The Tomorrow People (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 7 - Limbo - full transcript

When Stephen decides to have some fun with his newfound powers, Jedikiah takes extreme measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. After John and Russell return from their trip, John ...

Stephen: My name
is stephen jameson.

I'm one of
the tomorrow people,

They call our powers
the three t's.

Cara: Stephen?

Stephen: Telekinesis...

And teleportation.

There is a shadow war going on
between us and ultra...

...The secret organization
that hunts us.

The only way to keep
my species from going extinct

Is to find my father.

And the only way to do that
is by working for the enemy.

Previously on
the tomorrow people...

I don't know
what to tell you.
How about
the truth?

That I'm a killer?

I don't care what
your secret was.

It's that you kept
it from me.

You're the best person
I've ever met.

I think about you,

I think about you too.

I'll get them to
the subway, then I'll
walk you to your car.

My car's a block over.

You don't want to be
out alone with this
lunatic still loose.






I don't want to hurt you.
Please don't run.
If you run, I get upset.

Don't come any closer!

There now, you see
what you did?

Now I'm upset.

(shower running)




(shower stopping)

Can I come in?

Why didn't you answer me?
I was getting all
telepathically romantic.

I was in the shower.
Running water can be
a psychic barrier.

Didn't know that.

So, how 'bout we order
some room service and
watch a bad movie?

There's a couple from
arizona about to check in.

You should get dressed.


So last night was pretty...

Awesome, right?

But, you know,
just to make sure
it wasn't a fluke,

We should probably do it
another dozen times.

I don't know if
it's that simple.

For me anyway.

Okay, yeah. So what now?

I'm not sure.

(door opening)
quick. They're here...

hi, I was just checking out.

John: Hey.

I missed you.

Got you this.

Oregon state animal.

I know the last few weeks
have been tough, so I
wanted to start over.

This little guy
is a peace offering.

He's a beaver.

It's cute. Thanks.

So it turns out our resident
klepto is actually a mad
musical genius.

Like a violin
prodigy or something?

Oh, 'cause I'm asian
I must play the violin.


Real good at math too.

So, where have you been?

You got in pretty late
last night. I saw your
bed was empty.

Yeah, I, um, I spent
the night at a hotel.
I needed some me time.

There's something in
here you ought to see.

Wait. Slow down. Back up.

You're saying you've
been tracking a
breakout on your own?

I had to. There was
no one else here.

I didn't get any signals.

That's probably because
he broke out years ago,

So his psychic
footprint's not spiking.

Truth is, this guy has
reason not to be found.

Tim: The suspect in question
strikes between ten at night
and two in the morning.

All around this
eight block radius.
What do you mean, "strikes?"

Tim: Here's the police
composite sketch. Along with
the sexual assault reports.

We're looking for a rapist?

No, that doesn't make
any sense. Are you sure
he's one of us?

The way he vanishes into
thin air, he's gotta be.

So much for

Our powers don't
make us good.

They just make us powerful.
How we use them is up to us.

This guy is twisted.
With or without 'em.

What doesn't make
sense is how ultra still
hasn't tracked him down.

So we catch him, and
then what? I mean, it's
not like we have a prison.

Personally, I'd like to
castrate him, but that might
not be that practical.

It's disgusting.

Not the castration
part, I think that's
entirely justified.

I just mean that one
of our kind, a supposedly
more evolved species

Would use their
powers for... That.

I couldn't agree more.
So why not let ultra do
what they do best?

We're better than them. We're
faster, and it could mean one
less woman gets attacked.

In that case we should get
a hold of ultra's intel.

See what else they have
on this sick bastard.

As in contact stephen.

Yeah. You are
all in his head.

I'd rather focus on trying
to get a read on this guy.

I'll contact him.
Thanks, irene. I got it.

Man: I thought you'd
be used to this by now.

Getting agents killed.

What'd you just say?

Can't wait for the day
when it's your crap
being boxed up.

You son of a bitch.
She was my partner.

And look how well that
worked out for her.

You're too young.
You're too green.

And your partners
end up too dead.

You're way out of your
depth, man. I don't care
who you're related to.

Yeah? Why don't you
do something about it?
All right, gentlemen. Enough.

I think we can find a
better outlet for our
grief than this, yes?

Look, I know we all
miss agent nichols,

But the best way to honor
her memory is to continue
doing what we're doing.

Which is what, exactly?

