The Tomorrow People (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 16 - Superhero - full transcript

Stephen is still walking a fine line with his Ultra partner Hillary, who continues to be suspicious of his loyalties. When the Tomorrow People and Ultra learn that there is a new breakout doing good for humans, they both want her on their side. Meanwhile, Morgan takes a risk and betrays Jedikiah's trust to help the Tomorrow People - but what Jedikiah discovers from Morgan is an even bigger surprise.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Stephen Jameson.

I'm one of the Tomorrow People.

They call our powers the three T's.

- Telepathy...
- Stephen?


And teleportation.

There is a shadow war going
on between us and Ultra...

- No!
- ... the secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep my
species from going extinct

is to find my father.

And the only way to do that
is by working for the enemy.

Previously on The Tomorrow People...

Your new friends want you to believe
that your father is still alive.

They lied to you.

- Dad?
- Son.

You need to go back.

Why don't you come back with me?

I can't. Not until you find my body.

What is all this stuff?

Remnants of your father's
various experiments.

What is this?

Your father never told me.

- But it does rather seem
to like you, doesn't it?

Who are you?

Don't hurt me.

I'll give you anything you want.

Wait a second. I can explain.

Oh, my God.

- Whoo!
- That was...

Long overdue.



I'm just not sure about
this whole sleeping together

and working together.

I respect your authority.

In and out of the bedroom.

It looks like someone just had
a horizontal jaunting match.

Can it, Russ.

What's up?

We got Tim to analyze the device

you had in my dad's box of old stuff.

It appears to be a key of some sort.

Part of a larger device.

But the code is unlike
anything I've ever encountered.

As opposed to the standard
binary operation...

English, Tim.

The component is biological in nature.

It's bound to Stephen's father.

Okay. But what does it do?

We think it's looking for Roger.

Phoning home.

Which means my dad's body
might still be out there.

Like physically out there.

So you think Jedikiah was lying
and that your dad wasn't cremated.

All we have to do is get inside
his mind and find out where.

We tried that already.

Almost got us all killed.

It's not worth the risk.

We're talking about my father.


if we could get his guard down...

I'm sorry, Stephen.

You want to chance your life on a theory,

you're gonna have to do it on your own.

I've got a better idea.

- This next one's for all the ladies in the house.
- No. No, no, no.

Whatever you think you're
gonna... don't! Just,

whatever. Who cares? Do it.

Uh, talk it over!

Totally fighting over me.

But tonight's not about me, amigo.

Tonight is about you.

How you need some rebound frivolity.

I'm sorry Russell. I'm less
interested in talking up girls,

more interested in finding my dad's body.

Ew! That sounded super weird.

Hey, it's two in the morning.

Nothing to do right now but get weird.

That was my partner from Ultra.

Great. Invite her out.

That girl needs to get
laid even more than you do.

I can't. We got a new case.

There's a breakout who
think she's a superhero.

She's using her powers to save
humans and she leaves a rose.


I don't know, it's her mark.

You know, Zorro has a Z, she has a flower.

That's a lot of money for the odds, kid.

Spare me the editorial and spin.

I'm feeling lucky tonight.


Hey, wait a minute!

Should have listened to the dealer.

Looks like you were getting a
little too hot for your own good.

What do you mean?

Win that spin and those goons
would have taken you downstairs

to kick the crap out of you.

So, I cooled you off.

You're welcome.

Russell, hey!

You got to sober up, buddy.

So what's the deal? Ultra's
going to take her powers?


They're gonna kill her.

Hey. I got your message.

And I thought we were looking for a chick.

A chick? Pull yourself together,
you smell like a frat house.

What are you talking abou
I was at home, studying.

Your bluff sucks.

God knows how you convinced
the bouncer that you were 21.

Meet Avery Fletcher.

Conspiracy theorist.

With a blog called The Fletcher Files.

In addition to nanorobots
in our water supply,

he has a few theories about our superhero.

Don't you pal?

Been tracking her for years.

She has a name.

Red Avenger.

Where am I?

Is this like a secret CIA within the CIA?

Tell us where we can find her.

