The Tomorrow People (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 3 - Girl, Interrupted - full transcript

Stephen plants a virus in the Ultra computer. Jed finds the bug and fakes a breakout to capture Cara. Stephen offers to give her the injection that removes their powers, saying her boyfriend John would then hate her for being human; she writhes as if the injection works. Cara used to be deaf and powerless, until she was almost raped. Accused of murdering her attacker, her skeptical father gave her his pocket money to leave; her younger sister cried out her name. Stephen wants to help a suicidal student on the anniversary of her sister's death, hit by a train. Cara convinces the girl she was blameless in an accident. Stephen's friend Astrid, who disbelieved his tale of powers before, sees him teleport away from the railway line, and insists she will keep on digging because he won't tell her the truth.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Stephen: My name
is Stephen Jameson.

I am one of
The Tomorrow People,

The next step
in human evolution.

They call our powers
the three T's.

Cara: Stephen?

Stephen: Telekinesis...

And teleportation.

There is a shadow war going on
between us and Ultra...


The secret organization
that hunts us.

The only way to keep
my species from going extinct

Is to find my father.

And the only way to do that
is by working for the enemy.

Cara: Previously on
The Tomorrow People...

Reading someone's thoughts
is just the beginning.

You'll be able to access
their feelings.

Even their memories.

Stephen, you have no idea
what you're getting yourself into.

Marla: We have a visitor.
This is your uncle.

Work for me, Stephen.

We track anything that can
indicate a new breakout

And then we have our agents who
help us track rogue paranormals.

And when the time comes, Stephen will
lead us to The Tomorrow People.

And we'll kill them.

Stephen. Got someone
I'd like you to meet.

Your new partner.

[pop music playing]

[indistinct conversation]

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Dude, go for it. That girl
literally doesn't say no.

Why don't you make a move?

I'm just looking out
for my wingman.

[sound fades out]
[heart beating]



You can read lips, right?

Good. Well,
let me tell you,

You're not missing anything.

The music here sucks.

You wanna get out of here?

Go someplace
a little more quiet?

[pop music continues playing]


You're really pretty.

How do you say, uh, "pretty"
in sign language?


Hey, hey! Easy.

Heard about you from the guys.

Ow! Ah!

Deaf bitch...
Get over here!

[cloth tearing]






[sound fades out]



[crickets chirping]
[owl hooting]

[high-pitched whining]

Excuse me.

Are you done with that?

Your newspaper.

Man 1: Way to go, dude.
You just creeped her out.

Man 2: How do I tell her
I didn't get the promotion?

I was so sure.
We were so sure.

Man 3: I'm so tired.
I'm so, so tired.

[telepathic whispering

John: Hey, just in time.

We figured out a way
to get the jump on Ultra.

A way to save breakouts before
their powers are stripped

Or they're turned into agents.

Yes. We are using Ultra's
own intel against them.

[laughs] My buddy Tim
figured it out.

And who built Tim?
Who stole his new processor?

Good combo.
Up top?

Are you okay?

I thought you...
You were gonna get us food.

Sorry, I, uh...

I got sidetracked.

What's the plan?

We're going to need Stephen.

[dance music playing]

Uh, I don't think
I should drink with...

Your meds.

Yeah, I know.
It's just water.

It's a prop.
You gotta blend.

I'm blending, okay?
Check it out...

Oh... No, no, no, please.
Don't ever do that again. [Laughing]

I, uh, I'm actually trying to
reintegrate you into the social circle,

Not have you scare people away.

I know, okay? I get it, but I don't
need you to babysit me.


Young man:
She's not wearing a bra.

No wait, she is wearing a bra.

She's not wearing a bra.

Oh, I can't tell.

Young woman 1:
Twenty calories a chip.

Salsa's another 20,
but I skipped lunch, so...

Really good.

Young woman 2:

Douche... Bitch.

Sartre was right.
Hell is other people.

