The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 3, Episode 21 - The Bionic Badge - full transcript

Atomic bomb components have been stolen over a series of thefts and Oscar suspects one old cop, Officer Banner of being involved. Steve goes undercover as a rookie cop named Aimry to investigate.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

OSCAR: The police officer that was
in the area during the robbery was this man.

The warehouse district is his beat.

And you say this cop,
he didn't do anything about it?

That's what's puzzling us, Steve.

He's our only lead to solving
a much bigger problem.

This the list of stolen items?

Yes, there have been
three robberies.

The same policeman, a man named
Banner, was at the scene of the crime.

He did nothing and lied
about being there.

Looks like a likeable enough old guy.

He could be a very dangerous man.

So this looks like somebody's
building an atomic bomb.

We all came to the same conclusion
just this morning.

We don't know who stole the items,
and we don't know why.

But you and I both know
when people do this...

there's a lot of money involved.

And you think this cop Banner is in on it.

He has to be.

They've got all the component parts,
and they've had no trouble getting them.

Looks like all they need to complete
the bomb is a vertical transducer.

Well, they save
the easiest item till last.

There are seven different
places in the same area...

where they can hit and pick up
a transducer.

Makes it sort of rough
to know where to watch.

If we watch Banner 24 hours a day,
seven days a week...

he'll lead us to the right place.

So obviously we're gonna put him
under close surveillance?


Just how close?

Well, morning, son.

You must be the new guy
I gotta break in on my district, huh?

My name's Greg Banner.

Steve Amory. I'm looking
forward to working with you.

I'll have the unit ready.

All right.

It looks good at NASA One.

B- 52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

Landing Rocket Arm switch is on.
Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is off.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.


DISPATCH: 6-Adam— 1 1, 6-Adam— 1 1.

An ambulance injury,
1750 Sycamore.

Handle Code 2.

7 X-ray confirmed.


I never did have much time
for formalities...

so you just call me Greg, and
I'll call you Steve, if that's okay.

You got it.

You know,
I've been around for a long time...

but I don't remember
ever seeing you before.

Sure don't look like
you just got out of the Academy.

I applied for a transfer from
Sacramento to down here.

Couple weeks at the Academy
for indoctrination and here I am.

Much action in this division?

Oh, no. All in all,
it's a pretty quiet section.

Mostly commercial warhouses and such.

It gets hot once in a while, though.

You lean on that .38 much, do ya?

As little as possible.

Well, good, good.

I'd hate to think I had a hot head
riding around with me.

Ah, you know I haven't had
a partner for a long time.

Might be kind of nice
having someone ride with you.

Sorta help pass the time.

You get that bored, huh?

Oh, no, no. Not really it's just...

Well, I'm sort of marking time.

Waiting for my retirement, you know?

You think you'll miss all this?

What cop wouldn't?
Sure I'll miss it.

The Department has been
my whole life...

especially since my wife died.

It almost takes her place.

But you've got a long way
to slide though, Steve.

If you wanna get your time in,
you just listen up...

stay on your toes and pay attention.

I'll try not to steer you too far wrong.

I know you might be
just a little gung-ho...

and wanna do everything
by the book...

but out in the field you'll find
there's lots of things that aren't in the book.

Well, I hear they have to write
a new chapter about every day.

Yeah. That's it.

DISPATCH: 28 X-ray 50.

A burglary at 4950 Willoughby
Arts Junkyard.

Suspect's there now.
Handle code 2.

Tell her we got it.

STEVE: Roger.
28 X-ray 5O handling.


BANNER: You go in that way,
I'm gonna go around back.

Try to get a vantage point.

I won't move until I see your signal.




MAN: Hey, look at that.

He's got no gun.
I'll handle it.






Going somewhere?

Ooh, wee! Now that's pretty good
for a first day's work.

Here. You might need that.

Where were you?

Well, when I've seen the situation...

I figure maybe I better call
for a back up unit.

Turn around.
I thought you saw my signal.

Yeah, I saw you wave me in.
That's all.

After that, I was a little busy.


You better take it easy.

You could've got yourself
hurt with these guys.

Yeah, I know.

Turn around.

This is 28 X-ray 50.

Cancel the backup call.

We do request additional
transportation for four suspects.

DISPATCH: Roger on the additional,
X-ray 50...

but there was no call for a backup.

Roger. X-ray 50, out.

The RTO said
there was no backup call.

