Then You Run (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Alone, pregnant, and seriously unimpressed, Stink must use her wits to survive Reagan's top hit-man Turi, and son Darian, who have orders to kill.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
'This programme contains violence
and very strong language.'

- Schwanger? What does that mean?
- Well,
it's not nein schwanger, is it?

That was next level.

- Hello? We need to find Stink.
- Stink
knows the plan was to go to Norway.

She'll head to the ferry
and meet us there.

- I owe you for last night.
- Did
everything go alright with Mirko?

Mirko can't come to the phone
right now.

I'll send you something
to explain why.



Not the same way!

Stop! Stop!



Yes! Stop, please!

I need a police station!
Police station! Understand?

It's me. I've got one of them.

I'll take care of it.
Shout you back when it's done.

Settle down.

Oh, you better not
have broken my nose.

You are in so much shit!

Shared my location with my friends.
They're gonna be right behind us!

That's what you get off on, is it?

Chucking women into
your disgusting-smelling car,

you fucking perv!
A lot to say for yourself, huh?

We'll see how much you have to say
when the time comes.

I'm not afraid of you.
There's a guy back there,

he's gonna tell the police everything.

Lad with the blond hair, is it?
The one from the ball pit?

He had a bit of an accident.

The last I saw him, his head
was twisted the wrong way round.

Doubt the cops
will be getting much from him.

No, just let me go. Let me go!


Help me!

Get away from me!
Don't you touch me! Don't!

Where are your friends?
- I don't see them anywhere.
- Fuck you!

Don't! Don't! Please! Please!
Don't fucking...


Do you need a minute?

To make your peace?
I'm not praying in front of you.

Alright, so... Stop! Please.
I wanna say a prayer. Please.

Wait, wait, wait!

- Wait, wait, wait!
- I said a prayer,
not a decade of the rosary.

Will you shut the fuck up?
I'm trying to hear a bird!

A bird? How is a bird a prayer?

Ohhh, Jesus!


Fucking... Not afraid, huh?
Piss off, I'm pregnant.

You're what?

What did you say you are?
I'm pregnant.

You're not pregnant.

What are you...

You better stop fucking lying
about that.

Why would I lie about being pregnant?

Same reason you lied
about the prayer. To buy time.

Oh, jeez! You've got it on me now!

You filthy fucker! Ohh!

What kind of wanker
kills actual people

then get stressed about the inside
of someone else's body?

No-one's expecting you to
- understand.
- Oh, I do understand.

- You're a dick.
- I have a code.
Yeah, code of dicks.

Do you ever ask yourself how you
- ended up in this situation?
- Ohh.

Let me take a wild guess whose idea
it was to steal them drugs.

Yeah, yours.
Why not, sure? Bit of fun.

Never mind the consequences
to yourself or anybody else.

Just pops into your head one second,
and then next second, it's done.

And this is the problem. This is
what I'm talking about. No code.

You're gonna lecture me?

You murder people for money!
I am a professional.

I take out people who have it coming
to them, like you.

And I don't take out
innocent unborn children.

Oh, yeah?
Well, this one's staying unborn.

Hello, yeah?
I'm getting rid of it!

Like I'll be pushing a pram around
the park because you have a code.

- Be quiet.
- Going in the one o'clock
- club.
- Shut up. Where are you?

"Sorry about being a shit mum
with no job and no prospects,

but there was this hit man, see,
and he..."Shut up!

Tell me where you are
and I'll be right there.

Right, get in the back, you,
where I can keep an eye on you.

Go on!

Listen, like I'd leave
my kemosabe hanging, huh?

No fear of that.

That was mad back there.
That was some show alright.

You know what that reminded me of?

Some of the shit me and your dad
used to get up to back in the day.

Oh, God, yeah.

I'd say he was made up with you,
was he?

Probably, yeah.

We didn't get a chance to talk about
it cos the cops were coming.

Do you wanna give him
another wee call there for me, Dar?

Just to let him know you're OK?

What's the story here?
Pretending to be pregnant.

I said I was pregnant before I knew
about any of your code shit,

so how am I pretending?
I'm gonna find a chemist,

- get a pregnancy test.
- Oh, fuck off!
I'm not pissing on a stick for you!

You will piss
where I tell you to piss!

Oh, will I?Yes, you will.
- Make me!
- You don't have to.

She already took one. I saw it.
She's pregnant.


He's not picking up.
Dar, can I ask you a favour?

Why can't you do it?
Because of my code.

You are joking me? You can't do it,
but you're fine for him to do it?

