The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 4, Episode 2 - Nightmare in the Sky - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It looks good at NASA One.

B- 52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

B-52 PILOT: Landing Rocket Arm switch
is on. Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is oil“.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.



Hello, Larry.

Good morning,
Oscar, how are you?

Fine. Nice to see you.

This is General Steve Austin.

Nice to meet you.

This is Larry Stover.

How do you do?

Here we are. This is it.

KELLY: Tower, this is X-Ray, John, Seven.
Do you have me on radar? Over.

TOWER: Roger, Kelly,
X-Ray, John, Seven is cleared.

We estimate your arrival
at nine minutes.

KELLY: Make that 8 minutes, 20 seconds
unless you've got traffic ahead of me.

Negative, X-Ray, John, Seven.

We've cleared everything.

You're the only bird in the sky.

Okay, tell the brass band to get ready.

Break out the caviar and champagne,
here I come.

May I?


What happened to that shy, modest,
humble southern belle I used to know?

KELLY: Steve! Is that you?

What're you doing here?

I thought you'd give me a few pointers
on how to handle that bird.

Me? Teach you?

KELLY: Hey, we'll have a reunion! A party!

Oh, it'll be so great to see you!

TOWER: Begin check out procedure
for descent to approach pattern.

KELLY: Roger.

I didn't know you knew our test pilot,
Colonel Austin.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

STEVE: This is Athena One.
We have Skylab in sight.

It's all yours, pard.


STEVE: Houston, we're docking
in 20 seconds.


KELLY: The hatch won't open.

The explosion must have
jammed it shut.


It's starting to give, Kelly.


Steve, what's the problem?


I'm having a bionic malfunction.

You're the only one
who can bring us home.

Steve, I'm not ready.

You're gonna do it.

You are the pilot.

We'd all be dead.

No, you won't.

Steve, you don't know that.

Yes, I do.

Remember, I'm the guy
who taught you.

We're saying goodbye to Skylab.

No, no, not yet.

Take your time, Kelly.
Take your time.

Standby in five, four...

All right, don't overhand it.

Three, two, one.

STEVE: Bring it back.

Confirm chutes open.


KELLY: 50 feet!


Nice ride, Major.

I flew this thing the way
my teacher taught me.

Not bad, eh, Steve?


The XJ-7, that's what we've
been looking for.


Provided it comes apart and goes back
together like we've been told.

As soon as she brings it down
and the engine cools...

our six man crew can disassemble it
and put it into packing crates...

in exactly ten minutes.

Just what we need, right?

That's impossible!

Tower, this is X-Ray, John, Seven.

I have traffic at twelve o'clock.

Negative, X-Ray, John, Seven.

We have no one else on radar.

Then you'd better get your radar fixed...

because I've got company.


KELLY: It's an old Japanese Zero!
He's coming again!

Tomkins, what's going on up there?
You said the area was clear.

Come up and see for yourself
Mr. Stover.

There's nothing on the radar
but our plane.

He's losing altitude.

It's getting crowded.

Clear them out of here!

He's coming right at me.

He tried to ram me!

TOWER: X-Ray, John, Seven.

There is no other traffic on radar.

I'm telling you it's a Japanese Zero!

He's shooting at me!

Kelly, stop fooling around,
you're scaring us.

KELLY: I'm not kidding.
Steve, he's firing at me.

TOWER: Kelly,
you're alone in the sky.

There's nothing on radar but you.

Flame out! I've lost power!

Kelly, eject!

Steve! Steve!


TOWER: There's something wrong,
Mr. Stover. She hasn't ejected yet.

Telemetry indicates that
the landing gears are down.

She's trying to land the plane.

And then, he was flying right at me
with his cowl guns firing.

Was your plane hit?

I don't know how we missed me,
I mean, I don't know.

That must've been when
I went into shock.

I don't even remember ejecting.

You didn't, Kelly.

You were wearing your parachute pack
when the helicopter found you.

What do you mean?

I crash landed?!

You didn't crash, Kelly.

The air search couldn't find
a trace of the plane.

You soft landed somewhere, Kelly.

But how?

Where did the helicopter find me?

Wandering in the desert.

70 miles from here.

Do you have any idea where you landed?

I have tried to remember.
I've tried.

All I can remember is that
Zero coming right at me.

Are you sure that Zero isn't just
something in your mind?


I wasn't hallucinating!
I saw it!

Kelly, tomorrow a psychiatrist
is coming here to talk with you.

OSCAR: I'm afraid you're gonna
have to stay here...

until we get an official report
about your condition.

