The Syndicate (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

In the hotel following Bob's engagement party Leanne and Stuart declare their feelings for each other but Leanne panics when daughter Stacey temporarily disappears. Next day Stuart learns that she is married and running from husband Gareth,who has tracked her down so he puts her up at his new house,to Amy's disapproval. In fact Gareth wants no more than a divorce so he can remarry but Leanne's problems are not over as it transpires that she was a foster-parent to Stacey,whose mother was a drug addict,and absconded from Wales with her.The police turn up but Bob's lawyer son Peter gets her bail,pending an appeal.A jealous Amy is not happy with Stuart's interest in Leanne though there is romance for Denise with dog-loving Rodney whilst Jamie considers taking on a lap dancing club.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
That don't even look real.
I'm thinking of moving.

You've won the Lottery. You should be
shouting from the rooftops.

It's not that simple.

What about Stacey's dad?
We never hear from him.

It says "Leah", but I think they
spelled your name wrong.

Sorry to keep you waiting,
ladies and gentlemen.

What's your name?
We are very proud to announce...

How long have you been in a
syndicate? What's your name, love?

Leanne. Leanne what? Just Leanne.

Are you married, Leanne?
None of your business.

What will you buy, Stuart?
Two Ferraris.

No, he's joking.
A nice house for me and my family.

Have you got a boyfriend? Any kids?

I've got a daughter. Why? Our readers
like to know these things.

What's her name?
I'd rather not say.

Big smile please, Leanne. Look
like you're enjoying yourself.

Where in Wales are you from? North.

Who are you going to share it with?
I don't know, my family.
Do they live in Wales?

No. Can you ask someone else
a question, please?


Which room is it?

Lady Windermere. It's just
down there on the end. right.

We'll clean your teeth
in the morning, sweetheart.

I hope she'll be all right.
I don't know if I should leave her.

It's just like leaving her
upstairs in a house.

But what if she wakes up?

They'd hear her and come
and get you.

That's what a baby
listening service is for.

Come on, just for half an hour.
The party's nearly over.

Come on.

You all right? Yeah.

Oh, it's our Jamie!

What are you two up to then?
As if I need to ask.

We've just put Stacey to bed.


We have.
Don't, Leanne, he's off his face.

Piss off!

Anyway don't bother me what you get
up to. I'm not your missus.

All that sniff's given you
brain rot.


Do you think she'll be all right?

Yeah, don't worry.

It was nice when Bob proposed,
wasn't it?

Yeah, I just hope he's all right.


I'm going to bed,
cos I'm cream crackered.

Stacey's in there,
she's fast asleep.

I'll try not to wake her.
Where's Rodney?

I don't know. He said he was coming
upstairs to fetch his camera,

but he never came back down.

He must've gone to sleep.

We've left the phone off the hook,
cos there's a listening in service.

Don't worry I'll put it back on.


You don't think this is haunted,
do you?

Cos I've heard some of these old
posh hotels have got ghosts.
No. Doubt it.

I won't be long anyway,
I'm just going for one more drink.

I'll be fast asleep anyway.
Don't worry about me.

Night. Night, Denise.
See you in the morning.

Bet he's still dancing, Bob,
isn't he?

Yeah, probably.

We won't be needing
the listening in service after all.

No problem,
I'll cancel it now.

And have you got any rooms left?

I thought you were booked in.

I was going to drive,
but I fancy a drink now...

All our rooms are taken, sir,

but we do have the Bramham Suite,
if you're interested?

Yeah. All right.


Oh, Rodney, I thought you'd
gone to bed.

I wouldn't do that without
saying goodnight.

I rang work to make sure all the dogs
were settled for the night

and I mistakenly took my shoes off
because my feet were hurting
and now I can't get them back on.

Oh, right, yeah.
Mine do that as well.

I think it's the alcohol.

I've had them soaking in the bidet,
but they don't seem to want
to go back down.

I was wondering
if you fancied a nightcap?

What sort of nightcap?

They've left some sachets
of hot chocolate.

And some home-made little cookies.
They're delicious.

I don't mind if I do.

Wow! Bloody hell!

Would Madam care for
a juniper cherry brandy

or a Dusky Crow?

Madam wouldn't like to mix her
drinks or Madam will throw up.

In that case would Madam
care for another champagne?
Now you're talking!

Oh, hiya.

Can I have a bottle
of champagne, please?

Yeah, Dom whatever would be great.

This suite's bigger
than my whole flat.

We're millionaires, Leanne!

We're multi millionaires!
Multi millionaires!
We've won the bloody Lottery!

I know! I can't believe it!


Do you know something? This is
the best I've felt since we won.

Yeah, me too.


Your champagne, sir.
Bloody hell, that were quick.

The suites have priority.

Good evening, madam. Evening.

Thank you, sir. Would you like me
to light your fire?

In the sitting room.

Through here.