Are you actually brain-damaged? Ow!
It does seem slightly fucked up.

One of the lads might be up for it.

It's shooting a girl!

You don't need to call
for reinforcements.

Yeah, OK.

They might be annoyed
not to be asked, so...

Dar, we already know your dad
wants her dead, don't we?

I haven't heard anything different
to that. Have you?

- No.
- No. So there you go.
We have our order.

Just us now, OK? Our time to shine.

I know what you need.
Here. Come here.

Sort you right out. Good man.

I want a drink.

- Come on, Dar.
- Oh, give me a drink,
you tight bastards!

I need it more than you do.

Hey, hey, hey!
Fucking give us that here.

Oh, Jesus!

Aghh, me head!

Come on, you're alright, get up.
Come on.

She didn't need a drink at all,
the lying bitch!

Don't. Please.

You shut your mouth!
Look what you did to my head!

I need you to concentrate
for me now, Dar, yeah?

No, wait. Give me more time.
I'll get the abortion, OK?

Do it after that.
Nothing to it, OK?

Keep your arm straight,
aim for the nape...

Aim where?
The nape of the neck.

Just there.

- Wait, wait!
- Do not wait.
She's had her prayer time.

The nape? Is that what it's called?

So aim for that... and shoot?

Quick as you can for me now, Dar.
This is bullshit!

Just leave me behind.

- Quiet!
- Why am I here on my own?
- Be quiet!
- Where is everyone?

How am I supposed to do it
with her talking?

OK. OK, no problem.

Fuck you. I get to speak.

I get to talk before you do this
to me! Please, just...

There you go.

Come on, now, Dar.
I know you can do this.

Just squeeze that trigger.

100% confident, Dar.

Oceans of ability in you
just waiting to burst out of you.

Come on, now, Dar.
I know you can do this.

Like I never helped you out, huh?

Did I not take you under my wing
and give you pro tips?

And how many times
have I talked your dad down

when he was throwing a head at you?

Took you to a club,
fixed you up with some young one?

Put the smile back on your face?
How many times?

Yeah, lots of times!

And yet the one time I ask you
to do something for me...

Ah, just read.

"In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy,
abortion is legal."

I thought you said abortion
was killing babies.

Well, it won't be me that's killing
- it, will it?
- Mm-hm.

- It'll be her and the doctors.
- Mm.
There'll be no baby blood

on my hands.
- Mm.
- Right.

But you're driving her there,
so you can shoot her.

Is driving a car against my code?

No. So there's no connection.

What did I tell you about the world?

It's a horror show.
It's a horror show of shit.

Awful, horrendous things happening
all the time.

And OK, fair enough, some of them
will be things you do yourself,

but you have your code.

But that there is the difference.

Things them others do,
they don't even blink.

And they're covered in shit. And
they're getting it on each other.

OK? But you have your lines
that you don't cross,

that you stay inside of,
and that way, the shit slides off,

and you get through from beginning
to end with no shit on you.

So it's like you...
and everyone else in the world?

But then you're on your own.

Google abortion clinics.

The nearest clinic is...

...120km. In Denmark.

I need a piss.

Sorry I got cranky with you
back there, Dar.

No worries.
We still kemosabes?

Of course.
Yeah, good man.

You're a very important person
to me, Dar, you know that?

You get it. And it's only very, very
few people out there get it.

And you need that, you see?
Just one other person who gets it.

It gets you through
the horror show of it.

Yeah, don't mind her.

This time tomorrow,
she'll be dead in a ditch.

Back in a mo.


"Please leave a message
at the tone."""

I'm sick of this now! If you don't
call me back, I'm gonna have...

Just call me, man.



Small lad, yeah?

I've been trying to reach him.

I know he's OK.
My dad, he wouldn't do anything.

Or tell you to do anything.

Run over there,
get us a currywurst, will you?

And a can of Coke.
And whatever you're having yourself.

Nothing for her.

Mirko's dead. You killed him.
Friend told you that, did she?

Here. Who's that?

That your little sister? Huh?


I have found this shellphone.

I think maybe
it belong to your daughter.

- No, Mum!
- Yeah, I just called
this number, it says "Mum."

- Mum!
- Yeah, it's no problem.
So if you give me address...

No, Mum, don't tell him!
Yeah, no, it's OK.

Don't tell him!

Yeah, OK.MUFFLED: Mum!
- Bye.

Yeah, not too bad.

Listen, how are you fixed?
I have a job for you.

17A Ridley Close, NW10.

So leave it a couple of hours...

and then, whoever's home,
take them out.

