The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 5, Episode 20 - Date with Danger: Part 2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is Richard Anderson.

Here are some scenes from
"Date With Danger, Part One."

Who's using Mark 9?

You got me.
I didn't know it was scheduled.

The security of the O.S.I.
has been breached.

Joe Canton?

I'd sooner believe I ripped off O.S.I.

Oscar, Joe is no thief!

When we found out
that the money was stolen...

we tracked it through computers.

Well, I want to check the complete
memory core of the Mark 9.


You're saying that someone has
a direct line into our computer?

A little outfit called Datamate.

That's the one
I want to check out.

Your computer may be illegally
tied into another computer.

I can find out in two minutes if this machine
is hooked up to something out of line.

Come here.

Play one of the best new FPS shooters,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK

Well, I sure wish you'd do business
with people who set their traps...

in a more exclusive part of town.


What's important is who's really
stealing O.S.I. computer data.

The invisible Mr. Cloche.

STEVE: He's a major threat
to national security.

His control of computers,
like the one at Acme Wrecking...

he could arrange to kill anyone who
comes close to tracking him down.

Well, I can tell you, it'll be a lot easier
dealing with an evil man...

than a master computer
that's gone a muck.

Where's the computer?

How do I know?

It's gone!

Come on, what are you,
some kind of a hit man?


OSCAR: And now, the exciting
conclusion of "Date With Danger."

It looks good at NASA One.

B-52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

B-52 PILOT: Landing Rocket Arm switch
is on. Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is all“.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.


You say you don't know
who hired you to kill me?

I don't know.
I don't care.

Well, have you been paid?

You worrying about my finances?

Well, maybe you should.

Goodbye, friend.
The conversation is over.

Look, I know how
your employer operates.

Aren't you interested?

You're trying to stall.
It won't help.

You get impersonal messages and you're to
be paid by a deposit in a bank via computer.

How do you know?

If your pay can be deposited without a trace,
it can be removed the same way.

Well, then I'd better get this over with
and get my money out.

Look, you've got nothing
against me, right?

I mean, it's strictly business.


And your employer,
he just wants me dead.

He doesn't care how.

You see this building
across the way?

How far would you say that was?

No, I mean, 40, 45 feet.

You're wasting time.

You think I could make that jump?


Will you let me try?


Because I'd rather die trying
a million-to-one shot...

than to just stand still here
and take it.

I mean, do you think I could
survive that fall to the street?


Well, then, see,
you got nothing to lose.

I mean, if it looks like an accident,
less chance anybody'll connect you to it.

What do you say?

Want to see a man
sail through the air?

Why not?
Would be different.




Doctor, will you give me the diagnosis?

Head injury. Right parietal area.

Possible concussion.
Recommend neurological check.

Neurological will want
to keep him overnight.

Got it.

I'll send up the report.

Put his identity bracelet on him, please.


Joe, they've got a bad one
down in Emergency.

His name is Steve Ankarios.

Bring him up right away.


Any word on Colonel Austin yet?

Nothing yet, sir.

Let me know the minute
you hear from him.

Yes, sir.

Try to wake up, Mr. Ankarios.

Nurse, would you hand me
that chair, please?

Yes, Doctor.

Thank you.

I'm Dr. Walter Ellis.

How do you feel,
Mr. Ankarios?


Name's not Ankarios...


Yes, I understand.

Work... work for O.S.I.


Yes, I know.

It's all in your chart.

We have a detailed
history of your case.

You're a secret agent,
isn't that it?

You... don't... believe me.

Call number... private...

secret number...

Oscar Goldman.

You're very upset.
It's only natural.

Is there any member of your family
you'd like us to telephone?

No family... O.S.I. secret...

I can't...

I can't remember number.


Well, it's very distressing when
one can't remember something.


National security...

Call Goldman.

Now according to the report
from the last hospital...

you were very angry
with your wife...

and your children...

and your job as a shoe salesman.

Not a salesman.

