The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 4, Episode 6 - Kill Oscar: Part 2 - full transcript

With Jaime Sommers critically injured, Steve Austin races to Dr. Franklin's secret hideout to find the kidnapped Oscar Goldman. Austin plans to rescue his friend and boss despite Oscar's own orders to kill him less he spill state secrets.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Last week in Part 1 of "Kill Oscar”...

What's that? Robots?

I call them Fembots.

The perfect women.

Programmable, obedient...

and as beautiful or as deadly
as I choose to make them.

The deal that my board of directors
agreed to finance was...

for you to obtain the
weather control device...

presently under development
by the O.S.I..

I worked for the O.S.I. for ten years.

I know the weaknesses
of their system.

Between each of these men
is a human glue...

that holds the O.S.I. together.

In short, secretaries of the most
important men are on this chart.

Under phase one of my plan...

certain of these
strategically located ladies...

will be replaced by my Fembots.

As Lynda Wilson, Rudy Wells'
secretary and assistant.

We've had her under
surveillance for a month.

She'll be the
first woman replaced.

These ridiculous mannequins
aren't going to fool anybody.


They're really remarkable.

Get ready, she's coming now.

LYNDA'S VOICE: Help! No, help!


Are you all right?

Well, what, I was just coming up
to see if you're all right.

What do you mean?

What? Didn't you call for help?

We're ready to transport
replacement number two.


What's wrong?

Well, strange as it seems...

the hum started again
when Callahan came in.

Start phase two.

Make immediate arrangements
to kidnap Oscar Goldman.

I just can't believe that
Oscar has been kidnapped.

I have recorded this message
so that there would be no doubt...

that these are my orders.

I've given a great deal
of thought lately...

to the possibility of being captured.

If this should happen...

I order all action units
of the O.S.I. and the N55...

to be mobilized to kill me.

They're gonna kill him, Steve!

STEVE: Calm down, Jaime.
I'm leaving White Sands right now.

You just sit tight
until I get there, okay?

Okay, but please hurry.

You might look and sound
like Callahan...

but you're not her.

Who are you?

And where is Oscar Goldman?

She's dangerous.
Capture her.


Rudy, they're robots...

And now Part 2 of "Kill Oscar".

It looks good at NASA One.

B- 52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

B-52 PILOT: Landing Rocket Arm switch
is on. Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is off.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.


What happened?

I don't know...

but it's what's happening now
that has me worried.

Tell me, Rudy.

It looks like she's beginning
to reject her bionics.

I'm Colonel Steve Austin.

I know. My name is Hanson,
NSB Chief Inspector.

What about Oscar?

Well, we're close to locating him.

How close?

Colonel, I'm aware of your
security clearance number...

but obviously there's been
a security break in O.S.I....

or he'd be here now, wouldn't he?

That's why it's now
a National Security Bureau problem.

Not entirely.

Yes, entirely.

Now if your Miss Sommers would
have left well enough alone...

we might have been able to
check out the robot story.

What robots?

Well, seems that she thought Goldman's
secretary, Miss Callahan, was a robot.

So she checked it out on her own.

Well, now we can't find Miss Callahan...

and I understand that Miss Sommers
is in serious condition.

I don't like heroics, Colonel...

and I'm well aware of your
relationship with Oscar Goldman...

but we also know Dr. Franklin...

and if he has Oscar,
then Oscar was right.

We have to find him
and carry out the orders.


I meant what I said.

This is strictly an NSB problem now.

RUDY: Steve.

What was it Jaime said about robots?

I'm not, it didn't make much sense.

What's her condition now?

It's borderline.

You can bring her back
so that I can talk to her?


It could be dangerous.

I've known that lady
for a long time, Rudy.

If what I suspect is true...

she'd never forgive either of us
for not asking her help.

Let's go.





Hi there, gorgeous.

Oh, Steve!

They're gonna kill Oscar!

No, they're not.
We're not gonna let 'em.


can't keep you awake too long.

Are you in pain?

Jaime, tell us about the robots.

Callahan was a robot,
the other woman was, too.

She was the one that I was chasing,
the one that kidnapped Oscar.

And I had a fight with both
of them in Callahan's apartment.

they're stronger than bionics.

Look, how do you know
they were robots?

Because part of her covering
came off where we were fighting.

Steve, that explains it.

Their electronics probably
caused the high frequency hum...

I thought was a malfunction
in Jaime's bionics.

Can you retune her ear
to like it was before?

Sure, but why?

Would you remember that
frequency if you heard it again?

Oh, yeah.

Hang on, Jaime.
We'll be right back.

Come on!
Good girl.

Hey, wait a minute.

We can't check out
a Frequency Impulse Oscillator.

Hanson has the place shut down.

Well, you got enough components
in your lab to rig one?

Sure! Let's go.


The unit's on the table.