Right, no more talk of Mirko.
That was a pal of mine in London.

Now, you better start giving me
reasons to call him back

and cancel that job, do you hear me?

I don't want that boy upset.

Good man.

Here, I'm not surprised your friend
is keeping his head down, you know?

Poor bastard. Your da
put the fear of God into him,

gave him one of his talking tos,
and we all know how those go, huh?


Hey, I took the tape off.

We won't be needing it.

Give me my phone.

There's things on there I don't want
my mum to see after...

No-one's giving you a phone.

What kind of things?
OK, you delete them, then.

696969, that's the code.
69 three times.

Well, what kind of things?
What do you think?

Nudes, selfies, in positions,
and videos.

Can you just wipe it, please?

I tell you what,
we'll bury it with you.

Whoa, slow down.

Have you got a plan you're in
a hurry to be getting on with?

Like screaming the place down
the minute we're through the door?

I hope not.

One abortion, please,
soon as possible.

Name and date of birth?
Jalani Okoro, 11th November 2002.

We don't have
your doctor's letter.

The referral from your doctor.

Ask your doctor for a letter
and come back in two weeks.

We already did.
He said, "Yeah, no problem."

- We didn't receive it.
- Obviously
what's happened is you've lost it

and now I have to wait another
two weeks because you clowns

can't get your shit together!
- We have a process.
- Yeah? Me, too.

- I want my abortion!
- You are
an extremely rude young woman!

Because I'm pregnant. If you want me
polite, make me not pregnant.

I'll steal the pills.

How many weeks pregnant?

We can't carry out the termination
today, but my colleague has agreed

to conduct the necessary
consultation so when you return,

you can proceed without delay.
Thank you!

Tag. Say tag.

Er, you should stay here.
Oh, no, I can't.

I gave her my word, you see.
Didn't I?

Can he come?

This way, please.

So... a medical termination
uses two pills.

The first one you take here, the
second one you... Can we see them?

Just to get an idea of the size. Sure.

She has trouble swallowing, you see?
Very narrow throat.

Don't you?
Like a straw.

Oh, right.
Normal pill size. Should be fine.

Now, to confirm the age
of the foetus, if you could, erm...

If you wouldn't mind
pulling this up slightly.

Let's see.

Is that the heart, is it?

A little heart, banging away.

I'm gonna have to have
a think about this.

Oh, Christ.


I'm gonna have a think outside.

Remember what I said about that job.


and tell them to go to 17A Ridley
Close, OK? Are you listening to me?

Just call the police. Do it!

What if you kept it? Eh?

What if we went somewhere
and you had it?

Is that, like, completely mad?
It's not, is it?

I mean, what's stopping us?

People have babies
all over the place, don't they?

Why not us?
Hey, did she say something?

- No.
- No? You're sure, like? Only she
has a bit of an imagination on her,

you know?
No, no, she didn't say anything.

OK. Good, yeah.

Don't look at me. Don't look at me.

Look at yourself.

After lying to my face, eh?
The cheek of him.

I know what you're thinking.
He's separate from the world

and everybody in it.

Them things Darian said.

But, hey, I didn't know you were
good at tricking receptionists.

People are not one thing
is what I'm saying.

And don't blame yourself for this.

Well, you are sort of to blame, but...

And, hey, nobody's perfect.
That's my point.

You have to believe you're more
than what it looks like you are,

otherwise what are you?
Well, what do you think?

This way,
I wouldn't have to kill you.

Hello. Me again.

Yeah, that job, it's off.

Yeah, just forget it.

You said it, Dar.

Gave it to me straight.
And you're right.

I put up barriers
between myself and the world,

and there is, there's an isolation.

But this'll fix it.

I swear to God.

I'm getting flashes now.

Little hand reaching out,
little eyes looking up at me.

And why not?
Sure, other people get that.

I have to do it with takeaways
and six packs,

some escort on autopilot
twice a month,

and that's not a life.

That's just letting the clock
run down.

Turi, how's it gonna work?

Well, I'll talk to your dad,
smooth things over there.

A home birth, obviously.

Yeah, but... is she up for it?

Of course she's up for it. She was
due a bullet in the head by now,

so this is a massive step up
for her. Course she's up for it.

No, you're right.
I'd have to take precautions.

I'd put her in the basement.

That wasn't what I was talking...
You don't want to be

bringing up a child and looking over
your shoulder every five minutes

to check that the mother
hasn't absconded, do you?

I mean,
what kind of an environment is that?

Turi, come on.

You can't keep her locked in a
basement for the rest of her life.

Well, how else am I gonna do it?