- Or I will cut off your...
- Hey. Hey.

What do you have a tick?

Don't get too comfortable.

Sorry about that, my
partner is a little unhinged.

Full disclosure. She
scares the crap out of me.

Now. You got to give me something

about this Red Avenger.
Right, anything. Just to get

- her off both of our backs.
- I...

- I don't know.
- Come on, like where is she from?

No idea.

Well what's the deal with the rose?

It's an American Beauty
hybrid red in 14 or 16.

Look I don't have anything
to do with those envelopes

of white power that got
sent to the Governor.

That was just baking soda, I swear.

Okay, okay. Yeah.

What are you going to tell your partner?

Um, that you are just some harmless wacko.

Oh, my God. Thank you so much.

Sorry to sneak up on you.

No problem.

Just blowing off a little steam.

I was only gone a few weeks, but...

sometimes it feels like
the whole world has changed.

Yeah, you're telling me.

Look, John. I wanted to talk
to you about your problems

trying to get inside Jedikiah's head.

You were eavesdropping.

It'll never work.

Stephen won't get what he
needs. Jedikiah's too cautious.

But maybe I can find out
where he's hiding Roger's body.

- How?
- He trusts me.

I'll go to him.

And when he's least expecting it...

Are you sure this isn't just
about you missing your boyfriend?


I'll have to talk to Cara.

She and I have never seen eye to eye,

but you know Jedikiah.

You know there's more to him than...

You're not a prisoner down here.

You're here for your own safety.

I go topside without permission,

Cara's never going to let me come back.

Hmm. I need you to cover
for me while I'm gone.

You get caught snooping
around in Jedikiah's brain,

you're definitely not coming back.

I hate it when someone steals
the toy without eating any cereal.

Remember that superhero I told you about?

Turns out you know her.

Knew her.

We met in Vegas four years ago.

The girl was a total player.

Schooled me sideways.

So, naturally, I had to partner up.

Had a good run, too.

Took casinos from Macau to Montreal for

more money than we could spend.

Then you fell for her.

Russell does not fall.

I'm sorry to report Russell,

but my search for recent records
on Talia has proven fruitless.


Talia and I,

we have unfinished business.

I can't let Ultra get her.

Okay, we don't have a ton of leads yet.

But this rose she leaves, it's

a pretty rare hybrid.

Red 14 or something.

It must be red 16.

That was her roulette play.

That particular varietal
may be found locally

at the Rockefeller Rose
Garden in the Bronx.

Pull up surveillance of the gardens,

see if we can find our girl.

I can't believe she actually
went through with it.

More fun being partners
than competitors, isn't it?

I'm calling room service.

Who is in the mood for
a little champagne tub?

Sounds good.

But I was thinking...

Uh oh...

What if we...

Changed up our hustle a little bit.

You know what would be a real rush.

Helping people.

We are people.

We are helping us.

Russell I'm serious, we have superpowers.

Have you ever thought that
our destiny might be to

give something back?

With all the money that
we've made we could've

fed a village, funded a school.

Think of all the bad people out there.


You want to be a superhero?


You can be

the Scarlett Pimpernel.

And I can be...

The Scarlett Pimp.

Well, then...

Come here, pimp.

Um, excuse me.

Sorry to disturb you.

Will you wake up already?

I'm not a bloody alarm clock.

What is it, Tim?

Your so-called Red Avenger just
snuck into Rockefeller Gardens

to pilfer a few roses.

Is she still there?

Unfortunately, no. But
I was able to follow her

to a bar in Little Saigon.

You been here before?

Two thousand miles
between Korea and Vietnam.

I just mean you look like
you know your way around.

You getting any paranormal vibes?

She's under us.

We're not here to fight you.

Hey! Hey! It's me!

It's me! Talia!


What's wrong with you?

It's me.

You're not Talia.


The name's Mallory.

Who are you clowns anyway?

And how do you know Talia?

You're Russell Kwon?

Uh... that's what it says on my underwear.


Feel like I should ask for
an autograph or something.

I thought you two didn't know each other.

Well I know of him. We all know of him.

He inspired the first
in our line of Avengers.

