The Terror (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Terror - full transcript

In the wake of Pearl Harbor, the Terminal Islanders are evicted from their homes by the US Army and must find shelter elsewhere. While Henry, separated from his family, faces injustice at ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
There was bakemono at funeral.

You know bakemono?

What do we do next?

We can forget...
All of it.

400 bombers
swooped down at Pearl Harbor,

causing widespread damage
and death.

You're a citizen, boy.
Fight for your country.

I am not a spy.

I am a simple fisherman.

I love this country.

I'm not a spy.

I am a simple fisherman.

I love this country.

This order
is bullshit, Marlon.

Maybe it is,

and maybe it ain't.

Everyone has to be out
by nightfall either way.

When can we come back?

The island is
Naval property now.

Also I have
to confiscate anything

that might be spy equipment.

Radios, flashlights,

Come on, Marl.

We used to get plastered
together at Wada's.

My mom washed your uniform
after you threw up on it.

If I was a spy,
wouldn't you know it by now?

You're lucky it's me.

Some of these MPs

would love to see you
have an accident.

You know...

like Stan Grichuk?

Then it's a good thing
I'm not a drunk

who just got fired
from his job.

Do you at least know
where they took my dad?

Wherever he is,
he's safer there.

We've got room.

Ah, thank you.

Can you
believe this?

I'm starting to.

Hey... maybe in I.A. you'll
get to see that Luz girl again.

She's moved on.

So have I.

Water under the
Badger Avenue Bridge.

Here, let me
get the rest.

Okay, big man.

Just the one

Your father's.

I did not think I would
like it here at first.

Okay, everyone.

Let's see what we can
find in the city.

They still have

Maybe we should get
separate rooms

from Asako and Chester.





keep it movin'.

Hey, gents, slow down.

I can hardly keep up.

Oh, you're here
on Wednesdays now?

Ah, well, usually
I'm with Irv and Hitoshi,

but they switched me.

We not see them
for days.

Well, then, I guess it's lucky
I'm on Wednesdays now.


Did you drop out?

I haven't
seen you since...

Pearl Harbor?


I brought back
your enlarger.

Oh, thanks. You didn't
have to do that.

I was also wondering
what you thought of these.

There's been a few funerals
on Terminal Island lately,

and some more of
the pictures that I took

turned out like this.

What am I doing wrong?

Well, if you ask
my old professor,

he'd say it's a combination
of a slow shutter

and a shaky hand.

If you ask my Jewish mother,

she'd say you've been
taking photos

of things you shouldn't be.

But I asked you.

Well, I say

a picture captures
a photographer's relationship

to the world around him,

and with everything that's
been going on right now,

it's no surprise that yours are
coming out a little disturbed.

It's a tough time,

I can only imagine
what this is like

for you right now.

Thank you, Professor.

I appreciate it.




It's good to see you.

How have you been?

So, when were you
going to tell me?

Nine months from now?
Nine years?

This is my mess.

My mistake.

I need to take care
of it myself.

Then why didn't you
take the medicine?

Because of my mom.

Your mom? Isn't she...


From giving birth to me.

She lost too much blood.

The story
my abuela tells

is that all she
had time to do was...

name me,

hold me,

and say goodbye.


My mother died
so I could live.

All my life,

I've been trying to live up
to her sacrifice.

I was going to be a nun,

a nurse,

a perfect daughter,

and then
you come along,

and I think, "Why do I
have to be perfect?"

I should have known better.

After my mother died,

my abuela gave this to me.

She says that this lets
my mother watch over me.

Crazy, right?

Just some old
curanderismo stuff.

But I can't shake
the feeling

that she is right.

Nothing in this world
is an accident.

There's always someone watching,



Does your
family know?

Despite being
deeply Catholic,

neither my father
or brother took the news

with much mercy or grace.

Then let me help.


Do you have a job now?

Do you have a decent place
for me to stay?


I'm working
at St. Jerome Orphanage.

The baby's gonna
grow up there...

until I can afford
to raise a child myself.

You're putting our kid
in an orphanage?


it's not romantic.

It's not inspiring...

but at least it's a plan.

I'm not a spy.

I'm a simple fisherman.

I love this country.

I'm not a spy.

I am a simple fisherman.

