The Walking Dead (2010–…): Season 5, Episode 4 - Slabtown - full transcript

After being separated from Daryl, Beth finds herself in Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, now controlled by what's left of the police force.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey! Hello!


Everything's okay. Okay?

Put it down.
Drop it right now.

I'm Dr. Steven Edwards.

This is Officer Dawn Lerner.
How are you feeling?

Where am I?

Grady Memorial Hospital
in Atlanta.

How did I get here?

My officers found you
on the side of the road

surrounded by rotters.

Your wrist was fractured

and you sustained
a superficial head wound.

Can you remember your name?


The man I was with,
is he here, too?

You were alone.

If we hadn't saved you,
you'd be one of them right now.

So you owe us.

Couple of them out there
were on a run about a week ago.

They found two boxes of Bisquick

and a Merle Haggard tape
at a truck stop,

and then this gentleman
under a bridge.

Cardiac arrest
and extreme dehydration.

I tried to do what I could.

Wait, that's it?

If patients don't show
any signs of improvement...

Well, Dawn calls it.

- Hold up.
- ♪ The sun has finally come ♪

♪ Time to toss the flowers
the patient say ♪

♪ A key lime pie ♪

♪ Pulled apart for five ♪

♪ To wash the last surprise ♪

♪ This ain't rational ♪

♪ The dawn will burst ♪

♪ The room will flood with light ♪

♪ You were born a little low ♪

♪ Never mind the other... ♪

Come on.
Body's getting cold.

♪ It's been so long... ♪

How many people live here?

Just enough to keep us going.

Some of us started here.
Some came as patients.

Everyone has a job.

Can't we bury him?

No, we only go out
when we need to.

It may not be the most
dignified disposal system,

but we work with what we have.

We've managed to secure
and guard the stairwells,

but the windows are blown out
on the ground floor.

Rotters find their way
into the basement

when they hear a noise.

And if the bodies are warm,
or warm enough,

they clean up some of the mess.

Use everything you can use.

Plus it's the fastest way down.

You're looking better and better.

We had a lead on some guns,

so me and my partner
were pretty far out.

That's when we saw you,

wriggling in the road.

You don't remember me, huh?

I was fighting a walker.

And then everything went black.

Yeah, one was eyeing your thighs
when we showed up.

But I got there first.

Jacked that rotter up.

I'm Gorman.

When someone does you a favor,

it's a courtesy to show
some appreciation.

Unless you want me to write down
everything you're taking.

Everything costs
something, right?


Well, find Joan.

Until then,
you've got laundry duty

and I want my uniform...

...washed separately
and pressed.

I know.


I used to feel like
I was drowning in research.

Now the oceans are dry

and I'm suffocating in boredom.

You're lucky.

If you feel safe enough
to be bored,

you're lucky.

That's Junior Kimbrough.
You like it?

I can't remember the last time
I heard a record.

It's one of the few perks I get

for being the only doctor here.

That and whatever this is?

Guinea pig.

Where's your food?

The more I take,
the more I owe, right?


Have you ever tried guinea pig?

I didn't think so.

You wouldn't call it a perk.

Sit down.

Dawn doesn't have to know.
Come on.




It's good enough for Peru.

It's a Caravaggio.

I found it on the street
outside the High.

Like trash.

It's beautiful.

It doesn't have a place anymore.

Art isn't about survival.

It's about transcendence.

Being more than animals.

Rising above.

We can't do that anymore?

I don't know.

I sing.

I still sing.

- We got a new one.
- Found his wallet.

His name is Gavin Trevitt.

Fell from
a first floor apartment

trying to get away from some.

He's lost a lot of blood
and his vitals are dropping.

I don't think
he's gonna make it.

- We've already given him gas...
- I got this.

You said you wanted
to save people, so save him.

I don't even know
the extent of his injuries.

Look, this one's a loser.

You said you didn't want me
wasting resources.

Well, today I want you to try.

Okay, plug the EKG
and the ultrasound

into that battery pack.
Go. Good.

Good, good, good.
Now attach it to the patient.

Tension pneumothorax.
Punctured lung.

Beth, I need a large hollow
needle in that cabinet.

Is he gonna make it?

He fell from a building, Dawn.

Is he going to make it?

You see these bruises?

He has internal bleeding,

but I need a CAT scan
to know how bad.

And even if I could
determine that,

I don't have the tools
to save him.

I told you, this was a waste
of resources.

Steve, try to grasp
the stakes here.

Is she always like that?

Only on her bad days.

It's unfortunate for us
that's the only kind she has.

Noah left you a new shirt.

What's wrong with this one?

She likes things neat.

She must love your office.

We all have ways
of making her pay.

I'll wait for you outside.

Dawn needs you, now.

She's lucky we found her.

Whatever you were thinking,
it wasn't worth it.

Okay, you have two choices.

Either we cut off your arm
or you do.

Screw you and your little bitch!

- Smart-ass whore.
- Gorman, get out of here!

It's anesthetic. You need it.

- Go to hell.
- She made her choice. Do it.

