The Tribe (1999–2003): Season 1, Episode 10 - The Tribe - full transcript

The tribe holds an election to determine their leader, choosing between Amber and Lex.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(gentle music)

♪ Look into the future what do you see ♪

♪ I really need to know, now,
is there a place for me ♪

♪ If we're gonna survive, ♪

♪ The dream must stay alive ♪
- Authorities are repeating

for calm throughout
the evacuation process.

♪ Alive ♪

- Pigs!

Look at this place it's disgusting!

(Shattering glass)

- Salene!

- They're all pigs, I hate them!

- What's the matter?

- Who wrote this?

Descent mother?

I'm trying my best.

- Salene, it's not about you it's about--

- What was that crash?

- You alright?

- Hey, Zan,

is it cozy?

- What's it to you?

- Oh, just thought I might be
able to tuck you in one night.

- Get real.

- We can settle down now, have
a little place of our own.

- Since when were you interested
in a place of our own?

The only reason you'd want one

is so you'd have someone
to clean up after you.

Oh, and a bit of the other, of course.

- Say no more.

Ryan will have to leave.

- I'm not going anywhere near your place.

You can clean it up yourself.

- Come on, babe, it's woman's work.

- What do you mean by that?

- Great warriors don't do the washing up.

- Great warriors don't
spend all day doing nothing

sitting on there a--
- Is this your idea of a joke?

- I think you'll find the
rota was Amber's idea Bray.

- You know what I'm talking about.

- I don't actually.

- Descent mother wanted.

- I don't know anything about it.

I didn't write it.

- No, I don't suppose you know how to.

- What's the matter,
can't take a little joke?

Missing mummy to much are we?

- I've had enough of this.


- I shoulda killed you
along with your brother!

- Why don't you come and try!

- Not this way!

- Don't you dare mess up this room!

- It seems no one's paying
much attention to that.

- Have you got any better ideas?

- Some discipline for starters.

- Discipline, right.

- Yeah, and with a strong
leader to enforce it.

- Anyone in mind?

- There's only one man,
around here, for the job.

- Shouldn't we get a choice?

It's only fair.

- Alright, we'll fight for it.

Is that good enough for you?

- Go play your mind games
on somebody else, Lex,

I'm not interested.

- I'm not gonna spend my
life running after you.

- Don't then!

- You just gonna walk away from this?

- From what, Lex's little mind games?

- Call them what you like,

you have to play them to win them.

- Win what?

I'm not trying to win anything.

If Lex wants to be leader that's fine,

that's no problem for me.

- Go on then just walk away
like always, give up on us!

- Us, who you talking about, Amber?

What us, there is no us.

- There is, you just don't like to see it.

It gets in the way of
thinking about yourself,

doesn't it?
- That's Rubbish.

- You don't even care about the baby.

- Don't give me that!

- Well, it sure doesn't look like it.

What sort of future does she get?

- A good one, that's
why I brought her here.

- And now that she's here,
that's your job done is it?

And if Lex becomes leader
your happy with that?

You're happy to leave
her future in his hands?

- Not especially, no.

- Well do something about it then!

- No, Amber, just stop
and think for a minute.

Who would be good for you all?

- You could be.

- Amber, I don't have to
spell it out for you do I?

It should be you, you're what they need.

Have an election, a fair vote.

You against Lex, let them decide.

- Me?

- I'll see you later.

- Raise, one beans.

I'm sick of beans.

(whining dog)


Nah, what do I want with them?

Sorry, no can do.

Chewing gum, that's more like it.

- See you.

(whining dog)

- I think I've found a way
to solve our leader problem.

- Is he chicken?

- He's not interested.

I'm putting myself up for it.

- I'm not fighting a girl.

- There won't be any fighting.

We'll have a democratic election.

- An election, how exciting.

- May the best man win.

We'll have a vote tonight then, at six.

- I don't believe this.

- You alright?

- Oh yeah, perfect.

- Where's the baby?

- Don't know.

- Hey, Trud.

- Salene's got her.

- Good, without her, I don't know.

- Just say it, Bray.

- Don't be ridiculous.

- She's the perfect little mother.

A perfect little angel, isn't she?

- Don't take it out on her.

- Oh sorry, your precious Salene.

- Thanks to her your baby's still alive.

I think she deserves a
little respect, don't you?

- You thank her, I'm
sure you'd enjoy that!

And if she wants the baby she can keep it!

- You don't mean that!

- The only reason you're
staying here is because of it.

- It's not an it.

- Stop playing at being daddy!

