The Watchful Eye (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Out Like a Light - full transcript

A blackout at The Greybourne traps Elena, Roman, Bennet, Ginny and Kim in the attic. Tory and Matthew grow closer. Alex makes a disturbing connection.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "The
Watchful Eye"...

Winthrop, Tory, Dick,

they're all gonna be there.

I'm going to find out
who's threatening us.

A seat on the board?
This is exactly what we wanted.

I'm gonna be a real Greybourne.

Where's Dick? I don't know.

Every time you interfere,
things get worse.

I love you, okay?

I just... I want
this to be over.

Then we're over. It's over.

Can this be our little secret?

Throwing away the key.

Maybe we
should just tell her.

Roman and I have only
hooked up a couple of times.

Sorry. I'm done.

I just got a text from you.

Someone took my phone.

I'm telling you.

Elena, who are you?


What do you want?

Well, I'm sorry, but
I had to do that.

You get that, right?

You know you can stop
after "I'm sorry."

You were gonna tell
Bennet everything.

You were gonna get
us completely busted.

No, I wasn't.

But whatever. I don't
want to talk right now.

Go find someone else to use.

Are you positive you
checked everywhere

in Ms. Ivey's?


You're unbelievable, dude.

All you care about is
getting what you want.

How can you say that?
I'm doing this for us.

For us?

This mission of yours
is a lost cause.

The ruby's not in that old
lady's apartment, and, yes,

I checked everywhere, short
of prying up the floorboards,

and, no, I'm not going
back in there for anything.

I didn't ask you to.

How am I supposed to
help you if I'm in jail

for breaking and entering, hmm?

But you don't care, 'cause
you're a shitty friend.

I'm a good friend that got
backed up into a shitty corner

because you couldn't
keep it in your pants

long enough for us
to find the thing.

Get it through your head.
The ruby's not in there.

We're not giving up.

"We" aren't doing anything.

Then why stay at the Greybourne?

What do you care?

Yes, ma'am, how can I help you?

Hey. Yes...



Hey. Where'd you go there?

Uh, sorry.

Anyway, you were saying?

Uh, dinner.

Dinner? Yeah.

I can get you a
gift certificate.

You can take a friend.

Oh. No. You don't
have to do that.

No, I know I don't, but...

Look, this is the happiest
I've seen Jasper since, um...

Anyway, I just... I just
want to say thank you.

I'll think about it.


Enjoy your day off.


Hi, Elena. Can I help you?

Is Dr. Ayres home?

Uh, no, he's golfing

with his awful cousin in Quogue.

The Hamptons.

Yeah, I know where Quogue is.

What did you need from him?

I was talking to him about
my plantar fasciitis,

and he said it wasn't his area,

but that he would
recommend a specialist,

and it's glamorous, I know.

Do you know when he'll be back?

I-I am not sure,

but I will let him
know you stopped by.


So, this is what's
happening now?

You're just leaving?

Great. Why?

Is this because I crashed
the party? I mean, come on.

You could've gotten
yourself killed.

Yeah, well, Dick Ayres never
came home from that gala.

I put an air tag
in Tory's purse,

so I know that she's been back

at the Greybourne Social House

four times this week.

Winthrop's offices are there.

They're obviously
working together.

I think they had Dick killed.

Oh, c... Okay, come... Why?

Just ask yourself, why would
she kill her own husband?

'Cause she wants
him out of the way,

because she wants
me out of the way.

These people don't care.

If they'd stoop low enough
to threaten my brother,

what's to stop them
from tossing Dick

into the East River?

Okay, I don't know
what else to do.

Start by finding out
where Dick Ayres is.

No, I mean... I don't know
what else to do about us.


Once we find the ruby,
that's gonna be it.

Hey, just...

You hold onto
'em. I trust you.

Maybe you shouldn't.


How about the
Greybourne Social House?

For dinner.

Best espresso martinis in
town, according to Yelp,

and I didn't get to
try any at the gala.

Uh, yeah. Sure.

I mean, it's a private club.

You need to be with
a member to get in.

Well, good thing I know one.

And I won't have
to be incognito.

Mm. We can show
our actual faces.


You're on.

What is this?

Sushi and spa night.

What do you think?

I-I got cozy new robes for us,

some hydrating face
masks, takeout from Nobu.

I got peeky toe crab for you.

I know it's your favorite.

Yeah, I would rather lobotomize
myself with a Jimmy Choo.

When's my dad getting back?

I'm not sure.

