The Tick (2017–2019): Season 2, Episode 10 - Choose Love! - full transcript

The Tick, Arthur, Dot, and the rest of the family must battle The Duke and AEGIS. Miss Lint reveals her true goal and Superian weighs the pros and cons of accidental genocide.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

How the hell
do you turn this thing off?

Maybe it's our first mission.

It's a time of need!

Rathbone's captured the mole.
I mean, that must be it.

- Let's hope so, chum.

Flag Five,

may I have your attention,

I'm sorry,

but I have terrible news.

Less than an hour ago,

our brave leader,
Agent Commander Rathbone,

was struck down
by an assassin's bullet.

- What?
- No.

Our drones were evaded
by the suspect,

but were able
to capture the following.



It is my duty to inform you

that the rogue agent known
as "Overkill"

is now AEGIS's most wanted.

♪ ♪

"Take a walk," Arthur said.

"Center yourself," Arthur said.

That's the answer.

Got to get self-centered.

The problem started

when The Terror tricked me.

Wasn't that long ago.

Maybe I should try it.

Maybe I should try "the thing."

Overkill was sort of a jerk,

but this? It makes no sense.

Maybe now he's finally lost it.

Rathbone is dead?

The Commander died instantly.

May the lords of Thirdarra
guide him to his rest.


MIRANDA: Arthur, Acting Agent
Commander Dr. Agent Hobbes

would like to talk to you.

TICK: This is terribly,

terribly wrong, chum.

I know, Tick,
but we can't talk about it here.

- Do you understand?
- Mm-hmm.


- Hmm.

Arthur, come in.

Ah. It's a terrible shame

to meet under
these circumstances, or course,

but... we need to speak.

Uh, so they say you were
with him when it happened.

Oh. Yes.

I would have preferred
to meet somewhere else, but

this is where the acting
commander sits, I'm afraid.

Now, Arthur, I have
come across something troubling,

and it relates directly to you.

This is why I suggested
that we talk privately.


You're aware
that she was engaging

in illegal activities
with Overkill?

I told her a number of times

that I thought
she should stop all of this,

- but she didn't listen to me.
- Mm.

Overkill is a psychopath,
but he's very engaging.

And your sister's psychological
profile puts her at risk

for certain borderline
behaviors, attractions.

Still, I don't think she really
knew what she was getting into.

Well, no.
I mean, Dot's not a criminal.

No, but she is going down
a dark path.

Luckily, she is sibling
to a member of the Flag Five.

So you're saying
I can still help her?


And AEGIS, if you act quickly.

We're going to need you
to bring in Dot, Arthur.


Okay, I will.

Thank you, Doctor.
I mean, Doctor...

Uh, Doc... Doctor Agent...

- Agent... Commander... Doctor.
- Agent Commander Doctor.

Agent Hobbes.

It's all of that.

Oh, excuse me.

Acting Agent Commander...

Doctor Agent Hobbes.

You'll get it.

Thank you.


So, what... this was the meeting?

(EXHALES) Guess so.

Joan of Arc says
we're adjourned.

Where does she get off
telling us we're adjourned?

I mean, she got a point.
We are on call.

I'm gonna head to the
Heroes' Lounge, get some grub.

- Yeah, but I'm just saying...
- Aah...


What did Hobbes want?

Some very,
very disturbing things.

- What's going on, chum?
- Just hold on.

Sage, I need a favor from you.

Lay it on me.

- TICK: Oh!


That was an amazing nipple ride.

I've never seen a paisley
so complex!

- Thanks, Sage.
- No sweat.

But tell me something. What are
we sneaking out of AEGIS for?

When I saw Hobbes
sitting with his back

to the bullet hole of Rathbone's
window, I realized something.

He's not afraid
of being shot by Overkill,

because he's in control
of Overkill.

He's finally perfected
his mind control technology,

and he's using it
to take over AEGIS.

- That's heavy, man.
- Sage, I need you

to go back and make sure Flexon
takes care of Lobstercules.

Tick, we need to find Dot and DB
and warn them, stat.

Copy that.


I'm sorry, sir, but we can't
find Tick and Arthur anywhere.

Somehow, they left the building


Find Joan of Arc, tell her
I need to see her right away.


And assemble a strike team.

- A strike team, sir?
- Yes. Now, please.

Rathbone's dead,
and Overkill is in the wind

with blood on his hands
and a mind-controlling bee

- in his bulletproof bonnet.
- DOT: I told you

we should have stayed with
Rathbone. We could have helped.

