The X-Files (1993–…): Season 8, Episode 5 - The X-Files - full transcript

Doggett and Scully once again butt heads on their latest X-File which involves a boy who has returned after being missing for ten years but still appears to be seven years old, the age he was the day he was abducted.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Watch me!
OK, Billy!
Mom! You're not watching!
Billy! Billy!
My little boy!
Billy! Billy!
- Mom! - Hi.
Josh, I was just coming in. They know you're supposed to wait.
- They're looking for you. - Who? Who's looking for me?
Hey, what is it?
Go look, Mom.
Mrs UndenNood. We tried to call you. You must've already left.
What is everyone staring at? What is going on?
My beautiful boy.
Oh, Billy.
I'm just going to shine this light in your eyes, OK?
You're doing great.
Good. Nothing to it.
- He won't speak? - No. Not even to his parents.
- Are they here, his parents? - They've been here around the clock.
I took his prints. lt's him.
Boy should be a teenager by now, but look at him.
- Explain to me how that can be. - I can't say, Sheriff.
I'm just here to find out who took him.
I talked to everyone at school. No one saw him come back, or how.
The boyjust come out of the blue.
- Are those the case files? - Yeah. Plenty more where those came from.
There's just not much in 'em. We never even had a suspect.
Have them set 'em over there, would you?
(sheriff) Set those on the table.
What we've got here is a healthy seven-year-old boy
who was born 17 years ago.
A healthy boy who won't speak.
Excuse me? Are you finished with Billy?
- Mr and Mrs UndenNood? - Um, you're with the FBI?
I'm Agent Scully, this is Agent Doggett. We are investigating this case.
It's a miracle, isn't it?
Mrs UndenNood, whatever your son has been through,
it has somehow affected his physical condition.
So we've been told by every doctor here. We just want to take him home.
- After ten years, can we do that? - Not yet.
I want to talk to him first.
(door closes)
How you doing, Billy?
My name's John.
I'm gonna have a seat over here. Is that OK? Is that all right?
Billy, lwant you to know that you're not alone.
I've talked to lots of other boys and girls who've been hurtjust like you.
Sometimes when they talk about it, the hurt starts to go away.
You wanna talk about it, Billy?
Maybe you think bad things happened to you because you've been a bad boy,
but I'm here to tell you, that's not true.
The bad guy is the one who took you away.
And it's up to you and me to get the bad guy.
See, cos as big and tough as I am, I can't do it alone. I need your help.
Can you tell me about him, Billy?
What's his name?
What did he look like?
You remember this, don't you, Billy?
Would you like to have it back?
- What is he doing? - Uh...
All I want is his name.
Who the hell do you think you are?
He's only a little boy.
Mr Undenlvood...
- You think this is a game? - A serious game. One we have to win.
Have you really worked kid cases before? Child abductions?
I worked the Child Abduction Task Force. This kid can help us.
This is a biological impossibility.
That's your area of expertise. | just want to put the person who did this out of business.
Billyjust didn't show up. He got away, or was let go.
If he can talk, he can tell us by who,
or he can look at photos and point to the man who did this, so this doesn't happen again.
You are ignoring the fact that he is still seven years old.
"Failure to thrive". Isn't that the term?
Aren't there diseases that delay puberty and so on?
I told you... he's not sick.
Then he can talk.
We're home, honey. Safe at home.
I'm going to go pay the sitter, Doug. You bring Billy in.
Are you glad to be home, Billy?
A lot's new here, son.
You have a younger brother now. Josh.
You see that big dog out there with him? That's Sparky.
Would you like to go play with him?
(snarling and barking)
Sparky! Get down!
What's gotten into you?
- Hey! Knock it off! - What's the matter, Doug?
The dog just went off.
Sparky, what is wrong with you? Come on, let's go. Come on.
Honey, it's all right.
He just didn't recognise you, that's all. He's a nice dog.
He just doesn't realise that you're part of the family. But you are, Billy.
And we're just so glad that you're finally home.
You going to sleep here, too?
- What time is it? - I spoke with the doctors who treated Billy.
- I looked at his charts. - Did you find something?
Yes and no. What showed up is that Billy is the same boy who was taken ten years ago.
- We know that. - No.
I mean the same boy.
He has no cavities. He has no tooth decay.
He still has four baby teeth he's never lost.
He had a routine blood test six weeks before he disappeared in 1990.
His cell counts, his enzymes, his hormone levels,
they are all exactly the same as they were ten years ago.
- How can that be possible? - lt's medically im possible.
So what's the punch line? Where are you saying he's been?
There are X-Files cases that describe similar paranormal findings.
Alien abductees who came back with anomalous medical stats.
These words, "anomalous", "supernatural", "paranormal".
They purport to explain something by not explaining it. It's lazy.
I'm not saying that I can explain it, Agent Doggett.
But this is definitely not normal.
I went back to the witnesses at the crime scene, to this guy Ronald Purnell.
- He was detained but dismissed as a suspect. - What's your interest in this guy?
He's a high-school dropout, convicted of possession, arson and shoplifting since 1990.