You know your father.

He's unreachable
on "the links."

Interesting. Yeah, his
clubs are in the closet.

Well, he's probably
using the extra set

he keeps in
Quogue. Yeah, sure.

Whatever you want
to tell yourself

so you can sleep at night.

Where are you going?

To get my ski parka
from the attic.

Delphine invited me to go
snowboarding with her family

in Portillo.

Portillo is in Chile.

You can't go to Chile.

You can't tell me what to do.

Come in.


Happy Going Away For Now.

Thank you.

I can't wait for three weeks
of "Sound of Music" cosplay

with the world's loudest twins.


Am I the first one here?

I told Alex and James
to come at 7:00.

I figured we could
pregame first.


What about Elena?

I didn't invite her.

Wine? Sure.

Uh, did you not invite
her for a reason?

Mm, nothing I feel
like getting into.

I'm done trying
to change people.

You can only change yourself.

Look at you, setting
healthy boundaries.

I try. I'm proud.

Thank you.

To good decisions?

To pre-gaming.

Roman, how many times
must I tell you?

The basement door remains shut.

Always. Never propped open.

I didn't leave it open.
It's open right now.

Please make sure it's
closed and keep it that way.

Yes, sir. It wasn't me!

Knock, knock. Who's
there? Sure. Come on in.

You can't keep snooping
around the building,

leaving doors open all
over the place, okay?

What are you talking about?

The basement?

I wasn't in the basement.

Well, someone left
the door open,

and Cecil just gave
me shit about it.

So, you're the only one
who would've done that.

Okay, Roman, I just said
I wasn't in the basement.

You said people are in
and out all the time,

so maybe Cecil's looking
for someone to blame.

Where you going?



Greybourne Social House.
Matthew's taking me.

Your boss is taking
you to dinner?


I thought we weren't supposed
to get involved with tenants.

I'm not involved with him.

I've been tracking
Tory all week,

and that's where
she's been going,

and she's involved
in all of this. Okay?

You need a member to get in.

And Matthew just
happens to be a member?

What is this, a Holiday Inn?

♪ We ain't got time for that ♪

♪ Free your mind, catch a
vibe or just hang on back ♪

♪ I'm in the back, all black ♪
with the world cap ♪

♪ No cap over seas,
with sum slimey cats ♪

Uh, hold the elevator, please.

♪ Keep hella herbs
in my travel pack ♪

♪ Racks on racks, Eye
need of all that ♪

No. Wait, wait!

Close one, huh?

This is where you're staying?

Yeah, it's their smallest
vacation property.

Um, it's a castle.

Oh, it's a schloss.

Oh. Mm-hmm.

They're really
slumming it this time.

Who knows. Maybe I
won't even come home.

Eh, if I were you,
I'd definitely stay.

America's starting to look
pretty bleak at this point.


I don't know. Hmm?

There are a couple
things here I may miss.

Oh, my God.

Bennet, you scared me.

Well, isn't this
déjà vu? We told you.

It's over. Right.

Because you've
moved on to Matthew.

Excuse me?

You heard me. Or I heard you.

Uh, pro tip... If
the power's out,

the elevator isn't
going to work.

Doesn't hurt to try.

Could be on a backup
generator or something.

I need to get downstairs.

Bennet, where are
the fire stairs?

There are none.

Huh? How is that legal?

It's a storage floor.

But they were built
as servants' quarters,

so what would the servants
do if there was a fire?

Just burn?

How very Triangle
Shirtwaist Factory of them.

Look, I know there are stairs
you can access from the roof,

but they're rusty and
I don't think they go

all the way down to the street.


So, we just have to jump
3 stories instead of 12.

Roman, is Cecil downstairs?

No, I'm the only
doorman on duty.

Uh, why are you up here then?

I was just bringing
a package to Elena.

Okay, should we
call the fire department?

No, there's no fire.
What are they gonna do?

Okay, everyone, calm down.

I'm sure the power will
be back on soon, okay?

It's probably just some
fuse that shorted out

because everyone's
running their A. C.

Everything will be
back to normal soon,

and we can all go
about our business.

Hey, we should light
some candles in your room

and preserve the
battery on our phones.

I'll come with you.


Safety in numbers.


There's a way out.


We're not telling
them about the stairs.

They're suspicious
enough already.

Oh, yeah?

Well, who told you that
Matthew and I are...

Why can't we just
tell them we found it?

No. The lights will
be on any time, okay?

Dude, if Cecil finds...