Dot, Hobbes has all the cards. I
mean, how could you have helped?

If I'd been there, I might have
had a chance to... change it.

Change it. Yeah.

She's talking about her ability,

- her superpower.
- Excuse me?


- I'm a category.
- What?

I can see what's about to happen
sometimes, and I can change it.

She dodges bullets
and everything!

At last!

It's all coming together.

Dot, you're on the journey, too!

Destiny is on the phone.

It's a party line,
and we're all invited!

Dot, why-why didn't you tell me?

I didn't know how you'd take it.

I mean, you're the one
who always wanted to be super.

At this point, all I want is
for everyone to be okay.

You and Mom and Walter
and the babies.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Tick... the babies.

We filed a motion.
Hobbes knows about the babies.

The babies!

We have to call Mom and Walter.

I never thought the one person

keeping the biggest secret
from me would be you.

I'm so sorry, Joan.

How does John feel about me?

About us?

He loves you.

He's always loved you.

This is how it all began.



That's an AEGIS Troop Carrier
in stealth mode.


It's a strike team, Joan.

But I don't...
I don't understand. -Listen.

You got to move now. Grab the
babies. You have to run fast!




It's all right, sweetie.
It's all right.

- You-you have to trust me...


Joan, I have a secret, too.

- I have to touch you now.
- What?!

JOAN: Where'd you go?



- KEVIN: Walter?
- What?

I have to touch you.



KEVIN: Excuse us.

MAN (ON TV): And now,
breaking news from space.

Satellite images reveal
that Superian appears

to be walking the lunar surface
for reasons as of yet unknown.

What is he doing on the Moon?

- Yo, Flex.
- Where is everyone?

Got a message
for you from Arthur.

- Whoa.

- Now what the hell is that?



Since you joined AEGIS,

I've been very impressed
by your many talents.


You want something.

Yes. I am in need
of some assistance

in a delicate matter,

a small, off-the-books
special op

that I think
you'd be perfect for.


And I take it
this isn't official business?

I've come to find,
in the course of the recent...

change of regime, certain people

simply should not be...

Well, simply should not be.

- I see.
- Do you?

Rathbone's death was
a coup for you,

and you want to make sure
no one else takes that away.

I thought you would understand,

given your... background.

You know, I have a feeling
that you and I

will complement each other
beautifully in the coming era.

Oh. It's an "era" now. Great.

Okay, so you get AEGIS.

What's in it for me?

Well, what if you were to become
the leader of the Flag Five?

This device contains
the keys to the kingdom.

It's funny.

Being a hero feels
a lot like being a villain.

Hmm. I suppose that is funny.

Any luck, DB?

I'm trying every one of
their cell phones and e-mails.

Walter and Joan
aren't answering.

Mom always answers her phone.

Could be they're busy.

Those babies do love
their meemaw.

Wait. Arthur's getting
a text message from Joan.

"We had to leave the apartment,

but we are safe.
Don't try to reach us."

What does that mean?

Hang on. Another call coming in.

- OTHERS: Is it Mom?
- It's Overkill.

Overkill! Where are you?

Doesn't matter. Listen to me.

AEGIS is compromised.

Doctor Agent Hobbes is The Duke.

He put one of his pods
in my brain, and I...

Yeah, we know.
Hobbes is the mole.

I'm going to track your signal.

We are coming to get you.

Don't. Listen...

I don't know why
I'm "me" right now, but...

it's not gonna last,
and I'm not gonna give Hobbes

the chance to use me again.

- Don't do anything stupid.
- Too late.

I have to go.

I have more words.

You are the people...

in my life.

- Good-bye.
- Overkill, no!

♪ ♪




That's all for now. Thank you.

DANGERBOAT: I have a read
on Overkill's location.

He's near the city's
water treatment facility.

Okay, we have to be careful,

Didn't you hear him?
He's gonna kill himself!

No, he's not gonna get
the chance.

- He's moving.
- See?

Hobbes wanted him to call us.

He's trying to draw us closer.
He knows that he

can't let anyone
who has his secret get away.

We have to go after him.

I wish it were that easy, Dot.

TICK: Maybe it is, chum.

Overkill's been in the woods,
but so have we.

All these secrets and lies
have gotten us lost.

The truth about the truth

is that it's a choice.

You choose love
or you choose fear.

Everything after that
is up to destiny.

