The X-Files (1993–…): Season 9, Episode 16 - William - full transcript

A disfigured man attacks Doggett trying to retrieve X-Files for Mulder...but he might be Mulder himself.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Easy there, hon.
You're cleaning so hard I'm afraid you're gonna stick the dog in the dishwasher.
Come on, now, quit it.
This is what we dreamed about.
What we prayed for.
I know. I'm sorry.
- I just can't stop wondering why. - Hm?
Why give up a child? Give it up to strangers?
God has his reason and his ways.
Mr and Mrs Van De Kamp?
This was so hard to find.
I'm so sorry, but there's a page here that didn't get signed.
If I can just get you to do that now? Here we go.
- Right there. - Thanks.
I keep asking myself a question.
I know there's been a medical exam.
But are you sure he's OK?
- Now, honey... - Well, why would the mother give him up?
You should understand this was a life choice by a single mother.
And a terribly difficult decision for her.
But I can say it was only for the good of the child.
I want you to meet William.
William was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
Never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And it must have been some mighty fine wine
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes...
In the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
If I were the king of the world...
They don't pay me enough.
Right there! Hands in the air!
Turn around and step forward.
Step forward!
Let's go, tough guy. All the way down.
Agent Reyes.
Agent Scully.
Do we know who he is?
He says his name is Miller, but he has no identification on him.
Beyond that we don't know a lot.
Why are the lights off?
- He wouldn't speak with them on. - What do you mean?
If you saw him in the light you'd understand. Something's wrong with his face.
It's been severely burned, by fire or maybe acid.
And he says he knows me?
And that he's afraid.
A victim of what he calls the alien conspiracy.
You won't talk to me. You gonna talk to her, Mr Miller?
If she'll help me and protect me.
Better hope she's feeling more charitable than I am, partner.
Agent Scully, he's under arrest for assaulting a federal officer.
I explained the penalties but he still refuses a lawyer.
- How did he get in the building? - We found a card key on him.
He says it was given to him by Fox Mulder.
- His name's Miller? - Daniel Miller of Fredericksburg.
Gave us an address but we're still working on the confirmation.
- What are you doing here? - I came here to find answers.
- Answers to what? - To this.
What they did to me.
From your scarring it appears that you've been burned.
Are you claiming someone burned you and there is evidence here to incriminate them?
According to Fox Mulder, the men who did this are part of a government conspiracy.
Go on.
You know who these men are.
Did Mulder tell you that too?
If I were to tell you that, you might use the information to find him.
Mulder doesn't wanna be found.
When I searched him, I found those X-Files stuffed inside his clothes.
- You know who that is? - It's his sister.
- Whose? - Mulder's.
She was abducted from her home when she was a little girl.
Part of this same government conspiracy.
You seem to know a lot, Mr Miller.
It gives an impression either that you are telling the truth
or you just want us to believe that you are.
If I thought you'd believe me, I wouldn't have snuck in here.
Agent Doggett?
Would you please arrange the transfer of this man to Quantico?
I'd like to personally examine his injuries.
From the tissue quality, your scarring is fairly recent.
The extent of it is severe, but it's not from burning or chemicals.
What is it, then?
Mr Miller?
I was injected.
Injected with what?
I don't know. It burned.
Throughout my whole body, inside and out.
I need to speak to you.
What is it, Agent Doggett?
I've been out runnin' this man's supposed ID.
There are seven Daniel Millers in Fredericksburg. But he isn't one of 'em.
Well, then, who is he?
I got an idea.
But you're not gonna believe it.
Well, who is he?
You asked him how he got in the FBI, how he knows what he knows?
He said he contacted Agent Mulder, that Mulder told him...
I don't think so. I don't think Mulder told him anything.
I think that how he got in here and the reason he knows what he knows
is because that man in there is Mulder.
That's ridiculous.
- It's absurd. - Is it?
What is true and what we want to be true...
aren't always the same.
I'm telling you, that's not Mulder.
I hope you prove me wrong.
Open your mouth, sir. I need to look at your dental work.
You're not gonna tell me I need braces, are you?
Now your eyes.
Are you going to help me?
I don't know how I can.
Help me make them pay for this.
You refer to them as if I know them, or know where they are.
They did terrible things to you, too,
when you were abducted.
Sir, you’ve given us a false name.
We know that your name is not Daniel Miller.
No, it's not.
What is it?
I can't say.
Well, why lie to us if you want us to help you?