Oh, my God!

Imagine living somewhere like this.

And having servants to
light your fire.

I can't get me brain around
living in that house.

Do you know I've been all day
without a cigarette?

Maybe it's because you're happy.

I've got two nicotine
patches on though.

It's great about Bob going
to South Africa, isn't it?

Yeah, at least
he stands a chance now.

You never talk about you, do you?

I've nothing to say.

I just lead this boring life.

Don't give me that, I bet you have
blokes after you all the time.

I haven't.

I can't remember the last time
I went out with a fella.

What happened to Stacey's dad?

He was a bit of a nutter.

We used to have these big rows.

The slightest thing'd set him off.

He'd shout and...

I don't really want to
go into it all.

Were you scared of him?

Yeah, I suppose I was.


Does he ever ask about Stacey?

I'm not in contact with him any
more. We're better off without him.

Too right.

I'm gonna let you in on
a little secret of mine.

Go on.

I've decided that
I'm not gonna let you move away.

Really? Mmm.

Why? What you gonna do?

I don't know. I'll think of summat.

Like what?

Like make you fall in love with me.

You don't have to make me do that.


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have
said that. What did you mean?

No. I was being stupid. Nothing.
I shouldn't have said anything.
Just forget that.

I don't want to forget it.

Please don't move away, Leanne.

I have to.


Why? Leanne, where you going?


Why did you suddenly race off?

Because the only reason I'm still
here is because of you, Stuart.



Stacey, where are you? Denise!

Stacey! Stacey! Stacey!


What's the matter?

It's Stacey, she's gone. Denise...

She's not there,
they are not in the room.

She won't be far. Stacey! What's up?

I thought you were going back to
the room. Is Stacey with you?

No. No? Oh, my God. Where is she?
Where's she gone?

Rodney asked
if I wanted a nightcap and...

Why didn't you tell me, you idiot? I
would never have left her like that.

We'll find her. I'm sorry,
I didn't think. What am I going
to do? Where is she?

They've taken her.
Who's taken her? Leanne!



Have you seen a little girl,
fair hair, about this big? No.

Did you tell them what room
she was in? I don't know
who you're talking about.

Stuart. Check everyone's rooms.
Right. I'll do me best.


Have you seen a little girl?

Nobody in here, love.
Oh, God, no!

She can't have got far.
We'll find her.


Oh, please, God, don't let them
have taken her.

Who are you on about?

People that know I've got money,
I've won the Lottery.

They've kidnapped her. They're
gonna... Leanne, nobody knows
you were here.

Oh, my God, she might have
fallen into the lake. Stacey!

Excuse me.

I've got your daughter.

Oh, my God.
Stacey, where have you been?

We found her wandering
down the corridor.

I woke up and I couldn't find you.

But you're all right now,

No thanks to you.

Peter tried ringing you
but it just rang out.

Oh, God, I must've left it...

Thanks for looking after her.
That was so good of you.

Oh, God, I shouldn't have left you.
I don't know what I was thinking of.

I'm sorry.
Come on, let's get you back to bed.

What can I do?

She'll be all right in the morning.

Yeah, but I feel like
I've really let her down.

It's not your fault.

But she trusted me.

Where am I going to sleep
tonight now?

You'll have to sleep in my room.

It's all right - there's a sofa.

Come on.

I'm sorry I left you.
It was only for ten minutes.

I promise I'll never do it again.
It's all right.

You get some sleep now,
my little angel.

'I forgot to give you this.
It came to the shop.'



Are you all right?

I am now.

You said the only reason you were
still here were cos of me.

It was the champagne. Forget it.



No-one's gonna take your daughter,

How do you know?

Cos I do. You can't carry
on living your life thinking that.

I'm going to bed now. I'm tired.
I'll see you in the morning, Stuart.



I thought you be having a lie in,
what with not being at work any more.

No, I want to get back home,
get things sorted.

What are you doing up so early?
Work. It's Saturday.

It's Denise's last day.

She's having a drink afterwards.
I won't be going.


I'm going to ballet when I get home.

Well, aren't you lucky? Can I come?

No, silly.
Big men don't go to ballet.

That's where you're wrong,
because I do a mean pirouette.

So how you getting back?

I've ordered a taxi.
I can give you a lift, if you want.

No, it's all right, it's coming now.

Morning. Morning. Hiya. Morning.

I'm really sorry about last
night, Leanne.

Can I give you something
towards the hotel room?

No, it's fine.

You're still mad, aren't you?
Sugarwell Hill, please.

I'll ring you, yeah?

I feel awful.

I think she's pissed off
with all of us.

She's got this thing in her head
that someone's gonna take Stacey.
Take her?

Yeah, kidnap her
for the Lottery money.

Is that why she won't go
anywhere without her?

Cheers. Keep the change.
Thank you very much.

Come on, Stacey. Come on.

Stop looking at him.

