The Snow Spider (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - The Broken Horse - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I saw a spaceship,
and I need you to believe me.

This is Eirlys.

Real liar, you are, Gwyn Griffiths.
A liar...

Do you think I should tell her?
About Arianwen?

I suspect she may already know.

Leave her alone.

At least she helped me.


Arianwen? That's strange.

She's not there.

It's time to show him his powers.

All of it.

Are you gonna cast a spell on me?

Leave me alone.
— You're a liar, you are, Gwyn Griffiths!


Gwylia mag y grym WE.

Gwylia mag y grym WM

Right, here we go. Everyone ready?

OK, everyone in. Smile.


Come on.


Arianwen! Where did you go?

Gwyn? School! Now!


Come on, then.

Come on, then.
— Nah. I'm good, thanks.

Alun! I thought we were friends now.

You still haven't found her?

Why is this happening?

First Alun, then Arianwen.

Everything's going wrong.

What about your magic?

Couldn't you use it to bring Arianwen back?

I don't know.

I've never controlled it like that.

You did against Dewi, in the fight.

Whatever that was, it wasn't me.

I don't know what that was.

I've always had something else to help.

You know, one of the gifts.
— Well, then use another one.

I can't.

I only have one left.

The horse.
— Well, then use the horse.

I can't!

Nain said it was to be locked away
and forget about it.

So, what's the point in having it, then,
"if you can't use it?

I'm not sure.

Come on.

There must be a way to learn how
to control your magic.

You just need to find it.

Oh, hiya, mate.

— Hey, listen, um...

are you planning on tidying
that bedroom of yours

anytime soon, or...?
— It's been messy all week, love.


I've lost something.

Lost something?
— Well, what is it?

I lost my...

What? Can we help you find it?

You won't understand.


Just give him a minute.
He'll be fine.

Dim hon.

- What does that mean?
- "Not this. ”

50, you lock him away,
and then just forget him.

What's the point in having it,
then, if you can't use it?



What? What do you want?

Help me.



Come to me'. Tyrd yma!

Arianwen, please come back.





What has he done, Eira'?

What have I done?

OK, easy, now!


OK, easy.


Get out! Whatever you are!

You're not welcome here!

Where did this come from?

I've never seen anything like it.
The animals are beside themselves.

Something's not right with them.

What's going on, Ivor? What is this?

It's just a storm, love, that's all.
It's just a bad storm.

I'm just gonna check on Gwyn.






Nain, are you here?


Nain, are you alright?

I failed you.

You let the horse go, didn't you?

And now, what was trapped inside it
all these years has been released.

Why did you give it to me
"if you knew it was so dangerous?

You were the only person I could
give it to, Gwyn. The only person!

I thought you could control its magic.

The evil in it...

His eyes...
— Who?

Who is it?

I've seen his face before.

I think it was Efnisien.

My great—grandmother
told me about him once.

The mad prince who wrought terror
wherever he went.

The giant warrior
who draws his power from the night.

It was him.

He was the evil trapped inside the horse.

It was Efnisien.

I didn't mean to let him out.
I just wanted to summon the wind.

Oh, Eira!

Oh, you poor thing!

Oh, I'm sorry, cariad.

I'm so so my.

Efnisien... He did all this?


And I suspect he can do more,
Gwyn bach.

Much more.

But why, Nain?

Because he remembers.

He remembers me for one thing.

That I tried to burn him once.


He must be stopped, Gwyn.

But how can we stop something so terrible?

That book.

The answer will be in there.


you have Arianwen to help you, don't you?

Don't you?

That's why I took the horse onto the hill.

I lost her, Nain. I wanted her back.

She's your guardian, Gwyn.

She can't really be lost to you.

She went. She was gone!

So, Eirlys... Eirlys said...

Eirlys? What did she say?

Nothing, Nain.

It's my fault.

I thought I'd just hold it, but then...

The wind took it?

Yeah, the wind took it.

— I'm so sorry, Nain.

So sorry.


Now's not the time
for feeling sorry for yourself.

He's moved on.

But he will rise again in the dark.

So, you've got to stop him, Gwyn.

And soon.

I'm scared, Nain.
— Good.

You should be.

Nothing wrong with being scared.

How can anyone be brave,
"if they're not scared first?

And that's what you are, Gwyn.


Your power will protect you.

Come on, Alun. It's your turn.

You take it for me.

It's just a storm!

Yeah, but...

it shouldn't be here.

I mean, have you ever seen
the rain like this?

What is it?

What? Oh, nothing.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Sure.

— Try Rhiannon.

Ivor! He's there!

Gwyn! Come in!

Quickly! Come on!

We've been calling everyone!

You can't go out without asking us!

We were really worried, mate.

Where have you been, sneaking out?
We thought you were just upstairs!

I was, but then, the storm came and...

I... Well, I thought...

I thought I might check on Nain.

Oh, you silly thing!

Out in this!

It is dangerous out there.

You're still a child!
You need to stay in, where it's safe.

I can't lose another...
— Come on.

Let's get you dry.


Hey, what's that?

Just a book Nain gave me.

How is your Nain, anyway?

Did her roof hold up?

— Since when?

