This Country (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - GNVQ - full transcript

The final episode of the series sees Kerry and Kurtan exploring the possibility of moving away from their village. Kurtan receives the exciting news that he could go to college to study for a GNVQ - and Kerry is devastated.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We did that.

"Darren Lacey
is granny-bashing scum."

We should probably scrub that out.

Turned out his granny
was actually bashing HIM in.

With a fire poker, weren't it?

Yeah, we should change that.

"Granny is Darren Lacey-bashing

Yeah. Yeah.

Kerry phoned me the other day at
three in the morning saying,

"Come quick,
there's a hedgehog in the garden

"that looks exactly like Grandad."

So I got up, I got dressed and I ran
over to Kerry's as fast as I could

and then I just stopped
in the middle of the street

at three in the morning and thought,

"What the fuck
am I doing with my life?"

I just can't open it.

I just... I cannot open it.

Oh, my God. I cannot open it, Vicar.

Do you want me to open it?
No, I'll open it, snatchy!

Actually, yeah, you open it.

I'm trying to encourage them to look
beyond the confines of the village

and think about their futures

and maybe look at the bigger picture

and have bigger dreams
for themselves.

They said yes.

You're joking me?

You're joking me?

Because if you are joking me,
that is massively harsh.

I'm not joking, Kurtan.
You've got it.


No way!

Oh, my God!

Seriously? Yeah.

Get in!

Oh, let me get a song up on YouTube.

You're going to absolutely
love this, Vicar.

Here we go...

Listen to this.
Oh, for fuck's sake, advert.

This isn't it. This isn't it.

Here we go, this is it.

# Always spend my life alone

# Been searching for the place
called home

# I know that I've been
cold as ice...

Can you feel the warmth, Vicar?

# Ignored the dreams, too many lies

# Somewhere deep inside

# Somewhere deep inside me

# I found the child I used to be

# And I know that it's not too late

# Never too late...

Vicar, wait for this, Vicar.

# 3am !

Wait for it. This is brilliant.

# The painted cow

Wait for it. This is it.

Wait for the top.

# Hiaaaaa!

# I am the junglist soldier... #


No, no. Kurtan, no, not the cross.


Did you see that?

That was insane, wasn't it?

Let's go down the pub
and get shitfaced.

Come on.

Have you ever done a pill, Vicar?

Thanks to the Vicar helping me
and that,

I got a place doing a GNVQ in health
and social care at Swindon College

and I'm going to be moving there
in halls and everything.

So, yeah, I'm basically going to
start doing something with my life.

I think it's wonderful
you want to help people, Kurtan.

It's amazing I got in,
isn't it, Vics?

How many people do you reckon
applied but didn't get in?

I imagine there were a few.
I reckon...loads.

But I got in, didn't I?

Yes, I think it's great.

But let's finish filling out
these forms, shall we?

What do you reckon Kerry will say?

I'm sure she'll be over the moon
for you.

Where do I see myself in five years?

Well, me and Kurtan will have a flat
in the middle of the village

and all of our furniture
will be inflatable

and we'll have a Sky box

and it will pay for itself,

because we're going to use
the spare room to breed quails,

because their eggs
are worth fucking shitloads.


Oh, you're not going to believe

Me and Levi have created this gang
called the Dump Gang

and we're going to build a den at
the dump out of old car parts.

And we've found this washing machine
that we're going to use as a safe,

so if you want anything putting in
there, you've got to tell me now.

Right. What were you talking
to the vicar about?

Nothing. Well, why wouldn't you
let me in earlier?

Because we were talking about man
stuff. I can talk man stuff.

Yeah, but not that sort of man
stuff. You wouldn't understand.

I think I would understand, thanks.
What's the massive secret?

The vicar's got a problem
with his ball bag, all right,

so stop going on about it, yeah?

What sort of problem?

One of them's turned hard,
like a stone.

Now, can you stop
with the questions, please?

Oh, hello, Kerry.

Has he told you yet?


And what do you think?

I don't really know what
you want me to say, to be honest.

Well, I'll give you two some more
time to let it sink in, shall I?

Why is he so proud about it?

I don't know. Now, come on.

I wouldn't be shouting that.

Yeah, I am going to tell Kerry,
and soon,

because apparently
word's getting around,

but I've just got to try and find
the right moment.

You know,
I want to do it in my own time.

I think it will be tough for Kerry.

