unpredictable ending.

You know? But I...

I didn't think I'd go home with nothing.

Well, maybe it's not the ending.

Maybe we're just in the middle.

- Hey, Doc.
- You seen my brother?

Negative, Sarge.


- You guys seen Nicky?
- No, Sarge.

- No?
- Sorry, Sarge.


You let your mom know we're on the way?

I'll call her from the car.


Two, three, four, five, six.
One, two, one, two.

Three, four, five, six...

Hey, boss. Tess called.

- Says they're on the way.
- Okay, yeah.

We're all going to see Randall's mother.

Oh, did you bring the
Pin The Tail On The Donkey

from my office? Thank you.

I promised I'd bring it.

- And up.
- Yes. Nice adjustment, dancers.

How do the people at the bakery

know what we're gonna have?

Dr. Jasper's office calls
and tells them the gender.

It's, like, a thing people do.

Huh. What a world.


- Okay.
- Ready?

Oh, my God, it's a boy.

- Blue means boy?
- Blue means boy.

We're having a boy.

Murillo, what happened?!

A boat exploded. I think one of
our guys was on it!

I was going to suggest something
you could bring home from here,

perhaps to lay on your war
memorial for your uncle one day.

But I must've misheard

because none of your family
died in the war.

My Uncle Nick did.

He died over here in the war.


Whoa, hold on, so what-what is "hmm"?

What's "hmm" mean?

I went to a database
for the war memorial.

Nicholas Pearson. 46th Infantry.

His name's not there.

He might be dead, but he didn't
die here in Vietnam.

Not in the war, anyway.