You seen Eirlys?
— No.

No, no. He hasn't seen her.

Yeah. Yeah, of course.
We'll let you know straight away. Yeah.

OK. Ta-ra.

Eirlys is missing.

I'll get the car.

She's been gone for a few hours,
Carys said.

She must have gone out before it started.

Looks like it's cleared up now.

Coming to see you, she was.
— Me?

Wanted to talk to you about
a friend of yours, Anwen, is it, or...?

— Arianwen.

I just hope she kept to the lanes.

Wait, Dad! Stop! I saw her!

Back there!

It's alright, Eirlys.

Open the door, Gwyn.

Alright. Come on.


OK. Come on.

Good boy. OK.

OK. Get in. Quick, Gwyn.

Go on.

What are you doing?
We should take her to hospital!

Couldn't. A tree was down.

She's cold as ice.
We need to get her warmed up.

And someone needs to phone Carys as well.

In! Hurry!

She looks just like her.

Why didn't she turn back,
once the storm started?

She doesn't feel the cold like we do.

Whatever the reason,
at least you found her when you did.


Come on. Let's leave her rest.

It doesn't make sense.

Arianwen, where are you?
I can't do this alone.

Maybe I don't have magic after all.

Mam, you alright in there?

Oh, Mam...

I'm OK.
Think I haven't seen a storm before?

Yeah, but not like this.
Look at this place.

It's destroyed. You can't stay here.

Come back with me now.
We'll sort this tomorrow.

I'm alright.

I want to stay and fix it.

That's what we do, Ivor. We fix things.


We face our challenges,
and overcome them.

Alright. Well, let me help, then.

You kept this?

Course I did.

Thought you'd have chucked
this out years ago.

Chucked it out?

Why would I?

You treasured this.

I love it cos you loved it.

Oh, Mam...


Put it over there.

So I can look at it.

And get back to Glenys and Gwyn.

Is Gwyn OK?

Yeah, he's fine.

Just needs to stay inside.
This storm is manic.

It's not safe for a little boy to be out in.
— No.


I'm sure it's not done with us yet.

You just rest now.
Ivor's gone to shift that tree.

See if we can get you home later, is it?

You slept well.

Is she OK?

Yeah, she's good.

She's a bit washed out, but she's fine.

Can I speak to her?

Of course you can.

Just don't tire her out, OK?

— Hi.

So you're OK?

Thanks to you, yeah.

You took the broken horse, didn't you?
— How do you know?

He found me.


Whoever was in it.

He found me in the storm.

He was the storm.

Nain says he'll be back again soon enough.
— Who is he?

We think his name's Efnisien.
He comes at night, in the storm.

Nain says I have to capture him.
— Can you?

Not on my own.

But you're not on your own.

I'm here.

Have you tried calling Arianwen back?

I don't know how.

She's yours, Gwyn.

She's your spirit, your hope.

You just need to believe that your magic
will draw her to you.

You really think I can do that?

I know you can do that.

You're much more powerful
than you realise.

The first time she came to me,
it was on the mountain.

Then go back. Go back to the mountain.

But I've tried that, with the horse.

Why would it work now
if it didn't work then?

Because you only wanted her then.

You need her now. We all need her.

I know.
— Then go today.

Go now.
Go to the mountain now!

If Efnisien comes out at darkness,
we may not have much time.


Stay here. If Mam comes up,
tell her I've gone to the field.

Gwyn! Breakfast!

Food's on the table, love.
I'm just doing some...


I was going to bring it to you, love.
You need some rest.

Thanks, Mrs Griffiths.
I'm feeling much better now.

Is Gwyn coming down?

I think he's gone back to sleep.

He's still exhausted after last night.

Slept all morning, that boy.

Well, no use this going to waste.

Go on.

Tuck in.

Gwdion ap Math a brawd I Gilfaethwy.

Gwdion ydw I.

Tyrd yma, Arianwen!

Arianwen, please!

Please come back!

What do I do? Gwydion, help me!

I'm ready to do what you want, Gwydion.

Mae'r hud yn fyw ynddot ti.

Creda yn dy nerth.

Nerth Gwydion.

Gwdion ydw I.

Tyrd yma, Arianwen.

I am Gwydion, son of Math!

Lord of Gwynedd!


Tyrd yma, Arianwen.

Arianwen, thank you for coming back.

I'm scared, Arianwen.

His power will be growing.

It'll be dark later.

We'll have to capture Efnisien.

She was always pulling funny faces
at the teacher.

Had me in stitches!

Right, I'm gonna check on Gwyn.

Not like him to sleep in like this.


Let me go. You're busy.

— Well?

I knew you'd find her.
I knew you could do it.

She's beautiful.

Did you see Efnisien?

No. But I felt him.

He's powerful.

And he's coming.

That's him. Efnisien.

I saw her, Nia. I saw Eirlys.

You have the power to do this.

But how do you stop a storm?

Where's Gwyn?
What have you done with him?

You tell Gwyn to stay safe now.
And that goes for you, too.

It's no time for children
to be roaming around

with the weather all up on its hind legs.

A trap! That's what you need to make
with your magic.

A trap to turn his power against him.

I'm getting the car. They're not here.