Is that man following us?

Come on, Stacey.

Who is he?
I don't know. Stay there.

He's coming.

Quick come on, come on.

That's £7.10, please. Do you want
a Lottery ticket or scratch card?

Yeah, go on then,
I'll have a Lucky Dip.

Why not. This is the shop to do it.

Some of your good luck
might rub off.

You never know.
That's £8.10 then, please.

I didn't think any of you would be
still working here.

There'll only be me
after the end of today.

We finish at end of month,
so I'm gonna stick it out.

£1.90. Cheers.
So Leah's left, has she?


Sorry, I think you know
her as Leanne.

Oh, right, yeah.
Why, do you know her?

I'm married to her.

I don't think so.

Nearly nine years now, mate. Only
she was Leah Powell back then.

I saw her in the newspaper
celebrating your win.

Yeah, well, this ain't her. It is.

She's made a good job
at changing her image,
but I'd know her anywhere.

I don't think she wants to know you.
Amazing how people come out of
the woodwork when...

I'm not looking for money. I just
need to make contact.

I sent a letter but she hasn't got
back to me. Have you got a number?

Oh, like I'm just gonna give it you!

She's 35 minutes late now.
What you gonna do, sack her?

My number's on the back.
Ask her to give me a call, please.
It's really important.


If I wasn't short staffed, I'd tell
Denise not to bother coming in.

She's doing you a favour. She's got
nearly £4 million in the bank.

She didn't want to leave you
in the lurch.

I don't care how much she's
got in the bank.

What did he want?

Just some bloke asking for Leanne.
Not another one. We had a bloke in
last night asking where she lived.

You didn't tell him, did you?

Did I hell! I don't know her number.
I just said flats at top of
Sugarwell Hill. I wasn't sure which.

You are such a wanker.

I beg your pardon!

So let me get this straight.
You told a complete stranger
where an employee lives?

She's not an employee any longer.

You've worked for Right Buy U
for what, 20 years? 22.

Do you wonder why they haven't given
you a store? Because I'm more
useful to them as a floater.

Yeah, one that won't
flush down the toilet.

I think you'd better take that
back, young man.

You owe me an apology.

What's up? Well, where are you?

Excuse me, I'm talking to you?

You walk out of this shop now,
you needn't bother coming back.
Come on, we've got to go.

What's the matter? There's someone
looking for you. What?

He came into the shop. You must
have just missed him. Me car's
round the back. Give us that.

It's ever so good of you
to have given me a lift home.

My pleasure.
Thank you for inviting me

to such a splendid party last night.

Oh, no, you don't have to get
out of the car.

Of course I do.

You all right?

Yeah, it's just a bit of sciatica.
I could've slept on the settee.


What's he doing now?
He should be in work!

I'd better go.

Denise, about last night.

I'm a little bit late
and they're short-staffed.

Yes, I'm sorry, I won't keep you.

I just wanted to say
I knew you were upset

and I didn't want to take advantage
of the situation, that's all.

No, thank you very much
for giving up your bed for me.

Not that I wanted to... I mean not,
not give up my bed for you...

I mean I would've loved
to have taken advantage...

I'm sorry, I'm not very
good at these things.

Are you saying you like me
or you don't?

Of course I like you.

But you're not attracted to me?
No, I am!

Is that a yes or a no?


Just didn't want to appear
too forward, that's all.

I'm sorry if I've made
you later than you already...

No, it's all right.
It's my last day.

I'm having a drink
after work in The Bridge.

You could join us if you like.

It'll be just a couple of us.
I don't know if Leanne's coming now.

I'd like that very much.

I'll see you after seven.

And what the bloody hell time
do you call this?

Leaving time! Look,
I know that you're short-staffed,

so I can either stay and help you,
or I can go home,

take me dogs out for a walk,
put me feet up and watch telly.

Choice is yours.




I'll put me tabard on.

What you going on first?

I am going to go in there.

Have fun.



I can't deal with her right now.

She'll just want to bollock me
for not coming home last night.

Who was the man outside your flat?

I've no idea.

Think it's anything to do
with yer husband?

What husband?

The one that came into the shop.

I'm not married.

You are.

His number's on the back,
he wants you to ring him.

Don't lie to me, Leanne.
If nothing else,

I'm your friend,
You can tell me anything.

I'm not ringing him.
Don't, then.

What do you think he wants?

Money? To get me back?

I don't know.

Do you want me to ring him?

No! I just want him to go away.

That's why I've got to leave here.

That's why I didn't want to go
public about the win

and have my picture
plastered all over the papers.


I wish to God I'd stuck
to my guns and said no.

Well, it's too late now, innit?

I need someone to go to the flat
and get my things.

And then what?

I'll get on a train somewhere,
start again.

So you'll run from him
all your life?

I'm not running from him.

You are! You're gonna take
Stacey out of school,

move away from all your mates,
all because he knows where you live?