There are people here at the FBI who would kill me if they knew I was being held here.
The same people who would kill Mulder.
- You can put your clothes back on now. - I'm asking for your help.
But I might be able to help you.
How can you help me?
You're looking for answers too.
We're both looking for answers.
It's not him.
- It's not Mulder. - You're absolutely sure of that?
And so will we all be once you bring me back his DNA test.
What do we do with him now?
Admittedly he's lying about who he is, but the danger to him may be real.
We need to figure out what he wants, then see if he lies about that too.
How are we gonna do that?
First we need to quietly get him back to DC.
To FBI headquarters.
You came here looking for something. What is it that you hoped to find?
I didn't find it.
You stole several files pertaining to the 1973 abduction of Mulder's sister.
But yet you say there's danger to your life right now.
The conspiracy to keep the truth about aliens from the American public,
all but destroyed a few years ago,
has given rise to a new conspiracy in the government now,
by men who are alien themselves.
And what does this have to do with you?
What you can see they did to me
was a failed attempt to turn me into one of these alien men.
I was a guinea pig, a test subject.
And now I want to expose their evil plans.
What plans are those?
To do this to you.
To everyone.
Mulder said there were files here.
Cases like mine. He gave me case numbers but I don't see them. They're not here.
Someone's already removed them.
This is what you're looking for.
You trust me.
Thank you.
- What are you doing? - Proving Agent Doggett wrong,
that that's not Mulder in there.
How? I don't understand.
Mulder and I agreed to take those files out of the office
and leave them here for safekeeping.
Mulder would have known where they were, and that man in there didn't.
What are you doing? Get away from the crib!
He was crying.
It's none of your business.
I'm sorry.
I'd heard so much about William. Mulder told me how he missed him.
Well, if that's true, then where the hell is he?
- Tell me where he is! - You don't wanna know.
I have to know!
- He's in pain. Terrible pain. - Then let me go to him.
- There's nothing you can do. - That's not for you to decide.
You know as well as I that it's Mulder's decision. I... He begged me to honour it.
For your safety, and William's.
Here, Dana, let me take him for you.
May I?
I wanna hold him.
- Mr Miller... - No, it's important I do this.
I want to hold him, for Mulder.
He's so beautiful.
Assistant Director. You said you'd spoken to the lab?
- I got info on the exam Scully performed. - What?
The blood type matches Mulder's, but aspects of the physiology don't match.
Such as?
The body mass, of course. He's shorter and weighs considerably less than Mulder did.
You haven't seen this guy, what they've done to him.
The way he's twisted, he's like an old man. He could be 100 years old.
I'm just relaying the facts. And the fact is, he's not 100 years old, is he?
Not the way he attacked you.
Whoever he is, he wants something.
He wants revenge against the people that burned him.
And Mulder told him where he could find the files and the people who did it.
That makes no sense. Mulder knows those files inside out. Why not just tell him?
You're sure about that?
That was the lab.
They were able to rush the PCR test and they came up with a definitive DNA result.
What is it?
Where is this man right now?
It's all been a good act.
I don't know what you mean.
I think you do.
You knew those files were here.
You pretended not to so I'd bring you here to see William.
- I want the truth from you. - What truth?
- The truth that you won't speak. - I want the same truth you do.
- Don't do this to me. Not you. - I didn't come here to upset you.
I didn't plan on being caught.
I know you have a hard life - raising a son, not knowing if you'll see Mulder again.
- How do you know my life? - I know what Mulder knows.
I know they used you to create the child,
and they continue to use you to take care of it.
- What are you saying? - You know what I'm saying.
Your son, your child, is part alien.
Just tell me who you are.
Come on. Just say your name.
Say it!
Just say it!
Agent Scully...
Could you please leave? And close the door.
- Step out, please. - This was a private conversation.
I understand. I'm sorry.
- Do you know who that man is? - Yes, I do.
Agent Scully.
What is this? What?
We got DNA results. Positive ID.
It's not him.
He wouldn't say these things.
DNA's a match to Fox Mulder's.
It's not him.
Can we get you anything?
No, thank you.
I just need a minute.
- Where'd he go? - I don't know.
I'll go check the nursery.
Monica! Stay with Scully!
No more running, Mulder. We're gonna protect you now.
Give him some time.
- You're gonna live, buddy. - Think that's gonna scar?
We're gonna talk, but first you're gonna get some sleep.
So what now?
What do you mean?
What do you wanna do?
Keep it a secret, for starters.