It just so happens
we have a very dangerous

Criminal breakout on
the streets right now.

He's wanted in a string of
assaults clustered here.

He seems to be following
a geographic pattern.

Now, all the victims
say the assailant
moved like lightning.

One second they're in the
street, the next second

They're in a dark concrete
room where he violates them,
and then like magic,

They wake up in their
bedrooms with their hair wet.

So, needless to say, if
the local pd gets this
lunatic before we do,

It could compromise
our entire organization.
That's the priority?

Not stopping more women
from being raped?

Should you be
watching your tone, son?

Maybe I should
get some air.

Hey. I didn't say
"meeting dismissed."

Perkins is right, okay?
I'm toxic. First vaughn,
then darcy.

Look what happens to
the people around me.

Those guys don't want me
here, okay? I'm a liability.

Well, perhaps a few days
away from headquarters
would do you some good.

But, remember, stephen,
you've seen what we
do to rogue agents here.

You'd be
no different.

So get it together fast.
You're wearing on morale.

Didn't mean to scare you.

You didn't.
We need your help.

Ultra's tracking
a breakout who actually
deserves to get caught.

We just gotta make sure
they bring him in.

Sorry. Taking a
little time off.

My boss slash uncle.
He thinks the stress of
the job is getting to me.

What do you think?
I think that jedikiah
only knows about half

My life, the ultra half,
which is bad enough, but then

There's the whole "survival
our species depends on you"
thing with you guys.

Stephen. I get it.
It's a lot of pressure.

And our world can be
a little intense.

But it's up to you.
You can't choose
your destiny.

You can only
fulfill it or fail it.

You hearing me, stephen?

Yeah, I hear you.

All right.
I am starving.

Haven't seen you
look this glum

Since your volcano
didn't erupt in sixth
grade earth science.

I know you can hear me.

Well, I used corn starch
instead of baking soda,
so the volcano...

I'm serious.

I have these powers, okay,
which, theoretically, should
make my life awesome,

But some reason, everything
I touch I seem to destroy.

Well, maybe you're not
using them to full effect.

If I could make stuff fly,
I would have some fun with it.

I can read minds, okay?
Now, that should be cool.

But who wants to know that
jamie wright cheated on
his bio quiz and

Thinks he might have crabs?

Okay. Yeah, I can
see how that could
get burdensome.


Just to be clear,
my mind is totally
off limits. Right?

Yes, okay? I would never.
It'd be like seeing you naked.

It'd just be wrong.
Oh, what's wrong
with me naked?

Coach: Jameson!
I so hate to interrupt
your little tea time.

But how'd you like to
come down here and
head up the b-team?

Sure, coming right
down, coach.
I'll be here.

Well, here's your chance.

With great power, comes
great responsibility.
To have yourself some fun.

Can't wait.
Picking you first.

Move it, dumpling.



I forgot my inhaler...

Let's go, rory.
That's five on five.

All right.
Let's do battle.

Okay, bring it in,
bring it in.

Now, have any of you guys
seen the bad news bears?

Yeah. They lose
in the end.

Thank you, rory.
But you know what
else they did?

They showed the other
team what they were
made of, okay? Their grit.

Now, let's get out
there and kick some ass!
Come on, ror!

Center court,
let's go kids.

Rousing speech,


You got it, rory!
Put it up!

Suck it, juergens!

Told you this
could be awesome.

Yeah, maybe I've just
been using these powers
the wrong way.

And now you're
showing off.

Did you just
slap my ass?

Got a little carried away.
Let's never speak of it.

Jameson! That was nice.
Here's the deal, jimmy brandt
sprained his ankle,

And risdall's got
the flu, so varsity
squad is a body short.

You come work out with
us, we'll suit you up for
the game this weekend, okay?

No, thanks.
I appreciate it...

Hey, we can't mount a
squad, we forfeit the game.


Let's play ball!
(whistle blowing)

John: Now what?
We're totally screwed.

All these trees,
there's zero visibility,

Tim got nothing on
surveillance. This pervert
knows what he's doing.

Meanwhile, we're out in the
open waiting to get caught
up in an ultra sweep.

You wanna leave,
john? Leave.

Well, wherever this
guy's taking his victims
it must be close.

We should split up.
So I don't have to listen
to you two bicker anymore.

What? We're not
splitting up?

You tell me, cara.

Is that a joke?

You haven't forgiven me.
For not telling you the truth
about being able to kill.