Offer to help him.

Can I help?

Yes, get me the readings
on Jaime's settings...

the ones that we made before.

Are you going to reset it?

Do as he says.
Don't let him suspect you!


Take off the front plate
and pull out the main cable.


Good, now these have to be
crossed over to the intakes.

So, there are two bionic people!

Well done, Rudy!
That's marvelous.

After I take over the O.S.I....

I'll have to look through
all Rudy's files.

See if he has any other
wonderful surprises for us.

Thank you.



See this is where
the hum took place...

and I thought it was because
she was on the treadmill.

Now what?

Well, you've got your FIO,
lets see if it works.

Right next to the bed, Steve.

Yeah, turn it, that's it,
that's perfect.

Jaime, just relax.
We're gonna reset the ear.

Now, Steve, if you can plug
that in right over there.

All set.

Do we still have time?

Start at 00865.


I don't hear anything.

I do. Go higher.




Just a little bit more.

JAIME: Just a tiny bit...

That's it.

RUDY: 00971.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

STEVE: Now we can track down
where the frequency is coming from.

Can we turn it down now?

Steve, don't let 'em k...

I won't.

Jaime, we'll be right back.

See you later.

Can I help?

No, but thanks anyway.


Request Dr. Franklin
to come to control room.

Will tape for his inspection.

This is Colonel Austin.

I want an open channel on our Jay Que Zee
satellite for our O.S.I. computer.

Tie-line 980991, data to be
classified and scrambled...

and relayed back to our computer only.

You locate it?

Do you remember an OS! base
we abandoned about three years ago...

everyone called the Still?

Do I?
I spent seven months there.

Only it wasn't white lightning
we were making.

That's Franklin's base.

That close?

Are you gonna tell Hanson?

Sure, just as soon as I get back.

So, your Colonel Austin
has discovered where we are.

How long do you think
it'll take him to get here?

Not long.

How much did your
bionic man cost you, Oscar?

Five, six million dollars?

We shall soon see if it was
a good investment, won't we?

Now we better get ready
to receive our new guest.

Helicopter landing
in southern quadrant.


That's the way, Colonel Austin.


I'm so glad to see you.

Where's Oscar?

Well, Dr. Franklin has him in there.



Where are the guards?

He only has a few, but there are
infrared beams all over the place.

I think we can avoid them
if we go around this way.


Katy, get ready.



Colonel Austin.

My Fembots are as strong as your bionics
and you are outnumbered.

You surrender now,
I promise you fair treatment.

Now will you surrender?



Looks like your communications
have been disrupted, Franklin.

Charlie and George,
get out there!


Oh, Steve!

Thank goodness.


What's wrong?

Well, you must be the real one.

No one knows you were replaced
by one of Franklin's robots.

Where are they keeping Oscar?

Now last time I saw him
he was in their control room.

It's through those two
big doors on the right.

Okay, give me a couple of minutes,
and meet me at the end of the corridor.

All right.




Where are the rest?

I'm it.

You mean you're the one?

Steve, listen,
you have my orders!

Remind me to talk to you
about those sometime.

I don't know
whether to thank you or...

Save 'em both for later.
Let's get Callahan and get out of here.

Callahan's dead, Steve.


It was an accident.

Guard thought
she was trying to escape.

Get out!

It's locked!

Stand back!


The chopper is over the hill!
Get going!

Come on!


What's wrong?

Just a slight weight adjustment
to carry the both of you.

Franklin uses a lot of hydrogen
in his plastics manufacturing.

And one of the guard's
bullets hit the computer.

Must have started an electrical fire.

I think I'll call up Hanson and have him
cancel those orders to kill me.

Sounds like a good idea.

Tell him about that robot
of me at Rudy's lab.

It seems Colonel Austin
got out just in the nick of time.

Should we give them
a last farewell salute?

Beautiful, isn't it?

You're insane!
What about your people in there?

There's nobody there.

This was all planned so
they'd think my base was destroyed...

by an accidental electrical fire.

Now we go back to the real base
and continue our plan...

because I will soon have
the weather control device.

And there's no chance
Miss Callahan is still alive?

No, Franklin apologized
for the accident.

Wait a minute.
You don't know she was killed?

Well, that's
what he said, Steve.

No reason why
he should lie to me.

Need me for any more questions?

No, I'm through here, too.

Where are you going?

Rudy is operating on Jaime.

Of course.

Steve, I'd appreciate it if you'd run a
frequency check on that Lynda robot.

Use the FIO to make sure there are no more
Franklin creations around this place.

Unless you've already
done that, Jack.

It's already in operation.

I'll make sure everyone's checked.

Good, thank you.

Betty, get me the Secretary, will you?

Hello, Mr. Secretary.

Thank you very much,
I'm glad to be back.