What's your problem?

nothing, um... Emily.

Jameson, I remember.

The crazy one.

Hey, you know, we should
probably split up

Before the normal kids think
the freaks are starting a club.

What is her problem?

Claws in. Emily's
been through hell.

Yeah, so have you.

Okay, I get what happened
with her sister was awful,

But doesn't mean she
gets a free pass.

Maybe that's enough
socialization for one night.

Okay, sure. I'll meet you outside.
Just let me go say bye.

Emily: I'm so sick and tired
of trying to fit in with these people.

Thank the non-existent
god that in 48 hours

I'll be dead.

Jedikiah: We certainly had
a difficult time tracking you down.

Question is, what are we
going to do with you now?

Who are you and
what is this place?

It's kind of a rehab center
for people like you.

Look, I'm not saying that
superpowers aren't fun.

Heck, if I was born with them,

I'd probably decorate my walls
with stolen Van Goghs as well.

[laughs incredulously]

Of course, I prefer
modernism. Point is...

Your kind can't be
trusted in our world.

This... This is about
the paintings.

Look, I will never teleport
into the met ever again

And I will never touch
another painting, okay?

I know you won't.

[injector clicks]

You gonna kill me?
Well, that's entirely up to you.

First part is

Your criminal disposition, your
mediocre powers, are useless to me.

So I'm going to
take them away from you.

Return you to the way
you used to be.

And the second part?

That you will never breathe a word
of what happens today to anyone,

Or, make no mistake,
I will kill you.

You believe me?

Give him the shot.

Hey, hey, wait, no.




John: Have you ever seen
someone have their powers taken?

I have.

What do you want me to do?

You said you wanted to be a
double agent. [Door opens]

It's game time, baby.

Tim, pull up the schematics.

Tim: Yes, Cara.

I've constructed
a 3D map of Ultra.

You want me to break
into my own office?

A highly restricted
part of the facility.

We'll guide you
through it, step by step.

And I'll be close enough to be inside
your head the whole time.

And theirs.

You'll place this drive...
This dongle.

Inside their firewall.

It'll install software that syncs up
their system directly to Tim.

It'll give us all their intel
on new breakouts.

Ultra is linked into a whole web
of classified material.

Medical files, police reports,
psych records.

They even have their own algorithms
for id-ing potential paranormals.

It's sort of like an alarm system
that lets them know

If someone's
secretly one of us.

Tap into that system, no more
head start for Jedikiah.

Are you excited, timothy?

You get to stick your dongle
in Ultra's mainframe.

Tim: As you know, I'm incapable
of experiencing excitement.

Or appreciating
crude sexual innuendo.

If you get caught, it won't matter
that you're Jedikiah's nephew.

But, hey,
if you're not ready...

I'm ready.


You got a sec?

At this party,
it was the first time

That I could hear all of my
classmate's thoughts.

Sucks, doesn't it?

Knowing what's going
on inside people's heads.

Yeah, but...

Not just that,
there's this girl, Emily.

She said something disturbing.
What'd you hear?

"In 48 hours,
I'll be dead."

That could mean anything.

Or it could mean, in two days,
she's gonna kill herself.

Even if it did,

We don't use our powers
to intervene in human lives.

Why not?
Do you really want to play god?

It's messy, it's complicated
and it risks exposure.

When I was losing it,

I had to go to the nurse
every day to get my pills.

Me and Emily,
we were the freaks,

Both of us having breakdowns.

Only she had an excuse.

She was behind
the wheel of the car

When her sister got...
Stephen, stop it.

You dig around in
people's minds,

You'll find everyone
has a sad story.

You talking from experience?

Not that I'd like to share.

Okay, wait...

So what?
We just ignore them?

Forget about their kind.

We'll be lucky if we can
save our own species.

Take off your shirt.

Excuse me?

Bio-metric transmitter.

It only works on bare skin.



You could buy me dinner first,
I don't even know your name.