While I was away
with russell,
I thought about you.

Us. A lot.

I realized how much
I let us down.

I know I have to
earn your trust back,

But there's nothing
we can't get through,

I know I'm not the
"I love you" kind of guy,

But, yeah, I do.

Now you tell me?

Come on, no one's perfect.


This is so trippy.

Is your whole
body tingling?
Yes, all of it.

Look at your hair.

Is it good?
It's good now.

Well, you did just atomize me
to the top of the empire state
building and back.

I told you this
could be fun.

So, where we
going next?

We can go wherever you...

Um, sorry. I didn't...


I'm astrid.


I've heard a
lot about you.

Um, astrid, do you mind
giving us a minute?

Of course.
I should be getting
home anyway, so...

It was nice to meet you, cara.

I wasn't expecting you.

(clearing throat)
stephen, we need you
back inside ultra.

Unless we know where they
are with tracking this guy

There's no telling
when he'll attack next.

So, you're just here on
official tomorrow people

What happened between us,

Should never have happened.

It was a mistake.
It was my fault, and
I take full responsibility.

So, I'm a mistake now?


The other night. Us.
That was a mistake.
It was my mistake.

How did we get to
"mistake" from
"I'm not sure"?

It's not like we
just hooked up.

Okay? There has been
something between us
from the very beginning.

Before I even saw your
face when you were just
a voice inside my head.

No. Look me in the eye and
tell me you don't feel it.

Let me inside your
mind so I know you're
not covering up the truth.

And if you can do that,
in all honesty, then

I'll never bring
it up again.

I'm sorry, stephen.

I don't get it, jameson.
When did you stop sucking?

It's a recent development.
Oh, hell, no.

My dad's moved their book
club to my house tonight.

Gonna have to
cancel the pep party.
What's our back-up plan?

What's a
pep party?

Just a little get
together for the team.

Get us focused
on the big game.
Kind of a tradition.

You were so invited.

Well, my mom's working
the night shift. Maybe
we could do it at my place?

(loud music playing)

Whoa. Trippy.

Oh, hey.

Yeah, thanks for the invite.
Sorry, it was just supposed
to be a few guys.

Not according to twitter.

I am so screwed. Will you
just make sure no one
pukes on the couch please?

Yo, don't
forget the host.

Oh, no thanks, I'm not
drinking with the big
game in the morning.

Neither are we. Just
keepin' up appearances.
Man, it's apple juice.


I mean tequila.

(all laughing)

Oh, man, my bad.
Here, wash it down
with more tequila!

Can't even taste
the third one.
I promise.

Did you know that someone's
turning our bathtub into
a gravity bong?

What? How do you
know what a...
It doesn't matter.

If you breathe a word
of this to mom...

Oh, please.
You're finally a baller.

Why would I ruin it?
Hey mini-dude,
you beer pong?

No. Off-limits.
I'm luca.

Hi, luca.

I'm juergens.
This is van. This
is david-with-two-dads.

I know who you guys are.

Hi, stephen.

Uh, jenny, hi.

There's an emergency situation
upstairs that you might wanna
check out. Like, stat.

Thank you.

So, what's
the emergency?

That I might never
get up the nerve to
do this again.

This spot is the central
intersection of the
four attacks.

Focus your energy there.

If he strikes again,
you should be able to
get a fast read on him.

Aw, I can't wait to
get my hands on this
creep. Bam! Pow!

Karate chop castration,
right to the cojones.

It's a patented technique.

Irene's tapped into
the police scanners.

Why don't you
go help her?

Third wheel,
preparing for take-off.

I told you we'll find
him and we will.


You know how we said
we would tell each
other everything?

That we could get past
anything as long as we were
honest with each other?


While you were gone,
I made a mistake.

Cara, there's nothing
you could of done.

I slept with stephen.

I'm so sorry.

If I could take
it back, I would.

And it doesn't change how
I feel about you. The thought
of losing you terrifies me.

Say something.

Are we even now?

I lied to you,
you lied to me,
is that how it is?

No. No, that's not...

It took me years to
tell you the truth
about the annex project.

It took you two days
to come clean about this.

So, in that
respect, you win.

Now what?

I guess that's up to you.


Uh, the cops are just
about to bust your party.

I, uh, I thought
you should know.

Damn it.
Excuse me, jenny.

Call me.


Okay, go ahead. Judge.
Like you need me.

Jenny riordin? Seriously?
How wasted was she?

