The Simpsons (1989–…): Season 26, Episode 19 - The Kids Are All Fight - full transcript

Family photos from six years earlier show that Lisa and Bart were bitter rivals, always fighting each other. However, when they were left in the charge of Grandma Flanders, whom they thought had died, they left the house in search of ice cream and Bart saved Lisa's life - leading to the on and off relationship that they still have.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh, for gloyvin' out loud.


(school bell ringing)

(Barney belches)

(whistle blows)



♪ The Simpsons 26x19 ♪
The Kids Are All Fight
Original Air Date on April 26, 2

(playing harp solo)

(playing harp solo)

(tires screeching)


(tires screeching)


== sync, corrected by elderman ==
WEB-DL sync by jasonnguyen2606

Well, this is
a no-brainer.













Now what?



Well, I better get going.

Should I just put that
on your tab?

No, I'll pay off my bill.


Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Someone's actually paying?

Now let me see if I remember
how to open this thing.

Some kind of button or knob.

(bell dings)

So that's what that noise means.

Just take your stupid money.


Hey, this jacket's
full of old stuff.

I knew I wasn't getting
my money.




What the...?


Ooh! Here's a roll of
film I never developed.

Well, too late for that. All
those photo developing joints

are either knocked down or have
been turned into deer blinds.

Eh, listen, Homer.
Uh, I can develop this for you.

Yeah, this bar is so poorly lit,
it's legally a darkroom.

Mmm... mmm.

And the best part is, Duff is chemically
indistinguishable from developing fluid.

Way to go, Duff!

I'm developing quite a thirst.

Now, there's an
eight-by-ten I can enjoy.


Here you go, Midge.

I played with the colors
and changed the lighting,

but I could only make your kids
so cute and no cuter.

This is so exciting.

It's like a sneak peek into the
long-forgotten world of six years ago.

Yeah, well, beware. These
pictures show that six years ago,

Bart and Lisa were fighting like
creationists and common sense.


Hey, photos don't lie,
my friend.

(worried groaning)

Would you like
a matte finish?


(Moe chuckles)

There you go.

♪ And I know if I don't ♪

♪ I'll go out of my mind ♪

♪ Better leave her behind ♪

♪ With the kids,
they're all right ♪

♪ The kids are all right ♪

♪ The kids
are all right. ♪

Homer, you shot
all these pictures.

Why didn't you step in?

The light was
so good, Marge.

It was like Florence in May.

I don't get it. How come I was always
fighting with Señorita Stupid?


Don't waste beer.

And how did we reach the uneasy
alliance we enjoy today?

Well, it's quite a story.

A story of a special bond
between a brother and a sister.

I'd say our story
is a tragedy.

Like the Planet of the Apes.

The tragedy being they can never
stop making them.

Hey, come on. The first and eighth
movies were pretty darn good.

Now, as for you kids,

it all began six years ago.

The president of back then
was the president.

The popular music of those
times was all the rage.

Wherever we went,
you kids fought.

"Penny the Penguin wanted
to go to the North Pole.

Wally the Walrus wanted
to go to the South Pole."

I guess you could say
they were "polar opposites."


You see, they're polar opp...
I get it.

It's just not funny.
You know what's funny?


Goodnight Moon?
Good night, Bart!


(groans) Did I hear someone
whispering hush?

(worried groaning)

I want you to get out.

And stay out!

Thank you.

So that's why we started going to
story time at the Kwik-E-Mart.

Remember when Apu let Dad
have the expired hot dogs?

(groans) Just once, and I'm
still taking medication for it.

(groans) So many photos
of you kids fighting.

That's why we
never developed that roll.

What? Back to that story?

Why can't you just relax
and be nice to your sister?

My bed scares me.

That's ridiculous.
Now, just close your eyes

and nuzzle in
under the big clown fangs.

Sweet dreams.

She took my pencil.

Lisa, there are plenty of mini golf
pencils in the kitchen drawer.

Tell Bart, because it's
my pencil and he stole it!

(grunts) Starfish head!

I can write your name
better than you.



(over speaker): A.



You jerk!


Why, you little...

("Also Sprach Zarathustra"

(angry groaning)


Where is he learning
this violence?


Things got so bad between Bart
and Lisa, I was losing sleep.

(gasping) Homer.

Homer, I just had
the worst dream.

I lost one of the kids
at the World's Fair.