Phone call, Mr. Goldman.


Do you think I'm crazy, too?


You know better than that.

Then why don't you tell Oscar
to get me out of here?

Kelly, the government spent
$15 million developing the XJ-7...

and it just disappeared
while you were in the driver's seat.

Steve, I don't know any more
than I told you, I swear it!

Hey, hey, I believe you.

There's a guard outside my door.

It's just an attendant.

And wire mesh on the windows.

It's the end of my being a test pilot, right?

Look, I'll be back in a bit,
you just try to relax.






Yes, I'll hold on.

What's up?

They're relaying a call in
from Paris.

Hey, what do you think?

What do I think?

How could the Zero shoot her down,
when it doesn't even show up on radar?

Yes, Fletcher.

Yes, what have you got?


Are you positive?

All right.
Stay on it.


Now we know
what happened to the XJ-7.

Am I interrupting?

Yeah, come on in, Larry.
You might as well be in on this.

Our Paris office got a rumbling that
the XJ-7 quietly went up for sale today.

That's impossible.

How could they have got it
out of the country so fast?

Ten minutes after it landed,
we boxed in the entire area.

We had road blocks on the ground
and a radar watch in the air.

Then it still must be in the area.

That's right, but why
hasn't air search found it?

Oscar, I'm gonna take
Kelly back out there.

That's the only way we can find...

No! Absolutely not!

She may be involved!


Look, I'm sorry, Steve, but I've just
been on the phone to our main office.

STOVER: They're preferring
criminal charges against her.

Larry, you can't do that!

We can't let her out of our sight.

She's got to be implicated in this,
her story just doesn't make sense!

OSCAR: All right, Larry,
let's go over it again.

Time for bed-check.


What are you doing out there?

I came to serenade you.

Know "Melancholy Baby"?

I'm afraid not.

Do you know where the XJ-7 is?

Steve, I told you
I don't remember.

Keep your voice down
and step back.



I forgot about your bionics.

How could you forget
something like that?

It wasn't difficult.

Let's go, we'll go for a ride.

To look for the XJ-7?


Oh, Steve.

They took my clothes!

Here, put this on.

We'll pick you up
something on the way, huh?

Wait for me in the Jeep.


Gimme a hand!

Back off.



Larry, look at this.

She's gone, Mr. Stover.
Someone busted her out.


Out through the window
and drove off in a Jeep.

The window?

That wire mesh window was
ripped apart like wet tissue paper.


This is where the
helicopter found you.

Kelly, can you remember which
direction you came from?

It's like having a forgotten name
right on the tip of your tongue.

I remember the chopper over there.

Yes, wait, I came from that direction.

Hey, good girl.

I'm gonna go up on the ridge
and have a look.

Stretch your legs a bit
but don't wander off, okay?

MAN: Here she comes.
Get ready. Now!


You frightened me.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.

Who are you?

I'm Dr. Martin Davis.

What are you doing here?

I died here.

I'm losing my mind! I am!

DAVIS (VO).' I died here.



No! No!

Kelly! It's me, Steve!

I'm losing my mind!

Snap out of it.

They were right,
I'm losing my mind!

Tell me what happened.

He was there, then he vanished.

I reached out to touch him...

He said he was dead.


He said his name.

Davis... Dr. Martin Davis.

Can you describe him to me?

That's right, Oscar.
Martin Davis.

Isn't this the general area where his plane
disappeared a couple of months ago?

OSCAR: I don't know how to tell you this,
pal, but it sounds like another hallucination.

Oscar, she's never even heard of him,
but she described him perfectly.

Steve, people don't just
disappear into thin air.

I think you'd better bring her back here.

No, Oscar. Look, if we quit now,
Kelly's finished as a pilot.

Besides, she's starting to remember.

All right, you've got until tonight.

Then I want you back here with her.

Which way you heading?

We still on scramble?

OS CAR: Yes.

Which way, Kelly?

Northeast from the coordinates
I gave you.

All right and good luck, pal.

STEVE: Thanks, Oscar.


Mr. Goldman!

You know, I think you owe
me an explanation.

The police have learned that Colonel
Austin was seen with Kelly last night.

Larry, I apologize the way
it was done...

but we had no choice.

I want that girl back in the
hospital right away.

Larry, she's beginning to remember.

I'll have her back tonight.
Mike, let's go.

Look, it's my neck sticking out there.

If they don't...

Larry, you have my word.

Tonight. Steve promised.

Let's go! Come on!

Hey, what is it?

It's just a feeling.

Like a nightmare when you're
running from something horrible...

but you don't know what it is.