Although in my mind you were taller.

Wait, so there's more than
one Red Avenger person?

And you started this?

I have no idea what she's
talking about. Where's Talia?

Don't you get it? She's everywhere.

The Avenger's a mantle. It's
passed down from person to person,

from city to city.

Talia's still out there.

Doing what you taught her to do.

And what she taught me,
and some day if I'm lucky,

I'll pass it on to somebody else.

As much as I love to take
credit for other people's work...

You're humble.

I like that. It's really classy, man.


I respect you playing dress-up
and beating on baddies,

but you have no idea what
we're up against in this town.

We're being hunted by a secret
government organization called Ultra.

We have this bunker where
people like us are safe.

You're welcome to join us, Mallory.

Oh, that's cute. All right,
you guys can crawl back down

into your bunker, but I
don't play in a world of safe.

Neither does Talia.

Well, good talk, but I gotta go
finish that mission that y'all pooched.

What mission?

If you're so curious, why don't
you join me for a ride along?

Uh, you want us to play superhero?

It's not a game.

You came.

Yeah, I did.

Against my better judgment. What
are you doing above ground, Morgan?

Well I needed a proper bath.

You wouldn't believe the locker room
they have me sharing at the lair.

My employer thinks I murdered you.

And if he senses any new traces of...

Must be hard...

always keeping your guard up.

Careful not to

betray a single thought.

Or emotion.

Didn't you miss me?

Ugh. You live here?

No sense in putting down roots.

As soon as the work is done I'm gone.

So what exactly is the Red
Avenger working on these days?

Those guys I was trying
to grab at the club,

they weren't purse snatchers.

They're muscle for a Vietnamese gang.

What is all this?

A plot to disrupt the prosecution
of their money laundering operation.

I've been following it
for a few months now.

Jury intimidation, witness tampering,

these guys will stop at nothing.

Not even targeting a
Federal judge and his family.

Which is why I've been
staking out their house.

But first, I'm going to need
to find you guys some tights.

You want to be superheroes,
you gotta dress the part.


I'm screwing with you.


You can carry my calling card.

What's that?

Judge's home security system.

While we were eating dumplings,
the gang must have made their move.

- We gotta go.
- The cops gotta be on their way, right?

They're only hope is us.


I'm begging you.

Don't hurt my family.

I'll do whatever you want.

I'm sorry to tell you this.

But your daddy drew the wrong case.

Nifty trick, huh?

Now's the fun part.

What's up?

It's Stephen.

He's using his powers above ground.

- Is he in trouble?
- No, it's weird.

It feels like he's having fun.

What's happening?

It's okay. You're safe.

Your family's safe.

The cops should be here any minute.

How can I ever thank you?

You just did.

Hey guys.

Good news. We found a breakout.

What the hell do you
guys think you're doing?

We just saved these people.
Check it, goons, toast.

You're not even supposed to be here.

I just felt a teleport. It's Ultra.

Guys we need to go now.

We must have just missed her.


I guess so.

You used your powers in
front of a Federal judge.

He was blindfolded.

We're trying to save our species
and you're risking it all.

What do you think they'd do if
they knew our kind had powers?

Seems like it worked out
pretty well for Superman.

Spiderman. Batman, kind of.

The list goes on and on.

Could you give us a minute please?

Sure, sorry.

Didn't realize I was
interrupting the secret council.


maybe it's time to

reconsider our position.

Do some good. We've been playing
an awful lot of defense lately.

Since when are you a philanthropist?

Maybe I'm evolving.

Maybe I don't want to see a teenage
girl get raped by a bunch of gangsters.

We got enough problems, Russell.

Like finding our ghost hero
who's lost in limboland?

No offense, dude.

Sorry I got you in trouble with the rents.

It's all good.

Good. 'Cause I'm not really that sorry.

I mean seriously,

who died and left them in charge anyway?

Stephen's dad, actually.


It's a long story.

Well, I got some time.

This is out of control.

You're the only one I can trust.


I know I should have told you sooner,

but I took Morgan topside to try
to extract intel from Jedikiah.

Was it before or after you
took me topside to have sex?