Turi... you sound like
one of them...

I am nothing like what I sound like.
And you're missing the point.

A few months from now,
maternal instinct's gonna kick in.

She won't know herself. All the
breastfeeding and the bonding.

You know, so what about a few locks
on the door? I mean, that's nature.

And long-term, who's to say
how things will pan out?

Mother and child, me as provider.

No-one knows how things
will take their course.

Stop that. Cut it out.

This is happening, OK? It's decided.

No-one is coming for you!
Do you understand me?

I do, yeah.

That's not why I'm crying.

It's cos I'm happy.

That maternal instinct,
I can feel it kicking in already.

I do, I feel... different.

I didn't wanna say it
or even think it,

but I wanna have this baby!

They always say about the right to
choose, don't they? Do you know what?

I don't think they mean choose.
I think what they really mean

is the right to go on doing shit
and not think about it.

That's our right, to never properly
choose anything. You go to a party,

do a pill, neck half a bottle
of vodka, get yourself pregnant

by a dickhead, and any consequences,
you just wipe them away.

Even if it's wiping away
a little baby's life.

Now, I'm not saying it hasn't
happened in a fucked-up way,

with you trying to kill me and that,

but for the first time in my life,

I'm making an actual choice.

I'm thinking... "What am I for?"

You know, maybe it's this.

It's not like
I'd be giving up that much.

I love my family

but... they're not fussed about me.

My mum says I'm a disappointment,
which I get.

I did think friends, though,
that's what I had,

always would have.

It's not, though, is it?
OK, what is going on?

I'm having this baby
is what's going on. I don't care

what cellar I have to do it in, either.

You know why? Cos this baby's life...
is more important than my life.

Oh, my God!
That felt so good to say just then!

Oh, and Turi... Turi, Turi,

you're gonna be... a great dad.

You are. I can tell that you're...

- What was that?
- What?
- That face.
- What face?

"What face?" The face you had on
- just now.
- I didn't have a face.

Yeah, you did. He did. He was like,
"Oh, Turi wants to be a dad

for all the wrong reasons."
Fuck him for thinking that.

Nah, he just called you
- a selfish cunt.
- No, I didn't!

- Can we turn the heat off?
- No, we
can't. I'm cold and the baby's cold.

Turi doesn't have a selfish bone
in his body. I bet he thinks

you think being a dad is gonna let
you hide from what you really are.

It doesn't, actually!
And he knows it doesn't. Don't you?

It does the opposite, actually.

When you're little,
you swallow any shit they tell you.

It doesn't last. I remember with my
dad, looking at him and thinking,

"You're not all that."

Every kid has that
the day they see you.

You know? See you better
than anyone else, probably.

What you say you are
and what you really are.

You see right into them.

One day, you're gonna see into Turi,
aren't you? Yes, you are.

All the way in.


I need...

I really need to pee.

Can't you hold it?
Well, not really.

Cos of... being pregnant.

Keep your filthy eyes

off my phone.


Well, I can't go here. With him.

You're OK if it comes out a bit
foetal alcohol syndrome, aren't you?

Just cos I've been caning it
quite hard these past few weeks.

What do you think he'll see
when he looks at you?

Or she! Sorry. Or she.

Bit further.

She'll make you give up them pills
and Southern Comfort for a start.

She'll suss you out, I bet she will.

She'll be like,
"That's not you blocking it out

when you've got to kill someone,
it's you blocking out what you know,

that you can kill someone
and it doesn't bother you one bit."

What did you just say?

I'm saying what she'll say.

Hey, I bet she tells you
your code's shit, too.

Stop thinks sticking to you.
Nothing's ever stuck to you.

You're a bit of a freak. You don't
feel things like normal people.

That's why you're separate from the
world. Something's wrong with you.

Stop talking!

Where are you going?
- They shot Mirko?
- Yeah.

Who do you think pulled the trigger?
I'll fucking kill him.

How are you gonna do that
without a gun?

You need to work with me.

Dar! Where you going?

He's been wanking over me.

You left it in here with my selfies
on and he's been wanking over me.

Don't lie. I can tell from just
looking at you that you have.

- Be quiet!
- How am I supposed
to use that after that?

You're buying me a new phone. Hey!

Yeah, £200. And don't act like
it's the first time

it's ever cost you money
to get your dick pulled, either.

Face like that, you probably have to
pay anyone to go near it. Don't you?

Don't you, you ugly, small-dick fuck?

Turi, I've changed my mind.
I'll kill her.

- Seriously, Turi.
- Yeah, right. Like
he'd let you lay a finger on me.