Okay, she kissed me.
Oh, right.

Now was this before or
after she forced you
to do tequila shots?

You're not gonna
take responsibility
for any of this?

You're the one who told
me to have more fun
with my powers.

To have more fun.
Not to be a jerk.

You know, you're turning
into the people we roll
our eyes at.

You kind of suck
at being a superhero.

Yeah. I know.
That's what I've been
trying to tell everyone.

You mean your
new friend, cara?
Okay, what is your issue?

(astrid thinking)
I'm in love with you.

Stephen, did you just...

No. No. Astrid, I...

You're an ass.

It was an accident, okay?
I swear.

Okay. Let's not make
this any more awkward
than it already is.


I just felt...

Someone teleported.


If you're calm,
I won't kill you.

shh. It's okay.

Let her go.

I'm sorry.
Maybe you didn't hear me,
you rapist piece of...

Why didn't you tell
me you were like me?
One of the blessed ones.

Oh, a little
crime-fighting crew?

You get a read on him?
Where'd he go?

I don't know.
Russell: He couldn't
have gone far.

Must have left some
kind of signature.

Is she okay?

Can you hear me?
You're safe now.


(knocking at door)


Looks like somebody's
been a very bad boy.

Using your powers to win
basketball games and throw

Just because you're on leave,
doesn't mean we're not
keeping tabs on you, kid.

Hold out your wrist.
Why? So you can slap it?

Get off me!


That is a suppression cuff.
Another one of your dad's
nifty inventions.

You're so sick
of your powers,

Well, now you're gonna
feel what it's like
not to have them.

Okay, I know I screwed up.
But I need my powers.

Cuff must be working.

If you could read my mind,
you would have moved.



Sweet bracelet.

(groaning) yeah, it's
one of those, uh,
balance band things.

Great. By the way, mom
left you a little present.

I thought she was sleeping at
the hospital between shifts?

Yeah, no, she came
home for breakfast.

You know when she does
that quiet angry thing

And you wish she'd just yell?
Yeah, she did that.

Get out.



Yeah, the cuff doesn't
come off till your uncle
wants it to come off.

The material is
a titanium blend,

Essentially unbreakable,
impervious to powers.

If we knew the alloy,
we could circumvent it.
We don't.

You wanted a simpler life.
You got it.

And you guys
know everything, huh?

When you're a man down,
chasing a psychotic
serial rapist,

You gotta do your homework.

Look, I get it.
Hey, I needed a break.
I'm good now.

I'm ready to help.

Without your powers,
you're useless.

We're all thinking it.

I wasn't thinking it.

What are the badges for?

John: The guy we're chasing
had one on his shirtsleeve.

I couldn't get
a read on it.

He's extremely fast,
and we are extremely busy.

Don't you have
a game to get to?

Sorry we can't help
you with the cuff.

Make peace with jedikiah
and it'll go away.

Until then,
lay low.

Lay low?

On a basketball court in
front of my whole school?


I'll take you topside.

Thanks for doing this.
No problem.

I got your back
for the big game.
Just like you got mine.

Astrid: Go wildcats!
(crowd cheering)

(crowd groaning)

(buzzer sounding)

Time, ref! Come on.
Let's go. Hurry up!

Coach: Guys.
All right, questions.

Why are we dragging ass
on d, huh? And jameson?
Donde esta the magic?

Yeah, just warming up, okay?
It's killing us, jameson.

Coach: We've worked on this.
Heads in the game. Let's go.

On three, wildcats.
One, two, three!
All: Wildcats!

Let's go boys. Let's go.

Go wildcats.

Sweet, bro.
Next stop nba.

What the hell
was that about?

Oh, just having
a little fun.

Like you did.
While I was away.

Look, it just happened. Okay?
It's not like I planned it.

Whatever the hell happened
between you two,
it didn't mean a thing.

You had sex. That's all.

I hope it made you
feel like a big man.

I'd be careful, stephen.

You saw what happened
without your powers.
You're nothing.

Yeah? And who are you?
A rebel leader who
doesn't fight?

With the trail of bodies
you've left in your wake,
above ground and below,

Pardon me for not taking
leadership advice from you.


If either one of you says,
"he started it." I will
tear you both to shreds.

This is my fault.
What happened between us
was a one-time mistake.

I am with john.

Fighting each other is a path
to extinction, which is why
this ends now. Do you hear me?