Hey, you guys
wanna come join us?

It's a tight squeeze, but
at least there's light.

I feel like it's
my duty to point out

this is a fire hazard.

The entire attic
is a fire hazard.

Yeah, all these candles
do make me feel like

I'm in a Jane Austen novel.

We should have a seance.

A seance?

Are you 12? Come on.

The lights are off,
the candles are lit.

We know you've seen a
lot of ghosts up here.

Okay, has anyone here
ever seen a horror film?

That is how they all start.

And then whoever had sex most
recently gets brutally murdered.

I think we might have a Ouija
board in the storage closet.

I can go grab it.

Yeah, I'm with
Ginny on this one.

I've seen that movie before,
and it does not end well.

We cleansed the
attic with palo santo.

There's nothing malevolent left.

I don't
know about that.

What's up?

See that?

The streetlights are on.

There's power everywhere else
except for the Greybourne.

Where did you say
the breakers were?

In the basement.

Where the door was left open.

You think someone
shut off the power?

And trapped us in an
attic we can't get out of.


It's you.

It's me...

and enough sushi to
feed a polar bear.

It's all gonna spoil

if the power doesn't
come back on soon.

And, um, I'm not a huge fan

of being alone in the dark.

Yeah. No.

Uh, how many polar bears
were you expecting?

I ordered it for me and Bennet.

I planned this whole spa
night, but she acted like

I asked her to drink bleach,

and, frankly,

I don't have any
fight left in me.

Watch it. Where's Jasper?

Oh, uh, he's at
Cassie's tonight.


Wait, you... You had
plans, didn't you?

It's probably gonna get
canceled because of...

I just assumed with
the power out...

What I meant to say is...

I don't want to impose.

No, I thought the power would
be up and running by now,

and if it doesn't
come on tonight,

we're probably gonna bail
on those plans anyway.

So, you and your sushi are
welcome to hang with me.

Ooh, what is this? Kampachi?

Where is that doorman?

Uh, maybe he's busy

trying to get the power back on.


I'm Alex, by the way.
And this is James.

Good for you.

And you are?

Tired of this conversation.

But if an answer will bring
it to a swift conclusion,

I'm Charlotte Greybourne Ivey.

Did you text Ginny to tell her

that we're stuck in here?

What? Oh, no.

This is just...


Are you seeing other people?

Well, yeah. Are you not?


Sorry, we just never had
a conversation about it.

I'm seeing a few other people.


A girl like you should
keep her options open.

I'm not a girl, but thanks.

So, like, how many is a few?

Found it.


Wait, you're leaving?


Don't want to be a fifth wheel.


What should we ask it?

Let's ask it how long we're
gonna get stuck up here.

You guys, this is a bad idea.

I have enough issues

with ghosts appearing
out of nowhere.

I don't need to invite them in.

Well, maybe if we ask them
what they want with you,

they'll stop appearing
out of nowhere.

Maybe they want the truth.

I don't think they
want anything.

I think we should figure
out how to get out of here,

'cause it's getting hot.

I need some air.

I'm gonna... figure
out what that was.

I found Teo playing
with one of these

after Dad died.

Was he trying to talk to him?

I think he was just
looking for answers.

He never got any, though.

Sometimes, no
answer is an answer.

Like, maybe they crossed
over to the other side.

They're at peace.

You believe in all that?

I don't know.

You're the one
talking to ghosts.

I swear, Roman, if
I find this ruby,

I'm gonna lose it.

Why don't we ask Jocelyn
where the ruby is?

I mean, we've exhausted
all other options, right?

What do we got to lose?

This is stupid.

I mean, what are
we supposed to say?

Hey, spirits, if
you're out there,

Jocelyn, specifically,

where did your
boyfriend hide the ruby?

She's not gonna answer you if
you don't ask respectfully.

Was that you?



What does that
mean? I don't know.


I think we should
write this down.


What is it?


Pen and a paper.

Hey, did you just
blow out my candles?

No. But sorry!





It's like a coded message.

Or a password to a safe.



We keep getting more questions,

and I'm running out of time.

Alright, dude, I'm just
trying to help, okay?

Well, unless you're a
professional codebreaker,

I don't know how
you're gonna help.

Alright. Fine.
I'll just leave.

Does that help?

Do you think Elena and Roman

are, like, extra close?

What, like, they're hooking up?

I don't know. Maybe.

I mean, he did "bring
her a package."

God, it's so hot in here.

I'm burning up.


Oh. Are you okay?