That is not fair.

I'm sorry,

but we are not holding
her against her will.

Is that right?

You got this all figured out?

Did Morgan tell you she's pregnant?

I didn't think so.

Sorry I missed the big sting.

I heard the Red Avenger person got away.

I'd rather you say nothing than lie to me.

Easy. What are you talking about?

I found something that belongs to you.

Where was this?

The judge's house.

Just as our breakout was
making a clean getaway.

Yeah okay, I was there, too.

I was trying to apprehend the breakout.

Spare me!

She saved an entire family.

A judge, his wife, his daughter who
couldn't have been older than 15.

If we can't get behind a superhero
then what the hell are we doing?


You do have a heart.

You don't know a thing about me.

Try me.

Growing up, my family
and I were pretty close.

One night when I was 10, there was

a loud banging at the door.

And three men,


broke in trying to steal anything
they could trade for a fix.

My mother did everything that they asked.

But my brother was always
trying to be a hero.

And they caught him.

Calling the cops.

So they, um...

they shot 'em all.

And I just laid there frozen under the bed,

wishing that I had the power to save them.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't...

I had no idea.

After I broke out, I
made a promise to myself.

That I would do everything
in my power to protect people.

That's why I work at Ultra.

That is why I am such a hardass.

Don't you ever leave me hanging again.

So John killed Stephen's dad.

Then you almost killed Stephen

to prove that in fact
his father is not dead.

And now you want to find his
body so he can lead you all to a

promised land.

See this is why I prefer to be a lone wolf.

Far less drama.

Although, I do have to say,

it's been kind of nice having a partner.


Isn't the mission over? I
mean, we saved the judge right?

No. Look, until Om Lam
Chung's behind bars, trust me,

this thing ain't over.

- Who's...
- Om Lam Chung,

leader of the Made to Kill
Vietnamese American crime syndicate,

currently awaiting
trial under the RICO Act.


What the snooty,
disembodied voice thing said.

Perhaps I should turn myself off
if my intelligence isn't welcome.

So sensitive.

Look Chung's gang is going to do
anything they can to evade a conviction.

The trial's set to start on Friday.

Hmm. That's what you think.

What, what do you mean, Tim?

Tim, I know you're not sleeping.

I can see your little light pulsing.

I just thought you should know that
his trial was just pulled up 48 hours

according to just-filed
courtroom documents.

The trial's tomorrow?

We gotta go. Come on. We gotta prep.

Are you coming?

I... I don't know.

We weren't given these powers
so we could hide in a tunnel.

We were born great so that
we may do great things.

That's what Talia said.

Or maybe she was just wrong about you.



Yeah, security. I need to
report a theft from my room.

No, I know who did it. Her name's Talia.

Where are you going?

I am done taking orders

and being a prisoner
to a hypothetical cause

when I could be out there helping

real people.

Right now.

Ultra is hardly hypothetical.

We act like we have to choose
between working for them

or fighting them.

That's a fake choice.

There are dragons to
slay. We were given swords.

I say we choose greatness.

Who's with me?


Destiny doesn't ask twice.

You ever think about the future?

That's all I think about.

I mean, our future.

What it would be like if
it could just be you and me.

No Ultra, no shadow war, just...

a normal couple living a normal happy life.

Why do you torture yourself?

They're called dreams,


What if we could have a child?

How would we raise it?



This war is no place to raise a child,

especially not one of our making, okay?

Go to sleep.


I'm sorry.

- What were you doing?
- Nothing.

No, that didn't feel like nothing,
Morgan. What were you doing?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know what I think?

I think you drew me here for a reason

and it wasn't for a
roll in the hay, Morgan.

No, I missed you. That's all.

You were trying to read my mind right now.

What were you looking for?

I'm not looking for...

Don't you lie to me.
What were you looking for?

Jed. Please...

Don't lie to me!

Let her go.

That's convenient, John.

I was waiting outside the
door long enough to hear you

almost kill the woman you love.

And your unborn child.

He's lying. Tell me he's lying.

Congratulations, Jed.

You're gonna be a father.