There wasn't?

Cindy must've got
confused or something.

That... that happens
all the time.

Well, you bagged yourself
four turkeys your first day out.

That's not bad.

Those turkeys must've been stoned.

Did you hear what they were telling
the jailer about how you nailed 'em?

Well, those guys
exaggerate a lot, you know.

I was on the force three weeks
before I made my first arrest.

A strong arm robbery on a funny,
little fruit stand down on Seventh Street.

In all the confusion,
I collared the owner.

He couldn't speak English...

I couldn't understand
a word he was saying.

I found out later
what he was calling me.

Oh, boy.

I was a real rookie cop in 1946.

It all seems like
it happened yesterday.

Would you believe...

on my first week of patrol,
I was so nervous...

that I pulled the trigger on my pistol once
before I even took it out of the holster?

It's funny you didn't shoot your leg, huh?


What are you doing in here
taking it easy?

You're supposed to be out
protecting and serving.

Well, we got word
through the grape vine...

that the hoods were
taking a coffee break.

So we demanded equal time.

This must be your new partner.

Excuse me.
Steve, this is Cindy Walker.

Cindy, Steve Amory.

My pleasure.

Thank you.

Best RTO in the Department.

Yeah, I heard her on the radio
several times a day.

You sure look better
than you sound.

We're supposed to sound that way.

It helps keep the boys' minds
on their business.

You want a coffee?

Love it.

Pretty busy
for your first day, huh?

Yeah, and I thought this was
gonna be an easy section.

Have you heard about the
famous fruit stand caper, yet?

Yeah, a few minutes ago.

In that case, you've only got about
30 years worth of stories to go.

I heard that, young lady.

Well, somebody's got to warn him.

I just look at it as another
way of learning to be a good cop.

I knew he was bright
the first time I saw him.

Speaking of being bright...

I feel kind of stupid about that mix up
on your backup call this morning, Greg.

But I honestly didn't hear it.

Oh, don't worry about it.

I figured just somebody transmitting
over me, or something like that.

That's about the only explanation
I can come up with.

Yeah, well, I guess you should've
waited for an acknowledgment.

Well... I should have, sure.
According to the book.

But I figured Cindy had heard my call.

Besides, I wanted to get back to you.

It all turned out okay.

Yeah, this time.

Steve, why don't you go file that report
then we'll hit the street again, huh?


You feeling okay?

I'm just fine, honey.
Just fine.

Well, I'm going.

Just like I told you, Gerry,
this is the best place to build a bomb.

You were right, Burman.
This place has everything. It's perfect.

Sure, but when do we get
the transducer?

Without it, we've got nothing.

And money is the name of this game.

One step at a time.
You can't rush something like this.

Look, Gerry, it's my neck
the foreign buyers are jumping on.

I'm the one who's gotta come up
with the answers.

Don't worry.
The hard part's over.



Go ahead. I'm listening.

Thank you.

Yes, I appreciate it.

What's the matter?

Well, we've got a problem.

The same routine has to be followed...

when you hit the warehouse
for the transducer, right?

That's right.

Well, Banner's got himself
a new partner.

The first day out,
he tried to make a hero of himself.

But if it looks like this new man
is gonna get in our way...

we'll dump him.

CINDY: 4—8—4 Code 6,
11A, stand by.

1284 clear.
12 X-ray 4 clear.

11 Adam, I'm clear.

Hi, pretty lady.
Well, hi, Steve.

Well, look who's here early
and ready to work.

He'll get over that.

I see you're not
running late yourself.

I wanted to come and say hi
to my little Cindy here.

I couldn't think of
a better reason.

Now that's something
I'm not teaching him.

He comes by that natural.

You take care now.

Oh, here. I'm fine.
I'm fine, don't worry.

What was that all about?

Ah, she's a worrier.
She worries about me.

There are some people
here in the department...

that think I'm getting
a little old for the job.

It was my first night riding alone.

There I was right in the middle
of a Code 3 chase.

About to nab myself
my first A-1 hoodlum...

when all of a sudden,
I ran out of gas.

Oh, boy.

They caught the guy up at the roadblock,
but it sure didn't do my ego any good.

You ever think about writing a book?

Yeah, I never got past the title.

I'm just marking time
and waiting around for my pension.

That's something to look forward to.

That's the way it is for career cops,
so I hear.

Yeah, but it seems like I would at least
have made Chief or something by now.

