The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Doma Smo - full transcript

Tensions between Maggie and Negan come to a head; Ginny's search continues; questions arise around Armstrong's path forward.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
on Dead City...

I help you, and no more of this

dragging me back to
New Babylon bullshit.

When this is over, will you
look after Ginny for me?

You're trying to go after Negan?

What do you think
he's wanted for?

Stealing a loaf of bread?

Go, Ginny, go!

- Hershel!
- Mom!

Negan is the
key to getting him back.

He's on the island. I saw him.

Where is he?

There is absolutely no way Negan
will be getting off this island.

Maggie? Maggie!

What are you doin' here? How
the hell did you get here?

Ginny! Ginny!

- You know about this?
- No.

She just turned up at the arena,

right before the
walkers came, and...

You can't be here.

I think she just
wanted to be with you.

- The flare.
- We gotta go.

You can't be
here. You hear me?

I can't protect you and help
Maggie. There was a plan.

Her and I, we come
here, we get Hershel.

You stay with her people,
where you're safe!

That was the whole
goddamn point!

That you stay safe. And
you know that, Ginny.

- Shit!
- I can take her back.

You finish what you started.

I can take her where
she needs to go.

Listen to me, you're
gonna go with him.

And he'll keep you
safe. He is good people.

Ginny, I can't go with you,
and you can't stay with me.

Hell, you do not
want to stay with me.

You don't know me, kid.

I am not who you think I am.

I... want you to...


All these months and
now you want to chat?

I killed your dad.

I'm not wanted for
robbing a wagon train.

I killed five men.

And your dad, he
was one of them.

It's why I tracked
you down to the farm.

Why I let you tag along,
'cause I knew you had no one.

You? You're just a
debt that I had to pay.

That's it.

I got you. Come on.
Let's go. Come on.

Time to go.

You should sleep.
I can keep watch.

It's all right, I'm good.

Besides, he shows up, two sets
of eyes are better than one.

What you did back there,
that couldn't have been easy.

You think the plan's gonna work?

I'll say this, he was
surprisingly glad to see my ass.

Water under the bridge, he said.

It's not like our reunion
went off without a hitch, but,

with all our history,
that brotherly bullshit,

I have a feelin' he and I may
be able to work something out.

For me, it wasn't the
Statue of Liberty.

It was Macy's.

When I was little,
after my mom got sick,

I'd crawl into bed with her
and she'd tell me stories.

About Santa.

The real Santa.

Sometimes he'd come
down from the North Pole

to the Macy's store in Manhattan
and visit all the kids.

And I used to daydream that
one day I'd go to New York,

walk into that Macy's,

become best friends
with the real Santa.

He'd take all my
toys that I'd lost

or that had been broken,

and he'd find a way
to replace them.

And there it is.

there's smoke, huh?

Guess you were right all along.

Let's go.


You were inside the
sewers with Ginny.

What do you think she
was trying to tell me?

I don't know, maybe she
knew that you'd be mad at her

for coming and just
wanted to explain herself.

Goddamnit, Maggie. We
don't have to do this.

Stop. Stop!

Drop it.

Here's what I'm thinking.

The Croat never took your
grain, just your kid.

For collateral, sure,

but he was never coming
back for no harvest.

He wanted me.

And for what? Who
the hell knows.

But whatever that crazy son
of a bitch wants with me,

I sure as shit
ain't gonna like it.

You and I both know that much.

The shit thing is, Maggie,

we could have done it.

We could have saved Hershel.

Because you and I together, we
made one hell of a badass team.

But you know that, don't you?

Maybe some part of you always
wanted it to end this way.

The fact is, Maggie, it doesn't
matter what excuses I give you

or how many apologies I offer,

you can't get over it.

And you shouldn't.


Welcome home.

We first looked
for you at the Sanctuary.

It was a husk
abandoned long ago,

which was depressing.

And after searching up and
down the mainland for God knows

how many months,

I learned of your status.

Four men and a magistrate.

You, you, you.

And then I found Jerome.

He was not much interested
in reminiscing, but

he was alone and weak.

And I convinced him to
talk. And he told me a story

that excited my curiosity.

The story of the widow.

Either way, I saw
that you could help.

Strong, smart.

Vulnerabilities to be exploited.

And most of all,

you needed a little
push, yes, but...

you had your own incentives.

Still, I never expected
you to pull it off.

But you did. You found him.

And brought him home.

Doma smo, eh?

You know, for a moment when
I saw you on the catwalk

all alone, I thought
to myself, lucky me.

I get to have Negan
and the child.

Nah, it's okay.

He's enough.


Just look after Ginny, will you?

That's all I ask.

How do we do this?

Well, we both want
the same thing, no?

It's good to see you, kid.

It was like
a maze full of sculptures

made up of whatever they
could find, I guess.

But, uh, I tracked him down,

got him up against a wall,

had a gun on him.

He made a move to
get away, and...

I shot him, killed him.