You don't understand.

No, I don't.

There's something
you're not telling me.

Is it Stacey?

What do you mean?

Has he got visiting rights?

He's got no rights.
He doesn't care about her.

He's her dad.

No, he's not.

I thought... You thought wrong.

That's part of the problem.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

Look, I'll take you to our house
then I'll go and get yer stuff.

I can go in a hotel.

I'd rather you be with me.

I mean, it's better
you're with people in case...

What will Amy say?

She won't be happy,
but then she never is.

I wouldn't worry about it.
I'll just buy her another handbag.

Look at the size of the houses!

This is our house.

Oh, my God. It's like a mansion.

What the hell's he doing here?

Are we going to live here?

No we're just staying here tonight.

Hello! Anybody home?

I thought you were at work.

Oh, hello, love! Hiya.

You remember Leanne from the shop.

Course I do.

And this is her daughter, Stacey.
Hello, sweetheart!


Where's Amy? Gone back to bed.
She's been throwing up.

She came in at five o'clock
this morning, plastered.

Then she set the alarm off
and woke us all up.

I'll just get the little one
a biscuit.

Our Jamie's here. So I gathered.

Come through.

Hey! Get your own house,
you pillock!

Don't want me own house, shithead.
I've got a pad above the club.

And what are you doing
wearing my dressing gown?

I've just been in t'pool and
didn't want to drip on your floor.

There's a good girl...
Hey, Leanne, how you doing?

All right.

She's staying here for a bit.
Oh, yeah?

Her flat's flooded.

Good do last night. Bob was on form.

Yeah, considering.
Say thank you.

You got off early.
Debbie were doing me head in.

Hey now, cowboy, you been
a good boy for nana?

Apart from being woken up
in t'middle of night

and that weren't his fault.

If you hadn't set
the bloody alarm...

We could've been robbed...

You did it on purpose,
you knew I were coming back.

What are you lot all doing here?

Shall we go into t'room?

Been phoning you all morning.

What's the point of having a phone
if you don't even use it?

I were serving.

I'm more important
than the bloody shop!

Don't know what you're still
working there for anyway!

I might not be now.
Think I've just been sacked.

Oh, Hallelujah!

It wasn't 'cos of me, was it?

Why would it be to do wi' you?

You did me a favour. I needed an
excuse to tell him where to stick it.

Excuse me? I asked a question.

I asked Stuart if he'd help me.

Do what?

We need to talk in private.
Bit difficult, cos this house
is becoming like a drop-in centre!

I think I'll just go...
No, you won't. Mam, make her a brew.

Come and sit down, love.

Don't look so worried. She's always
a cow when she's hungover.


I'm not stupid.
I never said you was.

So why didn't you come home last
night? Because I wanted a drink...

You didn't even ring me.
I knew you were out!

If I find out you've been
messing me about... I'm not!

What's she doing here, then?

I said she could stay for a bit.

Just in case you hadn't noticed,
I live here, too!

Her husband's found out where
she lives and he's hounding her.

You know something?
You're a crap liar.

I'm not lying. Look.

He came into t'shop, looking for her.

He wants to get back in touch
with her. His number's on t'back.

She looks completely different.

So, if he don't know
how to get in touch with her

how can he know where she lives?
Cos Jimmy told him.

Look, it's just till
we get her sorted.

What's that mean?

I'll go and get all her stuff

and if it's all right with you,
I'll bring it back here.

Do I have a choice?

Course you do!

Are we going to ballet, Mummy?

I'm not sure, darling. Maybe.
Oh, please!

I always wanted a little girl
to take to ballet,

but I got two boys instead.
Cheers, Mam(!)

I like your gun. Is it real?

No, he's got a better one than that.

Go get the one Aunty Joan bought
you for Christmas, Jack.

He's mad about guns.

So, what you bought
with your money so far?

Oh, er, nothing really.

Few clothes, that's all.

I'm going to buy a house
when I get settled.

Every week I think about what
I'd spend the money on if I won.

Yeah, I used to do that.

It's weird, it's more fun thinking
about what you'll spend the money on

than when it really happens.

It must be nice having
two rich sons to treat you, though.

I haven't seen a penny
off either of 'em yet!

I'll buy you a holiday and driving
lessons - what more do you want?

I best get off.
Have you got a door key?

If you drop me off at St Michael's,
I can take Stacey to ballet

and check the train
times for tomorrow.

You shouldn't wander around
Headingley on your own.

I'll be OK. You could pick us up
after. I've got my phone on me.

There, look at that! You'd think
that was real, wouldn't you? Yeah!

I thought I'd taken them off him.
He wanted them back.

I don't like him having guns.

All lads play with guns.
We had guns.

You want to try having one
shoved in your face!

Stuart! He were just playing!

Why you making a big thing of it?
It's just a toy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Got you!

As you can see, he's
white and about your build.