Nakayama, up.

I am not a spy.

I'm a simple fisherman.

I love this country.

I'm not a spy.

I love this country.

I'm not a spy.

Let's go.

I'm not a spy.

Yeah? What's
the next part?

I'm a simple fisherman.

Who was probably
transporting fuel

to the Emperor's

Tell me, is that why
your boss was killed?

Did he figure out
what you were up to?

I don't know
why Mr. Grichuk died.

Oh, right, right,
right, because...

because you're just
a simple fisherman.

Now prove it.

I don't know how to ice fish.

Well, then, it looks like
you'll need some luck.


the Japanese girl
who works here.


I haven't had
a Japanese girl work for me

in years.

I swear she was here.

She read my future,
in that room.

I don't know
what you imagined you saw...

but there is
no Yuko here.

Buy another drink.

Be safe
when you leave, hon.

I have client
to look after.

All right?

Thank you.



Do you speak

How much?


We can take
two suitcases.

Only two.

What do we pack?

Will it be cold?

They tell us nothing.

It's going to be okay.

We have 48 hours.

We can pack up clothes
and other essentials,

then we should sell off
everything else.

Who knows what's at the track?

It won't hurt
to have extra cash.

And your father's car?

I can ask my photography
professor to hold onto it.

We're going to be fine.

He'd probably say
it's about time.

Does it hurt?

Let's see.

Doctors say

that if you pinch really hard

on the inside of the arm,

it can hurt enough
to distract you

from the pain on your knee.


I guess so.


Close your eyes,

'cause this is gonna hurt.




Feeling better?


Okay, go on.

Be careful, okay?

Miss Luz!
Miss Luz!

This one's
Miyagawa, right?

Her name is Alice.
Where are you taking her?

Hey, Max? Tomoko?

gonna be all right...

You got
a Saito, a Suzuki,

a Watanabe,
and two Yamamotos.

They're coming with us.

The Yamamotos are babies.

It's for security.


Who are these children
a threat to?

Alice, listen to me.

You're gonna be okay.

They're not going to hurt you.

These people
are on our side...

Hey, can you be careful, please?

It's gonna be okay.

gonna be okay, guys.

What about the unborn?

Excuse me?

If a child's born
during the war,

what happens to it?

Anyone with even one drop
of Jap blood's gotta go.

Take it up with
Colonel Bendetsen.


Where are these
children's parents?

They don't have any.

They're from
St. Jerome.

Every Jap
has to report.

We mean it.


this may not be
the best time

to tell you this,

but I've been going
with someone.

Her name is Luz Ojeda.

Her family's from Mexico.

Ma, look at me.

Luz is pregnant.

She's going
to have my baby.

Why do you tell me now?

Because I can't
go in there with you.

I can't abandon Luz
or the baby.

I have to help them.

Me and Otosan
are your family.

It is a government order.

Look, I messed up.

I should have told
you and Pop earlier.

I shouldn't have gone
sneaking around,

hoping things would just
work out on their own.

That's why I have to go now.

Come, Toshiro.

We must not behave

as if the world is meant
to spin around us.

Excuse me,

where do we stay?

your numbers?

742 and 740.

700s that way.

It stinks.

Then we have work to do.


I'm sorry
to barge in.


What are you doing here?

Are you okay?

Soldiers were here.

They rounded up
all the Japanese kids.

I know.
That's why I came.

They said just one drop
of Japanese blood, and...

I don't know
what to do.

You're living here?

I told you,

my father didn't
take the news well.

You can't stay here.

If the soldiers come back
after the baby's born,

they'll take it away.

We need to get you
out of state

as soon as we can.

Thanks for the concern,

but now's not the time
for a romantic gesture, okay?

It's not
meant to be.

I'm trying to save this baby,

which, whether
you like it or not, is ours.

I have
my father's car

and plenty
of fuel rations,

and I've already
called my professor.

We figured out
the best route out of state.

They're taking
babies, Luz.

We gotta do something.

can you take this out?

Hey, there you are.

Sorry about that.

Come on, Toshiro.

Her face.

It's all I see.

She looks at me,

expecting something,

wanting something.

Who, "she"?

How should I know?

Some woman on the street.

When do we go back in?

When we have
enough firewood.

This woman.