These are juvenile records. These are sealed by the court, Agent Doggett.
- We're not supposed to have these. - We're at a standstill.
- And you're breaking the law. - I want to catch this guy, whatever it takes.
We love you so much, Billy.
It's so good to have you back, to be tucking you in.
Sleep tight.
- (Lisa) What does that mean? - (Doug) You're blind to what's going on.
(Lisa) Ten years we prayed for this. Every night we prayed to God.
- I prayed for our son. He's not the boy I knew. - What do you expect him to be?
- They told us this will take time. - Even Josh is afraid of him.
- He is nothing to be afraid of. - I wish I could believe that.
How can you sit here and say these things to me?
Anybody in there?
Ronald Purnell?
(vehicle approaching)
Ronald Purnell?
Can I talk to you?
Can you come out, and we could have a conversation?
- Is this about my probation? - It's about a boy named Billy UndenNood.
You know that name? Ring a bell?
- No. - It does to everybody else in this area.
He vanished from a school fair you were at ten years ago.
You remember him now?
Yeah, I remember him.
- You think he'd remember you? - Me?
You. Your face.
You're a trip, man. You know that?
This has nothing to do with being stoned or violating your probation.
All I'm asking is that we go see Billy.
See what he says.
- See what he says where? - Where? Wherever.
Wherever you want. I'll make sure he's there.
You're not making sense, dude. Just leave me alone.
Honey, are you here?
- What? What are you doing? - Joshy! Oh, my God! Are you hurt?
You're bleeding! Where did that come from?
I don't know.
Billy, honey, what are you doing here?
Please, Billy. Answer me.
Just got word back from the lab.
Ran the blood twice. No doubt about it - it's the little boy's.
- I thought you said he wasn't cut. - You're misunderstanding.
It's the other son I'm talking about - Billy, the boy who was kidnapped.
- That doesn't make sense. - Billy wasn't out either.
No, but he definitely handled the knife. His prints are on it.
- Where'd he even get it? - His father's never seen it before.
He's no hunter.
Never cleaned an animal, which is about all a knife like that's good for.
Except for killing, of course.
Well, I hate to say this,
but I think the best thing for Billy and his family is if he's removed to an institution
to be observed by people experienced in these things.
You mean remove him? Take him away? After all his family's been through?
This is not a normal child, Agent Doggett, and this is not a normal act.
You make it sound like he's possessed. Call the exorcist.
He's a kid who's been through who knows what kind of hell.
How do you know he's not trying to communicate something?
And what's the message?
Yes, he's a kid, Agent Doggett. You're right.
He's a kid who materialised out of thin air, unaged.
Do you not somehow recognise how strange this is?
Did anybody notice this? This symbol?
Yeah. Um...
Yeah, I was going to mention that to you, cos it's, uh... kinda weird.
- Weird how? - We tried everything to find that boy,
and who abducted him - went so far as to bring in a police psychic, ten years back.
- Came up with that very same symbol. - How exactly did he come up with it?
She. Sharon Pearl.
- Couldn't say how it came to her. - I've seen this symbol before, too.
You have?
I'll be damned.
We love you so much, Billy.
Whatever happened,
we wanna put it behind us.
Be a family again.
And if you could help us to understand what you're going through...
we could move fonlvard.
No, we're just going to see a doctor, someone you might want to talk to.
We're coming right back.
Nothing's gonna happen. Mommy won't let anything happen to you.
ljust want you to get the help you need so we can all live here together and be happy. OK?
Come on, sweetie.
I'll take him, Doug, if it's such a strain on you.
If you think a shrink has the answers, fine.
| just don't want this to ruin our other son's life in any way.
- Where's Billy? - Billy?
(Lisa) Billy?
(Lisa and Doug) Billy?
I don't want no trouble. Whatever you're doing, do it somewhere else.
You ever get off your lazy ass to do anything but hassle me?
Watch your mouth. I got company comin', and he won't take your lip.
Tell him to stay out of my face.
- Get away from me. - Where you goin', weirdo?
Hey. Hey.
You steal those clothes off a fat man, or did you just shrink?
Hey, you gonna get your butt in this trailer, travellin' man?
All depends on what you got in mind.
(woman on tape) Testing, one, two, three...
This is great.
Now I've got a psychic who's gonna tell me what's wrong with my son.
I understand your misgivings, but perhaps you can look at this as just another avenue.
- An avenue to what? - We're gonna solve this case.
We're gonna find out who did this to your son.
And then what? What am I left with?
A kid who stabs knives into his brother's mattress?
You don't know the half of it. He gives everyone but his mother the creeps.
| just know that this is gonna tear your family apart. And you can't let it.
You've got to save them from the damage this can do.
I'll be happy to save what I can.
Come on, Josh. Let's go.
- Is this going to happen? - Shouldn't you be telling us that?
You're no doubt confused, Agent Doggett.
I take psychic readings, not see through walls.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Mrs UndenNood, I'm Sharon Pearl.
| consulted on your son's disappearance back in 1990.
And you're Billy.
Ms Pearl? Are you OK?
There are very powerful forces at work here.
Working through this boy.