There's thousands of blokes
that are thin like me.

I'd know if it were my own brother.
I'm sure you would.

Swear to God, come two years,
me brother'll be stone-broke again.

Sunk a million
into a lap-dancing club.

Got a Ferrari, a Porsche,
and he's back on Charlie.

Is that what he was
in trouble with the police for?

Yeah, but other stuff.
He's always in debt to someone.

You don't think he had anything
to do with the robbery?

What, at the shop? Yeah.

No. He's an idiot, but he's harmless.

I don't mean like he did it

but he could've told someone
that we had money in the safe.

Nah, he wouldn't do that to me.

He left first and he said
he was going out straight from work.

When Denise told you about
the lottery win,

he was still in his uniform.

He changed his mind.
I think a lass rang him.

Why didn't he tell the police that?

I don't know.

D'you want me to wait for you?

No, it's all right.

I've got to go in and explain to her
teacher she won't be coming again.

I'm not going to ballet any more?

We'll find you a new ballet
class, sweetheart.

So where shall I meet you?
Back here in about an hour.

Right. I'll go get yer stuff
and drop it off at t'house.

Thank you.

It's all in the hall, by the door.
Two big suitcases and some bags.

Everything else, just leave.
It either belongs to the woman

I rent the flat off,
or I don't need it.

So you were all packed up then?

Yeah, I'd, I'd given notice.
I was leaving anyway.

Come on.

Where you going with that?

I'm putting 'em in t'sauna to dry.

You're not! Put 'em in tumble dryer.

Costs a fortune doing that!
Sauna's already on.

I don't want them in the sauna.
Please yourself.

Put 'em where you like,
but she's running out of vests.

I'm making some soup
if you want some. Great.

What are you still doing here?

That's a nice way to talk
to your future brother-in-law.

I'm checking me and you are cool.

Why wouldn't we be?


That's a first.

Dumped by text.

Thought you said Debbie
weren't your girlfriend.

Obviously she thought she was.

Was she pretty? Not really.

She had great tits, though.

That's her dancing' at... Oops!

Better not show you that one.
What is it?

Nothing. Come on. Is it dirty?

No comment.

There's nothing you could show me
that'd shock me. I think this would.


Yeah, cos it's your old man.


I'm kidding.

Let me see.


Give it here Jamie. I'm serious.
Hey, don't drip on my phone!

What are they doing?

I'm saying nothing.

Excuse me, is it possible
for you to drive me to Scotland?


Or Cornwall, if it's easier.

Cornwall?! I'll take you wherever
you want, love. Get in.

Not now. Tomorrow morning,
if that's OK?

This is my mobile, yeah?

Cheers, thanks.


When did Stuart
drop all this stuff off?

About ten minutes ago.
You were in the shower.

Don't know how to work these
blooming Aga things.

So if I pass me test,
you going buy me a car?

You've got two sons, mam.

If I buy you lessons,
our Stu can get you a car.

Our Stuart's been good to me.

I've got my own room
and I can have anything I want.

Don't have to pay rent
or anything.

Cos you look after their kids.
You're a cheap nanny.

Anyway, I've bought into t'club
now, so I need me money.

I'm yer mam. I've had a lot
to put up with all these years,

bailing you out of trouble,
having me doors kicked in.

What do you want, a medal?
I want a car!

When I was getting ready to move
here I was clearing everything out

and I found something
at the bottom of your wardrobe.

Porn DVD? Drugs?
What you talking about?

Be careful, little ears!

I thought it were a shoe bag
for your posh trainers at first

and then I looked at it carefully
and it dawned on me what it was -

a cash bag.

Right. I'm off.

A little red Mini
with a hood would be nice.

You can pay for the tap separately

or pay for them together,
which we prefer.

If I give you 80 now,
can I give you the rest next week?

I'll make a note of it.

All right, OK.

Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.
Do you know where Stacey is?

Yes, she went about five minutes
ago with her daddy. What?!

He said you asked him to pick her
up. My God, why didn't you check?

She seemed very happy
to go with him.

What's the matter, where's Stacey?
He's taken her.

Who? Gareth. He's changed his number.
Where's that photograph?

I don't know, I gave it to Amy.

What for? I need it! Ring her!

Oh, God! I knew something
like this'd happen.

We should ring the police.

No, no, I don't want that.
It's against the law.
You can't just take a kid.

How did he know she was at ballet?

No idea.



Mam, can you put Amy on?

All right.

It's our Stuart,
he wants to talk to you.

What do you want?

Got that photograph?

What photograph?

The one I showed you
with t'number on back.

What do you want it for?
'Just give me the number.'

Why should I?

'Cos I'm telling you to.'

'You lied to me.' What you on about?

Are you with her?

I'm trying to help her.

What's she saying?

I've looked on the internet.

There's things you should
know about lovely Leah.

I need that number, Amy!