A lot of her peers
have moved on already, so...

she's been hanging out with a lot
of year sevens.

But of course, when they get
to year 11, they move on, too,

so Kerry's just found another batch
of year sevens to hang out with

until they move on.

That's the door. We did that.

There's Pork Chop. He's on security.

And Ball Of Laughs. Pick that up.
Let me show you.

Yeah, so we're going to have that
on the door,

so you use that as a door-knocker.
I love that.

And come through in here.


It's all right, Pork Chop,
he's with me. Just... OK?

And... Oh, close your eyes.

Show him our best find, Levi.

OK, one, two, three and open!

What are you going to do with them?

Smash them on the road, probably,
I would have thought.

And... Oh, because you're fastest
in the gang, you get to wear this.

No, not... Sit still. Just once.

Not on my curtains now.

All right? What are you doing here?


No, we had a meeting about it.

We're still considering
his application, Levi.

And you didn't use the door,
which is really annoying.

That counts against you, as well.

The thing is about Slugs is,

he'll turn up
when you don't want him to

and then you can barely understand
a word he says, anyway.

Oh... My phone keeps doing that
in my pocket.

To who?


You can be a bit annoying sometimes.

Oh...! I never slag you off.

Is this about the Calippo, still?

Because you offered to buy me that.

Yeah, but I didn't think you'd
actually let me pay for it.

And...I offered you a Mini Milk,
yeah, not a Calippo.

You know I don't like Mini Milks.

Yeah, but a Mini Milk is 50p

and Calippo was £1.20,
just so you know.

You absolute arsehole.

I just knew at the time that you
were being funny about that.


What's wrong with you?
Are you actually?



when are you going?

Pretty soon.

Don't know,
I just want to do something.

Well, sadly, it is very difficult

for young people
to find work in the village.


And I think that particularly
in Kerry and Kurtan's case, er...

they could have really benefited
from the routine and structure

that would have brought
to their lives.

If he wants to go,
good luck to him, I say.

I reckon he thinks that I can't live
without him, which is a laugh,

because he went a whole weekend away
once to Brean Sands

and I got on all right.

I just ended up following this cat
around the village.

Levi, that needs to go way higher,

Higher, higher...

That's it.

No, I'm happy for him.

I'm not upset.

Kerry seemed to take it pretty well,
if I'm honest.

Not what I was expecting
after last time, though.

I went away, yeah, for just one
weekend to Brean Sands

and she was ringing me the entire
time, texting me, texting my nan,

phoning the caravan park reception.

Honestly, it was an utter nightmare.

And I said to myself,
"I can't go away again."

I am excited, yeah.

Meeting new people,
getting out of this shithole.

I've got to do what's right for me,
at the end of the day,

instead of worrying about
other people.

I want the smashed bathroom tiles
cleaned up,

because they are all over the road

and the Portaloo's got to go back
to the building site

where you found it, please.
And now. Because I mean now.

You got anything to say to me first?

I don't know what
you're talking about, Kerry.

How about sorry? Sorry for what?

Sorry for the massive knife

that's hanging out the back
of my back because of you.

Well, what do you mean?

Cos you stabbed me in the back.


Oh, and while
you're stabbing me in the back,

feel free to bend down
and kiss my arse.

I don't understand.

Why are you forcing Kurtan to move
away when he doesn't want to?

I didn't force him.
He came to me and I helped him.

You should be happy
that he's happy, Kerry.

I'm not happy that he's happy.

I'm only happy when I'm happy.

And right now, I'm not happy
with the fact he's happy.

Look, I think you just need
to have a chat with him

and understand where he's coming
from. Where he's coming from?

What, studying health
and social care?

I don't even understand
what that means.

He wants to help people, Kerry.

He wants to feel worthwhile.
Help who?

Help who? Like old people.

Old people are stupid old fucks
who I hate.

Do you know, if two old people
go out for a meal,

they'll leave just as much mess
as a baby in a high chair.

That's a very offensive
thing to say, Kerry.

Please leave and come back
when you're being less vile.

Me being vile? I'm not the one
who was going on about

my rock-hard ball bag, mate,

so you might as well just
spread it around for everyone.

I've no idea
what you're talking about.

You never do, do you? Come and
see me when you've calmed down.

A wolf in shepherd's clothing.

I had a call from the vicar
this morning

and apparently Kerry is not happy
with me going away after all.