Come on, let's find my plane.

I like your spirit.


What do you think?
Which way?

There! I remember
coming through those hills.

Good girl, just keep it up.

I wish I could remember
everything at once...

instead of just a piece at a time.

Yeah, you will.

You will.

Red Mac calling Blue Fox.

Red Mac calling Blue Fox.

Go ahead, Red Mac.

Your fade away didn't work
and they're not being recalled.

You may wind up with
unexpected guests. Over.

I had hoped to avoid that.

You've got to stop them!
At any cost! Out!

MAN: Turn on the monitor
and scan the area around the camp.

Locking Ignition Breaker.


MAN: Now!



Tell me you're not pulling the
old out-of—gas routine?

Not in this heat.

Well, the engine died.

It won't even turn over.

What about the ignition system?

I double-checked
everything last night.

I'll have a look.


Try it now.


I don't understand.

Everything checks out...
but it won't work.

What now?

Better radio Oscar with our location.

This is Kelly calling Oscar Goldman.

Oscar Goldman, come in, please.

The radio's dead, too.




You all right?

At the moment... can you see anything?

Well, there's three of them.

They got us pinned down.

It's now or never, let's go!


Don't move.

Don't move.

But I...

Don't even breathe.

There's an ant on my nose.


Looks like that blast explosion got 'em.

Are we gonna check 'em?

MARK: What for? they're not going
anywhere without any wheels.

Okay, you can breathe now.

You know you did have
an ant on your nose.

Wow, that was close.

Let's get out of here.

At least we've got water.

Wait a minute.
They're armed, you know.

You're staying right here
where it's safe.

Think I became a test pilot
so I could be safe?

Besides, what's so safe
about being here alone?

All right, come on.

STEVE: Those guys must have
a camp around here somewhere.

Unless what just happened
was a nightmare.

Not funny, Steve.

STEVE: Seriously, the fact that
those guys shot at you...

is the best thing that
could have happened to you.

KELLY: What?

Well, it proves that some real
people shot some real bullets...

to stop us from finding the XJ-7.



Evidently you're part camel,
I'm not.

Here, take a break for a minute.

Sit down.

Still glad you came along?

Here, let me have that.

You think I'm exhausted, right?

I mean, you think I'd rather be
sitting under some shade tree...

sipping on a cool drink, right?


You're right.

You know what?

You're probably the prettiest
test pilot I've ever seen.

Yeah, I'd forgotten how
lovely you really are.

Also, how very special
you are to me.

Very special.

When we find those guys
with your plane...

I'm gonna tuck you away
in a very safe spot.

That's sweet...

but if we find my plane, I'm gonna
fly it back where it belongs.

No, you're not, Kelly.

It's the only way I can redeem myself,
you know that.

Kelly, you're gonna do
exactly what I tell you to do.

That's what I like, a man who's strong
and confident and means what he says.

Thank you.

But if we find my plane
and you don't let me fly it back...

I'm gonna find ten tough guys
and get 'em to beat you up!


I will... I mean it, I will!

I will!

MAN: Blue Fox, this is Red Mac.
Come in, Blue Fox.

We read you loud and clear,
Red Mac.

Did you take good
care of our visitors?

I can safely say they'll
never bother us again.


I have the XJ-7 manual and I'll supervise
the dismantling of the plane myself

I'm on my way to you now!


Could this be where you landed?

Could be.


There are the tracks straight ahead.

I can't see anything, Steve.

Yeah, it looks like they've towed it.

What do you think,
can you make it?

I can't quit now!

Come on.

There's my plane!

So that's why we couldn't spot
them on aerial photographs.


That camouflage netting
is the same color as the desert.

I'm going down to have a look.

You stay here
until I call you, okay?


How long are we gonna wait
around out here?

Well, like Davis says,
until we get that manual.



Hey! Hey, you!





I told you to wait for me.

She looks all right.

There aren't any bullet holes.

Steve, help me in.

Check your fuel.

Everything looks okay.

Have a nice trip.

What about you, Steve?
I can't leave you here.

There's probably more men
back there in the trailer.

Yeah, well, I'll take care of 'em.

Tell Oscar to send a chopper.


Somebody's in the XJ-7.

Turn on the monitor.

DAVIS: Obviously our men
under-estimated Colonel Austin.

She's gonna take off.

Of course.

And we're going to bring her down.

The boosters aren't warmed up.
She's gonna get away.

Zero will bring her down.

All right, Austin,
hold it right there!

Put your hands on your head!


So you're in this, too.

STOVER: Yeah, I couldn't
refuse the money.

