The State Within (2006): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Mark is asked to resign after Eshan is assassinated. While the US comes closer to declaring war against Tyrgyztan, Mark becomes convinced that there is a conspiracy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ibrahim Wahid.

These tapes link the Secretary of State for
Defense to the bombing of a civilian plane

resulting in the deaths of hundreds of
British and American citizens.

Hello, Mark.

I would need your guarantee
that our airbases remain.

You think you've got all the bases covered and
there's an incendiary device like this out there.


You've got a mole on your staff, Sir Mark.

Suspici?n is growing
that President Usman was directly involved

in the assassination of Eshan Borisvitch,
leader of Tyrgyztan's Democratic...

...on the Anacostia Airfield, Northeast
Washington, has raised the spectre

that President Usman may have embarked
on an illegal chemical weapons programme...

The emerging crisis in Tyrgyztan has
had a dramatic effect on the stock market

where the price of oil has risen by $5...

Loyal supporters of President Usman have
begun rallying in Karaz, capital of Tyrgyztan.

Pentagon officials have demanded that the UN
inspects all Tyrgyztan's chemical factories.

Son of a bitch, Carl! Sanctions?

Usman isn't just a threat to his own people, he
is a threat to the US, to all of civilisation.

If we want that maniac on his knees,
he has to know we won't hesitate

to bring the wrath of the US military
down on him.

The UN are not gonna jump to our demands.

We're hardly the most loved member
of the Security Council right now.

Come on, they've been pointing at us
for years to drop our support of Usman.

He's failed to crush the militants,
he's sponsoring political assassinations,

and he's building a chemical
weapons arsenal.

But, hey, let's wait
till he does something really bad.

Hypothesis, Lynne.
Fear and suspicions aren't enough.

No one will respect any case
for a military option, US or otherwise,

without hard proof against Usman.

Fact. He's threatening US personnel
inside the country.

Hell, book me a spot on the Security
Council. I'll turn them around.

Of course, it is the President's decisi?n.

Please stand for the President.

You're expected in Whitehall
at 9:00 am tomorrow.

I'm holding the fort in your absence.

I'm not going to London, Phil.

This isn't a request.

Come in.

Switch on the news.

These outrageous accusations are part
of a conspiracy by the US administration.

My Senate has voted for an instant
withdrawal of all US personnel from Tyrgyztan

and the dismantling
of their military bases.

We will not tolerate bully-boy tactics
from a corrupt regime...

Yes, of course, put her through. undermine my legitimate government.

Lynne, how are you?

Fine, thank you.

Yes, he's here.
Hold on, I'll put you on speaker.

Okay, you're on.

- Hello, Phil.
- Good morning, Madam Secretary.

The President's just gotten off the phone
with your Prime Minister.

The UKand US are jointly calling
for a Security Council resolution

demanding democratic reform in Tyrgyztan.

Thank you. We appreciate the heads up.

- Mark?
- Yes, Lynne.

The President also wanted me to pass on his
gratitude to you for helping begin this process.

And he offers his condolences
on the loss of your friend, Eshan.

As he told the Prime Minister,

we're looking forward to working with you
further on this.

Here's to a diplomatic solution.

Please thank the President
for his kind words.

Later, Mark.

She's thrown you a lifeline. Why?

I've no idea.

Hi. Is Mark free?

He's in his press briefing.

He might have a minute before
his conference at the Hay-Adams.

Would you like to wait?

No. That's okay.
Could you make sure he gets this?

It's my report on the Luke Gardner case.

- We can speak when he's had a chance to read it.
- Of course.



Colonel, please.

Warner is performing faultlessly.

So, where's Sinclair?

- This needs concluding before the next phase.
- He'll come up for air.

And when he does,
he has only one friend in Washington.

Oh, Jesus.

when Warner says "Diplomatic solution..."

Well, either she generally wants
a peaceful resolution,

or she's using the UN to justify
the case for war.

It's not my phone.

Two more!

- Can I run a check?
- Go ahead.

Unclaimed packages. Destination, Tyrgyztan.

Hello, I'm Caroline Hanley.

Here to pick up Anthony Hanley's effects.

Have you any idea when I'll be able
to take my father back to England?

His body should be released to you
within 48 hours, ma'am.



I was promised sight of them
before they were released. When was this?

- Hello.
- Miss Hanley?

- Speaking.
- This is US Customs, Boston.

I'm sorry, I don't have anything to do
with my father's business.