Yes you do, it's agent Nichols.

Got a first name,
agent Nichols?

This isn't some get-to-know-you luncheon.
I'm here to train you.

It's Darcy.

What the hell's
the gun for, Darcy?

According to your file, not only
are you naturally gifted

In telepathy, teleportation,

But you can actually stop time.

I don't know how to control it.

Oh, I saw the tape.
You did it before.

Yeah, by accident.

Your power is tied
into your emotion.

The stronger your emotion,
the stronger your power.

Which is why you were
able to save those kids.

Because you were scared.

Which only follows that,
if I scare you again,

You'll be able to stop time.

I'm gonna count to three. One...
Wait, wait, wait...

Are you serious?

I swear to god.


What just happened?

[system whirring]

Nothing, except for an incredibly
elevated heart rate.

You just fired a gun at me.
Why aren't I dead?


It was loaded with blanks.

Our kind can't kill, remember?

I just had to make you
think it was real.


well, this was...

Loads of fun.
I'm gonna go grab a water.

Maybe change my shorts.

You do that.

Cara: Your partner's
a real sweetheart.

Stephen: [chuckles] you were in my
head for that? Cara: And hers.

Being a telepath,
is like being a psychic antenna.

That's why I had to get
close enough to help you,

It helps me hear better.

See that age?
Follow him.

He's headed to
the restricted section.

Stephen: Uh, problem.
There's a key pad.


Two, two...

Six, zero, one.


Stephen: Now which way
to the mainframe?

Left. Go all the way
to the end of the...

Cara: Wait!

Someone headed
your way. Hide.

You're all clear.


Okay, stop.
You're there.

Stephen: I don't
see a mainframe.


Cara: Above you.
You see that pan?

Third one up.
Can you reach it?

It's the primary data cable
for the mainframe.


Waiter: Damn European

Man: I can't believe I blew it
with another interview.

telepathic whispering]

Stephen: Okay, that was easy.

Which way out?
Am I clear?

[whispering continues]

Cara, are you there?

[high-pitched whining]



What are you doing here?

Uh... I... I was looking for you.
I wanted to talk to you in private.

Come to my office.

Stephen: I overheard something
that I wasn't supposed to.

One of my classmates,
who's been having

Pretty serious mental problems,
is thinking about killing herself.

So... So I should
try to help her?

What was it that
Stalin once said?

When one man dies
it's a tragedy,

When millions die,
it's a statistic.

Well, obviously
he was a monster.

And he had it backwards.

Because what happens if by using
your powers to help this person,

You accidentally reveal
to the rest of the world

That there's a new species
living amongst them?

One that could
read their thoughts,

Steal their secrets,
prey upon them.

Humans would either try
to exploit you or kill you

And then millions would die,
of your kind and mine.

And that would indeed
be a tragedy.

So what does make Emily?

Is she the statistic?

You can't save everybody.

Sweep the fourth floor.
Make sure nothing is out of place.

[Russell exclaims]

The great Dongler returns!

Good job. Tim's uploading
from Ultra as we speak.

Are you sure you got out clean?

Yeah, yeah. Cara was
with me every step of the way.

Thank you for not making
a big deal in front of...

Actually, it was a big deal.

I almost got caught up there

Because of you going mute on
me in the middle of a mission.

What happened?

Sometimes my powers work
a little too well up there.

I can get overwhelmed by all
the noise and I get these...



Must be tough.

Being stuck down here.

There's a whole world up there
you can't be a part of.

Trust me, Stephen.

I'm happy not being
a part of that world.

[phone ringing]

[officers speaking


Are you okay?

What happened, honey?

Who? Who did this
to you?

Officer: Mr. Coburn?

Tell her she's under arrest.

For what?
For the murder of Tyler Miller.


[stammering] my daughter says
she just shoved him.

She was defending herself.

Yeah, well, it was some shove.

The kid's head was
cracked open.