Got him!
Got the son of a bitch...

Let him finish!

I want to hear the rest.

much more to tell.

Got back to my boat.
Car was where I left it.

Enough ethanol to get me
home in one straight shot.

Shame you had to
shoot him, though.

As a marshal, I'm licensed
to administer justice...

No, I know all about that.

Just saying it would have been
nice to put him on display.

Make a statement.

No thank you, ma'am.

How are your girls, by the way?

Marjorie, Bea and... Dessie?

Don't worry, we looked out
for them while you were gone.

I should pay them a visit.

Let 'em know all about
their daddy's heroics.

How hard he works to
protect our body politic.

I knew you couldn't
help yourself.

You know what went
into making that cigar?

You see, the thing is,
gotta cure the leaves

at a temperature of 100 degrees.

And a temperature like that,

an exact temperature.

What's the optimal way
to keep that going?

Central heating.

But ethanol comes from corn,

which takes up thousands
of acres of fields.

So what I'd like
you to do, Marshal,

I'd like you to tell
me your story again.

And this time,

I want you to tell me
all about the methane.

I can't begin to imagine
what you went through.

- I hope that you know I...
- I was fine.

That's because you're brave...

All I ever do back
home is wait for

the next bad thing to happen.

If anything, I felt
safer back there.

You should eat something.

Not hungry.

It's not about being
hungry, it's about...

If I say I'm not hungry, it
means that I'm not hungry.

I can only guess what
they were feeding you.

So what? You gonna
force me to eat?

No, I'm not gonna
force you to eat.

Whatever. Just... forget it.

What's this? Is it for me?

It was a gift.


Got me a souvenir
for being kidnapped.


It's like the one
you used to wear.

You do what you want with it.

Having you back,

there are not words I can
use to express how glad I am.


Of course.

Seemed like you
cared more about,

I don't know,

revenge or whatever.

What are you talking about?

It's like you're
obsessed with him.

With Negan. With what he did.

Getting him back.
You've always...

Hershel. I came for you.

And I'm right
here. But you don't see me.

It's like my whole life you've
been looking over my shoulder,

watching for him,
waiting for him.

That is not true!

But you never see me.

Whatever. Doesn't matter.

Do you remember

our second visit to
the River People?

The first visit was
friendly, welcoming.

You told them what
they had to provide,

and then you told them what
will happen if they didn't.

Hence, the second visit.

You breezed right
up to their leader

like an actor commanding
the stage. Like a rock star.

But what is a rock star
without his microphone?

So, out came Lucille.

Then you turned,

and you offered her to me.

I didn't understand.

I'd only just arrived
at the Sanctuary.

I was nothing. I was broken.

But you saw something in me.

Not what I was.

But what I could become.

And you let me
have a crack at it.

Of course, I had
no idea what I was doing.

My first swing, I
completely missed.

The second time, I,
I overcompensated.

I pounded him with
far too much force.

I was lucky he was
still breathing.

But you didn't
get upset with me.

No, you took your time.

You had the patience

to show me

how to do it right.

And then once his face was
just a puddle on the ground

and I looked around

and I saw

what you told me I'd see.

Complete and total submission.

We were untouchable.

No one could ever take
anything from us again.

You remember that?

I do.

It was beautiful, huh?

It was.

You know, it took
me a long time...


to finally understand what
had happened between us.

I shouldn't have
killed the girl.

You told me not to,

and I disobeyed you.

And I became the threat
that needed to be handled.

I promise you,

that will never happen again.



I've been, um...

thinking about what you said.

Y'know, for a long time,
for most of my life,

I felt like the
world kept taking...

and kept taking and, um,

I think at some point,

I thought that if I could
just fight hard enough,

I'd be able to get it back.

A little piece of it at least...

But it doesn't work that way,

because you just end
up losing what you got.

And I don't want to
keep doing that anymore.

I don't know how,

but this thing with Negan...

I'm gonna finish it.

So that I can just let it go.

My battles with the tribe,
the rats I had to exterminate,

that was practice
for the war to come.

Once we have full
control of the island,

Dama says a clash of
civilizations is inevitable.

So when I told her about
all the good you had done,

all the people you had
saved and protected,

she said you are
the missing piece.

I never imagined

I'd find another home
with someone after you.

I can't wait
for you to meet her!

Like Mommy and Daddy
coming together. You know?


Dama, I take great pleasure
in introducing you...

Thank you.

Well. Let's begin.
Let's get to it.

I think our guest and
I should take some time

to get acquainted.

But I appreciate
the introduction.

Of course.

Of course.

God, he's like a sponge. Sit.

I'm good. I have a
funky cramp in my leg,

buggin' the shit outta me.

I hear brandy is
good for cramps.


It's good for everything.

Yeah, I gotta tell you,
I'm more of a gin man.

It's a delight to
finally meet you.

To find out that you
are not, in fact,

the product of
someone's psychosis.

I heard about your
performance at the bank.

The taunting, the joking,

that extra but
absolutely necessary

pinch of gruesomeness.

Shock and awe and all that.


I told you,

I'm a gin man.

Don't tell me you're
spooked by the cops.

Oh, it's not the cops
I'm worried about.

It's the forces behind them.

Wherever a natural
resource abounds,

they'll come for it

like a sneaking,
thieving pack of hyenas.

The island needs leadership.
Now more than ever.

Someone with confidence,
fearlessness, charisma,

that special, shall we
say, political talent.

For what is politics
if not performance?


Tell me,

why would I help you?

There are others.

Settlements as far
north as Harlem.

If we can unite
them under one rule,

we'll be indomitable.

And all of it, that
can all be yours again.

The keys to the kingdom.

But how can I be sure?

Maybe you're not the
man you used to be.

Maybe you never were.


What the hell is this?

My former guest
and I had a lot of talks.

He told me this story of a
man who murdered his father

not just in front of
his mother, but him,

the unborn baby in her belly.

And I could sense in
the rest of this story

what he himself couldn't.

That his father's killer
might feel remorseful,

responsible for the boy
whose family he destroyed.

Well, of course, he only told me
this once he felt safe with me.

And here you are, come
all this way to save him.

As you know, I eventually let
him go in exchange for you.

But I kept a little
piece of him.

And I can always
go back for more.

Make it last.

We have a lot to discuss.

A lot to plan for.

Eli: Hi, I'm Eli Jorné, EP
and showrunner of "Dead City,"

and this is episode
six, "Doma Smo."

It's a Croatian phrase,
and it means "we are home."

You brought them home.

So, when Negan sees
Ginny in episode six,

it's, like, the worst thing
that he wants to see happen.

You stay with her people
where you're safe.

That was the whole damn point!

She's here in this
dangerous place

just when they're on the
cusp of hopefully, you know,

getting this thing over with.

You know, she hasn't
spoken since her dad died.

That's how painful
it was for her.

I want you to... No.

All these months and
now you want to chat?

And then he realizes that
if he's gonna stop her

and... and make her go back

and make her get away from
him once and for all...

I killed your dad.

He has to tell her
that, you know,

something that he knows

will probably make
him lose her forever,

but it'll at least
keep her safe.

And I think that's the
ultimate sacrifice.

You're just a debt
that I had to pay.

I got you. Come on, let's go.

So, eventually, Maggie and
Negan get into a fight.

I think it's the fight
we've all been waiting for.

You know, we found
an amazing location.

That's a weird thing to say,
but it was kind of a dream

to see this fight unfold.


When Negan has his
knife to Maggie's throat

and he drops it
and he steps back,

I think that action
itself is essentially

starting to say to her,
"This is as it should be."

I think he knows that he
has to take responsibility.

And beyond that, I think
there's something in him

that fears what he is.

It doesn't matter what
excuses I give you

or how many apologies I offer.

You can't get over it.

And you shouldn't.

Maggie has tricked Negan.

The Croat demanded that Maggie,
you know, bring Negan to her,

only then she would
get her son back.

A-And she has the
knife to his throat.

And I think there's just a
moment where she's realizing,

"O-Of course I want my
son back, but I also...

How do... how do I feel about

turning over this person
that I've come to see

is maybe not exactly the
person I thought he was."

He helps her put her
family back together,

and in turn, he will
suffer for what he's done.

I can't begin to imagine
what you went through.

There's a moment when
Maggie and Hershel

are parked out in the car.

Hershel kind of
explodes at his mom

a-and calls out the
fact that, you know,

"Were you really here for
me, or were you really here

to punish Negan?"It's
like my whole life,

you've been looking
over my shoulder,

watching for him,
waiting for him.

That is not true!
But you never see me.

And she's realizing
that just things

are not as black and white as
she once thought they were.

And she has to wonder if what
she's done to Negan is right

and if it's gonna help
any of them heal at all.

That's what's going through
her mind in that moment

is she's kind of wrestling
with what she's done to him.

Well, at the end
of, uh, episode six,

which is the end of the season,

The Dama kind of lays out what
she what she wants out of Negan.

The Dama has just
shown him Hershel's toe

and basically said,

"If you're not the
man I need you to be,

you better become that
person, you know, or else."

And Negan, his
expression kind of falls,

because he realizes
that he's trapped.

And this is kind of worse

than any torture he
would have expected.

On some level, I think
he felt he deserved that.

But the one thing he's
not looking forward to

is letting the monster out.

And that's essentially what
The Dama is asking of him.

Make it last. We have
a lot to discuss.

The end of episode six,

we've got this split
screen kind of image

where Maggie and Negan are
almost, like, sharing a face.

And, um, to me, that kind
of is the larger metaphor

for... for what's
happened in this season

is these two people who
started out so far apart,

and in coming together,

they've started to
understand one another,

and they're starting
to see that,

you know, there is this way out.

It's probably a long way off,

but it has to be
through each other.