- If you call his London headquarters...
- We did. They have no record of these items.

- They suggested we contact you.
- I see.

Right, actually, I did find a docket.

Would you be able to collect
these items, ma'am?


Okay. If you give me the address.

Well, I'll probably... It'll probably
be tomorrow. Okay, thank you.


- Your cell phone's off.
- Oh.

- So it wasn't ringing in the morgue.
- Oh.

Is this all there was?


You know what? I think you need a treat.
I'm gonna go to the washroom,

and then I'm gonna see
if I can get us a table at Ciba, okay?

I couldn't get it. A guy came in.

I need Caroline Hanley tailed.

I had a call from customs.

My dad had some boxes
in a warehouse in Boston.

His office didn't know anything
about it, apparently.

Whoever he was shipping to didn't
collect it or something. I don't know.

I said I'd fly out there tomorrow.

How about if I fly you up?

Okay, I understand your position,
but, you see, we're in a free market here.

Now, they have every reason...

She's not here at the moment.
She was going to come.

Her name is Nasreen,
and I'll give you her direct line.

- Tell her you met me here.
- Thank you, Sir Mark.

- If you'll excuse me.
- Of course.

Beg your pardon.
I'd like to steal Brad for a second.

I've got to make some calls.
Will you cover for me?


Uni?n Station, please.

- Godovsky.
- Brad, is Mark with you?

No. He stepped out to make
a few phone calls.

You want me to get him to call you
when he comes back?

No, no, it's okay. I'll catch him later.

Where's Azzam?

Did you use me to lure Eshan to his death?


Who're you working for? Usman?

Christ, no, it wasn't Usman. I wouldn't...
How can you think that?

But you're involved, aren't you?


James, what have you done?

- They said he was going to be president.
- Who?

A free Tyrgyztan.
Why would they want him dead?

Who is "they"? Maclntyre? The CMC?

- I can't.
- I've had enough of this.

- You go to the FBI...
- The FBI?

They shit on the FBI
and they got the CIA by the balls.

They'll bury it along with you and me.

A black op?

Are you saying Eshan's death
is part of a secret Pentagon operation?

Listen to me. You're not listening to me.

This isn't something you can fix.
This is a bloodbath.

I've been stupid.

But nobody else must pay.

I need you to look after Azzam.

Christ, James,
I can't take care of a nine-year-old boy.

That's ridiculous.

You and Saida...

What, did you think I couldn't see it?

- Look, what happened between us...
- I don't want to know what happened.

I just need you to protect our son.

If not for me, for her.

- You are coming back with me.
- Daddy!

Hey, Azzam.

Sorry. Your dad and I just had a little...

Dad said I got to stay
with you for a while.


Whoa, hey, buddy.



Anytime you want to go swimming,
just ask Jennifer.

Tall lady with blonde hair.
She'll bring some towels, all right?

You're gonna be okay.

You know, you'll be safe here. I promise.

Come in.


Azzam, I'm making doughnuts
and I've just run out of holes.

Do you think you can help me?

Phil's on his way over.

Hi. I'm Jennifer.

You've seen James Sinclair obviously.

Have you told the FBI?

You are harbouring a fugitive's kid
in the British Embassy.

- Shut up, Phil!
- You have taken leave of your senses!

- You do anything to harm that kid and I...
- It's not about the boy.

What the hell are we doing locked in here?

My office is bugged.
Most certainly my phones.

Probably being followed.
I don't know who to trust, Carl.

Not even my own embassy,
and, no, I'm not delusional.

Jesus Christ, Mark.

I've seen James Sinclair.

Where? What did he say?

Is it possible that this entire situation,

the discovery of the chemicals
being shipped to Tyrgyztan by CMC,

Eshan's death, all of it,

was deliberately created by Warner

in order to justify the removal
of Usman by force?

Usman's not behind any of this.

I think there is a black op running out
at the Pentagon, using CMC.

If you're asking me if Warner has the
resources to mount that kind of operation,

off the record, yes.

Even I have no idea how the money is
allocated for her special access programmes.

If you're asking me if Warner is capable
of cooking up a war against Tyrgyztan,

yes, maybe.

But why would she?

'Cause the US publicly supported Usman.
Privately, he's a liability.

His abuse record, his Islamic militants
out of control. Training British bombers.

You've got too much invested there
to lose it.

So she comes up with a plan. Regime change.
But she doesn't want another Iraq.

So she's laying the grounds to secure
full backing from the UN.