She speak?

Tell her
Nikku Okada here.

Ask her
what he want.

Nick Okada?

That young ainoko
at our table.

Yamato-san imagines him
to be an obake or yurei.

Each man
Nikku Okada touch


Maybe we next.

Something has
followed us.

Perhaps someone
has been out of line,

rousing up trouble.

It couldn't be you,
could it?

Cold making us
superstitious old women.

Let's go back inside.

You made it.

Thank you for this,
Professor Henkoff.

Aw, Phil.
No need for honorifics.

Let's get you inside.

You two can stay
in my guest room.

It'll take a few days for
the chaos to die down,

and you can move on.

Thank you.

We need to find someplace
where I can find work,

and where Luz can get
medical care.

What kind of work?

Doesn't matter.

Mechanical, factory,

whatever pays
the bills.

Maybe in New Mexico?

I do have
some fellow travelers

who live outside of Santa Fe.

Let me
give them a call.

I guess you do have a plan.

Or at least your professor does.

I'll sleep
on the floor.



The bed's probably too small
for the both of us anyway,



Sir, step aside,

or I will
have you restrained.

Sit down, and keep
your stomach covered.

What's your name, son?

We got a tip a Japanese man

was evading the federal
order to evacuate.

You need to come with us.


Don't stand up.

Who's this?

My girl.

Don't worry,
we're not married.

No laws are broken.

It's okay, ma'am.

It's the Japanese
we're concerned about.

Wait, please!

Please wait!

Luz, get
back inside!

I'm coming with you.

We told you.

We're only concerned
about the Japanese.

Well, that's why
you need to take me too.

I'm carrying one.



You changed your mind?

The FBI kind of
changed it for me.

This is Luz.

Luz, this is
my mother.

I apologize for the mess.

I wish we had a proper home
to welcome you to.

Fellas, over here.

This time,
catch enough for us too.

You're not
the only ones

who are sick of
bread and paste.

Nick Okada?

I hope I don't bring
bad luck.


you believe
in bakemono?


Shape-shifting spirits.

Yeah, I know, I know.

My grandmother believed in it.

Is there a bakemono among us?

Doing what?

Make men like Imamura

and Nakamura

Don't be

There's no such thing
as bakemono.

Whoa! Hey!

That exactly

what bakemono maybe say.

Hey, wait! Please!

What the hell
are you doing?

Why are you here?

Same as you.

I have to be here.

What happened to Imamura?

I don't know!

What kind of spirit are you?

Goddamn it,
I'm not a spirit!


Please! Please!

You old idiots
are going to kill me!

Admit what you are.


I'm not a bakemono.

I'm working for the DOJ.

Justice Department.

I was hired
to find spies,

enemies of the state,

but I couldn't find any.

So you fed them names
so you could keep this job?

Names of loyal men?

You're a traitor
to your own people,

to your country.

Stop. Please!

It is not
our decision to make.

It is for the spirits
that inhabit this land,

wherever we are.

North Dakota.

We're in North Dakota.

Then I hope the spirits
of North Dakota

treat you more kindly
than you've treated us.


Hey, wait.

Come back, please.

Please, come...
please, come back.

Help me, please.


Help me!

I can't move!

You brought her here?

She brought herself.

Her family's
disowned her.

At least with us
she's not alone.

You ever get the feeling
you're being watched?


All the time.

I'm a Japanese guy

in the middle of a war
with Japan.



Chester, you have to go!


Are you okay?

Dad, what
are you doing?

- Watch it!
- Hey! Hey!

Oh, shit!

Drop the weapon!

Dad, do what they say.

Drop the weapon!

Dad, don't do this!

Oh, god!

Don't shoot him!

This is your last warning!


Don't shoot him!

Put the gun down!


- Dad!
- Back up!

Oh, my God...

Oh, my god!




...Nobody move!

I don't understand.

Why would he do that?

I don't know.

I've known Yoshida-san
my whole life.

That was
nothing like him.


you need anything?

I don't know
what to say.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

let me help.

I can find a funeral home...

What did
my father see?

Why was he saying
that you had to leave?

I don't know.


What evil?

I'm sorry, Chester.


Just go.

Two bags!

Two suitcases
per person.

These are my father's.

You killed him.

Two per person.