What's happening? Has she gone
to get it? It's all right.


That's my phone!

Stuart? Yes, yes. Leave it to me.

Right, madam.

You either give me that number
or I'll tell our Stuart you were

messing around with someone in
t'pool at five o'clock this morning.

Oh, very nice, very nice!

And we also go to ballet
after school.

Ballet? Wow, that's fantastic!

Do you know what?
I am a brilliant ballet dancer!

I didn't know you were my daddy.

You were only two when you left.

When's Mummy coming?

Looks like she's here now.


How many times have I told you
never to go anywhere

with someone you've just met?

He is my daddy.
Well, he isn't.

What are you doing? Stuart, get off!

Why are they fighting?
Get off him!

Don't! Stop it!
Don't look, don't look.

But he took Stacey!

No, SHE took Stacey!

Please, not in front of...
What's that suppose to mean?

Look, I don't care what you did!

That's all in the past!

I've been trying to contact you
since I saw you in the newspaper,

cos I need you to sign
these divorce papers.

My girlfriend's pregnant. We want
to marry before the baby's born.

You're going to have,
you're going to be a father?

Yeah. So you see,
it wasn't my fault.

I never said it was.

Will someone tell me
what's going on?

There's a man that's been hanging
around the flat where I live.

Yeah! Someone my solicitor's
been in touch with up here.

He's been looking
for you for a week.

He was supposed to serve
you the papers, but...

Who told you where Stacey was?

Some woman rang me.
I didn't catch her name.

If you just sign the papers, I'll
go and you'll never see me again.

Oh, cheers.

Bye-bye, Stacey.

Are you not going
be my daddy any more?

I was just a pretend daddy, darling,
but you know what?

You're really lucky, cos you've got
a great mummy to look after you.

Thanks, Gareth.

I'm glad things worked out for you.

You too.

Have you told anybody where...?
No, not a soul.

I'm sorry I let you down.

You didn't.
Just wasn't right for me.

I don't get it. What did you do?

Can we go and see the butterflies?

Yes, why not?

We tried for two years for a baby.

We had IVF and everything.

It just, just didn't happen.

So we decided to foster first,
and if that went well,

we were going to try and adopt.
You and Gareth?


They explained things to us,
and I thought I could handle it.

We talked about it.

We had a little cottage.

Gareth had started up on his own as
a plumber, getting plenty of work.

We thought we could give a
child a break and help the parents.

So is Stacey adopted?

They rang us on the Monday night

and told us they had
a brand new baby

that needed fostering.

The mother was an addict.

She already had three children
that she couldn't manage.

We collected Stacey from the
hospital the next morning and...

What I didn't bank on,
was just...

the feeling I got
when they put her in my arms

and she looked up at me
and I just... It's all right.

You don't have to tell me.
I'm sorry, I do.

I have to tell someone.

I can't keep this to myself
any longer.

We'd had her for nearly two years.

We'd nursed her through teething,
croup, everything.

It was three weeks before
the final hearing

and we'd been told if it went well,

we'd be able to adopt her
and then just...

Just out of the blue, the birth
mother asked to see her again.

I mean, I really tried to be strong,
but I just...

I couldn't.

I couldn't give her up.

On the morning I knew they were
coming to take her,

I just grabbed some things
and I left.

Without Gareth?
He couldn't do it.

And I've been on the run ever since.

Mum, it's on my finger!

There's a fantastic house
on The Avenue.

It's got a tree house in the garden.

Can we see it?
We'll see.

What the bloody hell's going on?
That's all my stuff!

We'll need to... What's Leanne's
things doing on the drive?

Threw them out. I don't want them
in the house. Now then, Stuart.

What's up?

This is Philippa Fentham. She's a
social worker from the family unit.

Right, what's she doing here?
Do you know where Leah Powell is?

No idea who you're talking about.
He's talking about Leanne.

Little Miss Perfect(!)

She's Leah Powell. She took
someone's baby... Amy!

She's a kidnapper! We don't know
that. Says on t'internet.

Shut yer mouth! No, I bloody won't!

Her husband told me she did a runner
with the kid.

She's a criminal, needs locking up!
Could I just get a word in edgeways?

So, I've told the police everything.
Until we interview Mrs Powell...

Don't believe a word she says.
She's mental, she's making it up!

I'm not! And another thing, I don't
want that bitch near my kids!

Excuse me! Can I speak?
What if she kidnaps Daisy or Jack?

Do either of you have any idea where
Leanne, Leah, whoever, is?

I'm here.

Was your former name Leah Powell?


I'm arresting you, Leah... What?
..on suspicion of child abduction.

I don't believe this! Anything you
do say may be given in evidence.

Jesus Christ, are you happy now?

Got what you wanted? You have no
idea what you've just done!

We've contacted the South Wales
police and they're on their way.

In the meantime, we'd like you to
accompany us down to the station.