We're having a baby.
Seriously, Turi, pull over!

I'll put a bullet in the bitch
- right now.
- Oi, watch your mouth.

Tell him to watch his mouth.
Shut the fuck up!

Let's get on with it, Turi.
Why aren't you saying anything?

Pull over. Come on!

Turi, what are you doing?
You want me to have this baby.

You do. So you can be
more than it looks like you are,

so you can be part of the world.
You want that, Turi.

Can't have it, though, can you? Like
I'd let you decide what I'm doing

with my life! "I'll give you a little
baby. Little baby for Turi!"

Pal, seriously,
no-one is letting you near a kid!

You sad psycho fuck!

Get off me.

Get to fuck!

Get off!
Get your fucking hands off me, freak!

You are exactly
what it looks like you are.

That's why you're on your own.
All that code bollocks is after.

Way before that is you
not belonging in the world

because you are fucked in the head!


- Fuck you, you sick fuck!
- So the nape?
Fuck the nape, just shut her up!

Yeah. You like that?

I played you, bitch!
How's that for forward planning?

You fucking shit piece of shit!

He knows about Mirko.
Guess how he knows.

Cos he saw it in my phone
where I made him look.

And then I made you give him the gun.

My God, the amount of ways
- I played you!
- Dar,

all that was was following orders.

If your dad says he wants
something doing, it gets done.

You know yourself.
Shut the fuck up!

You killed him, didn't you?
That's my friend!

Look, I know.

And you're the last person
in the world I would want that for.

But this is the job.

I've been saying to you since day
one, "This is the life we're in."

And maybe the one good thing about
it is that we're in it together,

cos I'd find it awful hard
to deal with on my own.

Maybe you're the same, huh?

What are you doing?
You have to do it!

I wish there was a way
we could put this behind us, Dar.

Could we do this?

Could we forget the code for a day?
Just for one day?

You give me the gun, I shoot her,

and we dig a hole and bury her,
then we go get the jars in.

What are you doing?
She doesn't get it.

She doesn't understand the first
thing. You think he'll shoot me?

No place in the world? No, my arse.

And that's the proof of it,
right there. He can't.

Because whatever I've done,
and whatever it looks like I am,

that boy there sees.

And whatever you...
What I see?

What I see is some prick!

Ah, now...
No, bollocks. I see what she said.

What did you say again? A sad...
A sad psycho fuck.

That's what I see.
I didn't before, but I do now.

A sad psycho fuck

inside your shitty little
horror film on your own.

Come on, now, Dar, you're upset...
Fucking kemosabe? Fuck off!

Fucking stop!

Stop talking to me.
I am not your friend.

Being all nice to me,
trying to get me in there with you,

because nobody else
will go near you!

Hey, Turi...

it's not the world
that's a horror show, it's you!

You're the monster in it.

I can't. It's not cos I'm a pussy.

I thought that's what it was,
but it's not.

I just don't wanna ever
turn into hi...

♪ Baby, can't you see

♪ I'm calling

♪ Someone like you

♪ Should wear a warning

♪ It's dangerous

♪ I'm falling

Wh-Where were you thinking of going?

Could I come with you?

It's not like they'd bother
trying to find me.

You know my dad's gonna kill them?

Yeah. Well, they should've
thought about that

before they decided
saying hi to Tara's mum

was more important
than stopping me getting murdered.

Tara's mum's dead.
Nah, she's alive.

Her dad never told us.
There was a funeral.

She was the one in the coffin.

She's not gonna drag us
halfway across Europe,

getting chased by police
and psychopath gangsters,

all to see a dead mum.
She'd have to be completely...

♪ Baby, can't you see

♪ I'm calling

♪ Someone like you

♪ Should wear a warning
Are you coming or what?

- Where are we going?
- Who else
is gonna sort out this crazy bitch?

♪ Too high, I can't come down
One second.

♪ It's in the air
and it's all around

♪ Mm, can you feel me now?

♪ With the taste of your lips

♪ I'm on a ride

♪ You're toxic

♪ I'm slipping under

♪ The taste of a poison paradise

♪ I'm addicted to you

♪ Don't you know that you're toxic?


♪ And I love what you do

♪ Don't you know that you're toxic?

♪ And I love what you do

♪ Don't you know that you're toxic?

Hey, Reagan, you wanna see?

"Alright, Dad?
You killed Mirko, yeah?

Right back at ya."


♪ I'm stuck
in the belly of the beast

♪ I'm stuck
in the belly of the beast

♪ I'm stuck
in the belly of the beast