Doctor, sometimes he thinks
he's an astronaut.

I know it's very distressing...

but you can be sure as long as you're here,
you'll be taken good care of.

And maybe soon you'll be
less angry towards your wife...

and your children
and the others.

No... Telling truth.

Now just relax and rest.

Believe me, it's the
best thing for you.

Just try and let yourself sleep,
Mr. Ankarios.

No... No...

Not Ankarios. No.

No, Mr. Goldman,
I haven't heard from Steve.

I'm just sitting here
trying to figure out...

whether I should be furious
at being stood up...

or worried that he was prevented
from keeping our date.

Emily, you say you don't know
what's happened to him...

why did you send that
security guard away?

Because he was a crashing bore.

Besides, I couldn't figure out whether
he was put here to watch over me...

or just to watch me.

You also say you've had
no part in this computer crime.

Oh, Mr. Goldman,
you've outsmarted me.

Yes, sir.

You see, I was the one that broke
into the O.S.I. disguised as Santa Claus.

I tore up your computer single-handed
and then I kidnapped Steve Austin.

Right now I have him
hidden him in a mannequin...

in the display window
at Marcy's Department Store.

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I plan to blow up Disneyland...

right after I get my hair done.

I expected him to sleep
for another three hours.

We don't want him
injuring himself.

You'd better administer
additional sedation...

and I think stronger restraints
are warranted.

Yes, Doctor.

Well, how's the astronaut
this morning?



What do you mean?

You told me you were an astronaut.

I don't remember that.

Remarkable improvement, Doctor.


You see? Sometimes sedation
and rest provide the best treatment.

You're feeling better, eh?


I feel all right.

Can you tell me your name?

Steve Ankarios, why?

Well, when you were admitted
into the hospital two days ago...

you didn't remember your name.

Two days ago?

What about my wife?

We've tried to reach Mrs. Ankarios
by phone, but there's no reply.

Call the new number...


Tell her to get in touch
with Steve right away...

and tell her I didn't meet her
because I was in the hospital.

Of course.

You're coming along just fine,
Mr. Ankarios.

What about the strait jacket?

Well, please don't think that
what I'm about to say...

reflects any lack of confidence in you.

But until this morning,
you've been quite ill.

Now you've made a sudden
and remarkable improvement.

Now! don't believe
they'll be any setbacks...

but until we're more certain,
I think it's best we keep them on.

For your own protection,
you understand?


Your husband's been given medication
so he may not be too alert.

But he's coming along just fine.

You've had him locked up
here for two whole days?

Oh, we don't call it locked up.

We say he's having treatment.


Now try to be brave and smile.

Your husband will feel better
if he sees you're feeling good about him.

Here's your wife, Mr. Ankarios.


Darling, how are the kids?

The kids.
They're fine, sweetheart.

They miss... They miss you so.

Can I take him home now?

Soon, we hope.

We can't say exactly when.

Oh, the children,
they cry so when he's away.

It's terrible.

Poor kids....

NURSE: Well, we'll all do our best.

That means you too,
Mr. Ankarios!

If you cooperate in the treatment,
you hurry the cure.

Oh, sure.

Poor darling.

I'll be back in 30 minutes
when visiting time is up.

Steve, are you all right?

They keep me drugged.

I can't do anything alone.
I need your help.

Let's see, I could call that great
American, Oscar Goldman...

but he'd probably think
I had you committed.

No, no, no.
Phone's too dangerous.

Computer tapped line to O.S.I.

How am I gonna
get you out of here?

I hate to ask you to
stick your neck out.

I'm a born neck-sticker-outer.

I come from a long line of giraffes.

What do I do?

You could start with the straps.

Seems a shame to free you,
now that I finally got you tied down.


Any idea what happened?

His wife must have helped him.

I better notify the police.

According to his medical history,
he has a tendency to be homicidal.

Chief, I don't care how
many men it takes.

Steve Austin couldn't
have just disappeared.

There must be some way to trace him.