You do understand what you're saying?

I'm saying she lured Eshan here,
went through the charade of talks,

leaked his presence,

and then had him killed.

Why are you trusting me with this?

Had to try it out on someone.

There's no hard evidence?


Even if it's true,
what do you expect me to do with it?

I need you to help me
stop Warner from engineering a war.

Hello, Mark.

Madam Secretary.

Come in.

You've been busy today.
Thought we could have a catch up.

Nothing much to report. You?

- No. Not really, just...
- Why don't we catch up after chancery on Monday?

Sure. Of course.

I'll leave you in peace.

We have our troops, the equipment...

We've all been through this situation
before and we've always come out on top.


If you get the chance,
say goodbye to both of them for me.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How are you?

Nice decor.

There's a rumour you're gay.



I'm sorry, but it's true.

That's all right. It's quite cool,
isn't it?

So, why aren't you married?

It's very easy to hide behind this job.

I'm not sure I know
what a real feeling is any more.

Have you never loved anyone?

Once. Yeah.

We argued a lot.

She was certainly not seduced by my charm.

I remember the shock
realising how much she made me feel.

Who was she?

My best friend's wife.

If I had done things differently,

she'd probably be watching
her son grow up now.

We may have...

Who knows?
Maybe Eshan would have led his country.

Sorry. Bet you wished
you'd never asked, huh?

Eshan Borisvitch?

Saida was his sister.


- Oh, God.
- What's the matter?


Luke, Luke Gardner, he had a tape.

The massacre at Bukek.

- Bukek?
- I, erm...

I saw Saida on the tape.

I saw her die.

What... What are you talking about?

Luke worked for CMC Secure Ops.

The man arrested by the FBI,
his name isn't Tegner. It's Pritchard.

He shot Saida.

Luke filmed the whole thing.

What... Filmed it? Where's the tape?

I gave it to Nicholas Brocklehurst.

He said not to tell anyone, especially not
you. We must keep the ambassador clean.

- Clean? That's bollocks.
- Lynne Warner's signature was on the contract.

What contract?

CMC was employed by Armitage.

Luke had another tape, Mark. Hassan Khan.

- The plane bomber?
- He was employed by CMC.



- You gave all this to Brocklehurst?
- Yes.

Have you got your passport on you?

Let's go.


What are you doing, you crazy...

Look what you did!

Excuse me. Excuse me!


Mark Brydon met Jane Lavery
in a hotel last night.

I thought you were dealing with Lavery.

We are.

We have to assume Brydon knows.

Don't even think about it.

Brocklehurst destroyed the evidence.
Brydon's the UK ambassador.


Have a good flight.

- That's the number there.
- Okay, give me your old one, and I'll get rid of it.

Here you go. 10:40 to London,
and use Fast Track.

When you get there, don't go home.
You have friends you can stay with?


Right, go there, then call me.
I need to know you're safe.

Look, I'm sorry. If I'd known
I was putting you in any danger...

I've got to go.

Check in, go to the executive club lounge,
and don't leave before the plane's called.

All right?

Promise. Whatever happens,
don't do anything stupid.

Don't worry about me.

TransUS Airlines flight 84 to Tampa
will be boarding at terminal G, Gate 6.

Were you gonna shoot me?
You traitorous shit!

Just put the gun down, Mark.

Bukek, huh?
Saida, Eshan, Luke Gardner, Hassan Khan?

Lavery told you.

Hundreds of innocent people died
in that massacre.

Hundreds more blown up in the plane.

Why would you work for Warner?

What? I've been trying
to derail the bitch for weeks.

If you're not on their side,
why did you let them kill Eshan?

Look, he chose to go walk about
without his security.

You knew. You knew all along.

I suspected. I suspected.
Please put the gun down, Mark.

Who did you tell about
Luke Gardner's tapes?

The people who needed to know.

What, the same people who tried
to kill Jane Lavery a few hours ago?

Where are the tapes?

I want to see them.

I destroyed them.

Don't think that I won't shoot you.

MI6 ordered me to.

For God's sake, Mark.

British mercenaries blowing up a plane,
Warner implicated.

You know this could never come out.

Who else knew?

Who else!

Christopher Styles.


I destroyed the tapes and the documents
in front of him.

I was trying to scare them into stopping.

You led them to Jane.

My priority is to protect the British
Government and that means you.

We're on the same side.

As long as you're essential to
Warner's plan, you're invaluable to MI6.

