The X-Files (1993–…): Season 4, Episode 4 - Unruhe - full transcript

Photos of a hellish sight from the mind of a psychopath who abducts women and lobotomizes them makes Mulder realize that the man has the ability of psychic photography. Scully is skeptical until she appears on a photo as the next victim.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's just a passport photo, not the cover of Vogue.
There's no reason I have to look like hell in it, is there? Settle down.
- We're on a schedule here. - I know we're on a schedule here.
Act natural.
- I'll be back in ten. - Make it five. I‘ll be around back.
Relax, Billy.
Lower it just a bit. Yeah. that's it.
Now, big smile. Yeah, hold it.
- Big trip you got planned? - Oh, you know, nothin' special.
Just good to have a passport.
It looks like it's clearing up. Might be a nice day after all.
It's just gonna take a few minutes.
That comes to $6.95.
Great. I left my money in the car.
- I'll be back. - I‘ll be here.
0w! Hey, you jerk!
Billy, someone did something to me. Billy?
My God!
What are your thoughts, Scully?
Have the local police been contacted by her abductor?
- No demand for ransom? - No, unfortunately. It's going on three days.
Any additional leads?
No. No hair and fiber evidence. The rain washed it all away.
The autopsy came back on the dead boyfriend.
A puncture wound through the eardrum and into the brain...
..possibly from a long needle or an awl.
I'm still not sure how we figure into this investigation.
Did you see the photo?
I assume that was taken by her abductor.
It was taken by a 65-year-old druggist moments before she was abducted.
That's a passport photo from a local drugstore.
The druggist was the last known person to have seen Mary Lefante.
He claims that wasn't the photo he was taking.
He says the photo he was taking was normal.
He only came to the police when he heard she was missing.
Well, whoever took this photo was obviously privy to the woman's abduction.
That is what you would think.
It's the damnedest thing. Here it is, just like I left it.
It was under lock and key.
- Is that where you keep it? - Yeah.
- Mind if I take a look? - Please, help yourself.
At first I thought I did something wrong when I took the picture.
There's that piece of paper you have to pull off. You have to do that just right.
I'm sure you did it just fine.
- Your film's out of date. - Is that against the law?
- No. I was just making an observation. - I don't get much call for passport photos.
The copy shop over at the mall does 'em cheaper.
Excuse me.
I sure hope you find that young woman safe and sound.
Which one of us gets to use the stun gun on Bruno Hauptmann back there?
So he doesn't exactly stand out as a suspect.
Mulder, take a look at this. You see this smeariness here?
I'm thinking it's heat damage.
With the heater sitting under the film, the emulsion probably melted.
That would make it look like she posed screaming for a passport photo?
Plus, the film is two years out of date.
The photographic chemistry could've changed. The dyes... fade, they...
- All right. so what's your theory? - I'm not sure I have a theory.
- Excuse me. You the two FBI agents? - Agents Mulder and Scully.
Sorry to have brought you all this way. I'm afraid we might have wasted your time.
Hey, Trott.
Inspector Puet‘t, these are Agents Scully and Mulder.
- Agents. - Inspector.
US postal inspector. My office is investigating a mail theft...
..which we've traced to your missing person, Ms Mary Louise Lefante.
She was a postal employee.
A sorter at the Kurland Hills branch. A number of unsigned credit cards... transit through that branch never made it to their respective owners.
She was intercepting them?
And her boyfriend was signing them. We ran him. He was into forgery, cheque fraud.
Mary Lefante's passport photo. Do you know how soon she wanted to leave town?
- Did she know about your investigation? - Probably.
Though we didn't focus on her specifically until after she came up missing.
- You think she faked her disappearance? - Looks that way to me.
Yeah, but why would she stab her boyfriend through the ear?
The magic was gone?
Did you find a camera anywhere here?
You think this woman planted that photo of herself in the drugstore?
- What would be the point of that? - I...
Here it is.