It's okay. Which one?

Brisbane '88.

That's so horrible, baby.

I know, I know.

Now, don't worry. They're
right here in the bed.

(sleepy grunting)

We have to find some answers.


That's your answer
for everything.

My findings are that one of
your children is smart and good,

and the other
is dim and evil.

Professionally, I'm not permitted
to say which is which.

Is it the boy?

I told you, I can't say.

What did that say?

We're done here.
Not so fast.

We have 40 minutes left.

All right,
we'll do a trust exercise.

Shut your eyes.

What are we going to do?

It's not so bad, sweetie.

I took a box of Altoids
from her waiting room.

The most anyone has ever
gotten out of therapy.



Watch it!
Trying to mow.

The city's making
me do this.

Hey, neighboreeno.

Maude and I know how hard it is to
be dealt a pair of little jokers.

Daddy, may we please go tuck
ourselves in for naps now?

Now, you know you can't tuck
yourselves in till you're 18.

Go get Mommy.

(humming happily)

I'm sorry you had
to witness that.

Me, too. Anyway, Maude and I thought
you'd like to hang out with adults

and have some mature conversatiaroonies,
so we'd like to take you to brunch.

Brunch? I wish.

Can't get a sitter 'cause our kids are
nuts, and no kennel will take them.

Now, sir,
don't you waffle on that brunch.

Grandma Flanders can
watch the kids.

Hello, Joe.

Doesn't know who I am...
has trouble moving...

I'd say we have
ourselves babysitter.

I just turned a hundred.

Eight bucks an hour.

I can't hear you.

I said seven bucks!

(over speaker): "Woe to you,
scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites.

For you tithe mint
and dill and cumin."

Todd, I like how gentle
you are with that toy.

Enough nonsense.
It's time for prayers.

I don't know any prayers.

Is "hell's bells" a prayer? 'Cause
Daddy says it all the time.


(Homer humming)


and woop... and...


I never said this before,
but the food can wait.

(gasps) What do you mean?

Let's role- play.

Okay, but fast.

Um, um, got it.

Uh, me: seagull.

You: boardwalk trash can.



Well, isn't this a great
chance to drink more water?

My bladder's
going to burst.

I know you've haa
few too many waters,

but that is no reason
for the sailor talk.

She's awfully quiet.

Her body usually

Well, this always
wakes my grandpa up.

(both scream)

(continue screaming)

♪ Another bride ♪

♪ Another June ♪

♪ Another sunny honeymoon ♪

♪ Another season ♪

♪ Another reason ♪

♪ For what we're doing. ♪

(Homer caws)

They're never that happy
when we're around.

(lullaby chimes)

Ice cream truck!

Mmm, that was

My favorite kind
of weekend morning.

A sexy snuggle while our rotten
kids are someone else's problem.


(laughs harder)

(gasping laughs)

Bart, those are

You're right, let's
go where it's safe.

(horn honks)
MAN: Watch it!

(horn honking)

Faster, faster.

Your brother is stupid. Bye-bye.

♪ The wheel I'm inside
goes round and round ♪

♪ Round and round,
round and round ♪

♪ The boat I'm on board
goes up and down ♪

♪ Up and down, up and down... ♪

Thank you for a
wonderful brunch.

I don't know
what I liked more...

the personalized omelets
or the light jazz combo.

I liked when the trumpet
player's cheeks got really big.

That's good music.

(Ned gasps)


Grandma Flanders
has passed.

Where are our kids?

Looks like once Grandma turned
to dust, they took a powder.

Sorry if that seems
a little flip.

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

Don't worry, sweetie. We'll call the
local police, and they'll find our kids.

We never used them till now, but
I'm sure they're highly competent.

Gunderson, before we hire
you, one final test.

Can you get these
handcuffs off of me?

Uh, might seem like a one-time
situation, but it's not.

(telephone rings)

Hey, you know, I used to represent
Silver Star Police Supplies.

Then they gave my territory
to the owner's nephew.

And they wonder why
they lost Jackson City.

I was Jackson City!

Yeah, focus on
the cuffs, please.

Well, well.

Look who's burning plastic.

It's mine. Give it back.

Looks like someone hasn't learned...
you don't argue with bullies.

Thank goodness I have
a teaching fist.


(Lisa crying)

What's her problem?

Please, don't hurt my brother.

Aw, come on.
Don't cry.