You're a duplicitous bastard.

It's my job.

Defense Intelligence, please.

My office is bugged.
There's probably an intercept on the phone.

Maybe even the secure line.


- Tracker in your fountain pen.
- Jesus.

The rest has got nothing to do with me.

- Maybe someone at the embassy?
- Has anyone else had access to your office?

The electrician... came to fix the telly.


Hello, little man. How's it going?

When are you coming back?

As soon as I can.

This is Officer Collins,
US Customs, Boston.

We have four shipping boxes registered
to Centas. The labels read...


Patch it through.

- Why didn't you say goodbye?
- I'm sorry, I had to catch a train.

Are you tracking this?

It isn't fair.

Look, we talked about this.
It's just a few days.

Where are you?

Oh, nowhere as nice as Mark's house.

Look, I've got to go.

But I miss you very much.

Daddy, I love you.

I love you, too. Bye, son.

Bye, Dad.

Medical equipment.
Components for lithotripter machines,

heading to Tyrgyztan.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Final destination?
Centas Industries, Karaz.

Did Dad ever tell you he had dealings
with Tyrgyztan?


Have you got a box cutter?

It's possible Warner doesn't have enough evidence
to get the support of the entire Security Council.

- She may have soon.
- Meaning?

The company who were employing
CMC Secure Ops...

- Centas?
- Yeah.

They approached Anthony Hanley
three months ago.

- Wait. You knew Hanley.
- Covertly.

He suspected Usman was behind Centas
and he contacted MI6.

Hanley International
specialise in precisi?n engineering.

They asked Hanley
to supply triggered spark gap switches

and that's what made him suspicious.


These switches are an essential component in
lithotripter machines used in kidney treatment.

Now Tyrgyztan has 12 of these machines.
The order was for 125.

What else do the switches do?

Detonate nuclear warheads.

So, Warner makes it look like
Usman has an active nuclear programme.

I'm also betting that when
the switches turn up,

they'll have laid a paper trail
leading all the way back to Usman.

Where the hell are they?

We've lost track of them.

- What the hell is a triggered spark gap switch?
- I don't know.

- Put the item back in the box.
- Sorry?

That's export control.
Step away from the box, ma'am, please.

- So the plane explosi?n?
- Eliminated Hanley,

made Usman look incapable
of controlling his insurgents,

and it wound the US public up for revenge.

And got me involved.

I doubt Hassan Khan was aware
that he was being used to detonate a bomb.

Wait, pause. Pause it.

- That's the man who tried to kill us this morning.
- Us?

I spent the night with Jane Lavery.

For God's sake, Mark.

Just tell me next time, okay?

There's been
a massive increase in troops here

at Bagram Airbase in the last 24 hours.

A Defense Department statement said
that the extra military presence here

is a precautionary measure.

Thank you, John.

In Washington, we have Secretary
for Defense, Lynne Warner.

Thanks for joining us, Madam Secretary.

Is this build-up of ground forces
in response to the increasing tensi?n

between President Usman
and this administration?

This deployment is to support possible evacuation
of US personnel across the border of Tyrgyztan.

Unofficial military sources describe
the troops on the ground as battle-ready.

The US ambassador to the UN
will be pushing

for a unanimous
resolution against Tyrgyztan

when he addresses the Security Council
on Monday.

We will be demanding
fair and free democratic elections,

UN inspection of all chemical facilities,

and immediate cessation of threats
to allied military and civilian assets.

And if President Usman fails to comply?

Well, that's a bit of a leap, Justine.
We don't have the resolution yet.

Thank you very much, Madam Secretary. That
was Secretary for Defense, Lynne Warner.

- Boston?
- Pier 17, Customs Depot.


Yeah, I'll get back to you.

Warner's gonna get her resolution.

According to the customs officials,
there's no appropriate export licence,

so this has gotta be some kind of mistake
because Anthony Hanley knew...

These are strictly controlled items, sir.

But that's exactly my point,
You see, Anthony would have known that.

- Well, how many are we talking about?
- About 125, just 125 of the things.

This is ridiculous. My dad
would not be smuggling nuclear switches,

especially not to Usman, he just wouldn't.

- It's all right.
- No.

Look, I'd like to know
who your chief investigator is.

I think I should be dealing with him.

We're going live now to our correspondent,
Jeb Starkey, in Boston.

Jeb, can you tell us what's going on there?

US Customs has confirmed

the intended destination of the switches
was Tyrgyztan.