Do it.

No, no, no!
I said leave me alone!

We're not going to let you die.

We are not going to let you turn.

Where do you think you're going?

- I can't help.
- Do you want her to die?

Beth, I need you
to hold her down.

Do it now. Now.

- It's okay. It's okay.
- Come on.

Keep your hands off me!

I'm not going back to him!

You don't have to.

- You can't control them.
- I will.

Beth, you ready?

You okay?

I'm Noah...

of the Lollipop Guild.


Thanks for that.

Figured you could
use a pick-me-up

after this morning.

Guess I should have
brought the whole jar.

Here, this should fit.

You know what
happened with Joan?

If she'd have stayed,
worked for a while,

couldn't she have just left?

I haven't seen it
work like that yet.

How long have you been here?

I guess about a year.

Dad and I were
both pretty messed up

when they found us.

They said that they could
only save one.

For the longest time,
I actually believed them.

Now I get it.

Dad was bigger, stronger.

Would have fought back.

Would have been a threat.

They left him behind on purpose?

And Dawn just looked
the other way.

See, she's in charge,
but just barely.

And it's getting worse.

It's why I'm out of here
when the time is right.

I came looking for my uncle.

Gotta get back to my mom.

Where's home?



We had walls.

See, they think I'm scrawny.

They think I'm weak.

But they don't
know shit about me.

About what I am.

About what you are.

Shepherd, you've already
pulled a double.

- I got it from here.
- Yes, ma'am. Thanks.

I know you didn't
have breakfast.

Peace treaty?

I don't need much.

I'm not staying any longer
than you make me.

You know, you shouldn't
see this as a sentence.

I'm giving you food,
clothes, protection.

When have those things
ever been free?

I never asked for your help.

But you needed it.

Try to look at
the good we're doing.

Hard as it was,
we saved Joan's life.

Trevitt's life.
We saved your life.

I'm keeping
all of us going here.

That is not a small thing.

It's taken a lot
to get us here, Beth.

And I believe that what we had
before all of this isn't over.

And when we're finally rescued,

when this nightmare ends,

we're gonna need to rebuild.

You don't really think
someone's coming for us?

There's still people like us, Beth.

People trying to keep
the world alive, to fix it.

Until then,
we all have to contribute.

To compromise.

If we take, we give back.

It's only fair.

So keep working off what you owe

and you'll be
out of here in no time.

- If that's what you want.
- It is.

Well, then you have to eat.

Otherwise, you'll get weak.

You won't heal,
you'll require more treatment,

and you won't be able
to do your job.

I know you didn't ask for this.

I didn't either.


That's really nice.

I'll get Dr. Edwards.

No, please.

Not yet.

I'm so sorry.

She can control them.

But she doesn't
because it's easier.

Because she's a coward.

What did he do to you?

It doesn't matter.

I guess it's easy to make
a deal with the devil

when you're not the one
paying the price.

Lose something?

This is yours, ain't it?


Sour apple.

Like the kind Dawn
acquired from pediatrics.

Suppose you could have a taste.

See if it rings any bells.

- I don't want it.
- Oh, come on, now.

I just want to be sure

I'm returning this
to its rightful owner.

Ah, ah.

Yeah. That's right.

- That's right. That's right.
- Leave her alone.

The girl should have been mine.

Nobody's yours, Gorman.


And if you think
you're getting Joan back...

Oh, I'm gonna get her back.

You think Dawn's gonna stop me?

I will.

You stepping up, Doc?

What happens when
you get sick, Gorman?

When you get an infection?

When you get bit?


I think there's
gonna be somebody.

Somebody who ain't you.


And maybe somebody
in charge who ain't her.

Why do you stay?

You could leave
whenever you want.

Why do you stay here?

Welcome to the ground floor
of Grady Memorial Hospital.

This isn't a way out.
There isn't one.

Not from here.

Why'd you bring me here?


When I start thinking
about it too much,

I come down to look at this.

Why'd you bring me here?

You asked why I stay.

Come on.
Let me tell you a story.

When everything started,

Dawn reported to a guy
named Hanson.

They had orders
to clear the hospital

and move everyone
to Butler Park.

It was close to midnight
when we heard the jets,

the bombs.

The screams.

I was on the third floor.

Dawn and Hanson's teams
were doing a final sweep,

and we knew it was bad.

Just didn't know how bad
till we came up here.

The city had fallen.

And everyone we evacuated...

they were just gone.

We kept mostly
to ourselves at first.

Till the food ran out.

We started going out on runs,
a few of us at a time.

We'd see people who needed help.

Barely holding on,

but we were barely
holding on ourselves.

Came a time I couldn't
look away anymore.

I found this kid,

napalm burns on his clothes,

his skin.

Dawn said we couldn't
spare the resources.

So we struck a deal.

I'd use what I could to heal him
and he'd compensate us

for those resources
through service.


You're not the problem.

We lost people.

That was the problem.

Hanson cracked.

He made some calls
that got people killed.

Dawn took care of things.