Stand back, Scully. It's loaded.
- What are you doing? - In the '60s a bellhop named Ted Serios...
..became famous for taking what he called "thoughtographs".
He claimed that by concentrating on an unexposed negative...
..he could create a photographic representation of what he saw in his mind.
He did landscapes, cathedrals, the Queen of England...
- Thoughtographs. - Also known as sootographs.
Literature on thought photography dates back almost to Louis Daguerre.
So that makes it legitimate?
Look at that.
Oh, my God!
- I think he was here, Scully. - Who was here?
Mary Lefante's abductor. I think he stalked her.
He could have come up right here.
I think he came in here and looked at her through the window, this close.
Close enough to affect the camera film.
Psychic photography?
Mulder, it's obvious that somebody doctored these images...
..and planted them to be found here. Maybe as some kind of a smoke screen.
To conceal what? This isn't about mail fraud.
That's just incidental. What if...
What if someone had this ability?
An image like this would be a peek into that person's mind.
- Into their darkest fantasies? - The fantasy of a killer.
She's completely non-responsive.
We did a tox screen and found traces of morphine and scopolamine.
- Twilite Sleep. - The dental anaesthetic?
A painkiller cocktail. It's also for women in labour.
- Would that account for her condition? - No,
What would?
Give her a PET scan.
All set.
Oh, my God!
What is it?
She's been given a transorbital lobotomy. It used to be known as an ice-pick lobotomy.
It involves inserting a leucotome through the eye sockets.
We're looking for a doctor? Someone with training?
- Not judging by this. - Whoever did this, Mulder, did it wrong.
- Mary. - Un...
You'd better go in there and get her.
We just got the call. There's been a second abduction.
Hab keine Angst.
lch werde dir helfen.
Du wirst delne Unruhe bald vergessen. Deine Unruhe vergessen.
You can roll. We're set here.
Get that area taped off.
Watch it.
Excuse me, ma'am.
- Mulder? - Charles Selchik, certified public accountant.
Dead from a stab wound through the ear. Cleaning crew found the body.
- What about the missing woman? - His secretary, Alice Brandt, age 32.
The family says she was working late last night.
- What's her connection to the first victim? - Apparently none. But the MO is the same.
- Yeah. The clock is running. - Yeah.
I keep thinking about what Mary Lefante was repeating: "unruhe."
The Michigan phone book has three different spellings, but none within 80 miles of here.
It might be significant as a word.
That's what I've been thinking. In German it means "trouble" or "strife."
- Unrest. - You took German in high school, Scully?
- College. - Unrest, huh?
I'm working on these crime-scene photos from the first abduction.
If we're lucky, the abductor gets a thrill from returning to the scene of a crime.
He wasn't there, Scully.
- How do you know? - It would've affected the photos.
- Trott, what did you find? - Nothing much.
There's no cameras or film here whatsoever.
It's all just accountants' offices, so I don't know why there would be.
Is that what we're looking for? Evidence of psychic photography?
It may be the only evidence we get.
I've got a forensics team coming from Detroit.
What's here for them to find? This guy's very good at what he does.
He's left no witnesses, no latent prints...
Only those photos, which makes me believe he doesn't know he has that ability.
We haven't found any new psychic photos here either.
Wait a second.
I wanna show you something.
Right here. This.
And look.
It's the same company. What if the kidnapper was working construction at both sites?
He would've been able to pick out the two women.
- Check it out. Let me know what you find. - Where are you gonna be?
Back in DC. I want Special Photo to run this. I still think the answer's in here.
What if it's not? This woman's time is running out.
All the more reason to fully investigate the one hard piece of evidence we do have.
I'll be in touch.
Das ister dich.
Es ist wie das, das sie getragen hat.
Get away from me! Get away from me, you bastard!
- Shh. - Let me go...
Bald. Leise. Sehr bald.
Can you get rid of the blurriness here?
Yeah. I just need to mark a place where the blur comes to a point...