What about that girl?


Wait a minute, someone's
on my private phone.

I'll call you back.


I can't risk using
this phone, Oscar.

Code Seven,
General Caddy, right away.

What? Oh, I'm on my way.

I gave Oscar the code
for a secret meeting.

The computer may have tapped the phone
so we better get away as fast...

Get this on the air fast.

Assign the nearest car plus back-up.


That's Ankarios.

That's his car.
Let's go!


Suspect heading east
on Holt at high speed.

Police car!
Hit it!

Take a left!

Take a left into this alley.

Hang a fast U!

We lost 'em!

Keep going this way!


That's the police.

Go in the dining room,
ask for Oscar.

Now, quick!

Mr. Ankarios.
We'd like to speak to you.

You talking to me, officer?

Mr. Ankarios,
we're your friends.

Will you step over here, please?

Put your hands on the car,
legs apart.

Officer, you're making a mistake.
My name isn't Ankarios.

Just spread your legs!

Look, there's somebody
inside that can explain this.



Are you all right, Steve?

Yeah, a couple of policemen
will have to be released from their car.

Get the APB
on Steven Ankarios cancelled.

George, give me
a telephone, will you?

You want a drink?

A beer, please.

All right, now let me fill you in.

We traced the two moving men
who took George Cloche's computer.

They were Datamate clients.

Yeah, and they're also
a $100,000 richer.

We don't know where they are,
or where they took the computer.

You know, Cloche
could be recruiting people...

from among those who signed up
for his computer dating service.

You know, the guy who tried to kill me
didn't know where he got his order.

You may find that
in the memory core.

Subscribers to Datamate would
give Cloche all the information...

he needs to know
about these people.

All he has to do is ask the
computer what type he wants.

Cloche may even have left traces
of himself at Datamate...

if the right person
were to look for it.

Yeah, but who?

The person who knows
Datamate the best.


No new information.

We've run this core almost dry.

Boy, this computer
doesn't play cute.

When it wants you to know something,
it's right out in the open.

Another trap?

Are you going?

Steve, please don't.

You know now how dangerous
that computer can be.

Look, I'll be okay.

Steve, it's not worth it.

I'll be back before you know it.

Then I'm going, too.

Not this time.

Uh-uh, remember, you can't
stop me, it's a free country.

You wanna bet?

Look, if you don't promise
to wait, I'll hog tie you.

Oh, come on, you wouldn't!

What do you think?

You would.


Why do I feel like I'm really
kissing you goodbye?

Hey, I'll be okay.



Colonel Austin,
what are you doing?

I was looking for a man
named Cloche.

Sit down here.

Emily, it's Steve.

Just checking in with you.

I bet you thought that
I was really worried.

We have your friend, Cloche.


The thought of that man doesn't
exactly make my heart leap with joy.

You know what I mean?

We should be able to
settle this affair now.

I'll see you soon.


What is this?

This is a silent room... baffled.

Conversations can't be heard
more than three feet away.

It also can't be bugged.

Where is your computer now?

I don't know.

At first, I thought you had it.

Don't you see what's happened?

Suppose you tell us your
version of this story, Harold.

It's taken over.

The machine.

There's nobody operating it,
just its own brain.

It's after me.

That's a convenient defense
considering the criminal charges...

that are going to be
filed against you.

How did you find me?

Your address was in the Datamate
computer, under the name of Cloche.

There, you see?

I wouldn't be so stupid to leave it
where you could find it!

I was set up!

By a machine.

Lock me up, will you?

Put me in solitary.

Anywhere where that thing won't find me.

If there's anywhere it can't reach.

That's a very good act, Harold.

And I might add
you are a very good actor...

but it won't work.

I'm not acting!

I'm scared.

Whatever you do to me, it won't be
half what that computer could do.

You set up the machine.

What was your plan
when you framed Joe Canton?

I'm scared, but not absolutely stupid.

You might be able to hang a breach
of national security rap on me.

No more.