Well, we're reasonably certain that
Franklin tried to infiltrate the O.S.I....

to gain control
of the weather control device.

We know that now.

No, we're not certain whether
he was killed in that explosion.

That's why I'd like to recommend
that we move the component parts...

from White Sands to our Base Five.

No, only security-six
clearance or higher...

know the whereabouts of that base.

Thank you very much,
Mr. Secretary.

I'm sure we'll all feel a lot safer
when it's moved to Base Five.

Very good.


How'd it go?

She'll be okay.

She's a remarkable gal.


Boy, it's spooky looking at myself.

Not only that, do you know
she weighs 482 pounds?

Well, that teaches me one thing.

What's that?

I better go on a diet.

Rudy, when will I be
able to talk to Jaime?

She should be out of it
in a couple hours.

You mind if I call it a day?


I'm gonna work on the robot.
Don't you want to watch?

No, thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Steve, would you give me a hand
with the robot and put her on the table?

Oh, sure.
How come it's so heavy?

Even the brilliant Dr. Franklin
has to use steel and gears.

How did you overcome her anyhow?

RUDY: Well, she suddenly
stopped functioning.

It probably happened when you destroyed
the transmitting antenna at Franklin's base.

I told you she was heavy.

Now let's see if we
can bring it back to life.

Are you sure you want to?


I've seen one of these things in action,
it's not just a tinker toy.

Don't worry about a thing.

I wish you hadn't said that.

Are you ready for the take-off,

Good, I want
top priority on this move.

And I don't want the destination to
be told to the pilot until he's airborne.


Then he's to contact me for the location
and use scrambler channel 887609.

You got that?

Very good.

Send my regards to your wife.

Very good.
Thank you.

Steve, this is a
marvelous work of art.

Franklin's designs are beautiful.

I think I'll go check on Jaime.

All right.




Oscar! You're safe?


This is Oscar Goldman speaking.

No, I'll take it in my office.

Thank you.

I've got to go now, pretty lady...

but I'll be back.

That's a promise
I'm gonna hold you to.

Well, now that I know you're out of the
woods I think I'll grab some sleep.


Good night.


Steve! Look at this!
This thing is marvelous.

Right from her angled television eyes that
transmits a three-dimensional distance...

to a master computer down
to the heat sensors in her feet.


I'm going to grab some sleep.

I'll talk to you tomorrow
about your new toy.

Okay, I'll see you later.


Channel One is functioning again.

Channel Four continues to function.


Captain, this is Oscar Goldman.

Do you have the
weather control components?


Now your destination is latitude 16 degrees,
32 minutes north...

longitude 74 degrees, 40 minutes west.

That's right.


Now you are to remain
in your cabin after you land.

My people will unload the cargo.

That's right.

Now will you repeat that
back please, Captain?




OSCAR: And after you land...

She weighs 482 pounds?

How come it's so heavy?

RUDY: Even the brilliant Dr. Franklin
has to use steel and gears.

What's wrong?

STEVE: Just a slight
weight adjustment.


That's right,
there'll be some in cargo.

OSCAR: Good.

They'll unload it, yes.


OSCAR: That's right.

Right, Captain.

Thank you very much.

Sorry, Steve.

You still here?
What are you doing here?

I was just leaving.


Everything's on schedule.

You deserve a good night's rest.
Take care of yourself.

Good. Thanks.
All right.

FRANKLIN: The transport
of the weather machine...

seems to be moving along
quite well...

don't you think?

The game isn't over yet,

No? I hope not.


The guy we've been calling
Oscar is a robot.


I didn't rescue the real Oscar
from Franklin's complex.

I brought back a robot.

How do you know that?

I was in his office just now.

He was talking on the telephone,
walking around.

Rudy, his feet left an impression on the
carpet as if they were made out of lead.

Steve, that could be explained,
he could be wearing a certain kind of shoe.

I dropped a pencil on the floor and
he stepped on it, it was crushed.

Rudy, not snapped in half,
I mean actually crushed...

as if a 600-pound weight
stepped on it.

I want to believe you.

After what's been happening around here,
I'm willing to believe you...

but we need more proof than that.

When I got Oscar and Linda into the
chopper and we lifted off...

I noticed that the controls
were very sluggish...

like we were overweight.

We were.

I mean, that robot that looks like Oscar
must weigh 600 pounds or more.

Steve, if you're right...

Don't give me that skeptical
scientist look, Rudy.

Now neither of us was aware that
your lab assistant was a robot...

until I discovered the real Lynda
at Franklin's complex.

Steve, I guess I'm resisting it
because if what you say is true...

it means Franklin has the real Oscar.

That's right.

I'm afraid it all fits.

That robot was standing
right here, right behind me...

when I contacted our satellite
to locate Franklin's base.

And Franklin saw and heard everything...

and he knew that you were
coming after him.

He could've stopped me
a hundred ways, but he didn't.