No, it's sounds to me like
you like the streets too much.

CINDY: X-ray 50.
415 Juveniles.

Malicious Mischieli
In the alley behind 1247 North Sylvan.

Handle Code Two.

Roger. X-ray 50 will handle.

You think I oughta call for a backup?

We'll know better when we get there,
won't we?


Maybe next time
you'll watch where you're going!

You take the fast one.

The other guy don't know it yet,
but he's got no place to run.


Come out of there.

Okay, on your knees.

Get down.


Get your arm around there.

Don't go away, you hear?

BANNER: Hold it!

Now, now.
You get splinters doing that.

Hold it!

Hold it!

Now, look.

Look, son, it's getting
kind of close to my lunch time.


The best way you could help
speed things up...

is to give me the knife.

I'll give it to you, alright.

Oh, now, you don't wanna go putting
holes in my brand new shirt, do you?

Look, the...

The way it stands now,
you're not in a whole lot of trouble.

The best thing for you to do is...

throw the knife down
and come along with me.

You'll have to kill me
to take me in!


You've been seeing too many
of those late movies.

Look at all the paperwork
it'd make for me.

No, the best thing for you to do
is to come with me.

Put the knife down
before you hurt yourself.

Go on. Put it down.

Put it down.

Atta boy.
Now don't you feel better, huh?

Sure you do.

Here we go.
It's gonna be alright.

Little dangerous, wasn't it?

Oh, not really.

After 30 years,
a fella gets sort of an instinct...

about whether they're gonna try
and hurt you or not.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell.

Well, let's wrap it up
and go on in.


Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Take it easy now, hear?





Steve, how you doing?

Fine, Oscar.
How's everything on your end?

Nothing here, Steve.
No further attempted robberies.

I think our original
assumption is still right.

Banner’s gonna lead us to him.

Gee, I don't know, Oscar.

He almost let me get nailed
on purpose at the junkyard.

But there are other times this old guy
seems like a pretty good cop to me.

Steve, everything points to him.

Yeah, I know. Would you get me
a rundown on who lives at 2425 Sherman...

and what they do?

2425 Sherman.

I'll get right on it.

Talk to you later, Oscar.

You sick or something?

What makes you think that?

We've been on the street
for nearly an hour.

I haven't heard one war story.

Well, I guess I got things on my mind.

I don't know.

I never gave it much thought, but...

it does seem a little late in the game
for me to be breaking in a new cop.

Well, there's nothing like experience.
You've got plenty of that.

I was just wondering if maybe the boys
in the head shed downtown...

was thinking that I might not
quite be up to par.

I don't know about that.
But I do know you're one good cop.



Yes, sir.

We... we've had a little delay.

We've had to be cautious
because of certain events.

Uh, but...

But I promise you that you will have
the completed assembly...

in your hands very shortly.

I'll do the best I can, sir.

Man, he is screaming for it.

And the deal is off
unless we make our move.

How are we going to make our move
with that new man sitting in with Banner?

I don't know.


Can't you read?

There's enough explosives in this detonator
to level the entire building.

Hey, okay, okay.

CINDY: X-ray 50,
what is your location?

STEVE: This is X-ray 50.

We're approaching intersection
Moorpark and Toluca Drive.

CINDY: X-ray 50,
a 2-11 silent in Charlie's Liquor.

4020 Heart. Code 2.

X-ray 50, Roger.

Requesting a backup unit
at 4020 Hart.

Just to be on the safe side.

CINDY: Roger. Any unit in the area
backup X-ray 50 at 4020 Hart.

There's our chance
to nail Banner's partner.

Oh, wait a minute.
We didn't plan on anything like this.

Never mind that.

What could be better?

A cop killed in the line of duty.

There it is.

Hang in here and wait for the backup.


We don't have time.

They're taking off.
We better move in.

BANNER: Let's go.


Hold it!

Would you look at that?
Banner's taking care of it for us.

Let's get out of here.

If you wanna shoot me, go ahead!


Oh, Steve. I wasn't shooting at you.

Well, that shotgun
didn't go off by itself.

Stay here.






I'm sure sorry about
what happened back there.

Yeah, so was I... almost.

I've been having some problem
with my vision.

I'd sure appreciate if you could
forget what happened, huh?

Yeah, partner. Sure. Forget it.

What's going on, Oscar? Haven't your
people come up with anything yet?