..and let the computer do its business.
Bingo. Lord, look at that!
- This guy's an artist. - Why do you say that?
However he did this,...
..however he put this together, it's seamless.
What about this face? Can you bring that up?
Wait a second. Let's try.
- I think I can sweeten it more. - 0K, do that.
What have you got?
From the construction company employees, 18 workers overlapped on both job sites.
- We're checking, but so far nothing. - What about day labourers?
Mr Iskendarian there doesn't hire workers off the books.
I don't want IRS trouble.
But his foreman might hire cash-only day labour without his knowledge.
He's got seven job sites going now, as many foremen.
Gather officers to canvass. Which foreman works the Midlothian Corporate Park?
- That job's finished. - Find out where he is today.
I'll take that one.
Can I use your phone?
0K, thank you.
NCIC shows no match for that man.
What about this shape up here? What is that?
Can you take that and flip it so that that's on the bottom?
Is that a shadow?
Yeah. It is.
It's somebody's shadow.
It's the kidnapper's shadow. It's like he's looming over her.
It's like he... he's standing over her.
He means to pass judgment on her, like a god.
Hi. Can I help you?
Uh, I hope so. Are you the foreman?
- Yes, ma'am. I'm Gerry Schnauz. - I'm Special Agent Dana Scully.
I'd like to ask you some questions about the day labourers you hire.
- What, is this some IRS thing or... - No, sir, not at all.
My crew's at lunch if you want to talk to anybody, but...
..everybody I've got on today is on the books, as far as I know.
Excuse me. Sorry.
Yeah, sure.
- Scully. - I may have something for you...
..on the kidnapper. It's, uh,...
- ..something about his legs. - Yeah?
They're unusually long. They're out of proportion.
I’m thinking he's either very tall, or he's not, but wants to be.
Scully, are you there?
Stand where you are!
Don't move!
Stop or I'll shoot!
Lace your fingers behind your head.
Do it!
- Who? - Alice Brandt.
The second woman that you abducted. That's her name, Gerry.
Where is Alice Brandt?
I don't...
I have no earthly idea what you're talking about.
Tell us where she is, Gerry.
I'm sorry.
This is a case of mistaken identity or something.
I honestly,...
..honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
Explain this.
We're running Sheetrock. I use that to start the holes in it to keyhole in all the fixtures.
- No. You used this to kill the two men. - What two men?
You used this on Mary Lefante!
Who? W... wait. A minute ago it was Alice Brandt.
I don't believe this. I do not believe this is happening.
You want to tell us about the first time you were arrested, Gerry?
In 1980 you attacked your father with an axe handle.
You beat him so severely that he spent the remainder of his life in a wheelchair.
I was not jailed. I was institutionalized.
I had a kind of chemical imbalance.
Yeah. "Gerald Schnauz, treated for a paranoid schizophrenic disorder."
"Six years in Melvoyne Psychiatric Hospital. Released 1986."
So what you been up to since 1986, Gerry?
Taking care of my father.
Looking after him 24 hours a day.
Making amends.
He, uh, passed away in January.
How did you feel about that?
It says here you have a sister.
Where is your sister, Gerry?
She passed.
Actually, it says here she committed suicide in 1980.
God, that was a bad year.
What else happened in 1980, Gerry?
Well, John Lennon got shot.
Where are you going with this? Are you Sigmund Freud?
- Why don't you cut the BS? - Why don't we get back to Alice Brandt?
Where is she?
You look troubled.
Hey, Gerry?
This your father?
- Where'd you get that? - You left that for me. Left it like a fingerprint.
Is this what you see when you close your eyes, Gerry?
Is that what you see?
..tell me where Alice Brandt is.
She's safe...
..from the howlers.
She's all right now.
Gerry, tell me how! can find her.
Over here!
Right up ahead.
Scully, that word unruhe, unrest - it's bothering me.
Maybe he thought he was curing them. Saving them from damnation.