Why don't you just go?!

- I'm worried about both of you.

- You're not worried about me.

You care about your niece that's all,

Oh, and Salene.

- They're gonna elect
a proper leader, vote.

At least for the baby's
sake, for her future.

- What future?

- Just vote for Amber!

- Oh, of course!

It's her you really want isn't it?

- Oh, that's enough, just shut up!

- Why are you wasting
your time with me anyway?

- I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

(gentle music)

(cooing baby)

- Who's this Edison fella?

- He invented the light bulb.

- The book should be in a museum.

Where'd you get it anyway?

- Zandra gave it to me, she
found it in the antique shop.

- That explains it.

What does she want you
to make, a hairdryer?

That election thing, everyone's
to get a secret vote,

you know, like a private ballet.

- What's wrong with sticking
your hands in the air?

- Who'd vote against Lex?

- Yeah, suppose.

Hey, hey, check this out.

(upbeat dramatic music)

- It's the simplest
system, x marks the spot.

- Won't we need some kind of voting booth?

- I don't know.

- Well, there's gotta be
a simpler way than that.

- How about everyone writes
a name on a piece of paper?

- Yeah, but does everyone
know how to write?

- What are you talking about?

- Voting of tonight.

- Why can't everybody
just stick up there hands?

- Well, it's not democratic.

- What?

- Everybody will know
who you voted for then.

- What's wrong with that?

- Come on.

- Look, whatever.

But writing down's a bad idea.

Ryan can't write.

- No?

- Yeah, and you don't wanna
make him embarrassed do you?

He might get cross.

Of course, what we need
is a bit more adventure.

Get out and about a bit more,

a leader who can find you some milk.

- Yes.

- Well, I hope I can
count on your vote, Trudy.

- I don't think I'll bother.

- Of course, you must.

Where would we be without democracy?

If you vote for me now you
won't have to vote again,

I promise.

- Why not ?

- 'Cause I'll make the decisions for you.

- Some democracy.

- Vote Lex, the vote to end all votes.

- What's the matter?

(whining dog)

What does it mean?

- Okay.

- Okay, raise you.

(squawking birds)

(splashing waves)

- I'm gonna be the strongest.

Me and my warriors, we're
gonna take over the world.

- Martin!


(somber music)

- Ahhh, stupid thing.

What do you want?

- I need some food.

- What, now?

- Right now.

- What for?

- For a game, we're
playing poker with Ryan.

- Forget it.

- Please?

- No, this is gone to far.

- What's gone to far?

- Nothing, nothing.

- Jack's got a secret.

- Come on then.

- What secret?

(barking dog)

Got ya.

You alright?

- This election, we need to vote for Lex.

We need him to win.

- Lex, your kidding?

- No, I think it's for the best.

- But he's impossible,
he'll bully everyone.

- Yeah, I know, but I don't think anyone

will put up with him for very long.

He'll give it a go and then hate it.

- You can win tonight easy.

- If I win Lex will never get of my back,

not until he's leader.

If he wins, he'll lose
interest pretty quickly.

- You know that?

- Trust me.

- But, why not just drop out now?

- It's better this way, if
he thinks he's won properly.

- You're the boss?

- What is that thing?

- Beginnings of a hairdryer.

- A hairdryer?

- Well, sort of.

- I'm getting worried about you, Dal.

- (laughing) I didn't know
you could sign swear words.

Thought you said you'd no rations left?

- We've got a secret store.

- Forget about all that warrior stuff.

- Get lost man.

Power and chaos, it's the only way.

- We've gotta start putting
things back together again.

- Why?

- For her, that's why.

For you, Martin.

- Well, well, this is getting exciting.

- Yeah.

Lex, can you keep an eye on these for me?

- Sure.

(barking dog)

So, what have we here then?

(gentle music)

So you bet all of this and
you only had Jack high?

That's good bluffing,

but I don't think Ryan's
gonna fold with this.

So what we need to do is
spice up your hand a bit.

(gentle music)

Three jacks, plus your
one jack make four jacks.

Now, I expect you want these,

but what can you do for me?

You want these, you have
to vote for me tonight,

you understand?

You want these, you have to
vote for me tonight, okay?


You stick with me and
everything will be sweet.

- Do you see what's happening?

You've ruined yourselves
and now your ruining me.

- What the?

- Ryan, listen I can explain.

- Macaroni cheese, beef
casserole, creamed rice

all yours are they, Jack?

- It's not what you think.

- Wait till Lex sees this lot.