Yeah. No, I'm
just... I'm an idiot.

Let me see that.


Yeah. ♪ What kind
of love is this? ♪

♪ What kind of love is this? ♪

Can you turn that off, please?

What do you want?

To say sorry.


Sorry for what?

For sleeping with me when
you have a girlfriend?

Elena isn't my girlfriend.

Right, because now she's
going after Matthew.

So, she dumped you
for the rich guy,

and I was the rebound.

What a beautiful story.

Look, Bennet, I don't
know anything about that.

And I have no idea how
this all got so messed up.

The truth is that I
was coming up here

that night to end
things with Elena.

And you didn't think to do that

before you had sex with me?


I mean, no, I did...

Look, I didn't even know that
being with you was possible.

I literally stand at
the front desk all day,

just waiting for you
to come to the door.

Well, it's the job
of a doorman, so...


Go on.

I've never felt this
way about anyone,

and I'm terrified
that I messed it up.

I know you deserve better,

and I want to give that to you.

I-I want to be better.

Oh, no. I'm sorry.

That is a crocodile. You lose.

I should at least
get partial credit.

Oh, no, no.

You get no credit, because
clearly, you can see

the, uh, the V-shaped snout.


So, how are things
going with you and Dick?

You know Dick. It'd be
the zombie apocalypse,

and he'd find his way
to the ninth hole.

Tory, it's me.

You can tell me the truth.


The truth?

That's a concept.

I don't think Dick and I

have ever told each
other the truth.

We're fine, really.

It's just a little bumpy air.

Who's that?

Ah, no.

No one.

Have you ever dated
a non-binary person?


Okay, well, not to be

too on-the-nose or mansplain-y,

but I just want to make
sure you understand

I'm not a woman.

Alright, I-I... Sure, most
days, I dress feminine,

but that expression
is just that...

An expression, not a gender.

And even though we
may look like a cis,

hetero couple, we're not.


So, if I'm with you, I'm not
considered straight anymore.

I can't tell you
what you are, James.

That's something you have
to figure for yourself.

You should listen to Alex.

This person knows what
they're talking about.

Don't look so shocked.
I went to Vassar.

Pour me a drink, James,
since we all seem

to be living in
this elevator now.

Okay. Yes.

It takes courage to live a life

others don't understand, Alex.

When I was young,
you could not deviate

from what was expected of you.

My mother was so controlling,

she dyed my hair
brown as a child

because my natural red hair
was a sign of the devil.

I bet the red suited you.

It did.

Half the Rolling
Stones thought so, too.

The Rolling Stones?

Like the band?

The '60s and '70s in
New York were a blast.

Studio, Maxwell's Plum.

Okay, we need a selfie.

Got it.

I wish my life was half
as interesting as yours.

Oh, the grass is always greener.

Sure, I was the
queen of the disco,

but I never surfed
Tamarama Beach.

What's Tamarama Beach?

It's a beach in Australia.

I grew up surfing there.



Rome, where are you?

What's up? Look.

Who's Rod Stewart?

I don't think we're safe here.

If Ms. Ivey is
in the elevator,

we can use the staircase to
get through the apartment.

Guys, come! Elena
found a way out!

Yeah, I'm
not going down there.

Come on. We have to.

Maybe this leads to an
apartment on the 12th floor.

Watch your head.

It's Mrs. Ivey's.

Is it weird that she
has a secret dungeon?

I do not
mess with Mrs. Ivey.

Come on.

Yeah, we probably shouldn't
mention that we saw this

or that we used it

or that we were
in her apartment.

Yeah, um, I wanna
live to see tomorrow.

You coming?

I forgot something upstairs.

I'll meet you down there.



"Sixth step."



Jocelyn! No!

What's wrong?! Jocelyn!

"Dear Jocelyn..."

"All my love, Alistair."


So, I told him,

I'm not interested
in anything serious,

and he cried.

The whole party could hear him
blubbering from the next room.


To have been a fly on the wall

while you break Rex
Harrison's heart.

I'm sure you've been
to some great parties.

I can spot someone with
real style a mile away.


Okay, we did sneak

into the Save New
York gala next week.

We? Mm-hmm.

Ginny, Elena, and I.

Oh, the chicken
Kiev... Who made that?

Chef's kiss.

So good.

Oh. The power's on.

Thank God.

Thank you for an
interesting evening.

I hope never to repeat it.

I can't believe the stairs
are right next to my room.

Yeah, this place is straight
out of a horror movie.