That's not gonna be hard.
Nobody's ever gonna believe that that's Mulder.
Somebody did this to him.
Whoever that is is gonna know it's him. That's what he's afraid of.
If he's so afraid then why did he run?
You still don't believe it's him.
You know a person in so many ways.
Ways that a test can't even begin to know.
I'll be happy to run his DNA again for you.
But I don't have to tell you what a long shot it is. I mean, it came up a perfect match.
You ask why he'd run.
Stop and think how hard this is for him, the way he looks.
If that was Mulder,
I wouldn't care.
But he cares.
He has to.
Maybe he's ashamed.
Of what?
Not just the way he looks.
You let him go to protect him, only he couldn't protect himself.
You believe that?
I don't know.
We'll have a better sense when he wakes up.
- It's OK. - Is he OK?
Oh, my God, there's blood! Oh, my God.
- There's blood on the sheets. - What'd he do to him? What'd he do to him?
- Where's Dr Edwards? - I'm Dr Newman.
- He's been injected with something. - We're takin' him straight to Trauma.
Airways are open. Lungs are clear.
- Heart rate slightly elevated. Skin is warm. - I spoke to a woman, a Dr Edwards.
- I'm Whitney Edwards. - This is Dana Scully.
- Any idea what he was injected with? - I don't know.
- We're gonna run tests... - I'm a medical doctor. Can l...?
Then you know what this is all about. You just need to sit tight and let us do our job.
What'd you do to him? What'd you do?
Where'd you put it?
Is this it? Is this what you used?
- Answer me! - Yes.
Anything happens to that kid,
I'll take you out personally. I don't care who the hell you are.
Here she comes.
- How is he? Is he all right? - He's good. He's doing fine.
- Oh, God. - Can she see him?
We have him in Stepdown as a precaution. But I think he'll be going home in no time.
- What did you find? - Nothing.
You found nothing? There has to be something.
There's some bruising on the head where something broke the skin, but he's fine.
- What about a tox screen? - There's a lot of iron in his blood.
Other than that, your son is completely normal.
That doesn't make sense.
I think it does.
It makes perfect sense now.
I've seen my share of the hideous, of the disgusting and the repellent.
But you, sir, are the most perfect expression I will ever see
of all that is vile and hateful in life.
That may well be. But for a moment you believed it.
That I was him.
I never believed it.
You wanted to believe.
You are as false as your face.
I bet you wish night and day that that bullet that was meant to kill you had succeeded.
I don't believe this.
- What? - Who this is.
You're wrong about that.
When I look in the mirror I see something much different than the world sees.
He could destroy my face and my dignity when he shot me in that office.
But he couldn't destroy the one thing I love most.
My hatred of him.
Your cigarette-smoking son of a bitch of a father.
And Mulder's.
You counted on the DNA.
That we'd buy it without question and not look any further.
DNA is what Mulder shared with Jeffrey Spender.
Half-brothers, raised apart.
That's about all that Mulder and I ever shared.
You haven't seen Mulder, have you?
You haven't even talked to him.
So getting caught at the FBI, winning our trust, was all towards one thing.
It was only to get to William.
Sitting here, you'd wish me dead. Shortly I'll do you the favour.
I had this checked.
It's an unknown metal that you injected into my son.
It's a form of magnetite.
A gift.
"A gift"?!
Having failed as a conspirator to control alien colonization,
my father wanted nothing more than to see the world fail too.
So, what, you've prevented it now?
You've prevented alien colonization by injecting this metal into my son?
Your son is the one thing the aliens need.
I took revenge on my father by taking William away from them.
So he's all right now?
I mean, just like that?
So it's over?
They'll let him be?
It'll never be over.
They'll always know what he was. They'll never accept what he is.
- Well, I can protect him. - And if you can't?
Look at me.
What they did.
Is this what you want for your son?
The room's all fresh for you. I threw out all the old bedding and bought new stuff, OK?
Thank you.
I know it's impossible to stop thinking about what he said.
About William.
But it's all lies, Dana.
And you were the one who proved it.
And how should I prove it now?
By insisting that I can protect him?
Only to learn too late that I can't?
You say it as if you have a choice.
He didn't have a choice to come into this life.
I don't have a choice about what he is or was.
But I do have a choice about the life my son will have.
And shouldn't I choose that he never have to be afraid of anyone or anything?
And can I ever really even promise him that?
But who can?
Sweet dreams, baby boy.
I made this!