What's the matter, pal?
You sound a little uptight.

Maybe it's because Banner
took a shot at me today.


Don't come all unglued, Oscar.
It's alright.

What'd you find out
on that address I gave you?

Oh, the address.

The address is the home
of a prominent neurosurgeon.

From what we can tell,
he's reputable and has no political ties.

So Banner could be going to him for
something else. Treatments maybe.

Doctors have office hours, pal.

I know that, Oscar.
But what if...

What if Banner had a disorder
he wanted kept secret?

There's nothing that indicates
or hints of any disorder.

Records don't always
tell it like it is, Oscar.

You should know that better than anybody.

Besides, Banner said he was having vision
trouble when he shot at me this afternoon.

He could be telling the truth.

Maybe he has got some sort of
neurological problem.

Well, even if he does,
what does it prove?

Maybe he was having
a blackout or something...

when he was supposed to be
seeing those robberies.

No, no, Steve. I don't buy that.

Three robberies
and three blackouts simultaneously?

No, no. That's just too much
of a coincidence.

Besides, if there is really
something wrong with Banner...

he's trying to keep it from the department...

all the more reason for him
to be on the take.

Yeah, I guess.

You know, maybe I oughta double
the security around the areas...

where those transducers are.

No, leave it open.

But that's the only part they need
to complete the bomb.

Let them make their move.

I'll stay as close to those
warehouses as I can.

If you can stay out
from in front of those shotguns.

Not funny.

Take care of yourself, pal.

Well, hi there. You wanna
join me for a cup of coffee?

No thanks, but I would like
to ask you some questions.

What kind of questions?

About Greg Banner.

What do you want to know?

How well do you know him?

Very well.

Enough to know that
he's kind and gentle.

Sort of a father figure.

Is he...

Do you know if he's being treated
by a neurosurgeon?


Even if it were true,
do you think it'd be any of our business?

Look, I'm the one riding with him.

And I was almost shot accidentally.

No, Steve. There's nothing wrong
with him that I know of.

Maybe he's hiding it from everybody.

There's been three
robberies in his district...

I know what you're gonna ask.

Look, I have heard the rumors
about Greg not responding...

to alarms in his district.

I have heard that he might be on the take
and I don't believe it.

And I don't want to hear it from you.

Believe me, I wouldn't ask
if I didn't feel there was a reason.

Look, Steve...

I'm the RTO for Greg's section.

Now I would know if he was messing up,
now wouldn't I?

I'm sure you would.

You bet I would.

Greg Banner is more than a good friend.

He's a good cop.

I'll see you later, okay?

DISPATCH: Six Delta 5,
no wants or warrants on your suspect.

DISPATCH: Six Delta 5,
no wants or warrants on your suspect.

DISPA TCH: 3-6-7 Adam,
the disturbance at 6593...

You're quiet again.

Even old motor mouths like me
take a day off now and then.

Let's take a run
down by the warehouses.


X-ray 50, 211 at factory.

2193 Sherman Way.
Handle code 3.

That's right here.


X-ray 50, in pursuit of 211 suspects.

STEVE: Proceeding north.


Banner? Banner, what's wrong?

Greg, what's wrong?

STEVE: Let go!

STEVE: Let go!

Let the wheel go, Banner!


Are you alright?

I will be in a minute.

X-ray 50.

Code 6. Woodman... Laurel.

You have been having
blackouts, haven't you?

Oh, man, if they ever found out
down at the department.

They'd drum me out in a minute, Steve.

I'm almost eligible for full retirement.

No, no medic for me. No, sir.

The book says...

You're the last one I thought that'd ever
go quoting the book on me, partner.

Besides, I think you're underestimating
the brotherhood of your fellow officers.

The department won't let you down.

Oh, you're a dreamer, Steve.

I may not work by the book, but...

all those bureaucrat types down there.

STEVE: Ah, look.
Don't worry about that now.

Tell me something.

Did you suffer blackouts during those
three robberies in your area?


Then how could the group know
exactly when to hit?

How did they know
when you were fading out?


Greg, each time you felt
an attack coming on...

did you call Cindy?

BANNER: Yeah. Just like a minute ago.

A Code 6 so she'd know
where I was when I...

didn't call in for a few minutes.

So she knew each time.

Yeah. She covered for me.

She's a great little gal.

All units.

Officer Banner down
at Laurel and Woodman...

attacked by partner Steve Amory.