Brean Sands all over again...

I should have known it.

All right?

Look, I'm sorry
I didn't tell you earlier

about going away and that,
it's just...

Can I just ask you
an honest question?

Why would you want
to leave the village

when we've got a pub and a shop?

If I'm honest, yeah, it's just...

Like, I'm just bored
living round here now, I think,

and I do think I've just outgrown
this village now.

Oh, what, so you've outgrown
the parish church, have you?

Well, yeah. I have.

Yeah, but what about the duck race,

Well, I'll just come back
for the duck race.

You can't just come back
for the duck race. Why?

Because you can't just
dip in and out.

You either dip in or you dip out.

You can't dip in and out.

It doesn't work that way.

Ker, aren't you just bored?

No. I'm not, mate. I'm not bored.


..we spent all of last week, yeah,
trying to get a pound coin

out of a well with a magnet
on a piece of string.

So? That's all we did!

Well, you know that's rubbish,
because we did bury the dead carp,

as well, so...

Look, can I just talk to you,
like, alone

for, like, two minutes, please?

Just so I can talk, like...
I just want to...

Yeah? Oh, fine, whatever.

Please? Yeah.

Two minutes, though.

Everyone we grew up with, yeah,
all our mates have moved on.

Like Darren Lacey and Kirk,
they share a flat in Stroud now.

Do you remember that Christmas
when they came back, yeah,

and they drove us to McDonald's

and we had to sit
and watch them eat their McDonald's

because we couldn't afford any?

And all they could bang on about was
how good it was working at Halfords.


Like, I was embarrassed, mate.

I honestly went home that night
and just bawled my eyes out

because I know that they've moved on
and I haven't

and I'm stuck in this life,
going nowhere.

Like, when I bump into people I know
in the street, yeah,

my heart sinks, because I know
what they're going to ask me.

"Oh, all right, Kurtan,
what are you up to now?"

Well, I haven't got nothing to say,
because I ain't up to anything.

And I ain't been up to anything
since I left school.

Do you know what I think?

I think you don't know
how lucky we have it

to be doing nothing with our lives,

We're all going to die, anyway, so
what's the point in doing anything?


You don't get it, do you?

No, what I don't get
is you going behind my back,

wanting to leave me here on my own.
That's what I don't get.

Why can't you just be happy for me?

Do you know what you're like?
You're selfish.

Me selfish? So selfish.

I'll tell you what you're like,
then. Yeah, go on.

Actually, no, I won't,
because it'll upset you. No, go on.

You started now,
so you might as well.

You're like Tony from Hollyoaks.

Everyone else has moved on,

but you're staying where you are,
yeah, year in, year out,

doing the same old shit, hanging
on to the same old shitty memories.

Do you know what?

Good luck with it all, yeah?

VICAR: Yes, they have had a bit of a
falling out, which is unfortunate.

But when you've been as close

as Kerry and Kurtan have been
for so long, that's understandable.

And, erm, I think it's my job to...

try and help them see each other's
point of view.

But ultimately,
I'm confident they're mature enough

to put this behind them.

Can I play? No!

Well, right,
I'm going to tell the vicar, then,

if you don't let me play!
OK, bye!

OK, right, you're both going
to have your say, so let's begin.

Kerry, would you like
to speak first?

What would you like to say?

Firstly, Grand Theft Auto Five.

We bought that together,
so who's going to keep that, then?

Well, she can have it during the
week and I'll have it at weekends.

Does that work for everyone?
No, not for me.

Because I'm not happy with my half
of Grand Theft Auto

being passed around some crappy
halls like some pig on market day,

getting scuffed or lost or stolen.

I'm not happy with that.
Just have it, then.

No, I can't have it.
Because it's not rightfully mine.

I believe that maybe we'll have to
do some sort of a changeover,

through either you
or a contact centre.

Fuck, fine.

OK, then. There's another thing,
as well, I just want to say.

I've got a Pog that I gave to him
ages ago.

I didn't actually give it,
I lent it to him,

that I actually need back now.

What Pog? It's shiny.

I lent it to you ages ago
and I really want it returned.

Oh, my God...!

This is baffling.

Are you not baffled by this?
That was probably at school.

I've moved house, yeah,
three times since then.

I want you two to be on good terms
for when Kurtan leaves.

Did you see that sort of behaviour
that I'm having to put up with?