What about Stacey?
That's why Philippa's here.

I don't want to leave her.

We could take her to a residential
home... I don't want that!

Or if you have any relatives
that live nearby?

I don't have anyone.
We can look after her.

No, we won't.

It's not up to you.
Me and me mam'll do it between us.

You going to choose her over me
and yer children?

I'm not choosing anyone.

You make me sick!

Is it all right
if she stays with us?

We'll have to do some
police checks first.

Me mam's a dinner lady and
she's had all that stuff done.

Stacey, would you like to stay at...


At Stuart's house for a little bit,
while Mummy helps us
answer some questions?

It won't be for long, darling.

Are you having a sleepover, Mum?

I don't know, I might be,
but I'll...

Hey, you could stay in Daisy's room,
it's got fairy lights.

Do you want to come and have a look?

I'll see you soon.

Always remember...I love you.

She'll need a solicitor.

Hiya. Is that Peter?
Hiya, I met you last night at yer
dad's party. It's a Joyce Bradley.

It's Stuart - I used to work
with Bob. A dinner lady
at Sugarwell Hill Primary.

Stuart! Can you just hang on
a minute? ..I'm up here, Mam!

What's going on out there
and who's she?

I'll tell you in minute. Look after
Stacey while I take this call?

Yes, and check her son
and his partner...

Sorry about that.
I was just talking to me mam.

I had your number on me mobile from
when you rang about the party.

It's me friend,
she needs a solicitor and I don't
know anybody else except you.

Come and see what we've bought.

Well, she needs one straight away
really - we've got money,
so we can pay for the best.

It's a Welsh case,
so it's nothing to do with us.

What if the Welsh police don't
arrive until the morning? She's
distressed because she's not with

the child, the child's distressed
cos she's not with the mother.

What if she bolts again? She's got
money. She can get on a plane with
the kid and fly anywhere.

She hasn't any previous,
she's never been in trouble
in her entire life, she's going

to get section 47/3 bail tomorrow
anyway, so...

Fine, it's their call, not mine.

Look, I like the girl,
I feel sorry for her...

But you're going to keep
her in a cell overnight?

Well, I'm not inviting her
home for tea.

What you looking at?
Somebody I don't know any more.

I'm the mother of your children,
that's who I am.

You've changed, Amy.

Oh, and you haven't?

Well, the Stuart that I know
and fell in love with would never
have shagged someone else.

I haven't shagged anyone...

Don't give me that,
your Jamie's got a photo of you
and her sneaking into a hotel room.

You're lying.
Ring him, he'll show you.

Well he's just trying to mix
it between us.

Anyway you were the one
that didn't come in
till five o'clock this morning.

You mean while you were out
shagging the child snatcher?

I don't want you in this
house any more.

Well tough,
cos I'm not going anywhere.

This is as much my house
as it is yours.

If you don't want to be with me,
you can piss off.

Remember you don't have to
say anything,

in fact it's probably better
if you wait for my colleague,

he's a specialist in child custody
and it's not really my field, but...

So Leanne, I've decided
that we'll start the interview

when the Welsh team get here.

I'm afraid our accommodation's
a bit grim,

but for now it's all
I can offer you.
We'll try and get you out tomorrow.

That will depend on the CP
and Inspector Owen.

Can I speak my daughter?

She's entitled to a phone call.


He's not answering his phone.

He shot off earlier,
didn't even say ta-rah.

Yeah, cos he knows I'm going
to kick his head in.

What's he done now?

Causing trouble as usual.

He took a photo of me and Leanne
at the hotel and showed it to Amy.


Hello, are you all right?

Yeah, just a minute.


Stacey, it's your mam.


Stacey, are you there?

Stacey, it's Mummy.

Talk to me, Stacey.

Are you coming to Stuart's house
to pick me up?

I might have to stay
here for a little bit, angel,

but Stuart and his mummy will look
after you till I get back


Your pyjamas and your toothbrush
are in your wheelie case, OK?

And your reading book and your DS,
they're in the front compartment.

Can you hear me, Stacey?

Are you still there?

Don't be cross with me, sweetheart.

Stacey, I want to be with you, I'd
give anything to be with you now,

but...I can't.

Mummy's got to go now, OK?

So don't forget to clean your teeth.

And I love you.
I love you, too.


I got it - night-night, babe.


Thank you.

Will you watch them,
while I go out a bit?

Don't go looking for our Jamie.
I won't.

It's Denise's leaving do,
I said I'd go. I'll have to let
her know what's going on.

Come here Jack, give us a cuddle.

It'll be all right, Stacey.

I think it's bed time, kids.

Don't worry, we'll try and get
you interviewed first thing and then

hopefully you should be out of here
by tomorrow lunchtime at the latest.

Well it seems like DCI Owen's driver
must've put his foot on the gas,

cos she's here, so we'll continue
the interview if that's OK?