Angle is 045 degrees left.


So that's it.
A holograph.

He projects an image of a Zero.


On converging laser beams.

So it looks like a real Zero
flying right at her.

She doesn't know
it's just a transparent image.

It's a lot more than that, Austin.

Oh, my God, that Zero
is coming at me again!

He's firing at me!

RADIO: XJ-7, land your plane
or we bring you down like we did before.

Let her go, Stover!

She'll be all right, as long
as you don't try anything.

XJ-7, this is your last warning.

Angle 45 degrees left.

She's in range now, sir.

Bring her down now!

STEVE: Once you force her into range,
you flame out her engine.


It's a laser beam that knocks out
jet engines... and Jeep engines.

Davis calls it an Ignition Breaker.

Too bad you figured it out too late.

All right, as soon
as she's on the ground...

tie them both up.

Take that plane apart
and get it ready for pick-up.

And hurry!
There's not much time left.

Steve! I remember.

That's exactly what happened before.

These guards were hunting me down
like I was an animal, but I got away.

Oh, please tell me
you saw the Zero!

I saw it, Kelly.
I saw it.

But it wasn't really there.

What do you mean?

It was a holograph...

a three-dimensional image
projected by intersecting laser beams.

The way you saw Dr. Davis.

That's how they were able to
keep up with me.

That's how they forced you into range
and flamed you out with another laser.

What's happening?

Well, Stover caught me by surprise.


All right, tie them both up.

It's been a long time,
Colonel Austin.

Is that really you, Dr. Davis,
or another holograph?

60 seconds, Doctor.

Stand by!

All right.
Let's have a picture.

PILOT: Did you check our ETA?

Yes, sir, we're on schedule.

KELLY: What do they want with that?

STEVE: That's why they haven't
trucked the XJ-7 out.

They're gonna load it into
a cargo plane and fly it out.

When Oscar sealed off the area,
he probably didn't include military planes.

The cargo plane's out of range.

DAVIS: All right.
We'll project the Zero.

We'll force down this cargo plane...

the same way we brought down
your XJ-7, Miss Wood.





He must be tearing that place apart!

What the...? What was that?

What was what?

Uh, no, it couldn't have been.

Get him out of there and reload
the guns with live ammunition.



The door is locked!

We'll be okay if we
can open up the air vents.

My plane's gone!

They disassembled it
in those crates!

STEVE: There goes Stover
in the real Zero!

Come on!


Steve, you'll never get it
together in time.

Have a little faith, will you?


Okay, okay.

Let's hope it works.

Which way, Steve?

Closest border is south.

He's gotta be going this way.

KELLY: Maybe he's not heading south.

Trust me, Kelly.
Trust me.

This is X-Ray, Seven, John.

Oscar, do you read?

Come in, X-Ray, John, Seven.

Tell your Air Force patrols to
call off the ground search...

and to intercept Stover
in Japanese Zero in Sector 27 South.

This is Goldman, patch me through to
Ventura Air Base quickly.

This is an emergency.

KELLY: But, Steve,
what would we do when we find him?

STEVE: We'll slow him down
until the Air Force gets here.


There he is, Kelly!

You're fantastic.

The only trick now is to slow him down.

Steve, he's firing real bullets at us!

It's no holograph this time, Kelly.

XJ-7, this is Big Brother.

We read you, Big Brother.

Our ETA approximately two minutes.

Can you hang on until then?

No problem, Big Brother.
I've got it.

Steve, I'm responsible for this airplane,
now I don't want it damaged.

Nag, nag, that's all you do.


X-Ray, John, Seven, this is Big Brother.

We have the Zero in sight.

Welcome, Big Brother.
He's all yours.

Steve, we did it!

What's this "we" stuff?

This is Oscar Goldman,
have you seen Colonel Austin?

Yes, sir, he was
heading for Hanger #5.

Didn't you tell him that our plane is
taking off in a few minutes?

Yes, sir, but he was...

All right, all right,
I'll handle this myself


This is nice.

What did you say?

This is really nice!

You're a rat.


For not taking me to a proper
place for a proper dinner.

Look, Kelly, I tried.

I made the reservations,
I got all dressed up...

and I was on my way out
the door to pick you up and...

And what?

Well, Oscar called. We...

We have to be back in Washington.


OSCAR: Steve!


Right now.

The plane is warmed up
and ready to go.

What's going on in there?

That's terrific.

I suppose we don't even
have time for one dance.

Oh, yeah.
Maybe even two.

How come?

I jammed the door.

OSCAR: Steve!