I'm just asking for my Pog to be
returned before he fucks off

and leaves me all my own with
a Grand Theft Auto to look after.

I am being very calm.
OK, Kerry.

Kurtan, will you be able
to look for Kerry's Pog?

I can look, but I won't find it.

That sort of attitude I've had
to put up with for 20-odd years.

I'm not surprised.
Yeah, and I've had to put up with

that nagging old bellshaft
for 20-odd years.

Come on, what did I just say?
That's another thing.

I want ownership of the words -
bellshaft, wankcoin and arsepirate.

Because I made them up.

I don't want them being
bandied around a college

with him taking ownership of them,
because that's not right.

Fine, then. I want ownership of
the words fucknut and dickmilk.

OK, right, that's enough.
Fine! Fine.

I do want that in writing, though,
by the way.

I actually...cannot wait
to leave this shithole.

Yeah, and I actually cannot wait
for you to leave this shithole.

I had this come through the post.

And I've got a few concerns
about it.

Firstly, this guy on the front
looks really arrogant.

Not the sort of guy I was expecting,
if I'm honest.

Well, the big day is approaching

and I can tell Kurtan
is a little anxious.

This morning, we had a few effs
and jeffs flying around,

but that's totally understandable,
as he's on edge.

I ain't joking now, Vicar.

This is starting to stress me out
a little bit.

Look, Kurtan, I'm sure the pattern
on the carpets in the classrooms

aren't going to be a problem. How
many times do I have to tell you?

Swirls on carpets
freak me the fuck out.

What if I have an epileptic fit?

I'm feeling light-headed
just thinking about it.

Kurtan, I know you're feeling
a bit anxious, it's a big step,

but it's normal to feel this way.

And another thing. I've been looking
at the menu in the cafeteria, yeah,

and I wonder if you could be so kind
in telling me

what the fuck is pesto?

So, as I say, he's a bit on edge,

but we've had a good chat

and I think he's, erm...really
looking forward to it again now.

I don't want to be saying this

If you want to get into Dump Gang
headquarters, use the door.

That's what it's for.

'Yeah, I haven't seen Kurtan
in a while.'

But I'm doing all right.

I've got the Dump Gang
and we're tight as fuck.

You know, it's so simple.

All you have to do is go,
"Knock-knock. Who's there? Slugs.

"What's the password?

"Dump Gang. Can I come in?

"Yes, you can come in,
because you did it correctly."

You know?

You all right, Kerry?
No, I'm not all right!

Just, people just need to start,
you know,

treating this place
with some respect.

Who gave Molehill
the hoover bag hat? He's banned!

He went to the toilet in the office.

Just give me that, now.

Everyone, Pork Chop,
get everyone out, please.

Use the door!

Use the door!


Thank you, Pork Chop.

So...the coach leaves
in half an hour.

Yes. I'm not dumb, Vicar.

Why are you trying to stress me out?

You know I'm already stressed out
as it is.

It's all right, Kurtan, come on.
Everything is going to be fine.

It's a shame Kurtan's gone because,
just this minute,

I've come up with a business idea...

..that he would have absolutely
lapped up like a thirsty mule.

It's basically this idea for a taxi
company called Aardvark Taxis,

because aardvark's got two As in it,

so it's the first in the phonebook.

So when you open up the phonebook,
it's the first one you see.

And on the open day, I'm going
to dress up like an aardvark

and hand out balloons with
a taxi number to little kiddies.

What's the password?

I found that Pog of yours.

Do you still want it?

Can you just post it
through the letterbox, please?

Is that position still going
for fastest in the gang?

No, Molehill's got it now
by default.


I've decided to take a gap year
out now, so...

if you need someone to hold the
title for a year, I could do it.

What, so you ain't going now?

Well, I'm still going, but I'm going
to take a gap year out first,

just to prepare for it and that.

Can I come in?

What's the password?
What is the password?

Dump Gang. Dump Gang.
Come in.

How's the vicar?

Just disappointed.

How's his ball bag?

Oh, er...

It just turned black
and dropped off, I think.

I really liked the way
you used the door.

I really like how... respect my curtains.
Yeah, because they're fucking sweet.


Oh, careful!


Urgh! Ah...!

Can you help me down?

Here comes the fat king!

Here is the king!

The fat...


Ow! Oh...!

Look at that.

We wouldn't want to be
anywhere else.

This is our country!

This country is ours!