The Victim (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This programme contains some strong
language and some violent scenes

You all right?

Are you all right?

I'm a bit nervous.

Good job it's not you giving
evidence today, then. I know.


...I'm sorry.


...tell the truth.

Simple as that?

She's the one that's on trial here.

You can do this.

I've got no choice, have I?

Was that the door?

Are you ready to go?

I'm not so sure.

You can't hide away forever.
I'm not hiding.

Good. Neither am I.
You've done nothing wrong.

I know.

But why antagonise people? How is
a pub lunch antagonising anyone?

I'm saying... maybe...

...maybe if we keep our heads
down a bit longer,

give it a chance to blow over.

I don't want Jess upset.

She'll be more upset if we
don't go. You promised her.

What if someone says something?

I was thinking...

...maybe we should tell her.
Scare her to death? She's six.

For her safety, Craig.

It's not fair. No, I know.
It's not fair on anyone.

But you know I'm right.

I'm always right, aren't I?

We're family.

We deal with things together

and six is old enough to know
the truth is always best.



Give me a kiss.

All right?

What happened to your head, mate?

But why are people saying you did
a nasty thing if it isn't true?

Well, that's what happens when
someone starts a rumour, isn't it?

It sort of just spreads.

There's nothing to worry about,
sweetheart. I'm...

You just have to tell us
if someone says anything to you

or makes you feel worried, OK?

It's the bandage.
They're looking at the bandage.

Millie and Lauren aren't allowed
to come to my birthday.

But they're your best friends,
aren't they?

They say you're a baddie.

I need your help, Mo.

The police are saying it's not him.

I need proof that Craig Myers
is Eddie J Turner.

And there was me thinking you
wanted to meet to apologise.

Look, I wanted to tell you,
but you'd have been incriminated.

You don't think I'm incriminated?

I never signed up for this, Anna.

Not violence.

Did you have him attacked?


But you know who did it?


DI Grover?

Is she ready for me?

Erm, she is me and, yes, I am.

Anna Dean's phone records.

Gosh, you're keen. Well, since we're
not being given enough time to build

the best possible case against her,
I thought I'd do what I could

to speed things along.
Great. Come on up.

So, what's he like, Craig Myers?

He's quiet. Shy.

A bit awkward with people.

Oh. Not the ideal witness, then.

Do you think he's Eddie J Turner?

I think he's quiet, shy,
a bit awkward with people.

How would you react to being
accused of killing a child?

From what I gather,
only a few officials

in the Justice and Social Work
Department plus the Chief Constable

would know where Turner is now.
This isn't about Eddie J Turner.

It's about someone trying to
kill someone else.

Right, but obviously I need to
familiarise myself

with the original case.
Because you'd have been what, 12?

14, actually,
but the point stands,

and I found something
that might be of interest.

What if I told you that a year
after the verdict,

a court admin officer was asked, and
I use the term advisedly, to leave

after Turner's name
was leaked on the internet.

Now, at the time, they said it was
an admin error, but apparently

it was very deliberate and common
knowledge on the circuit

who the culprit was.
So why no prosecution?

so I can't use it in court,

but I did want to see
these phone records

just in case the same name
and number crops up.

Huh, yeah, there it is.

Called several times
on the day of the attack.

And what's the name?

Maureen Buckley.

She's a private investigator.

Miss Buckley, could you tell
the court

exactly what being a private
investigator involves?

Well, I'm no Miss Marple.

Erm, I mostly provide a tracing
service for solicitors,

insurance companies,
credit and loan organisations.

The odd bit of matrimonial
is about as glamorous as it gets.

You help third parties find people.

That's what I meant to say, yes.

Do you know Anna Dean? Yes.

I wrote to her...

...after Liam's death

to say that my heart went out
to her and, you know,

if there's ever anything I can do.

If there's ever anything I can do?

Nobody should have to
bury their child.

'I've been given over 100 names
over the years.'

How many of those have I
passed on to you?

One. One.

Craig Myers is Eddie J Turner.

And now I'm going to prove it
to everyone in court.

You do have proof?

I was in the process of getting it
when you decided to go global.

I know what I'm asking, Mo,

but this is my chance.

For what? What will you do
with proof when you get it?

Confront him with it in open court.

Then he won't be able to
hide any more.

He'll have to face up to
what he did.


you need to tell me
where you got his name.


An ex-prison officer from
a Young Offenders', OK?

He was trying to sell
a story on Turner

and the interdict scared him off.

He gave me Craig Myers and I
cross-referenced his details

with Turner's birth date.

Our Craig Myers uses the same
digits in a different order

with a year taken off his age.

And this guy has proof?

I only spoke to him on the phone.
I didn't get a chance to meet him.

Let's meet him now, then. I don't
think you know what you're asking.

The police will get to me.

Expecting me to lie to Lenny
and Lou is one thing,

but do you know what the maximum
sentence is for perjury?

Can the witness be shown Crown
Production Number 36, please?

It is a matter of agreement that
this is Anna Dean's phone record

from October last year.

Do you see your number on there,
Miss Buckley?


How many times did you and Mrs Dean
speak to each other

between the 24th and the 31st
of October last year,

the day Craig Myers was attacked?

You want me to add them up?
Can you look at the record

and confirm that there
are 24 separate calls

over seven days,

including eight on the 30th
and... nine on the 31st?

I'm not the best at maths
but 24 sounds right.

Do you remember what you talked
about on any of those occasions?

It could have been anything.

A wine offer in a supermarket, which
member of the Scottish rugby team

we'd like to be in the bath with.

You were discussing what should be
done with the information

you had accessed for Mrs Dean,
were you not? Objection.

I'm sure you're aware that's
a leading question, Ms Mackie.

I'm sorry, My Lady.

Miss Buckley...

...has Anna Dean ever asked you
to track down

the new identity of Eddie J Turner?


She hasn't and she wouldn't.

She's too good a friend.

The attack on Craig Myers?

Yeah, still no forensics.
The knife was clean.

But we're talking to people
close to the Grahams

and trawling through
supporter lists.

OK. I wasn't looking for
an update, actually.

I need you on the Inverkip murder.

Because you're a senior detective
and someone's been killed.

Yeah, but I'm in the middle of

building a case...
Against Anna Dean. Yes.

She did more than put
a message online.

There's no evidence for that.

I just told you, I'm finding it!

DS Harvey is across everything.

I need you to move on.

There's a theme emerging here, eh?

Craig Myers' advocate is a teenager,

and you're passing
an attempted murder to... Whoa.

DS Harvey is an extremely capable
detective. I don't doubt DS Harvey.

Meaning? That I wonder if everyone
cares about the victim

in this case as much as they might,

considering the continued
speculation about his identity.

I agreed to take you on
because it suited both of us.

Don't make me regret that,

Or revoke it.

All right?

When did you last see your ex-wife?

It's years, for definite, but...

...these places do strange things
to time.

You made numerous threats towards
Eddie J Turner through the media.

I've been looking at some of
your previous cellmates.

Plenty with form for violence.

I'm sure there's lots would do you
this particular favour.

Why aren't we at the station?
We'll talk to them all, Christian.

Why are you on your own?

You're out next month.

If you've got anything to tell me,
do it now.

Let me help you.

You're not supposed to be here,
are you?

Have I thought about killing
Eddie J Turner?


But I've thought about
killing myself even more.

I let Liam down.

I wasn't there
when he needed me most

and nothing will ever
take that away.

So threaten me all you like -
bring back the rack

and put my head on a spike
on Waverley Bridge, because...

...the worst thing
that could ever happen to me?

Already has.

As your manager, I want you to know
you've got my full support.

Thank you. But.

Serious head injuries and driving
60-odd people around town

don't sit so well together,
you know?

The doctor signed me off, Leigh -
I can drive.

Then there's the PR question.

If anything did happen, God forbid,
we might be covered legally,

but it wouldn't be the doctors
getting called negligent.

You see?


what we're saying is,

come back!

But take your time, eh?
Let things, you know...


I've never let you down, Leigh,
have I?

I need to drive.


Arms up.

That's it.

Bye-bye. Bye! Bye!

Hiya. Are you OK?

Yeah, fine.

How did it go?

Somebody put my number online.

My e-mail, too.

Do you think it was someone we know?

Don't look at it.

Don't look at any of it.

OK, date of birth?

31st July, 1994.

Are you all right?

Oh, the T shirt! Right!

It looks great. Do they all fit?

Thank you.

It was my daughter's boyfriend
sent them. I just passed them on.


So what are we doing again?

Blood and urine.

Blood and urine.

Although, you could just tell me
if you've been using...

But then you'd have to trust me.

I do trust you.


You're right. Let's do the tests.

...fired to
such a high temperature...


...the glass powder melts,
becomes liquid,

fuses and hardens again.

Usually you'll find it in beautiful
sky-blue, turquoise colours.

The thing that makes me nervous...

OK, Daniel?

Aye, not bad, Len, thanks.

He had to give a statement
about the night of the attack.

We all know it was you, son.

If it was me,
he wouldn't be taking Anna to court.

He wouldn't be going anywhere.

Is she not back yet?

No, and you'd best
get in front of your homework,

or we'll both be for it
when she does get home. Go on.

Do you hear me?

Do you really think
she'll even care?

What's the subject, Benny boy?


Should me and you go and smash it,
then play some FIFA?

Huh? Come on.

He's great with Ben. Aye.

Shite at maths, though.

Did you know Liam?


I was at the same school,
but I was older, so...

...I only knew him by sight.

You know your mum's amazing,
don't you?

I mean...

...really amazing.

I thought they would have
given up by now.

He tried to keep them from me
but there's too many...

No! No, no, no, no!

Some of those have been wiped
with dog shit!

I'll have them looked at.

We're still getting taxis
and takeaways sent at all hours.

They're saying
he's a paedophile now. I know.

So, was Liam Graham sexually abused,

Not as far as anyone's aware,

but it's pointless trying to apply
logic to these things.

You said someone would
keep an eye on the house.

No-one's contacted you?

I'm sorry. Leave that with me.

It feels like everything's
just stopped.

And the worst thing is,
whoever did it is still out there.

He could be anyone.


We can look at moving you all.

This is our home.

Listen, in my experience,
people who might actually kill you

don't tell you about it first.

You're not on your own.

Save us cooking.

Why don't we fight fire with fire?

We can put proof online that you
are who we say you are, like, er,

birth certificate, school reports,
even swimming badges. anything!

Why the hell should we? Because
someone decided to accuse me?

Nobody has the right to even
make us think about doing that.

Or moving house! Yeah, I agree
with you - of course I do -

but it's obviously not stopping,

and you don't seem to understand,

it's not going to,
not unless we do something.

Look, you are going to have to
stand up in court

and face a room full of people
that think you're a child killer.

Do you know what people are saying?

They're saying,
"If it's not Myers, why doesn't he

"join the campaign to find
the real Eddie J Turner?"

What people? Maybe that's the only
way. Maybe WE have to find him.


And what if we did?

Are you serious? What then, Bex?

Put his face online
to get US off the hook?

Yeah, at least he'd deserve it.

Do you actually believe that?

Don't you?

Why isn't anyone looking
after the Myers'?

They're being persecuted
in their own home.

I'll send a special constable.
That's not good enough.

They need to know that
this is being taken seriously.

It is. Is it? You haven't even
interviewed Anna Dean's ex-husband.

Christian Graham's in prison. So?

So... he's a former high street
accountant, not El Chapo.

Doesn't mean he didn't help
organise the attack.

I can't ask Tait
if I can bring in a suspect

that was locked up
at the time of the offence.

So what exactly ARE you doing?

Or have you just been told to
let this one slide?

The only thing
I've been told not to do

is to talk to you
about the investigation.

But I'm trying to use
my discretion here.

Look, we all understand
why you might feel an affinity

with Craig Myers,
but there's no conspiracy.

Just remember who the victim is.

Myers arrived on our wing from a
secure unit to finish his sentence.

He's quiet, no bother.
But there is something about him.

None of the staff
like the smell of him.

One day his cell bell goes. We
get in there and find an Asian lad

with bad head injuries.

Turns out he's gone into
Myers' cell to do someone,

been disarmed
and attacked with his own weapon.

I say, well, that serves
you right, then, son.

He says, "But, boss,
Eddie J Turner is in there."

Now, if that's true, I need to get
him off the wing, fast.

So I go to the number one governor,
and I report what I've been told.

And he says,

forget it, put nothing
down on paper, never happened.

The Asian lad gets shipped out
straight away, and that's it.

Then one day,
that cell's suddenly empty,

and all we're told is to box up the
props in there and drop it to OMU.

So, I do as I'm told,
but now I'm curious.

And I get on their system to see
where these boxes are going.

Inverclyde Criminal
Justice Services.

But there's no contact name,

I can't even find Myers' record now.

So, I phone them, and they won't say
whether either lad is their client!

That is unheard of!

Hang on. Either lad?

There was two of them in that cell?

Myers shared the cell with
a lad from another secure unit.

You never...

So what's this other lad's name?

He was nobody.

But it's possible that it was him
they were protecting, not Myers,

and therefore that Craig Myers
isn't Eddie J Turner!

I'm sorry. If I'd known, I'd have
waited to give you the name.

Why? He's sure and so am I -

Craig Myers is Eddie J Turner.

And when he stands up in court

and falls to pieces in front
of everyone, he'll prove it himself.

All I'm saying is you
should talk to her.

I know what you're saying, but...

Hey, Bex.

Talk to who about what? What's that?

Tom said you should talk to her.

Talk to who?

Our lawyer, Ms Mackie.

He doesn't think it's a good idea,
me giving evidence in court.

Doesn't he?

Look, I know it's none of
my business... Do you?

But they'll rip him
to shreds, won't they?

Will they? Why? Why?!

Cos I've known him ten years,

and he can only just hold
a conversation with me!

You know what these
lawyers are like, all right?

The way they can twist things.

I think,

when we're deciding what
paint to use to decorate

the hallway,
then maybe we should ask Tom.

But for legal questions that will
affect the future of our family,

I think we should
trust our advocate.

Witness statements are

usually taken by a
precognition officer,

but given that we haven't got long,
I want to be across everything.

Do I have to be a witness?

You'll be required to give evidence
on behalf of the Crown, yes.

You mean, I've got no choice?

Not really.

What about her?

The accused isn't required to give
evidence, but I'll be surprised

if the defence don't call her.

Now, do you have any
specific concerns?

I'm not mad about talking,
that's all.

I'm no good at it.

Even... this.

We're already making an
application for special measures.

You can have a supporter if you want,
or screens, if that might help.


No. If I have to do it, I don't want
her thinking I'm hiding away.


So, I see you have a
previous conviction.

What's that got to do with this?

Well, the defence can bring out
anything that calls your character

into question and makes
your word seem unreliable to a jury.

But can they ask her about her past?

Yes, in theory but, as she hasn't
got any previous convictions, no.


...if what you're concerned about
is people close to you hearing

certain information for the first
time, you might consider...

...pre-empting that.

You're next.

You look even younger
than in your picture.

It's the glasses. They're for court
only - it's shameful, I know, but...

...everything's a performance
in the end, isn't it?

So I've got here that you were
upstairs, getting Jessica

ready for bed,
you heard the doorbell and Craig...

Sorry, can I ask you something?

You must have had witnesses who've
had to change their identity.

Have you?

We're not really supposed to talk about anything
other than this case, Mrs Myers. I'm sorry.

Yeah, I know, it's just...

...I was looking online,

and it says that they are trained
in counter-surveillance,

told to stay off social media,
avoid drink and drugs.

I'm really not the person
you should be talking to.

I mean, they have to get
clearance to go on holiday,

let alone get married
and have kids. Is...

Is that right? Mrs Myers...