The biggest question here,

why so many of these specialised triggers
were ordered in the first place.

The British manufacturer,
Hanley International,

is denying all knowledge
of the original consignment.

I have to say, Bob,
the whole thing looks deeply suspicious.

You're telling me.

Let's see that snake in the grass
squirm out of this one.

- Get me the UN ambassador on the line.
- Right away, ma'am.

I want a meeting with the Joint Chiefs.

I've already called them.


...and that Tyrgyztan is believed to have the
capability to manufacture nuclear warheads.

Thank you, Jeb. We'll bring you more updates
on this story as soon as we have them.

Oh, God.

We're gonna clear
your father's name, I promise.

- Do you honestly think that he's guilty?
- No.

Anthony is not guilty of anything,

and if somebody wanted him dead,
there are easier ways of doing it.

I haven't even buried him yet.

Marry me.


- I just wanted to...
- To protect me.

- No.
- So you do think that he's guilty.

I care for you.

Which is exactly why I shouldn't be
doing this, at least not right now.

What do you mean?

I'm thinking about resigning
as CEO of Armitage.


I've got billions of dollars tied up in a gas
pipe that's never gonna meet in the middle.

I've got assets in Central Asia,
just bleeding capital, sitting idle.

'Cause Lynne Warner started a situation in
Tyrgyztan and I'm gonna pay the price for it,

and I swear to God if I was paranoid,

I'd think she's trying to come back as CEO
when she is done with politics.

And right now,
the board members and shareholders

who are screaming for my head
would welcome her back with open arms.

I don't know what's going on any more.

Oh, baby, it's all right.

It's gonna be all right.


We've pulled a body out of the Potomac.
We think it's James Sinclair.

There's no sign of the boy.
We've got divers searching the river.

Azzam's at the Residence.

- When did you last see Sinclair?
- Yesterday afternoon, Uni?n Station.

Did he tell you where he was heading?


Well, I'll need you to
officially identify the body.

He was wanted for questioning in connection
with the death of his brother-in-law.

No signs of trauma.
Could have been suicide.

Do you believe that, Agent Blake?

What did you and Sinclair discuss
at Uni?n Station?

I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

Frankly, you're starting to piss me off.

When you tell that boy that his dad's dead,

maybe you'd like to reflect
on whether Sinclair would be alive or not

if you had cooperated with me
in the first place, Sir Mark.

Is CMC acting as a hit squad
for the British Government?

- Of course not.
- Then why the hell can't you talk to me?

- We should go.
- That's good. That's really good.

- Hide behind your diplomatic immunity.
- I can't tell you what I think is going on.

Frankly, if you don't want to
find yourself posted to Alaska,

- you probably don't want to know.
- Mark.

- We'll be watching you.
- Hell, why not? Everyone else is.

Get in the car.


What were you doing? If anything
was gonna arouse her curiosity...

Exactly. I trust her.

If she can get as far as Eshan and James'
killers, at least there'll be some justice.

Who's next? Azzam?

You? Me?

Could be standing in a sniper's sights now
for all we know.

Let's go to the car, Mark.


I'm his legal guardian.


What kind of father am I gonna be?

Please, Mark. Get in the car.

No more wasted lives, Nicholas.

No more.

Dad's dead, isn't he?


Yes, he is.


Long time, no see.

It's a turn on, isn't it?

- Hmm?
- Playing with people's lives.

Snap your fingers in Washington,
the other side of the worid quakes.

I can smell the testosterone from here.

Do you know what the civilian population
in Tyrgyztan is?

I thought not.

27 million people's lives made even worse.

But, hey, you're having a good time.

Come to bed.

It was fun to begin with.

Not any more.

You had the chance to stop this.

You know the thing about lieutenants?

They're expendable.

Wait! No.

- Lord, no!
- Shh!

Hi. Hope that's you, Mark.

My phone must be off.

Leave me a message
and I'll get back to you. Promise.

It is me. Just wanted to check
that you got back safely.

Give me a ring as soon
as you get this, okay?

I miss you.

If you think you can edge me out of this,
I'll cut your balls off.

I could be seriously exposed.

You're already on borrowed time, Mark.

Who knows where he's gonna point his
warheads? What, Pakistan? Iran? Us?

I'd advise your client not to leave
Washington until we've had this tested.

You'd like to know why Warner
wanted Luke dead, wouldn't you?

I want you to get out of
there straightaway. All right?

We have ourselves a situation.