She took care of him.

She saw us past it.

Kept us together.

Kept us alive.

You call this living?

I'm still breathing.

Patients we brought here,
they're still breathing.

Outside these walls,

alone, unprotected,
they'd be dead.

We'd be dead.

We're not the ones who make it.

As bad as it gets,

it's still better
than down there.

I should get back.

How about you look in
on Mr. Trevitt

- and call it a day?
- Okay.

He's stable, due for another
75mg of Clozapine.

And tomorrow we'll start fresh.


Still at it, huh?





What did you do to him?

I... I...

He was fine until the two of you
were alone with him.

Something happened.
I want you to tell me.

It was an accident.
Beth left to get some gauze.

I was mopping-

I must have unplugged
the ventilator somehow.

- It only stopped for a minute.
- But that's...

I got it working again.

Take him to my office.

Dawn, it was an accident.
It was an accident.

That's not what happened.

He just...
he just started seizing.


Well, you gave him
Clonazepam, right?

Cloz... Clozapine.

You said Clozapine.

No, I didn't.


Beth, we need to deal with Mr. Trevitt
while he's still warm.

- I have to stop it!
- Please, stop!

- Please!
- We can't... you can't stop it.

You really think I didn't know?

Noah's smart.

Probably my best worker.

But that story he told
about the ventilator?

Boy's not much of a liar.

If you knew, then why did you...

I didn't want to.
I had to.

A good man's mistakes

almost ended everything for us,

and I'll be damned
if I'm gonna let that happen again.

Every sacrifice we make

needs to be
for the greater good.

The second it isn't,

the second we lose
sight of that,

it's all over.

The thing is, you're not
the greater good.

- You're not strong enough.
- I am strong.

How many people had to risk
their lives to save you?

In here, you are part
of a system.

The wards keep
my officers happy.

The happier my officers are,

the harder they work
to keep us going.

And this hasn't been easy.

There have been compromises,

but it's working.

And after they rescue us,

we're gonna help put
the world back together.

Because we're the ones
holding on.

That's the good we're doing here.

That's the good you're doing here.

That's what makes you
worth something.

But out there...

you are nothing...

except dead
or somebody's burden.

- That's bullshit.
- Oh, yeah?

I saw this the night
you came in.

Is this bullshit, too?

Some people just aren't
meant for this life,

and that's okay...

as long as they
don't take advantage

of the ones who are.

It's not as bad as it looks.

I'm okay.


It barely even hurts.

Dawn needed Trevitt
for something.

I know that's what
that was about.

Screwed-up thing is,

she's trapped, too.

We're not trapped.

I'm going with you.

Basement's the fastest way out.

Any noise and we got rotters.

So we won't make noise.

I can keep an eye on Dawn.

She keeps a spare key
to the elevator banks

somewhere in her office.

Think you can find it?


In the back.

Hey there.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Dawn was just asking
for her key.

Was she, now?

See, I was just with Dawn

and I don't seem
to remember that.

It's okay.

Maybe she doesn't have to know.

Maybe there's another solution.

You know?

A little win-win for both of us.

So how about it, Bethy?

We gonna work
something out here?

Good girl.

Now, Joan, she's not
such a team player.

Lucky for me...

you're not a fighter.

Yeah, it may just be the battery.

I'll stop in
and grab another one.



Everything okay?

Oh, Joan was looking for you.

I saw her and Gorman
headed towards your office.

Thank you, Beth.



Once you're safe,
I'll climb down.



Noah? Noah?

Can you walk?

- Yeah, I'm okay.
- Okay.



Who the hell
do you think you are?

He attacked me.

Just like he attacked Joan.

Just like you let him.

You know what's happening here

and you let it happen.

- You're letting it happen.
- So that we make it.

No one's coming, Dawn.

No one's coming.

We're all gonna die

and you let this happen
for nothing.

♪ Nobody's fault but mine ♪

♪ If I don't read it,
my soul be lost... ♪

You're healing quickly.

Should be ready
to jump back into it

in a couple more days.

Well, that should about do it.

How'd you know
Trevitt was a doctor?

That's why you had me
give him the wrong meds, right?

Why you had me kill him.

'Cause if he had lived,
there'd be another doctor

and Dawn wouldn't need you.

She wouldn't protect you.

Trevitt was an oncologist
at St. Ignatius.

I knew him.

They would have kicked me out.

Maybe Gorman...

maybe he would have killed me.

I didn't have a choice.

Use everything you can use.

When they arrested Christ,

Peter denied being one
of his disciples.

He didn't have a choice.

They would have
crucified him, too.

♪ Lord, Lord ♪

♪ Ain't nobody's
fault but mine ♪

♪ Nobody's fault but mine ♪

♪ If I don't read it,
my soul be lost ♪

♪ I have a Bible in my home ♪

♪ I have a Bible in my home ♪

♪ If I don't read it,
my soul be lost ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ I have a Bible in my home ♪

♪ If I don't read it,
my soul be lost ♪

♪ Nobody's fault but mine. ♪