The Tomorrow People (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 19 - Modus Vivendi - full transcript

The Founder requests a summit with The Tomorrow People. Cara agrees but only if Hillary is held hostage. Ultra agents find Jedikiah's hideout, but with John's help, eludes capture. Stephen attempts to reach Roger using the machine at Ultra.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
STEPHEN: My name is Stephen Jameson.

And I am one of
the Tomorrow People.

They call our powers
the three T's.

- Telepathy...
CARA: - Stephen?

STEPHEN: Telekinesis...
And Teleportation.

There is a shadow war going on
between us and Ultra...

- No!
- The secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep
my species from going extinct

is to find my father.

And the only way to do that
is by working for the enemy.

Previously on
The Tomorrow People...

The Founder invented some kind of machine
to amplify your father's powers.

- Machine for what?
- I don't know.

But whatever it is, your father
risked death to stop it.

- It's time to move forward.
- How?

- Oh, you know very well.
- Stephen? No, he's not ready.

The machine.

Finding The Refuge is in the
best interest of both species.

What do you want me to do?

You are the only one
who can take us there.


Hey, where's your badge?

It's supposed to be on
display at all times.




Oh, come on, come on.


FOUNDER: Last night, Dr. Jedikiah
Price tried to sabotage

the very organization he labored
all these years to build.

He assaulted two of our
employees, one human,

and one of our kind.

No one here is safe from
his deranged reprisals.

I had hoped that we would all be
able to forget your old superior

and his brutal regime.

That we could recommit to the
study and protection of our kind.

But he has left us with no choice.

I want Dr. Price brought to me,

and brought to justice!


Stephen, come into my office.

(THINKING) John, The Founder just
called open season on my uncle.

He could lead them straight
to my dad's body.

I'm on it.

Listen, I just wanted
to say that I realize

Jedikiah's arrest might
be difficult for you.

Yeah, not as much
as you might think.

Well, nevertheless, first losing
your father, and now...

I'd like another chance
in that machine of yours.

(CHUCKLING) Well, I admire your zeal,
but, if you're to do so,

there's one skill that you must master,
that only you can master.

Stopping time.

Now, as I understand,

you've only stopped time at moments
of emotional duress, never by will?

What does that have to
do with the machine?

See, the machine opens a portal to a
world in which only our kind can live.

Stopping time allows you to
pass through the threshold.

If I get there, is it
possible to come back?

Well, why would anyone want
to come back from paradise?

When do we begin?

You must hone all of your powers,
since they're all connected.

Meaning, when you
strengthen one ability...

You strengthen all of them.

(THINKING) I thought you said
this was going to be difficult.

Oh, two powers at once.

That's very good.

Now, try teleporting.



You're supposed to be training
Stephen, not coddling him.

Yes, sir.

Keep it up.

Why are you killing yourself?

What is so important?

Firing up this machine.

You just have to trust me, okay?
It's something I have to do.

You don't have to burn
yourself out on the first day.


Is your mom working tonight?


Where's your brother?

Soccer tournament.


Well, I was thinking that
maybe I could come over

and we could approach training
from a different angle.

What kind of angle?

Oh, see, I was thinking
that maybe we could...



Boss told me to swap
you out, Agent Cole.

- I'm gonna kick your ass.
- Doesn't take much.

Good luck.

Hey, hey!


It's me.



Heard about your
break-in at Ultra.

Desperate times, John.
Desperate times.

- Time to go.

Sorry, not leaving him.

The Founder's put a
bounty on your head.

You want to protect
your brother?

You need to get as far away
from him as possible.

We swore that whatever happens to us,
we go through it together, sorry.

If Roger ever returns,
you'll be the first person he thanks.

Well, that's fantastic.
But I just spent six years in hell.

So it's gonna take a little
more than an apology.

All the more reason
to stay here, John.

You can help me guard him,
I'm not leaving him.

Listen to me.
It is not safe.

If what Stephen said is
true, we need to leave now!

Stephen is very confused, and he has
no idea what he's saying right now,

I'm not leaving.

Help me.


Okay, chocolates.

- Too many candles, way too many candles.
CARA: - Stephen?

Jedikiah won't leave
your father's side.

Ultra is hunting Jedikiah.

Well, John's got a soft
spot for your uncle.

- My uncle is manipulating him.
- At least now, Roger's safe.

Now he's got two bodyguards.


Cara, I gotta go.

Uh, come on in, it's open.


You're early.

Ah, you shouldn't have.

I was just about
to burn my house down.

What's going on?

Nice work today, Stephen.

Thank you, but, uh, something tells me
you're not here to pat me on the back.

The, uh, Tomorrow People.
John and Cara.

I assume you're still in contact.

The only reason I ask is I want
to formalize our ceasefire.

The shadow war between Ultra
and all paranormals is over.

Okay, uh...
I'll let them know.

I'd prefer to meet with them myself.

Convince them of my intentions.

Yeah, that would be nice, but the last time
John was in Ultra, you tortured him.

And John murdered your father.

War is a nasty business, Stephen,

and the quicker we put
an end to it, the better.

I'd like their answer
as soon as possible.


- Oh, you mean now?
- Yes, now.

And, Stephen...

If I were to discover that
anyone is aiding Jedikiah,

helping your uncle elude capture...


I would be supremely disappointed.

♪ "Modus Vivendi" ♪

♪ "Modus Vivendi" ♪

The Founder can't be that
interested in a peace summit

if he's already making threats.

He wants Jedikiah's head on
a spike, who can blame him?

So you're betting on the Founder?

Better the devil we know.

Look, as far as I'm concerned,
both the Founder and Jedikiah...

TIM: Can suck it.

I've been teaching him slang.

(CHUCKLING) I don't trust either of them,

but the Founder is the only one who can
teach me how to master the machine.

So he says.

I think I figured out how
to bring my father back.


If I can use the machine
to get into limbo...

- I can bring him home.
- Are you high?

Let's just think
about this for a minute.

Your father was shot, we take him out of
cryostasis, he still has a bullet in him.

I know, I am working on that,
but until we figure it out

I say we play nice with the Founder.

His offer still sounds
too good to be true.

Sorry to interrupt, but your
partner has been texting you.

I'm not familiar with that slang.

I'm putting her messages
on the screen now.

No, no, no, no!
No, thank you!

See you guys.

Uh, "can't wait to" what?


I thought we had a date.


Um, yeah, I'm sorry, I...

It's fine if you want me
to leave, I can leave.

No, no, I, uh...

I'm definitely...

I definitely don't want you to go.

That would be the worst.


- You gonna get that?
- No.


- You sure you don't want to get that?

I'm turning my phone off.


Okay, it's Astrid.
Uh, just one second.

Uh... hey, hey!

ASTRID: Hey, where are you?

I ordered double moo sho...

Uh, yeah, I'm kind of, uh... busy.

"Kind of busy?" Awesome.

- Who's that?
- Astrid, uh... Next time, I promise.

Okay, bye.

Please, don't go.

- I literally got all dressed up, and...
- You...



What is this to you?

Um, what, uh, this to you?

I really don't want to get messed up
over something that you are just...

No, it's not that.

And until I figure out how to stop time,
I'm sure as hell not gonna waste it.

Hey, I got your message.
Is everything okay?

Yeah, I just, uh, over-ordered and
didn't want it to go to waste.

And then I ate it all, so...

I was just expecting Stephen to show.

He stood you up.

It's not like we had
a date, but, you know,

we have this standing
late-night dumpling thing.

Mmm, but now that
he's busy with Hillary...


It's just, of all people
to be hooking up with...


Stephen's having sex with the
Ultra agent who tried to kill me?


How can he trust her?

That's what I've been saying.

What if she's trying to use him?

She's certainly distracting him.

Why don't you read her mind
to find out what's going on?

It's not that easy.

I'd have to get her alone,
I'd have to get her away from Ultra.


You know, you do have
an underground hideout.

Astrid, you are brilliant.

Let's say I do agree to the
summit with your new boss.

I thought you were against it?

It is the best way to test if the
Founder's truce is real, right?

All righty, then. Which lamb
should we send to the slaughter?

- You.
- How now?

Aren't you always
begging to go topside?

Shouldn't we send
someone more expendable?

I want to let the Founder know
I'm willing to meet him halfway.

But I am not sending my top lieutenant in
without getting some collateral first.

Top lieutenant?

What kind of collateral?

An agent he values.

Okay, I'll let him know.

I want Hillary.

Your partner?

That's not a problem, is it?


I was just thinking about the last
time the three of us were together.

I should've known better to
play paintball with you two.


I'm not here to swap memories.

Listen, John, there's something
you need to understand.

We can't let Roger get
put in that machine.

Why is that?

Because it's a weapon, he was supposed
to be its engine, that's why he left.


Listen to me, John, this
is very, very important,

if it looks like Ultra
is going to take us...

We have to destroy Roger ourselves.

You really have gone crazy,
haven't you?

First, you want me to protect him.

Now, you want me to
kill him all over again.

Okay, it is imperative
that the Founder...

Would you just please be quiet.

He won't get ahold of Roger,
and no one's gonna die.

Okay, everyone down there's pretty
cool and, um, just don't be nervous.

I'm not nervous.

- Are you nervous?
- No. No. You're gonna be fine.

This isn't my first time behind
enemy lines, you know that, right?


So how did you find a bunch
of paranormal rebels anyway?

I didn't, they found me.

- Like a lost puppy?
- Yeah.

Cara found me, we, uh, had this
connection, like, psychically.

I see.

And how deep did
that connection go?

When I thought I was losing my mind,
she showed me I wasn't.

So you slept with her?

Uh, what, how did...

Once. That was it.

Hillary, I'm sorry
to do this, but, um...

Cara's orders.

This is gonna be fun.




- Ready, baby?
- Yeah.

Let's do it.


Hurry back.

Can I get you something to drink?

Why don't you just take a look
at what you really want to see?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Go for it.



Oh. That's not what you
were looking for?

But my favorite part is coming up.

How about that drink?

Mr. Bathory.


- Where's John and Cara?
- Actually, um...

You got Kwon!

Russell Kwon.

Try to contain your excitement.

Ah, you must be here
as their emissary.

I don't know what that means.

Before we begin, would you
like a bite of something?

I hate working on an empty stomach.

Beluga caviar?

What's the beverage sitch?


Dr. Price wanted to neuter paranormals
because he was jealous of our powers.

WOMAN: (THINKING) - Good evening, sir.
RUSSELL: - Hello, nurse.

As you can see, I run an entirely
different organization.

It's Dr. Price who prevented
peace between our camps.

But now, with him gone, we can
move forward. As we are now.

- Shoulder to shoulder. Refill?
- You read my mind, bro.

To putting the past behind us.

We will happily forget
all previous indiscretions.

What indiscretions?


Uh, for instance, the time that you
teleported into the Capital Bank.

Ancient history.

Look, Founder guy, this
truce sounds dope, but...

(CHUCKLING) It wouldn't be the first
time Ultra pulled a fast one.

Of course, but I'm sure that Mr. Bathory can
offer you some kind of assurances, right?

I can give you my word.

It's the best I can offer.

Is that a rose 2014 edition?

Good eye.

And, as a token of my good will...

Go on, it's yours.



Now, uh, this, uh, tracer that
I've heard so much about.

Oh, you mean the
ticket to the Refuge?

The one you've been
drinking for the last hour.

I'm only kidding.

You don't really believe that
I would ruin a '62 Bordeaux

with electromagnetic
compounds, do you?



I don't know, would you?



Russell, what took you so long?

Uh, give me a sec, balance is off.

You're bleeding!

This? Oh, no, it's red wine.


Listen up, people.

The Founder...

is totally cool.


And the truce offer?


The war is over.



Okay. Okay!

I understand that
everyone is excited,

but we are not making
any decisions until John gets back.


I'm guessing time didn't just stop.



You're far too green.

I'll get there.


It took your father four years to even
come close to mastering his abilities.

I don't have four years,
put me back in the machine.

Stephen, the machine takes
an incredible toll on your system.

You try to use it fully
before you're ready?

It'll be the last thing you ever do.

Now, again.


You didn't, by any chance, drop
Hillary on the train tracks, did you?

Jealousy is an ugly thing.


Well, I'm not going
to let my guard down

just because you got wined
and dined by the Founder.

Also got a really dope watch.

I'm joking, Cara.

Look, whatever the Founder
is playing at,

a peace offering is more
than Jedikiah ever gave us.

I know that you want
to believe that.

Do you know what I would
do if this war was over?

I would go home.
See my mom.

Hook up with Talia,
fight the good fight.

And maybe take down a couple
of casinos along the way.

But, I just... I want to
make something of my life.

Don't you?

I don't know what to say.


That we can take this
truce on a test drive.

Tonight, Tomorrow People and
Ultra, a little soiree,

see if former adversaries
can rub elbows.

The last time we all went topside,

Ultra agents killed three of our own.

I know.

I am not gonna let
that happen this time.

I promise.

Keep it small.


John know he's missing this?

Yeah, and I wish
I could join him.

Oh, no.
No, no, no.

Oh, Stephen...
This is a celebration.

You're dancing with me, I'll
embarrass you, I don't even care.

I know you will.

Is this what you do at home
in front of the mirror?


Don't do that.


Did you have to invite her?

Everything will be fine, okay?
I promise.

Did you find anything out
from reading her mind?

Nothing I want to remember.

You think this is gonna work?

We found a way to make it work.

So can they.

Come on, buy me a drink.


That list of properties belonging
to Dr. Price's holding company.

Seems like he had a thing
for rundown real estate.


It seems he purchased
this one six years ago.

That supposed to mean something?

Check it out.

And, Agent Verras...

Take a tactical team, will you?

Okay, I gotta call it a night.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Why?

Astrid? She's been
glaring at me all night.

Well, you did try
and have her killed.

I said I was sorry.

I know, just be nice to her, okay?


And I gotta be up early for training.

Oh, what?

Are you saying that all of this is less
interesting than the Founder's machine?

No, I am definitely,
definitely not saying that.


All right? But it's not
just some machine.

It's, um...

No, it's okay.

Whatever it does, I know that
it's really important to you.

Just go.

Because I'm gonna put you
through the ringer tomorrow.



On your knees! On your knees!


I can't let you do that.



What is this place?


Get off him.

Kill him, John.

Kill him now.

Are you out of your mind?

What is wrong with you?

Oh, my god.

All right, wait a minute.
Wait, let me think.

Okay, reinforcements are
gonna be here any second.

You gotta call Stephen
and your friends, now!

And destroy any chance
we have of a truce?

Do you have any idea
what we've sacrificed...

What you sacrificed?
What do you think I sacrificed?

I had a life! I made a promise
to protect my brother!


All right, that's the tactical team.

- Call Stephen now.
- No.

Call him now,
or I swear to God, I end Roger.



(THINKING) John, it's just me.
I've brought some provisions.

John? Jedikiah?


No, no, no.
No. No.



Stephen, what's wrong?

There's blood everywhere.

- My dad's body...
CARA: - Where's John?

He's gone.

He's gone, they're all gone.

Well, look who the cat dragged in.

What happened?

An unfortunate turn of events.

Seems your old chum, John,
has been aiding your uncle.

No wonder we haven't
been able to find him.

Strange bedfellows after all
that's transpired between them.

Where are they?
Did we capture them?

Well, no, that would have
been fortunate, they escaped.

Apparently, with a parcel.

Of what?

Well, Agent Verras here claims
that he saw a frozen corpse.

Your uncle is a desperate man, who knows
what crazy schemes he's concocted,

but I cannot believe that
John would jeopardize

the end of a brutal war
for the sake of Jedikiah.

- Okay, I can fix this.
- Well, I hope so, Stephen.

I really do, because otherwise,
the truce is over,

and I will be forced to go after John

and all of his allies in a way that
will make the old Ultra seem meek.


- I'm sorry, we were ambushed.
- What happened?

My dad's body,
what did you do with him?

John, where is he?

He's here.
He's here.

- Is he, uh...
- Still viable?

Just barely.

- You son of a bitch! Get away from him!
- What did I just say, Stephen?

We have a limited amount of time to
resuscitate him and bring him back,

and for that,
you're gonna need me, kid.

How much time do we have?

Enough time to stop arguing and start
working together, get me more ice, please.

If you want the war to end, you gotta
bring him back and kill the Founder.

Don't do it for me,
do it for him.

What do you need?

A capable nurse.

Why can't you tell me
what's going on, John?

You need to see for yourself.

Most people requiring surgical
supplies also require a hospital.

It's not Stephen, is it?


John, talk to me.

Look, whatever it is,
it's going to be okay.

You don't know that.

You're right, I don't.

(CHUCKLING) I guess it's just
something mothers say.

You ready?

Dumb question.


Hey, honey.
What is it?

Mom, I'm sorry to bring
you down here like this.

I don't understand.

We need your help.

Oh, my god.

Come on, ladies.

A little Russell glue will
bond us all together.

Russell, what are you doing?
Hillary can't be down here.

(SCOFFING) The war is over, we're
all hakuna matata with Ultra.

I think you mean kumbaya.

- Wrong movie.
- Stephen.

We have a situation.

What the hell is...

- Wait, is that...
- Yeah.

John, I need more light.

Yes, ma'am.

What can I do?

I need everything on this list.

- Astrid?
- Marla?

Oh, great, Jedikiah's back,
that makes sense.

Let me know when you're done
prepping so I can start, okay?

You can start?

Well, I'm a PhD in Genetics. I've studied
with the best doctors in the world,

How many surgeries
have you performed?

'Cause I've assisted on hundreds,
so if we're done comparing CVs,

I need you to put this on because
we need to get this bullet out

before his body
temperature normalizes.

Copy that.

- But your dad... I thought that you...
- I know.

It's complicated, okay?

I didn't mean to drag you into
this, you shouldn't even be here.

- Stephen?
- We are not doing that!

What's wrong? Nothing, Marla
hasn't started the surgery yet.

But I think your father's
been under too long.

Even if your mother and I
can resuscitate his body,

- I think you may have to guide him back.
- It is too dangerous.

He wants to kill you again
so you can get your dad.

- I'm sorry, kill who?
- Okay, there's another way.

I need to get into
the machine at Ultra.

Look, if you power that up, everything your
father worked to stop could come to pass.

I'm begging you.

I can do this.


I want to help.

- No. No, I can't put you in danger.
- I can't risk losing you.

Hillary, this isn't your fight.

Yes, it is.




- Are you sure you know what you're doing?
- No.

But if anyone comes through that door,
you get the hell out of here, okay?








- Stay back, something's wrong.
- Dad, what is this place?

Don't you recognize our home?

I said stay back.


No, I need to bring you back now.

- We had to pull you out...
- Stop.

Out of cryostasis.

You only have a few minutes.


Okay, I'm cutting.



What's happening?

A door shorted out.
I just called maintenance.

No, I'll handle this.

Meet me there.

Dad, come on.

You gotta come with me.
I know this feels like home...

But it's not, okay?

- Come with me.
- You need to let me go.

No. Come on. Get up.

What? What?

I don't know.

- Did you nick a blood vessel?
- No.

His core temperature
is changing too quickly.

Well, there's a lot
of blood there, Marla.



Come on.
Come on.


Epi and atropine.

No! No!


No, Dad!


Get up.

Come on!


My body's not ready, I can't.

Dad! What about Mom?

What about Luca?

What about me?

Okay? Now, get up!
Come on.

I'm bringing you home.

- Are you okay?
- We gotta move.

- What happened? Did it work?
- I don't know.


Bullet's out.
Bleeding's under control.

- What happened to you?
- I'm fine.

His body's ready for him.

Come on, Dad.
Come on.


Is that...

It's a heartbeat.

It's faint,
but it's a heartbeat!


- You okay?

I should be asking you the same question
after everything you've been through.

I'm good.

Just, um...
Hoping, you know?

- Thank you.
- Had to be done.

You're risking your life,
going against the Founder.

You know that, right?

So is everybody else here.

They believe in you.

And your dad.

So do I.


You can breathe again.

Yeah, it looks like
he's out of the woods.

It's only a matter of time
before he opens his eyes.

I just can't get my head around it.


Well, get your head around this,
Roger's alive.

You're absolved, kid.

How does that make you feel?

I don't know.

I mean...

If he opens his eyes and

- walks out of here...
- You might forgive me?

We'll see.

How is he?


Well, for a guy who's spent the
last six years in a block of ice

with a bullet in his chest...

I'd say he's doing pretty well.

I just never dreamed
this day would come.

I know.

I told you he was coming back.

You were right, his father's alive.

Right on time.

And you're sure Stephen has no
idea he's got a bit in his mouth?

That he's been led exactly
where we want him?


Well done.

I'll let you know when it's
time for our next move.