I'm not letting you send me away
for longer than I have to go.


Book him!

Do you believe him?

This is crazy.

I mean, this is absolutely crazy.

A machine that systematically
eliminates people that threaten it.

Recruits were drawn
from the Datamate files.

We might be able to dig out
some fresh suspects.

Yeah, okay, fine.

But be careful.

We know how deadly
this computer can be.

See you soon.

Hi! Over here!

Hi! How you doing?

Whatever happened to the
fish and chips you promised me.

Oh, sorry about that.

Or the wine.

I had an appointment
with my psychiatrist.

Excuses, excuses.

You get a rain check.

Oh, I'm ready.
I'll finish this later.

Not now.

Cloche wouldn't give us
the information we want.

I need your help.

Something personal, I hope.

Can you ask your computer
for the names of anybody in its files...

with any government involvement?

What good does it do me
to be Mrs. Steven Ankarios?

My husband is only interested
in me for my computer.

It doesn't even have a good figure.

Look, I plan to get into that subject,
the figure, not the computer...

as soon as Cloche's
monster is safely de-fanged.

Would you like to put that
in writing?

Where do I sign?

We got a lead, Oscar.

Bell was in charge of
the Ryker satellite.

One of the scientists working
for Ryker is in the Datamate files.

His name is David Fowler.

Right. I'll meet you at Ryker.

I gather Mrs. Ankarios is about to
say goodbye to Mr. Ankarios again.

And he's sorry.

Before you go, I have
an absolutely sensational idea.

Well, anyway, a fair idea.


Cloche's machine taps
Datamate for recruits, right?

We think.

Just say that it does.

Suppose I offer it a recruit
that it simply can not refuse.


I give it a character
with a history and background...

that the other computer will love.

On top of that, I hint that the character
knows about Cloche's computer...

as bait just to make sure I get
a rise out of it, what do you think?

That might work.

When I get back,
you set me up as a character.

Oh, wait, I was kind
of thinking of myself.

Oh, no, too dangerous.
Out of the question.

Oh, Steve, I can handle it.
I know computers.

Look, you may know a rattlesnake
but that doesn't mean you can handle it.

You're going to Ryker and
you want Cloche's computer.

Chinese proverb say man who
chases two rabbits catches none.

Look, I know what you got in mind.

And you may as well forget it.

Look, this isn't fun and games.
You remember the wrecking ball?

Of course, I do, Steve, but we
weren't expecting trouble then.

I know we weren't
expecting trouble.

But do me a favor.
Just hold off until I get back, huh?

Well, even if I did
run into trouble...

I've always dreamed of being
rescued by a knight in shining armor.

Look, I'm afraid my credit card at
Rent-A-White-Charger is expired.

Well, I suppose I could always
plan to tease the computer.

That should take some
time to get it right.

Look, I'll be back as soon as I can.

you just sit tight, okay?




Who is it?

MAN: Messenger!


I'm sorry.

Sign here.


Thank you.




Bell talked.

He implicated you.

No, I don't believe that.

Hey, pal, what happened to you?
I expected you at Ryker's.

Never mind.
Emily's disappeared.

I'm afraid she's been led off
somewhere by that machine.

This is David Fowler.

David, computers can kill.

We can't try it for murder, but we can try the
man or the men that made it operational.

And that's you!

I didn't build it.
I was a flunkey.

I just did what I was told.

STEVE: By Bell?


Well, that computer is
trying to eliminate Bell.

Anybody who knows about it or
might be able to interfere with it.

What are your chances on staying alive?

Bell pleaded that we put him in a cell.

Say, I got an idea, Steve.

Why don't we just let you go?

Let you go free.
See what happens.

You can't do that!
Why not?

What do you want from me?

Where's the computer?

I don't know. I swear.

OSCAR: What was your
original plan for that computer?

I don't know!

Bell did it all.

He built it, he programmed it...

he did everything.

All I did was put in the module.


In the satellite.

The Ryker satellite?
The one that's launching today?