- Ryan, stop, I can explain!

- When I'm leader I'll
take you to a real casino.

Hows that?

There's one on sector two run by the Dogs.

It gets pretty heavy down there,

but hey we're talking about Lex here.

Ah, they got girls, drinks it's wild.

Have you ever played roulette?

- Lex,

look at this,

I haven't had creamed rice for ages.

- You what?

- Creamed rice.

- And?

- It's Jack, he's got a whole
supermarket around there.

- Oh, really?

Now, listen to me, Jack.

You've got this large food store, right?

You're gonna be in serious trouble

when these good people hear about it.

Now, I can probably
keep these chumps quiet

until we know what to do.

You're gonna vote for me tonight, huh?

Good, it's our little secret, yeah?

You enjoying yourself?

Look, stop stuffing your face.

We got a game to finish, here.

Whose call was it?

- I'll have to see you,
it's all I've got left.

- Well, would you look at that.

- This one?

- Yeah, great.

- I don't know, it's a bit, sparkly.

- What's it for?

- It's a big night,
it's our first election.

You should show a sense of occasion.

- You look class.

- 'Course, behind every great woman

there's a line of great idiots.

- What are you on about?

- Nothing, this colors very Amber.

- Eh?

- She'd look lovely in it.

She could do with a bit of a makeover.

- I hope your not thinking
of voting for her.

- Well look at all the male leaders,

all trousers and no common sense.

Take Zoot for example.

- I'm no Zoot.

- Of course you aren't, Lex.

Still, you know.

- What do you think I
should do with this, Ryan?

- Electric rouge, it's my favorite.

- After the election, I think.

- Okay, so the marbles go in this bag

and it's passed around
and everyone takes one.

- Without showing anyone else.

- Yeah, right, so--

- Get on with it.

- Okay, so each voter, that's all of us,

secretly picks the colored marble

for the person you wanna vote
for as the bag comes around

then, on the signal, we throw the marbles

in to the center of the table, really fast

so that no one else notices
what color you picked.

Any questions?

- What if it's a tie?

- What's a tie?

- Ask Lex.


- So, the great wanderer returns.

- Did you miss me?

- Amber, Lex, step forward.

- Everything alright?

- Yeah, we were, I was anyway,

getting a bit worried, you know.

- Don't worry about me.

- Okay, black marble
if you wanna elect Lex

and a white one for Amber.

Let's start.

Go on Patsy.

- Thanks.

- Paul



- Where have you been?

- Nowhere special.

- Don't lie to me.

- I'll tell you later.

- I was beginning to wonder about you.

- Yeah well, I had a bit of a think.

- About time.

- Dal.


- Everyone ready?




- Yes!

- It looks like Lex is the winner.

- Anybody who voted for me

there's a party in order, my place.

- Hey, Lex, now you're leader,

lets dish out the creamed rice.

- Who's got creamed rice?

- Didn't you know?

Jack's got loads of it in his food store.

- Oh yeah, since when?

- What food store, Jack?

- He's got a whole load of food
he was keeping for himself,

tinned meat, creamed rice,
chocolate, everything.

- Chocolate?

- You greedy little pig,
you had all that food

and you didn't tell us.

- Is it true, Jack?

Did you know about this?

- Of course not.

What do you take me for?

- Well what are you gonna do about it?

- I say we should sling him out.

- Just shut it, Zandra, I decide that.

- Well we should, here
we are half starving

when we could've had a decent meal.

I say we go get it now.

- Oy, nobody touches it 'til I say so.

I'm the leader, you all just elected me.

- Yeah, to sort this kind of thing out.

- Zandra's right, sling him out.

- Let the Locusts Have him.

- No, Lex.

- We'll have a trial

and then we'll decide what happens to him.

- If you put me on trial I--
- Look, You can either have

a fair trial now or walk out with nothing.

What's it gonna be?

(gentle music)

♪ Look into the future, what do you see ♪

♪ I really need to know, now,
is there a place for me ♪

♪ Tell me, where do we go from here ♪

♪ Take me as you find me, for what I am ♪

♪ And when I make mistakes,
please, understand ♪

♪ And as long as know you're near ♪

♪ There is nothing for me to fear ♪

♪ Out of the darkness ♪

♪ A light shines ♪

♪ Burning through my coldest night ♪

♪ And we can find a way ♪

♪ Together we'll make it ♪

♪ With every step we take ♪

♪ We'll get closer together ♪

♪ If we're gonna survive ♪

♪ The dream must stay alive ♪

♪ Alive ♪