Drawing him to his brother.
| feel this force...
| feel this force...
coming through you.
You lost someone just like Billy.
(speaks gibberish)
What's happening to her?
Oh, my God.
Hey, fartknocker.
(starter grinding)
Where are you goin' in such a big hurry?
What's the matter? Got something in your ears?
Oh, listen to him.
No wonder he wears them baggy britches. Our Ronnie's a big man now.
Your old lady said... the cops came and talked to you.
I am talking to you, not the side of your head.
Better mind your p's and q's, Jones.
Or I'm gonna tell them what you did to that little boy.
I'm gonna tell them what you got buried out there in the woods.
What's going on with you two?
Talkin' about cars.
Well, they've got her stabilised, and it looks like she's gonna be OK.
- If you're at all curious about her condition. - I'd be more curious if! believed it.
Believed what?
The act.
- You think that was an act? - It's pretty standard fare, isn't it?
Float a few choice revelations as if they came from on high, roll around the floor.
You saw that symbol appear on her forehead.
It's a damn good trick. Don't ask me how she does it.
-Agent Scully, please. - No. I think you ought to hear this.
(Pearl speaking gibberish)
- Now listen to it backwards. - (singing)
What's that?
It's a child singing... Lyrics.
(child singing "All the Pretty Horses")
(hums softly)
(sings along with the child)
You hear that, under the noise?
(singing continues)
- Now... - What's he doing here?
Get away from me!
Ronnie, open up the car!
Ronnie... Ronnie, stop the car! Agent Scully, he's got Billy!
Get out of the car!
Don't move, Ronnie.
Where's Billy?
I thought you said Billy was in the car.
Where's Billy?
I'm gonna go pay. You want anything?
Josh, are you OK, buddy?
Dad, can l...?
Pony? Hey, pony?
Hey, there you are.
Help! Help!
- Count to ten, Agent Doggett. - He took Billy.
- (sighs) - He couldn't have.
How you gonna back that up, with Billy missing?
Not five minutes earlier I saw him enter his home with his mother.
I saw him riding in the car with Ronnie. Why else would Ronnie take off like he did?
It's impossible, like everything else about this case.
Like how Billy can be in his home one minute, and in Ronnie's car the next.
- Everything about this case is impossible. - This kid is the key.
I've been saying that from the beginning, and I'll say it now.
Agent Doggett, Agent Scully, I got bad news on top of worse.
Josh, the UndenNoods' other little boy, has disappeared.
I'm notjokin', not even close. I got the parents out here now.
I've gotta talk to this kid, Agent Scully.
I'm absolutely sure.
Have a seat, Ronnie.
I know what you're gonna ask.
But I got no answer.
Well, there can be only one answer, right? I mean, why else did you go to the house?
You went there for Billy, to get him back.
- No. - You had him in your car.
- I don't know how he got there. - Then why go to the house at all?
Because I didn't believe you.
Didn't believe what? What's so hard to believe, Ronnie?
- You said I could talk to him. - You needed to.
After all those years, you couldn't live without him. You wanted him back.
All those years, Ronnie. All those years. Where'd you keep him?
(muffled cries)
- Man, you don't understand. - You were sorry you let him go.
No, l...
I couldn't let him go.
(sings "All the Pretty Horses")
- Who else knew about him? Your mom? - No.
- Where'd you keep him? - I didn't.
- What did you do to him?! - I didn't do anything.
I took care of him.
l... lsang to him...
so he wouldn't be afraid.
Afraid of who?
Who was he afraid of, Ronnie?
Somebody else involved? Somebody else make you do it?
He take that other kid, too? Billy's brother? He take him?
You're afraid of him, too. You're a victim, just like those other kids. Is that right?
You, me, Billy.
This is our chance, man.
What's his name?
FBI! Cal Jeppy! Come out!
It's OK, Josh. You're OK. We're not gonna hurt you.
Agent Doggett?
He's on the run.
He's in the woods! Watch your fire! There may be another boy!
Down on your knees!
- Hands in the air! Where's the kid? - He's in the trailer.
Other kid!
- There's no other kid. - Billy UndenNood!
There's no other kid.
Get this man in cuffs! Read him his rights!
The kid's over...
I don't believe it.
OK. The clothes, the age and condition of the bones,
the location of the grave.
There is no doubt that that is Billy UndenNood's skeleton in that grave.
We spent time with this boy. Doctors took his blood. You examined him.
I can't accept it. I can't believe we're asking them to.
I know. But the forensic evidence is going to come out, and what then?
- What if I'm right? - What do we do?
- We move on, let it go, case closed? - I know where you are with this.
l have been there. You're feeling that you've failed, that you have to explain this somehow.
- And maybe you can. - Not if that's Billy's body, I can't.
Maybe that's explanation enough. That that's not Billy's brother in that grave, too.
That that man who did this is never going to be able to do it again.
Isn't that what you wanted, Agent Doggett?
Don't ask me to believe that this is some kind ofjustice from beyond the grave.
All I'm saying is that maybe you succeeded, whether you're willing to see that or not.
Visiontext Subtitles: Paul Murray
(child) I made this!