It's up to you. The sooner
we get it over with, the sooner we
get you back to Stacey.

Let's not jump the gun and raise her
hopes, we don't know
if it'll be possible.

What do you mean? What?

They may decide Stacey should
be returned to her natural mother.

She doesn't know her! It wouldn't be
in the interest of the child.

All I'm saying is we can't
second-guess what's going to happen.

The birth mother is a known drug
user, she couldn't manage the
children she had.

Now, I'm pretty sure that neither
DCI Owen nor the magistrate will

want another Baby P on their hands.

I'm a student, I am just waitressing
to earn a bit of money through uni.

Right, well we don't get many
students in here.

I'm part owner of this place,

so what I'm really after are some
quality.... You outside!

Piss off, I'm talking. This
is a designer suit, you tosser.

Did you show Amy a photo of me
and Leanne on yer phone? Did you?!

I don't know what you're talking
about. Show me your phone.

What for?

Cos you're a lying bastard,
that's why.

You do anything like that again
and I'll kill you.

I've told you three times,
I went to Swansea Station

and I got on the first train
that was leaving.

Even though you knew what you
were doing was wrong?

You don't have to answer that.

I thought what I was doing
was right.

Stacey always got upset
if I had to leave her,

even if it was with my husband.

She's a mummy's girl,
and I just knew she'd scream

the place down
and I couldn't stand to....

OK, my client's been answering
questions now

for over an hour and a half.

It's clear there was no
pre-meditated intent,

it was a moment of maternal instinct
to protect the child that

she'd nursed and nurtured
for the best part of two years.

Right now
we have a distressed child.

It would be in the best
interests of all concerned to return
the mother as soon as possible.

So bearing that in mind,
I'd like to suggest bail pending
further investigation.

I just wanted to explain why she was
so wound up last night.

I'm glad you did.
That explains it all, don't it?

Why she wouldn't leave Stacey
with anyone else

and why she always kept
herself to herself.

Yeah, well, she's going to need
as much support as she can get
right now. Yeah.

Are you sure
I can't get you another drink?

No, it's all right, my mum's got
the kids, I'd best get back.

Thank you

I just wanted you to know before
you found out from anyone else.

If you need any help at all,

I'm only doing
two days a week at the dogs home.

Can I ask you something?

Course you can. Did you vote for me
to get the Lottery money?

Course I did. It were me
and you that started the syndicate.

Honestly, Stuart!


It's basically a difficult one -
she's been accused
of abducting a child...

Stuart! Leanne! Come here.

Are you all right?

I think so.

I'm so sorry, Leanne.

It's me that should be saying I'm
sorry for all the lies I told you.

No, I understand why you couldn't
tell us the truth,

but we'd have been there for you,
wouldn't we, Stuart?

100%. I thought you'd think
I was a terrible person.

No! We'd never think that.

We're your friends.

I just don't understand how you
managed for all of those years?

I just took one step at a time,

I rented a flat and only went out
when I had to.

But what did you do about work?

I've always worked from home or
somewhere they didn't ask questions.

Didn't Bob ask
for your National Insurance number?

I made it up.

You made it up?

I kept expecting him to get back
to me, but he never did.

Oh my giddy aunt,
wait till he finds out about that!

So what's going to happen?

I'm out on bail.
Will you take me to see Stacey?

Yeah, course.

Hi, mate.

These are your bail
conditions, Leanne.

So you're all right getting home?
Yeah, I'll take her. Car's outside.

Thanks for everything, mate.

No problem. I'll be in touch soon as
we've a date for the magistrates.

I'll give Nigel Crawford
your details,
he's the best barrister I know.

I can't thank you enough.

Don't be silly, it's my job.
I'm glad Stuart got in touch.

I didn't know anybody else.

Next time you see my dad,
put a good word in for me will you?

Of course.

Did he get his flight all right?

Yes, they'll be still in the air
actually. I'll keep you posted.

See you later.


I've got to report to a
police station every day
until the court hearing.

Our Jamie had to do that.

I'll come with you.

I've got to go now
cos Rodney's in the car waiting.

I'll call you.

Yeah, do. All right. Bye.

See you, Denise.

So Stacey can stay with you, yeah?

For now. I had to give them an
address that I could be bailed to,

so I gave them yours.

I hope that's all right?

Yeah, course it is.

Mummy's back, my little angel.

So you've chosen her, have you?

Stuart, did you hear what I said?

I don't want to talk to
you right now.

Well, I want to talk to you.

I didn't stay
for a sleepover after all.

For heaven's sake, Bob, it is not
going to be your last day,

so get that out of yer head.

My God, I'm going to lose her.

Want a lift? Yeah!

You think you're invincible now
you've won the Lottery.

There's a business opportunity
that's sailing our way.

One I'd like to share with someone
who wants to invest.

You knew they were waiting for me.
You couldn't give a shit, could you?

Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd