The Venture Bros. (2003–…): Season 7, Episode 3 - The Venture Bros. - full transcript

The Morphic Trilogy reaches its stunning conclusion in a decades-spanning tale of friendship, betrayal, and mass murder that overwrites Venture history.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
He's trying to...

run away!

Run away!


- I'm with you, kid!
- I heard that!

All right,
you heard the man!

This is an evacuation, people!

Go, go, go, go, go!

White! White!
Come on!

Get the hell up!
We got to get out of here!

Dad! Dad?

If that really is you, stop!

Listen to me!
You are not a building.

Doc! Doc!
Come in, Doc!

What the hell's going on
down there?

Uh, where do you
want me to start?


It's the Morphomobile!

The Blue Morpho?

How is that possible?

Oh, who fucking cares?!
I'm out of the doghouse!

Attention, Blue Morpho!

Oh, shit!
They found me!

You are surrounded.

Come out at once
with your hands up

and face Guild justice.

Hunter, I need backup!

Ven-Tech's under siege
or something!

No can do, sunshine.

Had a major breach down
at Dummy Corp.

All available agents are
currently assisting

other customers.

Damn it!

No way.


Who's that, now?

It's the Blue Morpho!

He's come to rescue us!

Holy cats!
Is that...

It cannot be.

Jonas Venture, where are you?

Hello? Galacticon?

Are you in here?

It is true!


Shore Leave, get ready.
We're going.


My home is in Newark.


Honey, I am home.


Aren't you coming to bed?

In a while, dearest.

I've got some
work to do in my study.

Hurry, Kano!
Killer Drone has struck again!

It's up to the Blue Morpho
to stop him!

Blue Morpho.

Blue. Morpho.

You are the Blue Morpho.

I am the Blue Morpho.

Please, Signore Morpho,
I work as-a fast as I can.

Hurry, Enzo.

Killer Drone is still
on the loose.

Jonas Venture,
where are you?

I see.

Progressive Biological
Life Extension Module.

Stand by.

Can someone tell me
what the fuck just happened?!



♪ I still hang around ♪

- ♪ Neither lost nor found ♪
- Welcome, old friend.

I wasn't expecting you
to come to my rescue.

Have not come for rescue.

Seek Jonas Venture

Memory fragmented.
I am confused.

You look it.

However did you find me?

Looked Jonas Venture up
in phone book.

Acquiring phone book
was most difficult part.

Can't seem to get that darn song
out of my head.

- "Street Life" by the Crusaders.
- I know.

It's the last thing I remember
before the darkness.

I've no idea
how long I was out.

But one fateful day,
I awoke.

I was unable to move or speak,
but I could see and hear.

- It's on.
- It's off.

- It's on.
- Off.

I tried to communicate
with them.

They mustn't teach the cadets
Morse code anymore.

Soon the blackness
came for me again.

But I knew I was on Gargantua-1.
I built her.

I could communicate with her!

We had a miscommunication.

I was alone, disconnected,

forced to forage for protein

as my backup battery
slowly died.

Until a savior brought me here.

I know the perfect
place for it!

Wouldn't think
an office building would have

more complex hardware
than a space station,

but it's taken over a year
to learn its systems.

And then this blasted albino
came out of nowhere.

I think they're talking
to each other.

What is this, SCSI?

I sense great confusion.

Yeah, you're sensing that
from me.

Anger. Betrayal.

Also me.

You people really need
to start explaining.

You know this, uh, thing?

That's the Blue Morpho.

You told me
the Blue Morpho died.

He did.
Plane crash took him in '76.

Yeah, but your father was having
none of that.

I call him Venturion.

I call him
an abomination.

You've gone too far
this time, Jonas.

I thought you'd all
be pleased.

I saved our friend's life.

Yeah, but what kind of life
is this?

This is just wrong.

W-What part of
"I just performed

the most amazing feat
of super science"

are you people
not getting?

But you know Jonas.

Within a few months,

he'd lost interest
in his new toy.

Then one day,
he just snapped.

Stand by.


No. No.


- Dad?!
- No. No.

- Help!
- No. No.

Error. Synapse.

Poor ol' Kano
had to put him down.

Hasn't spoken a word since.

Doc? Doc?!

Everybody okay
in there?

Door's blocked.

Can't get in.

Can you open
the security gates?

Uh, you'd have
to ask my dad.

Your dad? Wh...

Aw, shit.

What do you people want?

You two stay out of sight.

I'll find out
what's going on.

Oh, what,
are you kidding me?

I want in on this too.

Look what you're wearing,
you idiot.

Good point.
We'll, uh, hang back.

"Good point.
We'll hang back."

We demand entry
this instant!

You are harboring
a fugitive

from Guild of
Calamitous Intent justice.

Yeah, well,
you ain't gettin' in.

Maybe check your own house

before you come huffin'
and puffin' at mine.

Turns out
he's one of yours.

It's Vendata.

Councilman 1?

I thought he got killed
in the Sovereign's purge.

Yep, it's him all right.

Hey! Down!

All the more reason
to let us in!

We had an agreement
with you O.S.I.

to collaborate
on this manhunt.

Which you guys crapped all over

when you hit
Dummy Corp tonight.

Or you gonna tell me
that wasn't you?

We did no such thing!
We've been yachting all day.

Then this Morphomobile
came screaming over the bow...

Hey, what's the haps?

Dr. Orpheus held a séance
to unhaunt our house.

And then Pop found Grandpa
in the PROBLEM Light.

Whoa! Was his corpse
all rotten and stuff?

- Or like mummy?
- No, he's still alive.

What? W...
I want to go meet Grandpa.

- It's only his head, though.
- Okay, that gives me pause.

But still...
zombie Grandpa head!

It ain't safe, Hank.

Grandpa's head
thought he was your house,

so he tried to up and run away
with all us inside him.

And then Blue Robot came down
from the sky in his magic car

and made Grandpa stop,
but these guys are

all mad at Blue Robot,
so now Brock is trying...

Okay, okay, stop.
That's kind of a lot.

What on earth
would make Vendata

dress up as the Blue Morpho?

What do you think, Z?

Y-You're the one who built him,
aren't you?

To be completely honest,

much of that summer of '77
is a blur.

This was during
my "lost weekend" phase,

when I teamed up with
Shrill Spector

and Scary Nilsson
on a monthlong bender.

We were sky high on
toot and Brandy Alexanders,

and we were
looking for kicks.

Hey, guys!

Let's go menace
Dr. Venture!

But Jonas was not home.

So we figured we'd just throw
garbage on his lawn

and call it an arch.

And that is
when I found him.

You found Vendata?

No, I found Venturion!

Who the devil
is Venturion?

A super-cool robot!

Or so I thought.

Till I got him back
to my lab

and took a peek
under the hood

and found parts
of a real, live guy in there.

I should have just put
the poor bastard

out of his misery.

But then, I never could resist
an opportunity

to turn one of Dr. Venture's
inventions against him.

So I got to work.

I erased his memory,

reprogrammed him
for calamitous intent.

And one sexy makeover later,

Vendata, as we know him,
was born.

I was ready
to take on Dr. Venture.

But I never got the chance.

Some bungler dropped dime,

and I got pinched
on a narco rap!

By the time I escaped
the Singapore supermax,

Vendata was long gone.

Well, that explains
exactly jack squat

about what he's doing inside
dressed as the Blue Morpho.

Don't you see?
He has come home.

Vendata is not dressed
as the Blue Morpho.

The people parts inside of him
were the Blue Morpho!

Wait, if he used to be
Blue Morpho,

that would make him
my husband's...

All right, you people,
clear this area.

- Come on, disperse.
- You can stand down, Officer.

I got this situation
under control.

- I'm with O.S.I.
- O-S-I don't give a shit.

In eight hours,
this circle's gonna be filled

with people and Underdogs
and Santa and crap.

We got to lock it down.

The Macy's
Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I forgot all about it!

Your dad put me in charge
of the Ven-Tech float.

Oh, uh, is there
someplace we can go?

I know a diner
around the corner.

Ah, clever girl.
She's luring them away.

Now's our chance.

For what?
To what?

Whoever this Blue Morpho
imposter is,

he's our ticket
out of this mess.

But he had our car.
That means he's seen the cave.

He knows our secret.

That's exactly why
we're gonna kill him.

- Nah, nah.

It looks like he's flipping us
the dang bird now.

I need more air
up in those fingers.

Come on, people.

I don't know.
Something just comes over me.

In the moment,
it's like I am Enrico Matassa.

Or... Or the Bat.
Or Russian Guyovitch.

Does that make me crazy?

Am I like the guy
in "Split"?

Yeah, I don't think it's
dissociative identity disorder.

You just have an, um,
an overactive mind.

So, like the guy
in "Split,"

but when he's the guy
in "X-Men."

Hey, is that the museum
where everything

comes to life at night?

Definitely have A.D.D.,

Hey, uh, uh, wait,
wait, wait, wait!

- T-That's my car.
- Sorry, pal.

You're gonna have to pick it up
at the impound. It's at...

Yeah, yeah.
I know where it is.

Can I get something
out of my trunk, please?

Fatty needs his insulin.

Our archenemies are here.

Blue Morpho,

it looks like some evildoers
have entered our lair.

Or we're in for it now,

And they appear to have
a growth ray.

Oh, God.
This is...

Why did I ever let you
talk me into...

What was I thinking?

Jill St. John
and Stella Stevens, man.

What's to think about?

But I... I love my wife.

We're... We're trying to have
a kid, for God's sake, and...

We're not having any luck,

and I
I think it might be my fault.

Don't beat yourself up, B.M.
It's almost never the fella.

But science is doing
wonderful things

with fertility these days.

- Really?
- Oh, sure.

Say, you should have
the little woman

swing by my compound
for a thorough examination.

You think you can help her?

Oh, I know I can.

My science is quite potent.

Bad friend.

I came through, didn't I?

You had a child
within the year.

but you took Kano

as payment
for your services.

And you hung that tape
over my head for years

to get me to do
your dirty work!

I need you to make
the Mirror Miser disappear.

I need you to seduce Dr. Z.

I'm fresh out of plutonium.

Well, look who's starting
to sound like his old self.

You remember!

See, old friend?
I'm still helping you.

Hmm, what...
what's good here?

Try the Patti LuPone Melt.

The usual, with the Side by Side
Salad by Sondheim

instead of fries, please.

- Ah, come here often, do you?
- Used to.

Back in the dark ages,

when Sovereign took
the Guild underground.

Bunch of us'd meet up here
every week to talk shop.

There was me, Stab Girl,

Laugh Riot, Mr. Fahrenheit
the Supersonic Man.

Hate-Bit, and Vendata.

We were the new wave
of villains.

Young guns, champing at the bit
to make our own mark.

I don't remember who
first suggested the idea.

Probably started
as a joke.

We should just go up there
and arch the big man himself.

What's stopping us?

Oh, only the Sovereign

and a thousand crew,
and, you know, space.

Now I know
why they call you Laugh Riot.

But Vendata wasn't laughing.

No, he suddenly got this
real serious look on his face.

Did he have any other look?

The man was
a genuine "cy-bore."

He was a tactical genius.

He figured out a way
just six ragtag villains

could hijack
the ninth wonder of the world.

Because he calculated
the precise time

the entire Gargantua crew could
all be found in one place.

Extra! Extra!
It's movie night!

Wait a minute!
I call bullshit.

You're talking about
the Movie Night Massacre,

the night
Jonas Venture died?

That wasn't part
of our plan.

The massacre...
That wasn't us.

Yeah, no kidding.

Because every O.S.I. grunt

knows it was SPHINX
killed Jonas Venture.


You guys'll believe anything.

Sovereign knew that.

So instead of executing us
when he found out

how our unsanctioned raid
went south,

he made lemonade.

That set off
the Pyramid Wars.

I got recruited
to fight in those.

Yes, and you did
one heck of a job.

Wiped our competition
right off the map.

Look at that.

I have never
actually seen a man

realize his whole life
has been a lie.

So if it wasn't you, and it
wasn't SPHINX, who did it?

I have my theories.


Negative. Vendata.

You will comply
with my demands

or will broadcast this,
video documentation,

Jonas Venture,
acts of sexual depravity

in company of one
Blue Morpho.

Fail to see humor.

Oh, you poor deluded half-man.

You are the Blue Morpho.

Am Vendata.

You're confused, old chum.

Someone's been monkeying
with your programming.

Let me help you.

Negative! Stay back!
Or will open bay doors.

Entire crew
will be terminated.

No, they won't.

Because my friend would
never do such a thing.

He was a good man, a hero,
and he's still in there.

Now I'm off
to the picture show.

You're welcome to join me,
old friend.

If not, well,

I trust you remember
the way out.

But I was wrong about you,
wasn't I?

You pulled that lever

and killed us all,
didn't you?

Didn't you?!

I... I...

Team Venture
missed the previews.

Hate missing
the beginning of a movie.

What kind of man takes an hour
to pick out an outfit?

You're worse than Jeanie,

But we sure as hell caught
the main attraction.

I'm a little confused.

There was nothing in the report
about an explosion.

And yet when you found him,
he was like this?

Just a head?

He's frozen solid!

- We've lost him, Rodney.
- Don't you say that.

We just need to get him
into the PROBLEM.

- Yeah. Found him like that.
- Yeah.


H-Hey, those two overheating
there or something?

Something smells...

- Rodney?
- Toast!

What's wrong with you?

Oh, my God, is he having
a heart attack?

- A stroke.
- Oh, my God!

We have to get him
to the hospital right now.

We're stuck in here.

Dad! Hello?!
Snap out of it.

We need you
to open the doors.

It was like this
when he was alive too.

No attention whatsoever.

Dude, will you get
over yourself?

Count Chocula!
Use your voodoo to teleport him!

I am not a...

I-I can't.

I know what to do.

What, run away?

Yeah, I don't think
that's gonna help.

Hey, looks like
something's wrong

with one of the old dudes.

- What?
- I don't know.

Old people stuff.

- What's fake Blue Morpho doing?
- Nothing.

He's just standing there with
his hand in a refrigerator.

Dude! I... I think
he might be a robot.

Maybe your dad made
life model decoys of himself.

Like Nick Fury in
"Strange Tales" number 135.

Yeah, pretty sure
we would have noticed

one of those lying
around the cave.

I think I'm stuck.

So we're all in agreement.

O.S.I. and the Guild

will take joint custody
of Vendata.

He'll be disassembled
for the murder of Jonas Venture

and the crimes of Blue Morpho.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Check, please.

Watch his head.

Okay, we're clear!

All right.
Hold still.

Maggie's drawers, Whitey!


Sorry! All right, I got this.
Hang on.

Officer! Officer!

This man needs help!
We must get him to hospital!


Holy crap!
Aw, they're gonna get eaten!

You suck, White!

No, no!
I can work with this.

O insect friend,
thou beast who scuttles,

avail us to lend your six legs
as shuttle.


They didn't even hesitate.

It's like
they've done that before.

They were one heck of a team.


Down here, Rust!

I'm using Venturion's antenna

to speak to your watch

via the 2.4 gigahertz

Yeah, Wi-Fi, Dad.
We call that the Wi-Fi.

Fun! Now listen
very carefully, son.

I need you to do something
for me while he's distracted.

You, little boy...

I overhead you say you were
a neurogeneticist?

It's Billy.
And I'm not a little boy.

Billy, I'm going to need you

to transplant my brain
into Venturion...

temporarily, of course,
until Rusty and I can

get the ol' clone program
up and running.

Wait, no.
That'll kill him.

I took a Hippocratic oath.

I didn't!

Ah, geez.

Step away from the...
What did you call it?

- Life model decoy!
- Right!

Step away from the...
Whoa. Is that your dad?

I'm telling you,
it couldn't have been me.

I'd remember that.

What are you looking at?


Finish your thought.

What are you up to
out there?


- Uh, w-what?
- Malcom?

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

What the fuck
did you call me?

Who the hell are you?

Blue bastard!
Don't ruin this for me!

Son of a...


Are you guys gonna do that
in the parade?

Get out of the way!

Daddy? D-Daddy?


You got him!

I... Yeah, I, uh, got him.

I killed the Blue Morpho. Heh.

Oh, and I kicked
Jonas Venture's ass too.

Is it safe to be up here?

Not according to
that know-it-all fire marshal.

But there was no way in hell
I was giving up this view.

Dad, I wish you could see this,
but you're dead. Again.

Oh, hey, speaking of.

O.S.I. wants the head
for research and crap.

You cool with that?

Don't you fret now, Rose.
Old Rodney will pull through.

This ain't his first rodeo.
Or his first coma.

Come on, think about it, O.
It's perfect for us.

Three floors,
a garage for the Triadmobile.

Blood Vessel.

Plus, it's got
a Dr. Strange window.


Here he comes!

And don't look now.

Here comes Rusty Venture,

star of
"The Rusty Venture Show."

The newest
addition to the parade,

Rusty is proudly
sponsored by...

Oh, my God! Look out!

Ladies and
gentlemen, they've lost control.

Oh, this is...
This is terrible, folks.

This is not what
the Pilgrims had in mind!

If you have
young children in the room,

please turn the channel.