There's Alex.

Oh, my God. I thought
I'd never see you again.

We are lucky to be
alive right now.

Okay, don't need
to be so dramatic.

You drunk?

Little drunky?

No. We were stuck
in an elevator

the whole time with
Mrs. Ivey. Mrs. Ivey.

Yeah, so we cracked into the
pregame alcohol a little bit.


Oh, yeah, you are
lucky to be alive.

And I'm gonna take Alex to a
diner to sober up a little.


No, I'm gonna hang
out for a little bit.

Go get some food.

Future Alex will thank you.

I do want Future Me to be happy.

Everybody does.

Okay. Let's go.

I guess you have to be up
early to jet off to Europe.

Yes. I still have to go
pack all my lederhosen.

I know it's a few weeks away,

but when I get back, can
I take you on a date?


Yeah, yeah.

Uh, you know, unless you
meet some fetching milk maid

and marry her for
Swiss citizenship.

I'm lactose intolerant,

so it's not really
gonna work for me.


Give my best to
your new Swiss wife.

Mm. She's so
excited to meet you.


Could you open the door?

Please, open the door!

Please! Please!

Please open the door!

Please don't leave me in here.



Help me.

I got stuck.

Who's Roman to you?

Roman's the doorman.

Maybe my question wasn't
clear the first time I asked,

so I'll try again.

Who is Roman to you?

He's my best friend.

You've known him two weeks.

I've known him my whole life.

I put him up for the job.

Ginny, my dad is dead
because of the Greybournes.

They killed your dad?

They screwed over my
family and Roman's, too.

They torched our entire block

and then bought the
land for pennies.

We lost everything.

My dad took his own life.

So, you two are here to do what?

Take down the Greybournes?

They have to pay
for what they did.

And that's all I can tell
you, for your own safety.

Are you serious?
That ship has sailed.

These texts are freaking me out.

Look, I never wanted anyone
else to get involved.

Thanks to you, Elena, I
am now very much involved.

You are in so far
over your own head,

and you don't even know it.


You escaped the attic.

Yeah, I was worried
you were gonna melt.

No. We were fine.

It was... It wasn't that hot.

I-I know it's late,

but there's still time
to go to dinner if...




Uh, I was gonna take
Elena out for dinner.


Just the two of you?

Oh, it was just like a...

Funny you didn't
mention that earlier.

Hmm. Just to thank her for
being so great with Jasper.

Unfortunately, Tory and
I ate all this sushi,

so I think we're gonna
have to take a rain check.

Uh, maybe a blackout check.

No, yeah. Totally.


Tory, how's Dick's
golfing trip going?


I try not to get too
involved in his boys' trips.

What happens in Quogue...

I'd offer you some wine,
but you must be exhausted.

Sounds like a rough night.


I should charge
my phone anyways.

Do you know what I
think when my phone rings

in the middle of the night?
I think somebody's dead.

Yes, sir. I understand.

Do you think I like
having to come here

in the middle of the night
to fix your mistakes?

I'm calling the
union first thing.

Hey, Cecil, it was my fault.

Roman was helping
me... Ms. Santos,

I'm not in the mood to
hear your excuses tonight.

Oh, okay. I understand.

Maybe Candace would
like to hear my excuses.

I'll call her right up.

You think her husband is home?

Don't let it happen again.

If I ever see that desk
empty on your watch again,

you're gone.

You're terrifying.


Hey, I can talk to Bennet...

Try and smooth things over?

No. Please don't.

You've already done enough.

We're all good now.

But just so you know,
cover story-wide,

we had a stupid fling and it
never meant anything to me.

We'll always have Paris.

But on a serious note,
we're equals now, okay?

I'm done being your lapdog.


I think you were right,
about the power outage.

It wasn't an
accident. I went down,

I checked the breaker box,
and it was all messed up.

The cameras are out, too,
so... it was planned.

Hello? Scott: Hey,
where you been?

Looks like you were right.


Your friend Dick Ayres...

He's definitely
not on a golf trip.

I looked into his recent
card charges... nothing.

Not a thing since
the day of the gala.

Then I saw his joint
bank account with Tory

was emptied out, by Tory.

Tory. Are you coming on?

Otis, please tell me
where my husband is.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Your husband is at
home, safe and sound.

Oh, Dick!



You might be right about Tory.

Hey, I gotta go.
Someone's at the door.

I'll give you a call back.

You're Detective Macedo, right?

Ruby Greybourne.