What did you hit
him with, a rock?

Where did you hide it?

The truth is going to come out.

Don't waste... Can I have a moment
alone with my daughter, please?

Don't worry. Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.

Sir, you wanna
help your daughter?

I suggest you find
her an attorney.

Emily: 4-15,
then 5-44, 7-23, 9-16...

So you're, uh...
You're stalking Emily now?

[chuckles] no.


What are you up to?

I'm just worried about her.

I think she's been more
depressed than usual.

Oh, and this is
based on the, uh,

The 10 seconds of
scintillating conversation

You eeked out of her at the party.
Not just that. I, um...

I overhead her at the guidance
counselor talking about

The accident and her sister.

That's not cool.

I know, but I heard
what I heard.

She's in a dark place and I'm worried
she might try to hurt herself.

So you stole her notebook.
I didn't steal it.

Okay, I stole it.

I just needed an excuse
to check in with her.

Make sure she's okay.

Sweet. I mean
it's creepy...

But sweet.
[school bell ringing]

Are you doing okay?

Yeah. Why?

Come on.
I recognize the look.

It's happening again, isn't it?

I know this time
of year is hard.

But you don't have
to be so alone.

With your powers, it'd be
so easy to just let me in.

You know damn well there are things
inside your head you don't let me see.

I'm sorry.

It's all ancient history.

Just try and focus
on the present.

[door closing]

What is with you all over me
all of a sudden, Jameson?

We, uh, we brought
your notebook.

You dropped it, so I, uh...
Picked it up?

My hero.

Stephen: Hold on...

Look, you did
your good deed for the day

So you can go check off
your community service hour.

We... We're worried about you.

You're worried about me?

You're the one who's
hanging out with a schizo.

So what does that make you?
A friend.

I know about your sister.

And I've lost somebody too.

I didn't lose her.
She's not a set of car keys. I killed her.

I wasn't paying attention.
I didn't even see a train coming.

I killed my little
sister, okay?

So, if you're here to
tell me that you know

What it feels like to have your parents
look at you like you're a murderer...

No. No, I just meant that...

We'd like to help you.

Stephen overheard you talking in
the counselor's office accidentally.

That's funny, 'cause I haven't
been to the counselor all year.

So, maybe you're
hallucinating again?

Tim, I need you to search some numbers
for me, see if they mean anything.

5-44, 7-23, and 9-16.

Tim: They could
signify anything.

Time intervals. Departure
or arrival times for a flight.

Train, ferry, bus...

Train. Emily's sister. Uh...

Search all train schedules. See if
there's a line that hits those times.

No matches.

You checked everything?
I am a supercomputer.

What are you doing?

This doesn't have anything
to do with your friend at school.

The one who's
mind your reading?

We do not help humans.
Yes, thank you, I already got the lecture.

Then I don't need to explain
why it's not worth the risk.

I risked my ass for you guys.

I hacked into Ultra's mainframe to help
your species track down new breakouts.

It's your species too, Stephen.

And I almost got caught
thanks to whatever

the hell's going on
inside your brain.

But just because you can't
deal or don't give

don't give a damn about humans,
doesn't mean...

What's he talkin' about?

You're right.

The real reason not to help these people
isn't because it's reckless.

It's pointless.

They don't deserve saving.

You don't mean that.
The people you love,

They don't know
the truth about you.

If, when, they discover there's
a freak living in their midst,

Then you'll find out
who they really are.

Tim: Sorry to interrupt, but I just received
an alert via Ultra's mainframe.

It worked.
It seems there's a breakout.

In the vicinity of the naval yard.
You got an id?

Facial recognition
coming through.

Tim's put us ahead of Ultra on a
new breakout. Let's move.

I didn't get any kind of
telepathic read on this girl.

Maybe that's 'cause your
powers are fritzing out.

Russell and I can handle this
if you're not feeling 100%.

Stop coddling me, I'm fine.