I've got no-one I can talk to,
not about this, not now.

I understand you're
having questions, but...

...the internet isn't always the best
place to get the most reliable...

I know that.

You know that.


I don't know anything
about Eddie J Turner.

No, no, no,
I'm not asking that, I'm just...

I am asking if someone in that position
would be allowed to have kids.

All I know is that there
would be risk assessment,

careful monitoring,
particularly at the outset,

but I'm really not supposed to...

Even without
the rest of the family knowing?

Well, I mean, that would be
a question for those in charge

of the case and the subject.

But, yes, if all else is going well,

there's no reason why
life can't be totally normal.

Just to be clear, Mrs Myers, the Crown's
position is that it doesn't matter

whether Craig is
Eddie J Turner or not.

It matters to me.

Let's see something later.

Go on, go and play.

Be good!

Bex, I need to tell you something.

About five years back, I was walking
through the town with Tom...

...and some guy out with
his mates said something.

Next thing,
we ended up in a bit of a scuffle.

Is that it?

Why didn't you say anything?

There was nothing much to say, I was
admonished, there was no actual punishment.

What, like, you were convicted?
Like, you went to court?

It was something and nothing.

How many days were you in court for?

Only one.

Where did you tell me you were?

Work, I suppose.


So you didn't just not tell me,
did you? You lied.

You were out of it, remember?

You had enough to worry about.

Yeah, I've got enough to worry about
now, Craig! So why are you telling me?

Cos it's going to come out in court.
That's why, isn't it?

Bex... Isn't it?

I'm sorry.

You really don't make it easy,
do you?

What do you mean?

What else, Craig?

What else does Tom
know about you that I don't?

You know me better than anyone.

How come Social Services visited
for so long after Jess was born?

You know why.

Cos you were struggling...

...and we had no family support.
I couldn't cope on my own.

I'm not him, Bex, he's not me.

You ready, soldier?

I've only waited 15 years for this.

Solomon can't actually ask him.

You know that, don't you?

Not outright, but he knows I know,
and he'll break, I know he will.

Thanks for that.

How's the next witness feeling?

You two aren't allowed to talk.

Your accomplice - sorry, friend -

seems to be having trouble
remembering who's on trial.

No smoke without fire,
though, is there?

If you're referring to
the allegations about me,

I'd have thought
you as a PI would understand

the importance of evidence,
how certain you need to be

before making accusations that
can destroy someone's life.

Innocent until proven guilty,

the same human rights your
friend is benefitting from.

I suppose we're used to thinking only child
killers are entitled to human rights?

You know, the only reason you get
away with saying such stupid things

is because people feel sorry for you,
or they need you to sell newspapers.

Somebody really
needs to tell you that.

Have you got kids?

No. Craig Myers has.

You've no more expertise or
rights than anyone else,

and the idea that you should have any say
in what happens to Liam's killer is absurd.

He's her son.

I know, and the only thing that
entitles her to is her grief.

Mr Myers?

Mr Myers, oath or affirmation?

Oath, please.

I swear by Almighty God that
I shall tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing
but the truth.

Advocate Depute.

Could you tell us your name and age?

My name is Craig Andrew Myers.

I'm 28 years old.

Are you working at the moment?

What's the wrong with me?

Hello? I couldn't do it.

You couldn't do what?

Couldn't drive the bus,
let alone pick anyone up.

What happened?

I offered to work in the depot, but Leigh
just wanted me to take more time off.

You're a driver,
he says, and if you can't drive...

Nobody wants me around.

Did he say that?

He didn't have to! He was just
looking for an excuse.

What do you mean?

I told him, back me or sack me.

And they sacked you?




They sacked you from a job you
had held for eight years with

an unblemished record -
is that correct?

Yes. Craig...

...before we talk about the specific
events of the 31st October, 2017,

can you tell us how else your life has
been impacted by what happened that night?

Before, I was just, you know...


Enjoying my work
and time with my family.

That's pretty much all
I've ever wanted.

But everything that I've done since
it happened, everything I've said,

it's like people are reading
things into things

all of the time, trying to
figure out if I'm...