The module allowed our computer to
program the satellite's on-board computer.

Bell said we'd be able to control the
international financial communications.

We'd be a step ahead of all kinds of
money transactions, things like that.

That means he can
control everything...

money, grain dealings,
launchings, spy satellites!


Oscar, see if you can get them
to postpone the launch.

Maybe we can backtrack from launch
communications to the computer...

and locate Emily.

I want to speak to Vandenburg Air Force
Base Mission Control, please.

Was that satellite programmed at Ryker
or after it was transferred to Vandenburg?

After transfer.

This is Oscar Goldman speaking.

What is the current status
on your missile launching?

Lift off in 35 minutes.

Then you've already
started countdown.

You're going to have
to scrub it, Colonel.

I don't have authority to scrub.

I'll give you the authority!
Use my name.

I'll get verification in five minutes.

You've got to hold
the countdown.

Will do.

Very good, Colonel.

I'll be here. Thank you.

They can't stop the countdown completely,
Oscar, if we hope to locate Emily.

We gotta maintain some
communication with that computer...

that's the only way we can.

I'll do what I can, Steve.

But that satellite is our
a major concern right now.



The Colonel,
all right, put him on...

but if the Secretary calls, cut in.
Very good.

Yes, Colonel.

I tried to put the countdown on hold.
I can't.


Something must have an override.
We're not controlling the launch.

We didn't know that
until we tried to hold.

The count is going ahead
in spite of anything we do.

All right, I'll get back to you.

They can't stop the countdown.

Something is interfering
with the input.

That computer can do
anything to anything.

We gotta find it.

It was programmed from the Datamate
office to Vandenburg by telephone lines.

Wherever it is, it's still in
contact with the satellite.

Well, what does that mean?

I'll go to the telephone exchange
nearest Datamate.

You tell Vandenburg to keep
trying to break through the override.

That might give me a chance
to locate the computer with a trace.

Steve, I don't think even
you could do that.

Well, it's our one chance to
stop the launch and find Emily.

Get on it.

Get me the Colonel
at Vandenburg.

Colonel, unless a conversation
goes on for a long time...

there's almost no way
we're gonna trace that call.

Show me the area of the relays.

That bank of relays there
is for the Vandenburg area.

Now we'll have to trace
the relays backwards.

I'll get a full crew in,
but I doubt if...

Could you leave the room for a minute?

Please, it's important.

I don't care how you do it.
Slow the countdown.

Hold it back as long as you can!

Try jamming the controls!

Even if it's useless,
make that override work harder.

We're trying to trace it.


All right!
You can come back now.

That's the last point.
Can you trace that?

Yeah, sure.

Anything, Joe?

We're patched into Vandenburg.

I hope the power of our computers plus
theirs might regain control of the launch.


T-minus four minutes and counting.

Is somebody out there?

Hey! Who's there?


Steve, is that you?


No! Don't touch the cage.

It's charged with high voltage.

Cover your eyes.


See if you can
squeeze through here?

How am I doing?

Careful. Careful.


Stay here just a bit,
I'll be right back.


T-minus two minutes and counting.

This is your foxhole.
Jump in.

Oh, Steve, take me
with you, please?

Look, I'm not leaving the theater.

But somewhere in here
is what I'm looking for.

Get in!





We have control!

Abort, abort!

This is Mission Control.
We have stopped the launch.

Is it really dead?

Yeah, I drove a stake
through its heart.


Wow, it's an incredible machine.

Whatever else you
say about Cloche...

you have to admit he
was a computer genius.

Frankenstein was
a pretty bright guy...

but look at the trouble he caused.

I wonder how many
Cloches there are out there...

putting together computers
that could someday take over?

I'd rather not think about it.

I'd rather think about
fish and chips.

And that bottle of wine.

I thought you would
never mention that again.

You'll have it if I have to
squeeze the grapes myself.

Well, if you're thinking
about squeezing something...

I wouldn't waste it on grapes.