You're not going anywhere.
Why not?

John: You're the inside man at Ultra.
We can't risk you being exposed.

Dark-haired female, 5'6".

paranormal powers
somewhere in the vicinity.

What a crap-hole.
Why would a breakout want to hang here?

Cara: She's probably confused.
Wants to stow away on a ship.

Get as far away from
home as fast as possible.

Girl: I have to get out of here
before they figure out I'm a freak.

I got her. She's here.
We'll cover you.

Girl: Please don't make me go home.
You don't know what they did to me.

Cara: It's okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.

Hey! It's me,
we have to go.

I don't think so.


They took her!
We gotta jet!

We can't help her
if we're dead!

John: They got her.
Russell: We don't know that.

Maybe she bolted
with the breakout.

There was no breakout,
it was a damned trap.

Jedikiah must have
found our drive.

I never should have let her go up top,
not in the state she was in.

Wait, what do you mean?

The night Cara broke out, this bastard
attacked her, tried to rape her.

Cara fought back. That's how she
discovered she had powers.

That was five years ago exactly.
This time of year is always rough.

It's like she's reliving
it all over again.

So, what do we do now?
What do you think we do?

We go in.
No. No, they'll be ready for us.

We don't have a choice.

They're gonna kill her.

Stay here.


I'm gonna get her.

I'm the inside man, remember?

Stephen: Jedikiah.


Jedikiah: Power suppression
restraints. Very effective.

How'd you get her?

Jedikiah: Familiar?

What is it?

Just something that mysteriously found
its way into my computer system

After you came on board.

I've never seen it before.

Get Darcy to give me
another one of your

telepathic brain scans if
you don't believe me.

No, I prefer to
take you at your word.

Learning otherwise
would, of course,

put you in the same boat as
your friend there.

Stephen: What are you
gonna do to her?

I mean, you can't kill her.

I certainly can. Easily.

She's useless.

But impressive.

Our best telepath could not retrieve a
shred of intel on her compatriots.


Please. Don't do it.

Well, you seem
awfully attached.

Cara helped me.

When I thought I was going nuts,
her voice kept me from falling apart.

I owe her.

You do know that
she's a murderer.

A fugitive.

I'm sorry, Stephen, I can't justify it.
I'm gonna have to put her down.

What if you just
take away her powers?

She would be harmless.

Now, why would I
let her off that easy?

Because of John.
He's in love with her.

You take away her powers,
you turn her into the thing he hates.


Without her telepathy,
she's useless to him.

I can't tell if your being
sadistic or self-serving.

If you don't believe me...

Why don't you let me
give her the injection?


So, now what?

I'm gonna get you out of here.

What are you doing?
It's the only way.

No, Stephen, no!

I'm sorry, the best I can do
is to give you your old life back.

No, you don't understand what
it was like for me to be human.

No, you don't understand.
If I don't do this, they're gonna kill you.

Stephen, I can't...

I can't go back to who I was.

I'm sorry.

Kill me.

Just kill me.


You are a survivor, Cara.

You will find a way.

No, don't.

[Cara begging]


No, don't, Stephen!


[bell dinging]


Cara: Yeah?


I just didn't know you
were such a good actress.

How'd you know you
could do it again?

I didn't.

I just hoped I could.

No. No.

No, don't, Stephen!

Oh, my god, Stephen.

[panting] okay.
I'm gonna inject you with saline.

Are you a good actress?

'Cause you need to give the
performance of your life here.

Thank you.


He saved my life.

When Ultra had me, I thought...


You're safe now.

What about Stephen?

If Jedikiah ever sees me
using my powers again,

You know what will
happen to him.

He made that choice himself.

I would have done
the same thing.

I'm just glad I got you back.

Me too.

I'm serious, man, you gotta
teach me how to do that.

There's still a few casinos
I haven't been banned from.

We could do some major damage!

Tim: Pardon me
for interrupting.