Hobbes chooses fear.

The Tick chooses love.

DANGERBOAT: I choose love.

Always love.

- Love.
- Love.


let's go get our boy.


SUPERIAN: I bet I could do it.

Get up enough speed,

get the whole ball of wax
going backwards.

Time goes forward
when the Earth spins forward.

If I reverse the Earth's spin,
who's to say I wouldn't be able

to turn back time on the planet?

I could go back
to when they loved me

and I could never make
the mistake in the first place!

Or... I stop the Earth's spin

and seven billion people
go hurtling into space.


it's a toughie.

♪ ♪


Young man, that was amazing.

Are the babies okay?

Oh, yeah.
You saved us all, Kevin.

- Let's get that off you.
- Just gonna have a seat, then.

Depleted... blood sugar.

I need...

more, uh, maraschino cherries.

- JOAN: Just get your...


I need to do
a perimeter defense scan.

My God!

Is there anything else?

♪ Secrets... ♪

This is all of it, Joan.

I swear.


Attorney for the defense.

Here to visit my client.





This is maximum security

- Yeah.
- But everyone's up on the deck

since the shooting.

We should be
right by the armory, then.

Is that one of those Flag Five
all-access tablets?


You mind doing me a solid

and flipping open
this little security gate here?

(TAPPING SCREEN) -I represent
a mother and her children

who have been taken away
from each other

by a cruel circumstance.


(CHUCKLES) Thanks, kid.

What the hell?


God, I can't believe Hobbes
was the mole the entire time.

- How did we not see that?
- He was hiding it

beneath all that
pasty blandness.

Dangerboat, are you getting
anything on your scanners?

No. There's still too much
cell tower interference.

What are you guys seeing
on the ground?


- Overkill! No!
- No, guys, that's not really him.

He's under Hobbes's control!


TICK: Good God! Aah!

- Oh!


Aah! Lobstercules, no!


- If you want to stop her...

you have to kill her.

She doesn't get a choice,
I'm afraid.

- ARTHUR: Hobbes, you bastard.
- You think The Tick is

the only one who
can drop-kick you, Doctor?

Whoa! Whoa, whoa.

Hey, Dottie. Boys.


I knew it. I knew you were evil!

How do you know
I'm not being mind-controlled?

- Because you're an asshole!
- Okay, let's calm down,

ladies and gentlemen.

This is my scene.

What do you want, Hobbes?

Ultimately, I want
the human race to survive.

But tonight, I just need
one of you to live long enough

to give me some answers.

I really must find
the rest of your family

so that I can...
eliminate all this untidiness.


Villain? No.

I'm a dedicated
government employee

finally accomplishing
the true goal of his agency.

You murdered your commander.

(SIGHS) AEGIS had one job:

To keep order amidst
all of this genetic chaos.

Rathbone failed at that job.

So that's how you're gonna
keep order, by shutting off

people's brains?

- Huh. People.

Arthur, I'm not talking
about people.

I'm talking about them.

You're afraid, Hobbes,
that's all!

It's the only thing you know,
because your truth is fear.

More choking, please.


My truth is control.

Lint, I mean, how can you help
a guy who says stuff like that?

Uh? Oh.

Sorry, wasn't listening.

You weren't listening?

- Are you an idiot?
- Watch it.

- Don't you know what he's up to?
- Him? Yeah.

He's being distracted...

- by me.
- That's exactly right.

Wait. What did you just say?


How are we doing?

We hit the lab, armory, R&D.

We're loading up
the last truck now.

Frank looks very happy.

Frank is very happy.

Okay, Miss Lint,

you are now officially
the woman who stole AEGIS.

Oh. Well...

I guess my work here is done.

HOBBES: Where are you going?

You can't go away.
We have an arrangement.

- You work for me.
- No, I'm my own boss, Hobbes.

Good luck with this mess.

♪ ♪

- She can fly?
- It's a recent development.

Ha-ha! There's the old Lint
we know and...




stop for a moment
and think rationally.

Think about it scientifically.

You and I... we're both human.

Don't you see?

It's... it's us against them.

- No. No, it's us against you.

Hand over the remote.


Fine. Fire, please.

- Arthur, move! Move!


You may kill The Tick.

Oh, man.



I will not fight you!

- Tick, you have to fight back!
- I can't, chum.

She's gonna kill you!

She's the mother
of our children! (YELLS)

- Hmm.


Hey, Superian?


you said that you could hear me
anywhere in the world.