From those things in the pictures. He called them "the howlers."
It's over, Mulder.
Then that photo wouldn't be his fantasy. It would be his nightmare.
What the hell does it matter?
- Because I wanna know. - I don't.
OK, Gerry.
Put it all in here. Wallet, jewelery, everything.
Eyes straight ahead.
Let's step over to the table.
What the...?
This wound's in the wrong place. He was shot in the throat.
He wasn't trying to save this victim.
We just got a report of a robbery at the drugstore where the first victim disappeared.
What happened?
Thank you.
It was Gerry.
He took the passport camera and all the film.
And morphine, scopolamine hydrobromide and insulin syringes.
- He's making more Twilite Sleep. - He wants to continue his work.
You know that job site that I arrested him at, Mulder?
What if he's picked out his next victim? There were apartment buildings on all sides.
You think you interrupted his stalking?
Let's go.
Hold on a second. Bring the car around. I just wanna wait for this. I'll be right there.
- Corning. - Corning. Send units to Belmont Avenue.
Check all the apartments near that job site. I think he's heading back there.
- Got it. - Thanks.
Agent Scully's Explorer just turned up at a park and ride about 20 miles up the US 81.
- Any sightings? - A report of an Audi stolen from the same lot.
He's switching cars. He's gonna do that two or three times.
He's got six fingers here.
He's got six fingers. What about his apartment?
We got a unit there. But he ain't comin' back.
What about friends, coworkers? Does he have a summerhouse?
He doesn't have much of anything.
We're running some phone numbers from his wallet...
Let me see his wallet.
It's his father's obituary.
"Recipient of the Bronze Star Medal during the Korean War."
"Gerald Schnauz Sr, DDS."
He was a retired dentist.
He was here.
Why would he take the chair?
Let me go.
Es ist alles in Ordnung.
It's over, Gerry. Let me go right now.
Ich werde dir helfen. Du wirst deine Unruhe bald vergessen.
Yes, you do. Everybody does. But especially you.
Why me, Gerry?
Do I remind you of your sister?
Why did your sister kill herself, Gerry? What did your father do to her?
He didn't do anything. It was the howlers.
0K. Then let's talk about the howlers.
They live inside your head. They make you do things and say things that you don't mean.
And all your good thoughts can't wish them away. You need help.
You've got them...
..right there.
Don't you feel them?
- I don't have them, Gerry. - See?
They made you say that just now because they know I'm going to kill them.
What if you're wrong, Gerry? What if there are no such things as howlers?
What if you made them up inside your head... explain the things your sister said your father did?
Great. Now they got you talking like Sigmund Freud.
lam on to you!
I know your tricks!
Besides, I've seen them... that picture that your partner showed me.
Pictures don't lie.
You saw them too.
If there are such things as howlers, Gerry,...
..they live only inside your head.
Six fingers, right?
- We've got the state police... - Why are there six?
We've got the state police looking as far south as Grand Rapids. Still no sign of her.
- Agent Mulder, what do we do? - Damn it.
One, two...
There's five headstones.
And the father makes six. Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!
Fan out! Check the tree line!
What does... What does this mean?
It means you need help, Gerry.
No, I think what it means is that I don't have much time left.
No, Gerry, stop!
In here!
Mulder, help! Mulder!
- Are you hurt? - No.
Get an ambulance!
Addendum to case report.
After his death,...
..a diary was found among Gerald Schnauz's belongings...
..written in the second person and apparently intended as an open letter to his father.
It includes the names of his victims.
The women he desired to save.
My name is contained in the last entry.
I have no further explanation for the existence of the photographs...
..nor am I confident one is forthcoming.
My captivity forced me to understand...
..and even empathize with Gerry Schnauz.
My survival depended on it.
I see now the value of such insight.
For truly to pursue monsters, we must understand them,,,,
..we must venture into their minds.
Only, in doing so,... we risk letting them venture into ours?
I made this!