Oh, Tim! We are
having a moment.

But are you aware you have
12 missed calls, Stephen?

I believe the eager young
woman's name is Astrid.

How do you know that?
My phone doesn't even work down here.

Never mind, you're a

Hmm. Who's Astrid?

We blocked all cell reception
a long time ago. Security measures.

I just opened a line
for you now.

Thank you.

Astrid: Hi.
Hey, it's me.

Yeah, look, it's Emily.
Nobody can find her.

Um... Her mom has been
calling everybody.

I think you were right.
She's hiding something.

Her mom said that this last week,
she's totally shut down on them.

When did her sister die?
Do you remember the date?

I think it was around now.
You don't think she's gonna...

Yeah, it's the anniversary.
Astrid, I'm sorry, I gotta go.

Tim, those numbers I gave you
didn't match any train schedules?

That is correct, Stephen.

[sighing] what about
the time intervals?

That's interesting. They match
the westbound blue line.

Only the times are off by
exactly three minutes.

That's 'cause she's not
planning on hopping a train,

She's planning on
getting hit by one.

Emily's been obsessing about
dying the same way her sister did.

I don't care about your rules,
I gotta stop her.

No, Stephen, you can't.
Why the hell not?

Stephen, this girl knows you.

You'll risk exposing yourself
if you use your powers in front of her.

I'll go.
Cara. I almost lost you once today.

I can do this, John.

Trust me.

[crossing bell ringing]


Between the three of us,
I think we can TK the car.

Too risky.

Wait... Cara!

It's okay. She's got this.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

[train horn blowing]

Hey. What the hell?
What are you doing?

I might ask you
the same question.

Are you crazy? Get out!


[train horn blowing]

Do you think this is what your
sister would've wanted?

How do you know
about my sister?

You don't understand. Everybody
blames me. My parents...

What happened was an accident.

Killing yourself is not
going to bring her back.

[train horn honking]

I know what it's like
to see someone's face

Every time you close your eyes.

Killing yourself is not
gonna settle the score.

[train clattering]

What'd you say?

We should go
before she sees you.


What do you think'll happen?

Let's hope it's a
wake-up call.

Maybe now they can
all stop living in the past.

Stephen: Moment of truth.

I hope Emily knows
how lucky she is.

A mystery woman just
talked her off the edge.

I think she's feeling
pretty lucky.

I meant that she
gets to go home.

Something I can never do.

What happened?

I wanna show you something.

Something I've never
shared with anyone.





what are you doing here?


I can hear.

What do you mean, you can hear?
That doesn't make any sense.

Cara, a boy is dead.

That boy, do you know
who his father is?

No one's gonna believe
that you're innocent.

No one's gonna believe
that you suddenly can hear.

Look, you want a life,

Then you turn around
and you go.

And you never come
back here. Ever.


[money rustling]

This is the best I can do.

Take this and go.

[thinking] we'll be
better off without her.

Cara. Go.




[girl sobbing]

I'm sorry, Cara.

I had no idea.

It's okay.

You can't change what happened.


You also don't have to
let it define you.

Maybe we were given
hese powers for a reason.

You know? Our being able to help
people like Emily, it's not playing god.

It's just being human.

You're a real cup's-half-full
kinda guy, aren't you?

I like that.

You did good today.

Really good.

[chuckling] Hey!
You scared the crap out of me.


Anything you wanna say to me?

Uh, yeah. Text me before
you show up in my room

Like something out of
paranormal activity.

Anything else?

About Emily, maybe?

Um... Yeah.
I'm sorry I hung up on you.

I just heard that she's fine.

You know she's fine.
You were at the train tracks.

And then, all of a sudden,
you were just... Not.

Um... I appreciate the credit,
but I wasn't anywhere near a train.

You're really gonna
stand there and lie to my face?



I'm onto you.

And if you don't wanna
tell me the truth,

I will go figure it out
for myself.