If you had a moment,

we could really use your help
right about now.


Oh, Superian?

- HOBBES: Superian? Please.

- Hasn't he done enough?
- TICK: This isn't you!

The moment he set foot
on this planet,

he triggered evolutionary panic.

- TICK: Aah!
- He caused this...

Age of Superheroes.

Look at it now.

Choose love. Choose love.

Choose love!

Ouf. Lobstercules, don't listen

to that wretched tube
in your head.


This isn't you!

- We have to get that remote.
- Right.

- I'll distract Overkill.
- What?

I'll draw his fire.
Just go for Hobbes

as soon as I get his attention.


Come on, Overkill. Try it.

Could you do a better job
of shooting, please?

- Shooting the woman.

What? Where am I?


My friend. You freed me.


It's over, Hobbes.


- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

It would take no effort
for me to end you, Doctor.



But we are not
the monsters here.

And that is the power
of love, Doc.



Is it you?

I told you not to come for me.

It's you.



THRAKKORZOG: Thrakkorzog.


RATHBONE: To quote Mark Twain,

"The report of my death
was an exaggeration."

Doesn't mean
that we here at AEGIS

didn't just get sandbagged
pretty damn hard.

But even though this agency
took some hard knocks,

it also freed itself

from a long, dark shadow.

Now, for the time being,

the new Flag Five protocol
has been halted.

It appears that Joan of Arc

might have taken advantage
of us.

Yeah, you think? (SCOFFS)



Normally, that kind of
information would be classified,

but this old soldier

has learned that secrecy
and going it alone

are not the way of the future.

Only together

can we hope to make harmonious

- this world that we still fight for.
- MAN: Hear! Hear!

I thank you.

I thank you all.


Nah, man,
he got one more secret.

Who? Rathbone?

SAGE: Mm-hmm.

It's gonna be
a whole damn thing.

- Just watch.


Hey, little one.

- Tick! Arthur!

KEVIN: Hey, guys.

I-I'm a full-time nanny now.

- Oh. Yeah, that's great, Kevin.
- Right.

FLEXON: Lobstercules is renting

the back of my houseboat

until we clear up
her legal stuff.

Raw pearls. Pretty good deal.


- Yeah, no, that's...

Arthur. I can't begin

to repay you
for all you've done.

- Sweet mother of lobsters,

this is all we wanted to see.

Yeah, that's right.

- All right, go on.
- Yes, sir.

Thanks again for understanding.

That was a good,
clean kill there, son.

Apparently my work here
isn't done.

- More done if we're...
- Honey.

Are you sad about The Flag Five?

(SCOFFS) What? No.

- I mean, we made the team.
- That's true.

Everyone turned out okay.
I mean, look.

Even Lobstercules
got her babies back.

And I got mine.

What should we call you?

I really like "Walter."

Come here, Walter.


ARTHUR: Get in here, big guy.

DANGERBOAT: So, you're there,
back inside AEGIS.

- What's it like?
- I got to say, it, uh...

(SIGHS) It's pretty good.

DANGERBOAT: I think this is one
of those never look back,

- turning point moments, Overkill.

A moment that requires a certain
observance of tradition.

OVERKILL: Don't you pump
that crap in my head

- right now. Mm-mm.
- DANGERBOAT: Oh, yes.

It is a dance party. Yeah.

- ♪ ♪

I think I've been hiding
from you, Mom.

I'm sorry.

Oh, but you're here now,
sweetie, so it's good.



He's just so strange.

Yeah, he is.

You, uh...

having a dance party
by yourself?


You want company?

♪ Get your fight on,
get your fight on ♪


♪ Get your fight on,
get your fight on ♪

♪ Get something to bite on ♪

♪ Get your fight on,
get your fight on ♪

♪ Get something to bite on ♪

♪ Get your fight on,
get your fight on ♪

♪ Get something to bite on... ♪

Where are they going?

Afternoon patrol, I think.

Ready for the next adventure,

Ready, Tick.

TICK: Spoon!

SUPERIAN: Turning back time
is the answer.

And of course
it's worth the risk.

We can't go on like this.

If the unthinkable happens,

there's always more fish
in the sea.

So to speak.

But come on.

You can do this.
You can do anything.

You are Superian.

All you got to do
is build up some velocity

and fly faster
than the speed of time.

VOICE (ECHOING): Fugitive 11-X.

Assume the position.

Oh, shit.