I feel like everyone's staring
at me, I feel like everyone knows.

Knows what, Craig?

That I'm the one.

Accused of being him...

...Eddie J Turner.

Most people think there's no smoke
without fire, don't they?

I've thought it myself.

And the thing is, there's nothing
you can do once it's been said.

It's there forever.

Some people will always think that you're
him, no matter what you say or do.

And you'll probably always think
you're being stared at.


Come on.

Don't worry. I can get a job.

Is that you? Mm-hm.

Jess has got to do this family tree
for school.

I thought you'd seen them.

You look like Jess in that one.

We haven't got a single
photo of you as a child.

I don't think anybody wanted
to remember my childhood!

There's things we should have
talked about, Craig... Get off!

Mr Myers...

...when DI Grover asked
you in the hospital

if the attacker had said anything
to you, what was your reply?

I said no.


Because I didn't remember.


And what made you remember?

I don't...

I mean,
how do you remember anything?

That's the question.

Well, I can't answer it, sorry.

I just did!

Very well.

We've heard evidence going to the
severity of the head injury sustained.

First, I'd like to make clear to
the jury that the wounds visible

today are not as a result
of the Halloween attack.

Those are more recent
injuries, are they not?


Now, given the seriousness of that
original head injury and Dr Nielsen's

lack of certainty about
how your memory might be affected,

if we accept that the
attacker did speak,

how sure can you realistically
be of his exact words?

It's what he said.

But they were whispered,
were they not?


After the blows? Yes.

Savage blows, and yet YOU can
be absolutely positive?

I just told you, it's what he said.

The problem is, we only
have your word for that, don't we?

I don't...

Why is it a problem?
Are you calling me a liar?!

Are you a liar, Mr Myers?


You've never lied to the authorities before?
I'd remind you that you're under oath.

If you're speaking about 2012,
I was admonished.

For a street brawl in which you
denied any involvement to the police,

until CCTV evidence
caught you in a lie.

Is that correct?
It was a stupid idea.

Is that correct?



Are you OK?

I've no doubt that you've
been the victim...

...of violence, Mr Myers.

But I do doubt your memory.

Mr Myers?

You see, I believe that
you are misremembering,

deliberately or otherwise,
trying to make sense of a random

event by creating connections
where there are none.

Do you think that's possible?

No. I'm not lying and there's
nothing wrong with my memory.


So, if asked, you could tell the court what
you were doing last week, or last month?

I think so, as much as anybody else.

What about six months,
or a year ago?

I suppose.

What if I asked you...

...about your childhood, Mr Myers?

I don't see what that's
got to do with anything.

My Lady... I tend to agree with
the witness, Mr Mishra.

The reliability of the complainer's memory
goes to the heart of this case, My Lady.

My Lady, may I remind the court
that we are not here to establish

whether Craig Myers
is Eddie J Turner?

That's not what I asked.

I don't like talking about my childhood,
and I don't see why I should have to.

Understood, Mr Myers.

Confirmation that you have
childhood memories should

prove sufficient for
Mr Mishra's purposes.

The truth is, I don't.

But it's not because
I have a bad memory.

My mum and dad were always out,

...I'd go and stay with people, or
get put in care for a week or two.

But most of the time,
I was on my own.

So what's to remember?

Ask him who he is.

You seem agitated, Mr Myers.

You'd be agitated! Ask him.

The witness' memory appears sound,
Mr Mishra, please move on.

No! Mrs Dean, please...

Ask him while he's under oath.
Ask him!

You ask me!


I know you were hoping for more.

He thinks he's got away with it.

I'm not giving up, Mo. I can't.

You have to stay out of prison.

And that means winning the sympathy
of the judge and the jury,

and stating categorically that you
did not want Craig Myers dead.

Daddy, I'm ready for school!

Craig? Get her inside now!

Is she coming in at all today?

If you take a seat...

She said she trusted me!

You saw what he did, Gerry.

You said it was the worst
day of your career.

It was.

If there's anything you can tell me,
anything at all!