Any unit in the area,
Handle Code 3. Repeat...

Yeah. She's terrific.

Cindy? I can't believe that.

Well, believe it.

This is X-ray 50...

It won't do any good, Steve.

She'll be transmitting right over you.

Don't worry. I'll straighten 'em up
when they roll in here.

I've got to report or...

they'll be after a cop killer
with a bad passion.

I'm gonna call a friend of mine
in Washington just in case.

You'll be alright?

Hold it, Turkey.

Look, there's a group building
a bomb near here.

Move over on the sidewalk
and spread.

Wait a minute, will you just listen?

Move! Hit the deck!


CINDY (RADIO): Officer Steve Amory is
approximately 6 feet, 180 pounds...

sandy hair and blue eyes.

Approach with extreme caution.
Armed and dangerous.

Two other officers assaulted
in an attempt to apprehend.

There he is.

This is X-ray 21.

We have Amory spotted
in an alley between Harmon and Tulsa.

Request backups.
We've got him.


I know he went in there.
There's nowhere he could go.

Hey, did you see a policeman
come running by here?

No. Mmmph.

CINDY: Roger, X-ray 32.

Officer Amory was just spotted
at Victory and Hart.

That's impossible.
That's more than a mile away from here.

Nobody could run that fast.


Cindy Walker, please.



Look, we're having some trouble.
You better get over here right away.

But Gerry said to stay away.

Well, he's gone.

People are getting pretty upset,
so hurry.


This is Cindy.

I need someone to relieve me.
I'm not feeling well.


Follow that car.
Police emergency.

Yeah. Just like in the movies.


This is X-ray 21.

We have just spotted the suspect
at 2928 Oxnard. We'll wait for backups.

DISPATCH: Roger. 1 X-ray 2,
switch to tact 2.

1 Lincoln 2, assist, please.


That's enough.

Just relax there.
Get you to the hospital in a few minutes.

Hospital? Where's Steve?

The guy that attacked you?

He didn't attack me!

Then why did he take off?

Because you guys probably landed here
like you were the Marines.

Now where is he?

Last call said they had him
held up at 2928 Oxnard.

Alright, let's get going then.
You can't.

Look, are you gonna stand here and
argue with me or am I gonna drive myself?

Now come on!

GERRY: Cindy, you and the others
take the bomb and put it in the van.

GERRY: I'll get the detonator.



OFFICER: Alright, you're surrounded!

And we have tear gas!

Back up!
Or I'll blow up everyone in sight!

Better call the bomb squad.

Hey, they're not paying us enough for this.
Let's get out of here.


Somebody gave you guys a stiff call.

Steve did not bump me!

But we heard you'd been killed!

You wouldn't have heard nothing if this old
cop hadn't been lying to himself so long.

Now what's going on in there?

We don't know how many there are in there,
and there could be a bomb too.

Well, there's two
or three ways we can tell.

Al, you've got your tear gas, haven't you?

Well, if there is a bomb, tear gas is
a lot better than bullets, isn't it?

You call the bomb squad.

Listen, you hot dogs...

don't nobody get nervous
and start shooting up the joint!

Steve is not a fugitive.

BANNER: Fire the tear gas!


Give it up! It's over!

Cindy and the others were caught.
We've got the bomb.

But you haven't got me!


30 years, and that stuff still gets to me.
You alright, Steve?

Yeah, and thanks.

You'd have done
the same for me, partner.

I almost messed you up,
Greg. I'm sorry.

I mean, we just couldn't pass up
the chance for all that money.

Well, I'm gonna do all I can to help.

What makes people
go wrong, Steve?

Well, in Cindy's case,
I'd say confusion.

I was confused.

Oh, it happens.

You know, there's something
I should've realized a long time ago.

I've stressed the book a lot, Steve.

But I found out there's one thing
you never should stretch...

and that's the length of your hitch.

You're fit, well, back on out.

Doctor told me he'd have you
in good shape in a few months.

Huh. In time to retire?

Look you don't have to drive
a black and white to be a good cop.

You got 30 years experience.

There's a lot of rookies in training.
They need all the help they can get.

Do you think they'd want me back
on the force after what I've done?

I know it.

I've already talked
to the commissioner about it.

There's a job waiting in training division.

It's all set if you want it.

Well, but...

Man, I don't know what to say!

Say, yes.

Ho, ho!