After weeks of anticipation,
the time has come

for reputed mob leader Om Lam Chung

to stand trial for his litany of crimes,

including money laundering,
racketeering, extortion,

even murder.

Good. We have your attention.

Now we have some demands.

The gunmen are requesting a helicopter.

They say they'll kill a hostage every
hour if their demands aren't met.

It's cool, it's just me.

- I don't have time for talk.
- I'm here to help.

Guess you better suit up then.

I was hoping I'd have company.


I just got a spike at
the Federal courthouse.

Hostage situation. It's
a chance to get our girl.

Wait, you're going to stop
her from saving those people?

I'm gonna stop her from exposing
our kind. She and her partner.

- Partner?
- Two signatures on sight.

Looks like she picked up a sidekick.

Okay. What about what you said before.

About her doing what we should be doing.

Maybe someday, but today I
still take orders from Ultra.

Guys we got trouble.

Stephen. What's wrong?

Ultra's got a bead on
Mallory but she's not alone,

Russell's with her at
the Federal Courthouse.

What are they doing at the courthouse?

Perhaps it has something to do with

the 36 hostages being held at gunpoint.

Ultra is going to sweep
him up along with Mallory.

- I have an idea.
- At your service.

Get down! Hurry up!

Now the fun part.

Justice is served.

Russell. Time to go.

Russell. Never heard of him.

You must mean the Scarlett Pimp!

How do you like that?

Now. We gotta go.

There she is.

Okay. Flank around the outside.

I got her.

- She's good.
- We got a read on

multiple teleports from
outside the courtroom.

Or she's a decoy.

Russell get out okay?

Yeah, your plan worked.

Hey. Keep it.

It's kinda hot.

Look at all those lights.

So many people to save.

It's been cool working with you.

It was fun while it lasted.

Wait. You're leaving?

What about all those people?

I told you I was passing
the mantle on and I am.

To you.

Be great, Russell.

Always wondered what happened to you.


Thought you'd be happy to see me.

I am, but...

I have to tell you something.

You're the one who turned me in.

I thought you ripped me off.

Anonymous donation to the
Las Vegas Youth Center.

I'm such a douche.

Yeah, you were.

Then why did you tell your
disciples that I'm some hero?

Because I hoped one day you would be.

Today, you proved me right.

I only bet on sure things, Russell.

You should know that about me by now.

Take me with you.

I'm ready to be a hero full-time.

We can partner up like we always planned.

No. Look, you've got your partners.

It's up to you to find your next mission.

Goodbye, Russell.

I got to get a calling card.


Thank you guys for helping out back there.

We saved a lot of people,
including a superhero.

So why aren't we celebrating?

Morgan tried to read your uncle's mind.

And got caught.

- What did you see?
- Nothing useful.

Just a bunch of random memories.

There was your uncle walking into a deli.

Maybe where he met your father to eat.

You mean a butcher shop?

Maybe. Why?

It's an Ultra front. I went
there with Jedikiah once.

- Where is it?
- I don't know, I was twelve.

If you were there, even if
you don't remember the details,

it's still somewhere in your mind.

You could let me have a look.

This only works if you let me in.

I know how this works.

Broadway and Bedford.


Are you all right?

No more secrets.

Hillary, um...

Relax. Your mom didn't see me.

Look, now is not really a good time.

Sit down.


Working with you has made me soft.

All those things I told you.

I'm not used to being this vulnerable.

What are you talking about?

I mean how else could I
have missed the obvious?

You didn't want to catch the breakout.

You were doing everything in your
power to subvert the operation.

If you have all these doubts about me,

why don't you write up a report?

What's stopping you from going to Jedikiah?

This is very unprofessional, Jameson.

This type of behavior
will not be tolerated.

Debrief at HQ in 90 minutes.

Then maybe after that we can have
a little debrief on the debrief.

I'm going to debrief you so hard.

I loved him, too, you know.

Here's what I figure happened.
Morgan ransacked my brain,

shared her discoveries
with the Tomorrow People

and now here you are.

A straight line of deceit.

You said you cremated him.

Yes, well it looks like we
both have some explaining to do.