He didn't because he wanted you to
rescue the Oscar he built, of course!

Well, we've gotta figure out some way
to stop Franklin and get Oscar back.

But how?

I don't know...

but we gotta tread easy.

We can't let him know
that we suspect.

If only Oscar would...

If Oscar would what?

If Oscar would knock on doors
before entering rooms...

he wouldn't hear people
talking about him behind his back.

You're a barrel of laughs, Steve...

but I'm afraid you're gonna have to
entertain your public elsewhere.

Yeah, what's up?

You're going to Hawaii.

There's something funny
going on there.

STEVE: There's something very
funny going on here, you know.

We don't know that Franklin
was caught in that explosion.

I might be needed here.

You're needed in Hawaii.

Hanson can handle the Franklin case.

Okay, I'll leave tomorrow.

There's some things
I need to do.

You're needed to leave now.

There's a jet warming up at Andrews...

and my car's waiting outside
with a motorcycle escort.

Well, I'm sorry, Oscar,
I'm afraid I can't.

Colonel Austin, are you
disobeying a direct order?

No, just delaying it until tomorrow.

What if I told you that this Hawaii
operation is vital to our country?

Fine, send somebody else in there
and I'll join him tomorrow.

All right, pal, tomorrow.

See you later, Rudy.

See ya', Oscar.

You think you fooled him?

I don't know.

I imagine that Franklin suspects us
or he wouldn't be trying to get rid of me.

I was right.

Colonel Austin is on to something.

He's never refused a direct order
of yours before, has he?

Quite often, Franklin.

As a matter of fact when he does do
what I tell him, I'm quite surprised.

I don't think so.

In small matters, perhaps...

but if you explain to him
how vital this is...

I'm going to have to play it safe.

Colonel Austin will
have to be neutralized.


Hanson, this is Oscar Goldman.

I have reason to believe that
Steve Austin is one of Franklin's robots.

I think he kidnapped the real
Steve Austin and substituted a robot.

Well, that would be very easy,
just run a Geiger counter over him.

And you better take
several men with you.

Hold it!

You're under arrest.

For what?

Impersonating an OS! agent.



I can explain!

Shut up and don't move!

Oscar was right.

Your Dr. Franklin's
a very clever man.

Yeah, he sure is.

Now let's go.

Stop! Stop!




Get Rudy on the phone.

Are you in trouble?

Hanson thinks I'm one
of Franklin's robots.


Don't worry, I'll explain later.

I want you to go to work and
don't mention you've seen me.

Dr. Wells?
Just a moment please.

Thanks for trusting me.

Goes with the job.

Rudy, are you alone?


I'll meet you in
Jaime's room in one hour.

No, don't worry,
I'll find a way in.

But there's a few things
I want to discuss first.

You think this will work?

It should.

Oh, I didn't order that.

No, but I did.


This is what you wanted.

It's a high-frequency microwave gun.

It won't disrupt the power, but it should
break up the video com back to Franklin.

He'll think it's a malfunction.

What if this doesn't work?

Then he'll be hip to the fact that we know
it's a robot and he still has Oscar!

It's gonna have to work.

Are we ready?

Oscar, it's Rudy.

I'm in Jaime's room
and we have a problem.

What is it, Rudy?

Well, I know it's ridiculous,
but she just woke up screaming...

that she had proof that
you were one of Franklin's robots.

How is she now?

RUDY: Uh, I have her under sedation.
She's asleep.

I don't think we can afford
to have her wake up.

OSCAR: All right, Rudy,
keep her that way.

I'm on my way over.


He's on his way over.

Now, remember, this is not
gonna de-activate the robot.

It will only stop the audio
and burn out the video com...

so that Franklin gets
a scrambled picture.

Let's hope that's enough.

And Steve, get to the
robot's power source...

which is at the back of the head,
just above the neck.

At least that's where it is
on the Lynda robot.





Get Hanson! Clear the area!



That's not Oscar Goldman!

It's one of Franklin's robots.

Kill him, Hanson!

Stay out of it!

How were you able to...

What did you say
your security clearance was?

My whole team is made up of nines!

Well, look up bionics.

We're not sure you're
completely well?

Well, nothing hurts,
if that means anything.

Come on, Rudy!
Tell him!

No, we need some more tests.

I feel fine!

Dr. Wells! Dr. Wells, that thing
has come back to life!

Come on, Steve!

Well, wait a minute, me, too!

FRANKLIN'S VOICE: You might like to
know that I have completed plans.

What plans?

I suggest you look out of the window.

Hey, those have to be
50-mile-an-hour winds.

FRANKLIN: Very good, my dear!

Would you like to see them increased
to a force powerful enough...

to destroy this building?
Or this city?

I can do it, you know.

This is a mere warning.

Only a warning...

because now I have the
weather control system.