They wake up in their bedrooms
with their hair wet.

I was in the shower.
Running water can be
a psychic barrier.

He takes them to the sewers.

(water dripping)

(woman shrieking)

Woman: (sobbing)

(woman gasping)

We have a guest.



An unfriendly guest.

I don't think you know who
you're dealing with, friend.

You think your powers
make you special?

Don't they?

He got you pretty good.
Are you okay?

You're sick.

And you're weak.


That's gonna make it
easier than I thought.

Bad dog.


He found the breakout.
He needs our help.

Stephen has a
suppression cuff on.

How's he communicating?
I don't know. But he is.

You can't kill me.
I know you can't.

Someone's gonna find
you sooner or later.
You have to give up.

I can do whatever I want.
Whenever I want.

Now, I may not be able
to kill you. But let's
see if this current can.

It's too easy.

Cara: Stephen!
I got him.


I'm gonna make you beg.

(feedback blaring)

Not a hell hot
enough, is there?

Man: Stay back.

I don't want
you here, stephen.

You need to go back.



Dad, I need your help. Please.

Save yourself.

Save all of them.


Dad, tell me what
to do. Please.


Dad, I don't know
what that means.

Dad, come on,
give me something.



Lucky guy.

Good job.

Who figured out
where he was hiding?
I did.

That's a story
I'd like to hear.

So you did this all on your
own? You tracked down and
apprehended a violent breakout

All without the
benefit of your powers?

What can I say?
Powers are overrated.
But I'd still like mine back.

So, I can assume your
little walk through
the wilderness is over?

Yes. I'm ready to
come back as an agent
as soon as possible, sir.

Good, good.
I'm curious, though.

Why the change of heart?

I thought you didn't have
the stomach for
this kind of work.

My destiny isn't something
I choose. I can only choose
to fulfill or fail it.

You should know I would
have removed your powers
permanently if I had to.

Well, good thing
you don't have to.
Do you mind?


One more thing, stephen.
The man you brought in

Was ranting about being
attacked by someone
with paranormal powers.

No. A woman. Dark hair,
piercing blue eyes.
Does that ring a bell?

Like I said,
I brought him in alone.

I wonder where he came up
with that story.

Maybe it has something
to do with the fact
that he's insane?


What happens to him now?
Oh, something you definitely
don't have the stomach for.

Cara: John!

So, are we good?

Well, technically, now
we've both made out
with stephen.

So, I'm willing
to call it even.

He's in love with you.
You know that, right?


Don't you think that's
kind of a problem?

We all have to work together.
Without stephen, there is
no endgame.


He's not imagining it.

Whatever it is between
stephen and me,

There is something.

I'll lie to him.

I will tell him it doesn't
exist if that's what it takes
to keep the harmony down here.

To survive.

I can't lie to you.

Do you love me, cara?


That's all I need to know.

Thank you.

Peace offering?
I'm not in the mood.

Little known fact.
Pork buns were served
at the geneva convention.

These little guys
are the unsung heroes
of all great peace treaties.

You mind if I sit?
If I said no,
would it stop you?

Definitely not.

I'm fine. Look, I let my
powers go to my head a little.
You think?

Okay, a lot. Becoming
a jerk wasn't part of
my plan. I'm sorry.

Thank you for reminding me
who I was before I had them.

Yeah, it was like the
plot of an '80s movie.

You went from
geek to chic then
back to geek.

You got the popular girl
and here you are, begging
for your best friend back.

Except you ruined
the ending, 'cause

You already know
how she really feels
about you.

I love you too, astrid.

Oh, barf, here comes the
"like a friend" qualifier.

No, it's not just that, okay?
There's someone else.

Yeah, the girl in
your room. Cara.

If it makes
you feel any better,
she doesn't love me back.

Is that what she told you?

You don't have to be a
mind-reader to know
she's lying.


Do me a favor. The next
time you want to go after a
psychotic breakout on your own

Without your powers, don't.

Sure thing.

But I wasn't on my own.

You're lucky I even knew
you were in trouble.

That cuff should have blocked
me from hearing your voice.

That's what I've
been saying all along.

We're connected.

Look, you can fight it,
deny it all you want, cara.
But you and I,

We're inevitable.

That's the last time
I'll bring it up, okay?


Bad timing, I'm guessing.

No. I actually came here
to talk to both of you.

It's about my dad.
He's alive. I saw him.

And we're gonna figure out
how to find him.