This is why I'm so nervous
about becoming a dad.

(snorts, cries)

I'm crying
out my nose.

(snorts, cries)

Fine, you babies
can go.

Let's go over to Mommy & Me

and cut holes in the parachute
so it doesn't billow properly.


All right, let's move.

Why aren't you crying?

I was pretending,
and it worked.


You know, kid, with your smarts and
my Barts, we make a good team.

What are "Barts"?

You're the smart one,
you figure it out.

(nervous groaning)

I sure hope this book is right.

(door opens)

Marge, I'm back.

Sorry, nothing. But if we have a third
kid, we should call her Maggie.

Why Maggie?

It's a good name
if we lose her.

Maggie? Maggie?

Going back out.


All right, I'm turning to a
desperate mother's last resort.


I hope it works.

Psychic hotline.

Selma? You're
a psychic now?

I'm filling in for a friend. She got
hit by a car. Never saw it coming.


I'll never see
my kids again.

I'm sensing...

it's all your husband's fault.
That'll be $20.


I know this place.

It's where Grampa and his
friends the monsters live.

(creepy moaning)


I want to pinch 'em.

Teach me how
to use my phone.

Stay away from my grandchildren,
you love-sucking ghouls.

(moaning like zombies)


Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I made it out of clay.


Where did you go?

Now, you have
some candy,

while I tell the nurses
station to go get your folks.


I guess you should
be in charge, Lisa.

You'll always be half my age, but
you'll always be smarter than me.

Don't worry, Bart, you'll
always think you're in charge,

even though I secretly will be.

Thank you.

Okay. Listen up,
you childless losers.

I need you to help me
find my kids.

Any of these them?

Uh... no.

Sorry, kids. I'll place
you with your parents,

but for now, go back to making
those little drink umbrellas.

CARL: Homer, we'll definitely help you,
but, uh, you're gonna have to wait.

We just ordered a pie
for the bar.

What'd you do
that for?

Yeah, it took us 45 minutes
to choose a topping.

We decided on cheese.

A new record.

We're lost.
Can you help us?

I'll tell my dad
about you right now.

Dad! Dad! Dad!


Milhouse, keep it down. I got
to finish these tax returns.

Ooh, cartoons.

(suspenseful music,
cat yowls)

(explosion booms)

Whoa! Big dog! Big dog!
Big dog! Big dog!


(barking continues)

I'm scared, Bart.

Once, I read a book called Jack and Jill.
They went down a hill.

And broke their

Good thing we don't have crowns.

"Crown" means head!

Ay, caramba!


Ta-da! I saved you!

Ugh! But you
pushed me!

Duh. I couldn't save you
until I pushed you.

Girls make no sense!

Anyway, we're even-Steven.

I just don't want
to fight anymore.

Okay. But it was always your fault.

'Cause you're a jerk.

Can't you see I'm giving in?

(singsongy): I beat a two-year-old,
I beat a two-year-old.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I left my kids with the weirdo
next door, and now they're gone!

Tell me everything.

Homer, no!


(pants) I'd give anything
to have them back.

I don't care
about the fighting.

Hey, chatterbox, there's a couple of kids
right there at the top of the tire fire.

(both gasp)

How did you
get up there?!

You know how kids
like to climb things.

What are we gonna do?!

They say you're supposed
to get great strength

when your kids are threatened.

I'm kind of feeling it.

We just bought
them new shoes.

(fierce roaring)

You did it, Homie!

(both yelling)

(both grunt)



(bed creaking)

(lullaby chiming)

Ice cream truck!

Bart! Haven't you
learned anything?

I'm still learning
our phone number.

And I've almost got it.

But in an emergency,
I'll just dial 9-1-8.

But the wonderful thing is,
you kids get along.

And we were able to have
a third beautiful child.

Wait. But how did you have
an extra room for Maggie?

Well, that's where
I used to grow my weed.

But that's a story
for another day.

Never mind, never mind.

Well, I didn't think she'd
make it, but I was wrong.

I guess your grandmother just wants to
stick around to see those boys grow up.


♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound... ♪

Loud singing
could kill her.

And it did.

Stop telling us this story!

You've had three natural
endings already!

Isn't that sweet?

Six years ago,
they were fighting.

Now they're playing
pool in a bar.

Father of the year, pal.
Father of the year.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==
WEB-DL sync by jasonnguyen2606
